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Family Affair - The Rematch (extended family)

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Offline RedForman

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Family Affair - The Rematch (extended family)
« on: August 04, 2018, 09:45:03 AM »
Family Affair - Rematch (extended family)

Just over a week ago I posted a two part story called Family Affair that was a bigger hit than I thought it would be.  Apparently a lot of people here love Family Fights.  However usually it is family vs. family.  My story had a twist (several really).  This redux contains one lineup change that I am hoping you readers will greatly enjoy!   

Disclaimer:  This is a fictional account that involves real people.  It is graphic and involves situations that are of a highly controversial nature.  This is based on some real life events.  It depicts a blended family where a white man with a daughter married a black woman with a son. 

Recap of my prior two part story
One summer we had a Family Fight Tournament to determine the Family Champion, who then got to set all family rules for the remainder of that year.  Surprisingly my daughter won.  That fall we decided to have a rematch on the day after Thanksgiving to see who would be champion the following year.  Here is what happened. 

I am a lucky man!  I married a session wrestler, whose professional name was Lee Ann (real name withheld).  I wooed her when she became a featured star at the old Back Alley Gym in North Carolina.  I invited her to stay at my house in the Carolina's while working there while she did her shows.  I was freshly divorced from my first wife, and ended up marrying her. 

When my (only) daughter "Susan" (real name withheld) graduated from High School, she came south to live with me.  We soon became a blended family.  Me and my daughter, along with Lee and her son ("Andre"), who was a couple of years younger than Susan. 

Susan became very interested in fitness as a college student, and became a regular at the local gym.  She was soon an instructor.  Her mother had large breasts, and so did Susan, as she matured into a young woman.  She was quite the knockout.  She is built like a porn star! 

Fast Forward now to the day after Thanksgiving in the year that Susan used everything at her disposal to beat BOTH of the men and become the family champion.

We were disappointed to learn, on Thanksgiving night that year, that Andre didn't want to participate in the Family Rematch, but instead wanted to hang with his homeys.  It probably had more to do with the fact that Susan had sex with him during their match and then quickly dispatched him by grabbing him where it hurts most, and making him quit in record time, than the wanting to see his friends!  Plus he met a girl at college and didn't want to jeopardize that relationship! 

When the rest of us found out that Andre wasn't participating, we all were disappointed.  Despite the kinky turn last year's Tournament took.  We all wanted to do it again.  And so we racked our brains to come up with a fourth family member who wouldn't judge us for this highly unorthodox fetish we all shared.  Susan saved the day when she announced that she had a fourth.  She wouldn't say who, but promised that the participant would be at our house by noon (on that Friday).  Lee and I were so excited that we didn't press Susan to reveal who it was. 

"One thing I do insist on however is that my dad fight this replacement in the first round."  When Susan said this, she had all she could do to not laugh out loud as she smiled broadly.  "EVERYONE will want that."  She then snickered, unable to hold herself back any longer. 

"So the rules will be the same as last year, NO punching, kicking, or biting, and everything else goes!";  I recapped.  "And My wife will fight my daughter in the first match.  Then I will fight this mystery person second." I concluded. 

"It's a woman dad."  Susan clarified. 

Just then, as if on cue, our doorbell rang.  Being extremely curious as to who the mystery fighter was I almost ran to the door to answer it.  When I opened it, standing there was Susan's mother, MY EX WIFE, LANA!  I was speechless! 

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" Lana asked in that annoying tone she always used when talking to me.  I opened the door wide to allow her access, and she entered.  When Susan saw her, she greeted her with a "HI MOM", and a big hug!  Then I watched for my current wife's reaction. 

Lana frowned.  She had heard many stories about the woman that I believed had neglected our children's needs during their formative years.  She also manipulated the judicial system to get every penny out of me that she could after we divorced.  I nicknamed her, The Wicked Witch of the Northeast!  Lee Ann came immediately to my side and held my hand. 

Lana had put on a few pounds and looked like she weighed close to what I did, but was much shorter.  "Where can I change?", she asked.  Susan took her to the guest bedroom.  "I will fill her in on everything!",  she shouted.  "Now go and get dressed!"  And with that Susan and her mom left the room. 

After very little thought I considered the circumstances and relished the chance to get revenge on the woman that dragged my ass over the coals.  I couldn't believe my luck!  "I am going to kick that bitches ass!", I vowed to Lee Ann.  We then hurried off to get changed for the matches. 

Lee wore the same zebra print string bikini that she wore last time.  This time she decided to keep her top on.  Susan again wanted to fight topless in a black thong.  I had on sweatpants with nothing underneath.  Lana appeared last, coming out with a one piece French cut bathing suit that helped hide her slightly pudgy belly.  Her huge knockers strained against the Lycra fabric, barely constraining them. 

Susan then told Lana the order of the fights and the rules.  Then for the first time that day Lana smiled.  She seemed very pleased! 

Match #1 Susan vs. Lee
My wife's surgically enhanced breasts looked spectacular in her string bikini as she stepped out onto the mats for fight #1.  The defending champion, Susan walked up to Lee Ann and started trash talking. 
"Aren't you a little old for this step mom?"  Susan started to crouch like a cat that was about to pounce. 
"Just because you can beat the males, does NOT mean that you can beat the ALPHA FEMALE!", Lee Ann retorted.  Then Lee immediately seized my daughters 38 D's and dug her claws deep into them! 

Susan HOWLED and went for Lee Ann's nipples through the top she was wearing!  Pinching down on the fabric, and also capturing Lee's nipples in the process.  Susan proceeded to break the flimsy string on Lee Ann's bikini bra and ripped it off!  The pain must have been excruciating for Lee Ann as she screamed like she was being murdered!  Then she cursed Susan.  Lana got really excited about her daughter hurting my paramour and started yelling encouragements. 

"YEA!  RIP HER TITS OF SUSIE!"  It was clear that Lana wanted Susan to hurt and humiliate my new bride! 

Lee Ann lost her concentration and Susan was able to free her captured breasts.  Both women rubbed their tits to sooth the pain.  Then, as if there was a signal, both women attacked each other, simultaneously.  Each one grabbed the others hair in their left hand, while they slapped the others breasts with their right! 

Susan came with roundhouse slaps, targeting Lee Ann's side boobs.  Lee Ann went top and bottom, slapping downward and upward on Susan's breasts!  The room was filled with the sound of flesh slapping flesh as each woman tried to intensify the blows with each swat!  After a minute or two of this it seemed like Lee Ann had a far more effective method.  Susan's eyes began to tear up.  The upward slaps, seemed especially effective.  They stretched Sues boobs as they were knocked almost into her face and then bounced down, seemingly causing her double the pain! 

Then Susan gave up on slapping Lee and reached her right hand down to Lee's labia as Lee continued her breast onslaught.  Lana looked concerned as Susan was now crying out with each slap.  But rallied when Susan's fingers reached Lee Ann's pussy! 

Lana made it blatantly obvious that she wanted Lee Ann beaten soundly by our reigning Family Champion, Sue.  I offered Lee encouragement also, but felt that the tide was about to turn as Susan penetrated Lee Ann's pussy and inserted her claw! 

Lee realized she needed to act fast, as crotch grabs are how Susan won both of her matches to become Family Champ.  Lee yanked upward on Susan's thong quickly and then bent over getting her center of gravity below Sues.  Lee then pushed Susan, using her shoulder, as she let out a primal yell and drove my daughter back into the wall! 

Everyone gasped, including Susan, as she was driven hard into the wall.  Lee Ann's shoulder knocked the wind out Sue and she froze as she gasped desperately for air!  Susan's eyes were wide and looked fearful as she struggled to breathe!  Lee Ann then gave one final upward yank on Sues thong, ripping it from her body.  The pain to Susan's crotch must have been agonizing as the fabric finally ripped, leaving Susan completely naked! 

Lee Ann smiled, knowing that the teen was now hers.  With Susan unable to offer any resistance, Lee grabbed Susan's hair and pulled, with all her might, causing Susan to jerk forward, her feet left the mats as she was horizontal to the floor for a second, then Sue fell face down flat on the mats, still struggling to catch her breath!   

Lee then flexed her biceps and stared directly at Lana.  Lana smirked as she taunted Lee Ann. 
"Enjoy it NOW BITCH!  I am going to kick your husband's ass, and then I am going to destroy you, you BLACK BITCH!" 

Lee gave Lana the finger, and then dropped her knees down on Susan's back!  Susan let out a whimper, as she was just starting to get her wind back.  Lee Ann then turned Sue onto her back and plopped her sexy, firm black as down on Susan's face, capturing Susan's arms under her knees (pinning them down).
"How about it Sue?  I know that you recruited your mother here, hoping that she and you could both beat us.  How is that working out for you?"  Lee smiles! 

Susan cannot speak as Lee Ann's ass is sitting on her nose and mouth.  Susan's air supply is now cut off and she can't talk. 
Lee then taunts;  "OH DEAR!  What's the matter dear, CAT got your tongue?!?" 

Susan muffled screams are music to Lee Ann's ears as she sits there on Susan's face until she stops struggling!  Lee Ann stands up and lifts one of Sues arms, and when she releases it, it falls limp.  Lee then makes sure Sue is still breathing, then plants a foot on Sues face, flexes her arms and looks directly at Lana. 

Post Match:  Lana jumps up and starts toward Lee with an angry look on her face.  I intercept her and hold her at bay while Lee again gives Lana the one finger salute! 
"And now my husband, the man that threw your fat ass away, kicks your HUGE butt and you and your daughter may leave the house together as the LOSERS you are!" 

Sues eyes grew dark and foreboding as she tended to her daughter, making sure she was alright.  She said nothing, as she helped Susan to a chair in the watching area.  She then took her place on the mats. 

Match #2 Me vs. My X Wife
My heart started beating fast as I stepped out onto the mats facing my EX wife!  There was tremendous animosity between us because of our breakup.  I felt she was a lousy mother and a woman that tried to get everything I had when we divorced.  I know that she was telling her friends that I was an abusive bastard.  And so this would truly be a grudge match. 

Lee Ann asked us both if we were ready to start our match.  I then pulled off my sweatpants and tossed then aside to try and intimidate Lana.  I was now naked.  "YES!  I AM!" I said without hesitation.  I stared into Lana's eyes waiting for her to acknowledge.  She said nothing, but closed the four foot gap between us quickly as she ran at me. 

Apparently Susan must have told Lana how she beat me, because her first move was to reach low, trying to grab my balls!  I was quick enough to grab her right wrist as she reached low.  With my left hand occupied, I yanked down on her plunging neckline, freeing her tightly contained breasts.  As they popped out I yanked further and ripped it so that her breasts would be flopping around for the rest of the match!  They were big, but the birthing of two children was not kind to Lana's body.   They flopped around as she pulled back.  My plan to humiliate her and throw off her game seems to have worked. 

"YOU MISERABLE BASTARD!"  She screamed at me, and then she covered her exposed nipples with her hands. 

I saw another opportunity as Lana stepped backwards slowly.  I bent down low and grabbed her legs, at her knees, and yanked her feet out from under her.  She crashed to the mats on the small of her back which must have been painful, because she let out a lout grunt as she landed.  Then still having her legs captured, I stepped over her body and sat down on her fat tits!  My penis was semi-flaccid at that point, so it flopped right on her mouth!  I smiled broadly as I reminded her; "NO biting!" 

I pulled her legs as far as I was able, as I started bouncing on her big boobs.  This WAS as much fun as I thought it would be, but I forgot one detail.  Lana's hands were free!  OOOPS! 

In the position I was in, Lana couldn't quite reach my balls, as hard as she tried, so she did the next best thing.  She latched onto my erect nipples.  Being excited about the fight had made my nipples stiff, and she pinched them really hard and immediately started yanking and twisting them with every ounce of strength she had.  The initial sensation was an erotic pain.  But because she was in a desperate position, soon the pain became excruciating and unbearable!  I had to release her legs and grab her wrists to try and free myself. 

When I released her legs, I didn't realize that the laws of physics would take over and she was then able to pull my upper body down towards her.  Her nimbleness then surprised me as she wrapped her arms around me and rolled us over, so that she was now on top of me.  During the spin, she raised her knee quickly, hitting me in the one spot that would give her an instant advantage, my balls!  No one  else saw, or realized what she did!  The pain was incredible, and she quickly pulled her knee back and then grabbed my nuts with her right hand!  She was fighting like a wildcat who was protecting it's young. 

Lana was squeezing my balls with as much force as she could muster, then she started yanking on them also.  I was in the worst agony of my life.  I pinched her nipple and tried to maul her pussy, but it was too late.  I couldn't stand one more second of this and screamed my surrender. 
"OH GAWD LANA!  PLEASE STOP!  I GIVE!  I GIVE!  I GIVE!"  She was reluctant to take my surrender and wanted to taunt me a bit more as she held onto my scrotum. 

Lana wanted to milk this for all it was worth, so she taunted; "Tell me that you are a giant douche bag, and that I am your superior in every way!  When I didn't respond, she squeezed my balls harder! 
"ALL  RIGHT!  ALL RIGHT!  I am a giant douche bag and you are the better fighter."  I tailed off at the end as my male ego was crushed by admitting that on this day, she kicked my ass. 

Post Match:  Lana then released me and her and Susan started hugging and jumping up and down.  To me, seeing Susan and her mom celebrate my demise was a revelation.  This explained why earlier this past summer, Susan used the same hold to beat me.  I was more her enemy than her father. 

Susan tended to her mom, trying to get her ready for the final match.  Lana did not have a back up outfit, but with Lee Ann's string bikini top shredded, she and Lana agreed to fight the final with only thongs on. 

A 15 minute rest was granted for Lana to recover and get a thong that would fit her huge ass from Lee Ann.  The largest one Lee had disappeared into Lana's crack in the back as her large butt cheeks stuck out like two large melons. 

STAY TUNED FOR THE THRILLING CONCLUSION OF Family Affair - The Rematch (extended family)
To be published in a day or two. 


Offline sugoishadow

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Re: Family Affair - The Rematch (extended family)
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2018, 06:11:31 PM »
Excellent storie, I enjoy it.


Offline bandicoot

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Re: Family Affair - The Rematch (extended family)
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2018, 01:05:13 PM »
Damnit, I was expecting Susan vs Lana, mother vs daughter is really rare around here.


Offline rozczochrany

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Re: Family Affair - The Rematch (extended family)
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2018, 10:42:40 AM »
Excellent storie
I live, I burn with life, I make love, I kill and be satisfied. Thereon world, folks fights and suffers, to be free, feeling short whiles of joy only in madness of battle.