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Anyone keeping a close eye on men's and women's waterpolo for underwater plays?

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Offline Abacust

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In the past we've had some incredibly great content from some of the underwater dirty tricks water polo players use, especially at the highest level like the Olympics. I'm not sure if they've cut down on the underwater cams since then, but I certainly hope not. Do we have some diligent folks here making sure we don't miss any of the "important" action? If you do spot something good, make sure to post it!
« Last Edit: July 28, 2024, 08:37:55 AM by Abacust »


Offline sinclairfan

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....or.....what do we think of women's fencing?


Offline jaybee

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  • U know the best way to break up a catfight? DON'T
Women's Water Polo is the Olympics best kept secret! :D As long as they don't attempt to make the outfits more PC like they did with women's beach Volleyball  >:(  I'll be tuning in... for research purposes of course  ::)


Offline GrapplingMom

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What kind of "plays" could one expect?


Offline phftfghtr

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I watched it recently to see if there were any leg tangled struggles happening under the water, but I was disappointed to not see anything resembling that type of action.
Flava Flav was a fun surprise though!