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Neighbor's Daughter

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Offline RJT45

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Neighbor's Daughter
« on: July 19, 2019, 03:57:04 PM »
My wife Peggy is a voluptuous red head, who loves physical altercations with other women!  It all started 23 years ago, right after our daughter Allie was born.  Having a few stubborn pregnancy pounds that were giving her a hard time, she joined a local gym, and started boxing classes to lose the weight.  She was good at it and enjoyed it, and the classes led to a couple of real fights with other women.  Along the way, she got into wrestling and catfighting too, and now is always looking for an opportunity to "mix it up" with another woman...young or old!

Peggy currently is 52 years old, stands five foot eight, has shoulder length red hair, green eyes, weighs in at 130 pounds, and has a fabulous 36D-24-34 figure!  Many times, younger women have been lulled into a false sense of security in fights because of her age.  In the end, they've all paid for that.  This then is another of her stories!!

Our down the street neighbor has her 30 something daughter visiting.  The Mom had been present when Peggy had her impromptu catfight recently with Karyn, and obviously the Mom had told her daughter about it.  I put this out there for background of the following story Peggy told me.

One morning, as I was off at work, Peggy decided to spend a couple of hours down at the beach.  She was sitting all alone just watching the waves, when Candid, our neighbors buxom 30 something daughter plopped down on the sand next top her.  "I hear you are a pretty good cat fighter.", Candid said.  "Perhaps you and I could fight sometime?"

Peggy looked over at the girl, who in addition to having a large chest was also a little beefier in the backside and probably had 20-30 pounds on my wife.  "How old are you?"

"33", she answered.

"I think you'd be better served fighting my daughter than me.  I'm 20 years your senior."

"Oh I'd be happy to fight her too, but what I really want is to try my luck with you!"

The two women continued to talk, and eventually they agreed to a catfight that was to take place about a week later at our house.  All this was a very interesting development, and I was looking forward to the action!

The day of the encounter, Peggy and I moved the furniture aside in our family room, leaving an area about 12 foot square for the fight.  The women had agreed to one piece swim suits, and Peggy's was a dark green, with a nice neckline that showed some nice cleavage.  When Candid and her Mom arrived, I was surprised to see that the 33 year old had worn a black suit, with a plunging V neckline, which clearly put her D or DD chest on display.  Would the ladies play the "tit" card?  only time would tell!

They agreed to start off with a series of tag outs, and would see who had the most.  The two women faced each other, and although Candid's hair was almost too short to grab, her first move against Peggy was the classic catfight hair grab!  With two handfuls of red hair, she threw Peggy to the carpet, and then landed hard on my wife. Peggy struggled, but there was no way out from under the youngster, so she tapped out! 

As the women faced off again, Canidy looked a little smug that she'd taken Peggy down so fast, but that look was gone as soon as Peggy hit Candid low, lifted her in the air, and in one fluid motion, slammed the 33 year old to the floor.  Peggy had effectively knocked the air out of the younger fighter, and since she couldn't move, she too tapped out.

The women continued like this for probably 20 minutes, till they each had 10 "falls" each.  Candid said, "Look this sucks!  We're not getting anywhere with this method.  How bout no more falls, we just fight till one of us wins?"

"Sounds good to me.  You want to rest first?"

"I'm fine, but if you need a breather???"

Peggy said nothing, but just waved the younger fighter forward.  The women circled but suddenly Candid moved at Peggy and hit her in the gut with a right fist that really seemed to hit a sweet spot.  Candid followed that up with another right to the exact same place, and I knew she'd done some damage to Peggy!  Then the youngster grabbed two handfuls of red hair, and proceeded to knee Peggy's tits repeatedly.  Eventually she threw my wife up against the wall, and then proceeded to knee her in the stomach!  Peggy was in trouble and Candid knew she had the older, more experienced cat fighter on the run!!!  Finally, she grabbed my wife by the hair, and threw her to the middle of the room!

"Wow", Candid said, "didn't think you were going to be that easy.  Hey Mom, thought you said she was a good fighter?" and with that, the younger girl started to laugh, but the laugh was on her, because although she'd dished Peggy a really beating, Peggy strung at the younger fighter, slammed her shoulder into her large chest, lifted her off her feet and slammed her into the wall! 

Now it was Peggy's turn, as it looked like Candid had had the air knocked out of her!  Peggy delivered a couple of right left combos to Candid's gut and then holding the back of her head, kneed the 33 year old in her large tits.  Then she grabbed Candid in a head lock and flipped her to the floor.  Peggy straddled the younger fighter, and reaching into her suit, pulled her boobs out by the nipples.  She proceeded to do a pretty effective job of working over the younger fighters tits, especially concentrating on her nipples, and in the end, took just about all the fight out of Candid!  Peggy surprised me by reaching up and puling down the straps of her suit top, and pulled the top down exposing her 36Ds, which she then dropped over Candid's face.  The youngster struggled, but eventually as her air supply was cut off, tapped out for the 21st and deciding fall!  Put this one in the age/experience column, as my hellion wife had beaten a fighter some 20 years younger.

Before we go, Peggy wants a word with you...Peggy!

Thanks RJ.  So, where to begin??  Well, I guess with a story you may have read about my surprise catfight with a woman named Karyn.  You can read the whole story here (, but to sum it up briefly, we'd been invited to watch two women box at a friend's house.  The two women were a bit older than me at 60, and the fight was between a well built blonde woman (I'd say a set of 38DDs was well built) and a much slighter but athletic brunette woman with just a hint of tits.  The woman were very different physically, and would be fighting topless.  Well, the slight woman won the fight, and I think the fact that Karyn and I then had a catfight kind of upstaged her win.  In short...she wasn't happy with either of us!  Well, the slight brunette was Candid's Mom, and now you may see the connection.  I think she really wanted Candid to clean my clock and even up with me.  Well, that didn't happen, but in chatting after the fight, Pat (her Mom) suggested that we needed to have a Mom and Daughter cat fight session.  Candid to fight my daughter Allie and she Pat, to fight me.  Flush from victory against a 30 something woman, I was gung ho to continue, and we agreed to work out details.  Like her boxing match, she wants us to fight topless, which means my 36Ds will be in full view.  Thinking about it after the fact, I realize it's been a long time since I've fought a woman with little or no tits.  Not really sure what I think about that.  Stay tuned!


Offline Allie22

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Re: Neighbor's Daughter
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2019, 03:59:39 PM »
I guess we should get ready Mom! 


Offline Peggy Tee

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Re: Neighbor's Daughter
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2019, 05:57:19 PM »
I guess we should girl!  She's a bitch, so be prepared darling!


Offline Allie22

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Re: Neighbor's Daughter
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2019, 06:04:30 PM »
I guess we should girl!  She's a bitch, so be prepared darling!

So, I assume since you won, you're a bigger bitch?    So perhaps you and I should tangle to prepare!

Now, as to the Mom, Pat....She needs one of those T-shirts that says "I'VE GOT NO TITS" because that woman is pretty flat!  She goes after your rack, you've got nothing to attack!  The daughter sounds like she's in my ball park, so I can at least go tit to tit with her. 

I'm getting excited Mom!!



Offline RJT45

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Re: Neighbor's Daughter
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2019, 10:06:55 PM »
There are now 3 fights in this series, with the latest, The Neighbor's Daughter - The Final Chapter written by my wife Peggy!