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Unleashed Women

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Offline LTBitch

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Unleashed Women
« on: September 17, 2018, 09:21:02 PM »
   I live in an exclusive high end condo by the ocean.  I am not only rich, I am a man hating bitch, but before you judge me too harshly, you should hear my story. 
   My husband was into the stock market, which is where he made the money.  Then he killed himself by driving his BMW off a cliff, with his mistress next to him.  So that is where I got all my money and my attitude.
   Thats not to say that I do not like sex, but men I use them for my pleasure and get them to buy me stuff and then leave.  Now I had a boy toy at the complex.  He worked maintance and was half my age and a blonde blue eyed German Adonis and dumb as a clam.  Unfortunately we got caught in the maintaince shack behind the pool and I had no choice but to yell rape.  After all he was far below my social status and just a casual amusment so I could not be linked to him.  Of course, he ended up getting sent to jail.  Unfortunately he was not street smart and almost every con in the joint wanted him.  He rejected their advances and ran to the guards, so one day when he was alonge he got knifed, but this had happened some time ago and I no longer thought about it.
   I had gone out to a club looking for a one night stand, but the guy who tried to pick me up did not really appeal to me so after letting him buy me few drinks I told him I had to go to the ladies room and ditched him.
   When I got home I was a little unsatisfied but got into the elevator to go up to my appartment. Just as the door was closing I heard a voice say, "Hold It." and a hand reached around and stopped the door from closing.  At first I was a little pissed off at being delayed, but when I saw the person behind the voice was an attractive young blonde, I thought perhaps the night will not end this quickly and used the pretense of loosing my balance to rub my hip against her.


Offline michellecatfites

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Re: Unleashed Women
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2018, 09:02:44 AM »
Intriguing start. Im anticipating a very hot fight.


Offline LTBitch

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Re: Unleashed Women
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2018, 03:59:03 PM »
  When the younger woman pressed the stop button my first thought was that she was responding to my lesbian advance which both terrified and excited me as I had never been with another woman before, but one look into her eyes told me this was not the case and she had something more sinister in mind.  I was not intimidated by her,  I was a lot taller although I was giving up a few pounds to her.  Plus I worked out regularly and was in good shape and even had an aerobic kickboxing tape.  Besides I had gotten into the faces of shorter women before and they had always backed down.
  "I'm not afraid of you. I'm a lot bigger than you, so I don't care who you are," I shouted, "  Release the stop button and get off on the next floor before I slap the bleach right out of your hair!"


Offline LTBitch

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Re: Unleashed Women
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2018, 08:17:21 PM »
  At this point I realize two things.  One there is a resemblance between you and my former boy toy and mere words are not going to force you to back down.  I need to take stronger action.  I take off my jacket and throw it on the floor of the elevator, underneath I have a on a black sleeveless shirt.,  I have on a short black mini skirt with a leopard print belt.  On my feet are black calf length boots.
  For added leverage I brace one foot against the wall of the elevator and shove you hard into the opposite wall.  "I said you get off here, bitch!" 


Offline LTBitch

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Re: Unleashed Women
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2018, 05:21:08 AM »
  My head is spinning as I gasp for air.  The smash into the wall does not just have me seeing stars, I am seeing planets and moons too.  Somewhere in the back of my head, more by instinct than conscious thought, I realize I must get to my feet and recover my senses.
  I throw my shoulder against your legs, surprising you and knocking you off balance.  This gives me a chance to struggle weakly to my feet and back to the far wall shaking my head as I try to clear my vision.


Offline LTBitch

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Re: Unleashed Women
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2018, 09:05:33 PM »
  I get to my feet, but do not attack.  I am still dizzy from the head slam.  Fortunately you do not attack giving me time to clear my head.  I now realize that I am not going to get you to back down and I am in for a real fight.  I raise my fists and cock my right arm and swing at your head hoping  to end the fight with a single punch. 


Offline LTBitch

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Re: Unleashed Women
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2018, 07:13:09 PM »
  My look of satisfaction at having landed a hard punch disappears and is replaced by a look of shock and pain,  I groan deeply.  You have nailed me right on my clitoris.  The pain shoots up my body.  It feels like someone has reached up inside me, grabbed my ovaries and squeezed.  I clutch myself and drop to my knees moaning.  I close my eyes from the excruciating pain as tears run down my face causing my mascara to run.


Offline LTBitch

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Re: Unleashed Women
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2018, 05:32:50 PM »
  The kick knocks my head back and I see lights flash before my eyes as my head slams into the wall.  I taste the salty metallic taste of blood in my mouth as spit out two teeth and fall forward. You lift me up and slam me against the side of the elevator and then reach between my legs and grab my womanhood.  The pain is excruciating, your fingers dig in and I feel the warm flow of blood running down my thighs.  You are ruining me and I am crazy with pain and panic.
 Then I remember I have a broach on the lapel of my jacket.  I grab it and stab you in your breast.  You scream and let go of me and I fall to the floor on my hands and knees.  If I had my whit's about me I would have continued to attack with my weapon, but I am terrified and in pain.  Blood drips from my mouth and crotch and puddles on the elevator floor.  My only thought is to get away from you before you do more damage to me.  I lunge for the panel to pull out the stop button and get the elevator moving.   


Offline LTBitch

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Re: Unleashed Women
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2018, 06:09:39 PM »
  As the elevator door opens I feel a weak tugging on my ankle.  I easily kick free.  Evidently my dirty tactic has hurt you more than I realized.  Blood is still running down my leg from my womanhood and I won't be able to funk for months.  Rage boils up in my.  I want to pay you back.  Hurt you. Cause you permanent damage.
  I lunge at you, ignoring the open door, and grab you in a bearhug.  I find the point where your shoulder and neck meet and bit down hard.  I draw blood and hang on.


Offline ralbright2010

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Re: Unleashed Women
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2018, 01:31:15 PM »
I hope you will continue this. It was getting better by the minute!


Offline LTBitch

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Re: Unleashed Women
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2018, 06:53:25 PM »
  My head hits the back of the elevator causing my jaw to go slack and giving you a chance to break free. My head feels like it is splitting open and my crotch is still throbbing.  I am crazy with the pain and my only conscious thought is to totally destroy the other woman.  I ignore the fact that I am still bleeding from my womanhood and lunge at my assailant, both hands reaching for her throat.  My vision is all blurry, but through the red haze I see the surprised look on my opponent's face as my fingers close around her throat.


Offline LTBitch

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Re: Unleashed Women
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2018, 10:28:40 PM »
  My uncontrolled rage has almost caused my undoing but my long arms save me.  After all I have five inches in height on her.  I straighten my arms and jerk my head back so my eyes are out of her reach, but she has scratched both sides of my face with her nails as I pull away.  Also although her thumbs have missed my eyes they did dig into my face between my cheek and nose.  I tighten my grip on her throat while keeping my face out of the range of her claw like nails.  I pour every ounce of strength I have into the chock hold.  The muscles and veins stand out in my long pale arms as I tighten my grip.  My chest is heaving from the exertion and sweat is rolling down my body.


Offline LTBitch

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Re: Unleashed Women
« Reply #12 on: October 15, 2018, 05:00:50 PM »
  I groan in pain as I let go of your throat.  Fortunately you only caught me with your shin or I would have been finished if you had connected with your foot..  Even so the pain is excruciating.  Tears run down my scratched cheeks and my cheast heaves as I suck in much need air from my exertion.  But my choak hold has had its effect.  You lean against the wall trying to regain your breath.  I do not have many reserves left, but your weakend condition allows me to recover somewhat.  I lunge forward hitting you with my shoulder and am encouraged to hear the breath further knocked from your lungs as you hit the wall.  This is my do or die effort.  I rap my left arm around your body trying to tie up your arms and with my right reach into your jeans and grab a handfull of pubic hair.  I try to bit your breast, but it is difficult as it is protected by your top and bra.


Offline LTBitch

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Re: Unleashed Women
« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2018, 06:02:27 AM »
  The pain as you attack my womanhood is unbearable  I scream in pain and reach inside you and claw at your insides.  My vision is blurred and all I see is a red haze.  We are both screaming and oblivious to the fact that the elevator has stared to move.  When it reaches the basement the doors open and the maintance man who has used his override key stares  in disbelief.  He takes out his cell phone and dials 911, but we are so intent on killing each other that we do not notice or care.