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Repost - A Social Affair

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Offline sidekick

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Repost - A Social Affair
« on: April 18, 2018, 07:20:55 PM »
A Social Affair

Catherine admired herself in the mirror.  She looked good!  And she knew
it.  Although now passing 37 years of age, she worked hard keeping
herself in very good shape.  She weighed a little more now.  There
seemed no way to avoid that.  But she was very proud of her shape that
"stuck out" in all the right places, from her size 38D bust to her full
but shapely ass.  She was blessed with legs which other women would die
for and she took care of them.

So, putting on a short little black dress over this fabulous frame, she
combed her yellow mane with satisfaction.  Once happy with the mirror's
image, she trotted off to her evening's engagement.
This evening, she would be co hosting a lavish fund raising affair for a
city women's rights group.  She had belonged to the "Women's League for
Social Consciousness and    Justice" for over ten years.  Their members
were mostly upper class women in the city and surrounding suburban area.
They were high profile and did a couple of lavish fund raisers each
year.  Tonight a local councilman would be addressing them and lending
his support for their agenda.

After the drive across town, she hurriedly parked her Lexis in the
driveway.  She was considerably early in order to help set up the
affair.  As the co host, she wanted to make sure everything was just
right.  This was the very luxurious home of the other co host, Connie.

Knocking at the front door, she was met by one of the members; pointing
to the back of the house and saying, "Hello, Catherine.  Everyone's in
the kitchen".  Walking back, Catherine saw several women going every
which way, busy with getting everything done.  Everyone one was dressed
nicely as this was a coveted social affair as well as a fund raiser. 
Catherine, being recently divorced, was unescorted.  It wasn't that she
didn't have a man in her life; but she wanted to concentrate on the
party and not an escort tonight.

She quickly pitched in to help the other ladies, busily going back and
forth, discussing final arrangements and placing things, "just so". More
and more people started to arrive and the whole evening was shaping up
nicely.  Presently, she found herself in the very large pantry in back
of the kitchen, when Connie came rushing in and brushed past her to
snatch a flower arrangement from the shelf.  "We're not going to be done
it time, I'm afraid", she fretted.  Then turning to leave, she bumped
the flowers against Catherine's face and left without another word.

Catherine was instantly angry that Connie had said nothing about her
rude gesture, not to mention that she now had to go comb her hair
again.  Returning to the preparations, she found that she could not
quick thinking about what Connie had done.  As they worked side by side
to continue to get things ready, Connie did not give the slightest
indication that she knew what she had done.  In fact, Catherine noticed
something strange about Connie, the more she observed her. She was
treating Catherine as if she wasn't there.  Twice more she bumped into
Catherine "accidently" without saying a word.  And Catherine was
starting to get pissed.
She decided to take matters into her own hands.  She wasn't about to let
Connie run over her, so to speak.  When the two of them found themselves
in the kitchen, temporarily alone, she bumped her hip into Connie when
returning to the dining room.  She said nothing and kept walking.  Two
could play at this game.

In a few minutes, she noticed Connie glaring at her as they decorated
the living room.  Then in passing each other in the long front hallway,
again with no one else around, they both purposely bumped their hips
into each other as they passed.  There was plenty of room in the
hallway, they both knew.  It seemed that a little bad blood was opening
up between them, and Catherine was not about to let Connie get the best
of her.

A couple more times the women smacked their shapely hips together when
they had the opportunity.  They still had not said a word about what was
going on between them when they once again were alone in the back pantry
for the moment. Realizing their surroundings, the women just stared hard
at each other, saying nothing, but daring the other by their looks; as
if to say "you want to take this further, bitch?".  Connie was also
wearing a short little black dress.  Although the women were dressed
similarly, they could easily be distinguished by their hair color.
Connie's was a beautiful red, to Catherine's blond.  Connie was a year
older but had just as fabulous a body as Catherine.  Her bust was a
little smaller, not much.  And they were exactly the same height in
their four inch heels.

Still staring, the women stepped toward each other, the sound of their
heels on the floor echoing in the pantry.  Catherine was really getting
fed up with this and flushed into the initiative.  She pushed her body
right into Connie's.  It was boob to boob and she pushed her leg in
between those of Connie, feeling her mound with her thigh.

Connie, drew a quick breath of surprise at this bodily invasion, but
stood her ground.  The women stood there for several seconds, pressed
into each other's bodies provocatively.  Then, hearing approaching
footsteps, they quickly separated and walked out behind each other.
Catherine was more determined now than ever.  That cxnt obviously had
some problem with her. And she was not going to back down.  Connie would
be sorry.

As the house began to fill up with guests, the two women eyed each other
wherever they went.  Presently Connie, when she thought no one was
looking, motioned her head at Catherine. She beckoned for her to come
back toward the kitchen.  Following as soon as she could, Catherine
looked into the kitchen and saw Connie at the pantry door.  She curled
her finger toward Catherine as she disappeared into the pantry.
The two women then repeated their physical challenge of a few minutes
earlier. But this time they smacked their bodies into each other with
abandon and grinded their thighs against the others' pussy. Their tits
were pancaked against each other.   Again, they glared for several
seconds.  They still hadn't said a word.  Catherine wasn't going to give
her the satisfaction.   They felt their hot breath on each other's faces
and smelled their conflicting perfumes.  Catherine found herself
strangely becoming excited down deep in her loins.
Connie reached around with one hand and pulled on Catherine's hair from
behind.  Now it was Catherine's turn to suck a quick breath of
surprise.  She was only too happy to copy Connie's move. So now they
were tugging gently at each other's distinctive long hair as the
conflict escalated.

In a few more seconds, there were loud sounds of dishes clanking
together in the kitchen. The women both groaned, almost under their
breath.  They didn't want to break, but didn't want to get caught
either. Certainly this wasn't the time or the place for a catfight. 
Breaking contact and rejoining the others separately, Catherine felt the
pangs of disappointment.  She was definitely into this thing with Connie
now; whatever it was. As they went around doing their hosting duties,
she was constantly distracted with thoughts of her confrontation with
Connie.  It was sort of like being brought to the edge of an orgasm and
then not being allowed to finish.  Catherine was not a violent person. 
She was genuinely puzzled by these feelings she had towards Connie.  But
nevertheless, she had absolutely no intention of backing down.  In fact,
she strangely looked forward to escalating the hostilities!

Once more, right after Councilman Dandridge arrived, they found
themselves momentarily alone in the long front hallway. Catherine
literally grabbed Connie and pulled her into the small adjacent
bathroom, closing the door and locking it.  The two women turned to face
each other in another stare down.   At once overcome with raw desire,
Catherine grabbed Connie's breasts through her dress with both hands and
started squeezing.  She couldn't believe she did that but it felt so
good.  Connie, squealed softly at the attack and also grabbed a double
handful of Catherine's breasts.  The two women continued to glare at one
another while squeezing as hard as they could.  They were very conscious
of being quiet with the house full of people. For almost a full three
minutes they squeezed each other's tits through their clothes.  Then
they reached around their backs, as they did before, and began to pull
each other's long hair.  Legs parted and slid together.  Their dresses,
hiked up and Catherine began to get very wet.  As she searched out
Connie's pussy, she gave a little knee action to smack it gently.  Soon,
Connie was also kneeing her pussy and the two were about to loose
control of themselves.

Somehow, they both seemed to realize their surroundings and they stopped
struggling for a moment.  Loud laughter could be heard from the living
room and they knew they had to return to the party.  Once again, sighing
with disappointment, they reluctantly separated.  Each had to take
several more minutes to fix their clothes and hair.  Before leaving the
bathroom, they stood nose to nose and glared at each other once more.

Catherine's head was spinning.  She felt intoxicated.  The party was now
a blur to her. She could think of nothing but the catfight she now
desperately wanted to have with Connie.  Somehow they made it though
dinner and then retired to the living room for the Councilman's talk.
Catherine stared at Connie on the couch across from her.  Connie's dress
was riding quite high, exposing her very shapely legs.  And Catherine
found herself squirming in her seat to put her own legs on display even
more.  She was going to compete with Connie in every way, at every
turn.  What was she doing?  Was she insane? She no longer knew, but
admitted that she couldn't help herself.

The councilman went on and on.  She was afraid he was never going to
stop.  She and Connie had stared and glared at each other through most
of the speech. Now, mercifully, there was applause, hand shaking, and a
scattering of everyone around the house again.

A nasty thought entered Catherine's head as she moved from the living
room toward the hallway.  It seemed that most of the people were moving
toward the dining room and more dessert or coffee.  Seeing that Connie
was hanging back, still looking at her, Catherine walked quickly toward
the stairs.  She stopped at the bottom, struck a saucy pose and crooked
her finger at Connie, motioning here to join her upstairs. Then she
walked up, trying to act as if nothing was going on and hoping no one
else saw her.

Connie let a small grin cross her face as she witnessed Catherine's
invitation.  And her heart pounded as she followed, looking over her
shoulder to see if she was being noticed.  She got to the top of the
stairs quickly and began walking down the hallway.  Finding an open door
on the left, she peered inside.  The light was on and she saw Catherine
on the far side of the spacious bedroom.  Entering and closing the door
quickly, the women kicked off their heels and began to circle slowly
around the room, staring at each other now with dirty little smiles on
their faces.  They had no intentions of stopping this time.  They both
wanted to catfight.


Offline sidekick

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Re: Repost - A Social Affair
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2018, 07:21:48 PM »
Part 2 of "A Social Affair"

The women glared at each other across the room. Catherine realized she
was breathing as hard as
though she had run half a mile. She couldn't remember the last time she
had been this excited.

The bedroom was spacious and carpeted. A lavish queen-sized bed was at
one end. The bed had
no headboard. And the walls behind the bed and on either side were
comprised entirely of
mirrors. "This must be Connie's bedroom," Catherine thought to herself.
"It is not hard to see
what she likes to do-- the naughty girl."

After several seconds Connie said, "Finally. I've been dying to do this
all evening slut".
Catherine smiled, replying, "Come on bitch. Let's get it on."

Warily eyeing each other, the two women began to slowly remove all
jewelry. Their necklaces,
rings, bracelets, earrings were removed and set aside. Slowly they came
together in an ever
shrinking circle; glaring at each other. They knew what they were here
for and both planned to
enjoy it.

Nearing each other, they begin reaching for each other with open arms.
The women seemed to
melt into one form--like a hand in glove. They grabbed each other's
hair and waist. Their legs
parted as they wrapped them around each other's legs the best they could
without falling; tits and
nipples pressed together tightly.

They groaned with pleasure as they grabbed hands full of hair and begin
to jerk each others' head
back and forth as they stumbled around the room. After a few seconds,
they were panting from
the excitement rising in them as their bodies pressed together. They
were face to face; their
cheeks rubbing, they could almost taste the champagne on each others'
lips. They grunted and
groaned as they began their battle of domination.

Their grips on each others hair tightened as they continued struggling
face to face. After several
minutes they fell on to the foot of the bed. Their desire to dominate
and control each other
intensified as they rushed to wrap their legs around their opponent's
legs and waist. Their skirts
rode up high around their waists as they wrestled their stocking clad
legs together. The violet
silk bedspread offered no traction for the fighting women and they were
soon slipping and sliding
uncontrollably over the top of the bed.

Thrashing wildly, they soon slipped from the bed onto the floor.
Landing with a hard thud, they
remained locked in a fighting embrace wedged against one of the mirrored
walls. Having no
room to maneuver, they lay together with Connie partially on top of
Catherine. Glaring at each
other, they once again grabbed a fistful of the others' hair as they
used their other hand to
squeeze, pull, and twist the others breasts.

Tiring from the opening struggle, they each noticed their images on the
mirrored walls. Connie
looked at the raunchy sight of the two of wrapped up together; their
skirts up around their waists
exposing their sheer panty covered asses. Connie had her leg sexily
thrown over Catherine's
body. Her knee was bent with the calf between Catherine's spread legs.
Their once perfectly
coiffed hair now was in wild disarray. Their designer dress straps
draped down over their
shoulders. Connie was mesmerized by the sight of them as she lay there
taking it in for a
moment. Catherine was also unable to resist examining what she and
Connie looked like cat
fighting on the floor.

Both women were pleased and excited by what they saw. Strangely,
Catherine was not the
slightest bit disgusted or sorry about what she and Connie had started.
This was not like her; or
was it? The two women were transfixed by their sexy image in the mirror.

Eventually after having rested a bit, they turned to look at each other
again. "Like what you see,
cxnt?" Connie purred.
"Yeah", Catherine moaned, "I see me beating your fucking slut ass!"

They each moved to renew their fight, but quickly found there wasn't
enough room to move
between the bed and the mirrored wall.

"I need some room to fight you, bitch," Connie hissed.

"Fine, get off me you cow. I'm ready to rock and roll," Catherine shot
back as she shoved her
hands into Connie's breasts.

Slowly, they rose to their feet. Their eyes remained locked in their
hatred for the other as they
walked back to the center of the room.

They charged at each other, their bodies slamming together as both women
moaned from the
impact. With lightening speed, they grabbed each others tits through
their dresses. Connie's
fingers tightened as she ripped her hands to the side ripping the front
of Catherine's dress wide
open exposing her lacy black bra. Enraged, Catherine grabbed the
shoulder straps of Connie's
dress and ripped them down of her shoulders exposing a silky red bra.

Their perfectly manicured nails began to rake at the others breasts,
their fingers digging into the
other's hard nipples. Their bras soon feel in shreds to the floor.
Legs kicked and lashed out
furiously. In just a few seconds they were left standing only in their
panties and stockings. Their
chests heaved up and down as panted and gasped for air as they tried to
catch their breaths.

Catherine noticed that they were similarly undressed. She in black thigh
highs and Connie in red.
Both wore sheer panties that left nothing to the imagination. Their
breasts covered with
scratches and their nipples were hard.

The two women attacked each other eagerly once again and were soon
doubled over at the waist
as they continued to pull hair and kick each other. Their legs wrapped
together causing them to
lose their balance and fall heavily to the floor. They rolled across the
floor, their legs wrapped
around each other's waist. Each woman grunted with exertion when she
found herself being
mounted and dominated by the other. They scratched at each other's
stocking clad legs,
squeezed breasts and nipples and slugged each other in the back, sides,
anywhere the could reach.
They were mauling at each other anyway they could.

Presently Catherine found herself rubbing her pussy on Connie's leg
searching out pussy to pussy
contact with the bitch. Connie seemed to have the same thought as the
women rolled to a stop on
their sides. Slowly at first, they began to bump their pussies together
in a fucking motion. The
rough fight had pushed their sheer see-through panties half off their
shapely asses. Catherine and
Connie began to grind harder and faster against each other as they
continued their hair pulling
and breast mauling.

Side by side the two women continued their erotic fight. Out of the
corner of her eye, Catherine
noticed an image in the mirror behind Connie. It took her another
minute to realize that the
bedroom door was open-- she was seeing the reflection of Councilman
Dandridge in the doorway
watching them!


Offline sidekick

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Re: Repost - A Social Affair
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2018, 07:22:46 PM »
Part 3 of "A Social Affair"

  When he opened the bedroom door, Councilman Dandridge stopped dead in his tracks transfixed
  by the sight before him. Catherine and Connie were rolling slowly across the floor in a spirited
  catfight.  His eyes bulged and mouth dropped open.  He panted and stared as he
  felt his cock growing and straining against his trousers. 

  The women rolled away from each other.  Panting heavily they rose to their knees.  Both
  turned to look at the Councilman; each used the brief seconds to catch their breath.  All three
  stared at each other, their eyes filled with lust--but for different reasons.  In an instant, the two
  women turned their faces back to each other as they grabbed double fists full of hair and
  pulled each other back to the floor in a tangle of long legs, arms, torsos all straining in womanly

  Connie and Catherine's legs were wrapped together like grape vines. Catherine smacked her
  knee against her opponent's tender pussy. Connie tried to hold back her moan of pain but with
  little success.  A smile flashed across Catherine's face at her opponent's agony. 

  Both women rubbed their breasts which were red and scratched from roughly sliding across each
  other and the carpet as they struggled for position.  As the rolled across the floor, they yanked
  their heads back by the hair and slugged their fists into each other's sides. 

  "Unnnngghh!" Catherine cried out as she received a knee between the legs.  She slugged Connie
  in retaliation.
  The "ommmmpf!" from Connie gratified Catherine as she kept pounding her fists into Connie.

  Dandridge slowly backed up slowly towards the edge of the bed never taking his eyes off the
  women battling on the floor in front of him.  He was mesmerized by the sights and sounds before
  him. Not being able to help himself, he started rubbing his "hard-on" through his pants.  He placed
  his other hand on the satin bed cover as he leaned back to continue enjoying the show the women
  were putting on in front of him. 

  The contrast of the women's red and black stockings accented their struggle. Catherine clamped
  her legs together tightly around Connie's.   Using her hold on Connie's hair for leverage, Catherine
  stretched her body out as flat as she could, squeezing and pulling Connie's stocking down her
  thigh.   "Ahhhhhhaaa!" Catherine screamed trying to break her foe in two. 

  Connie's hatred for her foe showed once again as she slugged Catherine in the stomach.
  "Ugggghhhhh! Catherine wailed.  For a few furious seconds both women used one hand to punch
  each other as quickly and hard as they could both to wear down their enemy. Fists thudded into
  soft flesh as they went at each other with wild abandon.   None of the punches had much force
  and did little damage except to bruise the already reddened skin of the two warriors. 

  Their arms tiring, Connie and Catherine stopped punching and rolled over each other so that they
  were once again facing each other on their knees.  Leaning forward, they grabbed each other in
  bear hugs their battered breasts squeezed savagely between them. Rocking side to side, they
  finally succeeded in throwing each other to the floor landing with a soft. Their faces were pressed
  together as they rolled over each cheek to cheek across the floor.

  The muscles in their forearms and upper arms strained as they tried to crush each other.  Their
  legs were thrashing and wrestling in a battle of their own.  Stockings were pushed lower and lower
  as they kneed, kicked and wrestled.

  They finally rolled to a stop with Catherine partially on top of Connie.  Catherine turned her head
  toward Connie's ear her hair matted from sweat and hopelessly tangled, she whispered a
  challenge to her foe,"you fucking bitch.  I'm going to shred you".  Connie then leaned into
  Catherine's ear.  "Come on you slut".  I'm ready for you. Let's party". 

  The women continued to squeeze each other, their arms trembling slightly from the exertion of
  their hold on the other. so hard their arms were slightly shaking. They were sliding and shifting
  from sweat.

   After a moment they both relaxed in their embrace, breathing heavily.  Catherine's pussy was on
  fire and dripping profusely. She shifted and humped towards her foe's leg and pussy. "Ohhh, fuck
  you!" she panted.

  Connie was also becoming very excited by their intimate contact as she humped against
  Catherine's leg. "Come on, bitch", she growled.   

  Their panties were drenched and clinging to their skin as they separated their legs.  Inching up
  closer to each other, they clamped their legs together again with their pussies pressed together.

  Dandridge's eyes were jumping out of his head as he rubbed his cock faster and faster. He
  contemplated pulling down his pants to do it right. 'Hell, the women are naked so why shouldn't I
  be,' he thought to himself as he unbuckled his belt and let his fall to his ankles.  Stroking his
  swollen cock, he moaned as he sat on the bed. His tongue slipped out of the corner of his mouth
  as he watched with lust as the beautiful women continued to fight in front of him.

  "Hhhhhhhmmmmmmm!", Catherine humped her pussy into Connie's furiously.

  "Aaawwwwww!: Connie humped her rival faster and faster.  "Fuck, fuck, fuck, ...", Catherine
  moaned as she was now was loosing control.  The women released their bear hug and grabbed
  each other's hair.  Clamping their other hands on a rival breast, they dug their nails in savagely.
  Arching their backs and pulling each other's head's back obscenely, they screamed as
  their orgasms washed over them.         

  Dandridge stood up at the end of the bed, pumping and pumping his pulsating cock.
  'Awwwwww, god', he moaned as he shot a stream of cum up in the air.  He continued to spurt
  two - three - four times as the sticky mess pooled on the carpet.

  Catherine and Connie lay still partially entwined on the floor with their chests heaving in
  relaxation.  After several minutes, Catherine pushed herself up on her elbows.  She saw
  Councilman Dandridge resting on the bed with his now limp cock still dripping between his legs
  and his pants around his ankles. 

  "My god!", she thought.  "What was he thinking?  What is he doing here?".  Then she remembered
  seeing him come into the room, what seemed like hours ago.  Wincing and rubbing her sore leg,
  she looked down to see herself tangled with Connie.  Their beautiful legs were still wrapped over
  each other's.  Thighs and calves were scratched.  Knees were red.  They were clad in their
  respective red and black stockings, now hopelessly shredded and pushed down around and
  below their knees.  Their sheer panties were wet and clinging to them; riding so low as to leave
  their pussies and asses almost completely exposed.  Connie was laying with her arm around her
  waist, still breathing heavily.  Her own breasts heaved up and down, nipples hard and erect.

  She glanced across the room to see the reflection in the mirrored wall.  "Damn, is that me?", she
  mused.  She watched herself primp her hair, which was a tangled mop, matted with sweat and
  sticking out in all directions.  Her mascara was smeared all over her face in black streaks. Connie
  looked much the same.  Catherine felt detached from the surreal image of the two virtually naked
  women tangled and sweating on the floor.  Then looking back at the Councilman and his cock still
  dripping cum, she realized how they must look to him.  "Hmmmmmm, looks like he thoroughly
  enjoyed himself.", she thought, sighing and cupping her sore left breast. 

  She felt no embarrassment; but rather the flush of pride and a little tingle of excitement.  She and
  Connie must have put on one hell of a show.  It pleased her to be such an object of desire.  And
  she was also strangely titillated by their brazen struggle.  "That bitch and I really went at it", she
  said to herself.  And a little curl of a smile began to roll across her face at the thought.  Looking
  down at Connie now, she still wanted to slap her; if she wasn't so tired.   

  It took several minutes for everyone to compose themselves. They all slowly started to rise. 
  and see what had become of their clothes.  The women's dresses were ruined.  Connie opened
  her closet and picked out something else to wear as Catherine looked on wondering what she
  would do.  She was very tired, but strangely elated and somehow proud of herself and her effort
  against Connie.  She rubbed her sore breasts gingerly. 

  Connie smirked as she turned and saw Catherine's naked body with its bruised and scratched
  breasts and tangled and matted hair. "Damn, you look as pitiful as you fight, slut". 

  "Don't worry about me, you pig", retorted Catherine.  "You could loan me some clothes, if you had
  any class". 

  "Go ahead," Connie said as she motioned towards the closet snorting in enjoyment of Catherine's
  predicament. "Nobody wants to see you driving home naked. It would traumatize them for life",
  she smiled at her own wit. 

  Catherine moved over and picked out a dress.  Her panties and bra were in shreds.  She winced
  as she pulled the dress over her head and down over tender nipples. Her body ached.  She
  reached over to take the hair brush after Connie had finished using and attempted to make her
  hair look as presentable as possible.  Turning towards Councilman Dandridge, the two women saw
  him straightening his tie and looking embarrassed. 

  When he saw them looking at him, he sheepishly cleared his throat.  "Ummmm, ah, well,
  ladies.  It was a very successful and enjoyable evening."

  The women looked amused. "Yes, I'm sure you found it enjoyable," Connie replied with sarcasm
  dripping off of every syllable.  "I'm also sure you will be making a sizeable donation to our
  foundation.  Shall we say $5,000?" She smiled sweetly.

  Dandridge looked shocked. His eyes widened in indignation. "Don't think you can blackmail me!"
  Dandridge shot back, his mind racing ways to save him.  "Don't forget, I can easily reveal what
  I've seen in this room this evening.  I think your foundation will be making a sizable donation to my
  reelection effort," he said confidently. 

  Catherine and Connie exchanged glances.  They turned back to Dandridge.  Catherine smiled and
  said, "You think you can blackmail us?  What makes you think we care if you tell what happened
  here?"  Connie acknowledged her agreement with Catherine's statement with a wicked smile.

  Dandridge stared at the two women grimly.  A long seasoned campaigner, he had been through
  many political wars and knew he had to play his hand just right and he was not sure if they were
  serious.  "I would think you lovely and gracious ladies would be mortified to have your fellow
  foundation members know what really happened here this evening." His voice trembled just a bit
  as he tried to sound confident but his fear of their quick agreement and confident, smiling faces
  sabotaged his effort.

  Catherine countered, "Come on Councilman.  How to you know we don't do this every Saturday
  "Yes," Connie purred in assistance... "Women have secrets from men you know". 

  They both raised their eyebrows pleasantly.  Each woman placed her hands on her hips
  confidently and stood squarely facing Dandridge as their confrontation continued.  The tension
  was palpable as Connie raised the stakes. "But I think the good voters of this city, not to mention
  your fellow councilman, might be very interested to know about your disgusting habits at parties
  when you get a little too much champagne?"

  "Yes," Catherine joined in eagerly.  "I'll swear we found you up here by yourself jacking off on the
  bed-and we do have quite a bit of evidence to prove you were here," she said pointing to the
  dark spot on the floor near the Councilman's feet.

  There was a loud, long silence as the Councilman considered the tenuous position he found
  himself in. Dandridge smiled briefly and shrugged his shoulders.   "Ladies, it's really my word
  against yours. A moment of indiscretion on all our parts.  Who would blame me, 2 beautiful
  women, hhhhhmmmm.  None of us has any proof as to what led up to "that" I'm afraid."    He
  smiled and then turned to go as he straightened his tie once again.

  The women watched and let out a slight sigh of relief as Dandridge disappeared out the bedroom
  door.  They turned toward each other relieved to be alone once again. "He won't do it. Will
  he?" questioned Catherine. 

  "Who knows", answered Catherine honestly. 

  They both were lost in their own thoughts for several seconds.  Then coming back to reality, they
  reflected on the incredible brazen battle they had waged with each other that evening.  In spite of
  all the emotion and energy they had expended at each other, they both felt the familiar growing
  animosity that had started the whole affair. In spite of themselves they slowly walked closer and
  once again came nose to nose.

  "This isn't over, slut", Connie said placing her hands on her hips. 

  Catherine smiled and responded, "No.  It certainly isn't you cxnt".

  After several more seconds, the confrontation ended as Catherine turned to leave.  As she walked
  downstairs and slipped out of the house before she was seen, she laughed about the evening's
  bizarre events. 

  "Goodness only knows what will happen next", she thought.  "But it might be fun to find out".