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A life-changing birthday

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Offline GirlsStreetfightlover

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A life-changing birthday
« on: June 03, 2019, 01:49:54 AM »
Disclaimer: English is not my first language, so I just hope my text is acceptable for native speakers. I also know the topic might not be for everyone. Maybe I try to do a sequel but I don't really know. I hope at least some like what I did here.

A life-changing birthday

I knew it for a long while already. My lovely wive Scarlett, a buff 37 year old natural blonde with a very wild past and also present either did not want to see it or really was not aware of what was going on. I am still not too sure about it, to be honest.

Our neighbourhood wasn’t the nicest of all. Gangs did play a big role out on the streets, and the fun fact was that they mostly consisted out of girls and women there. Scarlett was deeply into all this shit. I din’t mind to much. Or to be honest, I loved her even more for knowing or maybe even for not knowing exactly what she was doing out there in the streets, especially at nights. Over the years she had collected several tattoos representing her reputation and merits, including three teardrops below her right eye. I never asked who‘s lost lifes might have been represented by them. Married with a woman like Scarlett it was better at times not to know everything. And I loved to be the man of a pretty bad woman.

Together we had a lovely daughter, Sienna, who had been 15 years old when I first got a clue of what might be going on. I never told my wife and like I said, she never seemed to notice. From some point on Sienna only did invite friends when she knew mom would be out of the house, and just from how the young ladies dressed I knew why. On the other hand she only hang out in the streets when she knew mom was at home or elsewhere far away. This went on for around three years. Scarlett tried to convince Sienna to join her crew, the 37th st. Vipers, but the girl told her she simply had no interest in doing that kind of stuff. Scarlett seemed a bit dissapointed finally stopped trying to convince her girl.

One year in June, early in the morning, I and Scarlett sat down in the kitchen. Breakfast was prepared, a few decoratively wrapped up gifts where arranged around the third position at the table, that was reserved for our daughter. It was gonna be Siennas 18th birthday, and we were in the mood to really celebrate her.
Then we heard footsteps coming down the stairs from the 1st floor. We stood up to congratulate Sienna right when she would enter the kitchen. My wife showed her brightest smile. It froze within seconds when the door got opened.

Entering was our daughter Sienna, wearing the typical orange bandanas and shirt oft he 37th st. foxes. The tattooed teardrop below her right eye I hadn’t noticed before. Also I had never thought about her being nearly as buff as her mom, although I knew she was pretty fit and did work out a lot.

Scarlett was caught in surprise and did not know what to do. Sienna walked over to her, put her face quite infront of her mother‘s and hissed „the next teardrop below my eye will be tattooed when you are gone, bitch. You thought I would love to be in your crew? Under your control, obeying to your command? That never sounded fun, whore. And I learnt to hate you over the last years, seeing what you did to some of my closest friends moms or sisters. I will leave this place today and hunt you out there until you are gone. But now come to the backyard to do what I always wanted to do with you for a long time. Come and fight, whore!!!“ Having said this she headed to the backyard.
Had Scarlett been shocked in the beginning? Even many years later I could not say that I‘d be totally sure. If she had been she got over it pretty quickly. „Now that‘s gonna be fun. I will beat the shit out oft hat crappy little whore and she will get reasonable again“. „Good luck“, I mumbled while my woman headed to our bedroom to get dressed like she used to be out in the streets.

Three minutes later, a woman in her thirties, dressed in a bright green tanktop, a white baggy pants and bright green sneakers circled an 18-year old wearing orange bandanas, an orange t-shirt, blue jeans and orange sneakers. The woman had put her long blonde hair in a ponytail while the girl had her dark blond hair cut pretty shortly. The hairstyle was as new as was her little tattoo that claimed she might have gone pretty far for her gang already. And looking at the two women I noticed there was no mother on the lawn of my backyard. At least no woman who still felt like a mother. Also from the looks she threw at the woman in green the young lady dressed in orange obviously had decided to have no mother anymore from this day on.

The two women in front of me, put as simply as that, were rival gangsters. Circling each other, holding their fists high, searching for a space to launch them at each others body and face.
Scarlett attacked first, slamming her right into Siennas face, just above the girls nose, yelling „you little worthless piece of shit, you are dead. You are fucking dead! I swear!“ Sienna got hit hard, stumbled back a bit but had herself under control again soon. She did not yell anything back. She was the one who had prepared herself for this day secretly and maybe for a long time, so it was way easier for her to keep cool. She threw a right kick to her mothers left hip followed by a left hook to Scarletts belly. The viper gasped, but still tried to bite the fox. A series of blows got fired towards her daughters head. Not each connected, but some did. Sienna did step back again, launching a kick that hit her mother below the ribs. Scarlett tripped back, Sienna jumped forward and landed a second kick nearly to the same point, that made her mother fall backwards onto the lawn.
The girl came closer, kicked her mothers head once and made her nose bleed, but when she tried to land a second kick her foe grabbed her right leg with both hands and with a hard hitch made her go to the ground.
Both fighters now rolled over the grass with each other, trying to get the upper hand and to gain a good position. Some fists got thrown, one of her mothers punches made Siennas upper lip bleed. But then the girl gained control. She managed to get first the left, then both of her new enemies arms under her knees. Her fists did rain onto her adversaries unprotected face. Blooddrops flew into all directions. Scarletts body started to shiver below her daughters butt. The fists made smacking noises. Then I believed I had heard my wifes nose crack (It actually did, I found out later). And I noticed she had lost consciousness while Sienna continued her work like a berserk.
I walked close to her. „Enough for now!“ I said quietly. She noticed and stopped pounding. Spit onto the bloody mess she had changed her mothers face into twice. Stood up. Threw a final and hard kick to Scarletts head. And went into the house.

„You better leave before she calls her people to take care for you“. „Most likely you are right…,“ she hesitated „dad?“ You still are my dad, aren’t you?“ „I am. As long as you accept I still love my wife I will accept the way you have chosen and be there for you if you need me. As long as you do not demand that I actively do any harm to Scarlett“. She nodded. „I saw it coming for a long time. You knew that I did“. She nodded again.
I took a look out of he window. My wife had gained consciousness again, but still seemed to be unable to get up. „Guess your bags are packed and in your car already?“ „Yes, dad“. „There are still some gifts on the table, do you want to take them with you?“ „The ones that are from you!“ I took the two small packages I had prepared for her from the table and handed them out to her. „Happy birthday, Sienna. And good luck in everything!“. We hugged quickly, while Scarlett managed to get up outside. Then my girl left through the front door, jumped into her old and rusty orange pickup and drove away.

„Oh Daddy, so many thanks for the halfautomatic and the butterflyknife, she wrote on whatsapp the following night, while I was lying beneath my marked up but sleeping wife. „I know someone to try them on soon!“ I felt ashamed the same moment, but I could not suppress a smile.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2019, 02:04:29 AM by GirlsStreetfightlover »


Offline lalutte65

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Re: A life-changing birthday
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2019, 02:41:52 PM »
Well done, hope to see more


Offline GirlsStreetfightlover

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Re: A life-changing birthday
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2019, 09:31:17 PM »
Well done, hope to see more

Thank you for your encouraging comment!


Offline M_H

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Re: A life-changing birthday
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2019, 07:41:18 AM »
Will the wife and dought ever fight again?
A route couple Like ( Bony and Clyde ) we have fought in bars and clubs. Fist fighting and in NHB, we have fought other couples. We loved that. We only lost a couple of times. We were in jail and Hospedles A few times.