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It’s a Family Affair (the conclusion)

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Offline RedForman

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It’s a Family Affair (the conclusion)
« on: July 27, 2018, 08:27:10 PM »
It’s a Family Affair (the conclusion)

Disclaimer:  This is the conclusion of a fictional account that involves real people.  It is graphic and involves situations that are of a highly controversial nature.  This is based on some real life events.  It depicts a blended family where a white man with a daughter married a black woman with a son.  And we decide to have a Family Fighting tournament. 
The first preliminary match has concluded.  Now my wife's son and my daughter are to fight the second preliminary match to see who faces the winner of the husband vs. wife match.  Also the thrilling conclusion is included. 
Proceed at your own discretion! 

Part one is located at:

Match #2 Susan vs. Andre: 
As I cleaned up the "damp spots" on the mats, Susan and Andre stared at each other with what seemed to me to be wanton animal lust.  They were both very sexy teens, and the sexual tension seemed to be as thick as brick!  Lee put her top back on and smiled at me; "I ALMOST had your ass!";  she purred as she rubbed my thigh affectionately.  No matter what else happens now, it was worth it to rekindle our red hot passion we felt during our early courtship. 
At this time, I took a minute to contemplate what the final match would be like.  I am not a man that likes man on man action, so if Andre wins, which seems most likely, I believe I will want to call the final a draw, or concede.  The unlikely alternative here is that Susan wins.  Then I would find it awkward to wrestle with my own daughter, especially since she was so sexy!  Quite the conundrum. 

"Okay Sue and Dre, are you ready?"  I ask.  They both wave at me.  I believe they are itching to start, and I am curious to see how they go at it.  "FIGHT!"  I command. 

What happened next was astonishing and something that I will never forget!  Susan walks out slowly, shifting her hips seductively and she grabs Andres jock strap on both sides and slides it down to his feet, exposing his now completely rigid cock!  She then smiles and lowers her own thong, letting it fall to the floor where she steps one foot out of it and then kicks it at Andres face! 

Andre catches Susan's thong and deeply sniffs it!   Susan then reaches down and grabs a hold of Andres manhood! She tugs on it, leading him to the wall.  Susan then stands up on her tip toes as she balances herself against the wall.  She then directs Andres cock to her moist pussy and rubs the tip up and down against her pussy crack, then she raises up on her toes and lowers herself onto Andre's swollen cock.  Susan's pussy swallows Andres entire thick shaft!  They both let out loud moans, and then Andre starts pumping his member into Susan, slowly and deliberately!  Andre then cups Susan's ass, lifting her feet off the floor and starts to raise and lower her body. 

"This is a FIGHT?!?"  I say to Lee as we watch the two youths fuck.  Then suddenly, Susan's actions, up to that point, became evident.  She reaches down and grabs Andre by his balls and squeezes them tightly!  He takes a deep breath inwards! 

"FINISH FUCKING ME!"; Susan demanded.  "And it had better be GOOD!" 

Andre increased his pace steadily, until he makes one last thrust and then an "O" face as he shoots his load deep inside Susan!  During orgasm, Susan squeezes Andre's balls extra hard and as she finishes!  He then blurts out his submission; "I SUBMIT!  OWWWW!  LET GO SUE!"  Then Susan finally releases Andre, and he collapses to the mats, holding his scrotum and groaning! 

Post Match:  My jaw drops as I watch my daughter use her pussy as a weapon!  Lee and I look at each other as I mouth the word WOW.  "The title match should be VERY INTERESTING!" exclaims Lee! 

Match #3 Me vs. Susan: 
Susan puts her thong back on after retrieving it from the last match.  She sits down and rehydrates and rests after beating Andre easily in the second match.  She seems cool and collected and eventually rises to her feet.  Lee and Andre watch us and whisper to each other.  My mind races as I wonder how my daughter will attack me.  I start to pace nervously.  Then finally Lee tells us; "Rest time is over.  It is time to fight for the family Championship!  I must beat Susan, or I will NEVER hear the end of this. 

As we face each other, she seems calm and collected.  She has nothing to lose, no matter what happens in this match.  Susan walks up to me slowly and slaps me in the face, hard. 
"We said no punching, kicking or biting, . . . . . No one said ANYTHING about slapping."  Susan smirks and then slaps me backhanded.  "What are you going to do daddy?  Are you going to punish your little girl?" 

Susan is using my fears against me as she taunts me and baits me to do something impetuous.  I decide I will keep this match to just a good, clean, wrestling match.  She will not get into my head. 

I decide to charge her, bending at the waist and aiming my right shoulder for her waist, looking to tackle her to the floor.  she is much quicker than her old man, and as I try to wrap my arm around her waist she jumps out of the way at the last second, and my head hits the wall.  I go down like a ton of bricks.  Susan jumps on my back and lifts my head up by my hair and smashes my face into the mats!  Then she does it two more times and I am now dizzy. 

"what's the matter daddy?  Are you being beaten up by a girl?"  Then Susan laughs and lifts me by my hair to my knees.  I try to turn around and grab her, but again she is quicker and smashes my face into the wall!  My nose and lips are now bleeding as she pulls me by my hair away from the wall and wraps her shapely, toned legs around my head.  We are now lying on the floor at a 90 degree angle as squeezes my face into her crotch, and locks her ankles together.  I feel her vice-like thighs squeezing against the sides of my head, as she captures my wrists in her hands! 

With my air supply now cut off, I know that I must do something drastic or lose consciousness!  Susan's thong is now sweaty and soaked with her pussy juices.  That mixture is being mashed into my face as I try to free one of my hands.  With my supply of air gone I start to get dizzy, but I finally free one of my hands.  I grab the back of her thong by the waistband and yank it as hard as I can up into her crack! 

"YEEEEEOWWWW!" she howls as the thong wedges deep into her pussy and eventually rips off.  I start to scramble and grab one of her breasts and then pin her back into the wall. 

"OUCH DADDY!  You're hurting me!";  she wails and then sobs.  I let go of her breast and she then smiles. 
"SUCKER!"  Susan lifts her legs up and wraps them around my head, again, sealing off my nose and mouth with her pussy!  "YOU ARE SUCH A PUSSY, DADDY!" 

I try to stand up, with Sues legs wrapped around my head squeezing it as hard as she can.  As I start to get up to my knees, she grabs my balls and squeezes them hard! 

"UUUUUNNNH!"  The sensation of my daughter grabbing my crotch embarrasses me!  I can't retaliate against my own daughter in a like manner, as much as I really want to grab her swaying breasts right now and maul them!  I can't shake her off me and I can't tell her I surrender, because she has my mouth sealed off!  I am getting light headed from my air supply being cut off.  My muffled screams are met by her laughter, as Susan seems to really be enjoying totally dominating me!  Soon I pass out from a lack of oxygen and the pain from her squeezing my balls! 

Post Match:  I wake up with Lee gently slapping my face, bringing me back to life.  My daughter, Susan is standing beside her.  They are talking, so I play possum and listen. 

Susan:  Your plan worked GREAT Lee!  Except for the fact that you didn't beat my dad.
Lee:     Yes.  I knew that you could really intimidate and exploit my son with sex, and your father by playing to his paternal instincts.  What suckers!  (They both laugh)  My only mistake was that I underestimated his strength. 

The women had plotted together in order to provide a female Family Champion.  It was all a setup for them to get their way that summer.  They ruled with an iron fist, making Andre and I bend to their collective wills.  We were essentially sex slaves for our women.  Not bad work if you can get it. 

This arrangement continued for me through Thanksgiving, when our children both came home at the same time from college.  I seemed to be stuck as a drone, serving the queen of our family hive!  At least until we have a Family Championship REMATCH!  (To Be continued?)