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looking for sexy girls for a different type of poll fight

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Offline WildAtHeart

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looking for sexy girls for a different type of poll fight
« on: May 27, 2018, 04:01:55 AM »
I do a lot of different scenario catfights and always looking for different and unique match-ups or contests.  It's been awhile since I asked for volunteers for one of my polls but felt an itch I needed to scratch.

So the scenario will be between 2-4 girls in an MMA style cage.  This will be a NHB style fight with a difference.  The girls will be fitted with a remote vibrators that can be controlled by the audience.  So as you try to kick your opponents ass, you might be targeted for orgasm via the remote vibrators.  Or you could be getting beat down and when trying to defend yourself against your opponent, you might find yourself also fighting an orgasm or two. 

For those not familiar with these devices, please see the video below

So, if any girl thinks this is an hot idea or something you will like to try, please let me know.  I really want girls who will respond everyday (or try to) and give a hot detailed fight. 

Please feel free to ask any questions or give general thoughts you might have.

Thanks and hoping find at least two courageous girls to be a part of this.
