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When Kelsey met Michael in college

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Offline Michael James

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When Kelsey met Michael in college
« on: August 19, 2018, 08:58:22 PM »
When Kelsey met Michael….

It was a dark and stormy night in eastern Tennessee when I walked into this dive bar near the edge of the city limits. It’s where you go when you’re borderline drinking age and if you at least looked close to 21, they’d serve you and if you got caught, they’d swear you showed them a fake ID.  I eased into the bar and, surprisingly to me, it was packed!  They had all the lights on near the stage in what looked like a dancefloor. I made my way just past it and sat at the end of the bar. When the Bartended came up, I asked what was going on. “Oil Wrasslin’” he said. “Every Thursday night!” I ordered a drink and turned around to watch the show!

The emcee was introducing the girls, the first about 5’8” tall with a full 35 D cup with red-ish blonde hair with a fit “runner’s body” where you could see some muscle tone, but not too much, was Candi! (with an “I” he pointed out) … The crowd cheered as she shook her boobs and ass to the crowd!  Next, he introduced Kelsey! Kelsey was about 5’5” tall with a full 34 C cup, and brunette hair color. Her body was more of a “cheerleader tone” as far as muscle tone, you could tell she was solid, but not so much so that you could see definition. Again, the crowd cheered loudly for her too! I noticed that Kelsey had a much fuller ass than Candi did, which really got my attention. Then, the emcee was asking for “buyers” so to speak to come up and oil the women down which pretty much just went to the winner’s purse. He mentioned the prize for the night was $500 cash to the winner, and the loser only got her bar tab covered for the night.

Now, my drink showed up and as I pulled out some cash to pay for it, the emcee noticed it and immediately brought attention to me over the microphone and made me come to ringside and pick a girl to “sponsor” so to speak. Basically, who did I want to rub oil on? I have to admit, up close, both women were HAWT!!!! But, as I said before, Kelsey’s ass what much nicer, so I chose her. Candi just basically snorted at that and eased back to her corner while Kelsey gave me a huge, cheeky, sweet grin making me melt right there.  Kelsey motioned me to her corner and myself and my drink blindly followed her. (truth be told, I’d have followed her anywhere after that look she just gave me) While the emcee went over the rules a bit more, Kelsey and I had time to chitchat as we felt an attraction to each other. We were both single, so that was awesome!

Finally, the ref brought us over a large bottle of baby oil and since I’d paid my “fee” to oil her up, I flipped the lid with a pop, stopped, and looked up at her while lifting an eyebrow. She looked at me, and gave me the cutest sideways grin and winked at me! I smiled back and reached over and started squirting her down from her shoulders, down her back, and down her chest.  I got about halfway through the bottle when Kelsey said, “Are you going to just squirt me all day, or are you going to actually use your hands?” The bottle suddenly fell from my hands, splattering some of the oil up off the floor as I began rubbing her down from top to bottom. I looked across the ring and saw Candi was doing the same with her guy and he was fumbling all over her, trying to grab her at every chance.  She finally got mad enough and yanked the bottle away from him and stepped back and said, “GO! Get away from me!” as the crowd on that side just laughed the drunk away!

 The emcee finally called the girls to the middle, I took my seat on the stool in her corner and picked up a few towels to help later on in the fight.  Both girls were glistening with oil and more slippery than anything right now.  He called the women together in the middle to shake hands. They shook hands and when they went to let go, Candi pulled Kelsey into her, leaned in (she told me later) and said, “Your mine bitch!” and pushed her back, causing Kelsey to stumble back and almost fall, but caught herself just in time.  Kelsey then gave Candi the “look of death” as she stood up and straightened her hair and bikini.

Someone rang a bell in the corner and both women shot out, slipping and sliding, towards each other and came together with a loud smack, which in turn caused a large roar from the crowd!  Each girl had the other in a side headlock trying to take each other down, but would slip and try to struggle to not be the one to go down first. After 30 seconds of struggling, they finally shoved each other a part and Candi slipped and fell as she slid away. Kelsey tried to take advantage, but slipped when she when to jump towards her. This caused them to both start over again on their knees… First one girl would get the other down and would slip away. This went on for the rest of the round. <DING DING> sounded the bell and both girls let each other go and slid back to their corners.  I handed a town to Kelsey and asked how she was doing.  Breathing kind of hard, she replied, “I’m good! Just can’t get a grip on her, that slippery bitch!” We both chuckled a little and I said, “Yeah, she is! I always knew that about her!” and we both laughed again. She then swallowed a few gups of water and then the emcee yelled, “READY!!”  then, <DING DING!>

The girls were slower moving this time and as they came together this time, Candi reached for Kelsey’s shoulder and as Kelsey went to slap her hand away, she wasn’t fast enough and Candi was able to get her hand on K’s (Kelsey) bikini strap and pulled, yanking her top lose getting a cheer from the crowd! C (Candi) then raised her arms over her head in celebration as she turned to face the crowd, but K was having none of that and as C turned around, she reached over and yanked the back of C’s bikini, ripping the clasp lose and literally allowing it to spring loser all the way around and actually came off her breast. And, the crowd roared it’s loudest yet!

C turned and charged at K, tackling her to the ground and sitting on her chest, she pulled K’s bikini top the rest of the way off and then screamed, “How do you like this, BITCH!???” as she reached back and yanked K’s bikini bottoms up, giving her a wedgie! K screamed in pain as she flailed trying to get C off her! “YOU BITCH!” yelled K as she couldn’t easily unseat C.  Finally, C slipped and both women were on their sides grappling for position. C was able to get a grip and yank off K’s bottoms and wave them to the crowd eliciting another huge roar from them! Then, through them in the corner. <DING DING!> the bell sounded ending round 2.
K made her way to the corner, I handed her the towel again and she wiped her face with it.  I again asked her how she was doing and about got my head bit off as K yelled at me in her anger w/ Candi. “That bitch! I can’t believe she ripped my top off like that! I got her good back tho!” “THEN, she yanked my bottoms off too! That’ Bitch!”   All I could do was just nod and offer her some water.  “READY!”  <DING DING!!>

This time, the girls came flying out of the corner at each other, and K decided to switch it up some and at the last second, ducked her head down and speared Candi, literally picking her up off her feet and slamming her to the bottom of the pool they were in. C’s feet were straight up as K was able to jump on top first! Crowd was roaring and clapping loudly! Suddenly, as she jumped on top, C wiggled her body just enough to make K slip off to the side and C was able to maneuver herself to a position where she got K in a scissor hold around her head!  This caused K to fall to her side with her face looking straight into C’s wet oily ass! While she was in this position, K had the sense to realize that she could get her in a head scissors too!  While C was concentrating on holding K in the scissor hold using one hand to hold K’s hair tightly so she couldn’t pull her head out, C wasn’t paying attention to K’s repositioning of her legs.

Once she got into position, K moved fast as lightening and wrapped C in the same head scissors she was in and both women were squeezing as hard as they could and both grunting and doing everything they could to hold on through the pain! Finally, K couldn’t take it anymore and release her head scissors on C. C then rolled K onto her back, still in the same position, laying full body press but upside down. C kept some of the pressure on the scissors for a few seconds longer, then released the hold.  Now, she wanted to make it official and as she sat up, she saw K’s bikini bottoms laying next to them.  C sat up and spun around so she was basically sitting on K’s stomach, straddling her.  C held up the bikini bottoms and waved them around again as the crowd cheered!   She then reached down and stuffed them straight into K’s mouth, crotch first and slid up on K’s chest in a school girl pin!  <1, 2,3,….6,7,8,9,10> “YOUR OUT!” screamed the emcee over the microphone!  The entire bar jumped out of their seat applauding and cheering as Candi stood up and took all of the accolades! K just rolled over onto her stomach and slowly slid back to her corner and I gave her a hand tow and lightly put my hand on her shoulder, but didn’t say anything.

The emcee gave Candi the $500 and she left the ring towards the dressing room, then came over to see if Kelsey was ok. I told him that she was, just needed to catch her breath for a minute.   He nodded and said, that was the best fight he’d ever seen in here and then walked away.  I gave Kelsey the bathrobe and put it around her to shield her from the crowd as she stood up and I helped wipe the oil off her legs and feet before she walked across the slick floor and fell. As I finished, I looked at her and said, “I’d love to buy you a drink when you get dressed, I’m right over there!” She just looked at me and smiled and said, “I’d love to! But first, I have to beat her ass for that!” my mouth just dropped as she walked towards the dressing room!

10 minutes later, Kelsey came out of the dressing room and walked up and sat down with me. I ordered her what ever she wanted. (2 shots 2 bourbon’s and 2 beers… I love that song) We each had one. She asked if I’d give her a ride back to her dorm, I agree to do so and we left.   As we walked out towards my truck and walked between two cars, Kelsey stopped us and looked at me, then planted a huge kiss on me, actually pushing me back into the car behind me! As soon as we broke the kiss to catch our breath, we here a familiar voice. “Awwww… wasn’t that nice bitch!?”  CANDI! Kelsey took off at her and I was right behind her trying to stop her!  As soon as Kelsey got to Candi, she was reaching for Candi’s neck with both hands, and Candi caught her hands in mid air and held her at bay. I reached around Kelsey and pulled her away by her waist. “You cheating bitch!! WTF... it was an oil wresting match, not a real wrestling match!” Kelsey yelled!  Candi laughed.  “Whatever! I won… get over it!” “FUCK YOU You did! You cheated, that money should be mine and you know it!”

“You want to go again?” Candi asked calmly? “I’m sure we could arrange that!” Immediately, Kelsey said, “You’re damned right I do! I want my money, TONIGHT BITCH!” (I just kept my hold on Kelsey so she wouldn’t do something too bad.)  “Ok bitch, you and your new man there can follow me to my place. I have enough room for us to… well, have our fun. Is that ok w/ you?” Candi said all coy like. “Hell yeah!” replied Kelsey, “We’ll follow you!” and she turned to me, grabbed my hand and stormed off towards the direction we came from. I changed our course, and we headed to my truck. We got in and followed Candi home.

As we pulled into her driveway behind her, it was a nice house, not too large, at the end of a cul-de-sac with no neighbors close to her. Apparently, she’d bought the whole rear of the circle, to make sure she had no close neighbors.  As soon as we stopped, Kelsey hot out of the passenger door making a beeline straight for Candi. “KELSEY!” I yelled.  She stopped suddenly, as she heard me yell.  I finally caught up to her as a few drops of rain started.  We walked up to Candi, who was waiting for us on her front step. “I’m going to go change and get us some towels, please… go to the back yard and I’ll be right out.” With that, she opened the door and asked us to lock it behind us.
We walk though her house and through the kitchen and open the sliding door... step out on to a covered patio where you take your purse and throw it in the chair and then remove your shirt and shorts revealing the tiny bikini you had on earlier...  You then walk up to me, push me into the wall and say, "stay out of this. no matter what. until one of us gives, or can't fight back.!" You then lean into me and kiss me looonnnggg, haardd and swirl your tongue so hard that it takes me by surprise! I match your tongue’s move for move and in seconds your moaning and rubbing my chest, squeezing my ass and rub your hand around and grab my rock-hard cock and give it a firm squeeze....

As we break the kiss, you turn and I look up to see her, Candi, standing in the doorway watching us. A huge smile comes to her face and she says, “This is going to be good! I tell you what bitch… If I win, I fuck him tonight while you watch and you give me another $500. If I lose, I’ll give you the $500 prize money from the bar, what do you say?” Kelsey’s eyes narrow as she says, “Bitch, you owe me that money either way. But, you’re not fucking him no matter what!” as she points at me. As you say that, you make a step towards her and I reach around your waste and hold you back.  She then says, "No... I'll give you the $500 if you win... if you don’t' like it, you can fucking leave now knowing you got your ass kicked and couldn’t do anything about it."  "So, which is it... Fight me now for the $500 plus your guy friend if you lose, or leave now with a guaranteed nothing! ??"

Kelsey pushes back into me, turns and looks at me square in the eye and say, " remember what I said..." kisses me one last time, and then turn and walk out into the grass in the rain. As she gets there and turn around, Kelsey’s suddenly punched right her right cheek by Candi who had closed the distance so quickly I didn't even have time to make a sound.  Just like that, Kelsey’s on the ground in the rain holding her cheek with Candi standing over her. As Kelsey looks up at her, squinting though the raindrops that are beginning to fall more and more, Candi just laughs and says, "this won’t take long..." as she strips out of her bikini and is totally naked standing over Kelsey.

More to follow.....