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The Wife Wars

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Offline Altered Ego

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The Wife Wars
« on: January 06, 2018, 09:42:43 PM »
The Wife Wars:
A True and Accurate Accounting of Fictional Events

By Altered Ego

The Introduction

How?s it goin? The name?s Randy and I?ve got a bit of story for you. It involves my wife, me, and lots of other women...and even some men. I see that got your attention. Now that you?ve taken the hook, let me tell you about my life.

It all started not long after we started dating. My wife, Melissa, has always been a little on the curvy side. This has caused her to be a bit insecure. She also can be a bit of a jealous bitch- and that?s me being polite about it. I happen to be a pretty nice guy, tall, well built, fairly good looking, friendly, and I hate to brag, but pretty well hung (don?t worry, it is part of the story. you?ll see). Those last two qualities combined with what I?ve told you about my wife has led to some rather interesting events.

You see, back years ago, my wife?s insecurities, jealousy and my big dick led to her being a bit possessive. So one day when I just happened to be talking to a waitress, being my nice, friendly self, my wife saw it as her trying to steal her boyfriend. The waitress, happened to be a little rough around the edges and a troublemaker. Words were exchanged, a challenge issued, a dick put on the line, and an ass whipping was delivered.

As my wife stood over the waitress, foot on her bare chest, arms raised in victory, something happened. She realized that she really liked beating up other women- especially ones that wanted to sleep with her man. It gave her a rush that she had never found anywhere else.

Soon after, she had me cruising around trying to bed other women. She would catch us and the fight would be on. My incentive, other than getting to watch as many catfights as I wanted, was that I got to sleep with the women that beat her. Not that the sex with my wife in front of her defeated rival was anything short of spectacular, but it?s not every day that a man?s wife will indulge in his catfight fetish AND let him sleep with, on the rare occasion she lost, other women.

I learned early on that simply picking out the hottest girl that I could get to come home with me wasn?t a viable strategy to dip my dick in some strange. Melissa would destroy the petite hotties that made up my ?type? in short order. Once I started looking for more competitive looking women, things got much more interesting- both in the fights and the bedroom. Yes, while I did have to harpoon a few whales, I did get a few scrappy hotties as well, and it was all worth it. Beyond the sex, it was just a turn on to see my wife put herself on the line like this for me.

Eventually, she started bringing some opponents home. Usually, they were other women for her to battle, sometimes other men for me to fight, and sometimes other couples. It was kinda like combat swinging and it was a dream come true.

Since you?re new here, you are probably not aware that while this suburb is home to over 30,000 people- and if you include the whole metro area, there?s a few million people. Even though this isn?t something that everyone finds appealing, word about a couple that does what we do spreads far and wide like wildfire. So we had no shortage of opponents, many were married women wanting a shot a big cock that they had heard about through the grapevine (this is Melissa?s favorite type of opponent and I liked the reputation that came with my part of it, even if it was greatly exaggerated), sometimes it was the husband of the wife that wanted to hurt the man connected to that big cock, sometimes just a random slut or man whore looking for sex, sometimes it was angry woman wanting to challenge the bitch that beat up their friend, sister, or whatever...some were guys that wanted to fuck an alpha bitch. They came from our town, the nearby cities, the surrounding county and small towns- we even took the show on the road when we went on vacation. These are the stories of those fights, though not any particular order....and keep your eyes open, you never know if you might recognize someone you know.
Trillian: AlteredEgo


Offline Altered Ego

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Re: The Wife Wars
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2018, 09:44:28 PM »
Episode 1: The Wife vs The Bitch

So, where do I start? How about one of my favorites? It was from a few years ago. It was against my sister in law. No, I didn?t try to bang her sister, you sick bastard....she doesn?t have one, or I might have. It was against Jessica, her brother?s wife at the time.

Jessica was one of the most genuinely annoying women I have ever had the displeasure of knowing. She was sneaky, dishonest, passive aggressive, manipulative.... basically, she was a bitch of the highest order. Fortunately for my brother in law (yes, in this case, it was fortunate), she was also a filthy slut.

When, the greatly exaggerated, word of my dick reached her ears, she couldn?t pass up the chance to bang a big piece of meat and it was that much sweeter that it was her sister in law?s husband. Obviously, it wasn?t hard to seduce her. Actually, it wasn?t even fun, she was too easy. There was no sport in it. Anyway, in record time I had her ready to go.

The original plan was to take her to a seedy motel on the outskirts of town. Jessica was having none of that. ?Hell no...I?m going to fuck you in that dumb bitch?s bed.? She says with an evil grin. Damn.

 ?What if she walks in?? I ask. ?I?ll beat her weak ass and fuck you in front of her? she snaps with all the confidence in the world. Double damn.

I get us to my house, and we head on back to the bedroom. The leggy blonde pushes me onto the bed. Then she begins to strip off her little black dress, revealing a black set of matching bra and panties, complete with thigh high nylons and garters. Since I couldn?t stand her, I never really gave her body my normal ?inspection?. Today, I did and noticed how remarkably equal the two women were.

About this time, my wife bursts through the bedroom door and immediately confronts her, dressed in a long coat that she promptly discarded, revealing a matching baby blue set of bra and panties.  I was a little surprised that Jessica didn?t even flinch. She was ready to fight...almost like she had been waiting to fight Melissa as she hopped off of me and strutted towards the brunette. So the stage was set, two tigresses were ready to do battle.

Jessica ?The Bitch?
5?10?, 160 pounds, 30 years old, D cups (bolt on), blonde hair, blue eyes.


Melissa ?The Wife?
5?6?, 165 pounds, 33 years old, C cups (natural), brunette, green eyes.

The Husband?s Take:
Jessica?s attitude surprised me and she sizes up evenly with Melissa. Before tonight, I would have thought my wife would destroy the big blonde. But at this moment it?s a toss up. If I had to pick the winner, as much as I might hate it, I give a slight edge to Jessica.

Ok, where were we?....Oh yeah, a blonde and a brunette in just their bras and panties standing toe to toe, each ready to prove their dominance and superiority. Usually at this point in most of these fights, the women would have an ad hoc rules discussion and they would talk about what they?d do with me or the loser when they won. Not this time, these two women just, to put bluntly, hated each other and had hurt the other woman as badly as possible.

I kind of expected more hurtful trash talk from family members with such bad blood between them, but they wasted no time with anything more than a few ?bitch? or ?cxnt? comments before they began to circle each other.

Melissa was the first to charge, the big blonde met her and their bodies met in the center of the bedroom with the unmistakable sound of skin slapping together. The two amazons wrapped their arms around each other. At first, it was a battle to see who was stronger and who could muscle the other to the ground.

The women were nearly even, when one would manage to drive the other a couple of steps backwards, the other would rally and push her back. The stalemate continued for a few minutes, the two women screaming curses and slurs at each other as their frustrations mounted.

Finally, Jessica grabbed my wife?s hair and with a quick yank, had the brunette off balance. Melissa was doing all she could to stay upright as her sister in law began to take the advantage. Jessica kept pulling my wife?s hair, using it to swing her around the room and slam her into a wall repeatedly.

The blue eyed bitch grabbed used her other had to grab my wife?s bra. Using it for extra leverage, she slammed Melissa into any wooden furniture she can find until the bra ripped off. ?Look at those saggy fucking nothing, Melissa? she shrieked at my wife, her chest dangling freely as she is bent backwards over our dresser.

The confident blonde, next, grabbed my wife?s exposed tits, mauling her chest. Melissa screamed as Jessica began to assert her dominance in this fight. The blonde had her pinned over the dresser, clawing her chest and slapping her face- she was completely working my wife over. It looked like Jessica was about to the point where she was going to get the brunette on the ground and finish it.

In a desperate attempt to keep from being slammed to the ground my wife swung her fist. Jessica let out a loud ?Oooomph?, as the brunette?s knuckles sunk into the her soft belly. The blonde doubled over, caught completely by surprise from the punch.

Melissa steadied herself before taller woman could recover. She landed another shot to the leggy blonde?s kidney. Jessica let out a scream as she dropped to a knee. ?Not so tough now, are you Jessie?? My wife taunts before slamming her hip into the blonde?s head knocking it into the dresser, sending her to the carpet, moaning in pain.

?Fucking bitch...? the dark haired woman growls as she inspects the scratches marring her chest. Jessica tries to get back to all fours, but Melissa sends a kick to her ribs, sending her onto her back. My wife then stomps her hated rival?s belly. The big blonde writhes on the ground, moaning with pain, her will to fight appearing to be driven out of her.

My wife begins to take control, slapping Jessica around, berating her for wanting to fuck me in our bed, and ultimately, stripping the blonde?s bra off.

My wife reaches down and grabs two handfuls of  blonde hair, yanking her sister in law on to her knees. It was sight to see, both women had worked up quite a sweat and their bodies shined with it. My wife bent down until the women were nose to nose. I can?t even begin to tell you how incredibly sexy it was to see these women, mascara smeared from contact and sweat, glaring at each other. My wife?s confidence and hate showing through as she prepared to finish her opponent. Jessica?s contempt and defiance as she stared back, her body battered but refusing to break.

?Are you done, slut?? Melissa screamed at her, wrenching the blonde?s neck to make her lock eyes. ?Fuck you...cxnt? Jessica shot back. My wife growled ?Bitch, you better learn your place and I?m about to teach y-?. She was cut off as the blonde?s fist crashed into her pussy. The green eyed Italian scream out in pain. Jessica wasn?t done yet. The big blonde kept her hand there, digging her nails in and sadistically clawed my wife?s private parts.

Melissa dropped to her knees, trying desperately to pry the taller woman?s hand from her womanhood. Jessica went to seize the advantage and toppled the big brunette to the ground, but lost her grip when they hit the floor. The two women wrapped each other up, arms and legs tangled as as they rolled across the carpet. Though, they both were exhausted and their bodies hurting, they kept up an slow intensity as they each tried to take control on the ground. Slow, ugly punches flew from both women earning whimpers as the fight continued.

After a couple of minutes, the blonde was pinned on her back with the brunette sitting on her hips.  Melissa reached down and clamped a clawed hand around Jessica?s throat, while the other punched the blonde?s belly and expensive after market tits. The younger woman tried to use her longer arms to choke my wife but it was too little, too late.

Melissa continued to dole out punishment until Jessica was sobbing. After a brutal, back and forth fight,the big blonde had reached her breaking point. ?Fucking stop, You bitch! You?re crazy!? She screamed as she trying to roll onto her belly for protection and escape.

?You pathetic bitch, you haven?t seen crazy yet!? The brunette shrieked back as she wrapped the blonde?s hair around her hands and pulling her into a modified camel clutch. ?You?re done, whore! Say it!?

?Arrrghhhh! Fuuuck off, Melissa!? Jessica screamed back, her head, back and neck pulled back until she was staring at the ceiling. With that, the Italian used her other hand to fishhook the cheek of younger woman and continued to apply pressure. The blonde pounded her legs and hands against the ground as the pain racked her body. Finally, the powerful brunette let go, dismissively dropping her whimpering opponent?s head to the carpet.

My wife then started to stand, Jessica tried to crawl away. ?Where do you think you?re going, cxnt?? Melissa taunted, pulling the blonde back towards her by those lacy black panties. ? me more? the taller woman pled. ?Not yet, you haven?t admitted that you?re a pathetic, weak ass, slut!?

The blonde couldn?t get the words out of her mouth fast enough.  ?Ok, ok, I?m a weak ass, pathetic slut.  You win. Please let me go, please, Melissa? she said, tears streaming down her cheeks. ?Fine... but first, since you wanted my husband?s cock, I want you to get him ready for me. Randy, come over here, please?.

Truth be told, I didn?t need anyone to get me ready, I was already hard as steel, but who am I to refuse getting to stick my dick in a woman?s mouth?  I saunter over to the women and drop my pants. ?Alright, Jessie? my wife said in a mocking tone. ?You wanted it, now suck it?.

The blonde got to her knees and grabbed my member. I was a little shocked at how she went after it with gusto. I expected her to be a bit more apprehensive after taking that beating from the wife of the man with that dick. Melissa was ecstatic and had grabbed her phone, filming the whole thing. After a minute, the brunette spoke ?that?s enough whore. Go sit in the corner and watch how a real woman fucks?. I was glad she stopped her, I was pretty close to losing my load. She may have been a mega bitch, but Jessica knew how to suck a dick.

The now obedient blonde crawled to her corner as my wife took me like a trophy. She is always an incredible fuck after she conquers a woman- the pure confidence of being a dominant woman makes her less inhibited. Melissa and I did our thing, putting on a show for the beaten blonde, who, according to my wife, couldn?t control her whorish nature and fingered herself to an orgasm.

After the battle of the bedroom with Jessica. My wife used the footage of the blowjob to force her brother to get rid of her. I?m usually not a fan of divorce, but in this case we did him a favor. One of these days I?ll have to tell you about the time Melissa ran into Jessica a few years later, but that?s enough for now.

« Last Edit: January 06, 2018, 09:59:48 PM by Altered Ego »
Trillian: AlteredEgo


Offline fighttime67

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Re: The Wife Wars
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2018, 10:44:15 PM »
Very hot story :) Keep it up!


Offline Anna the Marine Chick

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Re: The Wife Wars
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2018, 11:13:05 PM »
Love this! The premise is awesome!


Offline Jacob226

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Re: The Wife Wars
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2018, 11:19:17 PM »
Great story line!!!!


Offline JuliaVargas

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Re: The Wife Wars
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2018, 11:54:05 PM »
Wow, that was a hell of a story! Really hot!
Read my stories and you’ll understand what you can expect from me…


Offline Altered Ego

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Re: The Wife Wars
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2018, 02:21:17 AM »
Thanks to all of y?all who have commented.

 Anna and Julie, thanks for the kind words it means a lot to me having read and enjoyed stories written by each of you. If you have any words of wisdom, I am all ears.

TXWildcat, always great to hear from a fellow Texan. It?s a shame the real Melissa isn?t into this. Who knows maybe one of us would have to take a road trip  :)

And last but not least, Jacob and Fightime, I make no bones about it, this is catfight fiction written by a dude for dudes. I hope you guys enjoy it.

I have been a catfight, FvsF fan from as far back as I can remember, I am hardwired for it. This is me just writing out the stories that I?ve beem fantasizing about my whole life. Yes, it?s completely self indulgent, but I do have the word ?Ego? in my name, lol.

Also, if any of you guys have suggestions- like you know a bitchy bartender or something like that. Feel free to let me know, I might try to work it in if it fits with what I like.

Again, thanks to all of you.
Trillian: AlteredEgo


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Re: The Wife Wars
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2018, 10:48:28 PM »
Been a fan for may years myself and especially like the wife stories. Hope you tell many more, will be looking forward to it...


Offline colt 45

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Re: The Wife Wars
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2018, 05:36:09 AM »
Good stuff, please keep writing. Thanks for sharing


Offline JT Edson

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Re: The Wife Wars
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2018, 01:51:27 PM »
Loved the story. I can hardly wait for the next.


Online rocknrick22

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Re: The Wife Wars
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2019, 07:06:08 AM »
Right up our alley. Great style!!!


Offline master

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Re: The Wife Wars
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2019, 05:22:12 AM »
Great lead in and outstanding creative story.  A Missy rematch would be great and so many other possibilities with other opponents as well.  Terrific writing, I can't wait for the next one where maybe the dominant winner enjoys the  fruits of her victory at the loser's expense. :)
« Last Edit: May 28, 2019, 05:23:26 AM by master »