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Mountain Mayhem???

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Re: Mountain Mayhem???
« Reply #45 on: January 16, 2021, 04:50:13 PM »
Every so often, I go on a search to see if MMC vids are out there somewhere, but I come up empty everytime. This thread gave me a bit of hope seems as though mmc being mysteriously shutdown has left some of us wanting more. That quisha page story, true or not, is wild. Either way, if anyone has any way of helping me out, dm me, email me, or reply. Thanks


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Re: Mountain Mayhem???
« Reply #46 on: July 30, 2021, 06:53:05 PM »
I'm looking for tia lings matches in MMC if anyone can help (the ones where she was lactating)


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Re: Mountain Mayhem???
« Reply #47 on: July 18, 2022, 06:07:19 PM »
Hey, reviving this old thread - I'm also looking for MMC if anyone still has


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Re: Mountain Mayhem???
« Reply #48 on: December 24, 2024, 10:17:03 PM »
Quisha was awesome, but should have lost a few matches that she was scripted to win. Would have made for a better storyline at Sabre.

 I woulda loved seeing Quisha holding onto the Women's Topless Wrestling Championship title belt at least as long just like Fabulous Moolah did,maybe even longer...
 Both of those female wrestlers had similar bodies,both being somewhat bigger & heavier than most other girls they faced,which you'd expect the Champion to have,maybe...
 Quisha could've successfully defended her title again & again for quite a few years in a couple different ways,either she coulda been portrayed as the girl who always dominated every challenger she faced the majority of every wrestling match ,using her larger body size to slowly wear down her opponent's until she could eventually finish them off to retain her Title Belt...
 Although,seeing as there's quite a lot of people around ,myself included ,that prefer seeing Quisha taking the majority of the total punishment whenever she's wrestling,a much better,much more realistic,much more enjoyable scenario (At least much more enjoyable for all of us who prefer watching Quisha getting worked over much more than she's working her opponent's over every time she's wrestling,LOL) woulda been portraying Quisha as the girl who always takes the majority of the punishment early on , who needs to resort to using every illegal tactic in the book she thinks she can get away with using who somehow eventually escapes with the victory to retain her Title Belt...
 Personally,I'd much prefer that latter scenario,simply because,IMHO,nobody else around looks nearly as sexy as Quisha always looks taking the punishment......   