Stefanie Scott

Olivia Holt

Olivia twirls her golden blond locks in her fingers, and confidently poses with a hand on her slender hip. She suggestively adjusts her skimpy, floral-printed dress causing the males in the audience to hoot and holler in approval. The young blond may have been on the recieving end of several rough and humiliating losses since her arrival in the Celebrity Catfight scene, but she tonight she actually had a shot at winning. Tonight she was going to fight against a newbie.
Olivia Holt wasn't your typical main event starlette, her short 5'1 stature was incosistant with the towering starlettes that typically fought in the main event, however her insistent trash talk and belittling comments toward her opponent had caused enough buzz to sell out the arena, awarding her a spot on the finale fight of the Celebrity Catfight card. The young blond's lios curl in a concieted smirk as the lights in the arena dim.
Olivia had the right to be cocky. She had participated in several fights and, although most of the time on the losing end, had grown more skillful in the ring. Olivia's trash talk leading up to the match had been met with no response from her rival, indicating to Holt, and the fans, that her opponent was shy, nervous and ultimately the weaker of the two young women. Silence in the world of the Celebrity Catfight circle was a sign of cowardice.
All of the tell-tale signs of weakness dissipated as the song 'Lady Marmalade', a sultry anthem that no one would expect to play as the newbie's theme song, booms through the loud speakers and Stefanie Scott walks out of the curtain, confidently strutting in sync with the music. The 21-year-old, clad in a colorful purple dress, beams at the cheering crowd. She held her head high as she stopped on the entrance ramp, seamlessly going into a choreographed, sensual dance. Her hands ran playfully through her hair, sliding down her firm, tanned body; the young woman putting on a sensual show for the pleasantly surprised audience. Her palms run across her breasts and down to her crotch, her hips enthusiastically rocking as the chorus of "Guichie, Guichie, ya ya, dada" blasts. Stefanie continues strutting, still in sync with the music, toward the ring. She flings her leg over the bottom rope, wiggling her firm little booty, before finally setting foot in the squared circle.
Olivia, standing in the far corner of the ring, crosses her arms over her pert chest and scowls at the slutty, idiotic display, sneering at Stefanie who simply winks in response. Stefanie continues feeding into the cheers and wolfwhistles of the raucous audience by sensually dancing and posing.
Stefanie Scott beams as she hops onto the middle rope, holding onto the top rope for stability, and leans forward, blowing a kiss.
Olivia, having enough of this girl's stupid antics, stomps toward her. Olivia grabs a handful of Scott's dirty blonde hair and yanks backward, driving the back of her skull into the canvas. "Playtime's over, sweetheart. But don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to dance and flirt once I beat your ass." Holt, demonstrating her in-ring experience, stomps her heel down, crushing Stefanie's tits against her chest. Olivia grinds her heel against the soft flesh, eliciting anguished shrieks from the inexperienced 21-year-old.
Olivia drops a knee into Stefanie's sternum. Scott gasps for air, coughing and sputtering. She rolls onto her side, clutching her stomach. Olivia kneels down and tenderly pats her rival's face, "There, there. Between me and you, this is nothing personal, I just need to send a message to all of the bitches in the back who think it's okay to humiliate me every fight." Olivia grabs Stefanie's cheeks, squeezing them and forcing the girl to look up at her, "So, when I strip you naked, finger you and sit on your face till you pass out, just know that I'm doing it because I despise every single slut in this league."
Olivia's hazel eyes sparkle with devilish glee as her manicured nails clamp onto the top of Stefanie's purple dress. "Speaking of stripping you..." Olivia begins tugging with all her might, but the material of the dress just stretches out. Holt was perplexed. Everytime someone fought her, they were able to rip her clothes off without an issue. She tries again, her arms straining at the purple fabric simply snaps back into place. Olivia huffs and tries a third time, grabbing with both hands and leaning back. Olivia's fingers slip, causing her to fall on her ass, her weak arms had barely damaged the stitching.
The young 20-year-old sits on her sore bottom and slaps her palms on the canvas, throwing a temper-tantrum. "Why can't I rip off her freaking dress!" Holt cries out rhetorically.
"Because," Olivia looks up in shock as Stefanie, who had been playing possum, having long since recovered from Olivia's initial attack, stood over the sitting girl, "you're a weak, whiney, little bitch." Stefanie cocks her leg back and, before Olivia can respond or react, cracks her foot across Holt's breast with a sickening punt. Olivia flips backwards. She lets out a whimper and, clutching her sore breasts, scoots back from her advancing foe. Holt realizes she's in trouble as she feels her back hit the turnbuckle. This newbie had just backed her into the corner, with nowhere to run.
Olivia holds her hands up, pleading for Stefanie to allow her to stand, because Olivia is obviously a supporter of fighting fair and would never fight someone in a dishonorable fashion... yeah, right. Scott, although a novice, sees right through her conniving opponent's tricks and sprints forward. Olivia is so used to her opponent's kicking her pussy she immediately covers her crotch, leaving her chin wide open.
Once Stefanie is within striking distance she rams her knee up into Olivia's chin. The young blond's head snaps back, her eyes rolling back as she immediately collapses on her face, knocked out. The referee steps in to count her out but Scott waves him off. "I'm not finished with the little Disney Princess."
Stefanie grabs a handful of Holt's wavey blonde hair and drags her face-first to the center of the ring. The audience is on the edge of their seats in anticipation, not knowing what to expect from the new girl. Stefanie grabs a fist full of hair and lifts, revealing the tiny golden zipper to the back of Olivia's bright floral dress. Scott easily unzips the dress, unhooks the clasp of Holt's hot pink bra and rolls Olivia's onto her back. Stefanie tugs the top half of the dress down before shimmying the floral-decorated material the rest of the way off. Scott's stripping of Olivia was textbook. Olivia's pink bra was snatched off, unveiling her small, yet pert, supple titties, and flung into the crowd. Holt's bronzed, nubile body was yet again displayed to the frenzied crowd.
The novice catfighter left Olivia's pink cotton thong on, a mistake that the promoters who were watching at ringside were willing to forgive. The 21-year-old scoops up Olivia's ankles, spreading her legs, dangling her foot over the small triangle of pink cloth. The audience applauds in anticipation for the stomp, but, to everyone's surprise, Stefanie slowly lowers her foot, her toes wiggling under the slutty thong. There is an audible gasp from everyone in attendance as Stefanie's toes playfully massage Olivia's labia. The younger, knocked out starlette twitches and moans, her body inadvertently reacting to the stimulation.
Stefanie slowly slides her toes in and out of her rival's smoothly-shaven pussy. Olivia's back arches, her firm, small tits jut toward the ceiling as Scott ramps up her tempo. Olivia's eyelids flutter, and soon she realizes her predicament. Holt shrieks and tries to kick her legs, but can't seem to budge Scott's firm grip.
"Whu... what are you doiiiing! Staaahp!!" Olivia cries out.
"Good, I wanted you to be awake for this. Now beg!" Stef slides her toes out of Olivia's vagina and begins sensually rubbing the distressed young woman's engorged clit. Holt spasms, biting her bottom lip, her petite frame convulsing as a deep moan, followed by a distressed whimper, escapes her parted lips. "I said beg!" Stefanie demands giving the young Blond's clit a rough flick with her big toe.
Olivia cries, mascara streaking down her painfully aroused features. "Puhleaseee! Sta...s..stahaaaap!"
Stefanie shakes her head no, a playful grin on her adorable face. "Nope, not what I wanted to hear." Stef utilizes her toes and her arch to intently scrub and prod Olivia's sensitive nub. The tanned blond convulses, her abdomen tightens as a wave of euphoria begins to rise and swell.
"Please...please.." Holt stares up into the stadium lights, her words, at first, are incoherent mumbles but they slowly become inherently clear. "Puhleesmaiieecuh. Puhleasmaymecuh. Puhlees maymecuh... Puh...Puhlease may me cuh."
"What's that, dear. Oh, you don't look so good. Your face is all red and splotchy and wow you are sweaty! Phew girl, you're gonna need a shower after this!" Stefanie giggles as she looks down in mock concern, "You're gonna have to speak up, sweetheart. I can't understand you."
Olivia's tear-streaked face scrunches up in ecstasy as she screams "PUHLEAS MAY ME CUH! PUHLEASE MAKE ME CUM! PLEASE MAKE ME CUM!!!!!"
Stef giggles at her distraught blond opponent, "That's what I wanted to hear and since you did beg for it..." Scott gives wiggles her toes and slides her arch until Olivia belts out a deafening, guttural groan. Her body quakes as wave after euphoric wave crashes over her pert, young body. Her pussy gushes out, thoroughly drenching Stef's foot.
Scott drops Holt's legs, removes her foot, allowing the pink cotton of Olivia's slutty panties to soak up the rest of the sticky liquid, and sits next to her rival. The crowd and spectators standing up and applauding the newcomer on her dominating performance.
Olivia's chest and face are masked in a red flush of sex and her chest rises as her quickened breathing slowly returns to normal. Stef waits for Olivia's face to return back to it's normal bronze color, and allows the cheers to die down, before casually gripping Olivia's right wrist and falling backward, trapping her arm in a painful armbar.
Olivia, thinking the match, as well as the humiliation was over turns her face toward her opponent. "But you won! Aieeee! Staaahp!" Olivia sobs in confusion as her arm is bent painfully back.
Stefanie leans back, as if comfortably reclining in a chair. "I never heard you give an official submission and since he's still here," Scott nods to the ref, "I assume the match isn't over yet." The ref nods affirmatively. Olivia lets out a deep sob, "I SUBMPHHHH!"
Stefanie cruelly cuts off the blonde by shoving her juice coated foot inside Holt's mouth. Olivia violently thrashes as her tongue is forced to slide against Scott's toes. The beaten blonde gags as Stef shoves even more of her foot inside the warm inviting cavern of Holt's pretty mouth.
Olivia's tastebuds quickly absorbed the margarita-like cocktail blend of tastes. Her own sweet, sticky orgasmic juices blended evenly with the disgusting sweaty, salty taste of Scott's invading foot. Olivia wildly taps her hand against the mat, her feet kicking out and her legs twitching. Holt is now blubbering like a baby as she vainly attempts to break the debilitating hold.
Stefanie curls her lips, slides her left foot over and, uses the toes of her left foot, pinches Olivia's nostrils shut, effectively cutting off her breathing. In a matter of seconds the blonde's tan, slender frame becomes still, with the exception of a few sporadic twitches. Stef retracts her foot and admires her handiwork. Olivia's once arrogantly smirking mouth now hangs agape; her perfect golden blonde hair, now frizzy and frayed; her meticulously applied mascara now ran sloppily across her ruddy cheeks.
At this point Stef seems to realize that Olivia still has on her underwear, but little does everyone know, keeping her panties intact was the plan all along. She had given the cotton enough time to absorb as much orgasmic juice as it could. It was finally time to put her plan into action.
Stefanie bends down and easily yanks the skimpy pink panties down Olivia's slender, tan legs as a single elastic string of cum stretches from the soaked pink cloth to her reddened, beaten pussy. Scott balls up the skimpy undergarment, straddles Holt's naked bosom, and pushes the pink cloth between her slightly agape lips until it nestles firmly inside her mouth.
Stefanie Scott rises and places her barefoot upon the heaving, naked breasts of her beaten adversary. Stefanie steps on Olivia's breasts as a final display of dominance as she happily skips back up the ramp, Lady Marmalade booming through the arena. Although she never received an official submission, her victory was clear to everyone in the stands. The promoters give a standing ovation as the novice underdog of the fight dances merrily away, fully clothed, and basking in the crowd's adulation.
After all of her trash talking, all of the media coverage, all of her threats and belittling comments, Olivia Holt lay once again in defeat. She was blissfully unaware of the flashes of cameras in the audience and the fight night news reporters who were filming, using her nude, spread-eagled body as their backdrop. She lay in blissful sleep, her drenched panties nestled against her tongue, her tastebuds saturated by her juices, her nostrils polluted with the horrid odor of Stefanie's feet. Her slim, nude body yet again just lay inert on the mat, unveiled for the world to see.