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Streetwise Saiyan Beet

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Streetwise Saiyan Beet
« on: March 11, 2020, 01:45:14 AM »
A mouthy half-black, half-saiyan girl watching over her neighborhood and kicking the shit out of people she doesn’t like. Beet won me over right away with my usual love for dumb confident aggro ladies.
I really wanted the idea of a ghetto saiyan not to be a race thing so much as what if she was kind of Goku’s opposite growing up; went to school, grew up in a poor part of the city, had parents, and grew up around guns and poverty rather than the woods. Beet’s this weird, fine line of she doesn’t actually want to do much good beyond very personal assistance: she helps people she likes and will do work for money, but she doesn’t believe she can save the world in a meaningful way. Her mom gives her a strong sense of dignity for no matter what race, species or class she is, and it gives her a real edge since her real point of pride is punching and eating. Kind of her only interests too. I considered early on if she would ever have a boyfriend or girlfriend, and I think the answer was just she wouldn’t care about sex at all. If anything, she would get horny from fighting and that’s the only way she’d get off beyond super casual masturbation. It doesn’t come up much but the way I wrote this… it’s a big story, but I would really like to revisit her. It has a really blatant setup by the end with a few more ideas in my back pocket for it.
Beet also wanting to do nothing but fight and eat McDonalds was a very early defining moment. Her being a showoff and not very creative enough to name her special attack Fuck You Beam was also very early in her brainstorming.
I feel like this is what would happen if you gave me the animation team behind Boondocks.

Beet Walker was a special kid growing up. Everyone told their kids that, but she was born with a tail, so there was that. It was originally written off as a birth defect by the doctors and Beet’s mom Renae actively didn’t mention that she got it from her father and let them remove it.
Once Beet destroyed an entire slide with one punch when she was five, Renae decided this was something that needed dealing with. Beet would… well, beat up any kid who even came close to insulting her. Renae was a fiery woman herself, having grown up in the hard neighborhood and never quite getting out of it as a single mom. She took Beet down to the mall to try and get her under control with a karate class, just for her the little interracial girl to kick the crap out of the teacher without breaking a sweat.
Still, Beet seemed to enjoy the fight, so Renae went on trying until she found a sensei who could at least keep up with the ridiculously strong kid. The teacher seemed impressed and honored to give her private lessons free of charge. Once Renae was convinced he wasn’t some kind of perv, she agreed to let him handle Beet’s training. It wasn’t a perfect solution, but at least it gave the wild girl an outlet and got her out of her mother’s hair to a few hours a week.
There were times when Renae wondered if Beet grew up like this because of her name. It wasn’t her idea to name her after a synonym for punch, pummel or a whooping, but her father had insisted it be something like a vegetable. Then again, he had knocked her up and flew back into space as soon as his dinky spaceship was fixed, so fuck that guy.
“Yo, BB! Whatup?!”
Enrique went running down the road towards Beet. He was a Hispanic kid from the next block over who had gone to school with her. Beet had wanted to drop out and just go train and fight for the rest of her life. It wasn’t until her mom threatened to kick her out of the apartment and break her Nintendo Switch that she agreed to get serious about her homework.

She had grown into a proper woman… at least in the physical sense. She was half-black, leaning closer to her mother’s side (even if she didn’t talk about her runaway dad much). Her skin was like milk chocolate, if that chocolate was somehow ripped as hell. Beet was constantly running, fighting, or lifting weights, giving her a sleek build full of tightly wound muscles. Her full, dark brown hair was kept in a messy, fluffy afro, and she wore a tight, small top over her plump D cups and some baggy sweats that showed the edges of her thong on either side of her hips. A pair of beat up sneakers that were once quite nice finished off her tough downtown look.
“Ricky. Sup?” Beat asked with a lazy nod. Enrique was ok in her book, which was pretty impressive. Most things registered as ignored or targets as far as Beet was concerned. Food and fighting were most of what caught her interest, but she had a few friends she’d hang out with when she was working out or out walking the streets getting into trouble. Enrique helped with the latter; he knew how to start trouble and how to get back out of it, while Beet was usually just good at the first part.
“Hey, can you help out with my car? Fuckin’ cops gave me the boot and I’m gonna be late for work.”
Beet sighed and rolled her eyes.
“You know you shouldn’t park where the cops hang out. Stay back by my block.”
“Well then it’s gonna get stolen instead of ticketed.”
“Maybe, but I can beat up motha fuckas who take your shit. I’m not supposed to mess with the police. I’m about to go to college upstate, man.”
“Well I can’t pay the ticket if I don’t get to work. Can you at least take care of that?”
“…and I don’t get found out?” she asked warily, giving him a cautious glance.
“I won’t tell nobody.”
“Ok. Fine. But you owe me, fucknuts.” Beet followed Enrique to his car where the big neon clamp was left around his tire. Beet cracked her knuckles and planted her foot on one end before pulling on the other. She tore off the industrial strength clamp like it was a soda can, tossing its snapped pieces into a nearby dumpster.
“Thanks, BB! You’re a lifesaver!” Enrique praised as he hurried into his car. Beet knocked on his window and he rolled it down.
“I don’t want your life,” Beet sighed as she leaned on his car door. “I want a roast beef special from your place just how I like. Bring it to me by Friday or I beat your ass up into the back of your face. You feel me?”
“I getcha,” Enrique assured her, clasping her hand in a firm shake. She nodded and popped her afro back out of his window to let him go, double checking that there was nobody around to witness her minor felony. She’d picked up a lot of little tricks from her sensei. She knew how to throw a punch beyond using brute force, but among the weirder ones was picking up peoples’ auras. Everybody gave off a little bit of one. It was how she protected her turf so well beyond being an intimidating walking force of nature.

Beet wasn’t a girl that got tied down. School was boring and she hated the idea of getting a job. When her mom cut her off from an allowance in one of her usual tough love moves, she needed to get money somehow. She ended up working off the books unloading trucks at the grocery store. She didn’t keep actual hours, but they were willing to pay for the fact she did everything their staff could do in a couple hours within a few minutes by carrying whole pallets of stuff over her head. Between that and kicking the ass of a few thugs who looked at her the wrong way, she made some decent cash with all her side hustles.
With her questionably gotten money, Beet went to her usual McDonalds, bought a few combo meals, went into an alley and made sure nobody was looking. She turned what little focus she had towards her lower body and levitated herself onto the roof, starting to walk back towards her part of the city as she gorged herself on precious carbs. Anyone who had seen her eat couldn’t understand where she put it all, because she clearly didn’t have a gut behind all those abs.
Beet finally sat cross-legged on an apartment roof, starting her second combo meal as she watched from her favorite view. The park was peeking out from around the corner where some of the kids shouted over a game of soccer or basketball. She could faintly hear the Hatchers argue over the breakup they’d never go through with. The last wisps of smoke vanished at eye level from where Tony the sweet old crossdresser was smoking on his stoop. She watched the stray dogs split a bag of trash while keeping the rats at bay in an alley. Some pigeons hovered in the air nearby, never closer than a few yards. Pigeons were dumb, confident and always hungry, but all Beet had to do was let a little of her aura loose to strike absolute terror into their basest instincts. It made it clear that it wasn’t worth fucking with such a horrifying creature just to steal a fry.
Beet knew she would be moving out for college. Her gym teacher had written her a raving recommendation and between her social status, the scholarship, and the thirsty coaches, she’d be able to afford it. She also knew that Karma Street was dead in the center of poverty, crime, drugs and all the worst shit to happen to the city. It was still home to her, even if she’d cleaned it up a little in her intolerance for people starting shit with her and hers where she could see them. She wasn’t a hero so much as she was pissed at people being shitheads. It was going to be harder to leave the shithole than she’d like to admit.

Then the gunshot sounded. If they were actually shooting, that usually meant it was just the gangs fucking with each other. That didn’t mean they wouldn’t fuck up somebody’s car or catch some poor kid in the crossfire. Beet crammed half a burger into her mouth as once and crammed the rest of her bag under her arm, chewing up her mouthful as she flew over the rooftops towards the park.
She was only halfway there when she saw V running in the opposite direction. The brawny guy was wearing his usual getup of loose jeans, wifebeater and a purple bandana over his face that marked him as part of the Under Siege gang. With a lazy shift of her body and her energy, Beet shot straight down and stomped a sneaker into his chest, pinning him to the ground.
“The fuck you think you’re doin’ in my neighborhood, V? I thought we had an understanding.”
Beet was the kind of girl who considered a broken arm an understanding. Apparently, V had shot up the ranks of his gang just for crossing paths with her and walking away with only that much damage. She twisted her foot against his chest until he gagged.
“It ain’t me!” he blurted from behind his rag. “My boys were at the valley and some freaks showed up makin’ threats… they ate our bullets like they was nothin’ and then roasted ‘em all.”
“Roasted? What kinda freaks?” Beet pried curiously. She noted that the gunshots had stopped, but a strange fiery noise instead.
“Buncha flying bitches… red and green ones… bug bitch…” V grunted. “God dammit, let me breathe already!”
Beet sniffed as she finally lifted her sneaker off him. She left the thug to cough and roll onto his side as she flew the rest of the way to the park.
“Well today just got interesting,” she mused, levitating down the road as she stuffed some fries from the bottom of her bag into her mouth.
When she reached the park, there were a number of small fires on the grass. Some locals had gathered to gawk while others decided they had enough and were running away. A large spherical spaceship was settled near the playground with insect-like legs holding it just off the ground. A half dozen women of various otherworldly colors and features floated in the air, arms folded in a no-nonsense stance with cold smirks on their faces. They wore matching armor consisting of broad-shouldered breastplates that pushed up their bulging breasts and black bodysuits that clung to their distinctly female curves. Behind them was a woman in sleeker silver armor, lounging in what appeared to be a levitating throne. The hot-pink skinned woman had a longer tail ending in a three-clawed tip wagging lazily behind her and a plump appearance, clearly marking her as a queen or leader of some sort. Long and elegantly combed and bound hair the color of blood ran down her back, revealing a forward-facing horn at her forehead.
“As per the code of the Swarmian army,” the foremost alien declared. She was barely 5 feet tall, pudgy and green with a thick beehive of white hair balanced on her head. “Your planet is hereby under the ownership and control of our great Queen Lasier, heiress to the Lasier Empire. As per customary procedure, we will cull the lower class of your species to make way for our mining machines. Your destruction and-”
The green woman paused to raise a hand, swatting aside a paper cup. Her face soured as some coke splashed across her armor.
“Yo, fatass! Shut the fuck up and get your green ass off my turf!” Beet shouted at her. The locals looked up and gave a few encouraging cheers and whoops while they gave her a ton of space to work with. The spokesalien gave her a scathing look.
“More outspoken vermin,” she said bitterly. She held out a hand and summoned a ball of energy into her palm. “Then you can fry like the rest of them.”
The alien flicked her finger, sending the ki ball at the defiant Beet. She backhanded the speeding blast hard enough that it flew back and exploded in the alien’s face. She was reeling as her allies stared in shock at their gawking and smoking boss.
“Bitch, I weren’t finished yet!” Beet spat back. She kicked off the ground, leaving some shallow cracks on the pavement as she flew like a tiny jet at the bitchy speaker, appearing in front of her eyes in a split second.
“You’re also ugly as your mama’s asshole!”
Beet grabbed the waist of the woman’s armor and spiked her knee in between her legs, getting the green woman to let out a sickening gagging noise as her spandex rode up on her cameltoe. Beet twisted and shoulder-tossed the woman straight down into the park, landing her head-first and burying her upside down up to her shoulder pads. She twitched feebly, jiggling her booty around now and then but otherwise didn’t move.
“I’ma spell it out for you again so maybe you fuckasses listen ta me this time,” Beet said as she turned to face the rest of the alien squad. “Git. The fuck. Out.”
The alien amazons looked back at their mistress. The woman in the throat chuckled and spoke with a French accent despite being completely from space.
“Such insolence. What are you waiting for? Execute zis cowarde.”
“Big talk for a lardass in a Lazyboy,” Beet snapped at her but one of the guards rushed at her. A towering, musclebound woman covered in shaggy red fur snarled, baring her frothing fangs as she went to bearhug Beet, but she lazily floated backward and shifted her foot. With a sudden flick, the halfbreed guardian kicked her leg out in the air. Her loosened sneaker went flying off her foot and smacked the alien in the face, connecting with a ridiculous amount of force.
“You better gimme my kicks back when you’re done lickin’ on em,” Beet warned as she slipped off her other shoe. “Those are custom jobs.”
She tossed her next sneaker up and down in her hand as the first one fell to the ground. It landed with a devastating crunching noise as it left wide cracks in the pavement. One of the many tricks her master showed her was putting weights in your clothes to work out in your everyday life. She was already feeling lighter and looser as she tossed her second shoe down to join the other.
The beastly red alien growled as she clutched her bleeding nose. She lunged in again but Beet sidestepped her with such ridiculous speed she couldn’t lay a claw on her. Instead, Beet pivoted in midair and swung her shoulders, smacking the alien bitch across the face with her bouncing tits. The noisy smack sent her rocketing down into the park, leaving a small crater where the unconscious alien landed.
“All of you!” a pretty purple alien snapped. “Attack together!”
“Finally gonna give me a real fight? Come get some, pussies!”
The last four of the guards hurried to surround her, but Beet zipped in between two of them and flew off through the streets. The minions flew after her, and after a brief glance from Queen Lasier her chair levitated slowly after them to observe the battle.
“What the fuck was that?” a staring woman asked.
“That was BB buying us some time,” Enrique pointed out, still dressed in his work apron. He pulled the woman’s arm to urge her in the other direction. “So use it and move. She’s leading them towards the empty part of the south side, and we don’t wanna be around if they piss her off.”
While some of Beet’s friends helped organize the evacuation, the pursuing aliens fired energy blasts after her. She outpaced all of them, letting them blow out windows or their stray shots shooting out over the ocean. Once she felt like she had enough room to really cut loose, she swept lower to the ground. A red, curvy, pear-shaped invader dove down after her as she flew just over the street signs, but Beet suddenly dropped to the ground. She stomped on a square of sidewalk, making the signpost suddenly boost a few feet into the air and ram right into the thick alien’s twat.
While she froze in mid-air to hit the high notes, the orange beanpole of an alien and their purple, pretty leader landed on either side of her. They threw high kicks at Beet’s head but she threw up her arms, blocking them both while their toes barely grazed her afro.

“By Swarmian law, we demand that you turn yourself in!” the haughty purple alien ordered as they remained locked in place.
“We got our own code here on Earth,” Beet smirked. In one swift motion, she released their legs and thrust her palms out in either direction. They smashed into the alien women’s breastplates, blowing them into pieces as their perky tits came bouncing out into the air. They soaked up most of the blow as they crumbled to pieces around the topless and stumbling aliens.
“An’ that’s bitches get stitches!” Beet gloated jovially. She ducked just as the last of them landed, the big blue bitch with four arms and one eye swinging at her head. It whiffed over her as Beet flipped to jump over her next swing, landing in a one-armed handstand. She danced around a few more of them with breakdancing flips and bobs before landing on her shoulder and gracefully whirling to kick the cyclops across the face. The blue alien reeled but Beet kept spinning in a capoeira style dance. Her whirling kicks bashed her across her broad chest, getting the husky alien to grunt and howl in pain as her armor was rapidly chipped away by the half-saiyan’s bare feet. Soon they were smacking right against her bare tits, leaving her topless like her other partners. Beet gave one last whirl, kicking the blue invader in the jugs hard enough that she flew and smashed through a wall as Beet finally handsprung off a fair distance away.
“Something’s different about this one,” the skinny creature hissed to their purple leader. The bottom-heavy red one floated down to awkwardly land on her feet, rubbing at her crotch. Her round jugs bobbed around as she writhed.
“Blaze, why are you topless too?” the purple asked.
“I just wanted to fit in?” the red alien offered, getting a groan from her teammates.
“It doesn’t matter. It’s obvious our battle armor won’t do much good against a brute as strong as this. In fact…” The purple woman brushed back her darker violet hair. “I think it’s time we gave this little weakling a taste of the true power of the Swarmian Elite Assault Force.”
The purple woman planted a hand on her hip as she thrust out her other one elegantly, her giant bimbo tits bouncing around all the while. “You will know the full wrath of Commander Mindfuck!”
“And the fiery force of Blaze!” added her short-haired red comrade, stepping in beside her commander with a cocking of her wide hips.
“The crushing power of Brickhouse!” her thick blue ally growled, glaring with her one eye and beating two of her four fists into her other palms.
“And the devastating fury of Boomboom!” added the tall and wiry skinny orange alien added. Her broad and slightly frog-like face smirked as she puffed up her chest… literally inflating it from an A to a C cup.
“I hate to break it to ya,” Beet scoffed, stepping towards them confidently. “But you’re a bunch of Space Jam rejects. I’m not scared of you punkass, Mars-ass bitches.”
“I don’t even think she’s speaking English anymore,” the four-armed Brickhouse grunted. “What’s a Space Jam?”
“It’s when I dunk your head in a fuckin’ toilet and fuck your ass with my monster clit, ya dumbass space cow. Now we freestylin’ or we fightin’?”
The four goons split up and came at her from every side. Beet still shifted around smoothly to dodge and block whatever they threw at her. Boomboom finally landed a punch to her abs, getting her to flinch and grunt. Beet turned to strike back but Mindfuck clenched her fist in the air. A bus stop bench flew through the air with her telekinesis, hitting Beet in the knees and tripping her up. She caught herself on her hand but saw Blaze sucking in a deep breath.
“Blazing Breath! FWA!” she shouted. Blaze thrust her head forward and blew a burst of fire, forcing Beet to break into an upside down split to keep her legs from getting scorched. That didn’t help for long as Brickhouse kicked her in the back, sending her skipping a few times down the sidewalk. Beet tumbled and got back to a kneeling position as the stomping blue woman barreled towards her.
Beet braced herself and conjured a pair of ki balls, throwing them at the charging alien. Brickhouse raised all four of her arms and with a sound like crackling wood, her body grew thicker and bonier like it was turning to colorful stone.
“Fortress Mode!” Brickhouse barked just as the blasts hit her skin. Her petrifying stance made the attacks ricochet right off her. She wasn’t able to move, but she was already in mid-charge so momentum rammed her rigid body into Beet. She grunted as she flew back and smashed through a brick wall.
Brick shook out her arms, letting her body lose the armored layering as the evil comrades laughed together.
“Guess the little black brat can talk a bigger game than she can take,” Blaze gloated haughtily.
“Let’s not bother to find out,” Mindfuck scoffed. She swept a hand and a large chunk of the building was ripped out. The two-story shop collapsed where Beet had vanished behind the wall. Blaze blew out another burst of flame that roasted the ruins and Boomboom huffed in a huge puff of air before letting out a supersonic scream that popped and burst the smaller chunks of stone with the sonic force.
Watching the motionless ruins smugly, the aliens were surprised as a large hunk of wall was pushed aside. Beet rose back up, her clothes barely hanging off her body. She shook her head, tossing bits of debris from her afro. Her top was heavily torn, with one shoulder strap completely gone as half her boob hung out of it. Her sweats had a few new holes in them, not that she didn’t have some to begin with. She was dirty and her clothes nearly ruined, but the barefoot black saiyan was still standing.
Beet ran a thumb across her nose and spit on the ruins.
“You noisy little cxnts don’t jerkin’ yourselves off over there?”
“How did she…?” Mindfuck muttered, furrowing her brow.
“Cuz that was my favorite liquor store right there. We stole my first bottle from there when I was just a kid. My mama made me go back and pay for it.” Beet paused. She grabbed one of the few intact bottles and took a swing before throwing it aside.

“I got a lot of fucked up memories that you just turned into a buncha bricks and broken glass. So are. You fuckin’. Done?”
The playfully sassy edge that Beet had to her the whole battle seemed notably absent. She held out a hand and curled her thumb under her extended fingers.
“Cuz I got a fancy move of my own for ya…”
The four women didn’t want to wait, firing off beams of energy from their hands. Beet’s fingers glowed with a deep purple before they fired off four thin blasts of energy, cutting through her enemies’ attacks and scattering them in her wake.
“Fuck You Bomb!” she called defiantly. To be fair, Beet was neither patient nor creative. She was just stylish enough to want to name her attacks but she never put a lot of thought into them.
The aliens tried to dodge but the beams all curved to chase them. Brickhouse’s blast curved and zapped her right in the cxnt, burning the last of her clothes off her body as she was blown through another wall. Boomboom tried to fly off just to take it between her legs as well, sending her flying wildly away to crash land on a roof. Blaze went running down the road but it curved and flew into her ass, sending the chubbier fighter flying face-first into a stop sign. Mindfuck waved her hand to summon a few hunks of concrete in the way, but the beam relentlessly dodged around them and swiped up her entire front, leaving a nasty burn in its wake. It scorched away her pubic hair and left a visible off-purple line up between her tits as the Assault Force’s entire bodysuits fell away.
Beet watched them moaning and reeling in their various positions as she reached behind her head. With her shoulder strap already burned off, she rolled her shoulders to adjust her top. Rather than fitting it on tighter, she reached under it and removed her sports bra. She threw it to one side, letting it hit the ground with an even heavier CLANG than her sneakers had.
“Let’s fuckin’ do this,” Beet muttered, rolling her lightened shouldered as her freely-swaying breasts bobbed in her top. She glowed with a lighter purple aura before she flew up to the rooftop. Boomboom was barely back on her feet as Beet came at her harder and faster than before. She unleashed a barrage of chops and punches as the orange alien blocked her frantically. She tried to suck in another mouthful of air, puffing up her chest and stomach, but Beet grabbed her by the throat. Her froggish face warped with discomfort as Beet rammed her knee into her pussy. Then again and again. The breathless, half-inflated alien gave muffled squeaks and chokes as she tried to scream in pain or breath in but was fully cut off.
Beet finally lifted her by the neck and smashed Boomboom’s face into the rooftop. She finally released it enough for a pathetic-sounding wail to escape the stunned alien, sending her falling weakly through several floors as her own pained cries destroyed the floors behind her and buried her in debris.

Brickhouse groaned as the naked blue woman eased herself back to her feet. Beet flew down at her and went into a mid-air flip, landing with her muscular thighs around her neck. She swung her hips to one side, bashing Brick’s head against an actual brick wall next to her a few times.
Brick’s eye rolled dizzily, but she grabbed Beet by the legs and forced her back off of her. She threw a big blue fist at Beet’s crotch but she caught her by the wrist, flying over her head and bending it into a painful angle behind her back. Brick let out a pained cry as Beet kicked her in the back, sending her stumbling into the road. Beet grabbed a beat-up car nearby and lifted it like it was a gallon of milk.
“Dumb earthling,” Brickhouse growled. She folded her arms again, morphing back into her armored Fortress Mode. “I’m immune to pain in my perfect form!”
“No skin off my black ass.” Beet swung the car hard enough that it smashed into pieces but sent Brickhouse flying like she was a ball during a homerun. She went screaming through the air, the ridiculous force behind the blow sending her flying across the entire ocean. Her armor stopped any pain, but the complete lack of air at that speed left her passing out before she smashed into a mountain somewhere two countries over.
A 6-foot slab of concrete hit Beet in the back, but it smashed to dust and rubble against her unnaturally tough hide. She turned as Blaze shot another streak of fire at her, but Beet swept her hand upward to blow it around her with the wind behind her blow. A sudden blast off purple ki shot through the flames and went down Blaze’s open mouth, getting her to cover her mouth and belch out some smoke.
“Tired of your ass getting’ shit in my FRO!” Beet shouted, firing up her aura and diving after them. Mindfuck could barely start to gesture when Beet’s puffy afro rammed into her stomach, followed by her much harder headbutt. The purple beauty gagged and doubled over, looking ready to vomit as she stuck out her bare ass behind her. Blaze was already bending over from swallowing the ki ball, so it left her face buried into her boss’ extended booty.
Beet slammed an uppercut into both of their stomach, sending the women flying and spiraling wildly into the air. Their tumbling bodies rolled around, faces burying into each other’s naked pussies as they fell clumsily through the air. It gave Beet time to plant her feet and palm her hands together, conjuring a large ball of energy in her hands.
“Bigass Beam!” she shouted as she thrust out her hands, the streak of purple blowing up around the floating enemies. She used to call it the Chargin’ My Laser when she was little, but that meme was pretty dead by the time she got a chance to actually use it.
As the smoke cleared, the girls were naked and crumbled up in a heap on the sidewalk. Beet scoffed and looked up into the air behind her where Queen Lasier was waiting.
“I ain’t even offerin,” Beet snapped. She cracked her knuckles as she levitated up to the chubby overlord. “I’m glad I got rid of my kicks because I’ma wear you like my mama’s slippers.”
“Curious. I never would have thought I’d find someone vith such a high power level on Earth,” the French-sounding alien purred.
“When you grow up on my block, you get tough real quick,” Beet answered curly as she charged up a softball sized ki ball in her hand.
“I don’t think zat’s quite eet…” The chunky woman floated off her chair on her own, her clawed tail twirling curiously. The pink woman smirked as she looked her over. “That strong physique…”
“Squats, bitch” Beet answered quickly.
“Ze big hair…”
“It’s an afro, dumbass.”
“Ze scar where you used to have a tail…”
Beet paused at that. With her thong and pants as beat up as they were, she guessed that part was kind of visible.
“I think you are a saiyan. Or at least you ‘ave some of zeir blood in you, non?” Queen Lasier chuckled. “And all ze way out here. Who’d have thought?”
“Bitch, you don’t know shit about my life. You own a flying throne,” Beet snapped. “I don’t care what the fuck I am besides a mother fuckin’ badass.”
“I’m telling you, I’ve seen plenty of species throughout ze galaxy, and you’re one of them. I’d never forget that planet full of monkeys.”
Beet’s ki ball suddenly quintupled in size. Lasier’s eyes widened for a moment before the giant ki ball smashed into her, driving the chunky woman into the pavement. A wide crater was left in the ground, with the smoking woman and her half-melted armor left at the bottom. She coughed weakly as Beet scowled down at her. She fired a few more blasts down at her while she was still fuming. Even with her mother’s best attempts to raise her right, even Renae lost her shit when someone dropped the wrong word around her.
The blasts blew up around Queen Lasier, just for a large red aura to flare up around her. Her fat body gurgled and shrank as the fat was absorbed and turned into muscle. Her pudgy royal body turned into one of an athletic warrior, her lazily opened eyes glowing red. Even her tail bulged with muscle, thickening as its finer talons merged into a scorpion-like spike. Her busted armor fell off her body, showing her huge breasts remaining while she shamelessly showed her sculpted muscular form.
“Oh, you foolish little stray. You have no idea ze wrath you just brought upon yourself. None shall strike ze almighty Queen Lazier and expect me to spare their planet!”
Beet suddenly flicked her wrist from her pocket. Lasier’s cool fury dropped into a blank frown as a single French fry bounced off her forehead.
“Sorry. Thought you’d be more comfortable with more of your own kind, Frenchy.”
“I feel like I’m missing some part of that,” Lasier muttered. “But you won’t live to explain your pathetic joke.”
In a streak of pink and red, Queen Lasier rocketed up to Beet’s level. She threw a heavy kick at her head but Beet blocked it with her forearm, even if it made her body quake to stop it fully. She started to grab at the leg but Lasier’s tail suddenly slashed out at her. Beet had to lean far back to avoid it and the blade still sliced through her top, spilling her bobbing black breasts out into the open.

“I’ll use you as an example. To be ze only thing stupid enough to defy me on zis dying rock,” Lasier gloated.
“So you’re conquering the world without wearin’ your drawers?” Beet smirked, glancing down at the alien’s hairless body. “Livin’ the dream, huh?”
The two powerhouses threw themselves at each other, hurling powerful punches and kicks in a rapid barrage. They both speedily blocked and countered on another, no clear blows landing until Beet went into a backflip, bicycle kicking Lasier in the jaw. The intimidating overlord tumbled back a few feet, but her tail lashed out again. It wrapped around Beet’s neck before she could finish flipping around, holding her upside down before flinging her into the ground.

Beet hit it with a crash and winced, but as the alien came rocketing down at her for a flying stomp. Beet grit her teeth and planted her hands on the pavement, swinging her legs up before throwing a double kick back at her. Their feet slammed together with a shockwave that knocked out a few windows, but she stopped the attack sole to sole with her opponent.

“You pack some punch,” Beet noted. She suddenly spread her legs, forcing Queen Lasier into an almost split. “But you’re still a ho.”

With her legs parted, Beet landed a wide open strike with her extended fingers, ramming it into the regal invader’s snatch. Lasier gave a shriek at the painful penetration, but Beet charged some ki into her finger.

“Finger Bang!” Beet shouted as she fired off another energy beam from her fingers. The blast streaked across the sky, carrying Lasier along with it until she crashed into the old water tower on a rooftop. Beet smirked as she flew up to the same level to look at the cringing alien clutching her smoking twat.

“How you like that?” Beet called confidently. “How’s it feel havin’ your first time with my fist, ya fingerpuppet-ass bitch!?”

A streak of red shot out of the collapsing structure, exploding as it connected with Beet’s chest. The street girl barely blocked it but the smoke it kicked up blocked her view. It wasn’t until the orange, muscular queen burst through the cloud and smashed her in the face with a speeding elbow. Beet cursed and grabbed her face as a short streak of crimson ran out from her nose.

“I see this planet did nothing for your savage saiyan nature,” Queen Lasier snarled. “It only made your stupider and more aggressive than ever.”

“Say that again, you skankass-”

Beet tried to fly after her but Lasier’s tail snuck in beneath her. It snatched her by the leg and pulled her off balance, turning her upside down to hang in front of the conqueror's unamused expression.

“And the mouth on you. Do you think that kind of nonsense talk will help you AHHHH!”

Beet’s big mouth paid off in a way the alien hadn’t forseen. She leaned forward and bit down on the regal alien’s breast, chomping down on her nipple. Lasier shrieked and waved her tail, trying to fling the brawling saiyan off her. She held on with a surprising grip to her jaw, and she only let go when she was good and ready. Lasier sent a few rabbit punches into her head, but Beet suddenly kicked off from her stomach. She pivoted around behind her and held onto Lasier’s tail, twisting herself around until it was wrapped around Lasier’s own neck.

“Y’know, I sat on a bitch’s once,” Beet noted breathlessly. “First time I choked a cxnt out on her own ass.”

“It’s not-” Lasier gagged, but she couldn’t breathe with the appendage pulled tight around her neck. She coughed and choked, trying to elbow back into Beet’s stomach. She held on strong, but seeing she had no other escape, there was a soft popping sound. Lasier suddenly pulled away safely, leaving her detached tail in her hands like a salamander.

“I vill make you pay for forcing me to abandon my tail,” Lasier snarled.

“That’s funny.” Beet raised and shook the limp tail at her. “Cuz I’m gonna forcefeed you ya own ass when I’m tired of makin’ you suck my dick.”

The frustrated Lasier snarled as her aura fired up, charging in for another barrage of punches. They floated around trading their earth-shattering punches until Lasier outmaneuvered Beet, sending a powerful backhand across her face. Beet flew into the pavement, dragging a crater along with her for a few dozen yards. She started to boost herself back up when Lasier stomped down on her head, mashing Beet’s face into the rough stone. Beet growled and went into another handstand spin, but the alien flew back away from her.

“Your techniques are strange but easily read. You’re ztill a brute at the core,” Lasier scoffed. Beet stayed balanced on one hand as she threw a ki ball at Lasier. She dodged around it easily enough as she floated into the air, but Beet broke into another breakdance spin as she started kicking more ki balls from her feet. The speedy triple barrage of ki blasts overwhelmed the empress, blasting her from all directions with the unpredictably spinning attack.

Lasier snarled and conjured a huge ball of red energy, thrusting her hand out as a matching beam shot down at Beet. It swallowed up her blasts and consumed her as well, obliterating the piece of the road down to where the nearby ocean was visible beneath it. Beet was nowhere to be seen in the smoking hole.

“You can come out. I can ztill sense your pathetique power level,” Lasier demanded. “Wherever you’re hiding it…”

Beet’s hand finally reached out of the water. She came out coughing some up as she dragged herself back on land. Her thick hair hung low and wet, tossing it around as she shook her head. Her top had been blown off, leaving her entirely naked besides her panties as her wet tits puffed from labored breaths.

“Zere you are. Now do you understand ze true power of a queen?” Lasier held out her arms showily as she summoned another pair of powerful ki blasts. “If you were to kiss my feet and beg, I may consider sparing you to make you my pet.”

“Oh I ain’t done. And I ain’t losin’ to your punk ass. That’s for sure,” Beet scoffed.

“Oh really? And how do you think you’re going to accomplish that?” the alien shortled.

“I don’t waste ma time with thinkin’. I just do it. I’ll win cuz your fancy, privileged ass ain’t worked a day in your damn life. I’ve seen way more shit on the street that you have blowin’ up planets.”

Beet sighed and focused inward. She drew on the darker memories and the simple pleasures she’d had around town. It was a technique her teacher had shown her, to call on some final reserves in the harshest fights. She’d never had to use it before, but once this bitch blew up half a street she felt like this was the time. She remembered what made her strong and hard, and it sure wasn’t some alien blood inside her (though it probably helped).

“Just try and keep up wit this, mother fucker… 2 Black 2 Strong Times 2!”

“Too what?” Lasier asked but Beet’s body suddenly bulked up. Her muscles bulged against her skin, her aura flaring up twice as big as before. Even her breasts bulged out another couple sizes as her flexing thighs almost ripped her panties off. Lasier’s interest was peaked just before Beet appeared in front of her and swung both her fists down at her shoulders.

Lasier threw up her arms to block it, but the brutal swings made her bones ache to stop them. She winced in pain but Beet grabbed her arms, twisting them aside and bitchslapping Lasier across the face with her inflated tits. The alien’s head snapped aside as Beet pounded her silly, titslapping her around before simply burying her fist into her belly. Lasier’s firm abs did nothing to stop the power blow as she gagged and doubled over, but for Beet to fly up and stomp on her back. She drove Lasier tits-first into the ground, leaving two huge craters where her breasts had impacted first.

Beet stepped off her just to kick her in the crotch from behind. Lasier shrieked comically as she went flying down the street. She smashed right through a building before hitting the water, skipping across it like a flat stone. Beet suddenly appeared in front of her, hovering over the water and kicking up waves. Beet was facing away from her, shoving her thick ass into the alien’s face and hitting her like a truck. Lasier’s head snapped back from the whiplash as her head was dunked under the water, stunned as Beet sat on her face. She wrapped her legs around Lasier’s neck, trapping the powerful empress in a flying head scissor. Some bubbles spat out from under the water, but she was drowning and speechless after the pounding Beet suddenly dished out.

Beet finally flexed her legs, pulling them up to lift Lasier’s head out of the water. She coughed and spat out some of the salty fluids.

“Say my name, bitch,” Beet demanded. When Lasier just choked some more, she dunked her back under. She flexed her thighs until the alien’s eyes bulged and she spasmed grotesquely. Lasier felt her vision fading when Beet lifted her back out of the water. She unclenched her wet, bare legs just enough to let her breathe for a second.

“Say. My. Name. Say it like you’re my bitch and I’ll let you go.”

“I… uck…” the alien warlord sputtered. She coughed a few more times before her watery eyes went wide. “I don’t know your name! You never told me!”

“Yea, I know. I’m just fuckin’ with ya.” Beet smirked and shoved her legs back under the water, drowning her out again.

Beet finally swung her legs back up, the breathless and battered villainess flying into the air like a rag doll. Beet pumped some glowing power into her fists before flying up at her, sending a barrage of punches like a mini gun into the alien’s plump tits. Lasier felt her rips popping as her boobs bounced around, beaten silly as she was left drooling. People watched as Beet flew like a streaking purple comet wailing on their would-be conqueror, pounding her tits flat before letting her float weakly in the lower atmosphere. Beet sighed as she paused to look around at the remarkable scenery.

“And to think you were gonna blow this shit up,” she muttered, shaking her head at the gagging and speechless alien. She charged up a great glowing ball of purple into her hand.

“This uh… Super… hm… Laser...” Beet frowned in frustration. “Ah hell wit’ it. Shove it up yo ass, bitch!!”

Beet thrust the ki ball into her opponent’s pussy. The supercharged blast exploded, sending her streaking across the sky and landing in another continent. The trail of energy soon faded, but the intrusive explosive had vibrated her loins enough that a long streak of unexpected cum leaked out behind the mighty empress’ pathetically broken body.

Beet finally felt content with that. She was probably dead, and definitely out of her block. She cracked her neck and knuckles as she let her aura die down, taking stock of her surroundings.

“Even the cops are probably gonna catch those fuckers who just tried to do a terrorist attack,” she decided out loud. “And all that 222 shit took it outta me.” She was sweating buckets and was absolutely starving, even with her recent gorging on burgers. “Enrique better goddamn have my sandwich or I’m comin’ for ‘em…”

She started to fly back down to the surface of the Earth, just to pause halfway. She realized she was nearly naked, with her thong barely hanging onto her hips. She considered her options again before she nodded.

“Yea, nah. Food first. Then a shirt. Maybe a bra too...”

“Did you catch the trajectory?”

Deep in a government facility, a woman typed furiously at a computer.

“The invader landed in southern Qipao. We’re sending planetary police forces to secure the prisoners.”

“Minimal casualties at the landing sight. Estimated ten with about twice as many injuries. That sounds much better than we could have expected for our first interplanetary invasion.”

“Witnesses are reporting something about a flying, half-naked woman battling the invaders. Some are calling her a hero. We’re still gathering more on her actual identity.”

“It isn’t…”

“It’s not The Guardian,” the man on a headset confirmed. “She’s still on disaster relief in Australia. And no other person of interest we know about.”

“I see. So we have a wild card on the loose… can we get in-”

“Sir, we have Guardian Angel waiting on the hotline.”

“...let her through.”

A beautiful blonde woman in tight blue spandex appeared. She smiled with her perfect white teeth and folded her arms under a perky pair of breasts, suggestively but politely covered part from a diamond-shaped window of cleavage.

“Afternoon, general. I just heard the news,” she said in a voice carrying a faint British accent.

The general just nodded. He didn’t ask how. Guardian Angel had wealth and resources on top of her impressive powers.

“What do you think?”

“I’m putting all my resources into repairing the damages. Tell anyone asking that Majestics Enterprises are covering all the costs for any harm done. Spare no expense.”

The general glanced at some of the footage of ruined buildings and craters in the street.

“If you’re sure…”

“Of course,” the blue-eyed woman said with a sorrowful look on her face. “Why wouldn’t we help those in need? They’re impoverished enough living like that.”

The general pursed his lips and nodded. The blonde superheroine had the heart of a saint given her history of heroic and selfless deeds.

“I’ll try to spread the word.”

“Good. My people should be arriving shortly to help. Any word on who it was that won the battle?”

“We’re looking into it,” the general summed up. “But we appreciate your contributions.”

“No need, general. I’ll find out sooner than you would,” Guardian explained politely. “This person put their life at risk for the sake of others. I’d love to meet this kind-hearted protector of the weak. I’m sure we’ll have a lot in common.” The wealthy white woman smiled and gave a sharply patriotic salute before switching off her broadcast.
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