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16. G.L.O.W. X - Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling X Rated - Talent Roster - Part 2

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Offline Donnadoes

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G.L.O.W. X - Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling X Rated

Talent Roster

Part 2

   "Guys. We should really do this. You sent me over to Japan to work for that Battle whatever company and learn about this industry by fighting the best. So I did. Let's not waste this." I spoke with a sigh, feeling as if I was addressing children and not two, fully grown men.

   Jacky sat up smiling with a light in his eyes, pointing at Tom. "Battlebelles!"

   "No, no, no." Tom shook his head with a frown. "More like Battlebitches or something like that."

   "Guys. GUYS! Let's stay focused." I said looking from one to the other.

   They both nodded, sitting up straight in their chairs at the table. Tom adjusting the thick glasses on his nose over a full, brown moustache that had grown back recently. Jacky fixed his feathered back blonde hair with both hands.

   "Okay. So let's start with..."

   Jacky interrupted immediately. "Do we really have to go through the entire roster?"

   "It's only a dozen or so fighters." I blinked giving him a blank stare.

   He shrugged back smiling. "Right. So there's no real need to go through the whole thing! I mean, we don't have to go over every single one. Right? That seems excessive."

   "Jacky. It's a talent roster run down and synopsis." I spoke slowly in a dry tone. "The whole point is to go over every single fighter."

   Tom shook his head taking off his thick glasses and brushing his thick, brown hair back with one hand. "Okay Donna. Where do you want to start here?"

   "Who or what is BBW Incorporated?"

   Jacky thought on it before replying "That's the two big chicks, right?"

   I shook my head with a sigh, rolling my eyes. Looking away from Jacky and at Tom instead, as usual.

   "Right, right. I know this! Hold on." Tom said running a finger over his moustache like he did when deep in thought. "Big Barbara Bauer. That's the blonde. Now what's the brunette's name? Uhmm.. Jo.. Joanne.."

   Jacky quickly chimed in "Joanna Queens! That's the british brunette with BIG cahoonas."

   "Do you guys not even know or remember who you hired?"

   They stared at me blankly then looked at each other then back at me again. Jacky mumbled "Well, one can't be expected to remember every little detail."

   "Everyone else is complaining about those two interfering in each other's matches. Especially when it looks like one of them might lose."

   "Oh come on, Donna! Who is everyone?"

   "All the other women on the roster."

   "You talked to them?"

   "Everyone except those two. They were the only fighters not working out in the gym when I went around and introduced myself to everyone."

   Both Tom and Jacky stared at me in shock with an expression that said 'What did you do that for?'

   "Well, they are heels." Tom said with a shrug. "You know how that goes sometimes, Donna."

   "Yeah, we heard you were quite the heel in Japan." Jacky put in his two cents as usual.

   With a deep sigh I brushed back my short, red bangs and rubbed the band aid over my right eye just above the brow on my forehead. The cut underneath was almost healed over but it still hurt sometimes. Especially when I was tense and stressed.

   "Okay. So let's talk about this GI Jane." I said after finding the name on my copy of the list. "She told me you guys made up her image, right? Not bad."

   They both sat up straighter in their chairs with growing smiles on their faces. Clearly pleased with themselves and more than happy to receive any praise.

   "Now I just have one question." I continued. "I asked her and she didn't know either. Is her character supposed to be a heel, bad girl or a baby face, good girl?"

   Jacky looked up at the ceiling. "Well, she's sort of an in between character, Donna."

   "Right. But you're booking her against both baby faces and heels, back and forth all the time. So the fans never know whether to boo or cheer for her."

   They both gave me more blank stares so I continued. "It's just a shame because she gets a good reaction either way. The crowds just get confused when one show she's booked against a baby face opponent and then the next show against a heel."

   "So what are you saying exactly, Donna?" Asked Tom.

   "Start consistently putting her in matches against either all baby faces or all heels. Stop switching back and forth. Maybe even feud her against someone so it really establishes her as either a good girl or a bad girl."

   More silence as they both stared at me blinking.

   "It's called product review and critique, guys. It's not hard to do when we produce VHS videos of all our events and matches." 

   Jacky sat up pulling his chair back from the desk, starting to stand up. "I think I need to..."

   "You need to sit down and shut up right now, Jacky." I said bluntly. He quietly sat down again. I nodded. "Now what about this Lyanna chick? What is her image exactly?"

   "She's the Tattoo Woman!" Jacky said indignantly.

   Tom nodded as if to say 'duh!'

   "Can't we come up with something better than that for her?" I asked, shaking my head. "She looks amazing. Surely we can do better than the Tattoo Woman."

   Jacky shook his head, folding both arms across his chest while slumping back in the chair. "I don't know what's wrong with it, Donna."

   "It sucks. That's what's wrong with it, Jacky. I mean, look at her. She's gorgeous! If it wasn't for the tattoos, she could be a super model. That body, those dark blue eyes. Even the blue hair. She's not just hot, she's sizzling!"

   "I think it's teal actually." Jacky muttered, looking down at the table.

   "I was thinking it was more of a bluish green." Tom said.

   Jacky nodded emphatically at him. "That's what I said! Teal!"

   "Isn't that.."

   "Okay guys, stop! Just STOP."

   Silence again.

   When it was clear neither of them had anything more to say I spoke up. "Well, I talked to Lyanna. She's really nice and she's more than happy to do anything with her image and character within reason."

   "Well you certainly seem to have all the answers, Donna." Said Jacky in a bitter tone. "What kind of character do you think she should have then?"   

   "The obvious is a witch but my first thought was to call her the Black Cat. She has big, feline-like eyes. With those black bikinis and fish nest stockings she's always wearing, it fits."

   He sat up in his chair looking surprised. "You know, that's not bad! That's not bad at all."

   "She could do her face all up in black cat make up with whiskers and a black nose. Even have a long black tail hanging out the back of her thong." As I continued, Jacky nodded with a growing smile on his face.

   "Do you think she'd go for it?" He asked after I described to him a rip off of the Tiger Woman image I did in Japan but for a Black Cat theme instead.

   I laughed, nodding. "She likes it. Actually, she said she knows a place to get contacts that look like cat's eyes."

   "That's PERFECT!" He exclaimed.

   And from the big smile on Jacky's face, I knew I had him on board with me. At least for now, anyway.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2019, 01:45:57 AM by Donnadoes »


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Nice to see you back. I Look forward to this developing fed.
Writer of catfight and wrestling stories.