Victoria Pratt was at home and fully recovered from her fight with Rachel Luttrell. It was one of those fights she always wondered how it would go and now she knew. Luttrell was everything she thought she would be and she found a way to overcome. She was indeed stronger, there was no speed difference and she could be just as mean as Rachel. Rachel didn’t have Renee O’Connor’s hate, Renee would not hold back in fights from doing something she knew she shouldn’t… It was what made things so personal with her nemesis’…
She stared at the piece of paper Lucy lawless had left her that had Carol Grow’s current address on it. Fucking Renee wrote it down with her own blood. This was a farewell tour for Victoria and she absolutely had to fight Renee again and she knew when that day came it could very well be her last fight ever. For Renee it would definitely be but she was determined to make sure it ended the same way as the first with her victorious and Renee completely defeated. Yet after their last fight she knew it could very well end with her waking up seeing Renee standing over her victorious and amazing.
She had some friends over and one was Dina Meyer. Dina and Victoria were long-time friends She brought over Stacy Haiduk.
Stacy and Victoria shot some glares at each other and Victoria excused herself asked Dina to come into the kitchen.
“Why did you bring her?”
“Stacy, she’s interested in…”
“We’re friends and you brought another friend to fight me. Seriously Dina.”
She looked in at Stacy “She’d fight you but calm down and get out of my face… Her you have a chance against.”
“I know I have a chance against her, finding someone I don’t have a chance against is damn near impossible. I’m usually the favourite.”
“I know that feeling, I’ve never met a woman who I didn’t think I could win a fight against.”
“Present company excluded of course.” Victoria said looking in at Stacy
“Present company included.”
Anything else going on in the house became white noise, only the kitchen mattered. They stared at each other “I don’t know what to say here.”
“ME either really, did you think I’ve feared you or thought you were better than me.”
“Did you think that of me?”
“I kind of did yeah… You’d fight anyone but we’ve talked fighting and you’ve never made a move.”
They stayed there and Dina looked behind her “Listen we did movies together and didn’t fight, I figured you didn’t want the fight because you knew a fake fight could lead to a real ass kicking.”
Victoria licked her lips then bit the lower one and looked down then back at Dina Meyer “No Dina, it was your movie we did… If you wanted the fake fight we could have thrown down on the set but its clear why you didn’t want it there its because deep down you want to think your better but really whether its fake or real I’m going to be more believable and I’d kick your ass.”
“I’m tired of this Victoria, I know I can beat you and if you need me to prove it.”
“Hey we need people to come in her and remove anything that is a sharp object. Knives, spoons hell get rid of frying pans and pots.”
Stacy Haiduk came in “What’s going on.”
Victoria looked over “This is more of a challenge than you and I need to put a bitch in her place.”
Dina grabbed Victoria by the hair and threw her up on the counter. “I’m going to make your place my place.. This took to long for us to find out who the better fighter is. Get anything we can legit kill the other with, all sharp object heck remove as much as possible. This is an ass kicking Victoria needs.”
Victoria kicked Dina into the kitchen island “Anyone and everyone get shit out of my kitchen I need to prove something to Dina once and for all” Victoria jumped off the counter and was pushed into the fridge. Dina went for a punch to the face but Vic moved her head and the fist hit the fridge
Victoria hit a knee to the stomach slid to the outside of Dina and hit a left that hit perfectly under the ear and onto the jaw dropping Dina Meyer. Victoria then looked at Stacy who backed up a step “That ended quicker then I “ Victoria was lifted up onto Dina Meyer’s shoulders
Dina looked to make sure they were clear of the Island and anything that could break Victoria’s neck then dropped back. Victoria did her best to break her fall but it still hurt badly. Dina rolled backward and was now sitting on Victoria’s chest.
Victoria quickly grabbed the back of Dina’s shirt pulled back and tried to roll out only for Dina to kick her away. Both were on their feet and Victoria rushed at Dina slamming her into a pantry then hitting a punch to the stomach and threw Dina into the living area.
Dina quickly slid and was up to her feet “Come on bitch” Dina had her hands out and was challenging Victoria “I’m going to show you why I was right to never bother with you at this.”
The two went after each other. They hit a few punches and both got hurt from the punches and switched to defence. Block and parry and counter for it to be blocked and parried. The punches stopped landing and both came in for a right knee to the stomach. Dina’s height advantage came into play and it buried into Victoria’s stomach.
Dina quickly hopped forward and hit a snap suplex on Victoria then floated over and was sat atop Victorias chest. Dina hit one punch “See you just don’t measure up to me and you never have.”
Dina went for a second but Victoria rolled with it an the punch most hit the ground. Victoria got her arm around the back of Dina’s neck and began to seat up only for Dina to give her boobs a twist
Victoria screamed in agony then Dina stood up brought Victoria up by the tits let go and stepped back hit a straight kick that sent Victoria into a wall. Dina wiped her mouth then dried her hands on her pants and stalked Victoria she quickly hit a left to Victorias face ducked under a right and hit two lefts to the ribs.
Pratt leaned down slightly so Dina quickly moved her feet and hit a right cross to the ear of Victoria Pratt knocking her down completely. Dina looked down at Victoria “No surprise here . I always knew this was how this would go. You on the ground wishing you never fought me!”
Victoria started to get up only to get hit with a knee to the ribs. “That so called lethal left hand of yours. Why don’t you use it to hit the ground three times and tell our friends you tapped out.”
Instead Victoria threw her weight into a back elbow that got Dina on the inside of the knee. Then Victoria kept that momentum and dropped to her back and hit her shin into Dina’s ear. Dina now stumbled away