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Katrina Kaif vs Priyanka Chopra (catfight)

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Offline Karan

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Katrina Kaif vs Priyanka Chopra (catfight)
« on: May 04, 2019, 04:52:41 AM »

The ringside official sounds the bell and the match begins. Each fighter without hesitation moves out of her corner to engage her opponent. After some initial parries and thrusts Priyanka reaches out and secures a reverse headlock on Katrina, simultaneously kneeing her in the stomach to get Katrina to further bend over. Katrina is surprised that those thighs can pack such a forceful punch. Priyanka plants two more Kneelifts into the belly of the bent-over Katrina, and then pushing the brunette’s head a little lower, Priyanka released the headlock and shoved Katrina’s head between her thighs and squeezed them inward. Now Katrina is even more impressed with her opponent’s leg strength, as the velvety vise of constricting thighs crushes inward upon her skull. After making sure the standing head scissors was clamped securely in place, Priyanka raised her arms upward in a big celebratory “V” gesture and smiled as the audience cheered.
Katrina began to try to stand up and pick Priyanka up off the mat, but Priyanka would have none of it, and began slamming two-fisted ax-handle punches onto Katrina’s back until Katrina was forced to relent in her lifting attempts. Priyanka brought her fists way up high and brought them down, smashing one last spine-crushing double-fisted ax-handle punch to Katrina’s back while simultaneously releasing the head scissors, and Katrina collapsed belly-down onto the mat, holding her back in pain.
Priyanka stood along side her opponent and dropped both her knees down onto Katrina’s back. The brunette howled in pain. Priyanka stood back up and once more did a double-knee-drop to the same spot on Katrina’s back. Once more Katrina cried out. Priyanka stood up and dropped her knees back down onto Katrina yet a third time. Only this time she remained sitting on Katrina’s back with her knees poking into the brutalized flesh. Priyanka reached to either side of her and wrapped one arm around the front of Katrina’s collarbone and the other around the front of Katrina’s thighs, and began to try to matchbook Katrina in the wrong direction. Katrina cut loose with another screech as Priyanka continued with the back-breaking move. But the on-the-mat Backbreaker did not give Priyanka enough leverage – and her arms were not strong enough – to do a proper job of snapping Katrina in half. So Priyanka decided to try something else, much to the relief of Katrina.
Priyanka flipped Katrina over onto her back, then lifted her up and draped her over an outstretched knee. Then Priyanka with one hand on Katrina’s chest and the other on her thigh continued to once again focus on destroying Katrina’s back. This over-the-knee Backbreaker by Priyanka drove Katrina into new realms of pain. The audience was loving it – somewhat surprised for sure – but still enjoying seeing the mighty Katrina on the losing end for a change. Priyanka was making a statement tonight! And Katrina couldn’t believe she was being handled like this.

Using the hand on Katrina’s chest, Priyanka ripped off her foe’s black bikini top. She then grabbed one of Katrina’s well-rounded boobs and used it as a handhold for continuing to pressure the Backbreaker downward, causing the tit-flesh to stretch upward. Katrina let out a screech.
“Why don’t you submit,” Priyanka suggested as she gritted her teeth and pushed down harder. “And we can both go home early.”
“Submit? Actually I’m enjoying this. Please continue.” Katrina defiantly replied, managing to put a smile on her face.
Annoyed with her foe’s sarcasm, Priyanka said, “Well, there ARE other ways to end these affairs.” And she stood up letting Katrina’s body tumble to the mat.
Priyanka reached down and grabbed a wrist of Katrina and hauled her back up to her feet and immediately took that same hand and twisted up and around, Hammerlocking it painfully behind Katrina’s back. The brunette grimaced as Priyanka shoved upward on the hold with both hands. Then Priyanka removed one of her hands and while keeping the Hammerlock tightly in pace hooked the other arm tightly around the front of Katrina’s neck and pulled backward. Katrina’s one free hand went up to try to pry the imprisoning arm off of her throat.
Then Priyanka released the Hammerlock – but the freed arm of Katrina was painfully contorted enough to be temporarily useless to her. Priyanka then took the arm that had been Hammerlocking Katrina and used it in combination with the arm wrapped around the front of Katrina’s neck to execute a Sleeperhold.
Katrina knew she had to act fast or else lose consciousness -- and the match. An unthinkable outcome for her. She tried to ram an elbow backwards into Priyanka but she dodged it. Then Priyanka tightened the sleeper and leaned way backward pulling Katrina’s feet right off the mat and shaking her back and forth. Katrina began to see stars. Priyanka lowered Katrina back down to the mat and the desperate brunette immediately planted her feet and slammed an elbow back into Priyanka and this time she connected!
Just the day before Priyanka had sniffed dismissively at those pre-fight hype videos showing Katrina doing those reps of 35-pound dumbell rows. But now she was directly feeling the results of Katrina’s arduous strength-conditioning. The elbow-slam into her ribs felt to Priyanka like someone had just swung a lead sash-weight into her. It took her breath away, and her eyes opened wide and began watering. But still she clung to the Sleeperhold hoping to end the fight with it. Once more Katrina slammed a big elbow back into Priyanka into the same spot on her torso and this time Priyanka screamed when it landed. It felt like a rib-bone had caved in from the tremendous force of the blow. Priyanka tried to maintain the Sleeperhold, but the devastation wrought by the two elbow blasts was too much. Her Sleeperhold was now only loosely maintained and Katrina pried it off of her with contemptuous ease.
Katrina kept hold of the arm of Priyanka, which she had just pulled from around her neck, and pulled it out to the side in an Armbar. Katrina yanked the arm outward as Priyanka gasped, feeling as though her humerus bone was going to be pulled out of her shoulder socket. Katrina yanked hard again trying to wrench the arm off Priyanka’s body. When Katrina began to cruelly twist the arm as if she were wringing out a wet towel. Priyanka screamed. Then, still holding the arm, Katrina smashed a kick upward into Priyanka’s stomach, then a second, and finally a third upward kick so powerful that it lifted Priyanka’s feet off the mat.
Katrina whipped Priyanka into the ropes and as she came flying back outward Katrina lifted the model off her feet, held her in mid-air for a spectacular moment, then slammed her backbone across her extended knee. Then the brunette wildcat shoved Priyanka off onto the mat in a crumpled heap. Katrina strutted around the moaning figure of Priyanka; she smiled with her arms raised triumphantly. The audience showered her with boo’s and catcalls. Katrina leapt upward and came crashing down onto Priyanka, Katrina’s well-rounded ass smashing down directly onto Priyanka’s taut stomach causing a tremendous “oof!”and jackknife of Priyanka’s body.
Katrina gracefully spun off of her perch on top of Priyanka and the next thing Priyanka knew, Katrina’s legs were wrapped tightly around her injured stomach. Katrina gave her a sample of her power with a mighty squeeze that caused Priyanka to throw her head back, loudly crying out, “aaarhhh!”
“You think that hurts, sweetcakes?” crowed Katrina. “Wait til I really get going.” She smiled, gritted her teeth and really poured on the leg-power. Priyanka’s mouth opened wide in a silent scream, never having experienced such a powerful body scissors before. She let out a loud gasp as the savage brunette reached out and grabbed her head and pulled her face into her ample bosom, maintaining the crushing Waist Scissors.
Hearing Priyanka’s muffled screams, Katrina chuckled, “Having trouble breathing?” Then laughed cruelly. She probably could have ended the match then and there, knocking out her opponent. But instead she released both scissors and breast smother and stood up. Priyanka sucked air into her lungs.
Smiling evilly, Katrina kicked Priyanka onto her stomach. Then the brunette villainess crouched upon the Priyanka’s back. She violently jerked Priyanka’s arms back and under her knees. Then Katrina reached forward and clutched her hands under the model’s chin and began to pull backwards. Priyanka’s initial gasps of pain soon turned into screams of agony.
Katrina determinedly pulled back on the camel clutch, not caring if she snapped a spine or not. But Priyanka still had some gumption in her: “I won’t submit, you bitch, no matter what you do, you hear me?”
“Ha, ha, ha,” Katrina laughed. “Do you think I’m doing this to make you submit? Shit girl, this is just for the fun of it – no, I’ll show you how I’m going to finish you off. Right now.”
And Katrina released the punishing hold and stood up. She reached down and grabbed Priyanka by her long tresses and dragged her to her feet. Once the wobbling Priyanka was upright, Katrina clamped on a tight bear hug. Priyanka groaned.
The shapely brunette mockingly declared, “Nothing I like more than snuffing a girl out in my signature bear hug.” And she ratcheted up the pressure.
“Oh my God!” moaned Priyanka, as she experienced arguably the most powerful Bearhug.
Katrina grinned as she ground Priyanka’s body into her. Priyanka’s breasts weakly flattened under the assault of Katrina’s more powerful mammaries. Belly to belly, hip to hip, Katrina poured on the pressure. With a grunt, the brunette leaned back and lifted Priyanka off the mat, continuing to squeeze.
As Katrina continued to squeeze, she began to experience erotic stirrings in her loins. An openly avowed bixesual, Katrina’s  heel was her enjoyment of close bodily contact with her female foes. Her eyes fluttered and closed as she unconsciously allowed her Bearhug to transform from a crushing match-ender into a sexual encounter. Slowly, Priyanka was lowered back to the mat. She sensed the transformation to be sure. Katrina’s Bearhug still held Priyanka in a vise-like grip, but Priyanka noticed Katrina’s heavy-lidded drooling as she tightly held the model’s long, sexy body. Katrina opened her lipsticked mouth and brought it forward towards Priyanka’s lips, seeking the additional stimulation of devouring her prey.
Priyanka felt Katrina’s grip loosening slightly. Sensing this was her last chance, she quickly gripped her arms around the aroused Katrina and hoisted her upward and smashed Katrina’s wet pussy onto her upraised knee. Katrina’s eyes opened wide in shock and pain. Priyanka followed up with a second atomic drop, crunching Katrina’s pubic bone on to her knee. Katrina stumbled backward.
Priyanka stepped forward, grabbed Katrina’s head and plunged it downward onto an up-rushing Kneelift that knocked Katrina halfway across the ring.
Katrina got to her hands and knees and shook her head to clear it. But then a look of dark malice suffused the features of her face. The erotic yearnings of moments go were now replaced by sheer hatred and a desire to destroy her opponent.
Katrina stood straight up and raised her fists and approached her foe. Priyanka did not back down but came right out to meet her, she too had put up her dukes.
Katrina immediately tagged Priyanka with a couple of straight left hooks, snapping her head back. Priyanka had not even seen the rapid-fire punches coming and really felt their sting –she quickly decided she’d better return to grappling. Priyanka advanced on Katrina, looking for an opening that she could use to grab her and tackle her to the floor. But Katrina kept Priyanka at bay with stinging jabs and the model was unable to get close to her. In the next few minutes Katrina scored several times to Priyanka’s face and belly. Unable to get into Katrina to wrestle on the mat, and getting hurt by the punches, Priyanka backpedaled away to regroup.
But Katrina gave her no time to regroup. She followed Priyanka step for step, throwing punches like mad. Not all of her wild punches landed, but enough did to do some damage and make Priyanka feel increasingly dazed and weak. A solid left connected with Priyanka’s jaw, a right hook landed on the model’s eye snapping her head around, a left to the belly, and an uppercut to the chin had Priyanka reeling. Priyanka’s guard was down and she was wide open for the big roundhouse right Katrina threw that sent her spinning to the floor where she lay, woozy, blood trickling from her nose. An involuntary sob escaped from somewhere deep inside the outclassed Priyanka
Katrina grabbed Priyanka by the wrist and hauled her to her feet. She whipped her hard into the ropes and as Priyanka came rebounding back out into the ring, Katrina nailed her with a devastating clothesline.
The brunette reached down and clamped her hands around Priyanka’s throat in a stranglehold. She then used this Chokehold to lift Priyanka upright off the mat. The poor Priyanka gurgled in wide-eyed fear. Once Katrina had her upright, the tough brunette jerked her hands up and held Priyanka up off of the mat with the Two-handed Choke, letting the model’s legs dangle helplessly below her.
Priyanka could make no sound, but her face soon began turning a scary-looking magenta color. Katrina sneered and continued to hold her up off the mat, squeezing the Two-handed Chokehold. Katrina continued to hold Priyanka aloft. The seconds slowly ticked by. Finally, the referee ordered Katrina to release the hold. She did not immediately comply. The ref began the disqualification count, so Katrina released her left hand from the choke and simultaneously with her right hand executed a brutal One Handed Chokeslam, driving Priyanka’s skull into the mat with such force that it was a wonder it didn’t tear a hole in the canvas mat. Of course, Priyanka was immediately KO’d.
The bell rung ending the match, Katrina was declared the winner, and triumphantly placed her foot on Priyanka’s unconscious body and raised her arms in celebration.