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Dommes and Submissives Catfighting

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Dommes and Submissives Catfighting
« on: May 13, 2010, 04:29:46 PM »

Dommes Catfight for New Submissives Part 2 of 2

Santana saw this and screamed to Frieda, "LOOK AT THAT, YOUR LITTLE BITCH LIKES THIS HOLD !" giggling as she suggested, "YOU GET IN HERE MITH ME AND GIVE HER SOME MORE - LOOK AT HER FACE, SHE'S GETTING OFF AGAIN !" and actually I couldn't hold back another orgasm and when Frieda's arm joined Santana's, I finally passed out from the sensations it brought on so far up into my pussy!  Weeks later, when the gynecologist was checking my pelvic area, she mentioned the healed nail marks with  "Some friends you've got  !"

And then while I lay sprawled out on the mats, Frieda thought they had killed me and began berating Santana as they both tried to get their hands and forearms out of my over-stretched pussy, even though that wasn't as excessive as I've
expeienced - BUT, that 'windmill' stuff really got things going faster than I had expected and I don't ever want to get one during a real catfight - even with somebody  more or less friendly !

But, after we all took a break it was Frieda's turn for a new hold and she straddled me,squashing my tits with her tight, hard ass. Grabbing my hair to pull my face into her bare pussy, she told Santana, "This isn't anythng new, except I'm telling this dirty bitch that the hair on her forehead just over her pretty face is going to be ripped out and the bare spots will advertise her face-sitting loss to everybody AND DOES THAT EVER GET SCREAMS OF SURRENDER !  Then, tugging at my hair, MY BITCHY DOMME screamed down at me, "C'mon you little cxnt, tell us what you think of THAT !" and I
reacted as rehearsed some days before as Santana crawled up closer to see how Frieda's fingers were gripping my hair ! Even though this wasn't a particuarly dirty sex hold, the brunette's eyes were bulging as my practiced shrieks of pain and gasping pleas of surrender assaulted all ears - as rehearsed with Frieda days before when she was preparing for Santana's annual visit !

Santana exclaimed, "WOW, THAT'S NEAT, I NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT ONE !" adding more quietly, "And I saw how you get your wrist down as a pivot  onto her forehead to really rip that handfull loose from her scalp! With all this hubbub about Frieda's expertise, I quietly complained that Frieda's hand still smelled like my pussy juices and that bothered me more than the hairpull, realizing too late that this earned me a hard hairpulling later from Frieda when we'd gone to bed and she was still in need of more gratification after Santana had pinned and fucked her in their regular, college roommate,
'Good-Night' catfight !  "You little twat, that smartass remark gave her a good laugh at me for not working you over right then - and it spoiled any orgasm I could have had with her !"  Such is life with a 'sensitive' dominant bitch like my Frieda!

Next day was work over little Lorraine's blonde hair with different types of yanking and twisting. Santana was a really dirty bitch with her ways of punishing another girl, twisting  a long-haired blonde's hair around her hand so it wouldn't slip during the whirling the victim around, feet off the mats was a specialty with her. Of course, Frieda had to practice that one herself, but at least she got to work on Santana's long pussy hair during her demonstration because I had shaved mine a week ago and there wasn't enough to grip.

Santana really got angry because Frieda did her pussy-hair-pill too hard and I got to watch their screaming catfight that Santana had to surrender when Frieda got her hand inside and called for me to drive mine in alongside hers. I didn't go up very far into Santana's cxnt when it was my turn TO PUSH, but she still screamed whenever I drove in  way up into her thrusting crotch. I got the impression she wasn't really hurting and LOVED what Frieda and I were doing to her very wet and lubricated pussy !  Santana was a real squirter when she orgasmed and my face got it good when she was trying out one
of Frieda's tit-maulings-while-face-fuckking a screaming victim - my role during this 'tutorial' on making an opponent sorry she was in this catfight !  Frieda would squirt sometimes, but it was only when she had a really hard orgasm from getting some bitchy opponent who had hurt her earlier into a really painful hold ! This would happen every third or fourth catfight and the girl would almost drown in Frieda's hot jism because my nasty. bitchy domme would have her face tight into her spasming cxnt by the hair, when the orgasm hit !   She really must have a thing for me, because I get squirted every
time she forces my face into her crotch with a two-handed hair pull, but I know enough to hold my breath until her orgasmic thrusts stop and she lets go of my hair.

While Santana was screaming at both of us alternating our  in-and-out strokes into her throbbing, thrusting vagina , Frieda  had a monstrous orgasm and squirted jism on both of us which just about ended the catfight. Santana threatened me about  siding with Frieda, as I screamed suggestions to her during the catfight about really hurting Santana, but she apologized later when we were alone, knowing of  Frieda's temper and our relationship as dominant and submissive ! " YOU DIRTY LITTLE BITCH, YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT WHEN YOU GOT YOUR LOVELY LITTLE FIST UP INTO ME
I CAME  SO HARD BECAUSE  I COULD SEE YOUR BEAUTIFUL TITS!"  adding, "I'd really like to have you around for a good fucking several times each day !" her promise including an allowance of twice what Frieda gives me and I would get to share whatever massages, tit-suckings, pussy-licking she would be getting from the girls she had collected  from other dommes for winnig PRIZE catfights with them ! It did sound inviting, but I found out that she was rough with all of her submissives which put me off, so I just smiled and commented neutrally on her offer ! Besides, Heidi sent Rhonda a
day early for their appointment with us, to make sure there wasn't any surprises, like a few extra 'helping hands' when the PRIZE catfight was going on! This apparently had happened to Heidi years before when she arrived at a private catfight and her opponent's three sisters were in attendance as backup if Heidi was obviously winning !
                1                 2                3                4                 5                6                 7                8                 9              10                1                 2                3                 4                 5                6                7                  8                9              20                 1                2                 3                4                 5                6                 7                 8                9              30                 1                 2                3                 4                5                 6                7                 8                9               40                1               2                  3                 4                5                 6                 7                8                 9                50                 512         
Soliciting me in front of Frieda wasn't too smart and their catfight started again after we all had a few more drinks. Knowing it was going to be bloody amd horrible, based on their drunken condition, Rhonda and I sucked each others' breasts to about five violent orgasms while the other two clawed and bit each other, screaming like wildwomen, all of which increased our orgasmic intensity ten-fold !

Neither Rhonda nor I wanted to watch this one and really enjoyed OUR suck-fight behind a screen while these two jealous  bitches tore each other up FOR OUR SEXY CHARMS ! Frieda recounted later, after the cxnt-bleeding Santana quit, that there might be some retaliation later when her ex-roommate healed up and realized that I had wanted Frieda to win, regardless of Santana's generous 'recruiting' offer !   

The last day was for 'tuning up' the new holds with 'little Lorraine' being the punching bag. Santana left for her place about ten minutes before Heidi and Rhonda arrived and  I had to wake up the exhausted Frieda.  To give her time to wake up and be able to fight Heidi I fixed up some canapes and made drinks. hoping to get Heidi drunk enough to make dumb mistakes during the prize catfight !  Rhonda realized what I was doing, having seen me dump some "extra stuff" into her domme's drink !  "I guess your bitch really wants to win me, huh baby! Is she getting tired of you ?" to which I answered,
"Maybe we'll have two catfights going on here if you keep up that kind of crap !"

All of this going on in the kitchen while the two dommes were telling each other how their tits and pussies were going to be out-of-service for awhile and that their little submissives would gone and not able to get them off any more ! The threats of fingernail mastectomies and gynecologic changes were something to hear as they were both really getting angry with each other.  Frieda smiled at her 'friend', asking "HOW ARE YOU GOING TO LIKE BEING COMPLETELY TITLESS, YOU STINKING SLUT ! as Heidi snapped back, "THOSE FLOPPY BAGS ON YOUR CHEST ARE GOING TO END UP
STUFFED WAY UP INTO THAT SMELLY cxnt, YOU DIRTY WHORE !" adding, "IT WON'T  BE MUCH LOSS TO THE WORLD ANYWAY, WHAT WITH THE CASCADING THEY'VE HAD !"  This nasty comment really fried Frieda and later in fight was brought up during Heidi's breast mauling, one tit by both of Frieda's hands twisting it mercilessly !   

The catfight started on the couch they were both sitting on together and Rhonda and I got to our knees to follow them rolling around on the floor, screaming suggestions for various hurtful holds. Rhonda was interested in breast attacking, but I could tell Frieda wanted to try out the new  'windmill' trick with a real opponent and she had her mentor as the victim and was angry enough about the breast cascading stuff to really want to hurt Heidi !

She got her chance when Heidi got one of Frieda's tits into her mouth and  my domme was able to roll on top and 'sacrifice it' to the big blonde's teeth. It wasn't a bloody bite, but when Frieda's 'windmill' was really whirling inside Heidi's pussy,  I got a look at the tit-bite she had given Frieda and it was just a nasty bruise, not really an open wound, so I crawled around to watch Frieda finish off her  schoolgirl opponent and win me a cute redhead as HER and OUR submissive! The little redhaired bitch smiled at me and I knew I'd get to have a wildtime with her after Frieda passed out from the next few
drinks that she sloughed down while Rhonda and I were attending to Heidi's bleedng  'windmilled' pussy. I guess Frieda hadn't filed her nails down enough to keep them from ripping up Heidi's vagina while shewas being 'windmilled'  inside the blonde domme's tender vagina ! Her diminishing shrieks finally drained down to weak gasps of sex as the wild action deep up inside her belly caused her brain to turn off and she passed out completely !

The big blonde wasn't too badly mauled by Frieda's windmill, so Rhonda and I worked over her big breasts so she'd remember us and then I drove her home while Rhonda got in her breast licks with Frieda who had finally passed out from the dildoe attack the redhead had forced on her while I was gone delivering the weeping Heidi to her sister in their apartment. The redhead had never told me that there was another submissive dominating her, maybe wanting to suprise me if Heidi had won the catfight and I was the NEW submissive ! 

When I got back Rhonda and Frieda had their own private catfight and my new fellow-submissive was on the couch gasping with both hands clamped over her fucked-out pussy. Frieda had  gotten herself off so many times with the redhead while I was gone that she had dropped from exhaustion and Rhonda was able to get away and get some rest - just in time for my return and the first of our many sub vs. sub dirty catfights that always ended with huge, gagging orgasms for both WINNER and LOSER ! 

End Part 2 of 2