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Cross Exmination: Attorneys at War, Part 2

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Offline bludevil8306

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Cross Exmination: Attorneys at War, Part 2
« on: September 13, 2022, 03:32:42 AM »
Attorneys at War II

This is the second installment of a story between two sexy attorneys. The first is entitled 'Attorneys at War.'

The next several hours were a blur to Rhonda – a sparse recollection of images puddled in her mind. In her brutal cat fight with her legal and romantic rival Gail, she had lost and lost badly. After a full 20 minutes of hair pulling, slapping, scratching, punching and clothes ripping, the blonde interloper from Ole Miss by way of trailer parks and bowling alleys had dispatched her with a ferocious jab and uppercut combination topped off by a round of ferocious bitch slapping. Dennis, their boss and the object of their romantic rivalry, had witnessed it all with wide eyes and an enormous stiff cock. In her haze Rhonda recalled thinking that in the 2 years they had shared a bed she had never seem him so erect, so eager, so hard.

Gail finished her off with an aggressive humiliation. She removed her sheer black stockings, using one to tie her hands behind her back and the other to bind her by the neck to a drawer pull on Dennis’s desk. As the topper Gail ripped off her lacy thong and stuffed it in her mouth before she made her way over to Dennis and began working on him. Between the blows suffered in the altercation and the constriction of her airway with her own lingerie, Rhonda had passed out shortly after she witnessed Gail clad only in high heels and sheer to the waist nude pantyhose kneel between the knees Dennis’s legs and begin licking and sucking his huge hard dick.

The images burned in her mind after that were graphic, salacious, and infuriating. Dennis laying naked on the office floor, Gail in heels and torn pantyhose, squatting on his flagpole phallus. Dennis fucking Gail doggie style only inches from her tear-streaked face. Gail’s stocking sheathed legs draped over Dennis shoulders while he plowed into her as both grunted and squealed in ecstasy. And, what appeared to Rhonda to be the coup d’état of her comprehensive humiliation, Gail stroking his rock-hard cock as he came like a geyser on the raven-haired Rhonda’s bruised and battered face. The last thing she heard before passing out a fourth and final time was Gail cackling, “That should do it, you fucking cxnt! If you ever mess with me and come anywhere close to my man, bitch, there’s plenty more where that came from and I won’t show you the mercy I showed you this time!” As they sauntered out arm in arm, Dennis and Gail turned off the lights and slammed the door.

Rhonda was awakened in the wee hours of the morning when the overnight janitorial crew came in on their appointed rounds. “Dios mio!” exclaimed the Hispanic cleaning woman. Kindly she untied Rhonda and sponged off the dried cum and blood on her face, and then helped her into what was left her expensive business suit. The beaten and humiliated lawyer made her way slowly and painfully to the elevator and then to the parking deck where she climbed into her BMW and drove to her elegant apartment, a new round of tears streaking her beautiful face.

She called in sick as the new day was beginning. She emailed Dennis a tersely worded resignation and planned for a service to gather and box up her files and put them in a storage facility while the partners divided up her client load. Dennis did not reply. A few concerned co-workers left emails and voicemails, but she did not respond. Evidently Gail had made it clear around the firm in her own subtle way that Dennis was her man now and that Rhonda would not be returning to work. And, with a few, she must have shared the more graphic details of the epic cat fight as had Dennis. Clearly, he wasn’t only one who delighted in watching fierce, gorgeous women in brutal hand to hand combat!

After a few days of recuperation in bed and hot tub, Rhonda began an ambitious training regimen. Although she had no concrete plans to tangle with Gail again, she was in dire need of some means of rebuilding her broken spirit. She upped her running from a light jog in the morning to 4-5 miles daily with miles covered in less than 6.5 minutes. She hired a personal trainer who took her through exhausting circuit training 4 times a week, always followed by 20 minutes on the heavy bag. On the days when she wasn’t at the gym, she attended hot yoga classes. Already fit and sleek, she took off the few extra pounds of bodyfat she had left. Within a few months she was cut enough to compete in female fitness contests if she was so inclined, but there were other, more pressing things for Rhonda to see to.

She parlayed her savings and retirement funds into a modest office suite in the legal district and had it beautifully and tastefully renovated. She hired a recent law school graduate she could train herself, as well as a handful of paralegals and office assistants. The new firm struggled at first, handling a smattering of personal injury suits and probate cases. But within the year clients from Dennis’s firm, unhappy with the direction it had taken, made their way to Rhonda’s boutique firm, and before long she was turning clients away.

Her alienating arrogance was supplanted by a calmer, more mature kind of self-confidence. The bitchiness was replaced by an attractive assertiveness that left no negative wake behind. Rhonda had reinvented herself. But, although she stored it away in a place it would not interfere, the memory of her ass whipping at Gail’s hand, and the theft of her lover, smoldered in the back regions of her mind. She knew deep within that the final chapter was yet to come.

Meanwhile Gail made short work of Dennis. After sucking and fucking him into a stupor, she ended their relationship as abruptly as she started it only weeks earlier, leaving him drunk, depressed and barely able to function. His partners at the firm carried him for a few months but eventually voted him out. For her part, Gail wasted no time setting her sights on Dennis’s vacated seat at the table. She became a whirlwind of seduction, making short work of the older and sex-starved male partners. When necessary, she went toe to toe with their trophy wives on at least five different occasions in heated cat fights, always the decisive victor and always leaving marriages in shambles. She fought at Christmas parties, at country clubs, in elegant restaurants and in cheap motel rooms, and always in front of their husbands who could expect wild but brief sexual adventures in the aftermath of her victories. They too, like Dennis, were quickly discarded as Gail continued her relentless march to the top.

Within a couple of years Gail was a controlling partner in the firm. She was a crackerjack lawyer and a ruthless businesswoman – but at root she was a down and dirty cat fighter, with a love of violence and a hunger for the pain and humiliation of women she judged to be her rivals in love and honor. Nothing brought her more pleasure than seeing the bruised and battered face of a sexy opponent streaked with her own tears and with the cum of a soon-to-be ex-husband.

The hellcat from south Mississippi came by these characteristics honestly. Her mother was a barmaid and, to be honest, a notorious slut known locally as ‘Cora the Cat Fight Queen of Calhoun County.’ Like her daughter Cora was a genetic marvel: tall and strong in her fuck-me-pumps and tight miniskirts, with a huge rack, a flat stomach and long, well-muscled legs. Every six weeks or so Cora would find herself in a knock down drag out fist fight and hair pull with some bitch or other whose husband would come home from the tavern smelling of pussy with lipstick on both collar and cock. Some of her opponents were young, barely out of their teens, and others were grisled vets of the catfight wars like herself. But she whipped them all and managed to look sensational doing so. After their fights the two would talk on the phone enthusiastically for hours describing each punch, each scratch, each rip of the clothes, and each cat ball, including at the end a detailed account of the sexual encounter with husbands and boyfriends after their tussles.

Unknown to those in her social circles, Rhonda shared a similar legacy. Her mother Sylvia was elegant and well mannered but had discretely been in several cat spats herself. The beautiful milfs in her social circle were immaculately and tastefully dressed but, like alley cats, were constantly on the make for husbands not their own.  A flirtatious wink of the eye or a hemline pulled seductively high at a dinner party was usually met with a visual warning from Sylvia, and, if necessary, a slap to the face and a yanking of an expensive hairdo in the powder room. On several occasions these encounters turned into all out brawls. Expensive cocktails dresses were often shredded to pieces as these high society hellcats turned into white trash warriors, rolling on the floor with hemlines to their waists and expensive stockings and lingerie destroyed. Sylvia’s husband Frank relished hearing her accounts of these confrontations which were followed by long and passionate bouts of fucking and sucking as if they were horny teenagers.

Cora and Sylvia would eventually clash but that brawl was several months in the future. Rhonda and Gail were not done yet.

Even in large cities legal circles tend to be rather small, and attorneys would run into each other in courtrooms, chambers and in conference rooms during depositions. Two and a half years following the catfight in Dennis’s, now Gail’s, office, Rhonda and Gail found themselves face to face across a conference table in Rhonda’s office suite. Each was representing opposite sides in a bitter divorce proceeding, Gail representing the philandering and wealthy husband, Rhonda the aggrieved and gorgeous wife. The air bristled with tension, and Rhonda could intuitively sense that her blonde nemesis had been in her client’s britches.  Gail never missed an opportunity to smirk at Rhonda each time an adulterous encounter was brought up, and both lawyers were itching to reprise their battle. Present at the table were the two lawyers, the two clients and a court stenographer.

Throughout the deposition Gail would place her hand suggestively on her client’s leg when they leaned into each other to confer, very nearly on his crotch. Staring directly at Rhonda, Gail asked the wife is she felt like she was able to sexually satisfy her husband. Rhonda stood to her feet and raised a loud objection, followed by a suggestion that they all break for lunch. The two attorneys conferred briefly with their respective clients and then locked eyes on each other. The clients and the stenographer gathered their things and left the room. There followed a chilly silence.

Gail took stock of her arch-nemesis. Rhonda’s lustrous black hair was cut a few inches shorter and more stylishly than it was when they last laid eyes on each other. She looked quite fit, with no bulges showing on her tailored business suit. Rhonda was dressed in a conservative medium gray pinstripe ensemble but her skirt was unusually short and tight for such an outfit. Her stockings were sheer black nylon with back seams, and Gail was certain that she wore a garter belt attached to her stockings underneath. She looked cat like and formidable.

Similarly, Rhonda took a hard assessing look at her opponent. The blonde vixen looked somehow both trashy and elegant. Her suit was a tight-fitting navy ensemble with a plunging neckline in her jacket and a skirt at least six inches above her sexy knees. Again nude back seamed pantyhose, and again the red stilettos with six inch heels.

“Well, cxnt, here we are again. Are you ready for another ass whuppin’?” Gail drawled in her thick Dixie accent.

“Fine by me, you fucking bitch, but things might turn out a bit different this time!” sneered Rhonda. ”Maybe your ‘client’ will be back in time to let me get him good and hard before he sprays cum on your pretty face!”

By this time their big tits were mashed together, and their noses were less than an inch apart. Gail spit in Rhonda’s face and both women began brutally yanking at each other’s hair. They pitched on to the conference table as their tight skirts immediately rose to their waistlines. Rhonda withdrew her left hand from Gail’s scalp and started punching her right tit. Gail reached down with her right hand and started yanking at the exposed garter strap atop Rhonda’s left leg. They rolled on to the floor and rose to their knees and commenced a brutal exchange of stinging open-handed slaps to each other’s pretty faces. While the slap fight seemed like an even contest, Gail knew something was different this time. There was far more power in Rhonda’s blows than before.

Rhonda suddenly grabbed Gail’s hair with her left hand and drove a straight-line jab to the blonde’s face, sending the stunned cat fight veteran to her floor on her back. Savagely Rhonda ripped the front of Gail’s jacket apart sending buttons flying across the room and yanked her skirt from her hips leaving Gail in pantyhose and heels with a torn top exposing a lacy push-up bra. Rhonda removed her own jacket and skirt for less constriction in order to do what came next.

She grabbed Gail’s hair again and stood her to her feet, obviously stunned and wobbly. Rhonda yanked what was left of Gail’s jacket off, and the two fighters stood facing each other, the blond in bra, pantyhose and heels, the brunette in bra, panties, garter belt, stockings and heels. Gail’s eyes were unfocused and fearful and Rhonda knew that the advantage was hers. The hours she spent working the heavy bag at the gym came into play as Rhonda peppered Gail with hard lefts and rights to her tummy and her ribs. She knocked both of Gail’s tits out of their lacy cradles and began alternating hard fists to her breasts and face.

Gail didn’t know where she was and attempted a few ineffective counterstrikes which Rhonda either blocked or absorbed with ease. A haymaker sent Gail back to the floor and Rhonda straddled her. Holding her hair in her left hand the brunette hammered the blonde’s face with punishing rights until she was motionless. Rhonda raised herself off Gail grabbing her by crotch and hair and heaved her up back on to the conference table on her belly. Remembering every moment of her humiliation years before in Dennis’s office, Rhonda deftly took off Gail’s red heels and jerked off her pantyhose. She then hogtied the blonde bitch with her own pantyhose securing her feet and wrists together behind her back like a calf in a rodeo roping competition. Since the slut wore no panties Rhonda removed her own sweaty thong and stuffed them into Gail’s mouth.

Rhonda heard the door to the conference room open. Gail’s sexy client had returned to grab his umbrella and was stunned to see the sight before him. Rhonda took notice of the tent in front of his trousers and the look of turned-on amazement on his face.

“Shut the door, baby,” Rhonda trilled. “Let’s see if we can bring this deposition to a close.”

She sank to her knees and unzipped his pants, and a huge hard ten-inch cock sprang from their confines. In her sexy lingerie she delivered an expert blow job, and when she felt him stiffen even more, she guided him to Gail, his engorged cock only inches from her face. She expertly jacked him off there and in moments he discharged a massive load on the bruised and battered face of his lawyer. Gail’s muffled protests could barely be heard over Rhonda’s squeals of delight.

He slumped in a chair, spent and a bit overwhelmed by what had just happened. Rhonda picked up her jacket and skirt from the floor and put them back on. “Come with me, Mr. Adams. Let’s have an off the record conversation over dinner and see if we can reach an agreeable solution.” She turned off the lights and shut the door, directing her staff to not go into the conference room until tomorrow morning.


Offline catftluver

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Re: Cross Exmination: Attorneys at War, Part 2
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2022, 02:02:03 PM »
good story and I am looking forward to the next parts, should get interesting!!


Offline Wondering48

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Re: Cross Exmination: Attorneys at War, Part 2
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2022, 10:09:12 PM »
Please continue. Good story so far.


Offline Myfordi

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Re: Cross Exmination: Attorneys at War, Part 2
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2022, 02:21:49 AM »
Nothing like a wild clothes ripping battle with a clear winner


Online caryn1

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Re: Cross Exmination: Attorneys at War, Part 2
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2022, 01:18:48 PM »
i would like to know how much the husband ended up give his exwife
to my regrets i have had to give up real fights because of injury