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Family Affair - Rematch (extended family) the Conclusion

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Offline RedForman

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Family Affair - Rematch (extended family) the Conclusion
« on: August 05, 2018, 06:09:34 PM »
Family Affair - Rematch (extended family) the Conclusion

Disclaimer:  This is a fictional account that involves real people.  It is graphic and involves situations that are of a highly controversial nature.  This is based on some real life events.  It depicts a blended family where a white man with a daughter married a black woman with a son. 

Here it is the END of a fairly popular series.  Part 1 of this particular story is located at:

Match #3 Lee vs. My X Wife: 
I sat down on our love seat next to my daughter as Lee Ann and Lana walked out onto the mats for the final match, not only of the day, but ever.  With my daughters betrayal and Andres lack of interest, this would be the final Family Fight ever.  You could cut the tension with a knife.  The two women glared at each other, hands on hips. 

The implications of this last fight were that IF we (Lee Ann) won, Susan and her mother would have to slink back to upstate New York, knowing that Lee had bested both women.  And Susan (and/or her mom) would also have to raise tuition for her senior year of college.  The combination would be a crushing blow to the Wicked Bitch of the Northeast!  I agreed to pay for Susan's last year IF Lana beat Lee Ann.  HIGH STAKES INDEED! 

"Ready  . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGHT!"  I announced and the final match was on. 

I expected a high intensity, very short, fight, in which the two women tore into each other.  Instead, they both seemed cautious.  The much taller Lee Ann had her hands extended, reaching out towards Lana, measuring her reach advantage.  Lana had a weight advantage that would serve her well if they went to the mats, but we all knew that Lee was quicker. 

At first, Lana was trying to slowly advance, looking for an opening to grab Lee for some ground and pound, I am sure.  But Lee kept slapping at Lana's hands as Lana reached out, trying different angles.  It was really quite boring for the first 5 minutes.  Susan kept shouting encouragements to her mom.

I was more subtle warning Lee what to watch for; "Don't in fight honey.  Keep her at a distance." 

Then suddenly Lana faked a hard kick, aimed at Lees crotch.  Lana then quickly put her foot down without executing the kick.  Lee instinctively put both arms down below her crotch to try and stop the fake kick.  That is when Lana grabbed Lees wrists with her hands.  As soon as Lana captured Lee in her grasp a derisive smile crossed her face. 

Lana yanked Lee towards her and then reached out, grabbing two hands full of Lee's hair. 
"I GOT YOU NOW, BITCH!" Lana taunted. 

Lana began yanking Lee, by her hair, while trying to keep balanced.  Lana seemed to want to direct Lee to the wall.  Lee Ann grabbed Lana's wrists and fought to stay balanced and away from the walls.  This went on for about another 5 minutes.  Then Lee decided that it was time to stop this tug of war. 

Lee let go of Lana's wrists and dug her nails into Lana's pendulous tits, that were flopping around during this skirmish! 
"OWW!  BITCH!", Lana cried out as Lee's nails scratched red marks into her boobs. 

Lana then bent her knees, lowering her center of gravity, and uttered a primal scream.  Releasing Lee's hair, Lana grabbed both sides of Lee's thong and bulldozed Lee towards the wall.  Because of the way in which Lee grabbed Lana's tits, Lee Ann lost her grip on them, and her thong that was now wedged into her crack.  Lana had the top of her head against Lee's sternum and steadily drove Lee backwards, until her ass hit the wall. 

The look on Lee Ann's face indicated that Lana was the stronger of the two women.  Lana released Lees thong and raised her hands, grabbing Lee Ann by the throat with her left hand and Lee's left breast with her right.  Lee again sunk her nails into Lana's big boobs as Lana delivered a hard right handed slap to Lee Ann's cheek!  Lana moaned as her tits were mauled by Lee, but Lana didn't stop what she was doing.  Lana then backhanded Lee's face and landed a third, forehand slap! 

Now the fight was getting exciting, and I squirmed in my seat, wanting desperately to help my wife!  At this point, Lee seemed to be getting the worst of it as Lana had a twisted smile on her face.  She seemed to be enduring Lee Ann's tit mauling, as she kept slapping Lee Ann! 

As Susan and I both offered vocal support, rooting Lana and Lee on, I suddenly realized that I had an erection.  why is it that seeing your woman getting beaten and mauled by another woman is so "sex-citing"?   (I just made up a new word)  My sweatpants, which I put back on after my match with my X now sported a wet spot in the crotch.  Why did I now enjoy seeing my out of shape X-wife with her fat tits bitch slapping the woman I loved? 

Just as Lana was about to backhand Lee Ann for the fourth or fifth time, Lee changed her tactics.  Lee Ann's claws weren't even slowing Lana down.  Lana was restricting Lee Ann's air supply somewhat from the choke hold, so her strength seemed to be waning.  And so Lee Ann released Lana's left breast and shoved her right hand down inside her thong, searching out Lana's engorged clit.  At the same time Lee adjusted her left handed grip on Lana from a claw, to a nipple pinch with a twist! 

Lana wailed as, almost simultaneously, her large right nipple was pinched and twisted, while Lee also found and pinched her clit! 
"YOU FUCKING cxnt!"  Lana screamed as she squirmed! 

Lana slammed Lee's head back against the wall before releasing it and then reached and seized Lee's wrists, to stop Lee from mauling her! 

"How does THAT feel, you white trash trailer park trash?!?"  Lee taunted! 

From my angle it now appeared that Lee Ann was trying to lift Lana up by her pussy, as Lee dug her nails inside Lana and hooked he nails inside her vagina! 

Lana finally extricated both of Lee Ann's hands from her body but then Lee grabbed Lana's wrists.  Lana seemed much weaker now after Lee mauled her breast and pussy!  Lee was now able to spin Lana around 180 degrees and slam her right side into the wall!  The tide was definitely turning. 

Lana's body made quite an impression on our wall, as the sheetrock now bore an imprint of Lana's right side.  Then Lee Ann, in the heat of the battle, lifted my X off of her feet and slammed her body onto the mats, face down!  Lana landed with a loud thud and the force bloodied her nose. 

Lee Ann jumped on Lana's back and lifted her head up, by her shoulder length hair and rammed her head into the floor about four or five times.  Susan started to cry and attempted to get up off of the love seat to help her mom.  But as Susan rose to her feet I grabbed her from behind, wrapping my arms firmly around her, and then sat down so there was no way she could escape. 

Lana was now dazed, almost out of it.  Lee Ann flexed her biceps and rolled Lana onto her back.  Then Lee Ann smiled at me as she seductively wiggled out of her thong, leaving her now naked.  Her long legs made an imposing figure as she then plopped her ass down on Lana's face!  Lana was spread eagle, so Lee Ann's legs pinned Lana's arms to the floor.  IT WAS OVER!  But it WASN'T. 

Lee Ann started shifting her hips forward and back in a reverse face-sit position, face fucking my X! 

Le Ann now taunted Lana, yelling at her to surrender! 
"YEAH WHITE BITCH!  YOU AND YOUR CONNIVING DAUGHTER THOUGHT THAT YOU WOULD COME INTO OUR HOUSE AND BEAT US BOTH!  WELL GUESS WHAT?  YOU BOTH GOT YOUR ASSES HANDED TO YOU!"  Lee then started to moan.  The victory, plus humiliating my X wife in this way made her super horny! 

Lee Ann stopped taunting Lana as she was rapidly reaching climax.  It was unbelievably exciting to watch the "Wicked Bitch" get the equivalent of a bucket of water thrown on her.  But instead of water, it was Lee Ann's cum!  Lee rode Lana's face like a cowboy rides a bronco.  She finally let out a primal scream and exploded in Lana's face!  Lana was now unconscious!   

Post Match:  I had never wanted Lee Ann more than I did as she slowly wobbled to her feet, very tired, and completely satisfied!  I released Susan, who then tended to her knocked out, bleeding mother.  I ran to the new Family Champion, and picked Lee up as I hugged and kissed her.  I had a raging hard-on and swept Lee off her feet and carried her to our bedroom, where we made love for almost an hour. 

When we finally emerged from our bedroom, no trace was found of either Lana or Susan.  They must have been so embarrassed that they gathered their things and left. 

That was a year ago, and I haven't heard from either of them since! 

-The End-