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Best Friend's Sister: Kara's struggles, Part 12

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Best Friend's Sister: Kara's struggles, Part 12
« on: July 25, 2018, 09:13:09 PM »
Best Friend's Sister: Kara's struggles, Part 12
By Goliadmike
(Spin-off of Jon Grey's Original Series)


BFS Hooter girl fight night

"Yeah, Tiff, just tell them you’re Kara's guest." I heard Darla say into her cell phone.

My stomach tightened a bit wondering what the night held for me as I drove us to Hailey and Alexis's house for the first fight night since the tournament. The week after the tournament was a whirlwind with the girls quickly becoming accustomed to ordering Ryoko and I around while establishing the pecking order in the restaurant. I found myself doing Rolonda's laundry and helping Alexis for Hailey in their yard for a couple of night shifts I needed to work. I carefully had to manage my time for studying. It didn’t take me long to learn the art of sucking up for favors.

"We’ll be there in just a bit," Darla said "See you then girl…yeah…looking forward to it…so is Kara." Darla giggled hanging up the phone.

I rolled my eyes at Darla.

"What?" Darla asked with mock innocence then giggled again.

"What do you two have planned?" I asked.

"Nothing," Darla answered shrugging her shoulders with a smile.

"Shit," I muttered and then returned the smile.

"Really, Kara, nothing bad," Darla offered, "Tiff, just wants to be there for Connie tonight, that’s all."

I glanced at Darla with a skeptical look, but that made sense since Connie was going to fight tonight. Tamera wouldn’t tell the busty blonde who she would be facing wanting to build a bit of intrigue for the night. Connie would be facing either, Alexis, Riley, or Shelby. I hoped it wouldn’t be Shelby the poor girl wouldn’t stand a chance.
I nodded my agreement.

"So, who else is fighting tonight?" Darla queried.

"As far as I know, Connie and the new girl Katherine are fighting either, Shelby, Alexis, or Riley, but Tamera won’t tell them until it is time to fight." I replied.

"Hmm," Darla mused.

"What’s the new girl like?" Darla asked.

"She’s pale, black haired…short black hair, short sassy black hair…it’s kinda curly," I answered, "She’s really friendly and cheery. I haven’t seen her with her bra off, but I guess she is a big C maybe borderline D. Oh, and she is friends with Samantha and Riley, so she has that going against her."

"Hmm," Darla annoyingly said while squirming in her seat.

"And Hailey challenged Sydney," I said, "They are both two and two so they decided to settle the tie."

"Nice," Darla grinned. "I love blonde versus brunette."

I shook my head.

"I think there might be more to the fight than just pecking order." I teased.

Darla raised her eyebrow at me.

"I’ve been seeing them whispering to each other all week. I think there might be something to do with their boyfriends."

"oooohhhhh," Darla then clapped her hands with glee. "This might be a great night."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"C’mon Kara as long as you don’t get too worked up over showing off you big boobs and bare ass to everyone we will be fine." Darla replied.

I started to remind her that it was her idea to make me officiate the tit fights naked, but chose to keep my mouth quiet.

"Just do what I taught you and we’ll own those wannabe emo bitches tonight." Darla encouraged me.

The wannabe "emo bitches" Darla was referring to would be our sexfight opponents tonight after the Hooter girl titfights. Darla and I had been playing sex games in bed and around my apartment trying to see who could get the other girl off first. Darla taught me a few things and seemed impressed with my techniques. She surprised me one night saying she found a couple of girls that were up for a competition. Reluctantly, I agreed, after a lot of nagging and pleading on Darla's part, Darla set us up for a sexfight with a couple of girls she knew. I was nervous about the coming event, but Darla seemed supremely confident.

"Okay," I said while nodding my head.

I hadn’t met the girls we would be fighting and all Darla had told me about them were they had "Fucked up colored hair," had "lots of tats," and listened to horrible bands no one had ever heard of. I was flying blind into something I knew little about.

I was about to ask Darla about the girls when my phone rang.

"Shit," I muttered looking down at the name on my screen.

Darla reached for my phone as I continued driving. She broke into a fit of giggles after reading the text, "Boobs now!"

"Perv wants his boob shot." Darla squawked.

I nodded with a laugh.

"He must have a short memory. I mean, hell, how easy is it to forget your big heavy hanging boobs?" Darla mockingly asked and then hefted one of my jugs in her hand.

I rolled my eyes at my girlfriend. Darla reached for the knot holding my shirt together in between my cleavage. She made me wear a schoolgirl outfit for that night with a thin blouse tied in a knot without a bra along with a pleated plaid skirt that showed a lot of leg. The knot easily came undone. Darla let the material hang on my boobs for a moment before peeling the shirt apart exposing my breasts.

"There they are," Darla commented before holding up my phone for a shot.

I looked around I glanced around wondering if anyone could see me driving topless as Darla found the angle she wanted for the shot.

"Just take the fucking picture!" I ordered as Darla hemmed and hawed.

"Take a deep breath…stick those suckers out." Darla commanded.

"C’mon Darla," I pleaded.

"Do it," Darla demanded.

I caved in taking a deep breath while pulling my shoulders back. Darla smiled in triumph as she snapped a picture, and then snapped another one after I exhaled. I frowned as Darla sent both pictures to Jon.

I quickly pulled the shirt over my boobs just as a beer truck pulled up beside my car. I didn’t have time to tie the knot so the material just lay on my boobs as I drove. I wondered if Darla would expose me anymore than I was and breathed a sigh of relief as she played with her phone. I noticed Darla lift her phone to her ear.

"Hey girl…we still on for tonight?" Darla asked into the phone.

"Good we’ll be there…you and that slut better be ready to serve tonight." Darla warned.

"You’ll love emo pussy." Darla said to me.

Darla winked at me as she put her phone in her lap. I was a bit apprehensive, but Darla looked confident.

We arrived at Alexis and Hailey's house without further incident and after retying my top, we headed into the house. Once in the door I didn’t bother looking around to see who was there, I just headed up stairs to strip down for the nights activities. I entered Alexis's room seeing Ryoko who was already down to her bra and panties talking with Shelby who was nervously blathering about her cats. I could tell the ditzy blonde was worried about whether Tamera would pick her to fight either Katherine or Connie. I knew Tamera liked the little blonde and doubted she would make Shelby face either one of those girls.

"E!" Shelby excitedly yelled as she ran to me for a hug.

I noted Ryoko grinning as the little blonde crashed into me boobs first. I threw my arms around her more to catch her momentum than to greet Shelby. I felt her big rock hard nipples bore into my soft unsupported boob flesh amazed at how big her nipples were for such a little girl.

"Oh, you look so cute!" Shelby exclaimed after pulling back and taking a good look at my slutty little schoolgirl uniform.

Coming from anyone else the "compliment" would have been a slight but I knew she meant it as Ryoko snickered. I gave the Asian a withering look as Ryoko unsnapped her bra. I kicked off my shoes as Shelby helped remove my shirt. I think Shelby was as interested in my boobs as any tit man would be as she giggled watching my boobs shake as I moved. I bent down to remove my socks as Ryoko asked began to chide Shelby.

"Hey, Shelby you may as well join us now since one of those new girls will flatten your tits later."

"No they won’t." Shelby huffed.

"Shelby, are you kidding?" Ryoko asked. "Have you seen those girls? They’re huge!"

"Relax Shelby she’s just jealous that you get to wear something while she has to show off those droopy tits with those weird puffy nipples." I assured Shelby.
Shelby smiled.

"They’re not weird and I owe you for that milking last week, oh, and I haven’t forgotten that oversized bra thing either." Ryoko warned.

I had to smile at that thought. Tiffany had "Suggested," that I wear an over sized bra with the straps let out so my boobs would hang down. Not wanting to be the only other one with flopping boobs, I suggested the trick to Tamera that Ryoko should do the same. It worked. I got a good laugh watching Ryoko parade around the restaurant trying to keep her jugs from shimmying and shaking.

Shelby looked pleased that Ryoko at I were at each other and not picking on her.

"You’ll be fine Shelby…ma’am." I added momentarily forgetting how Ryoko and I should be addressing her.

"Hmph, you won’t have to call her that after tonight." Ryoko warned.

"Well since you’re naked you should get downstairs and start serving or do I have to tell Tamera you’re not following orders." Shelby threatened.

I was a bit surprised by Shelby's aggression.

"Fine, let’s go." Ryoko said and then headed for the door.

Shelby gave the Asian a pat on her bare ass as she walked by. I gave Shelby a thumbs up sign then followed Ryoko out the door and received a pat of my own from Shelby.

Shelby followed Ryoko and I down the stairs. I noticed almost everyone had already arrived as we made our way into the living room. Darla was standing with Maria; Maria's little sister, Tiffany, Connie and her boyfriend Dan. Darla noticed me, as did the rest of the group. I grew red but smile as the group eyed my naked body. Darla summoned me with her finger. As I made my way to the group, Shelby decided to escort me.

"Who’s that pretty brown haired girl with Darla?" Shelby asked.

"That’s Tiffany, Jon's girlfriend…you’ve seen her before. Remember?" I said.

"Oh, yeah, doh!" Shelby said in her best Homer Simpson voice and then giggled.

"She’s here to support Connie her brother’s girlfriend." I added.

"Oh," Shelby replied nodding her head.

I saw Tiffany covering her mouth so I wouldn’t see her laughing at me. She said something to Darla. Darla shrugged her shoulders then laughed. I looked away from them to avoid eye contact and noticed Connie eyeing Shelby and her big nipples warily. The blonde seemed a little intimidated by them. Poor Dan looked as nervous as Connie did. Maria and her sister Andrea were smirking. I took a deep breath preparing for a round of humiliation. I greeted Tiffany first since she was the closest to me.

"Hey Tiff, what’s up." I tried to sound as casual as possible.

"Hey, Kara, not much…certainly not your boobs." Tiffany replied which brought a round of laughter at my expense.

I played it off and laughed along with everyone.

"Do you guys need anything?" I asked hoping someone would want something so I could make a quick exit.

They all shrugged their shoulders and shook her heads.

"Thanks for inviting me, Kara." Tiffany said.

"Sure, no problem," I replied.

"And thanks again for inviting Jon last week. He talked about it all week." Tiffany added.

"Of course he did…the perv." Darla chimed in.

Dan laughed at his friends expense as did Maria and her sister, well so did I. Tiffany gave Darla a stern look then laughed along with everyone else. I was beginning to relax a bit until Tiffany changed gears.

"Well, can you blame him Darla," Tiffany began, "I mean how often do you see a bunch of big titted girls showing off their flopping boobs for everyone to see…not to mention everything else."

I began to tense up.

"Especially when they can do tricks," Tiffany added, "Isn’t that right Kara?"

I forced a smile and nodded.

"Like when I found out what you could do to yourself after I flattened your jugs." Tiffany suggested.

"What was that?" Maria asked genuinely intrigued by Tiffany's statement.

Darla looked anxious to see where Tiffany was leading me. Connie and Dan looked curious.

"Hmm," Tiffany said pretending she was thinking, "Why don’t you show them Kara?"

Darla was now amused and everyone else interested. I gave Tiffany a pleading look.

"Do it." Darla ordered.

I sighed before gathering my tits in my hands. I heard snickers as I lifted my boobs to my mouth. I pushed my jugs together where my nipples were touching and waited to see if Tiffany or Darla would tell me "never mind." The command didn’t come. I flicked out my tongue dancing it over my ever-hardening nipples.

"Shit!" Maria gasped before breaking into outright laughter.

Everyone joined in laughing even Shelby. I closed my eyes as I did the night Tiffany beat my boobs in front of the girls and licked my own nipples. I kept pleasuring my tips waiting for Tiffany or Darla to tell me to stop.

"Oh my god, you so have her trained." Andrea commented.

Darla and Tiffany didn’t argue with the young girl, in fact, they agreed.

"Yeah, she’s…obedient." Darla added.

"She knows her place." Tiffany mused.

"Does she do anything else?" Andrea asked.

Darla laughed and Tiffany joined in.

"Oh," Andrea exclaimed catching the meaning of Darla and Tiffany's laughter.

Maria and Andrea tittered along with Darla and Tiffany.

"That’s enough, Kara." Darla said.

I dropped my boobs from my mouth and looked down at my feet waiting for another order. I saw my long nipples standing at attention. A warm tongue never ceases to get them erect.

"You both beat her?" Andrea asked with admiration.

"Yeah, there is a trick to beating big girls like Kara." Tiffany answered. "Usually girls with racks as big as Kara here usually have soft boobs…the bigger the softer. What you have to do is just keep grinding and mashing those big udders until they can’t take anymore. After that they flatten out and are useless."

I looked up watching Andrea and Maria nodding as if they were sitting in a classroom listening to a professor. I put my hands on my hips a little miffed at how easy Tiffany was making it sound to beat me, or a girl like me. Tiffany noticed then put in a disclaimer.

"But when you face a big set of udders, be careful once they get those big sacks slinging they can hurt you. Kara here nearly knocked me off my feet." Tiffany added.
Maria seemed especially interested in what Tiffany had to say. I guess Darla had told the Brazilian about Tiffany and all her fights. I think Tiffany's ego grew, as the exotic beauty hung on Tiffany's every word and quizzed the boob queen with many questions. In addition, Andrea hit Tiffany with questions about pledging the Beta Omega sorority. Tiffany was all smiles as she politely answered the sister’s questions.

As Tiffany droned on about her sorority, I noticed Tamera and Rolonda enter the living room. Shelby politely excused herself and then made a bee line to the two black girls. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the little blonde was trying to get on Tamera's good side.

As I turned my attention from Shelby, I noticed Connie also listening intently to Tiffany. Dan had his arm around her shoulder patting his girlfriend. The blonde caught me eying her. She immediately glanced down at my boobs. I gave them a shake letting her see them roll across me chest. Normally Connie probably would have laughed or made some snide comment about my tits but tonight she looked away from my chest and seemed to snuggle against Dan. I guess the blonde was considering the possibility that she might end up like me. Connie's big D cups stood out on her chest. I knew Tiffany was mainly the reason she began working at Hooters but I didn’t know if Tiffany made her wear a bra like me. The blonde’s tits bounced some but not like Ryoko or my tits. If Tiffany made her wear an oversized bra Connie possessed a firm rack and if not, she would be just as soft as the two of us, maybe more so. Tonight I would find out if she was firm or saggy boobed.

Seeing that the group was more interested in what Tiffany had to say than pay attention to me I quietly backed away from the group deciding to make my rounds to all the other girls. I did notice Darla seemed a little miffed. I guess she was feeling a bit jealous since Tiffany seemed to be taking her place as the teacher. As I turned to walk away, I brushed my tits across Dan's arm the one that wasn’t wrapped around Connie. His little flinch brought a smile to my face. I don’t know if Connie felt or noticed the contact and I didn’t turn to see if she detected as I began to head toward Riley, Samantha, and Katherine.

Samantha was the first to notice me heading their way and seemed less than enthused to see me. The pretty blonde had been quiet and broody ever since the night Tamera beat her. Ryoko and I saw the night that Tamera pimped Samantha out. We were staying late to close the restaurant after everyone else had left. Tamera led a dressed up and made up Samantha out of the dressing room, through the restaurant, and out the front door. Samantha was dressed as if she was going to a dance club. She had a short red party dress that was low cut barely containing her boobs and so short I swear I could see the bottom of her ass cheeks. We pretended not to notice Samantha and Tamera leave the restaurant, but as soon as they were out the front door, we bolted to a window to see what was about to happen. A large muscular black guy was waiting for them sitting on the hood of his car. The guy was smiling and nodding his head. Tamera and the guy exchanged a few words then he handed Tamera a wad of cash. Tamera stepped back then said something to Samantha. A moment paused before the blonde approached the guy and as she did so, he patted the blonde on her ass. Tamera laughed as she waved before turning to head for her car. The guy escorted Samantha to the driver’s side of his car. He was acting as if they were going out on an actual date. Ryoko and I exchanged giggles then got back to work closing up the restaurant.

Since that night Samantha hadn’t looked Ryoko or I in the eye for more than a few seconds. Neither Tamera nor Rolonda had really rubbed Tamera's victory in the blonde’s face as I had expected. I wondered if the girls had some sort of agreement. Nobody asked and everyone acted as if Samantha wasn’t prostituting herself for the black girl.
Riley was leaning in and talking to Katherine the new girl as I walked up.

"Don’t worry Kat you won’t end up like her." Riley said to the new girl while pointing to me.

I gave the redhead a fake smile as the new girl tried to suppress a giggle.

"Would you like anything…ma’am?" I asked.

I felt Katherine eying me and I turned my attention to her. I was a bit envious of her looks. Her alabaster skin next to her jet-black hair and dark eyes gave her a classic sexy look. She was curvy while not fat she was the brunette version of Sydney in the body department. I doubted Katherine was as busty as the blonde was though not by much.

"Hey, Kara, who is the girl over there?" Samantha asked nodding at Tiffany.

I gave them the run down on Tiffany as Riley and Katherine listened closely. I told them about the sorority, they were a part of, how Connie was dating Tiffany's brother, and all the fights that I knew Tiffany had won. They seemed impressed. Impressed enough for Riley to head over and talk Connie into bringing Tiffany over to meet them. As Dan followed Tiffany, Connie, and Riley to us, I decided to head in another direction.

I thought I would go greet Tamera and Rolonda and headed their way before Tiffany had a chance to show off anymore of my "tricks." Shelby was happily babbling about work Tamera and Rolonda humored the blonde by nodding and smiling though probably not hearing a word the girl was saying. Rolonda smirked at me as I stopped beside Shelby. The conversation stopped as Tamera looked me over with a smile.

"So, who is fighting tonight?" I asked.

"You’ll see E." Tamera answered.

"Oh, my god, you guys," Shelby blurted out, "You should see what Kara can do!"

I rolled my eyes at the ditzy blonde. I think the poor girl was genuinely impressed that I could lick my own nipples. Tamera and Rolonda began to grin realizing that I was not enthusiastic.

"What can Kara do, Shelby?" Rolonda asked with a grin.

"Show them, Kara!" Shelby bubbled.

I sighed.

"Look, it’s nothing," I started to say then decided to tell what I could do hoping they wouldn’t make me do it. "I can lick my own nipples."

Tamera didn’t look impressed and judging by her expression it wasn’t that big of a deal. I figured the black girl’s tongue had met her own nipples a time or two. Meanwhile Rolonda laughed.

"I wish I could lick my own nipples." Shelby said then stuck her tongue out while pushing her bikini-clad boob up to her mouth.
It was hard not to laugh at the blonde’s effort to lick her nipples as Shelby craned her neck in a major effort for her tongue to reach her boob’s tips.

"Ugh, I need a longer tongue." Shelby decided.

"Or, bigger boobs," Rolonda suggested.

"They are just the right size." Shelby frowned.

I decided to remain silent hoping the conversation would stay on Shelby's boobs until I could back out of the conversation and head elsewhere. Shelby was right, her boobs were just the right size large enough to be noticed, but not so large that they dominated the rest of her cute little body. Her meaty tits would have been almost perfect if not for the fact of her enormous nipples. I can really blame the girl for wanting to be able to lick those things. I imagine they are hyper-sensitive

"Just too soft," Rolonda suggested.

Shelby blushed and bit her lower lip.

"And those nipples…" Rolonda continued until Tamera elbowed her friend in the ribs to leave Shelby alone.

"Hey E, who is that?" Tamera asked noticing Connie introducing Tiffany to Samantha, Riley, and Katherine.

"Her," I said after turning away from the group Tiffany was greeting, "Her, name is Tiffany. She is Connie's boyfriend’s sister."

Tamera nodded her head while appearing to size Tiffany up. I noticed Rolonda doing the same as Tamera. They tried to hide it but I could tell the black girls were impressed but Tiffany's figure.

"Is she here to see what this is all about?" Tamera asked.

I giggled.

"Um, actually she is into this already and I have to say she is good at it." I answered.

"Hmph," Rolonda snorted.

Tamera cocked her head to the side continuing to study Tiffany from a distance.

"She has beaten a lot of girls." I added.

Tamera cut her eyes at me then focused them again on Tiffany.

"She has beaten me." I stated.

"From what I hear that’s not hard." Rolonda commented which brought a chuckle from Tamera.

"She has beaten Connie and a lot of other girls. In fact she has only lost one tit fight, but she came back and avenged her one loss." I said.
Tamera nodded her head.

"She is a Beta Omega Omega Beta girl." I added.

"Rich girl, huh," Tamera noted with a smile.

I could see the gears turning in her head wondering if she could beat Tiffany. I decided not to correct Tamera's "rich girl" notion. I began to wonder how Tamera would do against Tiffany so I let the black girl form an opinion of Tiffany on her own.

"She likes to dominate the girls she beats." I said.

Tamera cut her eyes from me to Tiffany and back. I could tell Tamera was curious about what Tiffany made the losers do.
"After she beat me, she made me give her my bra." I lied Tiffany only asked me for a souvenir, "And I have to send her boyfriend Jon pictures of my beaten tits whenever he wants to see them."

Rolonda laughed and Shelby snickered from my comments. Tamera looked to be deep in thought.

"Oh, and Connie, after Tiffany beat her Connie told me she has to show off her beaten boobs to Jon too." I added.

"Damn, that girl is a freak." Rolonda commented.

"There is no telling what they do in their sorority house." I said.

I was already picturing what Tamera and Tiffany would look like doing battle with their boobs. I didn’t think it would be hard to get them to set a match up.
"If you want to know more, go ask Darla, she went to high school with Tiffany." I suggested.

Tamera nodded her head then stepped toward until the tip of her tits were touching mine. With Tamera being taller her boobs rested just above my nipples.

"What do you think, Kara," Tamera started to say and then pushed her boobs down into mine.

Tamera's shirt and bra covered boobs easily pushed my bare chest down into submission.

"Do you think my tits can take hers?" Tamera asked.

"It’s hard to say, I think you might be a little bigger but she might be firmer. Oh, and she has a lot more experience than you do when it comes to titfights." I answered.

"I bet I can take anything that sorority girl can dish out." Tamera snorted.

"I’d like to see that." I smiled.

Tamera pulled her boobs out of mine then looked around the room then back at me.

"What do you say, Kara, let’s get this thing started." Tamera said then winked at me.

I nodded before Tamera turned to put an arm around my shoulder and then turned us so we were facing the middle of the room. I felt her dark hand creeping over my shoulder and down my chest. I looked down watching as the black girl tweaked my nipple before cupping my boob in her hand. I had grown used to the fondling during the week, as the girls would call me over for the customers that wanted photos with the Hooter girl waitresses. Without fail, the other girls would sneak in a boob grab just before the picture would be taken. The customers didn’t seem to mind and we had already seen a few repeat diners all wanting more photos.

"Hey everyone, I’m ready to see some boob bashing!" Tamera spoke up.

There was some giggling, as I looked around the room at all the nodding heads. Darla seemed amused at Tamera's actions. I thought she might be jealous but apparently not.

"Ya’ll follow Kara down to the basement and we’ll get this thing started." Tamera suggested then took her hand away from my boob.

As I started to head for the basement, Tamera gave my bare ass a double patted causing my offended cheek to jiggle as I walked away. The room broke out into suppressed chatter as the rest of the group fell in behind me. I took satisfaction in watching the nervous look on Connie's face. Her boyfriend looked just as concerned as Connie did.

Once down in the basement, I noticed a white board Alexis and Hailey put up in their basement. It had a list of girls and their record from the tournament. The list read:

1. Tamera 5-0
2. Samantha 3-2
3. Maria 4-2
4. Rolonda 3-2
5. Sydney 2-2
5. Hailey2-2
7. Shelby 1-2
7. Riley 1-2
7. Alexis 1-2
10. Connie 0-0
10. Katherine 0-0
11. Ryoko 0-2

"You ready Connie?" Tamera asked.

The busty blonde nodded her head then stepped forward. Connie's big boobs stuck out on her chest high and proud as her pink bikini top strained to keep them contained. I had wondered if Connie had been wearing an oversized bra like me or she was just firmer. I watched her boobs bouncing around in her top all week but it was hard to tell if she was just that firm or she had some help in holding her boobs up. I was anxious to see her top come off and her big jugs in all their glory. I gave Connie a wink and a smile.

"And your opponent is…" Tamera said then looked around the room drawing out the suspense as Connie waited.

"Alexis!" Tamera announced.

The brunette stepped forward with a pained smile on her face. I thought I saw her mutter an obscenity under her breath. She looked more concerned than Connie did. I can’t blame Alexis for having some doubt as Connie had the brunette beat by about a cup and a half.

"Do you accept the challenge Alexis?" Tamera asked.

Alexis looked puzzled for a moment.

"If you don’t want to take on Connie, you can forfeit the fight." Tamera suggested. "But that would be another loss and that would put you at one win with three losses and you know what that means, so you might as well fight." Tamera added.

"I’ll fight!" Alexis responded sounding a little miffed.

I noticed Connie smiling with a little more confidence.

"Great!" Tamera beamed, "Tops please."

I held out my hand as Connie and Alexis removed their tops. Connie was the first to release her jugs and I have to say I was impressed. While I was bigger than the blonde was, she had me in firmness. I had no doubt Tiffany was telling the truth when we had our little contest of who had the better tits. Connie caught me gazing at her jugs and winked as me as I took her top from her. As Alexis handed me her top, I saw her comparing herself to Connie. I was concerned for the brunette. While Connie's chest was bigger the blonde looked just as firm as the brunette. Alexis did have bigger firmer looking nipples than Connie did. I thought Alexis might use that to her advantage.

I turned away from Connie and Alexis as I wadded up the blonde’s top then threw it to Dan. He almost missed the catch as he watched my boobs shake from the throw. He was standing by Darla and Maria I saw Darla lean in to say something to Dan. Loving to put people on edge, Darla grinned as Dan turned a light shade of red. I held onto Alexis's top turning back to face the girls.

"Remember the rules, no hands no wrestling unless to pin your opponent." I announced.

"Are you girls ready?" I asked then watched them nod their heads, "Fight!"

I stepped back letting the blonde and brunette have some room and give the others a chance to view the action. Both girls had their hands on their hips while they eased their boobs into each other. There was no doubt that Connie possessed the bigger firmer pair as the blonde’s tits pushed into the brunette’s jugs causing Alexis's boobs to contort. Connie smiled as she looked up from their tits to gauge Alexis's reaction. Alexis grunted then pushed harder finally causing Connie's boobs to balloon out on the sides a bit. The move didn’t seem to affect Connie much as she took a deep breath expanding her chest daring the brunette to let the air out of them.
Connie's confidence seemed to grow feeling her boobs engulf Alexis's smaller rack. I watched the blonde shift her boobs ever so slightly around on the brunette’s chest feeling Alexis out. After exhaling, Connie gave Alexis a slight bump then pulled her boobs away from her opponent.

"Don’t take this personally Alexis but you just happen to be in my way." Connie warned.

Before the brunette could respond, Connie dipped her chest slightly, thrust forward launching her bigger rack into Alexis's waiting boobs. I had a sinking feeling that Alexis was in real trouble watching Connie's meaty tits knock the brunette’s tits up on the initial thrust then push Alexis's tits down as gravity took effect. The blow knocked Alexis back a step as I heard gasps from the group watching the fight.

"And remember," Connie began continuing her original thought, "I did give you a chance to back down."

Connie's comment bolstered Alexis's resolve. With furrowed eyebrows, Alexis launched her tits into Connie's still bouncing boobs. The confident expression plastered on Connie's face was replaced by surprise as Alexis's boobs knocked Connie's bigger fuller tits back and up into her chest. I did notice Alexis's softer jugs contort as much if not more from the blow as Connie's knockers.

After backing up to recover, Connie gave Alexis a nod as she smiled. Alexis returned the smile then advanced on the blonde. Connie waded into Alexis's oncoming boobs pushing the brunette’s tits back causing the softer set of knockers to balloon out on the sides. With renewed confidence, Connie began to grind her tits into Alexis with authority. The brunette gritted her teeth as she tried grinding back into Connie's bigger firmer rack with little effect. The more her tits dominated Alexis the bigger the smile grew on Connie's face. I didn’t see any way Alexis could beat Connie, but the brunette continued to grind her overwhelmed boobs back into the blonde’s chest.

While the boob-grinding contest droned on, I looked around the room to see the reaction to the contest. I first glanced over at Dan who was standing in between Darla and Maria intently watching his girlfriend’s boobs dominate her opponent. He was enthralled with the action, as he stood rigid. I giggled noticing his pants tenting at the crotch. I gave Darla a look after catching her attention. She followed my eyes to Dan's crotch. Darla gave me an evil grin as she reached behind Dan to tap Maria on her shoulder. Being the instigating bitch that she is Darla pointed out Dan's boner to Maria who giggled as Darla mouthed something to the Brazilian girl behind Dan's back. The next thing I noticed was Darla leaning into Dan and whispering something into his ear. Dan's already flushed face grew beat red as she shifted his weight on his feet to lean away from Darla. While Dan retreated from Darla, he leaned into Maria's waiting cleavage. After flinching he looked down to see Maria smiling at him then the Brazilian flicked her eyes down to Dan's boner then back up at him letting him know she knew about his excitement. Maria didn’t make things any easier for Dan rubbing her boobs across his arm. Darla pressed in on Dan from his other side trapping the poor guy between them. Darla gave me an evil grin before I turned my attention back to the fight.

Connie and Alexis were still grinding their boobs into each other with the blonde continuing to dominate the brunette. We all watched as Connie pulled her boobs back to admire her work. Alexis's tits were splotchy red but her thick dark nipples still stood proud on the end of her boobs. While Connie's boobs controlled the fight so far, her boobs showed some signs of the fight with some nice red patches.

"Well," Connie said with her hands on her hips expecting Alexis to concede the fight.

"If that’s all you got Blondie, you’re screwed." Alexis said with a smirk.

Connie huffed at the brunette’s remark.

"I didn’t want to do this but after that comment I guess you deserve this." Connie warned.

After stepping back up to Alexis, with her thick brownish red nipples touching the tips of Alexis's boobs, Connie swung her jugs to the right then launched her tits into Alexis from the side. The crash sent the brunette’s boobs flying across her chest in a violent wave. Alexis gasped, but stood her ground as Connie followed through with her swinging motion. The blonde sent her knockers slamming back into Alexis's wobbling tits for another devastating blow. The brunette bit her lower lip absorbing the pain Connie was dishing out.

I expected Alexis to retreat from the blonde but she swung her tits in the opposite direction in which Connie was turning then sent her own shot slamming her smaller boobs into Connie. The blow had little effect as I watched Alexis's tits bounce off the blonde’s boobs but the blow sent a message to Connie letting the blonde know she was in for a fight. although the blow had little physical effect, Connie gave Alexis a puzzled look wondering why the brunette decided to engage her in this sort of fight.

Alexis turned then delivered another blow to Connie with the same effect as the first. The brunette’s tits smashed into the rebounded off Connie's jugs. The blow snapped the blonde out of her surprised expression. Connie retaliated with a blow of her own that sent shockwaves across Alexis's rippling tits. Again, Alexis fired another swinging boobs shot into Connie. The smacking sound caused Connie to grit her teeth before throwing all her weight into another blow. The force almost turned Alexis completely sideways, but the brunette was able to return a blow of her own though it was weak and ineffective.

I couldn’t understand Alexis's strategy at first as Connie was not only knocking Alexis's tits around but she was practically knocking Alexis around as well. Connie seemed to be in complete control until Alexis dodged a particularly hard haymaker shot the nearly sent Connie spinning out of control. I heard some gasps and giggles as Connie tried to regain her balance. I’m sure it didn’t help Connie's mood to see Alexis smirking at her.

"Hmm, Connie, you seem a little top heavy. You might want to be a little more careful." Alexis offered with a smile.

Not heading Alexis's advice, Connie threw her tits back into the brunette for another haymaker that missed by a mile as Alexis danced away from the blonde. As Connie righted herself, Alexis banged her tits into Connie's now wobbling tits. The strike caused Connie to lose her balance and stumble again. Everyone felt the fight’s momentum start to turn a bit for the brunette as Connie began to lose some confidence.

Connie took a couple of more boob slaps from Alexis before going back on the offensive. The first few blows from Connie were tentative but effective as she once again slapped the brunette’s tits around on her chest. Alexis grimaced as she kept swinging her jugs back at Connie.

After noticing Connie perspiring, I realized what Alexis's strategy was. With her smaller softer boobs, Alexis was just trying to outlast Connie hoping the blonde would wear herself and her boobs out during the fight. The plan seemed to be working. Connie was sweating, her boobs were red, and her pace had slowed down. Whenever Connie would wind up for a big swing, Alexis would dodge the blow then give the blonde a couple of jabs before she could recover. I’m sure it didn’t help Connie's confidence to see Alexis smirking at her whenever one of her big boob shots would miss.

While the girls took a moment to separate and recuperate a bit, I looked over to see a worried Dan hunched over with his hands on his knees like a football coach on the sideline watching his team just before a critical play in the game. I don’t know if he was trying to will Connie to victory or he was just trying to hide his boner. Judging by Darla and Maria's expression Dan was trying to do the latter. Maria stood beside Dan resting her hand on his back while Darla was bent over on the other side of Dan still whispering to him. Dan caught me staring at him so I gave him a wink then turned my attention to Tiffany.

I couldn’t judge her emotions very well. She was probably a great poker player. The best I could tell that she was interested almost as if she were a scout grading out a player for her team. I didn’t know much about her relationship with Connie other than she was dating Tiffany's brother and that they had fought with Tiffany winning. Tiffany didn’t seem too concerned that Connie was beginning to struggle in the fight. What did catch my eye was Tiffany occasionally stealing glances Tamera's way. The glances were subtle, but they were there.

"What’s wrong Connie?" Alexis asked. "Are those big ol’ tits getting heavy?"

"I don’t know," Connie, replied, "What do you think?"

Connie pushed forward reaching out for Alexis's hands. The brunette eagerly interlocked her fingers with Connie's digits then began an odd dance with the blonde. They fought for leverage resuming their boob grinding battle. Again, Connie's tits dominated Alexis shoving the brunette’s tits anywhere she wanted them to go. Occasionally, Alexis was able to push Connie's hands back and push her tits into the blonde’s boobs in a dominating fashion but her weaker tits would still be flattened against her chest. That didn’t seem to bother Alexis, as she was intent on wearing down Connie.

I thought Alexis had a great chance of winning until Connie surprised her by ripping her fingers loose of the brunette’s grip then grabbed Alexis by her wrists. Before Alexis could respond to the change of tactics, Connie whipped Alexis's arms down and behind her back. Alexis groaned with frustration trying to wriggle loose of Connie's grip. Connie leaned forward completely engulfing Alexis's tits.

"Do you give or am I going to have to finish off your soft boobs?" Connie asked.

"Ha, my tits have taken everything you have dished out so far," Alexis replied, "Bring it."

"Fine," Connie replied.

Connie slid her boobs to where her right tit was in between Alexis's left and right jug. The blonde paused a moment before she pushed her shoulders forward and rotated her left arm so she could push her left boob into Alexis's right tit. The move caused Connie's tits to pinch Alexis's right boob. The brunette cried out as she began to dance in Connie's grip to shake loose of the hold. After bending Alexis's arm up behind her back a bit for better leverage, Connie boob pinched Alexis's right tit again. The move clearly hurt Alexis as she threw her head back moaning in pain. With her tits swallowed up by Connie's boobs, I could see what was happening to Alexis's tits, but judging by her expression, she was in pain.

"Give?" Connie asked.

Alexis bit her lower lip.

"Fine," Connie muttered.

The blonde slid her tits back across the brunette to where her left boob now split Alexis's right and left jug. With the same motion as before, she pinched Alexis. Again, the brunette danced and writhed in pain.

"I can do this all night, Al." Connie warned.

"Fuck!" Alexis moaned. "I give!" Alexis shouted her surrender.

Connie immediately released the loser and stood back to take a deep breath. Alexis's tits were completely red and looked deflated. The brunette began to rub and massage her battered boobs. Connie's jugs looked better but they were also red and seemed a bit swollen.

"Congratulations Connie." I said to the blonde.

"Thanks," she replied.

I sensed she might have been a bit disappointed that it had taken so much effort to beat the smaller softer titted brunette.

"On your knees, Al." Connie ordered the brunette after some recovery.

Submissively, Alexis dropped to her knees then waited for the order she knew would come.

"Do it." Connie commanded as she leaned down cupping her big left jug in one hand shoving her left nipple to the brunette’s lips.

Obediently, Alexis licked and suckled the offered tip. Connie closed her eyes relishing the feel of Alexis's lips and tongue. I was a bit envious as I watched Connie's solid right jug swaying gently under her she was definitely firmer than I was. After making Alexis service her right boob, Connie helped the brunette to her feet. I was expecting the victory ceremony to be over, but was surprised when Connie cupped the brunette’s right tit in her hand then bent down and kissed Alexis’ beaten jug.

The move shocked everyone. It was the first time a winner ever kissed the loser’s boobs. Alexis stood with her mouth open then she closed her eyes as Connie liked and tickled her areola with her tongue. The room was completely silent as we all watched the blonde kiss the brunette’s boob. Connie twisted her head slightly sliding her lips to the exterior of Alexis's beaten boob. She left her mouth there for a moment, seemingly sucking on the side.

"C,Connie?" Alexis said questioningly.

I noticed a substantial amount of Alexis's boob in Connie's mouth. The blonde appeared to be sucking as much of the brunette’s tit into her mouth as possible. I don’t know what happened but Alexis flinched then Connie released Alexis's jug from her mouth.

"Hold still Al." Connie commanded.

Alexis nodded her head before Connie sucked up as much of the brunette’s boob as she could fit in her mouth. Alexis bit her lower lip and then winced in pain. With a giggle, Connie once again released Alexis's orb from her mouth. I saw an angry red welt.

"You bitch," Alexis muttered while Connie moved around to the brunette’s left tit.

"It’ll go away in a few days." Connie commented then bent down to suckle Alexis's left nipple.

I re-examined Alexis's right tit noticing the bite mark and grinned. The blonde gave the brunette a hickie on her boob. Connie was marking Alexis. I was impressed. I think some of the other girls figured out what Connie was doing as I heard whispering mixed in with some suppressed giggles.
Alexis kept her eyes closed as Connie sucked and bit Alexis's beaten and captured boob. It was total submission with the winner marking the loser.

"Alright Al, I’m done with you." Connie stated after spitting the brunette’s tit out of her mouth.

A beet red Alexis nodded then started to walk away.

"Hang on Alexis." Tamera spoke up. "That loss puts you two below 500 and you know what that means."

Alexis hung her head. The rest of the girls, even her roommate Hailey began to clap.

"Strip, strip, strip," became the chant from the group.

Connie stood proudly with hands on her hips beside me as we watched Alexis slide her thumbs inside the waistband of her bottoms before pushing her only item of clothing down to her ankles. The "Strip" chant became cheers and catcalls as Alexis stepped out of her bottoms to join Ryoko and I as the naked girls.

"I think you need to correct the records." Tamera suggested pointing to the whiteboard with the wins and losses for each girl.
Alexis nodded then began heading to the board.

"Congratulations Connie," I offered just as the blonde began to head toward her boyfriend Dan.

"Thanks E," Connie said with a giggle then gave my right nipple a little tweak before walking off.

I didn’t bother reacting to Connie's violation then watched as she sauntered over to her boyfriend as Darla and Maria looked on. Poor Dan was still half hunched over trying unsuccessfully to hide his boner. He gave up the fight standing straight up to give Connie a victory hug. I guess Connie noticed or rather felt him as she leaned in hard and whispered something in his ear. The blonde turned back to face the fight area standing directly in front of Dan. Connie stood proudly with her boyfriend behind her rubbing her shoulders as the blonde thrust her winning chest out for all to see. Tiffany had made her way over leaning in to whisper something into Connie's ear. The blonde nodded as the two-sorority sisters broke into a slight laugh. I couldn’t help feel that the little inside joke was at the rest of our expenses…us being the rest of the Hooter girls.

"Katherine, are you ready?" Tamera yelled.

The new girl looked a bit nervous as she stepped forward after some nods of encouragement from Samantha and Riley. Her porcelain skin shined from the basement lights as her pale orbs made their debut. Her bare jugs were just as pretty and well proportioned as the rest of her curvy body. I did notice that the new girl had rather small nipples. The pink nipples looked almost nonexistent from a distance blending into her white skin.

Tamera gave Katherine a smug smile nodding at the topless girl before announcing Katherine’s opponent. For a little suspense, Tamera looked around the room twice before opening her mouth. I could tell she loved being the leader of our little group.

"Riley, step forward and face your opponent!" Tamera commanded.

I saw Riley mouth the words, "Fucking bitch," as she walked toward Katherine. The redhead had her bikini top off before she reached her destination. Katherine gave her friend a nervous smile prior to gazing down to assess Riley's tits.

It was hard to keep the smirk off my face figuring out the tactics of Tamera's decision for the pairing. If Katherine won Riley would be naked and at everyone’s mercy and if Riley won, the new girl would be one loss away from being naked herself. Tamera definitely wanted to keep Samantha's group down at the bottom of the pecking order.

I grinned at Riley stepping up to stand nearby her and Katherine before starting the fight. Riley's mouth turned to a sneer as gave the redhead a winning grin. Katherine looked a bit confused. Apparently, Riley and Samantha hadn’t filled the new girl in on the politics in the restaurant.

Sizing Riley and Katherine up, Katherine appeared a bit bigger than Riley, but if she were if wasn’t by much. Riley's freckled tits seemed a bit firmer but without contact, it was hard to tell. Both girls had a bit of jiggle when they cough or moved. I liked the way Katherine’s flawless alabaster boobs contrasted to the freckled surface of Riley's tits.

"Since you’re new, Katherine I’ll explain the rules." I stated.

Katherine nodded.

"This is a tit fight and just a titfight. No slapping, boob grabbing, or any use of the hands on the boobs." I announced.

"What about your mouth?" Rolonda asked with a chuckle.

Tamera elbowed her friend.

"No, no mouths, just boobs on boobs." I answered.

The giggling died down.

"No wrestling unless you are on the ground and are trying to pin your opponent." I added. "You fight until you or your opponent’s boobs can take no more punishment."
Riley and Katherine nodded.

"May the best set of hooters win!" I said, "Fight!"

As I stepped back, Riley said, "Sorry about this," to Katherine then pushed forward giving her dark haired friend a hard chest bump. Katherine stumbled back in shock from the force.

"Oh, my, God!" Katherine shrieked with a surprised laugh.

"Nothing personal, Kat." Riley answered then pushed forward again.

Riley's second chest bump didn’t have the effect of the first as the dark haired girl was still stepping back from the first bump. The redhead reached out grabbing Katherine’s biceps to steady the retreating girl. Katherine seemed to be a deer caught in headlights as Riley pulled the pale girl into her as the redhead pushed forward. The result had Riley's tits slamming into Katherine’s pale orbs.

Katherine grunted as she threw her head back from the impact. I watched the hapless girl struggle to get out of Riley's firm grip and she was not prepared for Riley's third blow. Riley pushed up and into Katherine’s chest causing the raven-haired girl’s tits to compress and then bounce up on her chest.

"Ow, shit!" Katherine yelled giving her friend Riley a pleading look.

"I said I was sorry, Katherine." Riley stated, "But I can’t lose this fight."

Riley gave her friend another pull up thrust maneuver with the same result as the last. Katherine’s tits bounced on her chest while her face contorted into a mask of pain. Finally, Katherine put her hands on Riley's biceps to keep the redhead from giving her another chest bump. Riley tried to push forward, but Katherine’s strength halted her momentum.

Instead of just pushing Riley back, Katherine wrapped her fingers around Riley's biceps mimicking the redhead’s hold then thrust her chest into Riley's rack. Riley had been prepared for the move and met the oncoming set of tits with a force of her own. Both sets of boobs smashed together then compressed equally.
For the first time, in the fight, Riley winced in pain. Katherine groaned from then pulled her tits back and then pushed forward again. Riley gritted her teeth meeting the pale set of oncoming tits. The crash caused both girls to grunt loudly.

After the impact, Riley changed tactics; instead of pulling back, she ground her tits into Katherine’s jugs. After a moment of surprise, Katherine ground her tits back into Riley. Their boobs mashed together one set would compress then slip around the invading orb then push back into her opponent’s chest. The girl’s racks seemed equally firm as neither set gained an advantage. I did notice Katherine seemed to be wincing more than Riley was.

Being the more experienced fighter, Riley changed tactics again by pulling her boobs away and then slamming them across Katherine’s chest. The blow knocked the rookie fighter’s boobs across her chest. "Fuck," Katherine muttered as just as Riley was swinging her jugs for a back boobed slap. Katherine’s wobbling tits were knocked back across her chest from the impact.

Katherine seemed to catch on dodging the next swinging blow Riley threw at her. As Riley swung her tits back at Katherine, the dark haired girl flung her tits back at the redhead. With Riley having more momentum, the freckled pair of tits knocked the pale set back across Katherine’s chest. Katherine cried out in pain as her battered boobs quivered from the impact.

Not wanting anything more to do with the boob slugfest, Katherine clinched Riley in a tight embrace. As Katherine caught her breath, Riley began to grind her boobs into Katherine.

"Give up Kat. You can’t beat me." Riley suggested then forced her tits up and into Katherine’s jugs.

The raven-haired girl tensed up then studied Riley's expression. I guess she thought Riley was bluffing because she thrust her chest forward grinding into Riley's tits. Riley responded by dropping her boobs below Katherine’s tits then thrusting up and into the dark haired girls chest.

"Kat, look down." Riley ordered.

Katherine looked down at her tits. They were pushed up and distended from the pressure from Riley. As Katherine was looking down, Riley pulled her boobs back a bit to let Katherine’s jugs fall then pressed forward pushing her nipples straight on into Katherine’s tits. With Riley's nipples bored into her chest, Katherine cried out.

"Don’t make me hurt your boobs, Kat." Riley pleaded with her friend, "Give up."

After giving her friend a moment to contemplate her situation, Riley applied more pressure.

"Fuck!" Katherine yelled.

Katherine tried to pull away but Riley held her friend firmly keeping up the pressure. Riley pulled back a bit but not enough to lose contact with Katherine’s nipples then thrust forward. Katherine broke.

"I give Riley!" Katherine screamed, "You win."

Riley immediately released her grip then pulled back from her friend. Right away, Katherine reached up cupping and massaging her defeated boobs.

"I’m sorry, Kat." Riley said, "I’ll try to make it up to you."

Katherine nodded dejectedly.

"Hey, those girls have some potential. With a little work you’ll be good." Riley offered.

Katherine gave her friend a weak smile. She turned then walked back to Samantha with Riley's arm around her shoulder for support. As they headed over to Samantha Riley glared at Tamera. Tamera looked pleased with the outcome.

"Hey Alexis, why don’t you change the standings on the board then we’ll get on with tonight’s entertainment." Tamera ordered.

We all watched the naked Alexis walk over grab the marker then scratch off Riley's 1 and turn it into a 2 for a record of 2-2 then she wrote 0-1 by Katherine’s name. As Alexis did her duty on the whiteboard, my stomach knotted a bit wondering how I was about to have to humiliate myself in front of everyone. I glanced over at Ryoko it looked like she was having the same thoughts as me.

"You can all thank Hailey for tonight’s entertainment. She came up with the game." Tamera announced after Alexis was finished correcting the win loss records.
There was a bit of clapping as Hailey took a bow.

"Tonight’s entertainment is a game of…Twister!" Tamera yelled.

Everybody but Samantha's little group clapped and cheered at the announcement. The little knot in my stomach grew as I pictured myself bending and contorting to so my hands and feet were in the right colored circle. As Hailey excitedly brought the box over to set up the game, I glanced at Darla. She looked pleased, as did Maria, Tiffany and the rest of the little group.

"Alexis, you’re the spinner. Ryoko and E you’re the players." Tamera announced.

I heard some snickers.

"The loser has to do what the winner wants for five minutes as long as I approve." Tamera continued.

Ryoko raised an eyebrow and smirked at me as we eyed each other. I returned the smirk.

"You ready?" Alexis asked after the plastic sheet with the colored circles was placed on the floor.

I nodded then took a position opposite Ryoko on the edge of the sheet.

"Since you won the last game, E you can choose if you want to take the first spin or the second." Tamera offered.

I thought about my option for a moment then decided it might be best to establish my position on the sheet first.

"I’ll take the first spin." I answered.

Alexis nodded then thumped the spinner on the rectangle cardboard indicating which hand or foot would go on which colored circle.

"Left hand red!" Alexis stated.

I looked down at the four rows of colored circles with the six rows of red on my left; the blues were the next line, the yellows to the right of the blues, and the greens on the right of the yellows. I bent down placing my left on the first red circle. I didn’t dare bend over to give the group standing behind me, which consisted of Hailey, Sydney, and their boyfriends a full show of my intimates.

"Alright Ryoko, right foot blue!" Alexis announced.

I watched Ryoko place her foot in the first blue circle then looked up to see her wink at me.

"Kara, left foot red!" Alexis ordered.

I picked my left hand up moving further onto the plastic sheet another two circles then put my left foot on the first red circle where my hand had been. I remained in a squatting position with my right foot just off the plastic.

"Left foot yellow, Ryoko." Alexis called out.

Ryoko giggled placing her foot on the first yellow circle. I didn’t like where the game seemed to be heading as Ryoko stood over me waiting for my spin to be announced. My uneasy feeling grew after hearing Alexis thump the spinner then laugh.

"Kara, right foot…green!" Alexis announced.

"Fuck," I muttered.

I squatted in place for a moment trying to figure out how I could put my feet in the right place without giving everyone a clear view of my pussy. The green circle was on the opposite end from the red circle that my left foot was on. There was no away around the fact that I was going to have to spread my legs and stretch to reach the circle. With a sigh, I swung my right leg placing my foot on the first green circle. I was able to maintain a squat but my legs were spread wide. The snickering and giggling didn’t escape my ears.

"Right foot red, Ryoko!" Alexis said.

I was looking down watching Ryoko shift her foot over one row to the red column wondering if the game wasn’t rigged.

"The fuck Al, why is she getting just the feet spins?" I whined.

"Sorry Kara it’s just the way the spinner is landing." Alexis shrugged. "Are you ready?"

I nodded. Alexis spun the arrow. I watched her eyes grow big then tried to suppress her smile. I knew it couldn’t be good for me.

"Sorry Kara" Alexis said then paused, "right hand…green."

I was not amused as everyone laughed. I would have to reach across the plastic sheet where my right foot rested. I would be spread wide and with my knees having to be off the mat my bare ass would be in the air.

"Shit!" I yelled.

"Well, we’re waiting." Ryoko giggled.

I shifted my weight from my left side to my right as I guided my hand to the green circle I wanted to touch. When I was balanced, I put my hand down then raised my ass to keep the balance.

"Damn!" I heard either Sydney or Hailey's boyfriend exclaim.

"Nice view Kara!" Hailey yelled.

Everyone laughed and clapped at my predicament.

"Hey, Hailey, at least you get to see her good side!" Rolonda yelled out. "All I see are her boobs about to touch the floor!"

I turned my head so I could look up and watch Alexis thump the spinner for Ryoko's next move red-faced. Just as Alexis was about to announce which hand or foot went where, I felt my boob grabbed and squeezed. I hadn’t noticed Ryoko bending over and reaching under me to grab my right tit. I screamed and jerked from the sudden violation. My right hand slipped and I ended up landing face and boobs first on the plastic. I heard laughter and clapping as I turned to see and feel Ryoko placing her left foot across my ass.

"I win!" Ryoko yelled then struck a victory pose with her hands held above her head.

"That’s bullshit you cheated!" I angrily replied.

"No I didn’t!" Ryoko laughed.

"She cheated!" I pleaded to Tamera who was laughing along with everyone else.

"Nothing against that in the rules," Ryoko defended.

"I’ll let the group decide this one." Tamera smirked.

"But…" I was then cut off by Tamera.

"All those that think Ryoko won raise your hand." Tamera ordered.

It was unanimous Ryoko won. There was cheering and clapping. Ryoko wiggled my ass cheeks with her foot. I looked up glaring at her. She didn’t seemed fazed my by stare as she mouthed the word "loser," to me.

"Ryoko is the winner." Tamera announced.

"Ha!" Ryoko laughed as she lifted her foot off my ass and then dropped it back on me.

"What do you have planned, Ryoko?" Tamera asked.

"Well, Kara's been a bitch to me, she milked me last week, and then told you I should wear those loose bras," Ryoko answered, "I think I should punish her. I want to spank her."

Tamera nodded.

"No way!" I protested.

My protests were drowned out by the chant of "Spank, spank, spank."

"A spanking it is." Tamera laughed.

A roar of cheers echoed in my ears as Ryoko rubbed her foot across my ass. I looked over to see Alexis dragging a folding chair to the middle of the fight area.

"Get up E." Ryoko ordered.

I slowly rose to my feet and then followed the busty Asian to the chair Alexis had unfolded. Ryoko took a seat then patted her lap for me to lay over. I was about to plead for her to do something else but the look on her face made me change my mind and except my fate. I didn’t dare look around the room as the sound of snickers, giggles, and laughter filled the room.

After I draped myself over her lap, Ryoko lightly patted my ass. I did my best to keep my legs together as I used my arms and feet to balance myself. In my position, my boobs were almost touching my chin a fact I sure some in the group noticed as she snickers and laughter continued.

"ready?" Ryoko asked then gave my right butt cheek a pinch.

I didn’t answer. The first blow landed with a loud meaty smack that rang out in the basement I threw my head up in surprise at how hard Ryoko hit me. I guess everyone in the room was surprised to as I heard a lot of "oohs," and "aahs" that turned into laughter. Two more swats that were just as firm landed on my butt causing me to jerk my head up from the blows.

"Fuck!" I yelled before the fourth and fifth blow landed.

By now most of the girls and I guess guys were cheering Ryoko on as the blows became more rapid but less firm. The spanking seemed to go on forever then suddenly stopped. I thought it was over and began to rise but Ryoko pushed me back down.

"I’m just getting warmed up E." Ryoko mused as she kneaded my ass cheeks like dough.

Ryoko stopped massaging my butt then hit my right cheek just as hard as the first blow. the next swat hit my left cheek. The pattern of alternate ass cheek spanking continued for about ten blows. My butt was now warm from the spanking. I reached back to rub my ass, but Ryoko grabbed my arm and then bent it behind my back.

"Shit!" I exclaimed trying to balance myself with one arm.

"Hmm, I guess you need some more." Ryoko teased then began spanking me some more.

By this point Ryoko slowed down the strokes to the point, she had me guessing when and where the blows would come. I would tense thinking she was about to spank me, but Ryoko would wait until I relaxed and then smack my ass. Finally, Tamera made Ryoko stop.

As I stood up Ryoko gave my ass a little pinch for good measure.

"You’ll pay for this." I warned Ryoko as I rubbed my warm red butt.

Ryoko giggled then blew me a kiss. The laughter had died down but I could hear the comments about my butt. I was too embarrassed to look at anyone as I waited for Tamera's instructions. Thankfully, I didn’t have to wait long.

"Alright, last fight of the night!" Tamera announced, "Hailey, Sydney step up girls, let’s see who has the better pair."

I gathered enough courage to look up to see Hailey and Sydney heading in my direction. They still had smirks on their faces. I kept rubbing my ass as they approached. Once they were standing beside me, they began to remove their tops. Sydney had a sweater while Hailey wore a sweatshirt. Hailey was the first one topless, as she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath her top so I took in her rock hard red nipples. I noticed she had some goose bumps on and around her areola. As Sydney fiddled with her bra, I gave Hailey a quick glance. I caught Hailey looking at Sydney's cleavage. I couldn’t blame her, since Lauren had quit, Sydney had the second biggest set of boobs at the restaurant. Sydney bared her chest for all to see. Her tan lines were more defined than they were during the tournament. It was obvious she had spent some time at the tanning salon. The blonde’s long pink nipples stood proudly at attention.

I could feel an energy between them that was different than the start of other fights. They were staring at each other but not glaring. Sydney had a half smile and it looked as if Hailey was turned on. Her nostrils were flared, her nipples were hard, and her pupils were almost dilated.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Hailey?" Sydney asked.

"Absolutely," Hailey replied after glancing at her and Sydney's boyfriend.

Unquestionably, something was going on between them that I didn’t know about.

"Then let’s do this." Sydney offered leaning close to Hailey while licking her lips.

"Or, you two could just make out in front of everybody." I joked.

"Who asked you?" Hailey spouted off, "Red ass."

Sydney and everybody else laughed at my expense.

"Fine," I muttered.

"Ready…" I yelled then waited for the laughter to die down, "Fight!"

I expected a strong slapping of breasts or nipple jousting to start the fight, but that is not what happened. Instead, the blonde and brunette embraced each other in a soft hug. Hailey having a slight height advantage, leaned down gently pushing her breasts into Sydney's larger orbs. Their boobs met nipple to nipple. The blonde Sydney rubbed her longer pink nipples over the top of Hailey's taut shorter nipples.

"Wow, someone’s excited." Sydney opined.

"Yeah, Sydney I can’t believe you’re so turned on when you know your tits are about to get shamed in front of your boyfriend." Hailey quipped.

Sydney snorted then pushed her nipples straight on into the brunette’s nubs. Hailey's nipples recoiled a bit until Sydney's tips slipped off them and ended up burying themselves into Hailey's areola. After twitching a bit, the brunette slid her nipples into Sydney's burrowed nubs. Sydney retaliated by pushing her boobs harder into Hailey's chest and leaned in to whisper something in the brunette’s ear. I tried leaning in to listen, but I was too late as Sydney pulled away.

"Don’t think so Blondie." Hailey replied with a smile.

Sydney returned the smile until Hailey placed her nipples on top of Sydney's then pushed down. Sydney gasped as her nipples were forced down then popped back up once the brunette’s nubs slid along the length of them. Hailey began to say something to Sydney, until the blonde poked her nipples into Hailey's areola.
I looked around the room noticing everyone’s attention was focused on Hailey and Sydney's nipple duel. Sydney and Hailey's guy’s mouths hung open as they stood shoulder to shoulder watching the fight progress. I think the sensuality of the fight caught everyone by surprise.

Sydney pulled away and then pushed her nipples back into another part of Hailey's areola. As soon as the blonde’s nubs buried themselves into Hailey, the brunette slid her nipples into Sydney's forcing the blonde’s nipples to uproot from their position. The brunette made sure to ground her nubs into Sydney's nipples as the blonde tried to reposition herself for another jab.

"Oh, no you don’t." Hailey breathed as pushed her boobs forward before Sydney could jab her nipples into the brunette’s areola.

Sydney pushed her tan lined jugs back into Hailey's lighter toned orbs then met the brunette’s grinding motion. Their tits seemed evenly matched in the firmness department, as one set would give way and compress only to decompress then push the advancing pair back. Hailey used her slight height advantage to push down into Sydney's chest while the blonde used the downward pointing angle of Hailey's boobs to push forward pinning the brunette’s tits against her chest.

They were leaning in whispering in each other’s ear, or so I thought, but as I watched them it appeared they were breathing heavily on each other’s neck and ears. This fight was much more sexual than the others were. I was curious to see where the fight would lead.

Tiring of having her boobs pushed down, Sydney dodge the brunette’s tits then drag her jugs across Hailey's boobs. The new tactic seemed to favor Sydney's minor size advantage as I watched her boobs roll over Hailey's orbs. Hailey met Sydney's tactic with a sweeping motion of her own. Standing to the side, I watched Sydney's left boob slide from its compressed position with Hailey's right tit then pop out, wobble a bit then compress again once she drug it back over the brunette’s right jug. I did notice that whenever Hailey's boob popped free it seemed to have a little less wiggle than the blonde’s tit.

"Dang, Syd, I didn’t know your tits were so floppy." Hailey taunted the blonde after pulling her mouth away from the Sydney's neck so everyone could hear the taunt.

"That’s because they are not." Sydney retorted.

The blonde immediately tightened her embrace pulling Hailey into her while thrusting her chest forward. Hailey sucked in some air as the blonde’s tits invaded her chest. Sydney compressed Hailey's boobs and seemed to relish the feel of the maneuver.

"Aww, Hailey, I shrank your boobs." Sydney teased.

I heard some laughter behind me. From my view, it did look like Sydney smashed Hailey's boobs down. Sydney looked up into Hailey's eyes with a winning smile. The brunette gritted her teeth then tightened her grip around Sydney's shoulders. The blonde gasped as Hailey increased the pressure. Sydney's boobs began to compress and bulge out at the sides. The blonde’s smile quickly faded as she fought to maintain her force. They began to breathe harder. Hailey leaned in and began whispering into Sydney's ear again. I thought I saw the blonde shudder a bit then she did the same to Hailey. They maintained their tight embrace for several extended moments with no movement.

The whispering stopped. As the two combatants pulled away from each other, I noticed Sydney and Hailey's faces were flush with excitement. Both girls had a slight smile mixed with a smirk.

"I guess it’s time to finish you, Syd." Hailey mused.

"Not…" Sydney replied as she swept her boobs across Hailey. "Even!"

After the boob sweep, Sydney raised an eyebrow at Hailey.

"Yeah, you’re finished, Blondie." Hailey laughed.

I thought Hailey had a point after watching the blonde’s tits slid across the brunette’s boobs watching Sydney's jugs compress then wobble when they were clear of Hailey's tits. "Hmph," Sydney snorted then slid her big round boobs back across Hailey's chest. My first impression was right, Sydney's jugs failed to move Hailey's orbs as she brunette stood rigid.

As Sydney began to slid her boobs across Hailey for a third time, the brunette took action by lifting her tits above Sydney's chest then brought them down onto the blonde’s jugs in a diagonal direction. Sydney winced from the power of Hailey forcing her boobs down and then to the right. I watched with fascination as Sydney's boob popped back up with a bounce once Hailey's boobs dropped under the blonde’s chest.

Sydney froze for a moment trying to figure out how to combat Hailey's latest tactic. Taking advantage of the blonde’s hesitation, Hailey lifted her right jug up and around the outside of Sydney's left boob while her left boob lifted the blonde’s right orb. Hailey held her position for a moment looking down at Sydney's elevated jug then with a laugh, shifted her shoulders until Sydney's right tit fell from its perch.

Hailey slashed her chest across down and across Sydney's quaking boobs in a diagonal direction opposite from the first sweep. Sydney’s right jug took the brunt of the assault with Hailey's left tit leading the way pushing the blonde’s right boob down and to the right. As soon as the brunette’s left orb passed over Sydney's right jug, Hailey's right came sliding down onto the quaking, flopping udder. The result of the move caused Sydney's right boob to spring up then bounce weakly on her chest.
Hailey laughed watching the blonde’s jiggling tits then restarted her diagonal slashes that turned into a figure eight motion. The brunette pushed Sydney's boobs around at will. The blonde tried to pull away but Hailey held her close and firm.

I heard some murmuring in the background as Hailey took control of the fight. With Hailey's new tactic, it was obvious who had the firmer chest. Hailey looked confident while Sydney looked stunned.

Wanting no more of Hailey's tactic, Sydney pulled the brunette in close for a tight hug. Hailey loosened her grip grinding her jugs into the blonde’s chest. Sydney was pulling hard so the brunette didn’t have a lot of room to maneuver. I saw Sydney's tits puffing out on the sides a bit, as Hailey's jugs bore into the blonde’s chest. Hailey began whispering into Sydney's ear. Sydney shook her head side to side. Occasionally, Hailey would laugh then kiss the blonde’s neck. The whispering ended with Hailey flexing her arm muscles hugging the blonde tightly. Sydney grunted while putting her own force into the clinching hold.

Both women seemed to hold still for another few moments, but Hailey broke the stalemate first by releasing her grip, which Sydney quickly followed. The girls pulled back for a moment as they and everyone else looked to see what damage the fight had wrought on the battling breasts. Both were red and blotchy. I noticed each set of nipples were still rock hard and standing at attention. By now, they had dropped their hands from each other’s shoulders down to their waists.

Without a word, Hailey pushed her boobs forward, compressing Sydney's pair before Sydney pushed back, bringing their tits to a equal position. The blonde slid her tits to her left, while Hailey did the same. I watched Hailey's left boob pulled against Sydney's right tit, pushing the pressured orb further to Sydney's right. As soon as Hailey's left orb passed, her right jug continued the pressure on Sydney's boob.

Sydney groaned as she felt Hailey's firm tits pushing against her right breast. Sydney pushed forward and both tits met again, and while both tits compressed about the same amount, Sydney’s boobs seemed redder than Hailey's pair. Sydney pursed her lips as she pushed forward mirroring the earlier maneuver, where she’d had the last advantage.

Hailey however reacted the same way she had before pushing forward. The difference this time was that Sydney's big jugs were clearly bulging further than before. Hailey began whispering again, and then Sydney let her arms fall as Hailey pushed them gently out of the way. The move subtly thrust Sydney's chest out, and rather than pushing against Hailey's tits, Sydney tits slowly pushed outward just a bit more than they had previously. It was obvious that Hailey's tits had proved superior this time. With a smile, Hailey leaned in whispering again. Sydney closed her eyes then nodded agreeing with whatever Hailey had said.

Hailey pulled away taking a deep breath inflating her reddened chest while placing her hands on her hips. The brunette stood proudly waiting for the pretty blonde with her beaten tits to open her eyes. I couldn’t blame Hailey for being proud of defeating the prettier blonde. While Hailey was cute, Sydney was model pretty. The win had to boost her pride.

"Well," Hailey said while waiting to hear the words Sydney would have to say.

"Your tits are better than mine, Hailey." Sydney said dejectedly after opening her eyes.

They made eye contact for only a moment until Sydney broke the contact to stare down at her beaten jugs. Hailey didn’t gloat or taunt the blonde instead; she put her arm around Sydney and began to lead her to their boyfriends. I shook my head at the guys who still stood beside each other with their mouths open.

Everyone was silent watching Hailey lead Sydney, until Tamera spoke up.

"Hey, Syd, we are all looking forward to seeing you in your bikini next week."

There were some giggles and a few claps from Tamera's statement.

"Alright, Al, change the records and then we’ll work out the schedule for next week." Tamera ordered.

As Alexis changed Sydney's record from 2-2 to 2-3 and Hailey's from 2-2 to 3-2, I watched Hailey and Sydney hug their boyfriends. After the hug, the four of them huddled together making sure no one else heard them. I was dying to find out what they had planned.

The board read the following after Alexis finished with the changes:

1. Tamera 5-0
2 Samantha 3-2
3 Maria 4-2
4 Rolonda 3-2
5 Hailey 3-2
5. Sydney 2-3
7 Connie 1-0
7. Riley 1-2
8. Shelby 1-2
9. Alexis 1-3
10. Katherine 0-1
11. Ryoko 0-2

The scheduling process was a lot easier than after the tournament last week. Everyone already pretty much had the slots from the week before. There was one slot that Connie had that I needed so I headed over to her to negotiate.

Connie was still standing in front of Dan with Tiffany standing to their right while Darla, Maria, and Andrea stood to her left. Darla was smirking as usual and it looked like Maria and her sister were trying to keep from laughing. I was a little leery about asking a favor from Connie, especially in front of this group.

"How’s your ass, Kara?" Darla asked before I could talk to Connie.

Maria and Andrea broke into laughter. Darla put her arm around me and patted my ass as she turned to face the group.

"Oh, I’m going to get her back…she’ll pay for that." I stated. "I’m going to bruise." I complained.

"You never complained about that before." Darla commented.

There were giggles. I rolled my eyes at Darla.

"You spank her?" Connie asked.

"Oh yeah, sometimes she needs her attitude adjusted." Darla answered.

There were more giggles.

"And then there are other times…" Darla started to say before I cut her off.

"Darla!" I yelled at her hoping to stop her from divulging intimate secrets.

The giggles turned to laughter. Darla groped my butt.

"Connie, can I ask you a favor?" I asked hoping to change the topic before Darla revealed some secrets.

The busty blonde shrugged her shoulders but smiled.

"I need to work that Wednesday night shift." I stated and before I could ask what she wanted for the favor, Connie cut me off.

"Sure E." Connie answered her smile growing wider.

I was stunned at how quickly she agreed to my request.

"You don’t want any of my shifts?" I asked.

"Nah, let’s just say you’ll owe me." Connie replied.

I didn’t like the way she said the phrase or the way she looked at me. I noticed Tiffany glancing back and forth between us and I got the sense she knew something I didn’t.

"Fine," I agreed.

"Great, see ya at work." Connie said then reached out tweaking my left nipple before leading Dan to the stairs of the basement.

"Thanks for inviting me, Kara. I had a great time." Tiffany said then leaned in giving me a hug.

Tiff made sure she placed her boobs on top of mine as she hugged me. I couldn’t help comparing her tits to Tamera's, especially after what the black girl had said earlier. It was impossible to tell with them both wearing bras, which was firmer or bigger.

"Oh, and good luck tonight." Tiffany wished me before turning to leave.

I glanced at Darla and knew right away that she had told Tiffany about our little competition later on.

"Let’s go Kara." Darla ordered.

"I have to help clean up." I stated.

"Well hurry it up." Darla demanded.

I rushed through helping Alexis and Ryoko clean the basement up then was led up the stairs by Darla.

"Are you horny?" Darla asked as we headed to Alexis's room to retrieve my clothes.

"No," I answered indignantly.

"Bullshit." Darla laughed then led me to a bathroom.

Before I could protest, once we were in the bathroom, Darla pushed me up against the door. She kissed me forcefully as I felt her hands roam over my chest.

"We gotta go." I warned.

"No, we need to take the edge off." Darla countered.

Darla's left hand slid from my boob down my stomach and to my pussy. I gasped feeling her index finger enter me.

"I knew it…sopping. Fucking. Wet." Darla teased as she slid her finger in and out of me slowly.

I tried to protest but she pressed her lips against mine then invaded my mouth with her tongue. I melted under her touch spreading my legs for easier access. Before I knew it, she had three fingers in me and worked them furiously in and out.

"I knew you would be horny as fuck." Darla whispered after breaking our kiss.

"Watching Connie's big udders destroy Alexis's poor outmatched boobs" Darla continued.

"And what about your game with Ryoko…now everyone know what you got down here." Darla hissed in my ear while increase the speed of her thrusting fingers.

"Oh, and your spanking, I’m surprised a slut like you didn’t come while you were draped over Ryoko's lap getting your ass tanned in front of everybody."

"Oh fuck," I muttered feeling my pussy reacting to Darla's fingers.

"Yeah, that’s it, Kara, give it up…give it up…slut." Darla breathed.

I was now humping her hand while holding onto her neck for dear life. I was biting my lower lip to keep anyone from hearing us. Darla nearly dropped me when my orgasm washed over my body. I was a sweaty mess as Darla withdrew her fingers.

"We need a shower." Darla stated as she began to remove her clothes.

I nodded then ran the water while she finished stripping.

"You are going to be bruised." Darla giggled as I was bent over feeling the warmth of the water.

"Ha, ha," I said sarcastically while turning the knob for the water to come out of the showerhead.

Once we were in the shower, I grabbed the soap and began to wash Darla and myself. We had showered often together and had a routine. I was doing my usual stuff to her until I felt her wrap some of my hair in her hand. As I looked up to see why she had grabbed my hair, I noticed she had lifted her right leg resting her foot on the side of the tub. Darla's pussy was thrust arrogantly out only inches from my face. with the look in her eyes, I knew what she wanted.

"Do it." Was all Darla muttered.

With a practiced tongue, I went down on the dominant redhead. I didn’t so much eat her pussy as she humped my face. Darla was saying something to me, but with her left thigh pressed against my right ear and water in my left ear, I couldn’t make out what she was saying. It was just as well, knowing Darla, I’m sure it was dirty, disgusting, and derogatory.

I brought her off quickly. We finished the shower then I helped her dress.

"Shit, we need to hurry." Darla warned. "They are going to be so pissed." Darla giggled.

We practically ran down the hall to Alexis's bedroom so I could get dressed. Darla helped me dress making sure she had as much of my boobs on display as possible as she tied the knot between my tits. With little delay, we headed down the stairs to leave.

Downstairs, we ran into Alexis, Ryoko, and Shelby who were waiting for us.

"Hey, Kara, do you guys want to come over to my apartment and hang out with us for the night?" Shelby asked.

"Sorry sweetie, but we have plans." Darla answered for me.

Shelby looked hurt.

"I’d really like to Shelby but we really do have plans. I wished you would have asked earlier." I said trying to soothe her feelings.

"You have plans?" Ryoko asked. "Um, it’s almost midnight" Ryoko stated with a raised eyebrow.

Alexis was grinned as if she knew what our plans were along with Ryoko. Darla winked at the two of them and nodded as if agreeing with them.

"Well if you change your minds, we’ll be at my apartment watching a movie, eating nachos, and drinking tequila." Shelby offered.

"We’ll keep it in mind." Darla said then led me by the wrist out of the house, to my car, and to my first sexfight.
Latest Chapter of "Titfight Academy"

"A Tribute to Best Friend's Sister" series

You can find some reference pics in my profile