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Best Friend's Sister, Part Thirty Five

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Offline Jon Grey

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Best Friend's Sister, Part Thirty Five
« on: July 23, 2018, 11:19:46 AM »
Our return home from the cruise was filled with a lot of hints to a nice couple of days. As ever, my gorgeous fiancee did not disappoint, celebrating her victory over Jen with varying degrees of playful submission and hyper aggression, even keeping me from a class on a Wednesday morning. The Friday before her sorority meeting, Tiff came into the living room while I was reading, wearing no bra under a tank top. Her nipples poked through proudly. I couldn't help but stare at her brazen display.

"We're talking about a wet-shirt contest before the Hooters tournament," Tiff murmured. "But I thought it might demean us," she sighed as she sat down next to me and snuggled in on my right side. I wrapped my arm around her, being sure that my hand cupped and squeezed her displayed breast.

"Haven't you embarrassed them enough?" I asked, grinning.

"You're encouraging me? You want everyone seeing my big, firm boobs on display, Jon?" she teased. She pulled her shirt up and let me palm her firm breast, sighing as she felt my hands begin squeezing her flesh. She slowly pulled the shirt down. "Michelle told me to find my tightest shirt, so I'm wearing this one. I'll be wearing it a lot more now," she promised. She laughed and kissed me goodbye.

"Can you pick me up from the meeting? Amanda's coming to get me, and I won't have a ride home." She looked thoughtful and then shrugged. "Or I can ride Amanda," she said, and I flipped her off. She laughed. "Tomorrow's the Hooter's fights, baby. You get to watch me take on Tamera. Who are you rooting for?"

"I'm betting on my girl to flatten Tamera's big brown saggers," I told her. Tiffany grinned and gave me a teasing look.

"Oooh. I'd love to do that for you baby," she said in her high pitched voice. We both laughed, and then she leaned in and kissed my ear lobe quickly. She stayed and whispered "Good bet," before pulling away. "I do have to go,"
she said sadly. "Don't forget to pick me up," she murmured. "I'll text you when we're done." Her phone buzzed and she checked it. "Amanda's waiting. Gotta go. Love you, Jon," she called.

I called "I love you, too!" back and settled down after she'd made it down the stairs.

The meeting apparently went a bit long, and at about 10:00, I got a text from Tiff. "Head this way," the note read. "I'll make it worth your while." I grinned, wondering what she had in mind.

I didn't have long to wait, as Tiff was standing in the dark with a girl that looked familiar. I couldn't quite make out her face, but when she piled into the back seat, I saw a flush of red hair falling over her shoulder.

"Hey Bonnie," I said, grinning. "To what do we owe this pleasure?"

"I'm going to crush a girl's tits at your place," she said, throwing me a wicked grin. My surprise was obvious on my face, I realized, as Bonnie laughed. "You're right, Tiff. He does get the cutest expressions..." I flipped her off, and heard my gesture rewarded with another snort of laughter.

We got to the apartment and piled out of the car. On our way up, I asked Bonnie "Who are you fighting tonight?" Tiff shushed her, and grinned at me. "Let's not spoil the surprise," she said.

Bonnie laughed. "I forgot how much you enjoyed watching Jon," she said, pulling down on her top to expose her cleavage to me. I tried to keep my eyes away from the rear view mirror, as Bonnie, intent on teasing me, stuck out her tongue.

"I'll have to remember to grab those tits harder next time, then," I shot back. Bonnie let go of her top and flipped me off. Tiffany slapped my thigh.

"Play nice, or you don't get to play," she said, but, hidden from Bonnie, let her hand slide from my thigh to my stiffening erection.

I glanced at her and saw her throwing me a mock glare, though Bonnie likely couldn't have seen it. I grinned into the rear view mirror and saw Bonnie fight a smile before rolling her eyes.

The rest of the drive went quickly, and soon we were at our apartment. We all came in and I moved some furniture out of the way to give Bonnie and her mystery opponent some room. I glanced over at Bonnie, the slender redhead pulling off her coat. She was wearing a tanktop with a bra beneath it, and I felt myself respond to the anticipation of seeing her firm tits again. Tiff caught me staring and winked before walking up to Bonnie and sliding her hand into the back of the redhead's red-ribbed tank top. Bonnie's eyes widened as she felt her bra clasp release.

"Hey," she began, and Tiff stopped, grinning. Tiff had taken off her coat, revealing her thick, firm, braless breasts. Her nipples poked through the shirt as if it wasn't there.

"Shh," Tiffany murmured to the redhead. "Slide the bra off for me," she said. Bonnie's face went pale. I wondered for a moment if Bonnie and Tiff had something going on before Tiffany laughed. Bonnie let out a sigh of relief before pulling her arms through the bra straps.

"You bitch," Bonnie laughed. Tiffany leaned in for a hug, and Bonnie's laugh turned to a groan as my girlfriend's nipples rubbed hers. Tiffany whispered something to Bonnie, and the redhead reached for my fiancée's arms to support herself. Tiffany pulled away and I saw Bonnie's eyes linger on my girlfriend's tits.

"What are you doing to our guest?" I whispered as I followed her into the kitchen. She looked behind me to be sure that Bonnie wasn't joining us and leaned in to whisper back.

"I told her if she won, we could have a nipple fight." I stiffened suddenly and Tiffany noticed.

"She won't beat me in a titfight, but a nipple fight's more even," she murmured. "And I know you like Bonnie's tits," she whispered. I had hardened, and Tiffany grinned. "We'll keep that one in mind." She added, getting two glasses of water I hadn't noticed her pouring and moved her way into the kitchen.

Bonnie was sitting on the couch, and I avoided looking down the top of her shirt, which seemed as though would have given me quite the view. I sat opposite her instead, giving me ample opportunity to ogle her long legs. Tiff sat next to her, and we chatted for about five minutes before a knock on the door announced Gina's arrival.

The blonde walked in wearing a t-shirt without a bra, her soft jugs quivering beneath it s she pulled off her coat. I took the coat, gauging Gina's body relative to Bonnie's. The blonde was thicker, but shorter, and it looked as though Bonnie was more fit, her long, sculpted legs and smooth, soft looking arms, a stark contrast to Gina's thicker, curvier frame. Neither looked unhealthy, but Bonnie's length did give her the appearance of being slender in comparison. Bonnie rose, and unsure of what to do, walked to Gina.

"Hey Gina, I'm Bonnie." Gina took Bonnie's offered hand and shook it, herself seemingly at a loss. Tiffany shook her head and offered them both a drink.

"Alright girls, usual rules. Until submission. First one to give loses, then the stakes. Nothing too intense, right?" Both girls nodded, and I waited for one of my favorite parts of the proceedings. Bonnie moved first, sliding her hands under the hem of the tank top and peeling it off. I was amazed at how firm and perfect they seemed jiggling on her chest, and immediately flashed back to the blind tit competition, where I chose Bonnie's as the superior rack. It looked just as firm as it felt, I thought, grinning back to the strip-tease that she'd given me.

Gina's tits were a bit bigger, but softer looking, and as she pulled her top over her head, her full, round tits thudded against her chest. She grinned at Bonnie's rack. "I'm going to love flattening your perky boobs, Bonnie," she said. Both girls decided to eliminate the height advantage that they'd start the fight on their knees.

"I think it's only fair," Gina began. "You're likely most comfortable on your knees." Bonnie's eyes widened, but she steeled her jaw.

"Let's get this fight on, softy," she said sharply. Gina laughed.

"Soft and heavy. I'm going to grind those perfect model tits into oblivion, ginger-whore." Bonnie and Gina both knelt, and I watched both pairs of breasts bouncing in reaction to the sharp motion. Gina's nipples were short, thick, and hard. Bonnie's nipples fit her breasts; small and firm. As the two young women brought their boobs together, I felt Tiff's hand land on my thigh. The kneeling had brought their breasts together more evenly in terms of height, though Bonnie's jugs stayed a bit higher.

Gina was instantly the aggressor, thrusting forward, and pushing her big boobs against Bonnie's smaller pair. Bonnie grunted, but held her ground, letting both sets of breasts shift around the other. While Gina's slightly bigger tits caved more, Bonnie's boobs seemed almost enveloped before they both pulled back slightly. Bonnie grunted as she felt Gina's thick jugs pressure her own. I almost wish they'd had a nipple fight before I realized I was pretty lucky to watch the two young women go at it in front of me.

Bonnie began sliding her chest across Gina's, trying to pull her firm boobs through Gina's softer rack. Gina's flesh quivered, but Bonnie's tits met resistance, and both women groaned, each suffering through the grinding pressure. Bonnie's boobs maintained their shape, while Gina's molded more, bending and shifting around the firmer breasts of the redhead. Bonnie's hands reached for Gina's shoulders in what looked like an attempt to gain a steadier hold on the ground. The blonde grinned and quickly leaned forward, throwing the redhead's balance off. Gina launched a strike upwards, her heavy boobs flying away from her chest and slapping at the underside of Bonnie's round tits. Bonnie groaned as she felt the intense strike, staggering backwards to avoid falling.

Somehow the redhead remained on her knees, but wasn't able to catch her balance in time for Gina's next blow, a sideswipe from Bonnie's right that threw Gina's right breast into Bonnie's still-quivering right boob. Bonnie gasped as she felt Gina's orb push over her own, and while Gina winced slightly, Bonnie obviously felt the blow more heavily. Her right breast bent under the pressure, springing back to its proud position on her chest before Gina's soft left tit hid it from view. Tiffany's hand brushed my hard on as I watched and she leaned back to stretch.

"Glad you're enjoying yourself," she said, and I could hear the grin on her face. I watched Gina continue to slap at Bonnie's tits, the blonde realizing that the blows were keeping Bonnie off balance. Her long legs, I realized, were a disadvantage on the floor, and Gina was capitalizing. Each blow sent shockwaves through Gina's tits, and both women's skin began to redden beneath the assault.

"I could pound on these little titties all day," Gina said, though the difference in their sizes was noticeable, it wasn't immense; I figured a cup at most. "Gloria felt the same way, Tiff. When she flattened you? She ended those big titties, didn't she? She told me she just wanted to keep pushing your big, bad boobs in. Just like I'm going to end Bonnie's." Bonnie glared up at her until Gina threw another blow into the redhead's firm tits. "Do something," Gina laughed as Bonnie's breasts quivered. Bonnie apparently could not as Gina slammed her tits forward, and the redhead winced from the impact. I was surprised to see Gina's taunts at Tiff's expense. My girlfriend seemed to be brushing off the taunts, but Bonnie kept her eyes focused on Gina when she could. However close in size they were, Gina was taking it to Bonnie, following up her dragging attack with another slap from her big boobs. This time, Bonnie grabbed Gina's arms, taking each forearm and thrust forward, weakly. It was enough to throw Gina off her game plan for the moment, as Bonnie's tits displaced some of Gina's flesh, pushing in and forcing a slight balloon before Gina's tits regained their form. Gina grunted, but immediately pulled herself free from the redhead and reached up for her shoulders. Bonnie mirrored the moment, and both women used each other to begin setting up for a more even tit-duel.

Bonnie's perky breasts stabbed forward first, pushing down into Gina's fuller pair. Gina grunted but pushed up against the sensitive underside of Bonnie's firm boobs, causing the redhead's eyes to clamp shut in frustration and discomfort. Gina, noticing the reaction, slid her tits down and slowly pushed up. Bonnie's eyes widened, and I wondered if the fight was going to end as Gina simply ground out the firmer pair of breasts with her bigger set. Bonnie's nipples pointed up slightly as Gina's boobs moved them before, after what looked to be a painful motion, they slid beneath the blonde's bigger boobs. Gina pulled back and without warning slammed forward.

Not only did the strike send a loud, wet sounding smack across the room, it pushed Bonnie's tits in for a brief moment. While Gina's tits flattened at the point of contact, they hadn't moved any more than throughout the fight. Bonnie's compressed briefly. "Oooh. Look familiar, Tiff?" Gina taunted, though she never pulled her eyes from Bonnie. Bonnie's baleful glare inspired another blow from the busty blonde, a vicious thrust that pushed Bonnie's tits back again and sending her own flesh jiggling nicely.

The move obviously had caught Bonnie off guard and I watched as this time she lost her balance. Gina grinned like a predator as the redhead fell back, releasing Gina to catch her fall. The blonde leaped forward, screaming "Giiingerrrrr." Gina's torso covered Bonnie, and the redhead fell to her back, the fall's blow mitigated by her quick reflex. Gina was quick to grab Bonnie's arms and pin them behind her.

"Oh fuck," Tiff whispered. Gina seemed to validate Tiff's concern as the blonde wasted no time in dropping a patented boob bomb.

"Oh fuck!" Gina yelled, grinning, as she dropped another bomb onto Bonnie's rack. The redhead's tits were reddening at an alarming rate, shaking on her prone body as her slender arms tightened against Gina's thicker limbs. "This is so fun!" She said excitedly. Bonnie disagreed, her poor globes obviously being crushed under the thunderous drops of Gina's jiggling boobs. "Damn, Red," Gina said as she ground her heavy tits into Bonnie's smaller, likely fading pair, "I know how Gloria felt when she flattened your friend," Gina said proudly. "I can feel your little titties just pushing out of the way for my big, soft pair." Bonnie grunted, her eyes shut in frustration.

Tiff's anger flashed and she leaned forward. I could tell she was going to say something before Bonnie's eyes flashed open. I saw her arms tighten, and she pulled her feet together behind Gina.

"You cold-hearted bitch," Bonnie groaned. "You. Are. Going. To. Pay!" With each word, Bonnie brought her knees further up and lifted her hips. Gina grunted as she felt herself lifting off the ground, and Bonnie moaned as the move put more pressure on her already beaten breasts. I watched Gina's tits undulate as Bonnie's move began to push her off, and the blonde struggled for purchase as Bonnie's lithe, tall body became more like a lever. She pushed her Eventually, Gina rolled off, and Bonnie used her long legs to push herself away. She got into a crouch and was ready for Gina when she sprang forward. Both women groaned as their tits met in the middle, sending shockwaves of flesh throughout both young nubile pairs of breasts. Gina and Bonnie both pulled back, and I saw Bonnie cupping her sore tits and rubbing them to massage some of the pain away. Gina's tits didn't look nearly as red, but the blonde used the breather to gently fondle her own tits, letting her boobs jiggle in her hands.

"You don't want to try that again," Bonnie warned, and I saw a look of ferocity I hadn't seen before on her face. I glanced at Tiffany, who was wearing a big smirk. Gina reached for Bonnie's shoulders, and Bonnie mirrored the move. This time, Gina tried a straightforward approach, thrusting her big tits out. Rather than going down, Bonnie straightened her back, letting Gina's heavy breasts thrust into the redhead's ribcage, quivering as Bonnie lowered her firm set atop Gina's momentarily trapped pair. Gina's tits spilled out from the Bonnie's pressure, flattening slightly from the top as Bonnie sighed.

"Your pillow tits are a great resting place for my rock. Hard. Boobs." Bonnie growled, punctuating each of the last three words with a push down. Gina groaned before wrenching her tits away, and by the time she had reset, the long-limbed redhead thrust her firm jugs into Gina's rack again. Gina's tits spilled slightly around the invading pair before springing back to shape, but the groan from the blonde was the most pronounced I'd heard in the fight so far. Gina's flesh spilled slowly around rather than out or down, almost as if her tits were providing shelter for Bonnie's stiff pair. I marveled at the fight's momentum change and looked to Tiffany, who was watching intently. "I know what Tiffany feels like," Bonnie said suddenly. "Having, better, firmer tits than the girl in front of me. Sinking them into your softening, weakening boobs. That's why Gloria needed some help. She wouldn't have lasted half as long," Bonnie said, and I wondered how much Tiffany had told her.

Bonnie speared Gina's big boobs again, forcing them to shake and quiver as she moved them around briefly while keeping her tits in full contact with her opponent's. Both women's breasts shook uncontrollably as they made contact, their breasts shifting and folding as they molded against each other, a fair sheen of sweat mixing in with their skin as they fought for the space between them. Gina pulled back suddenly, and twisted her hips. Her tits distended, pulling away from her flesh much like the pillows in a pillow fight. The blow thundered home as Gina's breasts crashed into Bonnie's harder orbs.

The effect was obviously more devastating to the redhead, however, as Bonnie groaned at the impact.. The tips of Gina's big boobs slammed into Bonnie's with a thick thudding noise. The blow pushed Bonnie's tits to the side, making them look completely at the whim of Gina's thick jugs. I was amazed at the fight's back and forth as Gina began using her tits as clubs, trying to work Bonnie's smaller boobs over. Mostly, Bonnie was able to clear away, but occasionally, a slap and gasp indicated a hit against Bonnie's boobs. Unable to gain any entry into Gina's swinging breasts, Bonnie winced as she felt the blows begin to linger more and more.

Within a short time, however, Gina's swings slowed, and Bonnie felt it. She took little time to act, and as Gina was completing a swing to the left, Bonnie sprang forward. Her left breast slammed into the interior of Gina's right breast, and the blonde groaned. At the same time, Bonnie's right tit nailed into the exterior of Gina's left orb. Both of the blonde's tits compressed at the point of impact, and Bonnie ground for a moment, keeping Gina's young, softer flesh pinned as the redhead tried to work at the dense tissue within Gina's flesh. The blow had stopped the momentum completely and Bonnie sighed as she writhed against her opponent, doing her best to grind away Gina's fleshy boobs.

Bonnie pulled away and Gina took no time in slapping at her tits once again, some urgency giving the blonde a boost of adrenaline. Bonnie, obviously surprised, stepped back, and gave Gina a moment to recover. As Gina cupped her sore boobs, she looked at the redhead.

"Crushing you is going to be way better than Gloria beating Tiff," Gina snapped, throwing a terrible glance at my fiancée. Tiffany flipped Gina off, but didn't rise from the couch. I glanced at her shirt to see her nipples stiff, almost piercing her tight t-shirt. Gina looked back to Bonnie, and the blonde's eyes went wide. The redhead had taken the opportunity to launch herself into Gina, and her long arms snaked around Gina's shoulder's sliding down to her biceps and pulling her close. Bonnie's legs spread slightly, and Gina groaned as Bonnie burrowed her compact, dense breasts into the softer flesh of Gina's larger tits. Bonnie took advantage of her height pushing down and letting gravity help. It looked after a few moments as though Gina's tits were supporting Bonnie's, a task that was becoming more and more difficult from the look on Gina's face. "Hold my tits, you stupid bitch. Feel what Gloria felt the first time. Her big, saggy tits pushed back into her chest. I can feel your big boobs caving, blondie. I've got some nice deals at the store to support them," she taunted, and I saw her face twist into a malicious grin.

Sweat poured down Gina's face as she began to struggle. Her face tightened, and I watched Gina's legs flex and she did her best to stand up, pushing her big orbs into the underside of Bonnie's perkier, deeply reddened breasts. Bonnie groaned at Gina's efforts, and I saw her arms start to loosen, giving Gina more room to shift and shimmy her thick boobs. Gina found enough room to lean down, and a shot came from below. Bonnie retained the hug, but the blow flung her smaller breasts up, her flesh quivering as she let out a low murmuring moan. She yelped at the second blow, releasing the hug, and both women pulled away, sweat shining on their faces. As if the idea had hit them both at once, the two women ran into one another again. This time, the hug was mutual, and while Bonnie's arms were higher, sliding around the top of her opponent's back, Gina's arms were able to circle the slender redhead's lower back. Both women tightened their arms, pulling their undoubtedly sore breasts into each other.

Gina's heavy breasts shifted against Bonnie's, almost seeming to wash over them at some points, but Bonnie's grunts and sighs indicated the blonde's heavy boobs were causing some damage. Bonnie's tits almost glowed with the sweat on them, and at times it seemed as though her firm orbs were pushing Gina's tits out of the way as the blonde's breasts spilled over and around them. I was amazed as both women seemed to be tiring. Bonnie's long-limbed body sagged slightly, which seemed to push her firmer set into Gina's, but the blonde was leaning back, keeping the core of her bigger boobs out of the redhead's reach.

Their breasts mashed together occasionally, each compressing, giving more and more ground. I'd fought hard throughout the fight not to pull Tiffany to me and grope her preternaturally firm boobs throughout the fight, but now both she and I were leaning forward, trying to take in the entire fight.

I thought it might end in a draw until I saw Bonnie's arms lower slightly, pulling Gina closer. With what seemed like a massive effort, the redhead stood, her arms straining. Gina grunted against the sudden pressure, and it dawned on me as I saw Bonnie's tits disappearing into Gina what was happening. Gina lost any leverage to pull away as Bonnie's tits began plowing through the blonde's softened titflesh. Gina's breasts began to flatten from the top as Bonnie used her height to push down into Gina's rack. I watched, amazed, as Bonnie's tits began slowly pushing Gina's big, soft udders out of the way. The blonde gasped as Bonnie's smaller pair retained much of their perfect shape, flattening slightly at the point of contact, while Gina's tits yielded, their softness relative to the redhead's tits confirmed.

Gina grunted as she felt her pride and joy fail her, and I saw Bonnie shift, pulling back her tits slightly before simply pushing them in, slowly. Gina's resistance faded, her arms falling to her side as her tits spilled out loosely, jiggling even as they flattened beneath Bonnie's firm boobs. Bonnie made sure Gina both felt it and saw it as she slowly ground the sorority girl's boobs away. "Oh my God," Bonnie laughed as she obliterated the young blonde's tits. "You were totally right! This is fun!" Gina groaned as Bonnie shifted her hips, gently shaking her firm jugs. Gina's tits wobbled all over her chest, and I would have laughed if Bonnie's face hadn't had a malicious grin on her face while the blonde's boobs gave way to her superior rack. Gina, to her credit,didn't stop the redhead from doing her tits in completely. She even thrust against Bonnie, either hoping for a miracle, or unwilling to face the fact that she had lost. Each thrust sent her tits molding around Bonnie's better breasts. When the redhead pulled away, Gina's tits sort of oozed back into position, their elasticity muted.

"You win," Gina mumbled needlessly. Bonnie put her hands on Gina's shoulder's gently, nodding calmly.

"I know," Bonnie said softly, and as Gina looked up, obviously shocked at the redhead's hardhearted comment, Bonnie pierced the losing pair of tits once more. Gina's loosened flesh slipped around Bonnie's better pair, while Bonnie's shook gently. "Can you imagine me doing this to you for ten minutes?" Bonnie asked. "Like you did to Tiff's nipples? I don't mind flattening you for the same amount of time." Gina groaned as she felt her tits invaded by Bonnie's firmer pair, and the redhead shifted once more to maximize the discomfort as she spoke. "You lost the moment you brought up what you did to my friend," she noted, "and you may have created a monster. I really love feeling your tits fail. Do you have a boyfriend?" Bonnie suddenly asked.

"Yes," Gina said, and it was apparent she was being agreeable just to end the torture.

"Huh. Must be an ass man," Bonnie said cruelly. "Now I believe you're going to suck my tits," she whispered calmly.

Gina leaned over as Bonnie pulled away, dazed by her defeat. She said nothing as Bonnie's perky left breast slipped between the blonde's lips, and Bonnie sighed deeply as she felt her victory stakes being delivered. Gina slurped and licked Bonnie's nipples, gently tonguing her breast as well and at Bonnie's direction switched breasts. Bonnie cupped her free tit as Gina suckled, and when Bonnie gently tapped Gina the blonde stood, leaving Bonnie's nipples stiff and obvious.

"Thanks, Gina. That last part was really nice," she offered, and I could tell she was sincere. Gina muttered something about Bonnie's firm, strong tits and the two women embraced. Gina looked at Tiffany as she gathered her things, and Tiffany set her jaw.

"Be glad it wasn't me, Gina," Tiffany told her. "I'll make your sister pay for those comments, too." Gina thought about saying something, but instead thanked us for the apartment. After that exchange, the conversation, short though it was, was almost pleasant, as if the entire event had been forgotten. Gina eventually packed her things, and Bonnie sat topless as she did so. I did my best to avoid looking, but I knew I stole a few glances. As Gina left, Bonnie stood, and asked me for some ice. I provided it, wrapping a few cubes in some dishtowels. Bonnie glanced at my staring eyes as she covered her right breast with the towel.

"So cold," she said, but she was grinning. She cupped her left tit in her free hand and gently bounced it. "Getting a good look, Jon?" she asked, her flesh jiggling and quivering slightly.

"Yeah. Good fight, Bonnie," I said, grinning. Bonnie gently let her tit fall as she worked to nurse her sore boobs back to health.

"Thanks," she said. Tiffany came up behind her and gently held Bonnie's firm boobs. "We'll wait on the nipple fight?" Tiff asked, grinning.

"Please?" Bonnie whispered meekly. Tiff laughed and nodded.

"Of course. I'm glad you got this one, Red. Can't wait to see the next." Bonnie grinned in thanks. "Do you want Jon to massage your tits?" Bonnie's eyes widened and I tried to keep a straight face; I figured Tiff was joking.

"No thanks?" Bonnie said, and I could hear the concern in her voice. I did get an eyeful of her reddened breast as she shifted, and she looked at me warily as she moved the cold compress to her left tit. Tiff laughed.

"I was kidding," Tiff assured her coworker. "When you're ready, we'll give you a ride to your place," Tiff said, and Bonnie breathed a sigh of relief. "Geez, Bonnie, what kind of sick freak do you take me for?" Bonnie laughed, and then Tiffany put her hand on the redhead's shoulders.

"If I do anything that makes you uncomfortable, let me know," she told her. Tiff straddled Bonnie's legs and grinned. Bonnie laughed and I joined in.

"Do you mean beside giving your boyfriend a show?" she asked after the laughter had died down. Tiff shrugged.

"The good part about winning is you don't have to pay off any stakes, babe," Tiff said, swinging off of Bonnie. I wrapped my arm around Tiff's shoulder and watched Bonnie head to the bathroom, her clothes in one hand. As soon as I heard the door closed, I took Tiffany in my arms and kissed her hard. She kissed me back, and I felt her hand slide between us. "At least the car ride will give you a chance to cool off," she murmured. "I'm going to want a pretty good time when we get home," she added.

When Bonnie came out, she was wearing a hooded sweatshirt, carrying her tank top and bra. I grabbed a recyclable shopping bag for her clothes and she looked at me gratefully. "Thanks, Jon. I couldn't imagine wearing a bra after the beating my tits took." I nodded, waving off her thanks.

We drove her to her apartment and said our good nights. Bonnie thanked us again for the lift, and we made sure she got in before pulling out of the lot.

When I got back to the apartment, I hadn't closed the door before my hands had found the bottom of Tiff's shirt. I reached behind me with my foot and closed it as I lifted her top off. Her tits sprang into view, looking better than Bonnie's. I marveled at them for only a moment before I took her right breast into my mouth, tonguing her hard, quivering nipple with fast, determined strokes. "Holy hell, Jon," Tiff moaned as I felt her tip harden between my lips.

"I guess someone enjoyed the fight?" she teased as she pulled away and led me to the bedroom.

When I woke up the next morning, I rolled out of bed and threw on some clothes. I came back with a bunch of donuts and coffee for my fiancée, and when I got home, Tiff was awake, talking on the phone. "Yes, he'll behave. Jesus, Jess. He's here now. Do you want me to ask?" I waved and she sighed, pointing at the phone and rolled her eyes. "Hey baby! Do you think you can avoid groping the girls at the tournament if I leave you alone with them?" she asked, over enunciating every word.

"Sure!" I yelled back, and Tiffany gave me a big thumbs up.

"Besides, why would he grope anyone else when he's got me?" she asked, and I took the invitation, lightly palming her tit. Tiff sighed loudly but nodded as I groped her gently. I motioned to the coffee on the table, and she extracted herself from my insistent hands. I grinned as I heard Jess's complaints over the phone. "He'll be on his best behavior, Jessica. I promise. Have I ever let you down?" I heard the laughter over the phone.

"Fuck you too, Jess," Tiffany said in a light voice. She set the phone down and grinned at me. "Jesus, it's like you're going to become a Neanderthal while our girls whip those Hooters off the girls," she sighed. "And as much as I'd love a pre-fight fling, baby, you are going to want to save your energy. You can look — I mean, you know I do," she teased, sticking out her tongue.

We puttered about the apartment while I could feel Tiff's tension growing. She kept her mind off of the fights by working around the house, and I was impressed as our bedroom was clean. I made some good sandwiches for lunch, and mostly spent the day keeping out of her way.

By the time 4:00 rolled around, Tiffany had begun to prepare for the fights. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail, and she'd thrown on a t-shirt under a Beta-O sweatshirt. Her pants were the dark purple of her sorority and the sweatshirt was the lavender. The pants also hugged her tight ass considerably. I groped her butt and she smiled as she let me. "Bonnie's is better," she commented. "But I'm glad you appreciate the effort," she grinned. I disagreed, but I was able to fight back any more commentary.

"Do you mind driving? I'll navigate. Jess just sent me the address."

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Jess assured me I'd love it, that it was the perfect spot," Tiff said, and I wondered for a moment if she was trying to assure me or her.

The drive was quick, right outside of town to a warehouse with no windows. Tiff's face fell as she got out of the car, but shrugged.

"Not much I can do about it now," she told me. I was dressed up as well as I usually did, with khakis and a polo shirt. I had shaved for the event, and Tiff looked at me. "You look nice," she said, and I grinned. She smiled back at me.

"Let's see what we can salvage from this terrific location," she said dully.

We made our way to the door, and a familiar blonde beamed at us. "Hey guys!" she said, waving. She was wearing a blazer with a deep burgundy blouse cut specifically to highlight her firm breasts. "Jess told me to meet you out here. She said she can't wait to see what she's done with the place." Tiff's face must have registered her displeasure. "Relax, Tiff. Jess said you were freaking out about this. No windows means no peeping, and we've had fashion shows in here before. With the right stage, any place can be a good show. C'mon in."

Annie talked as she walked, and I learned a great deal about my fiancée's organizational skills as we walked.

"I'm glad you asked me to help out! Our dad's set this up for some business meetings, but also for general use room for rent. I hope that you like it.

"We've got about forty guests that said they were coming, not including the extra girls from the two groups. We've got the tables divided in half. This door leads through the office and into the meeting room. There's plenty of space. As per your instructions, which were ridiculously detailed, by the way, we've got catering arranged through Hooters, and a bar developed by your friend Julia has made its way here. You know how to get in touch with people, Tiffany," Annie said. "And it has served you well. I've made a few notes for a fundraiser I'm supposed to help with. There are a lot of moving parts here. The one issue with the room is that we weren't able to have a separate room for the girls. We fixed something up with the service entrance into the dining room, so they'll have to wait until after the food gets moved. But other than that, we've got everything decorated."

She led us through the door, and the barely lit office. We heard the rustle of activity through the open door on the office side, and made our way into the room. "Hope you like it," Annie said. Tiff gasped as she walked in, and I joined her. The floor was polished concrete, and there were about twenty tables, all decorated with solid white tablecloths and six place settings each. Decorated name cards were on each table. "Be sure you check the name tags so we can be sure everyone is where they are supposed to be. We used your table plan as best we could." Tiff smiled at her, in awe. My eyes traced the walls of the room; they had been painted white, but on one side was a huge Hooters banner, and on the other, a identically sized Beta Omega Omega Beta logo.

"It looks amazing Annie," Tiff said. "I love the mats." My eyes followed my fiancée's gaze to the mats that seemed to have been wrapped in purple shag carpet. "They look soft. Like Tamera's tits," Tiff added offhandedly. Annie shook her head.

"Bitch," she laughed. "I'll let you two explore. Jon, I think Jessica might need some help with the food in the back if you're able. I'll go watch the front." I was amazed at the organization Tiff had provided, and I added it to the list of things that made her so attractive.

I met Jessica in the back. She was wearing a nice white blouse, so I immediately grabbed the metal pan of wings. "Did you know Hooters catered?" she asked as I moved the second pan into the event room.

"Nope," I replied. I eyed up Jessica again. She had darkened her brown hair to almost black, and against her pale skin, it looked amazing. Her curves stood out more than they had at our first meeting when she was wearing a sweater. We moved the food in a matter of minutes.

"I hope you're not the only one working the food stuff," I told her. Jessica laughed. "Corey, Kerri, and Terri work at a barbecue joint together, and they have catered a whole lot. They'll be here in about half an hour. So, Tiff is taking on the top Hooter girl?" she asked. I nodded.

"Cool. I can't wait to watch them," she said, grinning. "See you around."

I spent the next hour helping clean up, and soon the room was packed. The Beta O-girls arrived first, and it was easy to tell who was there to fight. Tanya arrived early, and she pulled off her hoodie as soon as she got there, revealing a tank top that didn't deserve the strain her huge tits were putting on it. Her nipples pushed out against the fabric, and she immediately got to work over with the silverware and setup near the food, her braless breasts bouncing. I caught myself staring before anyone else did, and soon after Tanya showed up, Corey, Kerri, and Terri arrived, making quick work of the food setup. The tables were set up and heated in about twenty minutes, and they sat talking. They wore matching polos and khakis, each a deep lavender color with the sorority letters emblazoned in dark purple above their right pocket.

Corey gave me a wave as we worked through. I set up some more chairs and tables, and made sure that furniture was good, avoiding the bar as Julia showed up to tend. She was wearing a button-up black shirt and black pants. When she saw me she grinned. "Damn, you got even hunkier!" she said, and I was surprised she remembered our conversation. "I'm not serving you drinks, Jon. How's things?" We laughed and chatted as she set up, and then I went back to work. Soon Cassie arrived, and I was surprised to see Loni with her. They both were wearing smug grins as they showed up in their zip-up hoodies. They looked at each other and timed their reveal perfectly, to the cheers of their sorority sisters. Both women were wearing purple tank tops, and Loni's big boobs looked as though they were going to fall out. Cassie's perky boobs pushed against the fabric, and she gave me a shake, sending her heavy boobs to quivering in the tanktop for a moment.

I was surprised to see the show of solidarity among the two women who had been so contentious, but shrugged it off. Enemy of an enemy, I thought to myself before more people filtered in. There was a lot to take in as I began cleaning up the setup mess.

Bianca came in with her sister, and she and Annie sat down immediately to talk. Bianca's blonde hair was down around the middle of her back now, and I thought it suited her. She waved at me, grinning, and I waved back as I swept up the floor. "Every one knows you here," I heard a voice whisper. I turned to see Sabrina at my shoulder, and she winked at me. "Slut. Now where's your better half? I have some information from Michelle."

I looked around and spotted Tiffany bent over as she worked on connecting some wires to a speaker, her new, tighter ass waving. I grinned and pointed to her. Sabrina rolled her eyes, but smiled as well. "Thanks," she said. Rin wandered over and looking back at me, palmed Tiff's ass with a sultry stare. Tiff jumped slightly, but grinned when she saw Sabrina, and Sabrina motioned to me. Tiff gave me a mock glare, but groped Sabrina's left breast quickly before Sabrina looked over and put a hand to her mouth. Then Sabrina leaned in, and I saw Tiff's shoulders sag. She nodded and made her way to the back. She cast me a furtive glance and disappeared into the door.

Connie and Amanda came in last, the two girls whispering at each other, and at first I was surprised to see them chatting so closely. Then they sat as far away from each other as they could, wearing angry grins. I turned my attention to the door as it opened once more.

The Hooter girls started showing up at that point, wearing only their shorts and tanktops under jackets or hooded sweatshirts. The first to show up were Tamera and Rolonda. The two striking black women came in and sat immediately at the front table beneath their banner. As Tamera peeled off her sweatshirt, her sizable, firm boobs shook and shivered under her tank top, and her nipples poked through. They looked firm, as firm as possible given their substance. She was almost a rival for Tiffany, and I wondered if my girl could take her. She was gorgeous to boot, a model in a Hooters outfit. I wondered if she'd thought about either modeling or acting; she had the look for it.

Rolonda's tits were about the same size, and high on on her chest, but without a bra, they looked softer and as she shook them at Tamera playfully, I could see that they moved more easily.. I noticed most of the Beta O girls watching the two talk with the same level of interest I had. Bianca and Annie were staring and whispering. Sabrina was eyeing them both with interest, even as she helped set up a makeshift podium, and I wondered who would be fighting whom. Tiffany hadn't mentioned it, but I suddenly wondered if they had made any match-ups for the main event. I chuckled to myself as I pictured a big ring in Vegas for an event like this one. Hailey and Sydney arrived next.

Despite her being ready for a fight, Sydney looked the very picture of the swimsuit model. She carried with her the biggest breasts of the Hooter Girls, and a svelte, curvaceous frame to boot. Her tits jiggled in the confines of her tight tanktop, and while she walked past, I notice her ass bouncing too. She looked striking, though softer than Tamera, I noted. I was stricken by her looks, and remember Tiff telling me one night that the only one she'd consider taking it easy on was Sydney. Because "she looked fun." Hailey sat down, her impressive rack shaking gently as she leaned back. I suddenly began wishing that Tiff had given me some relief as Sydney leaned over, compressing her big boobs against the edge of the table. Maria came in next, and I admit I watched her more than the others. Something about her cone shaped tits drew my eye, and she had done me a huge favor in not wearing a bra. Her tits pushed against the top in just the right way, and her dark nipples poked out, tightly wrapped by the white tank top. I gleefully hoped that she'd be fighting.

Shelby and Ryoko followed suit, the blonde literally bouncing. I was glad she was wearing a bra, because her poor tits would have been aching. As it was, the cheerful hostess's big boobs jiggled madly in her bra. I noticed that the Asian's big, soft tits were shaking — she didn't have a bra on. I groaned as I felt myself stiffen once more, loving the scenery that the venue had begun to afford. I shook my head. Tiffany wanted me to keep my head on straight. The two Hooter's girls sat at a table together.

Jessica suddenly appeared with a girl that looked young; I didn't get a good look as they moved through the crowd, but she was wearing a bulky sweater that couldn't hide her sizable bust. I wondered what kind of fight she might give my girl, which I realized was the basic metric of judgment I'd begun to use when I saw any woman I hadn't met before. Her body was curvy. She wasn't toned, but the proportions were a wonderful ratio. I noticed that she was all smiles when talking to Jessica, but as they moved, she kept her head down. I watched her for a minute, and all she did was sit down with Jessica, then her face brightened.

My future mother-in-law came in next, and sat behind the table that would hold the Beta-O contestants. She noticed me and raised her eyebrows, but made no move to contact me. I grinned at her and finished moving a box for Jessica. The service door opened, and Tiff came in with Michelle. Tiff's face was a mask of annoyance, but she marched to the contestants table and joined Sabrina, Tanya, Loni, and Cassie. Everyone gave Tiff a high five and she put on a forced smile. Michelle, wearing a tight-fitting Beta-O shirt, sat right next to Tiffany's mom.

Bianca, Gloria and Gina sat at the other table, each wearing their sorority colors. Gloria and Gina whispered conspiratorially and shot Tiff a few harsh glances, but my fiancée didn't notice, invested as she was in keeping an eye on the Hooter girls.

Kara and Darla finally arrived, and Kara was wearing a Hooter's tank top with the ridiculous nylon bra that Tiffany had set her up. Kara's big boobs sloshed around in the tank top, and she and Darla made their way to the table behind Tamera and her crew. Tiffany noticed them, and rather than ignore them, wore an evil, icy stare. Darla grinned at Tiff, but Tiff just stared her down. Darla shrugged and turned away, and I realized I might have missed something. I knew Tiffany was upset, but I wondered what she might have planned. Immediately behind them came in Samantha, Riley, Katherine and Alexis. All of them were wearing Hooter T-shirts, but none looked as though they were going to fight. They moved to the table with Shelby and Ryoko; Alexis, Samantha and Riley joined the Hooter's girls while Darla and Kara sat to a table behind them.

I almost didn't notice a few late comers; a group of three girls who had somehow made their way in. I recognized two immediately, though it had been a while since I'd seen them. Chrissy, the athletic blonde with tits comparable to my girls' in firmness, but outmatching her in size. With her was a smaller woman, with a firm pair of tits wrapped tightly in a plain gray t-shirt. The only thing that might have been firmer on her was her body. She seemed to be carved from something, and I felt sorry for any girl who took her on in a fight. She was an Asian, girl, and a striking one at that. Her eyes wandered throughout the room, seemingly judging every other girl. The other girl was Nikki, the redhead whom I'd seen in the first titfight with Tiffany.

As I finished putting away most of the cleaning supplies, I looked to the room. I found a free chair and pulled it away and scoped the place out. While I was gone, a group of three women had joined Michelle, Tiff's mom, and the older women. One of them looked familiar, but I couldn't place her, and my seat was behind them — I couldn't see their faces. They all looked excited, and I wondered if I should walk by to check it out.

I didn't want to give Michelle any ammo against my girl, so I stayed put. I watched Sabrina check the sound and wave someone up. Tiffany marched up to the podium, her eyes finding me before looking down at a piece of paper.

"I want to thank all of you for making it tonight." A rousing cheer from every part of the room erupted and Tiffany smiled as she let it pass. "First, I'd like to thank Hooters for sending us their best and brightest — they've only now entered the competitive activities that we've enjoyed for years. I think it's a great opportunity for us to raise some money for charity through the oil-wrestling tournament, but also a chance for us to test ourselves outside our usual opponents."

"Plus we hate your smug asses!" Rolonda shouted.

Tiffany grinned. "Plus they hate our smug asses," Tiffany affirmed, her tone not changing. Laughter came up and even Tamera and Rolonda nodded with smiles on their faces. "Though to be fair, it's not our asses you should worry about." A chorus of "ooohs" erupted from the room, and I felt the tension suddenly increase.

"This has been a joint effort — both groups have made significant sacrifices to be here tonight, but have also worked hard. Our guests have a specific reason for being here; we hope you enjoy the competition."

"In honor of our first dual event, we've scheduled a bonus fight. Because of some external interests in the fight, a friendly charitable wager will be made in both organizations' name to the support breast cancer research. This goes above and beyond the generous donations already received, for which we have several guests! Welcome all. This first contest will have no bearing on the other five fights and the stakes already discussed. Think of it as... an exhibition," she concluded. "Neither girl has an association with our group, but they have had experience. So I'd like to welcome two friends of mine to the stage. Teresa?" A door opened behind Tiffany, and my eyes widened. The Beta-O pledge sauntered out in athletic shorts and a loose-fitting t-shirt. The shirt clung to her hard nipples, and I groaned as she unceremoniously pulled the garment up and over her thick boobs. The Beta Os cheered, but some surprised looks on their faces made me wonder how much Tiff was going off script. Still the girls were excited to see their sister fight.

"And her opponent, from literally the other side of town..." a chorus of laughs from each corner of the room rose up to Tiffany's joke. I realized how good my fiancée was at this. "Is Alexis, straight from Hooters!" Alexis stood, winking at the girls, who were surprised. Tamera nodded, and I realized that the two heads of the different teams had been in far more contact than I had anticipated. Alexis stood up and reached behind her pushing her hands up the back of her tank top to remove her bra. She did the one arm thing that I really wish I could figure out before she put the bra on her chair. Her tits were hangers, soft, but heavy as well, and matched up well with Teresa.

Teresa cupped her tits gently and looked at Alexis. The Hooters girl gave an approving nod, and Alexis peeled off her Hooter's t-shirt. Her own soft, pale breasts tumbled out in a wave of shaking flesh, and I felt my attention drawn to the four naked tits in the room. The place had gone silent as the two women took a familiar position, and Alexis and Teresa took a nervous glance at each other and stepped forward. Their boobs shook on their chest, and Teresa tentatively thrust first. Alexis jumped back, and both women steeled themselves. They brought their breasts together slowly, and each sighed gently at the first touch. Alexis pushed first this time, and both pair compressed, flattening gently at the point they had made contact.

Teresa pushed back, and for a moment, Alexis's boobs pushed backwards, The Beta-O's tits pressing Alexis's rack a bit. Alexis grunted, but pushed back, shifting her legs beneath her to force more and more of her sizable tits into Teresa's orbs. Teresa's orbs dutifully pushed away, but nowhere near as much as Alexis's had, Teresa's tits holding firm. Teresa grinned and pushed forward, this time pushing Alexis's looser sacks back until she pushed their boobs back to their original contact position. "Nice tits," Alexis noted as they slowly increased the pressure between them. Teresa grinned and gently shoved her big boobs to the right, sending Alexis's flesh to the side with ease. The Hooter girls murmured a bit, but fell silent as the fight continued. Their tits remained in constant contact as they began increasing the pace of their movements, and while Alexis managed a few good shoves, Teresa's boobs seemed to be holding up better in the grinding contest. Despite the obvious dispairty in firmness, Alexis had a stony look in her eyes, her focus apparent as she moved her back and hips, trying to force her opponents' breasts back into her chest. At times, Teresa's tits seem to oblige, bulging and shifting before molding back to their original shape, but more often Alexis's softer rack gave up the territory between them. To that point in the fight, though, Alexis's boobs sprang back to their usual shape when the pressure was lifted.

Teresa grinned as she watched the contest between she and Alexis. The latter's round orbs seemed to melt away, but suddenly stop when she pushed in as her solid teats looked for the dense core of Alexis's breast tissue, and Alexis winced as she felt Teresa's big boobs pushing against her own. The crowd was still deathly quiet as the two women tested their chests against one another. The only sounds were the muted noises of their boobs pushing and twisting against each other, or more accurately, Teresa pushing Alexis's tits around for the most part. Every so often, a nipple, hard and erect would pop out or on top of the opposing woman's breasts, before disappearing into the warring glands before them. Alexis's pressure seemed to wane as Teresa pushed forward, and I watched Alexis grunt as more and more of her tits were pushed away than I'd seen. Surprised that the fight seemed to be over, I leaned forward to watch Teresa win.

I was apparently not the only one surprised with the sudden move as Alexis grabbed Teresa's shoulders and shoved, forcing the Beta-O girl back, her tits bouncing on her chest. Teresa looked stunned, but not as stunned as when Alexis's wicked blow from the left came in. Alexis surprised me with her speed, and the resounding smack of tit on tit sent the entire room into a communal gasp. Teresa's dark nipples looked as though they were dancing as her tits were flung to the side from the force of impact, settling just in time for the Hooter girl to slam forward, a direct hit that compressed both pair, but seemed more damaging to Teresa's rack. Her jiggling flesh compressed, spreading outward before Alexis pulled away. Teresa's head shook as she tired to regain her focus, and she was rewarded with another solid, swinging blow. Alexis's tits swung outward, pulling away from her chest and her distended left breast slammed into its counterpart, smacking at Teresa's exposed boob. The two breasts molded against each other, and Alexis followed through, grinding her suddenly aggressive rack over Teresa's jiggling breasts.

Teresa moaned as she felt Alexis try to pull her tits through, the latter ensuring that her tits were on top to add pressure to the already reddening flesh of her rival. Alexis, obviously goaded by her success in the strategy, swung as soon as her tits had cleared Teresa's quivering boobs. She pulled to the side, and Teresa swung her own rack at them. The two women swinging their tits together made an explosive crack throughout the room, another one that shook the audience awake. Teresa's swing seemed to surprise Alexis, and the Hooter girl staggered a bit, giving an opening to the aggressive Beta-O girl, who slammed forward, smashing her big boobs into Alexis's tits. Both sets shifted and jiggled at the impact, and both women pulled back, eyeing each other with disdain. Teresa threw a weaker swing, and Alexis jumped back.

"Scared, Hooter?" Teresa asked, the taunt just leaving her lips when Alexis jumped forward again, throwing a huge blow into Teresa's breasts. The Beta-O girl's rack shook wildly, undulating as Alexis pulled back, and she swung her tits from below, an uppercut that connected seemingly fully with the tender undersides of her opponent's tit. Alexis moved to the left, swinging her tit, and while Teresa stepped back, the tip of the Hooter girl's right breast, extending from the force of the swing, clipped the side of Teresa's left tit, forcing the sorority girl's boob in for just a moment. Both women gasped at the pain, and both stopped for a moment, their hands holding their stunned tits.

Both women looked to have good reason to feel a bit tender. Their boobs were red, and their nipples were hard. I imagined that their hard tips had done some damage as they had been slamming their tits together, but neither girl seemed hurried to get into the fight. They both took a step forward, releasing their boobs and allowing them to shake on their chest. By some unspoken agreement, Teresa and Alexis stepped forward. Their breasts almost touching, Teresa stepped forward, seemingly to lightly put her boobs against Alexis. Alexis, though shifted left, her feet sliding over, and launched a side attack. Teresa groaned as Alexis's big right orb collided with Teresa's left breast. Teresa wasted no time in responding, flinging an attack with her readied breasts, sending her left tit into Alexis's left breast as she twisted her hip. Alexis's tit, hammered by Teresa's strike, flew away from the center of her chest before bouncing back to mirror her other jiggling orb.

Teresa pressed her advantage, this time grabbing the brunette Hooter girl by the shoulders and slamming forward, smashing her round boobs into Alexis's trapped breasts. Alexis's tits obliged Teresa by shaking violently, bending away from the invading Beta-O girl's ample rack. Alexis groaned as she felt the violent blow push her tits inward, and the Hooter girl pushed against Teresa's hips suddenly, forcing the sorority sister to release her grip. "Too much for you?" Teresa asked, bulling forward again. Alexis stopped her rush by slapping her tits from the side in a wicked haymaker that slammed Teresa's left breast with her right, creating a loud, wet slap of flesh. When they pulled away, their tits were covered in sweat and reddening even further. I shuddered to think of the bruises that both women would sport the next morning, but kept my eyes locked between them.

They slammed back again, both women with the same idea, and this time Alexis wrapped Teresa in a hug. "Gotcha!" Alexis gasped triumphantly. Teresa's groan indicated the Hooter girl's accurate description, as the latter's breasts were burrowing into the Beta-O's undersides, pushing her soft tits up. Her breasts rested atop Alexis as the latter began shifting her hips violently, bouncing Teresa's heavy jugs. I thought of Teresa's big boobs hanging as she nursed Alexis's nipples in front of the crowd, and stopped myself from rubbing my crotch. Alexis seemed to have much the same idea, and she continued grinding Tiff's sorority sister from the bottom. Teresa's tits were demonstrably shaking, and I wondered how much longer the fight was going to last.

Teresa seemed to answer the question as her left foot slid back, and Alexis groaned as Teresa's tits started to provide pressure. Now both tits quivered, and each pair flattened a bit: Teresa's from the bottom, and Alexis's from the top. Teresa continued stepping back, wrapping her arms around Alexis to hold herself up as she tried pulling her tits over and through the Hooter girl's wildly undulating rack. The struggled continued for some time, as Alexis tried to slide her tits further into and under Teresa's breasts. Eventually, both tits slid done to meet in the middle, as each set tried to find dominance. Both pairs of breasts seemed looser, flowing rather than scraping across the other set, and the hint of nipple atop one pair, then the other, seemed to highlight the damage done to each breast. After a while of pushing and scraping their ample tits against one another, Teresa's breasts slipped under Alexis's pair, and the Beta-O girl returned the favor, cinching a hug and burrowing her soft set into Alexis's loose flesh. Alexis's dark nipples pointed up, and the Hooter girl moaned as she felt her rack pushed up.

Teresa grinned and pulled her even tighter, and I saw Alexis's eyes close against the discomfort. Teresa tightened again, this time leaning back to pull her tits even further into Alexis's orbs. I was amazed as I watched Alexis's resistance seem to fall away at once, her set melting against Teresa's now obviously superior pair. They drooped around the top of Teresa's heavy boobs, molding to the shape of their betters. "Fuuuucckkkk," Alexis groaned as she felt her boobs smashed against Teresa's pair.

"I give, Teresa," Alexis moaned, her tits failing as she spoke. "Your tits are flattening mine," she added. Teresa released the Hooter girl, who fell to her knees. Teresa's tits fell to her chest, hanging a bit low, and looking a bit worse for wear. As she stepped forward to help Alexis up, Alexis spotted Teresa's nipple and opened her mouth. Gasping in surprise, Teresa stood motionless as Alexis went to work worshiping her superior pair. Alexis had obviously learned her way around a breast, and Teresa was moaning after a few seconds. Her tits, no doubt sore, responded with hardened nipples as Alexis switched from one tit to the other. After a minute or so, Teresa patted Alexis's shoulder, and the Hooter girl stood up. Teresa gently pushed into Alexis's tits, and the Hooter girl's head fell as she watched her tits flatten. Teresa was gentle, pushing in only enough so the gathered crowd could see the decisive victory.

Alexis's tits flattened, and continued to flatten while Teresa's kept their shape after a certain point, remaining full and rounded even as the Hooter girl's sacks bent and folded beneath them.

"The winner is Teresa!" Tiffany shouted, not bothering to mask her joy. A defeated sigh came from the Hooter girls' side, but Alexis was welcomed with claps on the back and support from each girl.

"As promised, the donation will go to the Beta Omega's chairty of choice. I do want to say to both Alexis and Teresa: Great fight girls. I look forward to a rematch!" Cheers from both sides came up and Tiffany smiled.

"We'll see what you say after Tam's flattened you, Beta bitch!" Rolonda yelled. Tiffany shot a stare at Rolonda but kept her grin and tone.

"I imagine we will," she said warmly, though there was no mistaking the edge in her voice.

"But we've got a full night of titfights before then. Let's grab food and get ready for the main event!" With that, everyone stood, and made their way to the food line.