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Melissa Windeyer's California Calamity - Part 1

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Melissa Windeyer's California Calamity - Part 1
« on: March 23, 2018, 08:13:33 PM »
It's been a while since I posted anything here but I finally finished this story.  My thanks to the wonderful Peccavi who allowed me to borrow her Melissa Windeyer character for this 'crossover' story.

This will be the first of three stories chronicling Melissa and Edward?s weekend in California.  I?ll post them at intervals so as not to bombard the board.





I lifted my head up from where I"d rested it on a folded white towel, on the edge of the whirlpool tub.  I'd been daydreaming as I lay back, immersed to my neck in the warm, soothing bubbles, reliving the pleasant events of the past week.

I?d been dating Edward Pakenham for some time now, after we?d met in Chatro.  Strictly speaking, I hadn't slept with him that first night, though the heat of the moment had gotten away from us after Edward's friend Henry had invited us back to his apartment for drinks, and we'd wound up having a frantic quickie in the second bedroom.  After that one lapse though, I kept him waiting until our second proper date before we had sex again.  After all, I'm Melissa Windeyer and not some common slut.

Things were progressing nicely between Edward and me.  I wasn?t under any foolish illusions about our relationship, of course.  Edward was married, and I didn't expect him to leave his wife for me.  I was, and would only ever be, his mistress, but that was enough.  Even that gave me the entry to the A-list life that I craved, and I was bound to meet some other guy - an unattached guy - sooner or later.  In the meantime, Edward was attentive and generous, not to mention an accomplished lover.  He was even paying for part of my new city apartment, along with Cesaire who also shared my favors.

I was a little piqued at first when Edward told me he was leaving on a week-long business trip to San Francisco.  I was delighted though when, immediately afterward, he suggested I take a week off and go with him.  I jumped at the chance - not only would I get to spend a week in beautiful San Francisco, but I'd get to spend it with Edward.  It would take our budding relationship to the next level.  I had some vacation time saved up, work was quiet after the Thanksgiving sales and my boss owed me a favor after I'd worked some extra days to help out during the Holiday madness.

Edward planned everything.  We flew out from Chicago - first class - and spent four nights at the Four Seasons downtown.  Edward had business meetings during the days so I did a little shopping - but only a little because the prices in most places were way beyond my means - and a lot of sightseeing.  In the evenings, we dined in some wonderful restaurants followed by intimate - very intimate - nights.  I had the time of my life.  This was how I deserved to be treated.

On Thursday afternoon, Edward had picked up a rental car.  Actually, we didn't pick it up - the car rental company delivered it to the hotel.  We'd driven up the coast, through the wine country, to a smaller city named San Vicente where Edward had a meeting with a client - some real estate developer - on Friday.  Rather than stay there though, Edward had booked us into a little boutique resort in a nearby coastal town named Blue Water.  We'd arrived here at the resort late last night, had a delicious dinner in our suite - it was two-storey with its own living room and private patio overlooking the ocean - then made love and fell asleep in each other's arms.

Now it was Friday afternoon, and Edward was back from his meeting, right on time.  I called out to him.  "Out here on the patio."

The glass door slid back and Edward emerged.  Edward was definitely an Edward, not an Ed and certainly not an Eddie.  He was tall though not overly so - around six feet, I estimated - around forty, with dark hair going just a little grey at the temples, broad cheekbones and a tapered chin.  He was dressed in grey pants and a blue sports jacket over a blue-and-white pinstriped shirt.  The jacket was beautifully tailored and emphasized his broad shoulders and narrow waist.  Edward took good care of himself and looked good in anything - or nothing.

I smiled at him.  "Welcome back."  I'd anticipated his return and a half-hour ago I'd called down to room service.  A bottle of Prosecco was chilling in an ice-bucket beside the Jacuzzi with two glasses resting next to it on the slate tiles.

Right then though, I had other things on my mind besides a drink.  I stood up in the Jacuzzi.  I was wearing a black string bikini I?d bought especially for this trip.  Even though it was November, I figured I'd get a chance to wear it somewhere, sometime.  I'd already unfastened the knot that secured the lower strap and held my firm, well-rounded breasts inside the bikini top.  As I rose to my feet, letting the warm water cascade down my slim but still voluptuous body, the top hung loose between my breasts.  The patio was screened by glass panels that sheltered it from the wind and the warm water warmed the air above it, but it was just cool enough to make my perky pink nipples stand to attention.  I gave him my best inviting smile.

Of course, my little show had precisely the effect I desired.  Almost before the words, "Care to come join me?" were out of my mouth, he had thrown his clothes off, slid into the tub and taken me in his arms.  He didn't even let me get my bikini bottoms off.  He just pulled them aside and took me.

I loved the way Edward made love.  He was ardent but not rough, strong but gentle.  He took control without being controlling.  He took charge and knew exactly how to make a girl purr.  In what seemed like seconds, I was in rapture.

He brought me to climax twice. The first time was with his fingers and tongue while I lay with my head propped on the lip of the tub, my legs over his shoulders and my whole body shuddering.  The second time I stood in the water with my arms braced against the edge, his hands on my hips, holding me firmly from behind as he thrust himself into me.  He came too that second time, an instant after I did.

Sated for the moment, we took a break.  With shaking hands, I poured us both a glass of Prosecco and we sat snuggled together in the water.  It was almost dark and we could barely see one another, but we could feel one another and right then, that was enough.

So," I asked languidly, with a pleasurable shiver as Edward leaned in and kissed my neck, "where are you taking me for dinner?"

"My client recommended a seafood restaurant named Waves, about fifteen or twenty minutes away," he replied.  "Supposedly it's the best place around here."

"Sounds lovely.  Do we need a reservation?"

"We already have one.  My client pulled some strings and got us a table for eight o'clock."

"What time is it now?" My watch was inside, upstairs on the nightstand.

Edward glanced over his shoulder.  The sun was just disappearing below the horizon.  "We have plenty of time," he decided.  He leaned in again.  His fingers caressed the white gold ring in my belly button and made me shiver.  Edward knew exactly what that did to me.  "Plenty of time."  He kissed me.

I returned the kiss but laid my own hand over his, against my tummy.  "Edward Packenham, before I let you have your wicked way with me...again...I need some food."  I grinned at him.  "We're both going to need the energy."

He feigned a heavy sigh but then smiled back at me.  "Let's save the rest of this bottle for when we get back, then."

Thirty minutes later, I came downstairs where Edward was sitting on the couch, doing something with his laptop.  He looked up and gave me an admiring smile as his eyes wandered over me from head to toe.  I was dressed in red - Edward liked me in red.  My skirt and jacket were a matched set, sophisticated but sexy.  I could have worn the outfit to work if the skirt had been longer, but it ended above mid-thigh so it was definitely for recreation only.  I wore the jacket open, revealing my clinging black cami underneath.  Tight and supportive enough that I could get away without a bra, it was cropped short and left my belly button bare, with the ring still glinting there.  With its low, scooped neckline and spaghetti straps, it would have been very revealing but the jacket covered just enough for a hint of mystery.

I wore my chestnut brown hair loose on my shoulders, and my highlights gleamed in the light.  I'd accessorized with silver drop earrings, and around my neck was not only a silver St Christopher pendant that I'd promised my mother I'd wear the whole time I was away, but also the silver chain necklace that Ms Justeen had given me - my collar.  I'm a Domme, of course, well-known and respected in the Chicago D/s community, but there's a hierarchy in such things and while I'm near - very near - the top of the ladder, I'm not quite at the top.  I'm Ms Justeen's girl, though I;m also her friend and trusted advisor.  I even helped her decorate her city condo.

"You look spectacular."  Edward set his laptop down and stood up.  He'd changed into blue jeans and loafers, a cream shirt and a different blue sports jacket.  In my four-inch heels, which matched my skirt and jacket perfectly, I was still two or three inches shorter than him.  "Shall we go?"

The evening was cool though not cold.  Though it was November, this was California and not Chicago, so I could get away without a coat.  The hotel?s suites were all in separate little buildings and were connected by breezeways.  We walked up to the lobby and then to the car - a red Mercedes coupe.  Edward opened the passenger door for me like the gentleman he was, and closed it again after I seated myself.

The resort was set right on the clifftops, at the end of a narrow winding road through thick forests.  We drove back down that road now, until we came to a junction at the far end.  Edward turned the car right, onto another road that was still just two lanes but obviously more heavily traveled.  I had no idea where we were going, but he obviously did, and we made small talk as we drove.

After a few miles, we emerged from the forest into a semblance of civilization.  Another hotel - one of the cheaper chains - and a gas station stood on the right, with the beginning of a housing development on the left.  Edward turned right at another intersection, and we drove past several larger and more expensive houses, before we began descending quite steeply.  I could see lights in the valley below  - what looked like still more houses and some commercial buildings, though nothing seemed taller than two storeys - and then the darkness of the ocean beyond.

"This is Blue Water Harbor," Edward told me.  "Apparently, there's another town called Blue Water Village, north of here past the cliffs."  We drove past some well-maintained Cape Cod style houses, made another left and I could see the street lights glinting on water past a row of pine trees on my right.  It looked like there was a small park between the street and the beach, and there were a few people strolling on the sidewalk.

"The restaurant is right here on the beach, at the far end of the street, I'm told."  Sure enough, we saw a small white sign a few moments later, with the word 'Waves' in cursive blue writing.  There was a parking lot but it looked full, so Edward parked the car around the corner, not far away. 

We walked back to the restaurant with my arm tucked into his.  There was a light breeze off the water that wafted around my bare legs.  I'd dressed earlier with a view to undressing later - or, I should say, with a view to Edward undressing me later - and gone without stockings.  To a Chicago native like me, this California evening barely rated as cool, let alone cold.  I was glad of my jacket though, and gladder still that it wasn't a long walk.

The restaurant was a white building, just one storey, set back from the sidewalk down a granite-paved path.  Edward held the door open for me, and we went inside.  The interior was blonde wood and brass, nautical-themed but done by somebody with taste.  It was quite a large place, and crowded.  Wait staff in black pants and matching shirts bustled between tables.

A maitre d' in a white jacket looked up from his desk as we entered.  Edward gave the man his name and he smiled.  "Oh yes, of course!? He had the faint trace of an accent - something European but I couldn't place it.  "You're Mrs Otto's friends.  Her assistant called me this afternoon."

I didn't know who Mrs Otto was - presumably that was Edward's client - but I followed the man, walking ahead of Edward, past a long bar to a table by the windows at the far side of the room.  In daylight, we would have had a beautiful view but now, of course, it was dark so there was only a hint of phosphorescence now and then as a wave lapped at the shore.

The maitre d' seated us both, handed us menus and wished us an enjoyable meal.  I placed my hands on the white linen table cloth and smiled at Edward over the little glass globe, with a glowing candle inside, that sat in the middle of the table.  "This is lovely.  It's as nice as any of the places we went in San Francisco."

"It certainly is," he agreed.  "Who'd have thought?" He grinned.  "Though of course it's the food that really matters, not the decor."

I nodded.  "Very true."  I let my eyes rove down the menu.  "Though if it tastes as good as it sounds, I'll be very happy."

We made our selections.  I turned my attention to the restaurant around us, and to its patrons.  Most of the tables were occupied - quite a few couples, some groups of four and a few of six or more.  There was quite a range of age groups, but everyone seemed well-groomed and well-dressed. 

I noticed there was quite a lot of bare flesh on display among the women. I was one of the more conservatively dressed. The clientele reminded me a little of bars like Chatro or Ronaldo back in Chicago, where the Dommes and their girls met to socialize, and more.  Short skirts and low necklines abounded.  I was impressed that Edward had the grace not to stare.

More than just the outfits though, I noticed quite a few torque necklaces and even a choker or two.  I wondered if there was any significance to that and if so, just what kind of place Edward and I had accidentally happened upon. 

Just as intriguing was the number of piercings on display.  Quite a few women had multiple rings in their ears, and there were also rings or studs visible in eyebrows, noses, cheeks and lips.  I didn't count, but it seemed like maybe a quarter of the women in the room had some kind of facial piercing.  I might have expected that among the younger girls, but there were a few on women who, while well-maintained, were obviously in their forties or even fifties.  There seemed to be some overlap with those who wore the torques and chokers, but there wasn't any particular pattern.  Still, it struck me as odd.

I mentioned it to Edward, and he agreed it was rather unusual, but wrote it off with a typically wry comment.  "Maybe the local mall has a Piercing Pagoda with a really kick-ass sales pitch."

A waitress appeared, young, slender with Asiatic features and jet-black hair that reached to her waist even though it was pulled up high in a ponytail behind her head.  She didn't seem Chinese, but something else.  She introduced herself as Beth. 

Edward ordered a bottle of white wine, and we gave her our food orders too - appetizers and entrees, at least.  We would think about dessert later.  I smiled quietly to myself at the delectable thought that I might be dessert, later.  Edward could do amazing things with his tongue, as he'd proved over and over again.  A little shiver ran through me.

I looked around us again.  There seemed to be hardly an empty table now.  A group of four had just been seated next to us - two dark-haired women who were obviously mother and daughter, a blonde of a similar age to the mother, and a strikingly good-looking man.  I remembered Edward's graciousness when we first walked in, and didn't stare at him - much.  I took a quick mental inventory - there were neither collars nor piercings on any of the four.

We made small talk with the waitress as she returned with the wine.  "You're new in town?" she asked as she deftly uncorked the bottle.

"Just visiting for the weekend," replied Edward as she stepped behind him and reached over his shoulder to pour a splash into his glass.  I noticed she leaned a little closer than was necessary, and her left breast fleetingly brushed Edward?s shoulder.  She was actually flirting with him! 

I kept a smile on my face.  I'm Melissa Windeyer and it takes more than that to faze me.  Besides, Edward is an attractive guy and I figured there was nothing wrong with a little harmless flirting, so long as it didn't get out of hand.  It wasn't as though she was likely to jump him right there at the table.

Edward caught my eye and smiled very slightly.  An unspoken message passed between us as he swirled, sniffed and sipped.   He'd noticed.  "That's wonderful, thank you."

"We're staying at the Redwood Lodge," I added.

The girl's carefully groomed eyebrows lifted.  "Nice! I've only been up there once, when a friend got engaged, but it's beautiful."

She came around the table and leaned in to pour my wine, surprising me again when she brushed her breast against my shoulder, just as she had done to Edward.  She topped up Edward's glass, then placed the bottle in an ice bucket beside the table.  "Your appetizers will be out shortly," she assured us and added with a smile, "If you need anything else, just let me know." Her smile widened just a little.  "Anything at all."  She turned and walked away with a bounce in her step, her trim little butt undulating inside her tight black pants.

Edward waited just a heartbeat before he gave me a lopsided smile and said, "Am I completely deluded, or did our waitress just proposition us? Both of us?"

I laughed gently.  "I don't think you're deluded at all."

We clinked glasses.  "Here's to...interesting times in interesting places," offered Edward.

Our appetizers arrived - beautifully presented. I'd ordered rock shrimp and Edward had an Ahi tuna carpaccio.  Our waitress was quite chatty as she slid the plates in front of us.  She wasn't a native, having grown up in San Francisco and moved here a few years ago.  I was quite surprised by that.  'Really? I'd have thought a city girl wouldn't find much to do in a small town."

"Oh, you'd be amazed at what goes on around here," she replied with another coy smile, but said nothing more.  I got the feeling this girl was baiting me - me, Melissa Windeyer! - so I held back the question she so obviously wanted me to ask.  Nevertheless, I got the feeling she might be right.

"This is a rather unusual place," Edward said, echoing my thoughts.  "It's beginning to remind me of Chatro."  His eyes flickered over my shoulder, and I went to turn in my seat and follow his gaze.  "No, don't look," he cautioned me, keeping his voice low, and added with a grin, "but you might find this is a good time to visit the ladies' room...and when you do, look off to your right as you go past the bar."

I raised an eyebrow but I did as Edward suggested.  The restrooms were back toward the entrance, and as I walked in that direction I raised my eyebrows even further.  There was a group of four people at a table in the middle of the room, though actually that wasn't strictly true, since three of them - two men and a young red-haired woman, all in their twenties, I estimated - sat at the table, while the fourth seat was vacant. 

Another woman, older, around forty, knelt on the floor between the first woman and one of the men.  She was a brunette, slender, wearing a lavender dress that revealed most of her thighs and was cut low at the front to show off her buxom chest.  She knelt with her arms behind her back, crossed at the wrist, her knees apart - a classic slave posture.  A black leather head trainer encased her neck from her shoulders to just beneath her nose, covering her mouth.  It prevented her from bowing her head, though her eyes were downcast.

Even more remarkable than the way she knelt, gagged and submissive, was the way everyone else ignored her.  The other diners didn't give her a second glance, and the wait staff simply stepped around her as they bustled between tables, as though a kneeling slave was an everyday occurrence.  I wondered if it was, here.  I repeated my earlier question to myself - what kind of place had Edward and I wandered into?

I found the ladies' room.  I was almost finished in the stall, when I heard the door open and two other women entered.  They chatted idly as they touched up their makeup, but then one made a comment that got me listening.  "How?s your nose?"

"It's okay," replied her companion.  "The piercing doesn't hurt any longer."

"How long has it been?  Must be at least three weeks now."

"It'll be a month on Thursday."

There was pause.  "Good...then you'll be able to take it out."

"I might even leave it in."  The speaker gave a rueful laugh.  "It'll remind me to hit harder next time, and make sure the bitch stays down."

The other one laughed.  "You're not going over to the dark side, are you?  I can't see you as a Pain Seeker."  I raised my eyebrows at that, as I smoothed my skirt down.

"Perish the thought!  I can't wait to drag that slut up to Mistress Aisha's house by her hair.  I'll teach her to mark me and steal my guy!"

I considered staying out of sight until they left the restroom, but I corrected myself.  I'm Melissa Windeyer and I'd be damned if I'd skulk in a bathroom stall.  I pulled open the door and stepped out.

The two women were both standing at the vanity counter.  One was a tall dirty blonde with dark eyebrows, in her forties - late forties judging by the amount of makeup she wore.  She was dressed in a midnight blue mini-skirt and a matching jacket.  Her skirt was short enough that it had ridden up over her butt as she leaned forward.  Her butt cheeks were bare, and rather than the thin band of a thong between them, all I glimpsed was a ruby red glint - she was wearing a jeweled butt plug, out to dinner!  I kept the surprise off my face.

Her companion was younger, also blonde but more petite, in a black sheath dress that also barely reached the tops of her shapely thighs.  She was the one with the nose ring.

They halted their conversation as I emerged from the stall, each of them looking me over appraisingly in the mirror without turning around.  I gave them both a passing smile, walked over to a vacant sink and washed my hands.  I checked my own makeup, touched up my lipstick and ensured that I didn't have any herbs in my teeth from the shrimp.

Seemingly satisfied that I represented neither a threat nor a challenge - I knew exactly what those looks meant - the two women resumed their conversation.  "You're going to give her the whole treatment, huh?" the older one said as she leaned further over the counter. 

I shot her a sidelong glance and noticed the black mesh top she wore under her jacket.  I also noticed she wasn't wearing a bra.  Her breasts were bigger than mine and her golden brown nipples were hard and poking through the mesh.  I supposed mine would have been too, if I had a plug in my ass.  I maintained my poker face.  Part of me was disdainful of her slutty attire - Melissa Windeyer does not do slutty - but another part of me was, rather strangely, impressed by her boldness.

"I'm going to break the bitch and put a collar on her," replied her friend.  "I got big plans for her."

The waitress's words popped back into my head as I walked back into the restaurant.  You'd be amazed at what goes on around here.  I wondered what, precisely, she meant - in this sleepy little seaside town, or in this restaurant?  I recalled what Edward had said - that it reminded him of Chatro.  Even in Chatro though, a subbie kneeling in the middle of the room would be the center of attention - both her and her Mistress.  Here, it was as though it was perfectly natural, almost mundane.

I finished my own touchup, popped my lipstick back into my purse and flipped it shut.  I turned to the nearest of the two - the older one.  "Excuse me for interrupting," I said, pitching my voice to be polite but not too deferential, "but my guy and I are visiting in town, and I wonder if you could recommend a good place to go for a drink after dinner?"

The woman straightened up and turned toward me.  She was a few inches taller and well-built.  I noticed she wore a heavy gold chain at her throat - heavier than mine, with a gold padlock clasp - and a gold charm glinted through the mesh top at her navel.  She looked me over again, more thoroughly this time, from head to toe and back again, finally locking eyes with me.  I held her gaze, confident without being challenging.  I instinctively knew this woman was a fighter, and so was her friend from the comment she'd made earlier, but I didn't want to fight either of them right then.  Not that I couldn't take them - after all, I am Melissa Windeyer - but I had other priorities right then.

The younger one also gave me a once-over.  She too was wearing a gold chain around her neck, though hers had a ring at one end, and the other end of the chain looped through it and dangled down into her modest cleavage.  Her eyes lingered on the ring in my navel, and the chain at my throat. The fleeting hint of a frown passed across her pretty face. 

She looked at her companion.  "What do you think, Mindy?"  I wasn't entirely sure they were considering my question, or discussing something secret and more ominous.  A flutter of excitement blossomed in my tummy as I wondered whether I might have to fight one or other of them after all.  That flutter turned to apprehension at the thought of facing them both.

The older woman - Mindy - gave me a smile, though there was less warmth in it than there was heat.  I almost expected her to lick her lips.  The flutter in my belly grew stronger.  I tried not to show the tension in my body as she faced me.  Then she said, "I think you'd probably like Bill's Bar...they have live music on Friday nights, but there;s a lounge too if you prefer to hang out and..." She gave her friend an unreadable glance, "...people-watch."

"It's right down the street," added the other one, "past the park, on the beach side.  It's easy to find."

I gave them both a courteous smile.  "Thanks.  We'll be sure to check it out."  I took a backward step to the door, then turned on my heel and left the ladies' room.  I felt the tension ebbing out of me as I walked back into the restaurant.  I was sure the older woman had been ready to attack me.  Melissa Windeyer has an infallible instinct for these things.  What I didn't understand was why.  She'd been waiting for some signal to set her off, but she hadn't gotten it.  I wondered what it was that I hadn't done.

Edward watched me, smiling, as I returned to our table.  He wasn't the only one who noticed me, either.  I caught a number of admiring glances from both men and women. There were a lot of good-looking women in the restaurant but Melissa Windeyer stands out in any crowd.

I seated myself again.  "You saw?" he asked.

I nodded.  "I sure did...and that wasn't all."  I told him about the two women in the restroom, and gave him a brief summary of their conversation, but decided to leave out the part about the barely averted confrontation.  I was certain - or almost certain - I hadn?t imagined it.  Mindy had wanted me, which didn't surprise me, but there had been something raw, something primal in her desire.  It was a very different feeling than the admiration of the subbies at Chatro or Ronaldo, or even from the aggressive lust of the Dommes.  It had chilled me but excited me too.

Edward gave a thoughtful nod when I mentioned the younger woman's nose ring.  "It sounds like she got it after she lost a fight," I added.  "Like she said, the winner marked her."  The thought of that gave me a tiny tremor in my belly.  I ignored it.  "She said it was almost a month ago, and she'd be able to take it out though she was forced to wear it until now."  The tremor happened again, a little stronger the second time.

"Intriguing," he murmured, gazing around us.  "It?s definitely like Chatro, except it seems like it's organized into gangs...the collared and the pierced."  His eyes completed their circuit of the room.  "Though a lot of the women here are neither."

"And some are both." I repeated what I'd told him a moment ago, about the neck-chains on the two women in the ladies' room, as well as their piercings.

"A mystery," he confirmed, then grinned.  "If only we had four teenagers, a huge dog and a minivan."

I laughed.  "We'd have it solved in a half-hour...and it would turn out to be some wrinkled old man in disguise, who would've gotten away with it - "

We both finished the sentence in unison, " - if it weren't for those damned kids!" and then burst out laughing.

We suspended our discussion momentarily when Beth the waitress arrived with our main meals - tuna steak for me, striped bass for Edward.  The entrees were just as delicious as the appetizers, and we busied ourselves praising the food for a few minutes, even exchanging bites.

"I have a recommendation for somewhere to go after dinner, if you'd like."  I told Edward about the bar - Bill's Bar - that the two women had recommended.  "I don't know what we'll be walking into, though.  They looked at each other pretty strangely when they told me about it."

Edward tilted his head nonchalantly.  "Let's go check it out."  He grinned again.  "We'll have an adventure."

We talked while we ate, meandering across several topics before we settled on opera.  Edward knew far more about the subject than I did, but I was happy to listen while he talked.  Our first proper date had been to see Rigoletto at the Lyric in Chicago and I'd loved it - not just the opera itself though that was tremendous, but also the spectacle and the feeling of being there among the beautifully dressed A-listers of Chicago's social elite.  That was where Melissa Windeyer belonged.

"I hear Orphee et Eurydice is coming in a few weeks," Edward informed me.  "It's quite the extravaganza, especially since they usually bring in a top-notch ballet company to perform the dance parts."

"It sounds wonderful." I didn't want to seem too eager.

I was delighted though, when he said, "You'd love it.  Maybe you'd like to come with me?"

"I'd love to." I smiled at him over the rim of my wine glass.

"It's a date then.  I'll arrange tickets."

He proceeded to fill me in on the major details of the story - Orpheus and his quest to rescue his wife Eurydice from the underworld.  I grinned.  "Orpheus was a real charmer, huh?"

"Indeed, he was,: agreed Edward.  "He charmed all living things with the beauty of his music...right up to the moment when he was killed by those who were immune to his charms."


He shrugged.  "The legends don't really say, but he was supposedly ripped apart by a bunch of women named the Maenads.  There's an opera about them too.  One story says they were high and in that state, they couldn't hear his music.  Another says they went into a jealous frenzy when he refused to make love to them." His smile widened.  "It goes to show...nobody's invincible."

We finished our meal, but decided against dessert by mutual agreement.  We lingered over wine until our waitress brought us the check.  Edward paid by credit card and left her a generous tip.  Then he looked across the table at me.  "Shall we go have our adventure?"

"Of course." I looked forward to seeing what this town was about.  There was definitely something here that echoed the D/s scene back in Chicago, but I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something else too - something bigger.  It struck me as odd that anything in this little place could be on a bigger scale than Chicago, so maybe I was just being paranoid.  Whatever it was, I would get to the bottom of it.  I'd show them all just what Melissa Windeyer is made of.

The wind had dropped away to nothing by the time we stepped outside, so we decided to leave the car where it was and walk the length of the beach. The sidewalk was deserted now, the evening strollers, joggers and dog walkers all retired to their homes.  We passed a swimwear boutique, another restaurant that seemed to be doing good business, and several stores, all on the other side of the street.  On the beach side, there were just the pine trees and the park.  I could hear the hiss of the waves on the shore, and smell the salt in the air.  I took Edward?s arm and pressed close to him.

Bill's Bar was another one-storey white building, set back from the street at the edge of the sand.  Big windows across the front spilled light out onto the grass that separated it from the sidewalk.  There were tables and chairs outside but they were vacant.  The interior certainly wasn't though - we could see quite a crowd inside as we walked up the path to the front door.

Immediately inside was a wide hallway with restrooms on the right.  Music blasted out from an archway to the left, which led into the bar itself.  Edward and I looked at one another and walked on down the hall to another archway near the back.  Here the music was more muted and the room beyond was a little less crowded too.  We stepped inside.

The bar itself was to our left, and a glass wall behind it divided the lounge here at the rear of the building from the front bar where the music was.  A young man and a woman, both in black pants and tight white t-shirts, staffed the bar, where almost all the stools were occupied.  The beach side wall was a set of glass screens that looked like they could be opened in good weather, though they were all drawn shut now.  There were numerous tables at intervals around the room, and these were mostly taken too.

The customers were a mixed bunch, just like back in the restaurant.  There were couples and groups at the bar, at the tables and dotted at random around the room.  Also like the restaurant, everyone looked fit and attractive.  This was a town where people took good care of themselves.

A lot of heads turned when Edward and I entered.  We got some admiring looks, and a few appraising ones too.  That didn't surprise me.  Edward is a good-looking guy and as for me - well, I'm Melissa Windeyer.

What did surprise me - though of course I didn't let it show - wasn't the people who looked, but rather the people who didn't.  One group, not far from the door, particularly caught my attention.  They were centered around a woman with long platinum blonde hair who, though she was obviously in great shape, had to be in her fifties at the very least.  She was straddling a chair, and the guy - quite a bit younger than her - who sat in it.  Her short skirt was up around her waist, baring her trim, pert ass, and she was riding him energetically.  Two other guys stood on either side of her, their pants open and their erect cocks out, while the woman leaned alternately to one side then the other, licking and sucking them with enthusiasm.

I felt Edward stiffen against me, and glanced sideways at him.  He'd seen what I'd seen, and his eyes were wide open.  That surprised me more than the blatant public sex itself.  Melissa Windeyer is hard to shock, but so is Edward Packenham.  I leaned closer.  "What?s the matter?"

He looked at me.  "Remember back at the restaurant, how the maitre d' said we were Mrs Otto's friends?"  He nodded back at the three men and the woman, with a grin. "Well, that's Mrs Otto."

"Your client?" My eyes went as wide as Edward's.  "The commercial real estate developer?"

He chuckled.  "The very same."

We both went, "Wow!" at the same time, and laughed.  "This really is an unusual little town," I added.

"No kidding," agreed Edward.  "I think a drink is called for."  We made our way to the bar, where the woman bartender brought our drinks in record time - Scotch on the rocks for Edward and a Kinross Special for me. 

We found a vacant table on the far side of the room, against the windows that separated the bar from the beach.  There was only one seat though - someone had claimed the others for another table.  The table itself was high, made for standing against as well as sitting.  The seat was the same ? more like a bar stool with a back.  "You sit," offered Edward gallantly. "I'll stand."

I shook my head.  "No, that's fine.  You sit." I smiled at him.  "I'll sit on your lap."  I had more experience with this kind of place than Edward did.  Sitting on his lap, I was sending a message to all the women in the room that he was taken - that he was mine.  Somebody might decide to hit on him anyway - which would be a bad mistake on her part - but at least it wouldn't happen accidentally.

Sipping our drinks, we sat with our heads close, people-watching and passing comments.  There was a lot to comment on.  Mrs Otto had by now brought all three guys off, and was sitting on a table with her legs spread while one of them busied himself with his face in her crotch.  Her black blouse was open to the waist, and the other two guys were bent over at either side of her, sucking on her nipples.

She wasn't the only one giving vent to her desires.  A petite redhead with a pierced navel was leaning against the wall near the bar, standing on one leg with the other wrapped around the blonde who knelt before her, licking her with obvious relish.  A slender young woman with long chestnut hair was bent over another one of the tables, bare below the waist, licking an older blonde who was wearing nothing but a lacy black bra and high heels.  A guy who looked around the same age as the blonde, held the younger woman's hips and was thrusting himself vigorously into her.  They were only the first two groups I noticed.  There were quite a few more.

A few of the other bar patrons watched, but nobody seemed to pay too much attention to the numerous little orgies going on in their midst.  People drank, talked and went about their business.  Just like the kneeling subbie back in the restaurant, it seemed as though people fucking in public was nothing remarkable in Blue Water, and hardly worth noticing.

Edward certainly noticed.  His eyes roved from couple to couple, group to group.  Sitting on his lap with one arm around him, my left breast pressed against his shoulder, I could feel the tension in him.  More than that, I could feel his hardness pushing up through his trousers against my thigh.

I certainly wasn't going to let a bunch of other people distract him away from me, no matter how much of a show they were putting on.  He was my date - my guy - and I deserved his undivided attention.  Nobody upstages Melissa Windeyer.  I reached over with my other hand, tilted his head up and kissed him hard. 

He responded, slipping his tongue between my lips. I moaned into the kiss.  My arousal wasn't feigned either.  The debauchery going on around us was affecting me just as much as Edward.  He had his arm around my waist, his hand on my bare, firm and sensuously curved tummy, his fingers toying with the piercing in my navel.  My belly was already fluttering and I felt myself getting warm inside.  Looking at a tall, well-built brunette across the room, astride her guy's lap and humping him enthusiastically, I imagined myself doing that to Edward.  Part of me wanted to - wanted Edward, there and then - but, as I reminded myself, Melissa Windeyer does not do slutty.

I took another sip from my drink and noticed my glass was empty.  So was Edward's, and he noticed too.  "Another?" he asked.

"Yes please, Edward."  I stood up off his lap.

He went to the bar while I sat and minded the table.  I took the opportunity for another look at the customers.  Like before at the restaurant, there were a lot of piercings in evidence - not just navels but eyebrows, lips and noses too. One woman across the room smiled in conversation with another, and I caught a flash of metal - a tongue stud.  There were quite a few topless or even naked women too, and I noticed the glint of metal on nipples and crotches.

Chokers and neck-chains seemed to be less prevalent here though.  Edward's earlier comment popped into my head.  The pierced and the collared. Maybe this place was a favored hangout for one clique rather than the other, but how did that explain the many people - perhaps half - who showed no evidence of piercings, collars or chains?

CONTINUED BELOW (as soon as I can figure out how to stop all the quotes and apostrophes turning into question marks when I post)
« Last Edit: March 23, 2018, 10:00:23 PM by TheScribbler »


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Re: Melissa Windeyer's California Calamity - Part 1
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2018, 09:29:06 PM »
Quite excellent! Melissa reminds me of a submissive I know in Chicago. A very classy married lady with a Master who she adores and who definitely allows her to indulge. Looking forward to the rest of this one.



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Re: Melissa Windeyer's California Calamity - Part 1
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2018, 11:28:30 PM »
I spotted Edward returning with our drinks, and I deliberately uncrossed and re-crossed my legs, giving him a momentary glimpse beneath my skirt.  He caught my eye and grinned mischievously.  I smiled back.  Good - his attention was firmly on me, which was as it should be.

He put the drinks on the table and I stood up to let him sit, then resumed my place on his lap.  I reached across him for my glass, and made sure that my chest brushed his cheek firmly.  He grinned again as I straightened up with my drink in my hand.  We clinked glasses and kissed lingeringly.

Our kiss was interrupted by a commotion from over near the bar.  A strident voice cut through the buzz of conversation and the music from the front bar.  "I said STOP CROWDING ME, BITCH!"  Edward and I both swiveled our heads in that direction - so did most of the other people in the room. 

The speaker was a young woman in a sleeveless blue dress.  She was barely more than a girl, tall but slightly built - coltish - with light brown hair that fell past her narrow shoulders and partway down her back.  It seemed like she was part of a group, since there were two others of similar age and appearance standing with her - a blonde and another brunette.

Her outburst was directed at a group of Asian women who stood next to her and her friends.  There were five of them, all older.  Her immediate target seemed to be a petite woman, maybe in her early forties, black-haired like the rest, in a navy-blue dress.  Her hair was pulled up and pinned behind her head.  Even in heels she was easily six inches shorter than her younger antagonist, and even more slender.

She said something to the young woman - we couldn’t hear what - and the brunette suddenly lashed out with both arms, shoving the Asian backwards into the arms of her four companions.  "BACK…OFF!"

The smaller woman would have fallen if her friends hadn’t held her up.  She struggled back to her feet, her eyes narrowed.  "Now you went too far!" she yelled.  Her voice had no trace of an accent.  She shook her finger in the brunette's face.

The younger woman"s lip curled scornfully.  "And what are you gonna do about it, you little - ?"  Her insult was cut off suddenly as the Asian fired a slap with her other hand, all the way from the waist.  It caught the brunette across the cheek and whipped her whole body around sideways.  She staggered against the bar.

I was surprised that the tiny woman could wield such a powerful blow, but also impressed.  The shaken finger had been a ploy to distract her opponent.  The Asian knew what she was doing.  I put my drink down and snuggled against Edward to watch.

One of the other Asians called out encouragement.  "Get her, Yumi!" I heard the name and realized the smaller woman was Japanese, or at least of Japanese descent.  Maybe her friends were too.  Not that that was important right now.  I turned my thoughts back to the erupting fight.

The brunette straightened up, her pretty face twisted in rage.  "You’ll pay for that, bitch!" She charged at Yumi.  The older woman ducked to the left and her heavy, swinging slap went wide.  Her momentum carried her into her opponent though.  Grappling at each other, they stumbled away from the bar.  The crowd parted to give them space.

The brunette’s blonde friend yelled out, "Kick her ass, Alyssa!" giving me a name for the younger woman too.

Alyssa drove Yumi out into the middle of the room and slammed her backwards into the edge of a table.  The older woman let out a loud cry, "UNGGGHHH!!!" and arched her back in pain.  I shivered against Edward.  I could imagine how she felt.

The brunette regained her balance and seized her smaller opponent by the front of her dress.  With a fierce cry of her own, she jerked Yumi up off the table, almost lifting her off her feet, and flung her away to the left - to our right.  Yumi went stumbling across the room, her arms pin-wheeling as she tried to keep her feet.  She failed, and went over backwards, but turned the fall into a backward roll and came up onto her knees.

"The taller one’s bouncing her around like a ball," observed Edward, his mouth close by my ear.

"Don’t be so sure," I replied without taking my eyes off the two fighters.  "Yumi might be smaller but she knows how to handle herself in a fight.  She fights smart."

"She’ll need to.  The other girl's got twenty pounds on her." I thought he might be exaggerating a little - Melissa Windeyer knows how to size up another woman - but I didn’t bother to argue with him.  We both turned our attention back to the battle.

As Yumi came to her feet, Alyssa charged her again.  The younger woman had the advantage in size and strength - though she was still quite a bit smaller than me and I'd have destroyed her in a fight - but she didn't fight intelligently.  She was all anger, out to overwhelm her opponent with the pace of her assault.  That might work against an inexperienced fighter but I could see that Yumi was no novice.

Alyssa telegraphed her next blow far in advance.  Yumi easily avoided it, ducking under the taller girl's outstretched arm so that Alyssa's slap whizzed over her head, close enough to ruffle her hair.  She stepped forward and came up behind Alyssa. Without bothering to turn and face the younger woman, she reached up and grabbed Alyssa’s hair at the back of her head in both hands.  With a loud 'NGHAAAHHH!!!' she jerked the brunette brutally backwards.  Alyssa’s own momentum carried her feet out from under her and with a shrill scream of pain and surprise, she crashed to the floor on her back.  Her short skirt was billowy and high-waisted - an Empire waist - and it flew up as she fell.  I saw she wasn't wearing panties.  Her bare, clean-shaven mound gleamed in the light.

I heard Edward chuckle softly.  'Interesting.' He had both arms wrapped around me, his left up high just beneath my breasts, his right lower down, across my belly.  His fingers gripped my navel ring tightly.  My tummy fluttered again, harder than before.  I gripped his arm, biting my lip gently, my eyes still fixed on the fight.

Yumi spun away, backed off a few paces and kicked off her shoes.  Now she was even shorter - not even five feet tall, I guessed - but she was also able to maneuver far better.  Then she surprised us all - myself and certainly Edward, judging from his sharp intake of breath - by reaching up and ripping her own dress open.  What I'd assumed were buttons were actually studs, and they parted all the way down the front. Yumi threw the dress away behind her and stood facing her enemy, fists, clenched, completely naked. 

The Japanese woman's body was pale, slender, small breasted and narrow-hipped.  Her nipples were small too, dark and pointed accusingly at her enemy.  Her flesh showed no piercings, and she didn't wear a chain at her neck either.  Among the pierced and the collared, she was one of the unmarked.  Unlike Alyssa, she wasn't shaven either, and a curly tuft of jet-black hair nestled in her crotch.   "Get up, you piece of shit! I’m about to own you!"

Alyssa rolled over, pushed up onto all fours and rose to her feet, wincing.  Her hair had flopped forward over her eyes and she pushed it aside with the edge of her hand.  One strap of her dress had slipped off her shoulder but she didn't bother to correct it.  "Bitch!"  She kicked her own shoes away and strode forward.  "Thanks for making it easier for me!  Now I don’t have to strip you before I use you!"

Yumi backed up a couple steps, away from Alyssa.  To some, it no doubt looked as though she was retreating.  I knew better.  She was drawing the younger woman after her.  I admired her skill and her cunning.  She was a clever fighter - not as clever as me, but close. 

I turned myself on Edward's lap to face the fight.  His knees were slightly spread and I slipped my own legs between them, keeping my knees modestly together.  Melissa Windeyer always behaves like a lady - even at a time like that.  Fighting arouses me, most of all when I'm fighting - and winning of course - but watching a fight, especially one like this, was a close second.  Between that and Edward's fingers playing with my piercing, I was considerably turned on.

Alyssa threw a roundhouse right at Yumi's head.  Again she telegraphed the punch well in advance, and Yumi ducked it effortlessly.  Then I let out a sudden "Oh!" as I saw that the younger woman had been feinting.  As Yumi lunged low at the brunette’s belly, aiming to ram her shoulder in deep, Alyssa pirouetted to the right like a bullfighter.  Yumi’s shoulder scarcely brushed her hip.

As the Japanese woman surged past her, Alyssa thrust both hands into Yumi's hair.  Leaning back, spinning on her heel, she yanked Yumi around by her hair in a half circle as the Japanese woman, bent over, shrieked in pain and anger.  I expected her to use the impetus of the swing to hurl Yumi across the room again, but she surprised me - and her opponent - by jerking the other woman back toward her.  Her knee rammed upward - once, then twice.  The first blow lifted Yumi up on her toes and with the second, her feet actually left the ground.

"Little bitch!" screamed Alyssa, still holding onto Yumi's hair as the older woman sank to her knees, her eyes wide, mouth open in a silent but agonized 'O'.  "You’re gonna be MY little bitch tonight!"  She sent a ripping slap across Yumi’s face.  The little Japanese woman would have sprawled on the floor if Alyssa hadn’t held her up.  She sagged in her tormentor's grip.  Alyssa jerked her upright and sent another knee smashing into her midriff.  Yumi groaned. 

I let out a tiny gasp of my own.  I could almost feel the force of the cruel blow.  My hand tightened around Edward's as he caressed my belly.  In my mind, I'd been putting myself in Yumi's place.  She was a strong, skillful fighter - a winner, just like me - and the sudden reversal had caught me unawares just as much as it had to her.

Much to my dismay though, it didn't do anything to diminish my arousal - quite the reverse. I consoled myself with the thought that it wasn't me fighting, wasn't me losing, wasn't me about to get - what? I didn't know what was about to happen to Yumi but I was inexplicably filled with vicarious dread on behalf of a woman I didn't even know.  I shook myself, thought of icebergs - cold and vast - and turned my attention back to the action in the middle of the room.

Alyssa drew back her knee to drive it up into Yumi's stretched-out stomach again, but that was when the Japanese woman struck.  At the precise moment her enemy was most off-balance, she threw herself forward, slamming into Alyssa's leg, wrapping her arms tight around the taller girl's thigh and surging up off her knees with a scream of rage.  Her opponent was caught unawares and toppled backwards.  Her squeal of surprise turned into a wail of agony as she hit the floor hard on her ass with a loud thud.  She arched her back, clutching with both hands at the base of her spine.

Yumi stepped back, breathing hard, giving herself a moment to recover - but only a moment - before she leapt forward again and spun on the ball of her left foot, sending a spinning side kick arcing around to slam into Alyssa's head just above her left ear.  The impact flung the younger woman over onto her side and even skidded her several feet across the floor.  She lay there, sprawled on her side, limp and groaning.  The strap of her dress had slipped even further and her left nipple was visible, puffy and rose pink.

"Yesss!" I exclaimed under my breath, not loud enough for anyone but Edward to hear.  My respect for Yumi was growing.  She wasn't only a smart fighter but a tough one too.  If I were honest with myself - and Melissa Windeyer is nothing if not honest - my lust for her was growing too.  I imagined her in my arms, kissing her, stroking that little body, those hard muscles.  I took a deep breath.  I could feel my own nipples erect against my cami, the heat in my belly and the dampness between my legs.  I tried hard, without complete success, to keep myself from squirming in Edward's lap.  That only made his fingers tug harder on my navel and I had to bite my lip hard to stifle a moan.

Alyssa was still dazed when Yumi, now back in control of the fight, stepped forward and grabbed her opponent's skirt, which had ridden up above the brunette's waist again.   She jerked hard on the filmy fabric, pulling it up higher, trapping Alyssa's head and arms as she lifted the younger woman's upper body off the floor.  I noticed a glint of gold at the brunette’s navel - a piercing much like my own.  "We’ll see who’s going to be whose bitch tonight, you whore!" Yumi shouted as she sent her foot hammering into Alyssa's unprotected abs.  The younger woman's anguished scream rebounded around the room.

Yumi fired another kick into Alyssa's belly, then a third.  The brunette's scream turned to a gasp, then to a strangled groan as her older opponent mercilessly pounded her.  "You pick a fight with me!" she bellowed in a voice that was startlingly loud for such a tiny body.  "You got way too big an ego, you skanky little slut!"

Alyssa flailed her arms wildly, trying to free them so she could defend herself.  Yumi let go of her opponent with one hand, drew her fist back and, bending suddenly from the waist, sent it plunging into the other woman's enveloping skirt, right where her face was.  Alyssa’s "UGGHHH!" was clearly audible even through the folds of cloth.

Yumi threw her enemy back to the floor and stomped hard on her belly.  Alyssa's head and feet jackknifed upward as she let out a strangled gasp, then slumped down again.  The brunette finally managed to free her arms, but right then all she could do was clutch at her tortured tummy as she lay on her back, sobbing in breathless agony.

She went to draw her knees up and roll onto her side, but Yumi moved faster.  With another loud cry, "Suffer, BITCH!" she leapt into the air and came down with her entire body weight, such as it was, behind both her knees as they speared into Alyssa's battered belly.  The blow landed squarely on the taller girl's encircling arms, but it didn't matter.  The force of it blasted through Alyssa's defenses and crushed her belly almost into her spine.  I sucked in my breath as my own abs tensed reflexively.  Even though I was rooting for Yumi, I couldn’t help but feel for Alyssa as she shuddered under that devastating attack, her tremors growing in intensity until her whole body shook like a leaf. 

Yumi slid her knees either side of the brunette, straddling her.  She grabbed the front of her enemy's dress and jerked her up off the floor.  The one remaining strap snapped under the strain and the dress slid down around Alyssa's waist, baring her small breasts. 

When Yumi slammed her back down again, Alyssa didn't even make a sound.  Her eyes were pinched shut, her face stained with tears that left dark streaks of mascara down her cheeks.  Her lips trembled.  She was shattered.

Yumi climbed to her feet, her own little breasts heaving.  Her hair had come loose and strands hung down around her face.  "Get up, trash!" she yelled.  "Still think you can make me your bitch??? Get up and try!"

Alyssa whimpered, holding her ravaged belly.  She couldn't even lift her head to look at Yumi, but she did manage to shake it weakly from side to side.  She said something we couldn't hear, though she must have been pleading because Yumi snarled back at her, "Too late to beg now!  Way too late!"

My stomach was churning with desire as Edward and I watched and listened.  That was exactly what I would have said and done in Yumi's position.  Alyssa had challenged her, and the challenge had been decisively defeated, but it wasn't yet time to show mercy.  Maybe later, compassion would be called for, after the girl had learned the error of her ways, but right now it could be seen as weakness, letting Alyssa get away without paying the full price for her arrogance.

One of Yumi's friends called out, "Own her, Yumi!"

Yumi smiled over her shoulder at them.  "Oh, I plan to!" She stepped forward, straddling Alyssa, staring down into the beaten younger woman's face.  "Not down there on the floor though, but up here where everyone can see!" She squatted over her defeated foe, seized Alyssa by the hair with both hands and dragged the groaning girl to her feet. 

Alyssa couldn't stand unaided.  She hung limply in Yumi's grasp.  Yumi held her up though, despite her own smaller size.  My admiration - and desire - for this woman grew.  I let out a little "mmmmm" to myself.  She had strength, stamina and smarts, as well as the spirit of a true Domme.  She was someone I could see myself befriending - and more.

Yumi half pushed, half dragged the whimpering Alyssa over a table - the same one Alyssa had rammed her into, back at the start of the fight.  Showing an even more impressive strength, she heaved the bigger girl bodily onto the table on her belly.  "You challenge me, bitch…" she mocked the conquered younger woman, walking slowly around the table, "…you better be prepared to pay a heavy price!"

When she reached Alyssa's head, Yumi grasped the brunette by her chin and lifted her head up so she could stare into her defeated enemy's eyes.  "I'm going to make an example out of you!"  She let Alyssa's head fall back against the table top with a thump, then boosted herself up onto the table, straddling Alyssa's shoulders and facing her feet, pinning the bigger girl's arms beneath her own shins. 

She took a deep breath, swelling her chest, thrust her shoulders back and looked around her proudly at the onlookers.  Every eye in the place was fixed on her - public sex might be passe, but the fight had gotten everyone's attention.  "Shall I make her my bitch?" she called out.

There was a resounding "YES!!!" from the crowd - Edward and me included.  I couldn't wait to see just what she would do to her beaten foe.  My heart was pounding and my swollen nipples scraped at the inside of my cami every time I took a breath.  There was a ball of fire in my belly and as I shifted on Edward's lap, I felt the warm wetness - more than moist now - on my thighs.

Yumi reached forward and grabbed Alyssa's legs below the knee, pulling them up behind the brunette.  Alyssa groaned out loud as the older woman stretched her spine like a bow.  I could see the pain on the girl's face and while I understood her fear, I had little sympathy for her.  She had gambled and lost - and her loss was only just beginning.

Alyssa howled and her clawed fingers scrabbled in an agonized frenzy at the tabletop, as Yumi bent her spine almost in a complete circle.  Tucking Alyssa's ankles beneath her armpits, the victor clamped her arms down, trapping the brunette's legs in place and freeing her own hands. The younger woman’s abs were stretched abominably - my own tummy trembled at the sight of it - and her shaven pussy was forced up and out, on display to the crowd.

Edward rolled my navel ring even harder between his finger and thumb.  I gripped his arm tight, pressing his hand against my belly.  I could taste Yumi's triumph like it was my own, but strangely enough I felt Alyssa's shame and desperation too.  I was so hot I was actually shaking.  I squeezed Edward's thigh hard with my other hand.  He kissed the side of my neck, just beneath my ear, and I moaned out loud.

Yumi placed her hands on Alyssa's butt cheeks, gripping them hard, squeezing and separating them.  Alyssa whimpered again.  Her face was shining with her tears – tears of pain and tears of shame.  "Now who’s the bitch…bitch?" Yumi taunted her pitilessly.  She slid her hands inward, her thumbs pressing down into the younger woman's crotch.  I couldn't see from our angle, but I knew exactly what Yumi was doing - spreading her beaten foe's lips apart, opening her up, then pausing, waiting, prolonging the agony of anticipation.  It was just what I would have done in her place.

Alyssa’s voice wasn't loud enough to carry to us, but I could read her lips.  "Please…please…" Then she stiffened, bucked and yowled in anguish as Yumi slid a finger or two inside her.  "NO!!!"

"You don’t like that, bitch?" Yumi teased her.  The older woman lifted her elbow higher and I knew she'd shoved another two fingers into her vanquished enemy's sex.  "Then why are you so damn wet?"  She reached down with her other hand, closer to Alyssa's belly, and the brunette bucked again.  "And why is your clit as hard as a bullet?" Alyssa wailed in torment.  The crowd laughed.

"Please…PLEASE!!!  STOP!!!" begged the brunette.  "I'll…I'll…"

"You'll what?  Cum like a little whore? Oh, you'll do that all right!" Yumi twisted her wrist and Alyssa writhed against the table on her belly.  I imagined Yumi's little hand fully inside her now.  Despite her painful position, Alyssa’s hips began to gyrate.  Yumi laughed.  "See?  Like the weak whore you are!"  Her other hand moved.  Alyssa's eyes went wide and she cried out.  Her head whipped forward, then back again in helpless, humiliated pleasure.

Yumi played the beaten, captive brunette skillfully and mercilessly.  I soon began to detect a different tone in Alyssa’s frantic pleas.  For sure, the shame was still there on her face and in her voice, but her cries grew less and less about protest, and more about increasingly desperate need.

The crowd had grown quiet but no less attentive.  I noticed a tall redhead standing bent over another table to our left.  Her eyes, and her guy's, were fixed on Yumi and Alyssa as he took her doggie-style.  I could feel Edward's breath, hot on my cheek, as I leaned back against his chest.  He was hard and since I'd turned around, his cock was now pressing not against my thigh but between my legs, through my skirt and the now-sopping crotch of my black lace thong.  "She’s going to have Alyssa cumming like crazy any minute now," he whispered in my ear.

I leaned my head back on his shoulder and murmured in reply, "If Yumi's smart…and I'm betting she is…she won't let Alyssa cum straight away.  She'll draw it out, make her humiliate herself…make her beg for relief." Edward kissed my neck again.  I arched my back and ground my bottom against his erection.

That was exactly what Yumi did.  She worked Alyssa's writhing, twitching body cleverly and ruthlessly, taking her to the very edge of climax over and over, each time denying her, until the younger woman was a whimpering mess, pleading urgently at the top of her voice.  "Please! PLEASE!!!"  She was doing her best to hump Yumi's fist - no mean feat considering the way her body was bent.  "Let me…let me cum, PLEEEAAASSSE!!!"

At last Yumi took pity on the screaming, sobbing wreck of her ravaged foe, and the next time she didn't pull the brunette back from the brink.  With a piercing screech that blended rabid lust and overwhelming shame, Alyssa exploded.  She thrashed beneath Yumi like a wild bull at a rodeo, tossing her captor up into the air, tearing her legs free with the ferocity of her orgasm.  Yumi rode her expertly, bouncing wildly on the bucking brunette, wrapping one arm around Alyssa’s flailing left leg while she continued to fist the younger woman with her other hand.

She kept Alyssa cumming uncontrollably for several minutes.  Finally the bigger girl's violent throes grew weaker, her screams of degraded pleasure began to diminish, until she lay quivering on the tabletop underneath Yumi.  By that time, I was quivering too on Edward's lap, my own knees trembling.  My nipples were so hard they hurt.

Yumi climbed carefully off the table.  Her own arousal was evident, her pale skin flushed, her nipples poking out from her little breasts, hard and dark.  She grabbed one of Alyssa's limp arms and flipped the younger woman over onto her back.  Alyssa lay there gasping like a fish out of water, her head lolling over the edge of the table.

"Slut!" Yumi slapped her face hard.  Alyssa moaned.  "Weak whore!" Another slap whipped the brunette's head back the other way.  "Next time, think before you pick a fight with me!"

"I'm…I'm sorry…" Alyssa blubbered tearfully.

"Too late to be sorry!" Yumi snapped back at her.  "Now you're going to pay the price!  Now you’re going to serve me!" She looked around her at the crowd of lustful onlookers.  "Not to mention the rest of the room!" There were cheers at that.

Yumi stepped forward, grasped Alyssa beneath her neck with both hands and thrust her hairy mound hard against the beaten brunette's face. "Do it, bitch! Lick me...stick your tongue in me...taste your defeat!" Her words became a moan of pleasure.  She rolled her hips, grinding herself on Alyssa's nose and mouth.  Her taut little butt cheeks tightened further.  I imagined gripping them in my own hands, and I shivered. 

The Japanese woman tossed her head back, thrust harder, eyes shut and mouth open, holding Alyssa tight, thrusting and grinding as she took her pleasure from her beaten foe.  It wasn’t long before her back arched suddenly and she screamed at the ceiling as she came.  Her orgasm went on at least as long as Alyssa's had done, before she collapsed forward over the brunette's body.  The audience applauded.  Edward and I joined in.  It seemed only right.

At last Yumi slowly pushed herself upright with both arms, using Alyssa's twitching tummy for support.  She turned and looked around the room.  "Enjoy her!" she called out, her voice still trembling with the aftermath of her orgasm.  "Anyone who wants her, take her!  I’ll have her back when you're done!" She looked down at the panting younger woman.  "A night and a day, slut…you know the rules.  Now you're going to be the whole room's bitch…then you’ll be mine again."

Yumi's friends were already moving toward the table.  One had removed her jeans and was naked from the waist down, her black sweater pulled up and hooked behind her neck to expose her breasts, which were a lot bigger than Yumi's.  Another had taken off her dress and was naked apart from her high heels.  They gathered around Alyssa, and they weren't alone.  Others, men and women, also clustered at the table, eager to share the spoils of Yumi's victory.

Trembling even harder, I clutched at Edward's arms.  The spectacle brought back memories of Chatro - some of them extremely pleasant memories.  Others were not so pleasant.  Some of them were almost unthinkable, but still - I clamped my thighs tight together and thought of icebergs.  Cold and vast - cold and vast, dammit!

Edward's lips were close by my ear.  His breath on my cheek made me shudder.  I didn't dare move.  His cock was pressing up hard through my skirt.  If I moved and rubbed against it, one of us was going to cum.  I wasn't sure it would be him.

"Shall we join the party?" Edward whispered.  "Go get a piece of the action?"  I didn't need to look at him to sense his smile.  "Seems like you want to."

I moaned out loud at the thought.  Yes, Melissa Windeyer moaned out loud.  Even a strong, powerful Domme like myself has urges - I’m a healthy twenty-first century woman, after all - and I was sorely tempted to indulge them just then.  A girl has needs, and I couldn't see any harm in it.  It wasn't like I'd be the one getting used.  I’d be one of those doing the using - part of the crowd.  Strangely though, it was that thought which changed my mind.  I steadied myself.  Part of the crowd - Melissa Windeyer is never just part of the crowd.

"Shall we?" asked Edward again.

With an effort, I shook my head.  I turned to smile at him.  "Do we really want the whole room's sloppy seconds?" I replied with more conviction than I felt.  "I promise you, you'll do a lot better than that when we get back to the hotel."

He kissed me, his tongue sliding along mine.  I shivered hard on his lap.  "I'll hold you to that promise," he warned me when we broke the kiss.  He glanced past me though, and I followed his eyes to where Yumi stood in a circle of people, obviously congratulating her on her win.  "Maybe we should buy the winner a drink though."

I grinned and kissed his nose.  "Edward Packenham, I know exactly what you’re thinking!" In truth, I was thinking the same thing - a drink with Yumi, or more likely several, then we'd invite her back to our suite for an all-night three-way triste in the king-size bed.

With even more effort, I pushed that thought too out of my head.  Yumi was the victor in tonight's fight, and she deserved to be the center of attention.  If she went with us, she'd be our plaything - after all, Melissa Windeyer plays second fiddle to nobody - and it wouldn't be fair to her.  "No," I kissed him again.  "Call me greedy but I want you all to myself." I'd composed myself to the point where I could wriggle a little in his lap without disgracing myself - just.

He frowned and pouted in feigned disappointment, but then grinned.  "Greedy girl." He kissed me back.  "I just hope you know what you're in for."

I wriggled again, feeling his cock against my crotch, and giggled.  "I think I can guess."

We were interrupted suddenly.  "Excuse me, Ms."

I turned my head to stare up at a young woman who stood before us.  She had a broad face with large brown eyes that were so dark they were almost black.  Her hair was black too, cut short in a bob.  She wore a black patent leather collar, an inch wide, with a gold D-ring set in it.  Her long-sleeved black dress extended down to mid-thigh, though 'modest' wasn't the right word.  It clung to her body like a second skin - or rather clung to parts of it, since the dress had a zipper at the front which was open all the way to her waist, exposing her big round breasts and hard, puckered nipples.  A little gold padlock attached the zipper to a matching ring in her belly button, preventing her - or anyone else - from covering herself.  She had good legs that were set off nicely by her black patent leather pumps with ankle straps and D-rings that matched the one in her collar.

Everything about her said slave.  I tilted my head back and looked down my nose at her.  I could feel Edward's eyes on her too.  His cock twitched against me through my skirt.  "Yes, girl?"

The slave lowered her eyes respectfully as she spoke.  "My Mistress sent me over, Ms, with her compliments."  Her head still bowed, she looked off to my right.

I followed her gaze and caught sight of a woman, perhaps a little older than me, dressed all in white, with jet black hair cropped short in a pixie cut.  She was sitting at a table in the corner, with a slender blonde whose hair tumbled in thick waves over her black dress and down to her waist. 

The dark-haired one had high cheekbones, a narrow chin and piercing dark eyes.  When they locked with my own, I sucked in my breath involuntarily as I felt a sudden jolt deep in my belly.  There was no doubt in my mind that the dark-haired woman was the girl's Mistress.  She radiated power - a powerful Domme like myself knows how to recognize it in others.  I turned my attention back to her slave.  "What’s your name, girl?"

"Carla, Ms."  The girl sank gracefully to her knees in front of me, her arms crossed at the wrists, behind her back.

"And why did your Mistress send you to me, Carla?"

"Mistress said I'm to take care of you, Ms.  She said to tell you that you look like you could use my services, Ms."

I looked back at the girl's Mistress again.  She met my gaze with a Mona Lisa smile, and tilted her head just a little.  I smiled back and nodded slightly, a gracious acknowledgement of her gift.  She obviously recognized me as a kindred spirit - an equal - and had sent her girl over to pay homage.

I looked down at Carla again.  She was gazing up at me through her long, dark eyelashes.  I could well imagine what her 'services' would entail.  I licked my lips.

Carla slid forward on her knees, reached up, placed both hands on my knees and gently eased them apart.  She leaned in toward me but I stopped her with a light touch against her forehead.  "You dare to touch me uninvited, girl?" Even though I wanted it - good grief, how I wanted it! - there were rules to be observed.  Melissa Windeyer doesn't open her legs for just anybody.

"Please Ms…I’m under instructions," said Carla.  "May I?"

I looked at her, so delectable, so subservient.  A little voice in the back of my mind sounded a warning, reminding me of the dangers of unknown subbies.  I thought of Colleen, who had so treacherously flipped me in Chatro, of Jimmy and Brooke who had filled my head with darkly delicious thoughts as they'd played me for their own wicked schemes.  But surely this was different.  I was with Edward.  He would protect me in the event of any danger, and besides I couldn't see any danger from this girl or her Mistress.  They were simply giving me the respect and honor that was due to me.

I smiled, trying not to quiver with anticipation at the thought of this lovely slave doing wondrous things to my body.  "You may."

Carla leaned forward again, her head between my spread thighs.  I leaned back against Edward, closing my eyes, tensing myself for the first delicious contact of the girl's lips and tongue against my flesh.  She surprised me though, by not pushing up my skirt and kissing me through my thong as I expected.  Instead she aimed higher, above the waistband of my skirt, flicking her tongue across the ring in my navel.  I barely had time to tremble at that before she thrust her tongue deep into my belly button.  The sudden sensation was so unexpected and so intense.  It felt almost like a cock being driven inside me.  My tummy clenched tight.  So did my pussy.  My feet instinctively lifted up off the floor, my knees spreading wider. 

Edward held me tight against him, still with one arm across my ribs just beneath my breasts.  His other hand was up higher now, cupping my left breast.  I arched up against him, head back on his shoulder, moaning out loud.  He kissed my neck from my shoulder to my ear.  I tried to hold still but I couldn't help myself. Between his attentions and Carla tongue-fucking my belly button, they had me writhing in his lap, grinding myself against his cock.  I thought desperately of icebergs, not to calm myself down - there was no chance at all of that happening - but just to retain some shred of self-control, to keep myself from cumming immediately, to prolong the pleasure.

Carla ran her hands up and down the insides of my thighs, from my trembling knees to the edge of my sopping wet thong, her tongue fluttering across my quaking tummy before she returned to my navel again, sucking the ring into her mouth, tugging it with her teeth, then spearing her tongue back into my belly button and swirling it in a circle.  My hips bucked as a mini-orgasm shot through me.

My eyes snapped open as someone - someone new - touched my face. I saw Carla's Mistress standing at my shoulder, looking down at me with the same mysterious smile on her face.  She was quite slender, though the vee neckline of her wraparound dress showed quite a lot of cleavage.  Again I felt that jolt of electricity as her eyes met mine.

A scarlet nail traced along the chain at my throat.  She spoke, but not to me.  "Who does she belong to?" Her question was directed to Edward.  "Is she yours?"

It took a moment for the question to sink in through the fog of my lust.  By the time I opened my mouth, Edward had already replied.  "No, she's not mine."  I could hear the desire in his voice - not that I needed reminding, with his member digging into me from underneath.  "She belongs to Justeen Northcliffe."

I couldn’t argue with that - itwas Ms Justeen's collar that I wore - but that wasn't the point!  I'm Melissa Windeyer!  I don't 'belong' to anyone.  I started to correct him, "I’m a - "

The woman cut me off.  "Justeen Northcliffe!" she repeated.  "Now there's a name I haven't heard in a while."  There was a slight accent in her voice but I couldn't place it.  I wasn't in a fit state to judge, just then.

She extended her hand.  "I'm Aisha Pashir."  I tried to remember where I'd heard that name before, but it was hard enough to think at all.

Edward took it.  "Edward Packenham," he replied.  "And this is Melissa."  I whimpered aloud as he pinched my nipple firmly, though not painfully, between finger and thumb.

Aisha smiled.  "Pleased to meet you…both of you."

"You know Justeen?" Edward asked.  It felt completely incongruous that they were chatting amiably while Aisha's slave was licking my belly and sending me into a paroxysm of pleasure.

"Oh, we're old friends, though I must confess we've lost touch recently." She hooked her finger under my chain and lifted it slightly, bending forward to examine it.  I felt her breath on my flushed cheek and shivered yet again.  "Ah, each link engraved with a name...exactly Justeen's style." She chuckled under her breath and turned her gaze back upon me.  "Are these all people who've taken you, girl?"

The way she said 'girl' - like I was some mere subbie - cut through me like a knife.  I'm Melissa Windeyer!  I'm a Domme!  But Edward's fingers, Carla's lips and tongue, Aisha's eyes, rendered me incapable of protest.  The words I managed to get out were garbled and inarticulate.  "I’m not…" I gasped as Carla's tongue sent a shudder through me.  "…I don't…"

Aisha stroked my cheek.  Her touch was like fire.  "Oh, I think you are," she murmured with another smile, "…and I bet you do." She turned to gaze down at Carla.  "Take his cock out, darling," she instructed her slave, before she turned back to me and added, "And you will…right here, right now, with your man."

I wanted to object, to tell her that I didn't do such things in public, but my words, my very thoughts were drowned out by the pounding of my heart, the rush of desire through my veins.  I bucked on Edward's lap as Carla's hand slid up higher between my legs, brushing my slick, swollen folds through my thin thong, then pushed beneath my butt.  My squirming had ridden my skirt up around my waist.  My bare butt cheeks rested on Edward's lap - on his cock.  I arched myself upward, making room for the slave girl.

Carla's hand found Edward's zipper and drew it down. I felt the hard, hot head of his cock burst free of his pants, jabbing up against my pussy.  I moaned and pumped my hips up and down in urgent need.  At that moment, I didn't care that I'm a strong, powerful woman who prides herself on her self-discipline.  All I cared about was Edward’s cock and having it inside me.

The slave's deft fingers hooked the edge of my thong and pulled it aside, exposing me to Edward. My pussy lips flared open and kissed his shaft.  I ground myself down on him, but the angle was wrong.  His cock slid forward and the head grazed across my swollen clit.  I growled out loud in hunger.  I needed to lean forward, to lift myself up and position myself so I could take him inside me, but I couldn't while he was holding me tight against him.  Besides, I wasn't sure my quivering muscles would obey me if I tried.

Carla came to my rescue.  She reached beneath me, grasped the base of Edward's shaft and guided him between my lips.  I closed my eyes and let out a long, quavering moan as I felt his heat inside my velvet folds.  I bit my lip and wriggled my hips to ease him inside me - but then Carla's hand pushed his cock backward further, past my entrance, back between my butt cheeks.

My eyes flew open wide.  "I can't!" I cried out as I realized what the slave was doing.  "Not there! I CAN'T!"

It was her Mistress who took my chin firmly in her hand and forced me to stare up at her.  "You can," Aisha told me in a voice that brooked no argument.  "You can and you will."

My lips trembled.  I wanted to tell her no, that I couldn't, that I wouldn't, that Melissa Windeyer doesn't take it publicly in the ass - but the words wouldn't come.  Instead I arched my back further as Carla pressed Edward's thick, hard cock against the tight little star of my anus.  The head was slick with my own juices and felt like a red-hot poker against me.  I groaned.

"Do it," Aisha ordered.  I didn't know if she was talking to me or to Edward.  It didn't matter.  I felt him buck up against me, just as Carla, head forward against my twitching tummy, stabbed her tongue into my belly button again.

I squealed.  My ass opened for Edward and he pushed a little way inside.  I cried out at the overwhelming feeling of fullness.  Part of me, a last shred of dignity, wanted to raise myself up away from him.  There was another part of me though, a stronger part, a part that urged me to sink down on his cock and take it all inside me - and that was the part my body obeyed.  I threw my head back and wailed out loud in sudden shameless fulfillment as I impaled myself on him.

Carla held me with a hand beneath each of my knees, lifting my legs so that I leaned back onto Edward.  He held me with both hands on my breasts now as he thrust up into my ass, his tongue lapping at the side of my neck, his teeth nibbling at my ear.  I felt his shaft stretching me wide, each thrust stroking the head of him against the walls of my pussy from the inside.  I was shocked that he was doing this to me, shocked even more that I was letting him, and shocked most of all that I was loving it.

The slave's lips and tongue roved freely over my churning, trembling tummy, from hip to hip, from my navel to my mound.  My entire body was shaking like a tree in a storm.  My chest heaved, my breasts arched up against Edward's hands, nipples aching.  My fingers clutched weakly at Carla's hair as I rubbed my belly on her face, moaning wantonly, needfully, craving the climax that hovered just beyond my reach.  I felt like an over-inflated balloon, about to burst.  "I…please…I must…I can't…I need…PLEASE!!!" I was horrified to recognize the desperate, whining words as my own.

Aisha slipped a hand behind my neck, holding me by the hair, stretching my head back onto Edward's shoulder.  Her face hovered over me.  "Make her cum, Carla darling." As Carla's tongue lashed my throbbing clit, Aisha's own tongue slid between my lips and deep into my mouth.  I shrieked into her kiss as the balloon finally burst.  I felt my belly clamp down tight, my juices squirting out of me like a fountain.  My ass squeezed hard around Edward's cock and that set him off too, though I scarcely felt him erupt as my climax consumed me.

I lost myself completely in my orgasm.  There was no holding back, no thought of myself at all, no dignity, no decorum.  I bucked and writhed on Edward's cock, squirmed and shuddered against Carla's tongue, howled and screamed into Aisha's warm, moist mouth.  It went on and on, wave upon wave, crashing over me, engulfing me, overwhelming me, crushing me until there was no Melissa, no me - nothing at all except the pleasure.

It was a long time later when I came around, back to myself.  I still lay limply in Edward's lap, his arms holding me up.  I could feel his cock, only half-erect now, but still inside my ass.  Carla knelt between my splayed legs.  Her hair was a tangled mess where I'd grasped at her in my frenzy.  Her face and bare chest were glistening, bathed in my juices. 

I noticed I'd lost a shoe - I supposed I'd kicked it off in the throes of passion.  The other one dangled from my toes.  My skirt was a twisted rope around my waist.  I still had my cami and my jacket on.  I couldn’t feel my thong, though I supposed it was down there somewhere.

Aisha stood over me, stroking the back of my neck.  "You gave quite a performance, girl," she said with her same smile.  "I hope it helped relieve your need."

I didn’t trust myself to speak.  I just nodded weakly.  I knew I was in a lot of danger at that moment.  If Aisha wanted to take me, she could.  Even Carla could have flipped me right then and there.  I prayed that, if they tried, Edward would - and could - come to my aid.

To my great relief, Aisha just continued, "You may show your appreciation."  She reached up with her free hand and tugged the front of her wraparound dress aside.  She wasn’t wearing a bra underneath.  Her left breast was the size of an apple, bronzed and rounded.  She leaned forward and guided my lips to the little dark nub of her nipple.  "Kiss me."

I did as I was told.  I didn’t have the strength to disobey - not that I wanted to.  The touch of her nipple on my lips sent another jolt of energy coursing through me.  The word power leapt unbidden into my mind.  My body jerked and my ass clamped down momentarily once again on Edward's cock.  I heard him moan softly and he kissed my neck.

"What do you say?" asked Aisha as she straightened up and pulled her dress back into place.

I swallowed hard.  My voice trembled as much as my body as I replied, "Th...thank you," though I was appalled to hear myself add, "Ms."  I blushed dark.

"Carla, take Melissa to the ladies' room and clean her up."  The slave rose to her feet.  "She's made quite a mess of herself."

"Yes Mistress."  It suddenly occurred to me - Mistress Aisha. That was what the younger woman in the bathroom back at Waves had said.  Mistress Aisha was Aisha Pashir, the commanding presence who stood before me, the woman who had gotten me and Edward to have anal sex in public, just moments ago.  I trembled.

Aisha stepped back and Carla helped me up off Edward. I shuddered again when his cock came out of my ass. Another tiny spasm surged through me and I almost fell.  I hardly dared to look around me, expecting the whole room to be staring, sneering, the way they would have in Chatro or Ronaldo, but to my surprise no-one seemed to be paying me much attention.

My legs were wobbly and I held onto Carla for support as she found my other shoe and held it for me to put it on.  She was several inches shorter than me, even though her heels were taller than mine, but she steadied me with my arm across her shoulders as she led me across the bar, out into the hallway to the restroom.

There was a long counter with at least a half dozen sinks.  Carla leaned me against the counter and went to work with some warm water and paper towels to clean her saliva, my own sticky fluids and Edward's cum off me.  I gasped and almost climaxed again when she wiped the rim of my still gaping ass, even though she was gentle, and I did cum when she accidentally - or I think it was accidentally - rubbed the paper towel across my painfully sensitive clit.

Ten minutes later, my skirt back in place, hair brushed and makeup touched up, I followed her back into the bar.  My little lace thong was in my purse - it was too soaked to wear, and trying would only have been uncomfortable and undone much of Carla's cleanup work.

Somewhat to my surprise, Carla didn't bother to clean herself up, apart from tidying her hair a little, mostly by slicking it back with her fingers.  Her face, neck, chest and even her belly were coated with the eruption from my orgasm, but she left them alone.  "Oh no, Ms, it wouldn't be right to clean myself...not until I'm home.  Being used is what I'm for, and I like to look the part, like I'm being a good girl and serving well."  I didn't know what to say to that, so I just smiled.

Edward was standing beside the table, talking to Aisha.  I blushed when I saw the dark stain on the front of his jeans.  The blonde who had been sitting with Aisha when I first noticed them, had joined the pair.  She was much taller than Aisha, as tall as Edward.  She smiled at me as Carla and I approached, and introduced herself, "I'm Jenni Haversham…Aisha's wife," though she didn't offer her hand.

"Nice to meet you." I didn't offer my hand either.

"Aisha's invited us to lunch tomorrow, at her house," Edward informed me.

I smiled at Aisha.  "That's so kind of you," I said, though I couldn't help but feel a little anxiety at the thought of spending more time with this woman, her wife and her slave.  A few minutes earlier, I would have surrendered to them - any or all of them - and I didn't relish the thought that I might be put in that position again.

That feeling of trepidation only increased when Aisha replied, "Think nothing of it.  I know some people who'll be fascinated to meet you." I wasn't sure if I detected the slightest hesitation before she said 'meet you', but I wrote it off as mere paranoia.  After all, she'd just given me the most marvelous treat.

"And thank you for letting me use Carla just now," I said, being gracious.

Aisha and Jenni smiled at each other before Aisha answered.  "You’re most welcome, Melissa."

Edward placed his hand in the small of my back.  "I think it's time we called it a night though, don't you?"  I smiled and nodded.  He bowed slightly to the others.  "Until tomorrow, ladies."

"We look forward to it," said Aisha.  "Remember, the Spanish style house at the top of the hill as you come into Blue Water Village.  You can't miss it."

"Till then." Edward offered me his arm and we walked outside.  Edward offered me his jacket but I politely declined - the cool air felt wonderful against my fevered skin.  I leaned heavily against Edward and he kept his arm around my waist as we made our way along the beachfront, back to the car.

Edward kissed me when he opened the door for me, and squeezed my butt gently.  "You were magnificent, Melissa."  I smiled at him as I slid gingerly into the leather seat, but I wondered whether to be elated or dismayed at what had happened.  Melissa Windeyer does not do slutty - but I had, and I had to admit I'd enjoyed it. 

Why had I done that?  No-one had forced me.  They could have, but they hadn't.  I'd done it because I wanted to, because it felt right, like it was the most natural thing in the world to behave like a common slut.  And just like all the other displays of debauchery we'd witnessed that night, nobody even seemed to pay attention.

Edward climbed into the driver's seat and started the engine.  We weren't halfway up the hill heading out of town, when his hand strayed from the shift lever to my thigh.  I looked across at him and winked.  "Edward Packenham, you’re insatiable!"

He grinned back.  "I think it’s something in the water."



Online tommyfighter

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Re: Melissa Windeyer's California Calamity - Part 1
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2018, 01:35:04 PM »


Offline ralbright2010

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Re: Melissa Windeyer's California Calamity - Part 1
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2018, 02:47:01 PM »
Love The Scribbler's work. Can't wait for the next episode!


Offline peccavi

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Re: Melissa Windeyer's California Calamity - Part 1
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2018, 10:40:31 PM »
I'm delighted that you borrowed my character and that you wrote such a great story which develops Melissa so 'in character'.
thank you

Blondes are cool Brunettes are Hot!!


Offline Dirty bad bitch

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Re: Melissa Windeyer's California Calamity - Part 1
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2018, 10:41:34 AM »
Spectacular fight there between Alyssa and Yumi ... and yummy erotic ending!  :D :P ;) :-*

- Sonja
Let's rumble, bitch ... let's see what you've got, slut!