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When reading a fight that someone has written, what kind of fight do you prefer?

  • 15 Replies

Offline WriteThisWay

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Nobody has explained yet in which way this is a celebrity poll fight, and why this is still here?

While the QUESTION isn't "celebrity specific" it asks what kind of fight you prefer reading.... which can apply equally to celebrity AND non-celebrity fights. Personally, I don't see any reason why it SHOULDN'T be here, since there's a reasonable likelihood many readers of the celebrity thread might not read other fight threads. Also, the poster indicated he/she may post celebrity stories here and is asking for help in writing them.

Seems more like a "no harm, no foul" to me. (If the administrators disagree with me, it won't be the first time...or last either!) Just stating an OPINION.

Nice and dandy, except that ignores the "YouTube creator" effect. In short, it describes channels from back in the day when Google didn't care if non-family friendly content could be monetized so a bunch of clickbait started to pop up to capitalize on a trend. The "harm" here is that there are no shortcuts to establishing a style writers usually spend years to create. The question is vague because it both targets what readers like, but also suggests the emulation of a certain style that can border on plagiarism, that authors ideally should never strive for.

My reason not to read many celebrity stories is due to the lack of studying a person's actual character, that makes it a story featuring a celebrity "as seen on TV". In the '90s, writing that Naomi Campbell would go and rough up someone wasn't an outlandish idea, it's pretty well reported how many court cases her short temper brought her, and that cannot or rather shouldn't be copied onto a different celebrity. Ideally writing isn't just a technical process, and that works best if one's voice has been found.

What the hell are you talking about? Do you ever make any sense, or is it just one insane detachment from reality after another?