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The Wives Finally Meet, the Finals

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Offline JayB

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The Wives Finally Meet, the Finals
« on: November 20, 2018, 03:54:25 PM »
Just about everyone, including both Cheryl and Kari,  thought the final would pit Cheryl against Kari in the final match.  Instead Kari would have to keep unbeaten streak alive by beating the woman that destroyed Cheryl.  This would be no easy task.  Kari has always had the strength advantage over her opponents.  Based on what had transpired in the tournament to date, it appeared that Marci was Kari's equal in that department.  Their strengths were different.  Marci was a just a solid woman but not really muscular.  Kari was more muscular though not in a body builder way or muscle bound way.  But she definitely had definition to her muscles while Marci's  strength was more natural not so much a product of regular workouts.  Though it was clear she knew her way around the gym.

Kari had observed that when Cheryl fought Marci, she was too cautious and wasn't aggressive enough early on.  Kari was determined to employ a different strategy.  So as the bell sounded to begin the $10,000 bout, Kari went on the offensive surprising Marci who expected Kari to fight more like Cheryl had.  Immediately, Kari put Marci under pressure with a hard right to her jaw right out of the box.  Stunned and slow to recover, she wasn't prepared for the punches that Kari would deliver first to the body and then a 1-2 combo to the head.  The final shot staggered Marci who stumbled a bit backwards towards her corner.  For some reason, Kari hesitated as if to see what impact her assault had on this red-haired tough girl.  It proved costly as once she moved to continue her attack, she gave Marci time to react.  Marci blocked Kari's next delivery and threw a mean body punch that caught Kari off guard.  It would be Marci who would now push the issue.  She laid a quick succession of punches to Kari's upper body and head that backed up the blonde.  Marci then drove Kari back into the ropes with several solid body shots.  Kari could feel Marci's strength just in the way the punches were delivered.  Marci then pounded away as Kari covered up to prevent feeling the real effects of Marci's punches.  With that Marci backed away and waited for Kari to meet center ring.  Kari, of course, never one to back down from a challenge, stormed forward delivering a roundhouse that found Marci's chin, which seemed to have little impact.  The two then traded 3-4 shots before Kari was off target with a punch, Marci made her pay with a barrage of powerful hits which sent Kari tumbling to the mat on her ass. Marci thought that this was the beginning of the end for Kari.  She imagined her standing over a prone Kari, with her foot on her chest, playing to the crowd as the slayer of the hometown legend.   However, Kari got up and took the 8 count and then tried to fend off Marci for the rest of the round.  The sound of the bell was quite welcomed.  As she made her way back to her corner, she thought to herself "I thought Cheryl was tough...this woman hits harder than anyone I've ever faced..."  She had to find something deep down inside herself if she was going to make it through the second round.
The second round started with both women meeting at the center of the ring with different thoughts as to what they wanted to accomplish.  The ultimate goal was to knock the other on her ass.  Marci wanted to continue her fierce offensive attack.  Kari wanted to find her legs, get back in the fight, and wear Marci down.  The initial encounter of the round seemed to coincide with Marci's will.  After a few sharp exchanges from each of the women, Marci beat Kari to the punch with a solid right to the jaw just as Kari was attempting a similar endeavor.  Kari was stopped for a brief instance in her tracks, long enough for Marci hit to her with a tremendous blow to her midsection.  The blow was so powerful that it took Kari's breath away.  She fell to the mat on all fours trying to regain her composure.  I thought at that moment that I was witnessing a first...another women besting my wife.  Of course, Kari is nothing if she is not competitive.  She was going to have be knocked out cold for her to stop fighting.  She managed to get up in time and then had to weather another Marci fusillade.  Kari managed to cover up and clinch enough to keep Marci from inflicting any more real damage.  Like the first round, Marci backed off and dared Kari to meet her center ring.  Kari obliged and realizing her back was now definitely against the wall, came out with a fire in her eyes.  She vowed to herself, she would either win or lose, but she was going to be herself.  It was all about proving which woman was the toughest, strongest, most determined.  Kari had always proven to be that woman.  It was being threatened like never before.  It was now do or die. 

As the two sexy gladiators with sweat pouring down their strong, firm bodies met at center in the closing minute of round two, they once again pummeled each other toe to toe.  This time Kari held her ground and, at least in her mind, she could sense Marci tiring.  Her punches lacked the sting they had earlier.  She could sense that her punches were beginning to have some effect on Marci and just as the bell sounded to the end the second round, Marci was forced back with a couple of sharp blasts from Kari's fists. 

The third round would be the decisive one for sure.  Marci still had the advantage with the two knockdowns, but Kari was inspired by her brief insurgence at the end of the round.  No doubt the third round would hold some great action and the crowd anticipated a dramatic finish.