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Dantzscher sisters vs Shannon Miller Dominique Dawes & Dominique Moceanu

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Offline SilverGhost

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   Jamie Dantzscher stood in the middle of a wrestling ring with her younger sisters, twins Jalynne and Janelle.  The three had already been announced and Jamie smiled as she heard the cheering of the crowd.
   "I just don't understand this obsession of yours Jamie." said Jalynne.
   "Me either.  Why do you think that you just have to beat Shannon at anything?" asked Janelle.
   "She nearly broke my ankle the last time, and she did break my foot." said Jamie.
   "You broke your foot with that kick." said Jalynne.
   "I don't know what you're complaining about, I heard you broke her jaw and she she was drinking her meals for the next two weeks." said Janelle.
   "Whatever.  I told her to bring two of her friends and the three of us would wipe the floor with them.  I really don't think the little snob has two friends." said Jamie with a faint smile.
Shannon walked out of the curtain alone and Jamie sort of laughed.  Shannon's lips turned up in a smug smile as she pointed back at the curtain.  Dominique Dawes and Dominique Moceanu walked out onto the stage to join Shannon in a brief pose, before walking toward the ring.
   "Oh that's not fair." groaned Jamie as she lay her hand over her heart and sat back on one of the turnbuckles.
Dominique Dawes had been one of Jamie's team mates, and Dominique Moceanu was her long time friend and confidant.
   "Among her many talents, Shannon seems to know how to get under Jamie's skin like no other." said Jalynne with a smile.
Jamie and Jalynne went between the ropes to the apron on one corner, while Shannon and Dominique Dawes stayed on the apron in the opposite corner.
   "Why me?" asked Janelle.
   "You're the youngest." answered Jalynne.
   "By minutes." groaned Janelle as she rolled her eyes and met Dominique Moceanu in the middle of the ring.
The referee signaled for the belly and Dominique reached toward Janelle.  Janelle side stepped, grabbed Dominique's wrist and the back of her head and flung her into the corner where Janelle's sisters waited.  Dominique turned around in the corner in time to see Janelle running toward her.  Dominique bent over with a groan as Janelle launched herself shoulder first into Dominique's gut.  Janelle tagged her twin sister and Jalynne pulled herself over the top rope and into Janelle's waiting arms.  Janelle swung Jalynne toward Dominique and Jalynne's feet caught Dominique in the chest and slammed her back into the corner.  Janelle put her sister down and climbed through the ropes ad Jalynne landed a series of kicks into Dominique's torso knocking Dominique to a seated position on the mat.  Jalynne tagged Jamie and snapped a hard kick into Dominique's solar plexus before slipping through the ropes.  Jamie climbed through the ropes and looked down at her friend who sat gasping for air.  Jamie grabbed Dominique's ankle and dragged her out of the corner.  Jamie shook her head and as he went for a quick pin.
   "I really don't want to do this." said Jamie as she lifted Dominique's left leg for a little extra leverage.
When the referee counted to two Dominique rolled over with a groan.
   "Why didn't you just stay down?" asked Jamie as she got up to her knees.
   "I'm like you.  I hate to loose." answered Dominique as she grabbed Jamie's wrist.
Dominique turned her body as she got to her knees, forcing Jamie down on the mat.  Jamie grimaced in pain as she forced herself back to her feet with her arm bent behind her back and Dominique still holding Jamie's wrist and shoulder.  Jamie turned her upper body a little and smacked her elbow back into Dominique's nose, which broke the hold.  Dominique took a step back and checked her nose to make sure it wasn't bleeding.  Jamie reached for Dominique, but Dominique cartwheeled away and into her own corner.  Dominique Moceanu tagged in Dominique Dawes, then slid between the ropes to the outside of the ring.
   "I didn't come here to fight you, Dawes, I came for her." said Jamie pointing at Shannon.
Dominique shrugged and landed a hard kick into Jamie's belly.  Jamie bent over with a loud:
   "Always were a little soft around the middle, Jamie." said Dominique as she put her arms around Jamie and clasped her hands over Jamie's belly.
Dominique picked Jamie up off the mat, turned her, and threw her down flat on her back.  Dominique smiled as she flattened her body across Jamie's.
   "Now just lay still for three seconds and this will all be over." said Dominique.
Jamie rolled over on her side and up to her knees with a scream of frustration.  Dominique jumped back to her feet and snapped vicious kick into Jamie's back.  Jamie arched her back and screamed in pain.  Dominique ran across the ring, bounced off the ropes, and ran back.  A low drop kick caught Jamie in the chest and knocked her flat on her back.  Dominique lay across Jamie again to pin her former team mate.  The referee counted to two before Jamie lay her foot on the bottom rope, to stop the count.  Dominique got back to her feet, pulling Jamie up by her hair.  Dominique put her arms under Jamie's arms, then clasped her hands behind Jamie's head in a full nelson.  Dominique backed into her own corner where Shannon tagged in.  Shannon slipped through the ropes and dashed across the ring.  She slapped Janelle across the face, then retreated behind the referee.  Janelle came in red faced and with an angry expression on her face.  Shannon smiled as she turned to Jamie, who was still being held helpless by Dominique Dawes.  Jamie shook her head as Shannon walked up to her.
   "Poor little Jamie, all that potential, but always coming up short." taunted Shannon.
Jamie clenched her teeth and refused to make a sound as Shannon drove her fists into Jamie's stretched belly.  Dominique Moceanu wrapped her arms around Shannon's waist, picked her up, turned, and set Shannon back down on her feet.
   "Domi!" whined Shannon.
   "I agreed to help you because I can't stand this stupid feud between the two of you, but I won't help you like this." said Dominique Moceanu.
The referee had ushered Janelle out of the ring and came to the other side to get both Dominiques out of the ring, leaving Shannon standing over a winded and sore Jamie, who was on her knees gasping.  Shannon grabbed Jamie by the back of the neck and pulled her up to her feet.
   "Come on Jamie, where's that never say quit attitude?" asked Shannon as she positioned Jamie almost in the middle of the ring.
Shannon smiled and ran back toward the ropes, she bounced off the ropes and ran back toward Jamie ready for a clothesline.  Shannon let out a yelp of surprise when Jamie scooped her up off the mat and spun her down with a hard power slam.  Jamie bounced up and ran over to tag Jalynne.  Jamie pointed at the two neutral corners.
   "Just like we planned it, girls." said Jamie.
Jamie climbed to the top rope in their corner while Jalynne and Janelle with to the two neutral corners to climb to the top rope.  Jamie took a deep breath when she got to top.
   "Oh this is really going to hurt." groaned Jamie.
The gymnast leapt off the top rope and executed a picture perfect shooting star press to land across Shannon's torso.  Jamie quickly rolled over away from Shannon while Janelle launched herself into a frog splash across Shannon.  When Janelle bounced off and rolled to the side Jalynne jumped from her corner to drive a elbow into Shannon's chest.  Jalynne rolled over on top of Shannon for a pin.  Shannon's eyes were glazed over and she was too busy trying to catch her breath to notice the referee counting.  The referee made it to two before Dominique Dawes kicked Jalynne in the head, rolling her off of Shannon.  Dominique Dawes picked up Shannon and all but carried her back to their corner.  While the referee was trying to get Dominique out of the ring, Janelle rolled the unconscious Jalynne out of the ring and lay down in the place of her identical twin sister.  Shannon reached over and tagged Dominique Moceanu.
   "Go ahead, Domi, she's out like a light.  It's an easy pin." said Dominique Dawes.
Dominique Moceanu walked across the ring and reached toward Janelle, ready to pin her, but suddenly Janelle grabbed Dominique and rolled her into a small package.  Dominique managed to kick out just before the three count and jumped to her feet with a look of surprise on her face.
   "You switched on me.  I hate it when you do that." said Dominique.
Janelle smiled and reached out for Dominique's throat.  Janelle's smile vanished when Dominique raised her knee up into Janelle's gut.  When Janelle bent over, Dominique wrapped her arm around Janelle's head, kicked her feet forward and fell flat on her back, dropping Janelle on her head.  Dominique tagged in Shannon and both Shannon and Dominique Dawes came in.  Dominique did a back flip, landing on Janelle's abdomen, while Shannon dropped her elbow into Janelle's chest.  Dominique Dawes slid out of the side of the ring under the ropes where Jalynne was just getting to her feet.  Jalynne didn't get time to notice Dominique before she felt a boot in her gut.  Dominique put her hand on the back of Jalynne's neck and grabbed her tights at the waist, then rammed head first into the side of the ring apron.  Shannon looked at Jamie, smirked, then dropped onto Janelle.  Jamie crawled through the ropes to stop the count, but Dominique Moceanu ran across the ring and put her arms around Jamie's waist and held her in the corner.
   "It's over Jamie, let it drop." said Dominique as the referee counted to three.
Shannon slid out of the ring, Dominique Dawes walked around the ring, and Dominique Moceanu went through the ropes to join them.  Shannon smiled at Jamie as the referee raised their hands.
   "That 0 for 2, little Jamie." said Shannon.
Jalynne slid into the ring holding her head while Jamie helped Janelle to her feet.
   "You were supposed to help me.  My sisters and you couldn't help me wipe that silly smirk off her face." said Jamie.
   "We tried our best." said Jalynne.
   "That's all you can ask, is our best." said Janelle.
   "Your best just wasn't good enough." said Jamie angrily.
Jamie let out a primal scream as she hit Jalynne with a clothesline that knocked her sister for a flip.  Janelle stared wide eyed at her big sister until Jamie kicked her in the belly.
   "Awh not in the gut again." grunted Janelle as she bent over.
Jamie lowered Janelle's head between Jamie's thighs, clasped her hands under Janelle's belly.  Jamie grunted as she picked Janelle up and power bombed her across her twin.  Jamie shook her head as she left her sisters laying dazed and gasping for air.

If anyone wants a part three to this story, let me know.  Or any other requests.


Offline Maizenblue

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Great job.


Offline SilverGhost

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Thank you.