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interactive titfight poll (including sexfight elements)

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interactive titfight poll (including sexfight elements)
« on: August 24, 2018, 05:44:59 PM »
Hi there,

here you can watch an erotic battle between two outstanding young women, they need your vote to win.



The poll will run for 21 days and will be divided up into 10 rounds (each round is 2 days). In every round they will message me a titfight move (frontal bump/side swing/upper blow/lower blow/defensive stance/bearhug), I will then match both moves and if one of them picked a countermove grant her points for that.

They also start with a sexual power of 100 in total, in each round there will also be some sort of sexfight (kissing/belly to belly rubbing/clit rubbing/ ass grabbing). They have to divide this 100 points up over ten rounds, choosing how many they will use and on which part. The winner of the sexfight will get her points for this round doubled/loser halved.

At the end of the poll the winner will be declared by summing up their round points and poll votes.

I have written a background story which I will continue after each round. Now good luck to the competitors!

The mirror match

It was a sunny saturday afternoon that I spent at the chill out area I had build a half year ago for being able to withdraw myself from daily routine. The finished bungalow was better than I had it planned to be, it contained a kitchen, a big loft like main room that was used as a lounge with some sofas on it. Over a staircase you could reach two tiny rooms that were some sort of second floor. The highlight of the area was a pool that was surrounded by a huge terrace. The pool stretched hisself in the direction of the entry, some palms were planted surrounding the entry to give everone who was there a feeling as if they were on holiday.

As  I lay on a deckchair in front of the pool enjoying the warm sun I heard a car parking at the parking lot in front of the area. I enjoyed lying in the sun so much I did not care who came there as I was not expecting anyone. Some time later I recognized someone standing in front of me covering the sun. As I opened my eyes I saw Nina, a sexy blonde I knew from the local gym, standing in front of me. „Hey, hey wake up, what are you doing lying here?“ she asked, „What should I do? I enjoy having a rare day without anything to do, come here you can join me doing nothing!“ I replied. She continued „No, I can’t join you, see a friend of mine is in germany at the moment, she is going to visit me some days coming over tonight, I wanna give her a welcome party at this area of you! So you can’t sit here doing nothing you have to prepare it!“, I was somehow puzzled „Wait, I haven’t quite got it. You wanna give a party for a friend of yours and I have to organize it? Pay for everything and also have to do all the work for it? What‘s your part in it?“. She answered in no time „For sure I’ll do some work to, I’ll even do the important work, I’m going to invite guests and… Yeah I think that’ll keep me busy for a long time.“, I was not pleased with it „I don’t think I’m in the mood for this hurry today!“, she did not back down „What is this shit, don’t act like a lazy diva! See my friend Roxxy is coming and as she’s someone very special I wanna give her a worthy reception. That’s a …“, I interrupted her „One moment, are you talking about that Roxxy who was here as I held the housewarming party a half year ago?“, „Yes, see you also remember her!“. Well, how could a man not remember the little long jet black haired godess with the defined tan body and the huge perfectly shaped tits. On top of her incredible body I also remembered her, let me call it encounter she had with another women, but that is a story of it’s own. I stood up replying to Nina „You are lucky, I have most of the stuff I need stored in the bungalow, a party tomorrow starting at late afternoon is possible. But as you are inviting the guests, I don’t want to have any encounter like last time!“, she hugged me and kissed me on the cheek „Allright, I knew I could rely on you!“ and went back to her car. There I stood once again having myself get persuaded by Nina, I really had to find away for stopping giving in to everything she wanted, however it usually leads to an unforgetable ending.

I checked the store room of the kitchen and wrote everything I had to buy on a list. I decided to drive to Frankfurt buying the stuff as I also needed to head there picking up a spezial TV, I ordered from a store there some time ago. So I dressed up and started the sportscar. As it was Saturday the street was not crowded and so it didn’t took me long to arrive in Frankfurt. I went to the tv-store to gather the TV, not an easy task to put it into the limited storage of a sports car. Sadly it took the whole space of the trunk so I had no room for the other stuff. I decided to call a delivery service and ordered some fingerfood for the party. Before leaving I headed to a pool store, looking around I found some stuff that you can put into a pool to create a lot of foam, I decided to give it a try as it sounds fun. Coming back to my car my smartphone vibrated, looking it up I saw a message from an unknown number. The number had sent me a picture of Nina and Roxxy inside Ninas‘ Mini Cooper, underlined with a „Excited about the party, happy to see you again <3“. I remembered Roxxy very well but seeing her after some time again I was impressed by her appearance nonetheless. Maybe I should talk to her more than the last time as she would not get into a fight this time, having her mind free for other things.

On my way back I came into a traffic jam next to frankfurt airport, I was starting to get angry for having to wait until the jam would dissolve as I saw a curvy figure coming out of the hilton hotel. Because of her similar figure I recognized her as Roxxy, even if I was puzzle because Roxxy was driving back with Nina some minutes ago I winked at her to come over to me.  As she walked over to me she seductively swayed her hips with each step. She came closer and I wondered since when Roxxy had chestnut brown hair, she came more close and I wondered since when Roxxy had a tatoo on her right arm. As she arrived at the car she leaned forward resting both her arms on top of the car top. Me sitting inside, just seeing a pair of perfectly shaped tits covering the open window spot, covered up only in a tight white top which was knoted in front of her breasts. At that moment I was stunned not able to think about anything. As she lowered her upper body to get her face at the hight of mine I was torn out of dreamland by the whistlings and horn concert the other male drivers were starting. „Hi guy, I need to get into the direction you are driving maybe you can take me along with you?“ she asked, I responded „Sure… I… I can take you!“, hearing this she took place on the drivers seat.

As she sat on the drivers seat she nervously looked something up on her smartphone. After some time I started a conversation with her, or let’s say I tried to „What’s your name?“, „Well, listen you can drive me into that direction, not more or less, I can give you some money for it, no friendship building, no sex, no whatsoever!“, I just thought to myself „Ok, well ok she was direct about what she wanted.“. As the traffic jam finally subsided I was glad to be able to drive again, however my co-driver seemed not happy at all „Fuck it, fuck this shit, fuck this damned bitch!“. I asked „Are you allright?“, she answered „I’m not because some fucking idiot is really getting on my nerves!“ finishing her sentence she punched my shoulder, really I was not about to talk to her again, did not know where she wanted to drive to but it did not bother me I would just drive straight to my house and would depart her before I arrive, not caring for what she would do there. Some time later she mumbled again „Damn it, I was so close, my aim was just some meters in front of me and now I lost it again, fuck this!“. I said nothing just shaking my head, some time later it happened, she adressed me „Are we driving to a large city?“ , I surely did not respond. She adressed me again „You act like a snaped bitch now? Really?“, I answered „See, I am driving a fast car, having an aggressive co-driver whom I don’t know who she is, maybe she is Jane Bond so she could kill me every second, because of that I consider it the best to be stay calm.“. She grinned and answered „If you want to adress me like an super agent then call me Jannie Bond. And you are right about that I’m on a very important mission.“, „Is your navi not showing you the way to your destination?“, „I’m searching for a person, as she doesn’t know about me being after her she moves around a lot. I have an app that shows me her location everytime she does something with her smartphone. But if I’m arriving there she is already gone, it’s really frustrating...“. „What has this person that you need? What are you seeking for?“, "See you maybe can't understand that, I'm not searching for any physical thing she has, what I am searching for is vital, I need to get my inner peacy back again!". I stopped at a service station to get the car fueled up and hit the toilet. As I came back Jannie was not in the car anymore, I found her sitting on a table some meters away. As I wanted to ask her if she wants to stay here or keep on driving I saw her crying, I walked to her, sat myself next to her and layed my arm around her shoulders „Hey Jannie, what’s wrong?“. She turned her body to me and pressed her face to my chest „That’s bullshit, my whole life is bullshit at the moment!“, „Why? You are an outstanding beautyful young girl, the whole world is open for you!“, „You’re a man you just can judge my appearance… Let me try it with a question, what do you see beyond that beautiful appearance?“, „See I just know you for maybe one hour now, for sure I can’t tell what is depressing you. If you wanna talk about I’ll listen.“, „No, it’s useless you could not understand, let’s just drive on.“. We did as she wished and soon arrived at my little home town. „I have arrived at my destination, what are you going to do now?“, „Mhhh I haven’t got any new signal, so I don’t know… Can you tell me where the next hotel is?“, „See, you are in a small village, there is no hotel in the area of kilometers. If you’re searching for a resting place you can stay at my house if you wish.“, „If I can recharge my smartphone there it is ok.“, „…sure you can…“. So Jannie stayed the night, don’t ask nothing special happened.

As I awoke the next morning she was already gone, I found a notice in the bathroom „Used your shower and ate something, thank you for all, I wish you a happy life! Kiss“. I grinned while shaking my head about this strange person. However after dressing up and having breakfast I went to the party area preparing everything for the party. I cleaned everything up, placed some music boxes everywhere, set the buffet up, took some ice cream in the cooler, prepared the drinkings and put this foam stuff I had bought next to the pool. I finished the preparations at 16 o’clock.

The first guests were arriving at 17 o’clock and as Nina knew a lot of people the area was crowded very soon. Shortly after I turned the music on Nina came in, accompanied by Roxxy. Roxxy turned all heads as she was dressed in rose lingery wearing a black base cap. Her jet black straight hair perfect as always, her tan sexy enough to drive every man wild, her body trained and fit and her huge breasts that were shaped perfectly were amazing. She came over to me hugging me „Hiiiii, glad to see you again after some time.“, „Yeah me too, a shame we haven’t meet for so long! You know this area so feel free to grab a drink or something to eat.“. She then went in with Nina to get some ice cream. From then on the party started getting really enjoyable. At some point all guests gathered around the pool as I was about to fill that foam stuff into in. As I throw it into the water there really erupted a huge mass of foam out of it, the whole pool was covered with one meter high foam. The women went crazy for it and childishly jumped into the pool, for sure I also jumped in. Not seeing anything I stumbled against some feminine bodys from time to time. At one time I ran into a women from behind „Ummhhh, that doesn’t feel like a women!“, she turned around and her hands searched for my body. As she found it she started kissing me, getting turned on I took her up and pressed her body against the pool wall answering her kissing. After some time the foam slowly vanished making me see that I had a sexy redhead in my arms, also near me I saw Roxxy taking a picture of herself in the foam for her instagramm. I went into the sofa area with the redhead, having a nice talk and some more kissing with her as time flew by. Sadly she had to leave soon at 20 o’clock „Honey I’m really sorry but I have to go home looking for my daughter as the babysitter is just there until 20 o’clock. I really enjoyed the party, and yeah, also our chatting.“, I replied „Oh that’s really sad, but maybe we will meet another time. I’ll bring you back to your car.“.

I accompanied the redhead down to the parking lot, as we arrived in front of her car she took my face in both of her hands and started kissing me like a wild animal. After two minutes I was turned on like hell and started kneeding her ass, however she pushed me away „Just making sure you won’t forget me soon! Be assured we will finish this honey!“. After these words she drove away leaving me standing in the dim light of the lantern, panting heavy as her kissing gave me no chance to suck in any piece of air. After having calmed down I heard some calm sobbing behind me. As I investigate where it came from I saw a women sitting on a tree trunk with her face buried in her hands. The voice were not frightening and so I started talking to her „Hi, who are you? What’s wrong? And what are you doing here?“, it did not took long for her to reply „Same thing I did this morning, yesterday and even weeks ago, idiot!“. I instantly recognized the voice as the one of Jannie „Oh my, girl what are you doing here outside of any civilization?“, „I was close again reaching my aim… But then the power of my smartphone went out, I tried to do the last kilometers without a navigation system and then got lost in this shity dark no mans land… FUCK IT!“. „Indeed this here is some sort of no mans land but you are very lucky having reached this spot as there is a party right now, after it’s finished I can take you back to town.“, „Am I looking like beeing in the mood for a party, idiot!“, „Everything better then sitting here sobbing like a child, come on you can have something to drink and to eat then I or another guest can bring you back to town. Tomorrow you can reload your smartphone and continue your search.“. As she knew I was totaly right she cleared her eyes from the tears and stood up taking my arm to guide her „Ok then, go I don’t even see any entrance here!“, „Very good come on we will take the steps behind that gate there!“. As we stepped into the party zone everyone was impressed by Jannies‘ beauty, some of the men even cheared me on „Leaving with a hot redhead just to reappear some minutes later with a a godess like brunette, man you really have to teach me!“. I parked Jannie on a bench in the corner of the party zone and brought her some food and a bottle of cold water. She appreciated it „Thank you this is indeed a nice place, some oasis in the middle of nowhere. All people seem to be in a good mood, no one spraying bad feelings, that‘s something very rare!“, „Thank you, maybe you can also enjoy your time here!“, „Yes some positive vibes would really be good to me!“.

After we chit-chatted for a while Nina came to us „Oh honey here you are, I searched you for a while… Mhhh wow, I know why I didn’t see you for a while… „, Jannie greeted her „I’m Jannie, nice to meet you!“, „Wow I just drank some champagne but it seems there were enough to make me drunk, since when did you changed haircolour?“, „Sorry I don’t understand you?“, I cleared the situation pulling Nina on my lap „See it’s not your friend it’s a women I took with me from frankfurt airport yesterday on my way back.“. Nina replied „Ah okay, she somehow looks familiar to me, haven’t we met before?“, Jannie replied „Not that I could remember.“. The next moment Nina started getting nervous „Oh yeah… I think… I know… I haven’t met you personaly but you fit perfectly to a description of a friend of mine… this now oh no that’s not good, that’s really not good.“, she then adressed me with her face and I started kissing her. Somehow she was not in the mood for this „Stop it, make her leave immediately before…“. She wasn’t able to finish her sentence as the whole party guests suddenly got quite as a intimidating feeling cought everyone. The next thing that was heard through the music was the noise of bottle falling to the ground. Everyone looked the direction of the noise as Roxxy stood some meters in front of the entrance of the bungalow, her mine stoned „What is this? YOU here???", Jannie immediately stood up "I'll be everywhere you are until I finally conquer your bitch body! You whore I'll fuck... you... UP!", with this words she started slowly walking into Roxxys direction. Roxxy was not intimidated and fired her up more „You’re even more thumb than I expected, you are really a dumb cow walking herself to her slayer!“. Somehow I was the only one beeing able to move as I pushed Nina up from my lap and sprinted in the direction of Roxxy and Jeannie. Moments before I could catch up to Jeannie she started to run and also Roxxy started moving „You want some more? Come and get some slut!“. I moved as fast as I can and was able to put an arm between them what caused me the most painful experience in my life. It hurts getting hit by a fist, it hurts getting a ball in your balls, it hurts to push your toe against something hard by accident but all that pain was nothing compared to the one I felt at this short moment. My arm absorbed four claws, each armed with five sharp nails that all dug deep into my arm „Arrrghhhh fuck NOOO!“. The pain made me go to my knees with my arm still penetrated by their nails, to add to my demise they still remained in their frenzy as Jeannie spoke „You see? This is how you will bow down to me after I fucked you up!“, Roxxy replied „After I’m done with you, you won’t even make that happen in your dreams bitch!“, as they spoke they pushed their nails deeper inside my arm. Luckily as I started crying and blood was flooding my arm they came back to their senses, pulling their hands back and each moved back some steps. Jannie was the first to speak „Oh shit, what is this! Sorry honey, are you ok?“, Roxxy replied „You’re death bitch, you stole a modelling contract from me, took away some attention from me, dared to proll around for your inferior body beeing better than mine, you fucking whore disturbed my inner peace, followed me around half of the globe and now even hurt a friend of mine! I swear by my tits I will owe my life for KILLING YOU!“. All the spectators were frozen still beeing feared from the scene of the two fighters. Jeannie then calmly said „I could not have blamed you any better as you did the same things to me. But as I’m always one step ahead of you I have already owed my life for KILLING YOU!“. Meanwhile my body was pumped up with enough adrenaline to be able to think again despite the pain, I knew I had to stop them somehow before there really would be corpses. I had no idea of how to stop them, as it maybe was impossible, so I decided to lur them into  a non violent fight. For this I adressed them by saying „You’re both dumb bitches!“. Both immedaitely turned to me saying „It’s your own fault you got hurt, idiot!“ at the same time. As planned I got their attention, now I needed to put some momentum in my next words. „I admit it was my fault, but I don’t call you dumb because of my wound. I call you dumb because you want to beat each other up. Even if there will be a winner you won't be satisfied battling it out that way!“. Next I adressed Roxxy „Roxxy, tell me what  are you proud of?“, she instantly answered „My sexy body and mostly my tits!“, then I adressed Jannie „Jannie tell me what are you proud of?“, she also answered immediately „For sure my sexy body and for having the best tits!“. With my next sentence I tried to open their eyes, I laughed before saying „Well you heard your answers, so why doing harm to each others body? If you rip each other apart you still won’t know who has the better body, whose tits are the best! You are about to battle it out like mere men, that won’t satisfie not even the winner. For getting your inner peaces back you will have to battle it out like true women!“. Having finished my speach I saw their fists vibrating as they were balling it, then suddenly they stopped and Roxxy spoke „The idiot is right we have to do it this way!“, Jeannie responded „I’m not afraid to! So idiot what do you suggest?“, I answered „ There is a room upstairs in the bungalow, with a expensive queen sized bed in it, you two go in there and battle until one pair of tits conquers the other one, hands off! Only I will be in there, in case you will harm each other again. No one will disturb you as long as you honor the rules and both have some fight left in you!“. Both agreed „So be it!“, I gave them last orders „Jeannie, take a walk to the parking lot and come back to the bungalow in 15 minutes, Roxxy you go to the kitchen. You both have to calm down and gather your minds for the war that is about to come!“. They both did as I said.

After both had left the scenery Nina walked into the bungalow and came back with a bandage to cover my bloody arm „Your arm is hurt badly!“, I smirked „Yeah but everyone is alive, I think thats a good deal so far!“. She helped me getting up and we started heading towards the bungalow. However we were not able to enter it as the crowd blocked our path looking upset. A man adressed me „What is this shit? These two godesses are firing us up and you tunr it into a private fight so only you can watch, NO WAY!“, I answered „Haven’t you seen how their rivalry took a toll on them, they have to finish it once and for all, so they have to be undisturbed for that!“, a woman from the crowd joined the discussion „We are all fired up, if we can’t see this fight it will take a toll on us!“. Deep inside I knew she was right „Ok, let me make a suggestion, the room above has cameras installed in it, I will activate them and you can watch the fight on the screen in the big room, how does that sound?“. They nearly cheered and so also this situation was secured.

I hurried to link the cameras with the TV and checked if there was nothing left in the bedroom that could be used as a weapon. As I left the room Nina approached me telling she would be in the bedroom too „As your arm is hurt I think you’ll need a healthy right hand for observing the fight!“. I was not about to argue with her and just noded. Nina went to the kitchen to lead Roxxy into the bedroom, meanwhile I went to do the same to Jannie. Jannie was waiting at the parking lot, the moment she saw me she immediately walked to me taking my hand and pulled me into the direction of the bungalow. I was very excited as we entered the bedroom because I knew Roxxy and Nina would have entered already. Neither Roxxy nor Jannie looked at each other, they both walked head down to one of the bedsides. I summed up the rules „Ok ladies, you’ll have a erotic competition, the fight will end if one of you flattens the others tits or one submits! You are not allowed to harm each other, each attack has to be erotic, matching you libidos! You can begin from now on!“. They both nodded and pulled their heads up, looking deep and straight into each others eyes.

Jannie was the first to step on the bed, bending forward  to undress out of her short jeans short, she continued stripping out of her thong, standing on the bed only in her tight white top that was knoted in front of her breasts. Next Roxxy stepped on the bed, as she was already in her lingery she losened the fixation of her thong to strip out of it to stand on the bed having her breasts covered in a rose bra that was knoted in front of her breasts. As they stood some steps in front of each other they were not able to stay calm. Their mutual hate for each other came into view as both began to breath very heavy, as they took in a lot of air with every inhaling it caused their upper bodys to get pumped up. The spectators eyes widened in disbelief as with their upper bodys also their tits were heaving up, threatening to unknot the white top and rose bra. After a short time it became apparent their breasts were not just threatening as they really rose up, losening the knot that fixated their tops to their upper body. As they did both tops flopped up and landed on the bed. I was impressed by the sight of their exposed tits, both pairs very huge while having a perfect shape, looking very firm. Both continued starring at each other, unimpressed. I adressed Nina „What is this? How could they hide that they are impressed by the others tits or whole body? How?“, Nina knew the answer „See, Roxxy told me a lot about Jannie the last two days, they met shortly after the last party six months ago. Both recognized they couldn’t stand each other. They have fought several battles before, all ending in a draw. That’s why I ensure you, they know each others body very well as they have seen and felt each other before!“.

I looked back to the competitors, a memorable battle was about to take place.

The first rounds ends at 25th August 20:00 o'clock.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2018, 05:52:18 PM by User1 »


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Re: interactive titfight poll (including sexfight elements)
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2018, 09:01:53 PM »
Round 1

The excitement was lethal, as everyone expected them to start soon but neither moved. Each spectator mentally imagined how they would start the fight, some expected them to do some special moves or some dirty tricks to gain an early advantage. However nothing like that happened, instead they both did a move that showed how much self-confidence they had in their tits to be superior in head on comparison. For proving it, they suddenly both charged forward, full force, tits first into each other without any signs of fear. I coverd my face with my hands not wanting to see what would happen if they collide. As they did I heard them cursing “Uffnngghhhh, boohhhh, come on weak bitch, show me what you got!”. As I put my hands down again I saw them in the middle of the bed, pressing their tits against each other, despite they hit each other full force their tits remained their shape. Both pressed forward but neither could get any advantage. Recognizing their tits had battled to a dead end at the moment Jannie suddenly threw her whole body on Roxxys’, starting to passionately kiss her. Roxxy was caught by surprise “Ummpphhhhh, bit…ch…!” but tried to match Jannies’ tongue. However Jannie had already obtained an advantage as her tongue dominantly pinned Roxxys’. It became apparent that Roxxy was turned on getting womanhandled like this as you could see her skin getting goosebump. She knew getting turned on that soon in the fight was very dangerous and so she grabbed Jannies’ ass cheks and started to knead them, getting some reactions “Ohh, bitch, ohh, two can play that game!”. Jannie also grabed Roxxy by her butt and both started to pleasure each others round bum. This time it was Roxxy who was in control, as it was Jannies turn to show signs of erection. The dominance in the kissing duel faded because Jannie got distracted by Roxxys’ ass massage until they both retreated to gather themselfes up again. Roxxy was the first to start trashtalking, she seductively liked her lips “Did I feel your body already trembling? I knew in a fight to the finish you are nothing compared to me!”, Jannie licked some saliva of her mouth and grinned “I think you felt your own quivering, the only erotic feeling I got was because my dominant tongue made yours crumble in her own territory, boy I nearly squashed her!”. She got another reaction from her opponent “We’ll see who will get squashed, slut!” before both refocused on the titfight ahead.

In round 1 none earned any points as both choosed to use a frontal bump what resolved in a draw. Also the sexfight ended in a draw as each won in one area. (kissing duel/ass grabbing, Jannie used 6 points and 4 while Roxxy used 5/5).

Round 2 ends at 27.08, 8 pm.


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Re: interactive titfight poll (including sexfight elements)
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2018, 05:51:46 AM »
Incredible writing. I hope all you other shit heads like Terry, Christina, Valery on and on take a lesson of how a poll should be done.  Only recommendation would be some more pics in the intro but overall you have set up a incredible poll.


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Re: interactive titfight poll (including sexfight elements)
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2018, 07:46:27 AM »
 JannieX for me


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Re: interactive titfight poll (including sexfight elements)
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2018, 10:12:04 PM »
Round 2

With the words “Come on then little bitch!” Jannie initiated the next encounter as both started walking towards another. They started slowly but both took up more speed as they came closer. Roxxy started to bend her knees to move her upper body down a bit, just for straithening them again, making her upper body rise up. Her tits followed the motion, getting dragged upwards. At this point it was apparent what she had in mind, if Jannies’ tits would resist a frontal assault she was about to crush them from atop, smashing her heavy boobs down on Jannies’ with the power of gravity on her side. No way could her opponent take this move without getting damaged. Taking Roxxys’ sexy body into account the movement caught the attention of the whole audience as her toned legs strained to their limits for having to push her whole body upwards. Everyone saw her reaching the highest point as she stood tiptoe. But somehow she was stopped at this position, something unyielding detained her to perform the rest of the move. As the audience looked to the other side and saw Jannie, standing tiptoe in the same position as Roxxy did. Because both choosed the same move again they meet head on for another time, with neither getting any advantage.

Both remained tiptoe in the standing position and it was Roxxy who took the initiative as she was about to even the score in the kissing duel. To do this she threw her hands to the sides of Jannies head, pressing her opponents face into her own to kiss her like it would be the last time she would be able to kiss somebody. Jannie reacted too slow and therefore was not able to put much of resistance what caused first her tongue to get dominated by Roxxys’ invading one and next her body to get overflown with pleasure. Sensing the humiliating first cum would be hers if this would last longer she threw herself into Roxxy, hugging her with her arms and her legs. While she put her legs around Roxxys’ waist she started rubbing her heating up crotch into her rivals. As Roxxy was focused on outkissing Jannie the move caught her by surprise, her mouth realeased Jannies’ as her head shot back, her mouth formed a little O and the escaping moans “Ohhh, argh ohhh, so hoooot, sooooo sooooooft!” showed the pleasure she received was about to break her will. However her legs got weak and while falling she pushed Jannies’ body away, which was easy as her body was also weak from receiving an amount of pleasure that would make every man faint in seconds.

Both landed on the bed with Roxxy taunting while panting heavy “I think… I heard your… tongue sobbing as mine… overpowered it!”, Jannie despite also panting heavy responded “Bitch… you’re the filthiest bitch that is living… on this planet!”.

In round 2 none earned any points as both choosed to use a blow from above what resolved in a draw. Also the sexfight ended in a draw as each won in one area. (kissing duel/crotch rubbing), Jannie used 4 points and 7 while Roxxy used 6/5). Both used a sexual power of 21 what has 79 points of sexual power left for both to use in the remaining 8 rounds.

Round 3 ends at 29.08, 8 pm.


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Re: interactive titfight poll (including sexfight elements)
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2018, 10:32:25 PM »
Round 3

As both were angered from the insulting they stood up again to continue the struggle. Jannie taunted Roxxy “C’mon bitch this time you’ll feel my tits hurting your sorry thrashbags!”. Without saying a word Roxxy stormed at Jannies direction. Jannie just grinned as she was about to lure Roxxy into a trap. She pushed her elbows to the sides of her torso, by doing this she put pressure on her tits from the sides what caused them to bulge visibly “Yes, c’mon fight my tits!”. The audiences jaws dropped as everyone was able to foretell, if Roxxy would charge frontal, full force into Jannies steeled tits she would bounce of off them, taking serious damage. Roxxy came nearer with every moment, then she was one step in front of Jannie, everyone expecting her to run into her misery as Jannies compressed tits looked bigger and more firm. However Roxxy did not run in frontal, a short moment before they collided she turned her upper body to the right. Then moved closer to Jannie “Eat this, fucking whore!” until finally turning her upper body to the left, causing her tits to shot to the other side. On their way they collided with Jannies’ orbs, hitting them from the side. “Gawwwddd, FUCK!”, it was Jannies shriek that could be heard. It seemed her tits were not overally hardened, having a weak spot at the sides. This became apparent as Roxxys’ orbs pushed in from the side, deforming her opponents’ boobs and causing immense pain to them. As Roxxy pulled her upper body back Jannies’ tits regained her round form but she was distracted by the pain. Roxxy took advantage and ran tits first into Jannie again, making her rival fall down with herself landing on top. “Uffffff!” escaped Jannies lips as they landed on the bed. Roxxy used the momentum to start a kissing duel by biting Jannies’ lower lip. Her plan did not succeed as Jannie pulled Roxxys’ head down to her mouth and counterattacked. As neither was gaining any ground Jannie started to roll them over and pressed and rubbed her flat belly into Roxxys’. In the first moments Roxxy pressed back but after Jannie pinned both of her upper arms down with her hands and raised her upper body from Jannies’, leaving their tits as the only touching parts of their upper bodies, it became apparent the belly rubbing was turning Roxxy on. “Ohh god, ohhh, noooo!” escaped her lips, Jannie added some trashtalking to the action “You feel my belly conquering your flaby one? Can you feel my abs pressing your belly fat out of the way? Now you’ll see what a hot belly feels like!”. Roxxy shook her head as she got turned on more with every second, in a last desperate attempt she shot her ass up to press her pussy into Jannies’ and slowly grinded it. Jannies’ eyes opened wide, she felt a nice warm and soft feeling was streaming through her whole body. However she was not about to give in to it, so she also pressed her pussy into her rivals hot spot. Now both were moaning in unison “Yeah, c’mon give me that feeling you bitch!”, “Please I wanna have… more of this, ohhhh yeah please!”. The arousal grew more and more but it was Jannie who did retreat by rolling her body away, moments before she would have exploded in a shattering orgasm, giving up the dominant position she gained by conquering Roxxys’ belly with her own. Roxxy was happy the sexual pressure subsides as her body was also moments before giving in.

“Even if I was not able to make you cum, we both know, I FUCKING HURTED YOUR TITS this time!” Roxxy summed up. Jannie just answered with a “Bitch, you’re death!” gaze.

In round 3 Roxxy was able to hit Jannies tits, she earned 5 points for it. The sexfight ended in a draw again as each won in one area and the third ended in a draw. (kissing duel/belly to belly rubbing/crotch rubbing), Jannie used 4/4/2 while Roxxy used 4/3/3). Both used a sexual power of 31 what has 69 points of sexual power left for both to use in the remaining 7 rounds.

Round 4 ends at 31.08, 8 pm.


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Re: interactive titfight poll (including sexfight elements)
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2018, 10:06:29 AM »
Sorry for the delay her is round 4, hope you enjoy!

Round 4

As they both stood up it seemed as if Jannie was totally out of her mind due to her anger. Her face darkened even more and at one point she started snarling like a tigress “Grrrrr!”, however Roxxy was not intimidated “Ouuww, the weak skank wants to pretend she’s a dangerous tigress. You worthless bitch, I’ll enjoy taming you to the submissive slut you are!”. With this Roxxy charged at Jannie, she was about to use a powerfull move she performed earlier. To do so she ducked and pulled her upper body upwards, standing tiptoe while reaching the highest point, this time she was not stopped. She dragged her boobs downwards, her heavy boobs began to fall down getting powered up more and more, hungrily absorbing the power of gravity. The spectators moved their head to see what Jannie was about to do. Jannie choosed to do the same thing she did in the previous round, she pressed her elbows to her sides to compress her tits. Again they grew slightly and visibly increased their firmness. Everyone was eager to see what would happen if their tits would collide this time.

The seconds felt like long minutes but the moment of contact came. A repressed “Grrrroouuufff!” escaped Jannies’ lips as Roxxys’ heavy hitters landed on top of her breasts deforming them slightly. However not all effects were visible at this point. Jannie still pushed her arms to her sides and after some seconds her tits regained their round form as they were able to support the weight of Roxxys’ boobs even pushing them up. Roxxys’ lips were closed since contact it was as if she tried to hold something back but suddenly she released what she tried to hold back “Gawwwdh fuck what is this, it’s like I slammed my tits on something hard, ouch, fucking witch that can’t be!”. Roxxy held back this words as long as possible, not wanting to give Jannie the pleasure of seeing that she hurt her but as the sensitive undersides of Roxxys’ tits slammed on top of Jannies’ hardened pair it caused immense pain to her. Knowing she lost their short encounter this time Roxxy took Jannie by the hips and pressed their crotches together, starting to girate her hips to put pressure on Jannie. Jannie mirrored the move and you could see both combatants getting heated up again.

At one point Jannie was able to  keep her mind clear to taunt Roxxy “Yeah bitch, I know you can feel my fucking superior tits lifting your weak udders up like they are nothing!” she underlined her words by slightly rotating her shoulders to push her tits upwards into the undersides of Roxxys’ boobs which were resting a top of hers. She pushed them up so that she was able to lick to upper sides of Roxxys’ tits with the tip of her tongue “They’re so weak, soon my dominant girls will consume your weak udders showing everyone who is the real women!”, Roxxy just replied with a “Oh my, nohhhh, what nooo!”. The trashtalking had a strong effect on Roxxy, it was unfamiliar for her to get her tits womanhandled by another pair and the humiliation seemed to turn her on too much. She was not able to retreat and the only way her overhelmed body was able to deal with the crushing pleasure was to shudder in an intense orgasm that made her pussy squirt. As the orgasm made her body weak “Oooaahhhhh! Oh… fuck, oahhh!” she slowly started to sink down. Through the downward motion her tits were dragged across Jannies’ and molded aroud the hardened pair. The point came on which Roxxys’ boobs were not on top of Jannies’ anymore but directly in front of them. At this point Jannie pushed forward with a lot of strength, her tits pushed a lot of Roxxys’ titmeat out of their way until Roxxys’ whole body was pushed backwards. The move separated them and Roxxy, too weak to stay standing, fell down on the bed. A panting Jannie stood triumphantly over her downed rival “Haha, weak bitch, my tits easily handled yours. Bitch, give!”. It was true she did some damage to Roxxys’ breasts and also made her cum first but at this point Roxxys’ tits had already regained their intimidating round form. After a while Roxxy stood up “A good thing... you put the word “Give”... into your mouth... practicing how to spell it... because you will have to say it... a lot of times soon... WORTHLESS SLUT!”.

In round 4 Jannie was able to hit Roxxys' tits, she earned 3 points for it. She also won the sexfight (crotch rubbing, Jannie used 14 points while Roxxy used 10. Jannie has 55 points left and Roxxy 59). The outcome of the sexfight doubles Jannies point up to 6. Roxxy would have her points in the next round getting doubled because Jannie would have to support the weight of her tits, but as she lost the sexfight this effects gets halved what makes her just getting normal points in the next round again.

Round 5 ends at 02.09, 8 pm.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2018, 10:07:00 AM by User1 »


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Re: interactive titfight poll (including sexfight elements)
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2018, 09:48:06 PM »
Round 5

“You really think you can make me beg to you? Dumb bitch, I’ll show you who the real women is! Come, let’s finish this once and for all, fight my better tits!” Jannie replied. After her insult she opened her arms and walked into Roxxys’ direction. Every spectator went silent as they knew, if Jannie could apply a bearhug the fight would probably be over, if Roxxy could not react properly to it. Roxxy who was no newbie knew it too and was far from done, no way she would let her rival apply such a powerful move without resistance. She waited for Jannie to come near and then turned her upper body to the right, just to turn it over to the left again “No way a slut like you has better tits!”. The move caused her tits to crash into Jannies’ once more in this fight. Jannie often tried to get an advantage by putting pressure on her tits, but for this move she had to open her arms instead of pressing them to her body, what had the reversed effect of taking pressure away from her tits. The result was Roxxys’ set crashing into the side of Jeannies’ boobs, deforming them and creating pain that caused her to retreat “Ouuch!”. Now it was Roxxy who walked forward, slamming her tits into each side of Jannies’ pair, insulting her with every hit “Fucking… useless… bitch…I’ll make you admit your... inferiority to me! cxnt!”.

Jannie was retreating more and more until she was close to the edge of the bed. She was not able to sort her tits in a way to counter or block Roxxys’ side swings, but she found another way to stop her. As Roxxy turned her upper body to one side again she ducked and ran into Roxxy to take her down onto the bed. As she landed on top of Roxxy she started a passionate kissing duel once more. They both gave everything they had “Feel... me!”, it lasted for some time “I’ll beat... your tongue!” but neither was gaining any ground. At one point Jannie switched tactics, she separated their lips and layed her body acrossed over Roxxys’, so their only touching body parts were their bellies. After a taunt “Let’s see how strong this fat belly is, bitch!” she started to raise her body up into the air to let it fall down again. “Omphh!” was heard by both every time she landed belly to belly on Roxxy. After the sixth time I lost count of how often she repeated the move but slowly Roxxys’ belly started to give in to Jannies’ as she was not able to keep it flexed anymore. From this point on every time Jannie landed she wasn’t able to hide her reactions anymore “Awww… ouuwww… ohhh, so hard!”. It somehow seemed her moanings were not caused by pain. As her goose bumps revealed she was turned on by feeling Jannies’ flat belly colliding with her own. However Jannie stopped her splashing and stood up by grinding her victorious belly over Roxxys’ and also licking Roxxys’ cheek.

As she was standing again she continued taunting Roxxy “I see you like laying underneath a superior body. Some bad minds could conclude you are a village mattress. Slut, slut, slut…”. Roxxy also stood up again “Ohhhh you cxnt, I think if you lay down and such a fat pig would land on your belly it would also give in after some time!”.

In round 5 Roxxy was able to hit Jannies' tits, she earned 2 points for it. However she lost the sexfight (belly to belly rubbing, kissing duel Jannie used 6/5 points while Roxxy used 5/5. Jannie has 44 points left and Roxxy 49). The outcome of the sexfight halves Roxxys' points to 1.

Round 6 ends at 04.09, 8 pm.


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Re: interactive titfight poll (including sexfight elements)
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2018, 11:12:21 PM »
Jannie {alt}

Roxxy {alt}

Round 6

Despite the long lasting fight both fighters got fired up some more as Jannie replied to Roxxys’ insult “You pathetic bitch are starting to get on my nerves, shut your dumb mouth up now or I’ll stuff it!”. Roxxy did not back down either “Fucking whore, what are stuffing? You are stuffing nothing!”, she walked herself to the middle of the bed “I’m getting bored off your sorry little girl attacks, I think it’s time we really go all out tit to tit!”. With this Roxxy started rubbing her hands up and down over her bust. It did not take long for her tits to get aroused as her nipples started stifling until they stood proud and intimidating on her areolas “You see, they agree with me, they are ready to kill!”. Seeing Roxxys’ fit tanned body, standing in the middle of the bed with her boobs getting a slightly rounder shape due to the arousal, was a sight you do not see often. On top of that she cupped her arms under her boobs and slowly moved them to push her tits further upwards on her chest, making them look very firm. All women in the audience grabbed their boobs as if to protect them, knowing if they would collide with Roxxy in this state theirs would get seriously hurt. However all women were intimidated but one, this one was Jannie “Two can play that game, bitch!”, she started walking towards Roxxy, also massaging her tits to arouse them. Her doings had the similar effect of erecting her nipples and her tits taking on a slightly rounder form. She stopped herself a step in front of Roxxy and also cupped her arms to lift her tits up “Wow, my nipples must be very brave to stand in front of two killers!”. They stood in front of each, their nipples only separated by a few centimeters. Roxxy then closed the distance, letting them touch each other very slightly “Maybe… whoaaaa… fuck what a feeling!” getting nearly overhelmed by the intime feeling they both created. Jannie also wasn’t able to remain calm “Maybe what? Ohhh, OOOHHHhhhhhhhhh… how?”. They were careful not to press their tits into one another hard, just slightly. Both nipples were pressed back into the more soft titmeat behind them but neither was able to erase the stiffness away from her opponents. After some time both went down on their knees as the sexual pleasure took their physical strength away. They leaned on one anothers shoulder as they pressed their pussies together and started tp grind them together very, very slowly. Some ultra feminine moans could be heard “Ohh… fucking bitch… inferior slut… oahhh… give in to me… submit… I will so fucking enjoy… degrading you… I’ll show you what real sexual power is!”. Some people in the audience were overhelmed by the sexual energie that radiated from their bodys, in the bedroom Nina sat herself on my lap and started kissing me. As I was able to take my look back on the fight both were equally aroused and started to grab the others ass. They stared deep into each others eyes and kneaded for all they were worth. Both got turned on even more but this time you could sense a difference. Roxxy ran her hands on Jannies’ ass cheeks better than Jannie did on hers. She lightly pushed her fingernails in the soft flesh, lightly scratched the sensitive flesh and sometimes wiggled them in her hands. Soon Jannie felt she would not be able to contain the sexual pressure for long. She struggled “Ah, oh, oh, ohhh god…NO…NEVER!” and rolled herself backwards. Her arms and legs quivered from time to time as if electroshocks were radiating through her body.

She sat on the edge of the bed with her back turned into Roxxys’ direction. After she regained clear senses she started to laugh happy Rooxy was not able to make her cum “Shitty bitch, I have to admit you were close, very close to making me cum for you, but not even this was an advantage you could use!”. Roxxy who had also got her composure back after the sexual assault replied confidently “Is this so? Ok then, why don’t you turn you superior body around to face me tit to FUCKING TIT!”. Jannie turned herself around, she saw Roxxy on her knees in the middle of the bed, standing up to full height again. Something intimidated her, she looked down and up again. After doing so she also stood up with a worried look on her face, she thought to herself “Ok, that’s not good but no damage is done yet!”. Roxxy just stood in the middle of the bed with a predators grin on her face slowly talking “Come on baby, let us titfight!”.

I reconsidered the action of the last few minutes in my mind to understand what has happened between them, why did Roxxy became that confident, did she use some magic? However after thinking about it I knew what had happened in this encounter. This time they both choosed not to attack each other, instead they both powered their tits up, that’s why they caressed and aroused them to make them more firm. However their sexfighting took their concentration and as Jannie had to flee in order to not cum she concentrated on retreating what made the effect on her tits vanish. Roxxy on the other side was able to keep concentrated on her tits. As a result of this her tits remained in the aroused state. In general they both are identical in size and firmness, but at this moment Roxxys’ tits appeared to be slightly larger and firmer, for sure she had an advantage for the next contact. “Come here let us go tit to tit, I hope your not backing away like the coward you are, let’s just meet, tit to tit, the harder the better!” Roxxy taunted. Jannie was concerned because she was aware of her temporary disadvantage “In your dreams I’m backing away but this is reality bitch, bring your oversized udders to me; I’ll happily beat them down!”.


In round 6 both choosed to do a defensive stance what grants them both double points in the next round. However Roxxy won the sexfight (ass grabing, crotch rubbing Jannie used 5/6 points while Roxxy used 6/6. Jannie has 33 points left and Roxxy 37). The outcome of the sexfight doubles Roxxys' effect to 4x and halves Jannies' effect back to 1x points.

Round 7 ends at 06.09, 8 pm.


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Re: interactive titfight poll (including sexfight elements)
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2018, 10:41:43 PM »
I have enjoyed reading this
Can't wait to see the outcome

Do we really wanna see an outcome. I could watch them going at it for eternity.^^

But now back to serious business, here is...

Round 7

Roxxy {alt}
Jannie {alt}

The hot air was overflowed with anticipation as everyone expected a climax in the duell with Roxxy standing dominant in front of Jannie, with her aroused breasts being in their most intimidating state. If she would land a hit now it would cause lethal damage to her rivals boobs, maybe enough to suddenly end the long lasting fight. Roxxy in her hyped state taunted Jannie badly “Put, put, put come here little chicken, fight me head on, tiny tit slut!”. Jannie let Roxxy see very clearly what she was thinking about her right now as she spat in her direction “You see me backing away in any way stupid bitch? Looking at me I see two very proud tits that stand strong. Ouu wow, you have pumped up yours a little, should I be afraid? You just pumped some air from your empty head into them, nothing tits like them have to fear!” finishing her replie she sexily cupped her tits with her hands. Roxxy said with a angry voice “So then come on and fight with these excuses of tits!” as she opppened her arms. This time Jannie did not have to suggest witch move Roxxy would use and how she could counter it, Roxxy made clear she wanted the most intimidate contact, a position so close none could retreat if her tits are beginning to fail her, she wanted a crushing tit to tit bearhug.

Jannies mind raced with thoughts “Grrrr, I’ll beat her overinflated tits down… It’s dangerous she’s ready since last round… no way she can tame my girls… I can’t risk the fight, I have to dodge her move or defend it…. What are these thoughts?”. Then out of sudden she raised her body and pronounced her thoughts openly “NO WAY I AM DODGING A CHEAP SLUT LIKE YOU, NO FUCKING WAY I WILL AVOID YOUR LESSER TITS! A lot of people are watching us NO WAY I’LL LOSE MY PRIDE TO A BITCH LIKE YOU!”. Some spectators fainted due to the tension that was created at this moment.

 “Come on, fight my TITS!!!” was heard by both competitors as Jannie also opened her arms to accept Roxxys’ invitation. They came closer, I thought if it was a good idea from Jannie to agree to the hug at this point of the fight. However she was right about loosing her pride if she did otherwise. Reading Roxxys’ face I could easily say she was about to end Jannie. Despite her success with luring Jannie into the hug she seeked she was not grinning, instead her face showed sheer determinition.

After what felt like long minutes, the moment of contact finally came. They both closed the distance between them and finally collided. both had to endure a lot of pressure as they collided full frontal “Umpfghhh!” but both were able to reach their hands behind the upper part of each others backs, locking the deadly hug in. It was hard to see but Roxxys’ aroused tits pressed the frontal part of Jannies’ tits back slightly, however not enough to do noteworthy damage. Jannie tried to bring the focus away from their tits as she started to kiss Roxxy. This time it did not take long for Roxxy to battle Jannies’ tongue to a standstill and to break the kiss apart “This time it’s all about tits slut!”, Jannie confidently replied “So then, bring it BITCH!”.

The next part of the battle was the most intense part, as it was the first time they tried to make the other submit with all strength they could muster. Something that alarmed my senses was the fact they stopped to insult each other, for me this was a sign they did not want to conquer the other mentally, making her retreat, but this time they wanted to conquer each other physically, seeing the own pair crush the rivals into ultimate defeat.

Roxxy tightened the hug “Hmmmmmpff!”, both sets mushroomed, Jannies’ reaction came “UFFGGHHH!”, her tits did not surrender.

Roxxy tightened again “Hurrrghhhhhhhhh!”, both sets mushroomed again and Jannie reacted “GRRRAAWWDDD!”, again her tits hold their ground.

Roxxy tightened for another time “Pfffgghhhhh!”, bot sets mushroomen again and Jannie reacted “BOHOHOHooooo!”, but her tits refused to let Roxxys’ invade them. One thing was for sure, if one set would yield to the other now, it would get hurt very badly.

The next use of Roxxys’ power came “Giiiivmmmmphhh!” and Jannie reacted “NeeevOOOUUGHHH, ARRRGHHHH!” with some tears starting to run down from her eyes, but her tits continued to refuse getting pressed inwards.

Roxxy tightened her grip again, with all of her power “Baaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” and Jannie did the same “OHHHHH, GOAAHHHH, NOOOOOOOOUUUUHHHHH!”.

They both fell down to their knees, not releasing each other, holding the hug locked in with the rest of their power, both panting very heavy.

Now they both looked completely equal again as Roxxys’ aroused state of her tits was gone. She attacked Jannie with all she was worth and for sure gave her immense pain that everyone was able to hear through her screaming. However she failed to land a hit that would have damaged Jannies’ boobs.

Nina who sat on my lap was shocked “Oh my god, it’s still not over!”. She was shocked, because she knew as friendly as they both laid in each others arms they were still engaged in a bearhug. In that close, compressed state every one of them could do serious damage if the other could not respond properly to an attack.


In round 7 both choosed to perform a bearhug what ended in a draw. Both used 10 points for the kissing duel what also lead to a draw.(Jannie has 23 points left and Roxxy 27). However as they remained locked into a tight bearhug their points in the next round are x3 if one of them hits the other.

Round 8 ends at 08.09, 8 pm.


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Re: interactive titfight poll (including sexfight elements)
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2018, 10:43:46 PM »
Sorry for the delay!

Round 8

Both of their upper bodies were heaving with each breath as they must have been exhausted to their limits due to the constant constricting and pressing. They even were too exhausted to insult each other. For giving their upper bodies a break they started to change positions and also released the hug. Both switched from the kneeing position by straightening their legs, one after another, past the others bodies so they now sat on their asses. They slowly moved forward until “Ohhhhh, owwwww, so hot, so wet, ooouuuwwwww!” the touch of their pussies had them moaning in unison. Even they were surprised feeling their pussies nearly fusing as the wetness glued them together. The preparations came to an end as they both laid themselves sideways on the bed and scissored the others body with their tanned, toned legs, as hard as they could. Everything was calm, foreshadowing an epic sexual encounter.

Roxxy was the first, starting to slowly grind her pussy over and into Jannies’. Jannie instantly reacted, she spoke “Yohhhh, biahhhh, fuahhhh!”, well she tried to speak as the only thing escaping her mouth were loud sensual moans. She then clawed herself into the bed sheet and joined the grinding. I can’t say what happened next as their moans echoed throughout the whole room, filling the air up with sexual pleasure. Nina threw herself uncontrolled into me “Give it to me!” so our bodies landed on the hard ground with herself landing on top of me. Well she absolutely needed to get satisfied, so you all should know what she wanted from me. After a while as I was not able to satisfy her infinite need for pleasure in a normal way I used my fingers to pleasure her, what gave me the chance to get a look back to the combatants on the bed.

They both moaned like I have never heard before but one of them seemed to get the upper hand. Jannie moaned “Ahhh, ohhhhhh” while Roxxys’ moans were more submissive “Ouuu, ouu,ouuhh”. Jannie moved her upper body upwards; it took a while because her body was shaking like getting hit with an electroshocker. However she succeeded in sitting herself up on Roxxys’ body. She lifted Roxxys’ right leg up so it was facing the ceiling. Jannie, who now sat on Roxxys’ other leg, still being crotch to crotch, pressed Roxxys’ right leg between her tits and started to thrust her crotch hard down into Roxxys’. Both started to cry due to the intense pleasure that worked on them, Roxxy even covered her face with her hands. It seemed the dominant position gave Jannie the advantage to attack Roxxys’ holy spot “Ohhh, let, ahhhh, me inn, OHHhhh!”, Roxxys’ moans became shorter and more uncontrolled as she also started shaking her head “Nooohhh, noh, nohh, ohohohoooo!”. I don’t know if I was in trance from seeing them fucking each other to death or if the next scenes really happened. It seemed Jannie instinctively taunted Roxxy “Don’t try to stop the unstoppable, my pussy will conquer yours, GIVE IN!”, Roxxy replied “No, never, noo, please, nooo, ohhhh!”. I saw everything in slow motion, Jannie pressed down very strong, once, two times, three times, a fourth time, a fifth, a sixth and with the sixth one it happened she said “Ohh, yeah feel my powerful sexhorn crushing your weak little girl clit, FEEEL IT!”, Roxxy was not able to reply as she spread her arms wide, both clawing into the bed sheet. Her upper body started to spasm and a lot of saliva escaped her mouth. Then her head shot up “ARRRRGHHH, OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, GIVE IT TO ME!” as the spasm took over her whole body. Jannie was thrown off of her and sat herself up on her knees, panting heavy. Meanwhile Roxxy rolled herself on her stomatch and covered her pussy with her hands, her body still shaking from the outburst of sexual pleasure.

After Jannie regained some composure she grinned, admiring her work. However as it was no straight sexfight, she had to beat Roxxys’ tits with her own. She was sure, as it was the second time in the fight she made Roxxy cum while her own pussy was undefeated, no way could Roxxy fight her tits back now. She crawled over to Roxxy “Time to finish you off!” pulling her up by the jet black long hair. She turned Roxxy around so they both faced each other in a kneeling position with Roxxy tumbling to hold it. Before her attack Jannie wished Roxxy goodbye “You weak little bitch, I knew you’re just a common whore, my glorious tits will finish your weak udders now so I don’t have touch your ugly body again!”, Roxxys’ only reaction was a weak “Ohhh, ohhh…” with this Jannie ducked and lifted her body up as she planned to destroy Roxxy by crushing her tits with hers from above. However as she started her downward motion Roxxy pressed her tits forwards. I can’t tell which hit the other first but Roxxys’ tits crushed into Jannies’ chest while Jannies’ boobs crashed on top of Roxxys’. Both let out a low “Ummpfhhh!” but I wasn’t able to detect any damage. The result of this was that now Roxxy in her still weakened state had to support the weight of Jannies’ boobs with her own, still proudly standing pair.


In round 8 Jannie choosed to perform a upper blow and Roxxy a frontal bump what ended in a draw. Jannie used 17 poits for the crotch fight and Roxxy 15, so Jannie won the sexfight.(Jannie has 6 points left and Roxxy 12). As Roxxy is at a disadvantage having to support the weight of Jannies' tits with her own Jannies' points in the next round are x4.

Round 9 ends at 11.09, 8 pm.


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Re: interactive titfight poll (including sexfight elements)
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2018, 07:47:38 PM »
Round 9

While Roxxy was busy holding the weight of Jannies tits “Uffgggggg, heavy fat cow udders!” Jannie tried to finish her rival off once again. She pressed her boobs down into Roxxys’, shifting her opponents tits out of their way. Even if she did no damage Roxxy was not back at clear mind after her intense orgasm, so she nearly panicked “What NO, my tits CAN’T GIVE IN, NOOOOOO!”. Jannie thought “They will bitch, my next move will make you feel real pain!”, as she slid past Roxxys’ boobs she lowered her upper body more, and more, and more, until her tits nearly touched the bed. Then with one quick motion she pulled her upper body upwards, dragging her tits with a lot of power into direction of Roxxys' chest.

What would happen if they hit Roxxys’ boobs on the sensitive part from below, would it be enough to finally beat her hated rival? We should never know, I don’t know if Roxxy had regained her senses or if she acted out of instinct, however she turned her body sideways with her tits following the motion. She immediately turned her body to the other side and what caused her boobs to rush back to the spot they were located moments ago. The next contact hurt both as their tits met, Jannie did not hit the underside like planed but more sideways getting rewarded with a “Ouuch!” of Roxxy. However also Roxxys’ tits crashed into Jannies’ with force. As Jannie had no stable stance she even lost her balance.
With a loud “Argghh!!!” Jannie fell backwards. As she did she turned her body around to land on her stomatch, giving her tits protection. Roxxy saw her rival laying on the bed, facing her with her back. She grinned like a predator and walked into Jannies’ direction.  Roxxy then placed her ass on Jannies’ and grabed her long brown hair, like a rider holding her horse by the reins. “Now show me how hard your bum is!”, with this Roxxy tightened her ass and started grinding it down into Jannies’ ass cheeks. Jannie who had planned to end the fight got really enraged by the turn of events “FUCKING BITCH get off, GET OFF OF ME, I’LL KILL YOU!!!” and desperately tried to throw Roxxy off. Her problem was Roxxys’ dominant position and her toned ass, she felt her own ass hurting more by each second as Roxxys’ butt was to much for her to handle in this situation. Her movements calmed down more and more and she even started crying, until she suddenly felt something building up in her body. She addressed Roxxy “Get off, fucking get off, ohhhh what is this OHHHH!”, it seemed the sheer humiliation turned Jannies’ submissive side on enough for her to get very aroused. “No I don’t want to… not for this bitch…no…OAHHHH YEAH, YEAH!”, with this words her whole body erupted in an intense orgasm, her body shook that much, even finally throwing Roxxy off.

Roxxy had a satisfied grin on her face “So finally you cumed for me, little bitch?!”.


In round 9 Roxxy used a side swing that collided with Jannies' lower blow, both earned two point, Jannies points are x4 because of last rounds effect=8. Jannie used 3 points for the assfight and Roxxy 7 (Jannie has 3 points left and Roxxy 5), so Roxxy won the sexfight what doubles her points up to 4 and halves Jannies also down to 4.

Round 10 ends at 13.09, 8 pm.


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Re: interactive titfight poll (including sexfight elements)
« Reply #12 on: September 17, 2018, 09:50:07 PM »
Round 10

After a while Jannie stood up again, “Fucking little bitch, you’ll pay for this!”. Roxxy was not afraid “Make me, bitch, cum make me pay!”. Jannie had not regenerated enough to launch an attack and so it was Roxxy who moved forward “Weak slut, I’ll finish you off!”. She came closer and closer to Jannie, opening her arms. Jannie who saw her rival coming did not move her body, but instead she decided to once again steel her tits up for Roxxys’ assault. For this she pressed her elbows to the sides what compressed her tits visibly. However doing so Roxxy was undisturbed and was able to secure a bearhug on her equal “Gotcha bitch!”. Jannie replied “Look down and see who got whom!”. At this moment Jannies’ compressed tits easily hold their shape against Roxxys’ tits who molded around them.

It was apparent for everyone that Jannies’ set was the dominant but Roxxy had an advantage as she trapped Jannie between her arms. It took her a lot of effort but she started to grind her deformed tits in by rotating her shoulders. Jannie was still grinning “Try as you want mine are much better!”. Roxxy continued her rhythmical grinding, slowly bringing some movement into Jannies’ dense tits. As Jannie was seeing her tits getting softened up and due to her trapped body she was unable to react made her facial expression contort into fear “Release me bitch!”. “Not before you submit !”  was Roxxys’ reply, as now her movements had softened Jannies’ boobs up enough for her own juggs, who gained more and more compression through tightening the hug, to start invading Jannies’ boobs slowly. With a loud roar “You can’t escape to nowhere, now everyone will see whose tits are the best, SUBMIT!” Roxxy lifted her trapped rival up into the air as she used all her strength to tighten the hug to its maximum. Jannies’ boobs mushroomed around Roxxys’ and were nearly pancaked “OUUUUwwwww you hurt them, FUCK!!!”.

Roxxy was not satisfied with the results she got, she wanted to dominate Jannies’ whole body sexually, so she started to rub her belly into Jannies’. Like before Roxxys’ flat belly pressed Jannies’ back, dominating the fight in this area. To equalize the sexual assault Jannie started to passionately kiss Roxxy. Roxxy held her ground in the kissing duel but lost it in the end as Jannies’ tongue pinned hers down inside her own mouth. Desperate because Jannie was successfully fighting back Roxxy wanted to end the battle very abrupt, so in a sudden move she turned the trapped body of Jannie around and made it fall on the bed, with her own landing on top.

The secene was in slo motion to every spectator until a sudden “ARRRGHHH, OUUFFFF, AUUU, OHHH NOOOOOO!” speed the scene up. It was Jannie who shrieked as Roxxy landed on top of her, nearly erasing her tits for a moment as her own crushed into them. With a satisfied grin Roxxy lifted one of Jannies’ legs straight into the air and started to fuck her hurt rival like a savage, rubbing her cxnt hard into Jannies’ “My priced tits fucked yours up for good, they womanhandled them like little girl boobs, SUBMIT NOW!”. Jannie who was starting to cry put one arm in front of her head and used the other to cover her deflated boobs. It did not take long until her pain transformed into sheer arousal , her tits were momentarily pancaked by her opponent and now she was humiliated by her most hated foe. She cummed not long ago but what she felt was too much, much too much for her to handle. This time her lower body started to spasm “Oh, ohhh, ohhhhhhhh my god , OHHHHH!”.

After having driven Jannie over the edge again Roxxy triumphantly stood up with the juices of Jannie dripping down her crotch. “I have beaten you, moreover I have crushed your weak udders into defeat! Now tell everyone who of us is the real women! TELL IT BEFORE I REALLY HURT YOU!”


In round 10 Roxxy used a bearhug that broke Jannies' defensive stance, she earned 7 points for it. As Roxxy also won the sexfight (Jannie 2/1/0 Roxxy 1/3/1) her points get doubled up to 14.

The fight has ended, I have summed their round points and the votes of the poll up. I will now contact the winner, and ask her about how she will finish her rival off. After I have an answer I will post the end of the story.