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From what comic is the picture?

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Offline bacalbas20010

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From what comic is the picture?
« on: August 31, 2018, 06:19:40 PM »
I find on internet a catfight couple pic...someone knows...From what comic is the picture?


Offline Dave2213

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Re: From what comic is the picture?
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2018, 08:47:33 PM »
Yup - both Nylon Wars and Neighbors are great series.  A huge amount of work went into the stories and the build-ups, but they’ve just been left sitting for months now.  I really hope the artist/author hasn’t burned-out or suffered some sort of accident that keeps him from coming back and adding proper endings for the series.  They are way too good to just leave orphaned!


Offline cockfighter15

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Re: From what comic is the picture?
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2018, 02:20:37 PM »
Yup - both Nylon Wars and Neighbors are great series.  A huge amount of work went into the stories and the build-ups, but they’ve just been left sitting for months now.  I really hope the artist/author hasn’t burned-out or suffered some sort of accident that keeps him from coming back and adding proper endings for the series.  They are way too good to just leave orphaned!

I agree, some of those works are very good, especially the Neighbors series.
The blog hasn't been updated since May, hope it's not dead...


Offline Dave2213

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Re: From what comic is the picture?
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2019, 02:08:35 AM »
The blog site is located at:

The artist goes by the name ccfight and I REALLY like the stuff that he (or she) has done. Both Nylon Wars and Neighbors are some of the very best I've seen...but there hasn't been an update to anything on the site for close to a year now.  I hope ccfight is OK because I'd like the opportunity to thank him/her for the fine work done.


Offline cockfighter15

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Re: From what comic is the picture?
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2019, 01:41:31 PM »
The blog site is located at:

The artist goes by the name ccfight and I REALLY like the stuff that he (or she) has done. Both Nylon Wars and Neighbors are some of the very best I've seen...but there hasn't been an update to anything on the site for close to a year now.  I hope ccfight is OK because I'd like the opportunity to thank him/her for the fine work done.

Agree, the Neighbors series is one of the best "fighting couple stories" I've ever seen! Great artworks and dialogue.
Really hope the blog is not dead (and ccfight is well) too.