Prologue written by
SVAD and edited by me over at the Celebrity Stories discord
Idea comes from my old thread: air was sticky and heavy as Madelaine 'Ivy' Petsch slowly tracked through the jungle, carefully observing for another one of the rare plants she sought out. The humidity and the temperature didn’t bother her as it would for mere normal people, but in fact she enjoyed it as she would spending time in one of her greenhouses.
She would have loved to just vacation inside the isolated jungle, away from people to gather her thoughts and just relax, but she was on a mission. The heroines were being bigger thorns in supervillainess’ sides as of late—no pun intended on her part—and it had fallen upon her shoulders to find some way to neutralize them.
As she carefully avoided stepping on any precious plants, she recalled how the other villainesses had come to her for help, being an expert chemist, in wanting her to develop greater aphrodisiacs to use against the superheroines to weaken them—since it was common knowledge around the villain community the two-goodie heroines were nothing more than wanton sluts underneath. The previous aerosol versions used against the heroines had lost their effectiveness, so a solution had to be developed to make one more potent.
She put her thoughts on hold once she spotted the rare flower. She smiled and carefully approached it, kneeling down next to it. She took her time to examine the delicate plant, determining the seeds ready to be distributed by the next passing animal. She took a few of her tools out of her bag and carefully started collecting the seeds and storing them away in her Petri dishes. She put them back in her bag then pulled out another small container and a small shovel to collect a soil sample.
As she went about her business, she was being observed, not by the various insects crawling along the ground and plants, nor the animals scurrying about nor had the birds nesting in the canopy, but someone else that had been stalking her as she had traveled through the jungle.
Standing on the branch high in one of the towering trees, was a lovely busty blonde barely clothed in animal skins covering her groin/hips and top that covered no more than a bikini. She braced her hand on the trunk for balance and carried in the other hand a stone tipped spear and a stone knife strapped to her right thigh. She curiously watched the redhead go about her business of collecting seeds and dirt. She would usually attack men venturing into the jungle as they were simply poachers of the rare animals that called this place home.
However, the redhead was dressed strangely as if she was part plant with a green leafy one-piece covering her bottom, torso and chest and went out of her way not to hurt anything in the jungle, be it plant or insect.
Ivy finished collecting her sample and stood up, packing away her items. She pulled out her notepad and checked off another plant sample. She needed one more to complete her new formula that would be far more effective against the heroines. She picked up her trek deeper into the jungle, carefully taking her steps.
The blonde guardian of the forest watched as the redhead started walking again, clearly searching for something. She felt a twinge of concern that the strange woman would become prey from some animal if she proceeded further.
She decided to reveal herself, calling out, “Hello, why are here?”
Ivy suddenly stopped in her tracks and turned, looking up to the source of the voice. Her eyes widened as she was stunned with the beauty in the revealing jungle clothing. The woman’s appearance and demeanor just screamed ‘heroine’.
She wondered if she was going to be in for a fight, but cautiously answered after taking a few moments to answer, “I’m here… for scientific research. I study plants… how to take care of them, how to help them grow better. This place is a beautiful garden where I can study them in Mother Nature, free from the interference of man.”
The blonde nodded and replied in an agreeable tone, “Yes, man comes in here sometimes to hunt animals, others to cut down the trees. They don’t respect nature. I drive them away. Others are like you, looking at the flowers and trees then they leave peacefully.”
Ivy thought the blonde must have been referring to the occasional university research team. She kept her smile and replied, “That’s why I’m here, to help preserve it from their corruption. I gather samples in case we have to replant. Tell me, do you live here?”
“Yes, this is my home. I protected it from outsiders,” she answered, studying the lovely redhead.
Ivy nodded along and hint of a wicked smile formed on her lips. “Then can you help me? I’m looking for one more rare flower before I leave. Perhaps you know where it is?”
The blonde studied the strange woman for a few more moments then grabbed one of the vines in the tree and slithered down to the ground. She cautiously approached Ivy, spear still in hand, until she was just several feet away from her. The redhead held up the pad with an image of the flower.
The jungle woman nodded her head and answered, “Yes, I know where it is, but it is getting late and would be far too dangerous for you to travel there. The night stalkers will soon be out.”
Ivy sweetly smiled to her and suggested, “But would you lead me to it in the morning? I promise I won’t harm the precious thing.”
The blonde had watched her carefully take the sample without harming the plant, so she was inclined to trust her.
She replied with a smile of her own, finding the woman alluring and smelling quite nice that seemed to relax her, “Yes, I can.” “That is wonderful… I may be imposing, but perhaps you know someplace I could camp for the night? It’s a long way back to the nearest village.”
She thought about it for a few moments then replied, “You can stay with me tonight. It is safe from the night stalkers and anything else.”
Ivy smiled and replied, “Oh thank you very much…”
She closed the distance and placed a soft kiss on her left cheek. “Thank you, you are very kind.”
The reaction of Ivy’s lips upon the blonde’s skin was immediately, letting the woman feel at ease and a bit warmer than the already muggy, humid air and temperature of the jungle. She smiled to Ivy, taking in her beauty with her eyes and feeling herself a bit drawn to her.
She picked up, “This way. It isn’t too far.” The blonde took the redhead’s hand and started leading her deeper into the jungle to her treehouse hideaway.

The pair took no time at all to reach the blonde’s impressive treehouse retreat. Ivy looked up in awe as seeing the large, sprawling structure that seemed to be one with the three with various vines, leaves and branches being intricate components of it.
The blonde took her hand and lead her up to a spiraling and zigzagging staircase until they reached the bottom floor of the structure, passing through a heavy trap door. They exited out onto the balcony, giving a gorgeous view of the surrounding jungle.
Ivy smiled at the sight then glanced around towards the impressively constructed treehouse. She was led inside, seeing the spartanly decorated, but functioning home as one big opened space. One side apparently a dedicated as a sleeping area, one a bathing area with a stream of fresh spring water running down into a tub and apparently draining out, another living area and a third for a dining spot. She saw a number of beautiful flowering plants decorated and growing around the home and various little trinkets.
The redhead turned her attention back to her hostess, setting her belongings on the table that apparently served as a dining room table and smiled. “Thank you for inviting me to stay at your wonderful place. We haven’t even exchanged proper introductions…”
The blonde smiled, feeling more relaxed around the redhead as she continued to breathe in her sweet fragrance. “My name is Shanna.”
Madelaine casually strolled towards her with a sexy swing to her hips until she stood right in front of her. She sweetly smiled, turning on the charm and consciously starting to pump out the pheromones from her body.
She softly answered, “Hello Shanna. My name is Madelaine, but you can call me Ivy, everyone does.”
Shanna’s smile grew larger, the feeling reaching her eyes in delight with being in the presence of the beautiful redhead.
Ivy started walking around, appearing to admire the home more, particularly the plants growing on the walls, but really glancing up and down her body. She idly started, taking in the scent of one plant, “You live here by yourself?”
Shanna took a moment to recovering at looking at such beauty then sighed, “Yes… with some animal companions… they come and go as they please…”
“I’m mostly a loner myself, letting my plants be my companions, but…” Ivy started with a sly smile, licking her lips. “…I do have the occasional female companion to keep me company…”
The jungle woman slightly blushed, thinking on the ways that one could keep the lovely redhead company, but decided to steer the conversation away from that particular line of thought for the moment. “Is that why you dress so strangely? In just that leafy one-piece? To be one with nature?”
Ivy licked her lips, looking Shanna up and down then commented, “Well, yes. I take my work with plants quite, quite seriously and… I’m quite close to them…”
She ran her right hand down her side in a slow, alluring manner that enticed Shanna’s eyes to follow her hand.
The redhead suppressed a giggle and continued with an air of confidence, “I could say the same thing about you in your skins you lovely, gorgeous thing…”
Shanna blushed then replied, “One adapts to their surroundings… It does get mighty hot and steamy in the jungle and materials for clothing are… limited.”
Ivy cocked an eyebrow and smirked, licking her lips in the process and replying, “I know plenty of ways to get hot and steamy that has nothing to do with the climate…”
The redhead strutted over to the buxom blonde until she was in arm’s length then reached out with her hands, cupping the blonde’s cheeks then leaning forward to place a soft kiss on her lips.
Shanna’s eyes went wide for a moment then closed her eyes and moaned into Ivy’s mouth, surprised by the sign of affection. She tilted her head to the side as Ivy deepened the kiss, tilting her head to the other side. She immediately felt her body relax, the little tension she felt melt away and felt a rush of warmth in her body.
Ivy smiled into the kiss, softly maintaining it with brief breaks to take in soft breaths between her lips then placing light pressure back on the blonde’s pink lips. Her hands traveled from her cheeks, over her shoulders then down the side of her body, making sure the brush the outer edges of her breasts with her thumbs before making her way down to the hips. She deepened the kiss, slipping her tongue past the blonde’s lips and swirl around the other’s pink muscle.
Shanna sighed deeper into Ivy’s mouth as her tongue was easily directed from one side to the other. She huffed for breath against Ivy’s mouth, her cheeks quickly becoming flushed pink and her arousal beginning to be stoked in her lower gut. The muscles in her arms and thighs trembled and she turned her knees to each other, moaning louder as the heat flared up between her legs. She reached up and grab onto Ivy’s shoulders for stability, feeling her legs become almost like jelly.
The redhead broke the kiss and smiled to her, seeing that Shanna’s eyes started to get heavy and her cheeks already flushed. She tightened her grip around her hips to help her remain standing. She dipped her head to the right side and kissed up the left side then started softly nibbling the blonde’s left ear.
Shanna lifted her chin and sighed deeper, her eyelids fluttering. Her body slightly swayed against Ivy, her considerably larger breasts softly pressing on the redhead’s body as she struggled to remain standing as she felt more aroused yet weak by the second. Ivy pulled her lips away from her ear and looked at the gorgeous blonde.
She sweetly commented with a false sense of innocence, “My, my… you are so beautiful Shanna… but you look so tired… let me help you lay down.”
Shanna nodded her head, breathing a heavy breast that caused her chest to rise and fall, “That was… mmm… aahhh… unexpected, but… I suddenly… feel tired… and… warm…”
She refrained from commenting on how turned on she had become, thinking it would be embarrassing to admit to the stranger. She had liaisons with some of the lovely ladies in the nearest village on occasions, but what she was feeling at the moment was only during the most heated exchanges near the end, not after just a few deep kisses.
Ivy walked her over to the bed then laid the blonde back onto it, peppering kisses on her lips and cheeks to further infect her with her suggestive toxin. She leaned down with her, trailing her lips went down Shanna’s left jaw line then to the side of her neck again, teasing the pulse point.
Once the blonde was lying comfortably down, Ivy lifted her left leg to throw over her body to straddle over to remain leaning over her. She kissed and licked over the side of her neck then moved back up her chin to reach her lips for another deep, moan filled kiss that allowed her to slip her tongue past the blonde’s pink lips and share some of her laced saliva.
After several long, lingering kisses, Shanna was finally able to catch a breath and whisper, “Ivy… what… what are you doing?”
Ivy answered between kisses, trailing her tongue over the blonde jungle protector’s lips, “Oh… I’m just thanking you for your kind… mmm… hospitality… and you seem… mmm… so lonely up here… and I’m a little lonely tonight… so…”
Shanna wanted to voice that she didn’t have to do such a thing, but her body was eagerly and desperately craving Ivy’s lips and touch, so she relaxed more and more, feeling almost slumping into the bed. She reached up to palm over Ivy’s sides, gently and lazily brushing her hands up and down her curves.
She softly huffed between traded kisses, “Mmmmm… you taste… so good… Ivy… I’m… I am a little lonely… tonight…”
Ivy was telling the truth, for the most part, as she peppered the blonde with kisses and playful suckles off of her lips, but she knew that Shanna was clearly a heroine, a guardian of this jungle, so she was a potential threat to her if she found out her background. She couldn’t have her stop her from gathering all the necessary ingredients for her and her fellow villainess’ plan to conqueror the world’s superheroines once and for all and besides, she as a gorgeous thing she wouldn’t mind having wrapped around her finger for a while.
Fortunately for Ivy, unlike the other heroines, Shanna had no opportunity to build up a resistance to her chemical suggestion and was easily bending to her will.
As Ivy continued to trade softer, sweet kisses with Shanna, her left hand trailed down the side of her body and reached for one of the leather strings on the right side of her top and pulled, undoing the knot then lifting the right skinned cup off to reveal the lovely, heavy breast topped with a hardening, tanned nub. She smiled down to Shanna then gently palmed over and began massaging the large, fleshy orb. She moaned at the softness, yet slight firmness and drew a deep moan past the blonde’s lips in the process.
Ivy trailed her kisses down the right side of the jungle protector’s neck then zigzagged with butterfly kisses down her upper chest until she reached the soft curvature of her right breast. She brought her lips down to start kissing in circles over it in a spiral motion while her right hand slid up and under the skin of the other cup, palming and gently squeezing over the overwhelming flesh.
The blonde’s eyelids began to flutter, sighing deeper and deeper as her breath quickened and temperature continued to rise and her arousal grew deep in the recesses of her pelvis. She licked her lips and moaned, bowing her back a little and pushing her chest up to Ivy’s mouth, “Mmmaaahh… mmmmmeewwahahhh… mmmnnuuuaahhh…”
Ivy smiled into the spiraling kisses, puckering her lips a bit with each soft, sensual kiss around the heavy, soft flesh being pushed against her red lips. She trails until she reached the tan nub and wrapped her lips around it. She eagerly suckled from the teat, moaning in obscene pleasure as she sucked and teased the hardening tip with her tongue. Her other hand picked up the pace in massaging the left breast, spreading her fingers out in palming over it and barely covering it. As she squeezed and kneaded the heavy mound of flesh, she felt the hardening bud against her palm.
All Shanna could do was moan and whimper, her hands lazily traveling up and down Ivy’s sides, occasionally resting on her hips as she was quickly becoming putty in the redhead’s hands. She felt her crotch dampening into her loincloth, her juices seeping into it.
Ivy could smell her ‘prey’s’ arousal, smiling deviously as she suckled on the nipple and playing with the other breast in her hand. She finally popped her lips off, leaving the bud covered in her saliva and looking painfully hard with a darker shade of pink.
The redhead so-called eco-terrorist’s lips kissed over the heavy flesh towards the left breast, infecting it more and more with her suggestive toxin, stopping at her valley and kissed up and down it. She moaned, snuggling her nose against one inner curvature side then taking a playfully lick over it, “Mmmm… I could just bury my fast between these soft, gorgeous tits… I know a few that I would enjoy… mmm… watching you do that to…”
She imagined several uppity superheroines she would enjoy watching this blonde, buxom beauty dominate and smother out with her chest. She wondered if she could take such a hold on her that she could take her back with her to face some of them, but in the meantime, she was going to enjoy her treat.
She brushed her nose over the inner curvature of the left breast then started kissing over the quivering flesh to lock her lips over the other nipple. She mewed and moaned as she suckled like a starving child, sliding her body over to rest on her right side, snuggling up against Shanna’s side. She moved her left leg over, hooking over the inside of her left leg to pull it a bit to spread her legs.
Ivy trailed her fingertips over Shanna’s quivering abdomen, drawing a few circles until she passed her bellybutton and stopped over her loincloth. She slipped her hand underneath it and discovered she was already dripping. She smiled into the fleshy orb, parting her lips wider to take more of the flesh into her mouth and suckle, lapping the tip of her tongue over the nipple and trailing around the areola.
She rubbed her fingers over the dampening flower a few times, the pulled her fingers free. She slid her fingers over the loincloth, then reached the soft material covering her crotch and pulled it to the side to reveal her dew covered flower. She trailed her middle and ring finger up the slit and over the nether lips, drawing a hitch of a breath past Shanna’s lips and causing her to bow a little, pushing her stomach to arch then dropped back onto the bed, softly wheezing for breath.
Ivy trailed her fingers in circles over the slick petals, brushing up one then down the other, smearing the leakage then gently presses her middle and ring fingers past the nether lips. A soft slicking sound is made as her fingers work their way between the nether lips, corkscrewing a bit until she was inside her at the second joint. She carefully pulls her fingers back a bit then pushes back inside to slowly start pumping her while her thumb carefully starts brushing over the peeking out love button.
“Uuugggghh! Ivvvveeyy!” she sighed then cried out, her smooth abdomen lifting a bit as her body shuddered, feeling the gentle intrusion. She settled down and huffed for breath, pulling Ivy tighter to her body out of instinct and comfort as the redhead started working her flower and sensitive bundle of nerves.
Ivy suckled from the left nipple a few additional moments then kissed back up the heaving bosom until she was nuzzling the side of her neck with her nose and placing soft kisses on it. Her fingers gently pumped and explored the tight sleeve, slicking her fingers up with the dripping dew. She brushed her fingers several times until she found the blonde’s g-spot. She wickedly smiled against her neck with the discovering and started curling her fingers to brush the fingertips over it.
“MMmmuuuggghhh…” Shanna moaned in a high pitch tone as a shiver of pleasure surged though her and up her spine from the teasing of her internal bundle of nerves.
She rolled her hips to meet the gentle pumping and curling fingertips, sighing deeper and deeper for breath as her nerve endings tingled to nearly overwhelming proportions. She was so inexplicably worked up, in no time she was approaching her release. Her muscles contracted and relaxed in rapid fashion and her breath hitched.
Her body rolled a few times to help the fingers along, arching her stomach a few times before she cried out, “UUuuaggghhh! Ivvveeeyyy! Aaaahhhhh! OOoooaaahhh!”
A small trickled of essence flowed over Ivy’s fingertips as Shanna’s body goes into a small seizure of limbs and her heavy breasts shaking and shivering. Her body bucked up a bit, holding herself rigid as her muscles contracted and trembled to hold her as the pleasure flooded her mind, leaving her almost delirious.
After several intense seconds, she collapsed onto the bed. She rolled her head to the side, huffing for breath, attempting to recover it as she hadn’t felt that satisfied or drained in quite a while. She fought to keep her eyes open as she was slipping into her afterglow and wanting to drift off to sleep.
However, Ivy wasn’t done with her. She popped her lips off the nipple, licking her lips of the excess saliva then started sliding her body down and trailing her red lips trail down Shanna’s smooth stomach, working in a zigzag pattern until she reached her bellybutton. She slithered the tip of her tongue inside and swirled around inside the small indentation. Her hands slide to palm over the blonde’s heavy orbs and gently massaged them, working them to push them together.
Shanna sighed from the teasing in her half slumber condition, a smile pulled on her lips. She just rest as Ivy continued to tease and massage her body, clearly not done enjoying the fine form.
Ivy’s kiss finally trailed down to her lower pelvis and over the pulled aside loincloth, bringing her face to the pink and alluring flower. She breathed in deeply her scent, mewing herself at sweetness of the fragrance. She licked her lips then took a broad, slow lick from the bottom of her slit, through the center of her petals then around her clit. She swirled her tongue around the swollen, sensitive bundle of nerves then latched her lips around it for a slow, slothful suckle.
Shanna rolled her head from side to side as the pleasure built back up in her lower abdomen and upper pelvis, sighing more and more, gasping for ever more breath. Her fingers clawed beside her body as it rolled, arching her stomach then dropping then repeating the process as she rushed to a second release.
Ivy popped her lips off her clit then slipped her tongue between the folds to swirl inside, moaning and whimpering in delight at the flavor. She pulled her tongue back and closed her lips, taking a swallow to enjoy the flavor dancing on her tongue then parted her lips again. She picked up lapping between the folds, swirling her tongue then pulling back to occasionally suckle from the taut love button like a piece of hard candy. She released her lips with a pop then mouthed completely over her opening to shove her tongue as deeply as possible.
She wiggled and swiped it around inside as her mouth suckled hard on her nether lips, moaning to send vibrations through her. Her hands were not idle; she would push and roll the heavy fleshy mounds together then relax them. She softly roll then pinch the nipples between her fingertips and thumb then trap the nubs between her middle and ring finger to scissor then while her palms eagerly kneaded the soft mounds like dough.
The attention was too much for the weakened and sensitive jungle woman. She moaned and squirmed, her the signals from the stimulated nerve endings flooding her mind and unable to reign in the tightening knot of pleasure in her lower pelvis.
After several more moments of intense tongue lashing and swirling inside her folds, Shanna arched her back, thrusting her heavy chest up and letting out a cry that echoed through not only the treehouse, but the surrounding jungle, “Uuuaggghh! UUURRRAAHHH! UURRRAAHH!”
Ivy eagerly and hungrily licked up the sudden flood of juices into her mouth, moaning deeply into her that just reverberated through her lower pelvis. The vibrations help intensify Shanna’s release, causing her to pour out a bit more of her sweet juices and moan louder, pushing her chest up and jiggle.
The secondary wave of pleasure finally passed through the buxom blonde and she collapsed upon the bed. Ivy tenderly continued licking her up, cleaning every drop over the next few minutes then pulled her lips away from the slick, still pulsing flower. She breathed in the aroma one more time then sat up. She looked down in triumph, licking her lips and reaching down to massage the heavy tits a bit more, comparing them to some superheroines and wondering who would win a battle between them.
She drew defeated and soft mews past the blonde’s lips, seeing and feeling she was putty in her hands. She had satisfied the blonde thoroughly, but now she needed her own satisfaction. She scooted up Shanna’s body until she straddled over the blonde’s face and reached down to run her fingers through her hair, gently massaging the scalp until Shanna finally looked up at her with dazed eyes.
She licks her lips and softly whispers, “Feast on me…”
Shanna’s mind was a washed with pleasure besides the fact that she felt the inexplicable need to follow Ivy’s instructions. She stuck out her tongue and took a slow, broad lick up her center then closed her mouth to moan, enjoying the first fruity taste of Ivy’s sweet nectar. She stuck her tongue out again and took another slow lap across the petals then took her time to focus on the left nether lip then the right one before trying to wiggle her pink muscle between them.
Ivy bit into her bottom lip and lulled her head back, closing her eyes in the process to relax. She felt the tension leave her body as the blonde obediently ran her tongue up her petals, bathing them with her saliva. “Mmmmaaahhh… that’s it… Shanna… taste me… mmm…work that tongue… suckle and lick from my… flower… and taste my… honeydew…”
The redhead began rolling her hips more and more, cupping Shanna’s crown with one hand and reaching up with the other to run her fingers through her red locks. She huffed and mewed with pleasure as Shanna’s tongue eagerly and obediently lapped over her petals, trying to work themselves between the folds.
The blonde jungle woman parted her lips to mouth over Ivy’s entrance, moaning with excitement, then finally push her tongue inside. Once inside, she started twirling it, eagerly, desperately wishing to lick up the flavor.
Ivy’s breath hitched for a moment then she let out a slow, deep moan with a broad smile as she felt Shanna’s surprisingly skilled tongue swirl around inside her slicking sleeve. She whispered out as she looked up at the ceiling, noticing how the tree limbs and vines were integrated into it.
She reached up and due to her ability to control plants, several vines started lowering themselves, slithering about and wrapping around her forearms to hold them for support. This gave her easier control to start rotating her hips, softly grinding her center on her mouth and nose. She huffed out, whimpering a bit from the stimulation and getting her juices flowing into Shanna’s mouth.
Shanna found the strength to lift her arms and wrap them over the back of Ivy’s thighs to try to hold her in place for her tongue to swirl in circles inside. She parted her lips wider and mouthed completely over her entrance. She moaned and swirled her tongue between the folds, trying to get a taste directly from the source. She mewed at the sweet taste on her tongue, eagerly swallowing the nectar, not realizing she was falling more and more under the villainess’ control.
The pair carried on this way for what seemed like an eternity, Ivy slothfully grinding down on her face with complete control and Shanna eagerly lapping, slurping and moaning into the redhead’s entrance.
However, it was just a few minutes, but an intense few minutes as Ivy didn’t bother holding back any control in wishing to experience a release. She soon tossed her head back, pushed her crotch forward against Shanna’s mouth and let out a satisfying cry when her release swept over her body, “MMmmuuuuaaahhh! Yyyeeesss… Mother… Gaia! UUuaaahhh! MMmmaaahhh! Aaaaahhh!”
She humped a few times as the wave of pleasure swept through her body, making her nerve endings tingle and sending her mind to Eden. She let out a soft flow of her nectar from her flower into Shanna’s mouth, which the jungle woman eagerly lapped up and swallowed.
The wave soon passed and Ivy slumped, huffing for breath as her green, leafy one-piece struggled to keep her small/medium size breasts in place as she heaved for breath. She rested her cheek on her right bicep as her arms were still raised and hanging onto the vines. She smiled, feeling the delightful euphoria throughout her body. She remained like that for several minutes, just enjoying her afterglow. She listened to her heaving breath, her pounding heart in her chest and the surrounding noises of the jungle.
Ivy eventually released the vines and finally lifted one leg up and over then took a seat next to her, smiling and trying to recover her breath. She ran her hand through the blonde locks as Shanna settled properly in her afterglow and enjoying the flavor on her tongue and in her mouth. Her new friend had swallowed her sweet nectar, sealing her control over her mind for the time being. She shifted off and took a seat next to her, smiling and relaxing, wishing to settle in for the night before going out to retrieve the last ingredient.