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western tale.

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Offline ooreach

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western tale.
« on: March 08, 2019, 06:34:39 AM »
This one is a bit tamer. Two women raised from young together. Mother and father got married with a child of their own each War came in the wild west leaving the two to fend for themselves. Isolated from civilization on a homestead they where raised in when a stranger comes into their lives there are only so many things two sisters through marriage can share.  Sexfight/catfight/tit fight/foot fight/ pussy fight/

Three hard days Jed had ridden.  Three hard days till he found a homestead with life.  The two women that lived there had taken him in. Pretty for their years.  Jennifer was in her late 20’s and Elizabeth was about the same age. They called themselves sisters but they were only related through the marriage of their parents, who both lost their lives in the war.
     They had mended his wounds and had given him the smaller of the two bedrooms in the 4 room ranch they called home.  He would be fit enough in a few days to help out with heavy chores but for now he was mending and they had not asked much of them.
   It was night and he had fallen asleep around sun down. The girls had retired to bed. They were not used to sharing a bed as he could tell from the first nights restless loud whispers he had heard from the other bedroom.
    He woke to hear a thud. He was about to reach for his pistol, as his rifle was too far to reach, when he heard another sound and realized it was coming from the girls bedroom.  Loud whispers could be heard and another set of thuds could be heard. It sounded as if bare feet where pounding on the wooden floors. He opened one eye just enough to make out the shape of both sisters in a sort of pushing match in the bedroom. The thuds he was hearing turned out to be the two ladies locked up with hands on shoulders pushing each other around the bed room. Each time one pushed the other dug her feet in to stop the advance.
    It was pretty dark and only by the bedroom’s lit fireplace could he make out the forms of two women in calf length nightshirts struggling around the 10x10 sized room.  He strained his ears and heard part of their whispered argument “You always want everything.” One voice that sounded like Elizabeth said. “Your no better, he likes me more ,anyhow.” Was Jennifer’s response.
   He wasn’t sure who did it but he heard a smack that sounded like an open palm on a face. Both girls became silent at the sound it made and looked straight away in Jed’s direction. He played possum and moments later the girls looked back at each other and another smack could be heard.
  A wild melee of open handed swings ensued and Jed caught the sight of both girls slap fighting. The light from the fireplace shone just bright enough for him to make out the shapely legs of both women as the moved to and fro in the room. Their shapely thighs could barely be made out and the bouncing of their breasts was easy for him to spot against the fireplace light.
   They kept just at arm’s reach. Close enough to strike the other but not too close to get hit to badly themselves. The flurry of open palm slaps quickly slowed down. It was obvious these girls had not been in many fights. One of them saw an opening and lunged at the other and Jed watched the two tumble back onto the hard mattress of their king sized bed. The slaps continued as they rolled to and fro with loud whispers turning into muffled shrieks and grunts of pain.
    The long nightshirts they wore restricted their legs movements but had ridden up to mid-thigh.  Weak kicks of knees where attempted and feet kicked at feet as they continued to half roll one direction or the other as they still exchanged slaps.  This continued until one of them ended up falling to the floor with a very loud thud. Both girls fell silent. They waited for a second and then scrambled up off of the bed and the floor to peer into his room.  The light from his fireplace hid his face in shadow and again he succeeded in pretending to still be asleep.  They waited for several moments before they went back to their bedroom. He heard very muffled sounds but could only make out “we’ll talk about this more in the morning.” 

  He woke to the smell of coffee brewing in the kitchens fireplace.  She was stooped over with her full bottom sitting on her heals. Her Raven black hair was offset by her bright blue eyes as she flicked her head sending her shoulder length hair flying. She said “morning, sunshine.” She looked into his deep brown eyes and her eyes flickered down to his long johns and smiled saying “It’s been a while since I got greeted by a morning woody.” He blushed as he had forgotten to cover himself with his blanket. She laughed and started to crawl to him going “ honestly, Mr. Smith, I don’t mind.” In mid crawl she heard her sister  Jennifer clear her throat. She quickly glared at her sister and trailed her eyes to what she was looking at. She was impressed with the size of his tent but quickly moved closer to Jed and said “you’ll have to excuse my sister, she doesn’t know how to be a lady around a gentleman.  Elizabeth stood straight up and faced Jennifer. The two girls stood almost nose to nose right in front of the bed Jed was on. Hands where clenched as they stared at each other. Elizabeth was an inch shorter but their breasts where about equal and stared at each other. Jed cleared his throat and got up off the bed. Both women fallowed him with their eyes as he turned to head out the door to use the outhouse. He felt both sets of eyes burning holes into his backside as he was unable to hide his massive tent.
     Once the door closed he began to hear the same strong whispers coming from both girls. He shortly returned and went to the fireplace to get a cup of coffee. Elizabeth was the first to offer him a cup and he took it, as she turned to put the pot back on the fireplace coffee pot holder she accidently brushed her full behind against his crotch. She didn’t even act as if it happened but it couldn’t have been an accident. He took his cup of coffee and went to the kitchen table and sat down. Jennifer greeted him and as he sat she reached over the table to grab the cup sitting there. Her right breast brushed against his back and shoulder. If felt full and firm and she pressed her chest into him for a moment before getting the cup. She smelled of some nice perfume. 
   Jennifer and Elizabeth sat across the table with him at the head and they had pleasant chatter as they drank their coffee. He asked if it was ok to smoke and they both said they loved the smell of tobacco. It had been so long since Paw passed. He lit his pipe and talk turned to the chores of the day. Elizabeth asked if Jed felt up to helping her mend some fence posts on the back 30 acres and Jennifer said she needed his help in the barn.  When Elizabeth said “that silly old barn isn’t as important as our cows getting out.” She quickly yelped and stared at her sister.  More small talk happened and it was Jennifer’s turn to squirm and grimace at her sister.  This went on every few moments until  one of these events caused Jennifer ‘s chair to move several inches on it’s own. As the two intently stared at each other Jed made as if he had just dropped his bag of tobacco and peered under the table to witness two pretty set of bare feet kicking and stabbing at each other with toe nails.
    Both girls stopped instantly at his noticing the behavior and they pretended to giggle and tried to gain his attention. He appeased both of them by saying he could do both chores. Elizabeth got up and made breakfast with Jennifer offering to help. Jed got dressed in the newly washed dudes he had worn on his trip over here.  They ate a good breakfast of bacon and eggs with some unleavened bread. The girls retired to their room to change into their farm working britches and as each stepped out it was apparent that neither of them had been seamstress’.   
     The days work was long and hard but he finished both activities and sat down to a fine dinner with the girls still competing for his attention. They let him do most of the talking and he gave them stories of his events in the war. They explained that the parents were killed in attack around the end of the war but the girls had hid and that is why they were still alive.
    It was getting late and Elizabeth said she was getting ready for bed but since the kitchen fire was so hot she was going to take a bath. Jennifer said that was a wonderful idea and asked Jed if he wanted one, also.  Just as Jed agreed Jennifer jumped up and said “Fine, I’ll go fetch some water.” Jed offered to help and this got an odd look from Elizabeth toward her sister.
    Jed drew his own bath water and as it got just hot enough he sunk into the large tub. He heard a knock at the door as Jennifer walked in noticed her quickly dart her eyes down to see his full manhood. “Can I wash your back?” Jed said that wouldn’t be necessary but she insisted. She had already changed from her work clothes back into her nightshirt. As she washed his back water splashed on her and as she finished her washing of his back she walked around to expose her now soaked top of her nightshirt showing the outline of very large breasts. Her nipples where very apparent, also.  Elizabeth was about to knock but saw the two already in the bath room and clearing her throat said “would you mind we share the tub? It takes so long to fill up?” Before Jed could say anything she had disrobed and had one foot in the water.

    Her blonde hair and fair skin only brought out the prettiness of her eyes. She had a fine figure and her breasts where almost as ample as her sisters. Jed was so mesmerized by the sight of Elizabeth naked that he hadn’t noticed Jennifer taking off her soaked night shirt. He turned to see her when her naked breasts brushed his head. “I need a bath, too.” She said. Elizabeth replied “this ain’t big enough for all three of us,darlin.  Just wait your turn.” The last part was said through gritted teeth. Jennifer replied through her own gritted teeth “ you always want your way, sister.” Jed felt the tension growing and he quickly got up out of tub and said he felt clean enough and they could share the tub with each other. Both girls stopped their argument when he realized they were both fixated on his now wet and fully exposed package.
     He felt oddly pleased by the attention, but was not in the mood to witness one of these women murder the other. They might not be sisters by blood, but they sure acted like it. He quickly excited the tub and got dressed. He said he forgot to take care of something on his horse and would be back in a while. Both said ok but they pleaded that he stay and enjoy the warm water.  He left out the front door.  He might not want to witness them murder each other but he wasn’t stupid. He walked around to the bath room window and watched through the shadows as both women now stood bare naked arguing with arms exaggerating every whispered word they said. They were only  standing a foot  apart and several times they moved close enough that he could see their slightly sagging breast nipples come into contact. Jennifers wet body with water dripping on the floor made for an enticing sight.  Both sets of nipples where razor hard, possibly from the cold or from touching in their heated argument.  He gave them several minutes to finish their battle of words and sadly nothing else transpired as Elizabeth did eventually get into the tub and begin to wash with Jennifer just splashing water as she left the room in a huff.
 Jed walked back to the front door and went to the living room where Jennifer was sitting back in her nightshirt.  “Sorry about that.” She said. Jed said not to worry, he had sisters of his own and knew how hard it was for hens to get along.  She started to talk about all the things Elizabeth had done to her over the years. They were the same age coming from separate parents but had been raised together since the age of 5. Just as Jennifer was beginning to spin a story of how Elizabeth had gotten stuck in a well as a child Elizabeth came into the room and plopped down on the couch next to her sister. She didn’t look to happy at the way the story telling was going so she changed it to some of Jennifer’s more humiliating  exploits.  Jed just sat across from them and listened. He got out his flask of whisky and took a few swigs and offered some to the girls who shared.
     Elizabeth and Jennifer competed for over an hour with each story being more embarrassing.  Finally Jennifer said “I’m cold.” She got up and pulled a knitted blanket down and draped it over her and her sister. The two girls sat on the couch and looked like they were cuddling except that when one told a funny story about the other girl he would notice a twitch under the blanket. They really where acting like sisters when Jennifer put her arm around her sister underneath the blanket and Elizabeth replied in kind.  For over an hour they cuddled and  told storied about each other and in the middle of several stories one of the other would have to stop mid sentence and casually glare at the other.  Then Jed caught on. They were pinching each other under the blanket. From the position of their hands they could have been half embracing  sitting side by side, but they were pinching and clawing at each other’s breasts stomachs and thighs.  Jed was feeling uncomfortable and it showed.  He tried to hide his growing errection behind his whisky flask  but the girls soon caught on.
      As Elizabeth noticed so did Jennifer. This stopped their story telling and both girls looked at each other.  Jennifer whispered to her sisters:“ he knows what your doing.” Elizabeth chortled in a whisper: “What I’m doing? Your just as guilty.” Elizabeth said “ it doesn’t matter, I think he likes it when we bicker. Look at the size of his dick.”
Jed, acting as if he was deaf just looked into his whisky flask.   Elizabeth whispered to her sister:“It’s not a bad thing, most men are this way. Two hens fighting over a rooster.”  The girls had shared most things in life, but men were not one of them.  It had been years since they saw a man in their age bracket, with the war, and living so far from civilization.  Jennifer just blurted out “ which one do you like better, her or me.” She jumped off of the couch to show off her body in the nightgown. He could see pinch marks in many places especially round her nipples and crotch area. They had been busy hand fighting pretty hard.
     Elizabeth jumped up, not to be out done by her sister and showed the same markings in her nightshirt. “Lot’s of class there soiled dove.”  The term soiled dove was used to imply prostitution and was quite offensive. Jennifer turned to slap her sister hard at that comment.  Jennifer slapped back and the two began to slap fight right in front of Jed. After several hard slaps both girls took up a stance with clawed hands outstretched .  They circled each other and right before they attacked Jed cleared his throat. They both looked at him and noticed his Johnson was only getting bigger. Elizabeth said “Oh, he does like it when we do the rough stuff. If I win I get him for the night.  if you win you get him.” Jennifer said “fine by me. “ Elizabeth said “deal” as she dove at her sister and the two ladies became hell cats as they slowly rolled around on the wooden floor. Their night shirts began riding up to they tensed and spread their legs to gain momentum as they rolled. Finally the thin material rose enough to expose their firm bottoms and a hint of their equally bushy beavers. They rolled slowly on the floor with hands in shoulder length hair and only stopped when they hit a piece of furniture of wall.  They stuggled with every roll as they were equally matched in size and weight and obviously strength. Fighting for dominance but not so much to seriously hurt the other. Jed watched in wonder, he was the prize. They hadn’t even asked if he approved or would go along with this agreement, but of course he would, he was a man.  They grunted and whispered all kinds of insults at each other as they continued to roll back and forth. Elizabeth had her legs freed from her nightshirt and tried swinging her leg over her sister to mount her but Jennifer was aware of this move and lifted her hip to bring her sister crashing back to the wood floor and renew her attack at her. Side by side both girls slapped and half kicked with their nightshirts exposing their soft bellies as they kicked with knees and slapped faces and pulled hair. 
     They locked fingers and continued to struggle on the floor for several moments before Jennifer managed to get her pretty little foot high enough to kick Elizabeth in her soft tummy causing her to lose her breath.  Jennifer quickly mounted her winded sister who was still laying on her side sitting her bare ass on her sisters waist. He pinned her sisters exposed hand and asked if Elizabeth gave.  Elizabeth began to struggle even harder kicking with all her might at the air. Jennifer reached behind herself and with a full swing smacked her sisters exposed ass.  Elizabeth tried bucking even harder so Jennifer smacked her ass, again. Elizabeth bucked even harder and began cursing. Jennifer laughed and said “ ya better give or I’m going to go digging for beaver, sissy.” Elizabeth screamed “No!”. Jennifer laughted again and looked to Jed, smiling she said “ you’re gonna love this.”  Jennifer reached behind herself again to her sisters crotch area and dug her hand between her sisters legs singing “ a hunting we will go, a hunting we will…Oh there it is. Hiding in it’s hole.” Elizabeth had tighten her thigh muscles but was unable to stop her sister from squeezing her fingers in and find her honeypot.  She howled in pain and managed to spin herself half way around as Jennifer stayed firmly on top. She made as if she was riding a bull and even said “gitty up, bully.”  Elizabeth had tears In her eyes and began begging, “Oh, I give, I give.” 
    Jennifer said “good girl, I know this is your weak spot.” She looked at her fallen sister and gently removed her hand from her sisters crotch area and gently pattered her ass. She looked up at Jed and had an evil grin on her face. You gonna pay up.  She looked at his package and said “you look like your fixin’ to explode. Let momma help you.” She crawled off her sister and helped Jed relieve his aching problem.
    Morning came and Elizabeth could be heard noisily in the kitchen making breakfast. As Jed slipped out of bed with Jennifer still sleeping Elizabeth was shy at making eye contact with him. Jed cleared his throat and greeted her. She looked at Jed and said “so, now you know our little secret.” Jed said “no shame in losing, you almost had her a few times.” She smiled and said “thank you.”  We really do love each other, but we sure do get competitive at times.  Jed said he realized this was how sisters, even those not by blood,  where.
     Elizabeth got up and after smacking Jed on the ass as she passed came over and gave her sister a hug and a kiss on the cheek. The girls had made up and the day’s chores had to be done.  Jed helped Jennifer with feeding the animals and he kept the subject on anything else but the events of last night. He had a great time but wanted to act as if this hadn’t happened. Jennifer waited and about an hour in to the chores she spouted “you do like it when we fight over you?” Jed cleared his throat and his cheeks turned red. She comforted him by saying “ don’t worry about it, darllin’. It ain’t about you as much as we like to compete over everything and you’re the only swinging pecker for over 100 miles, unless you talk about old man Wilson, he lives about 24 miles away but is like 50 years old.”  Jed was still silent but Jennifer was smiling “ we could SEE that you liked it, and that is a good thing. We can’t share and we won’t do a 3way, that would be so wrong.” She had an angry fire in her eyes as she said the last. Jed made a mental note not to ask for a ménage à trois.
    He went to go chop some wood after and had taken his shirt off. The women were busy making dinner and both watched as he chopped wood. Both liked what they saw and Jennifer asked “ how was it last night?” Elizabeth said “you mean after I beat that pretty ass of yours?” Jennifer shot her a look. Elizabeth said sorry and smiled. “It was nice, not the best but not the worst.”  Jennifer asked “ will you let me win tonight?” Elizabeth laughed “ not a chance, sister. If you want him you gotta fight me and win.” Jennifer rolled her eyes and said “Does it really does turn him on when we tussle?” Elizabeth said “ He’s a man so, yes. He was ready to blow his load before I pinned you.”  Jennifer laughed as she noted “ He was pretty hard when we argued earlier.
     The wood was cut and dinner was ready. After dinner the girls called him to the porch and asked him to get two switches. He looked confused but he complied with their request and went out and picked two good sized branches from the hickory tree and within 10 minutes he had two good sized switches in hand and headed back to the porch. Jennifer and Elizabeth where both standing there in old ratty britches with old ratty blouses on. They were bare foot standing on the dirt just in front of the porch. They told Jed to sit on the porch rocker and not get involved. They each took a switch and made sure they were close to the same size. The smiled at each other and began to circle. Taunting each other “come here, little girl.” “you come here, I’ve got a present for you.” “you’ve been a bad girl and your going to get a woopin’.”  They circled and mock swung at each other. Eventually Elizabeth went in with a swing and as she changed the angle of the attack at the last moment Jennifer countered and made contact with Elizabeth’s wrist. WACK! And Elizabeth let out a yelp and almost dropped her switch. Jennifer smiled and said “ oh, that must sting.” At that moment Elizabeth countered with a hit. Jennifer tried to move out of the way but ended up getting a good hit to her outer right thigh.  Back and forth they moved as bare feet kicked up dust and the girls danced in a circle. Not wanting to get to close to receive a switch strike but not too far to miss an opportunity to attack. Eventually Jennifer ended up connecting with Elizabeth as she turned to duck the strike and a strong hit was made to her ass. Elizabeth lost her smile and Jennifer gave her a “oh, poor baby” look.  Elizabeth tried to move in to get a good hit but Jennifer was a bit quicker and ended up getting her shoulder. Several moves and counter moves later Elizabeth swung at Jennifer and broke her switch on her sisters knee and almost went down.
    Jenifer had just lost her smile with that last hit and went in for the attack. She grabbed her sisters wrists and the two began to struggle near the front porch. Both girls where grunting as the pushed each other around and Jennifer finally tripped and fell with Elizabeth falling on her. They both scrambled toward each other and began to roll around. Elizabeth ended up getting on top of her sister pinning her down on her stomach. Jennifer watched as her pretty hair got close enough and she grabbed her sisters hair and tried to pull. Elizabeth let out a little yell and smacked her sisters face once than again and her hair was released. Elizabeth ended up sitting on her sisters back as she watched Jennifer squirm beneath her. She asked several times if Jennifer gave. Even from this distance he could see Jennifer was getting mad. Red faced mad. It was apparent that Jennifer was acting like a younger sister and was able to loose gracefully. Elizabeth saw it, too. She gave Jennifer a few minutes to try and escape but when it was apparent she was stuck on her belly she took her sister hand and started playing the “quit hitting yourself game.”
       Jennifer finally gave with a tirade of profanity that would have caused a sailor to blush. As Elizabeth got up Jennifer got up and started to make her way to attack her sister when Elizabeth yelled “that’s not how it works!” Jennifer backed up and said “tomorrow.” Elizabeth replied “tomorrow, you’ll get your turn.”  Though both girls where sore the only true hurt Jennifer felt was her ego.  Elizabeth had an evening with Jed and Jed was pleased. It turned out they did the switch fight as a way to spice it up for him. He explained he wasn’t all about that but when pressured he did give some ideas for them for tomorrow.  Jed didn’t come right out and say it, but Elizabeth was good at reading people, especially men.
    Moring came and breakfast was great. He was getting strong and had talked of needing to move on. Both women tried to talk him out of it but he had important business to attend to. Chores where done and dinner was had and the girls asked him to get into the living room and set up some of the blankets on the floor. Both women went into the back bedroom and came out naked as j birds. Raven hair and green eyes countered blonde hair and blue eyes. They were both fairly short but well-built for their their size. They both looked at him and told him to strip. The winner tonight would have sex with him and the loser would watch.  Jed complied and was told to sit down as both sisters through marriage circled each other. Welts from the switch fight and other little bruises from their pinch fight where still apparent. They circled and bounced causing their firm but slightly sagging breasts to jiggle.
     They met and exchanged swings. Most missing as they were not good at the boxing apparently. They changed to hair pulling and began yanking each other by the head causing both to bend half over. They pulled and the other countered. Bare feet thudded into blanket covered floors. Jennifer was winning as she began to yank hard and gain leverage. Elizabeth changed tactics and pushed into Jennifer letting go of her hair hold and bare hugged Jennifer. Jennifer lost her hair hold and hugged back. Locked in a mutual bear hug their breasts clashed together as they danced around the room. Several times Jed almost got a face full of ass as they pushed and pulled in their mutual hug. Eventually legs came into play as they tried to trip one another and did eventually topple over on top of Jed. The ended up on the floor rolling body to body as their bush hair pressed together. Smacking each other backs and battling for the top to pin the other. Jennifer ended up on top of Elizabeth but Elizabeth had her legs around her sisters waist. She squeezed hard and soon Jennifer was fighting to her sisters legs unlocked. Jennifer in a fit of panic started closed fist punching her sister’s thighs to no avail. She was having trouble breathing and resorted to placing a hand on her sisters vagina and start to claw. Elizabeth howled and with surprising flexibility grabbed Jennifer’s  head with both hands and while flipping her legs did smash her sisters head into the floor.
       Both girls were slow to recover and got on their knees to face each other. Messed up hair and heavy breathing their hands were up as they collided together in a flurry of smacks and scratching. Breasts where fair game as they took turns mauling each other’s tits not being gentle with nails and smacks.  They began to trash talk about how saggy the others breasts where. How old and fat the others stomachs where. Jed couldn’t tell much difference in both the mature women’s builds. Jennifer turned her head to Jed and said “my tits are much better than hers, aren’t they?” Elizabeth said “ no, he likes mine better.” Jed was wise in not answering.
    They stopped swinging and first Elizabeth and then Jennifer put their hands to their sides. They inched forward on knees and Jed was pleasantly surprised when the clashed their pretty breasts together. They did this many times with most hits giving a very satisfying sound of flesh hitting flesh. Each time they collided their massive breasts would compress.  Nipples jabbed into nipples and breast flesh. The smacks where loud and each girl gave a grunt with each hit. This breast ramming continued until Elizabeth lost her balance and ended up falling backwards with Jennifer not continuing the attack but sitting down on the floor. She smiled and said “round to me.”
     Both girls sat on the blanketed floor and brought the soles of their feet up and touched toes. They put hands behind their backs and began to push with all their might. They bent legs as the soles of their feet pressed together giving an excellent view of their straining calves and thigh muscles. As their legs spread he could make out the seat of their pussy lips through the untrimmed bush both women sported. Jennifer was the first to cry in pain as Elizabeth had gained the advantage and was forcing Jennifer’s legs painfully up and she had backed herself into the couch. She cried more and yelled that she gave.
    The girls where breathing very hard at this point. Messed up hair gave them a wild look but these battle cats had not shown signs of quitting, yet. They met back on the floor for what Jed had come to believe would be another leg test of strength but instead of pressing their feet together they scissored their legs and brought their womehoods to within an inch of each other. Both looked at the other to see that they were ready and both stole a look at Jed to confirm what they had thought. His dick was as hard as a rock. This fired their ability and desire to finish the other. Jennifer said “ I’ll fight your pussy with mine for that handsome piece of wood.” Her sister through marriage said “ My pussy will batter yours for that cock.” They pressed them together as their bodies tensed. Toes began to curl as they jabbed and rammed their crotches together. The slapping sound of flesh on flesh sounded sweat. He was torn between watching the painful look for pain and the steely eye contact each was giving the other and the violent bouncing of their breasts with each hit. Their pubic hair blocked much of the view but he did notice the wetness of their womanly juices beginning to build like dew on their pubis hair and felt a weird wonderment that two women were battling for his genitalia with their own. This was a primal sexfight/catfight. Not for pleasure but to dominate the other women with their own womanly parts.
    The pain and pleasure was intent on both faces as they lost track of Jed. They were now intimately engaged in each other. Several times instead of ramming they just pressed their pelvis together and pushed. When they released a sucking sound could be heard as their lips through full pubic hair released. Jennifer said “mine is sucking your juices right out of you.” Elizabeth spouted  back “looks like my cock trap is winning.” The vixen’s continued their battle  until Jennifer upped the ante and sat up and began clawing at Elizabeth’s stomach. Elizabeth, not willing to be outmatched sat up and they continued to scratch and claw at each other as their cxnts pressed together. Several times coming into a full embrace as their breasts pressed together as their purses pressed hard into the other. They couldn’t hold this position for long and ended up swinging and clawing at each other. They ended up rolling to the side and lay side by side with thigh trapping thigh as they fought with open hands smacking and scratching at the others stomach breasts and arms. Eventually finger locking as they lay intertwined each trying to squeeze the others thigh in-between their own. Again Jennifer changed tactics and went for Elizabeth’s thighs to try and unwind the coil on her own. Elizabeth was ready with an attack of her own, but not on Jennifer’s thighs but on her crotch. Jennifer countered as the both attempted to attack the others pussy area. Pain overcame them both as they mutually released and slowly rolled over to end up on all fours as they acted catlike and began to almost his at each other.
    The beautifully round ass’ where a sight to see and their hairy bush was quite a site as they were on hands and knees.  Jed cleared his throat and suggested this might be a night for a draw. Both women shot him a look that made him sit back down on the couch and let the ladies finish this themselves. He sat back down and both, being convinced he wasn’t about to do something stupid like interfere turned their attention back to each other. They made eye contact and immediately rushed at each other. Bodies crashed as the two sexy women, sisters through marriage only, coiled in snake like fashion. Breast on breast, stomach to stomach and crotch to crotch they fought as hard as they could. It was almost a minute of full body contact till Jennifer got the upper hand and managed to pry a hand in-between their bodies and Make a plunging motion to Elizabeth’s pussy. Elizabeth screamed in pain as she had dug her nails deep and by instinct Elizabeth brought a knee up and slammed into Jennifer’s crotch. Jennifer froze for a second and as the pain registered she let out a blood curdling yell and rolled over.
      Elizabeth had just enough energy to pin her wounded foe as Jennifer was doubled over in pain. Jennifer gave after regaining the ability to breath and Elizabeth got to enjoy their last night with Jed and had the double pleasure of having her sister watch.   
« Last Edit: March 08, 2019, 06:35:29 AM by ooreach »


Offline bigmack

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Re: western tale.
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2019, 03:19:42 PM »
Another great story .. Thanks again


Offline tangocash123

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Re: western tale.
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2019, 08:39:05 PM »
Fantastic story! You've captured one of my favourite fantasies; wild primal catfighting  over a man. Love the way they respond to his evident arousal as they tussle over him. I look foward to reading more of your extremely erotic tales.