You're probably assuming that if I agreed to go to my crush's ex's house alone on a Saturday night, that I was planning on fighting her that night. I honestly wasn't. I was 18 years old and had never been in a physical girlfight. I also knew that fighting Jennifer, or anyone for that matter, would hurt my chances with Shawn, not help them--he was anti-fighting, anti-violence (and stll is).
I also don't think Jennifer was planning on fighting me. I think she considered me ..... well, beneath her. That she was Shawn's rightful girlfriend, and that I was tagging along as a third wheel for a semester or two; but that the two of them would soon be free of my annoying presence, and they could resume their storybook romance.
But, as soon as I closed behind me in Jennifer's house that night, things got real tense, real fast. Conversation didn't flow at all between us; everyone topic seemed wrong, or gauche, or weird. Every response came off as short, or as a zinger. Like a bickering married couple not having enough sex. Which is sort of what we were--all three of us had been celibate all semester, waiting for resolution of our threesome logjam.
To ease the tension, Jennifer raided her paernts' liquor cabinet and broke out the flavored vodkas. But both of us were rookies on knowing our limit with vodka, and were soon buzzed.....or probably outright drunk.
Our inhibitions collapsed quickly. Liquid courage, indeed. Time to confess how much we had been thinking of each others' boobs.
<> So, Kate .... I was wonderin' .... glad winter is here and you can return to covering your chest? Ya know, in layers of clothes?
<> I've found covering up 38c's isn't easy, even in winter clothes.
<> Oh, 38c? Really?
<> Really. You thought they were bigger? Smaller? Cut to the chase, sweetie.
<> Oh, I'm 'sweetie', now?
<> Don't change the topic, Jen. What did you mean by that wiseass crack?
<> You're being quite bold to my in my house, Katherine.
<> I don't want to regret not speaking my mind later.
<> Has that ever happened, hun? You regretted not telling me someyhing?
<<<<We were somehow standing nose to nose, toe to toe. Our boobs brushed against each other.>>>>>
<> Watch your rack, Jen-ny.
<> Or... what .... Kate-y?

<> Or they might get punched.
<> You wouldn't fucking dare.
<<<My heart was racing. I knew there was no facesaving way of backing down. For either of us.>>>>
<> I'm not afraid of you.
<> Oh, but Katey, aren't you though? If you weren't, wouldn't you have already punched me?
This was definitely the vodka talking now, because Jennifer slowly unbuttoned her flannel shirt and revealed her bra. Her tits looked even bigger with her topless than with her fully clothed. I unbuttoned my patterned shirt, and we backed up a step each.
Before I could change my mind, I wound up and sank a right cross direct into Jennifer's right breast. She retaliated instantly, and I felt like my rival had stuffed a nest of angry bees down my bra. My eyes teared up, and the "thud" sound sickened me.
I immediately worried I had been suckered into a fight with a ringer. What if Jen had lured me into a breast punching durl, knowing in advance she felt no pain there? And that, like most women I did?
I gambled that she was bluffing and began retaliating with left-right combinations to both of Jen's breasts. Jen was ready and hit me back as well. I wondered if and when her hands would go for my undefended face--but apparently she hadn't given up on going to the party later, and was content to have our fight marks be in non-public areas of our bodies.
Either that, or neither of us were thinking straight at that moment. The vodka. The jealousy. The months with vonstant temptation but no sex.
Not a good combination.
<> Had enough, bitch?
<> Not till you give up Shawn.
<> Make me.
<> I knew it. You want him back.
To be continued......