Julie Catfighter & Julie BreastPunch stared at each other for what seemed to be hours, but in fact it had only been a few minutes. Both women took an automatic dislike to each other the moment they had met. Like two cats who have just been introduced, they went thru the game of establishing the pecking order. The other friends in the group did not pick up on the slight catty remarks each made to the other, but the meaning behind the words were crystal clear to the women.
The time together had worn on, as each of them fought the desire to get her claws into the other. When they were close enough to touch, Julie Catfighter took it upon herself to bump her hip into Julie BreastPunch causing her to spill her drink down her tight top. Julie BreastPunch's eyes flew fully open, as her first reaction was to reach out and slap the bitch for the embarrassment. But her culture came into play, and she just quietly excused herself to go get cleaned up.
Time went quickly after the first engagement, and everyone started to go home. As the 2 disappointed vixens made their way to their cars, Julie Catfighter made sure to flip Julie BreastPunch off, as she climbed into her car, and drove away. Julie Catfighter turns on the radio, and sings along with Elton John to "The bitch is back" she noticed a set of head lights coming up from behind. They kept getting closer and closer, and as Julie Catfighter starts to think they need to slow down, there is a gentle tap on back of her car. "Shit!" screams Julie Catfighter, as she forgets about the music, and concentrates on the car behind her. The car passes her, and then cuts her off, forcing her to go to the side of the road, almost side swiping a tree. Julie Catfighter jumps out of the car, cursing like a sailor on leave. The other car has stopped about 50 yards in front of her, and the head lights go out. From the darkness Julie Catfighter hears a almost purrrrring voice say "I see you have no manners, and the slut who raised you surely never taught you about being a lady"
Julie Catfighter knew who owned the voice, as she tried to get her eyes to adjust to the darkness...it was Julie BreastPunch. Julie Catfighter stood there, her hands on her hips as she saw Julie BreastPunch walk up. "What the fuck do you think you're doing you bitch, you almost killed me!" "Please forgive me" the voice answers "I could think of no other way to get you alone, and let us settle this like honorable ladies do, in private away from gawking eyes." Julie BreastPunch looks around the deserted country road and smiles to herself "I think I have picked the right place"
Julie Catfighter, not willing to let her get away with this, boldly walks up to Julie BreastPunch, and locks eyes with the woman. "Whenever you're ready, we can get started"
Julie Catfighter was dressed in faded Levi's (after seeing her look alike in the banned commercial, Julie Catfighter had ideas she could be the next Levi's chick) and a tight form fitting concert t-shirt tied at the waist to show off her firm tummy. A small gold chain was threaded through the belt loops and acted as a belt. Julie BreastPunch was dressed a bit more conservatively, a pair of black pants, and a white blouse, tucked into the waist.
Both women looked deep into each other’s eyes, waiting for the contest to begin. They immediately sunk their hands into each other's hair and started yanking back and forth. Julie Catfighter was screaming in what seemed to be a combination of pain and aggressiveness.
The women yanked and pulled in a weird dance of pain as they each sought an advantage. It was Julie BreastPunch who gained the upper-hand first. Using Julie Catfighter's thick, blonde hair for leverage, Sue twisted her head down to clamp on a tight side headlock. Julie Catfighter wiggled in an attempt to get loose, but it didn't work. Suddenly, Julie BreastPunch screeched in pain and her head snapped back. Julie Catfighter had also gone for the hair, giving a rough and unexpected yank to her foes long dark mane. The two girls were a tangle of arms and legs for close to a minute until they ended up in a precarious position. Julie BreastPunch had Julie Catfighter bent over sideways in a combination ab-stretch and chokehold. Julie Catfighter, twisted in a painful position, struggled and gasped for air. All Julie BreastPunch needed to do was lean back a little more and the pressure on the woman's spine would have easily brought a scream of "I QUIT!” But instead, she actually leaned forward a little.
Julie Catfighter Reached up to grab Julie BreastPunch's hair and hooking her arm around a knee, Julie Catfighter simply had to shift her weight a little to bring her opponent over her shoulder and send her crashing onto the ground. Julie BreastPunch hit hard. With the tide of the battle now swinging in her favor, Julie Catfighter smartly wasted no time in
attacking Julie BreastPunch... Julie Catfighter grabs a hold of the back of Julie BreastPunch’s blouse, pulling it up and out of the waistband, letting go of the blouse, Julie Catfighter spies Julie BreastPunch’s belly button, a perfect target. Julie Catfighter dropped down to her knees while putting the full force of her weight behind an elbow smash to the pit of Julie BreastPunch’s stomach. Convulsing from the blow, Julie BreastPunch was unable to defend herself as Julie Catfighter quickly got to her feet and attacked again. Continuing her stomach attack, she crashed down with a double-fist to the belly button. The blow brought a grunt from her victim. Julie Catfighter gets to her feet once more. This time she leaped into the air to get more power behind her blow and dropped down with a powerful forearm smash directly across Julie BreastPunch’s chest. She yelped as her breasts took the full-force of the blow.
Julie Catfighter didn't miss a beat. With Julie BreastPunch reeling from the attack, Julie Catfighter now stayed on her knees and roughly grabbed her victim's throat with both hands. Julie BreastPunch’s gasps could be heard echoing down the deserted country road, as she tried to pry the strong hands from her windpipe. But the look on Julie Catfighter's face told her that she wasn't going to let go that easily. Gritting her teeth and pouring on the pressure, Julie BreastPunch, out of nowhere throws her head up, and clips Julie Catfighter under her chin, dazing her. Julie BreastPunch took a hold of the knot on Julie Catfighter's t-shirt, and hit her across the jaw with an earth moving roundhouse punch. Julie Catfighter's eyes started to roll, as Julie BreastPunch hit her again. Julie Catfighter goes limp, as Julie BreastPunch starts to shred the t-shirt, grabbing a hold of the tit flesh Julie BreastPunch attacks Julie Catfighter's perfectly shaped nipples, causing a blood curdling scream to escape from Julie Catfighter's now bloody lips. Julie Catfighter, looking through eye half closed in pain, grabs the neck of Julie BreastPunch’s top, and rips it down the middle revealing her tits. The next few minutes have both women leaning against each other’s shoulders sobbing at the torture each was inflicting on the others tits. Gasping for air, they mutually decide to stop the torture, and scamper away from each other. Kneeling on the ground, inspecting the damage that had been done, the vixens eye each other from afar. Each knowing this would not be the end of the bloodshed this night. Julie Catfighter stands up first, and tosses the remains of her t-shirt away. Looking Julie BreastPunch in the eyes, she tells her to "come on bitch!" Julie BreastPunch stands, and strips off her blouse, and tosses it aside also. She crooks a finger at Julie Catfighter to come on.
Julie Catfighter slowly walks towards the dark haired beauty, and before Julie BreastPunch could think about what was happening, kicked her directly between the legs. Julie BreastPunch screams and drops to the ground, her womanhood on fire. Julie Catfighter with an evil grin, grabs her helpless victim by the hair, and pulls her up. Julie BreastPunch is dead weight, and the only thing bringing her to her feet is the roots of her hair. Halfway to her knees, Julie BreastPunch set her teeth into Julie Catfighter's unprotected belly. Julie Catfighter screams and starts to rain blows down on Julie BreastPunch’s head, but Julie BreastPunch refuses to let go. Ow you slut, I will rip your tits off! Julie BreastPunch head buts Julie Catfighter in her belly, causing the woman to lose her balance and fall back on her ass and her head. Julie BreastPunch, climbs over Julie Catfighter, and unhook the gold chain the girl was using as a belt. She pulls it free, and stands up. Undoing her jeans, she pulls them completely off the dazed victim. Revealing black lace thong. Julie BreastPunch laughs and says "it figures a whore would wear a whore’s underwear. Julie Catfighter starts to come to, trying to clear her head, and decide what to do. Julie BreastPunch decides to take things into her own hands, he slowly strips her own pants off and shedding her white panties, she goes to mount Julie Catfighter's chest; she softly purrs "You have a choice bitch, either eat me, or I have other things in store for your worthless ass!
Julie Catfighter could only stare defiantly at her attacker. Julie BreastPunch grabs the woman by the hair, and tries to force her to lick her swollen wetness. Julie Catfighter still got some fight in her, latches her teeth on the inside thigh, forcing a scream from Julie BreastPunch. Julie BreastPunch jumps up, and starts to whip Julie Catfighter with her gold chain. Welts form along her ass, thighs and hips, as Julie BreastPunch refuses to let Julie Catfighter get away with this! As the chain lands, Julie Catfighter screeches with pain and agony. Finally she passes out from the torture. Just for good measure, she gives Julie Catfighter's clit an evil twist, before getting up off the fallen woman. As she walks off to her car, she drops a business card beside her beaten foe. As she gets into her car, she tells Julie Catfighter that she can be reached at that number, if she wants to talk about getting her gold chain back, and the damage for the car fixed. Julie BreastPunch drives off...knowing deep inside her well satisfied belly, they would indeed meet again.