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A Tribute to Best Friend's Sister, Dream Sequence 4: Tiff vs Sarah Revisited

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Offline Augur

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  • Author of Titfight Academy and BFS Tribute

The encounter below is for the most part taken directly from Chapter 20 of Jon Grey's Best Friend's Sister, and those familiar with the series will no doubt immediately recognize the pairing. Jon's original version ended with a move that could well be considered 'cheating' or a 'dirty trick' - one girl effectively scaring her opponent into surrending and not really proving her breasts superior. Breaking her rival's will, but not her tits.

But what if the match hadn't ended with that rather unsporting move? Tiff and Sarah would've needed to settle things properly, of course! Boobs vs boobs until one set gives out.

Please read Jon Grey's BFS 20 before this story:


A Tribute to Best Friend's Sister, Dream Sequence 4: Tiff vs Sarah Revisited

*The story picks up just as Tiff returns home from her new job at the lingerie store...*

"First day of work," Tiffany said. I grinned.

"Did you like it?" I asked.

"It's so nice. The manager, Ms. Williams, is awesome. I think she's about 25; really laid back, but everything gets done. The customers are so much nicer, and all women. The guys that did come in barely said a word. Oh, Sarah was training me today, and wanted to know if I'd fight her. I also get a discount on those bras, so you won't be able to surprise me until they know you there," Tiffany said.

"Sarah?" I asked. Tiffany nodded. "Yeah. She's really good at training," Tiff nodded again, and then laughed.

"Yes, perv," Tiffany grinned. "Sarah and I are going to fight this weekend. For you. Though she's asked that you just watch, whether she loses or wins," Tiffany added. I nodded.

"No problem," I agreed. Tiffany rolled her eyes.

"As long as you back my winning boobs there's no problem," Tiff said, looking proudly at her chest. I grinned.

"Of course," I acknowledged. "Like Sarah's little titties will hold up to yours," I whispered. Tiffany grinned.

"I would love to hear how I'm going to beat her down, baby," she whispered. "But I'm hungry, and I don't like cold pizza. Besides, you need to um, conserve your strength, right?" I looked at her.

"You're going to be a busy, busy boy in a couple of days. I have big plans for you and Sabrina." I grinned, but felt a slight nervous twitch in my stomach. I had no idea what was going to happen, but so far nothing had gone terribly wrong yet. I realized, even thinking it, that that had been the wrong thing to think.

Tiffany grinned as I sat there, and leaned over to open the pizza box. We ate quickly and quietly, both of us apparently starving.

"Do you mind if we just lay on the couch?"


I heard a knock at the door.

I stood and opened it, and Sarah stepped in quickly. The raven-haired girl was wearing a sweatshirt and some sweatpants, hiding her curves from anyone watching.

"Hey," Sarah said softly. "How are you, Jon?"

"Fine, thanks. Please come in," I offered. "Can I get you guys something? Water, soda?" Sarah nodded.

"Water, please." Sarah said politely. Tiffany strode in behind her.

"Make it two, garcon," Tiffany said, grinning. I nodded, heading to the kitchen to let both the girls get ready. By the time I'd gotten back, both Tiffany and Sarah were standing in their bras. I almost laughed, as both were wearing the same set of lingerie.

"We had some trouble deciding on stakes," Tiffany noted. "Sarah and I decided we'll fight over who gets to wear this bra and panty set." Sarah smiled and took the water I offered. Tiffany did the same.

"Sit down, and enjoy the show, Jon," Tiff whispered as she took the drink.

I did as I was told and watched the two girls quietly remove their bras. Tiffany's fell first, her firm globes jiggling just enough for my distraction. Her thick nips hardened, crinkling in the cooler air of the room. Her round flesh settled high on her chest, and I grinned as I watched my girlfriend's big boobs spring free. She cupped them, pushing her boobs up and together before dropping them. The lack of a definite shake made me stare, and as I pulled my eyes away, I saw Sarah staring, too.

The black haired girl was pulling off her bra as she saw my girlfriend's powerful tits and swallowed. Her own tits were sizable, maybe down a cup size or so, but they sat almost perfectly on her chest. Her nipple hardened as well, crinkling, with a much smaller point springing from the darker flesh of her areolas.

"I haven't had a good match in a while," Tiff said to Sarah, who nodded. My girlfriend's eyes fell to Sarah's chest, where her perky boobs stood out, her hardened nipples jutting out at Tiffany. "Looks like it'll be a while still," Tiffany said, grinning.

"Oh, fuck you," Sarah said. Sarah was still smiling, but her grin had faded after Tiffany's taunt. She lightly pushed her firm boobs forward, her nipples brushing the bottom of Tiffany's jugs. Tiffany didn't let much of a look cross her face, but pushed down with her bigger tits. Sarah grunted as she felt the weight of her coworker's breasts on hers. Neither pair of tits budged much, but Sarah pulled away quickly, hoping to line up her tits with Tiffany's.

Tiffany didn't let Sarah have that chance, bringing her tits around for a slower strike than I was used to seeing. It still had an effect, as Tiffany's right breast swung into Sarah's right boob. The smaller tit shook a bit, but the impact was relatively soft, and Sarah shot back, slinging her torso to follow Tiff's momentum. Her left breast struck Tiffany's left boob, and while there was a stronger impact, no noticeable movement occurred, save for some nice, enticing jiggling from both pairs of firm breasts.

"You've got such nice tits," Tiffany said, grinning. "I can't wait to flatten them." Sarah groaned as Tiffany gently thrust her chest forward, pushing the full weight of her dense tits onto Sarah's smaller pair.

"Jesus, no wonder so many people want to get you," Sarah snapped. "Get off my tits!" Sarah leaned back just for a moment, and struck, sending her firm tits against Tiffany's. Tiff moaned as she felt Sarah's firm jugs slam into hers, and Sarah repeated the motion. Another solid blow shook Tiff's tits, shaking her flesh momentarily. Tiffany recovered quickly enough, moving out of the way of the next blow, and swinging her bigger, heavier breasts across Sarah's chest.

Sarah evaded Tiffany's swing and stabbed forward again. Her left breast thumped against Tiffany's right, but her right breast just glanced my girlfriend's left. Tiffany didn't make a sound, instead slamming back. Both women groaned as their flesh met straight on, sending ripples through both pair. I shifted in my seat, trying to get comfortable.

The two girls kept their tits pressed together, and shifted slightly from side to side. I noticed that Sarah was mirroring Tiff's movements, and wondered if the black-haired girl had a plan to take on Tiff's big boobs. Sarah continued to grind, shifting her chest left and right, and Tiffany kept moving her big boobs over and around Sarah’s perky boobs. Neither pair seemed to shift much, keeping much of the original shape even as the contact increased. I watched the tops of Tiffany's pair flatten slightly as Sarah's firm boobs flattened from below. The same happened when contact was made from any direction.

"Nice tits," Tiff acknowledged. Sarah's eyes narrowed, looking for a taunt. Finding none, she seemed content to fabricate one, and pulled away to launch her tits into the underside of my girlfriend's globes. Tiff groaned and tried to pull back, but Sarah's hands shot up quickly to her opponent's shoulders. Tiff managed to grab her forearms, her own hands striking out, and the two women gripped each other's forearms as they circled around one another.

Tiff moved first, thrusting her chest outward, aiming her tits at Sarah's pert breasts. Sarah followed, moving just a second too late, and the momentum favored the brunette. Tiff's tits slammed into Sarah's exposed boobs, extracting a gasp.

"Ow," Sarah complained. "Bitch!" Sarah slung her tits from the side, and I watched curiously as she tried the 'wrecking ball' move that I'd seen Kara and some of the bustier girls use to success before. Tiffany slammed from the opposite direction, and Sarah groaned as she felt the full density of my girlfriend's big breasts meet her smaller boobs.

"Oh, fuck," Sarah whispered. Sarah immediately pulled back as far as the mutual forearm grip would allow, which allowed Tiffany another shot at the black-haired girl's exposed boobs. Tiffany's tits hid Sarah's from view, but I could tell that the blow had hurt. Sarah swore again, this time slamming back. The blow rocked both sets of tits, and the black-haired girl winced, Tiffany pulled back a bit as their breasts wobbled on their chests.

"Nice hit," Tiffany conceded, thrusting forward again. Sarah met Tiff's bigger boobs with her own, this time matching the speed and aim of her new coworker. I saw Tiff's tits shake on impact, as did Sarah's smaller, pert tits.

"C'mon Tiff," Sarah said. "Don't you want to put a better show on for your boyfriend? He looks bored." I saw Tiff smile, but also watched her back tense up just noticeably.

"Good call," Tiff said. She bent low and thrust up. Sarah, obviously not expecting the blow, probably felt as much as I saw as her tits were pushed up, her nipples pointing towards Tiff's neck for a moment as the impact sent them flying upward. Her beautiful boobs shook on her chest as Tiffany responded to her taunt, leaning down enough that her grip on Sarah's arms brought the latter to lean over just slightly. The movement created a perfect target for Tiffany, and Sarah's moans almost became a yell.

Tiffany's shot sent Sarah's boobs up and back again, her flesh obviously beginning to feel the fight as they became an angry red. Her smaller breasts still didn't shake much, even being pushed up by my girlfriend's firm globes. Tiffany pulled back, letting the perky flesh of Sarah's tits fall down again.

Sarah, in obvious desperation, slung her tits up as well. Tiff was able to move back, but not in time to avoid Sarah's boobs glancing her nipple. Tiffany winced as the grazing blow scraped across her areolas, shoving her nipple upward. Sarah noticed, and immediately began swinging her tits, aiming for the same type of grazing blow. Another shot sent her flesh across Tiffany's chest, and I saw my girlfriend's grip loosen as her nipples were both pushed to the right by the firm flesh of Sarah's tits.

I shouldn't have been surprised, but Sarah recovered from her last blow then moved forward and pushed her perky chest into Tiff's. My girlfriend groaned again as her nipples felt Sarah's boobs invading their space, and Sarah immediately began a small, circular grinding motion, seemingly avoiding any nipple to nipple contact but pushing Tiff's thick tips around.

"Shit," Tiffany muttered. I saw Tiff's hands try to move up to Sarah's shoulders, and as she released the latter's forearms, Sarah made the move first, but lay her palms on Tiffany's shoulders. When my girlfriend tried to pull Sarah closer, the black-haired girl's hands halted Tiff's efforts. I realized quickly that Sarah's strategy allowed her to grind her tits over Tiff's nipples while she shook her chest. I was impressed by the thought, but worried for my girlfriend as she winced and grunted.

Sarah's tits scraped and slid across Tiff's nipples, while my girlfriend's bigger tits would push in occasionally. Sarah was much stronger than I'd thought, however, and Tiff couldn't bring her in. When my girlfriend stepped back, Sarah would step forward. If Tiff tried to step forward, Sarah would step back. She mirrored Tiffany each way, and finally Tiffany stepped a half step forward, then came back very quickly. Sarah lost contact for just a moment, but Tiffany used the moment, reaching up and grabbing Sarah's wrists.

Sarah was obviously surprised by the move, and couldn't recover before Tiffany's hands had pulled Sarah's arms down to her sides. Tiffany was in an awkward position for a moment, but still slung her tits to the right, slamming her right breast into Sarah's right boob. Sarah's breast moved across her chest just slightly, the awkward blow lacking momentum, but landing a direct hit regardless.

Sarah stepped back with enough force that Tiffany lost her grip, and my girlfriend swore. So far, Sarah's escape tactic had frustrated Tiffany. She'd landed a few good shots, I realized, but nothing devastating. Sarah, meanwhile, had made Tiff's' tits an angry red at the tip, and her nipples were a bit swollen. Sarah's tits still showed the red from the few shots that Tiffany had landed, her meaty breasts swinging gently as she began to circle her new coworker.

"What's the matter, Tiff? Scared of my little titties?" Sarah called, looking more confident.

"Bring them over here, and I'll show you," Tiffany shot back.

"Look at Jon, squirming, Tiff. He knows you're beat. Your big heavy jugs are going to flop all over that store tomorrow." I was surprised that Sarah turned the attention to me. "And it looks like he's enjoying that idea," she giggled.

Tiff smirked, but I noticed her eyes narrow. I wondered if Sarah saw it.

"He's enjoying what I'm going to do to you, Sarah," Tiff said, her voice as light as she could manage.

"He's enjoying the idea of you sucking my tits?" Sarah asked. Tiffany didn't say anything.

Her response was no less pointed, however, as she moved with cat-like quickness, stepping forward and grabbing Sarah. Sarah felt her arms slap to her side as Tiffany slid her own arms around the lithe black-haired girl.

"I think you're going to wish you'd said something else," Tiffany said. Sarah struggled for a moment, and then I saw her face go slack as she felt Tiffany's first blow. My girlfriend stood on her toes, and almost jumped before bringing her big tits crashing down on the younger woman. While part of my view was obstructed by my girlfriend’s toned back, I saw Tiff's left breast flatten just slightly even as she pushed down Sarah's right boob. The small orb distended a bit before Tiffany's tit slid over it, completely blocking my view.

"You think your titties are too firm for me to do this?" Tiff asked. Sarah looked at her, still stunned at the speed of the shift in the fight. Her mouth was slightly open when Tiff pulled her in, and the obvious discomfort caused her face to finally shift, as her eyes closed slightly, and her lips became tightly drawn. Tiff slowly slid her bigger chest from left to right, and I watched the outer edges of my girlfriend's big jugs shift and slide as she began grinding into Sarah's chest.

"Oh, fuck," Sarah whispered. To her credit, she slid her hands in their limited mobility up to Tiffany's hips, just as they started curving out to her ass. I took the second or two to enjoy the view of Tiffany's rounded butt as Sarah began to respond to the grinding, trying to shove her own perky boobs into Tiffany's larger pair. I wished I could see the angle from the side. They'd positioned themselves so I could really only see Tiffany's right breast sliding up and over Sarah's left, catching partial glimpses of Sarah's trapped tit.

"How do my big titties feel?" Tiffany asked, her tone casual. "You still think I'm going to be sucking your little boobs, Sarah?" Sarah said nothing, but thrust forward with all of her body, actually almost falling down. Tiff groaned, and Sarah pulled back. She was able to pull back farther, this time thrusting again with all of her might. Her smaller tits scored a direct hit, obviously slamming into Tiff's nipples.

"Oh, damn," Tiffany moaned. I could see the tip of Sarah's left boob burrow into Tiffany's right breast, bending the flesh visibly and causing my girlfriend to slam her eyes shut and hiss.

The dark-haired woman withdrew a bit before thrusting her chest forward again, and Tiffany grunted as her tits seemed slightly displaced, bending as Sarah's hard orbs dented her larger rack. I groaned quietly enough that neither heard me, but couldn't believe how hot this fight had gotten.

"Yeah," Sarah said, smirking. "I'm going to send Jon a few pics to remind him, Tiff. Your big tits hanging down while you suck my firmer set."

"One problem," Tiffany breathed as Sarah pulled back. The black-haired girl grinned and thrust forward again. This time, Tiffany let Sarah go as far as she could, still wincing. Then Tiffany's arms wrapped tightly around Sarah's smaller frame, her biceps circling the same place on Sarah's arms. Sarah's eyes went wide as she felt Tiffany's muscles tighten, and her own chest was pulled once again into the larger breasted girl's tits. Tiff secured her grip then looked at me.

"I want Jon to have a live view of the fight, Sarah." Tiff began pushing her tits into Sarah's, and Sarah, despite some impressive struggle, was learning how strong my girlfriend could be. She couldn't move her torso, and any movement she did make was causing Tiffany to sling her tits in the opposite direction, pushing Sarah's smaller tits around. As Tiffany positioned herself for my better view, Sarah tried one more escape, sliding her left leg between Tiffany's and twisting to the right. Tiffany somehow managed to keep her footing, longer than Sarah, who fell backwards, with Tiffany landing atop her.

"Oops," Tiffany said. She continued grinding Sarah, but I noticed my girlfriend slide her left leg under Sarah's right. She looped her right leg over Sarah's left and then sat up just a bit, pulling her arms away. Sarah felt the release, and tried to sit up, but Tiffany slid her legs open just a bit and Sarah fell back. I was glad my floor was carpeted, and I chuckled at the mundane idea as I watched my girlfriend move in for the kill.

Because Tiffany had trapped her legs, Sarah was in no position to move out of the way as Tiffany trapped her hands. It took her a few seconds, as Sarah realized quickly what Tiffany was trying to do, but soon, one wrist had been pinned over her head, then the other.

Tiff now moved lazily as she realized the position Sarah was in.

"If you suck them now, admit you've lost, I'll spare you the next step," Tiffany told her, dangling her succulent flesh in front of Sarah's mouth.

"And what is that?" Sarah asked, eyeing my girlfriend's big jugs with a strange mix of nervousness and... something else.

"A boob-bomb," Tiffany giggled. "Where I just sit here and pummel your defenseless tits until you tell me that you can't take anymore. Or I flatten your boobs, whichever."

"Fuck that. Get off!" Sarah bucked, but to no avail. I did watch her tits jiggle and shake, her nipples pointing up as Tiffany tightened her grip and lined up her boobs. Sarah realized she couldn't escape and had begun staring at Tiffany's large, heavy tits over hers. Her eyes widened as she saw Tiffany's boobs dwarf her own, and I could see her begin mulling her chances. Tiffany must have seen the same thing looking down at her prone coworker.

"Last chance," Tiff told her.

Sarah chose option C. As Tiffany started to raise her chest in preparation for the first blow, the raven-haired girl moved quickly. I saw Sarah's legs bend at the knee, forcing the joints into Tiffany's thighs, and the girl twisted her hips violently. Tiffany, caught by surprise and clearly feeling some pain, let go of Sarah's trapped arms.

That was the chance her coworker had been waiting for. Sarah's hands shot up, gripping my girlfriend by the forearms. I watched Sarah arch her taut back with all her might, bucking like crazy, and Tiffany, unable to brace herself with her arms trapped, fell off to the side with grunt.

Both girls got up slowly, their reddened breasts heaving and glistening with sweat.

"Not bad, Sarah," Tiffany snarled, rubbing her sore side. "That was a pretty good move. Didn't think you had it in you," she admitted. "Now come here and let my finish those little bumps off."

Before Sarah had time to reply, my girlfriend lunged at the other woman, slamming forward so that her firm, heavy breasts became battering rams. Sarah groaned as her own pert boobs were pushed back and flattened out for a moment. I saw both of their already tender sets redden further at that bit of contact, and Tiffany slid her heavy boobs over her opponent's in an attempt to grind her out. Both pairs of tits sprang and bounced against the other, their dense flesh sliding up and over and between, bending and shifting in such a variety of ways that I could barely keep track.

It was obvious that each girl's thick breast-tissue had loosened up from its usual state. Tiffany's breasts mushroomed out for a brief moment as Sarah pushed her firm tits forward, but my girlfriend ground back, regaining some real estate. Again, the women left their tits in contact, pushing and mashing against one another.

"We can both sense it, can't we?" I heard Sarah whisper to her more busty rival. She sounded tired, but there was a confident look on her face. "I've got you out-boobed, Tiff. How 'bout we up the ante a bit? Loser can't wear a bra to work for a week?"

"Deal," my girlfriend hissed, meeting Sarah's gaze and flashing her a quick smirk. "I look forward to watching those little titties bounce and jiggle, all day long. Too bad you'll still have to wear a shirt."

"Oh, I'd be more worried about your own saggers if I were you!" Sarah snapped.

I watched the raven-haired girl roll her shoulders to increase the pressure on my girlfriend's gorgeous breasts. Tiffany grunted, but put her hands on Sarah's hips and returned the wave, sending first her right, then her left breast into the opposing pair.

"Sorry for having to flatten you, Sarah," my girlfriend cooed at the more petite woman. "Your cute boobies put up a nice fight, but I'm going to turn them into mush now."

To my surprise, the raven-haired girl responded by wrapping her arms around my girlfriend. Tiffany quickly returned the favor, and I swallowed as both young women forcefully shoved their tits against the other's pair. Tiffany groaned softly as she felt Sarah's pert tits try to burrow into her flesh.

"Mmm, that feels amazing," Sarah murmured, a smirk starting to form on her strained face. "Can you feel it now? Your big, soft titties are melting around mine. Who knew that these itty bitty boobs would be too much for your famous rack?"

Tiffany hissed angrily, shifting around, and I saw the raven-haired girl tighten her grip. Both fighters continued to push their racks forward, their shoulders tightening in the hug.

"Get ready, Jon," Sarah grunted, glancing over to me for a moment. "Your girlfriend's proud udders are about to welcome my better, firmer rack in." She steeled her arms and pulled her opponent closer. "Tomorrow, everyone in the store is going to know that I have better boobs than you do, Tiff."

Tiffany let out a breathless groan, and I saw her big, round boobs balloon out from the center as Sarah's orbs dug in. With every passing second more of my girlfriend's bust was pushed out to the sides, her firm, ample flesh giving up precious terrain. To my bewilderment, I realized that Tiffany really was losing, her rival's dense pair slowly taking over the space between them.

"Fuck," I heard my girlfriend's shocked whisper as she looked down at her yielding flesh. Tiffany's face was a mask of surprised disbelief when her eyes slowly slid back up to meet Sarah's intense gaze. The dark-haired girl licked her lips, forcing her chest forward once again.

Tiffany's breasts began to flatten from the tip, and I stared, amazed, how Sarah's pert tits slowly pushed my girlfriend's big, softening udders out of the way. Tiffany let out a gasp as we witnessed the smaller pair retain much of its perfect shape, compressing slightly at the point of contact, while my girlfriend's larger tits molded freely, oozing around the more compact set.

My girlfriend actually moaned aloud as she felt her pride and joy fail her, and I saw Sarah shift, pulling back her tits a bit before simply pushing them in, slowly and gently. Tiffany's resistance faded, her arms falling to her side as her tits spilled out loosely, jiggling even as they flattened against Sarah's firmer boobs.

The raven-haired girl made sure we both got a good look of her victory, tenderly grinding away the last bits of resistance. My girlfriend's prized boobs spilled away lazily, relinquishing their position to Sarah's orbs without hesitation.

"Holy shit that's hot," Sarah breathed out, looking down at their racks in fascination. I could make out a large dose of lust in her gaze, and watched the girl's lips curl into a wide, genuine grin as she looked up.

"I got you, Tiff," Sarah murmured softly, staring straight into my girlfriend's wide eyes. "I got your perfect tits with my firmer rack, just like I said I would."

"Look closely Jon," she switched her attention to me suddenly. "These little boobs tamed your girl's big, proud breasts."

Tiffany swallowed audibly, lowering her gaze, but nodded.

"Yes Sarah, they did. Fuck you have awesome tits," my girlfriend rasped, sounding sincere. "I knew they were pretty nice the moment I saw them, but damn..."

She took a breath, looking up and giving the raven-haired girl a weak smile. "Your firm, pert breasts crushed my boobs, Sarah. You have the better rack."

"Damn right I do," Sarah beamed, grinning happily and looking quite pleased with herself. Almost like a proud schoolgirl. "Let's join your boyfriend on the couch, shall we? I want Jon to get a good view of this."

Tiffany glanced down, though I couldn't tell whether it was her lap or her sore tits. She sat down on the opposite side of the couch and looked up at Sarah as the raven-haired girl approached.

Sarah reached down to lightly cup Tiffany's large, now slightly droopy boobs. Tiffany winced at the first touch, but Sarah was gentle as she caressed my girl's loosened flesh. Tiffany's mammaries bounced and rippled deliciously as Sarah pulled away.

"You have such gorgeous boobs, Tiff," Sarah said, smiling at the buxom girl. "I can see why Jon loves them. And why you were so sure you'd win." Before Tiffany could say anything, Sarah had pushed her small left breast into her mouth. Tiffany wasted no time sucking on it, slurping away at the supple teat. "Wow, nice tongue. You're rather good at this," Sarah cooed.

"Feel free to lick my boobs at work too, Tiff. In the back room of course, can't risk upsetting the customers," she added with a smirk.

I felt myself stiffen as my girlfriend suckled Sarah's superior tits. The dark-haired girl's hands remained on Tiffany's weakened jugs, kneading and bouncing the loose flesh lazily.

"I'm still going to get those pictures for your boyfriend, though," Sarah winked as Tiff continued to lick on her best assets. My girlfriend paused for a moment while Sarah picked up her phone, but an insistent push forced the beaten girl to keep going. I watched Sarah snap several photos of the scene, grinning widely as she did so. The girl even crouched down to get an angle shot of Tiff's pendulous, wobbly set. "Oh shit, those big, loose udders are going to look sooo good flopping around the store tomorrow. Ms Williams' gonna shit bricks," she giggled, gesturing my girlfriend that she could stop at last.

Tiffany grimaced, sighing slowly in resignation, but gave the girl a nod.

"You have amazing breasts, Sarah," she said, staring at the dense, compact orbs that had pounded hers flat. "Pert and beautiful. I just didn't think they could defeat mine."

"Yeah, I bet," Sarah giggled, squeezing my girlfriend's left mammary and giving it a quick shake. I couldn't help but notice how freely the once firm flesh shook and wobbled, softened by Sarah's intimate grinding. "You've got a great rack yourself, Tiff. It was a pleasure to teach these sexy, arrogant boobs some humility."

Tiffany laughed, but I noticed her gaze linger on Sarah's firm tits for a moment longer, my girl's visibly dilated pupils betraying her arousal and desire. I shook my head, wondering if I should be jealous or turned on. I attribute my decision to follow the latter to my hormones at that age.

"I think we should all get some rest," Sarah said finally, pulling her pert breasts away from my girlfriend's mouth somewhat reluctantly. Tiffany nodded, leaning over to get her bra. The raven-haired girl was quicker, however, snapping it up and shaking her head at my girlfriend playfully.

"Forgetting something, Tiff? Those were our original stakes. Only one of us gets to keep this set," Sarah reminded with a smug grin. "Your bra's mine now. Those panties, too."

My girlfriend's eyes went wide.

"You bitch."


I woke up with a sudden jolt, gasping for breath. My skin felt hot and sweaty, and as I glanced over to my side, I saw that Tiffany was looking at me groggily, having obviously been stirred from her own sleep.

"What's wrong, Jon?," she murmured, yawning while she tried to get her bearings. "Did you have a bad dream or something?"

I swallowed.

"Well, that depends... define bad."
Latest Chapter of "Titfight Academy"

"A Tribute to Best Friend's Sister" series

You can find some reference pics in my profile