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Ladies Pro Wrestling

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Offline The Midnight Rider

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Ladies Pro Wrestling
« on: June 05, 2019, 10:55:07 PM »
Our first match is Natalie who weighs in at 125 and is wearing a white two piece. She is taking Breeann who weighs in at 135 and is wearing a red two piece. Unfortunately for both girls they both ended up suffering a beating. Just about there minutes into the match Kristina ran into the ring and started attacking both girls. Natalie was the first two suffer as Kristina grabbed her from behind and gave her a big side suplex. Then she grabbed Breeann and gave her a brutal belly to belly suplex. Kristina then took both Natalie and put her limp body on top of Breeann. She then put both girls in the STF and they both just started screaming in pain. Kristina then told them that if they will say that she's the better women that she will let them go. Natalie didn't hesitate to admit that Kristina was a better women than her. Breeann however told Kristina to fuck off. That enraged Kristina to the point that she let go of the hold and threw Natalie out of the ring. Kristina then went back over and placed the STF back on Breeann. After about thirty seconds of Breeann howling in pain Kristian told her that she had one more chance to answer her question or have her knee and shoulder permanently damaged. Finally after another twenty seconds in the hold Breeann finally told Kristina that she was the better women. Kristina though was still enraged at Breann's disrespect that she grabbed her by her bikini bottom and gave a Breeann a big wedgie before throwing her out of the ring.

Our next match is Leiah who weighs in 140 and is wearing a green two piece. She is going against Whitney who weighs in at 180 and is wearing a purple one piece. Leiah who is the veteran of the group thought that she would have no problem with the larger rookie. That was a fatal flaw for Leiah as Whitney made her pay for it in quick fashion. As Leiah had Whitney reeling from a couple of big punches she was able to bounce of the rope and she was going to hit Whitney with a cross body block. Whitney however had it scouted out and caught Leiah in mid air. Then with Leiah screaming in fear Whiney simply came crashing down to the mat on top of Leiah. Whitney was not done though as she dragged Leiah over to the corner and she climbed up to the second rope and gave Leiah a big bonzi drop. Whitney then simply sat on top of Leiah's chest as the ref counted to three. Your winner of the match is Whitney

Our final match is Hailey who weighs in at 175 and is wearing a pink two piece. Her opponent is Dena who weighs in at 200 pounds and is wearing a black one piece with white trim. Dena who came into the match coming off three straight tough loses while Hailey is coming of a tough loss herself. Both girls went at hard for nearly fifteen minutes. At around the ten minute mark Dena gave Hailey a big bodyslam and went up to the second rope and connected with a big elbow drop to Hailey's chest. However to Dena's suprise Hailey was able to kickout at two. A frustrated Dena then picked Hailey and and put her in the corner and went to deliver a huge splash but Hailey moved out of the way. Hailey then was able to shake things off and grabbed Dena by the hair and stuck her head between her legs. She was going to give Dena a big piledriver but Dena was able to block it and eventually gave Hailey a big backdrop to free herself from getting planted on the mat. Dena then gave Hailey another bodyslam and went back to the second rope for another elbow drop. However this time Hailey was able to move out of the way leaving Dena to crash on the hard mat. Hailey then saw an opening and with Dena clutching her elbow she went over and put Dena in a brutal cross arm breaker. Dena simply had no choice but to quickly tap out. Then after the match as Dena was holding her arm and Hailey was standing in the corner trying to catch her breath. Hailey goes over to Dena who is now on her feet and asks for a handshake and a hug which Dena agrees to. But as they were embraced in a hug Dena raised her knee straight into Hailey's crotch. Then Dena put Hailey in the corner and stripped Hailey of her bikini top and repeatedly chopped her chest until it was red. Finally Dena threw Hailey to the mat and went up to the second rope and gave her another elbow drop to Hailey's bare chest. Dena then stood over Hailey's prone body and told her that she was tired of playing nice then she stuffed the bikini top into Hailey's mouth. Your winner of the match is Hailey.