Paget Brewster walked slowly down to the ring, then rolled under the bottom rope. She noticed Hilary and Julianne and walked up to them. Julianne reached up to Paget and mouthed the word help. Paget smiled and kicked Hilary in the ribs. Julianne looked relieved as Hilary's grip loosened and Hilary's legs unlocked from around her waist. The relief vanished when Paget stomped Julianne in the gut. Nina ran across the ring and launched herself toward Paget. Paget side stepped the spear and raised her knee up into Nina's face. Nina groaned as she was knocked over and across Julianne. Paget dropped and elbow into Nina's chest and drew a groan of pain from Nina, Julianne, and Hilary. Ashley swung at Paget and she ducked under the swing. When Paget stood back up she put her hand on Ashley's throat. Ashley let out a squeal as Paget picked her straight up off her feet. Paget, turned Ashley as she came back down, slamming her down flat on her back. Kristen cartwheeled toward Paget, when she came up in front of Paget she was upside down. She locked her arms around Paget's waist and continued the cartwheel, coming right side up, holding Paget's body with Paget's head between her knees. Paget kicked her legs where her thighs hit Kristen's shoulders and knocked her balance backwards. As Kristen bent over backwards Paget put feet on the mat and now held Kristen upside down with Kristen's head between her shoulders.
"Well it almost worked." groaned Kristen.
Paget fell to her knees driving Kristen's head into the mat. Kristen fell flat on her back with her eyes wide and glazed over. Paget smiled as she looked down at Kristen.
"One good kick in the head should take the Maloney out of this one." said Paget as she backed up to get a good run for a punt. Paget only took one step before Hilary met her. Hilary put her arms around Paget, turned her a little, then fell back, throwing Paget over her head. Paget landed flat on her back, knocking the wind out of her. Julianne climbed to the top rope and jumped off toward Paget. A splash across Paget's body drove what little air she had out again. Julianne rolled away from Paget, curled up in pain herself. Nina bounced off the ropes and dropped her knee down across Paget's forehead. Ashley had made it back to her feet and instead of attacking Paget, she grabbed Nina's arms and held them back. She turned the helpless Nina toward Kristen who was just getting up.
"Oh don't do this!" groaned Nina.
"Not afraid of a skinny little gal like that are you?" asked Ashley.
"She was a gymnast. Do you have any idea how much power they can pack in a punch?" asked Nina.
"I think you're about to find out." said Ashley.
Kristen drove a hard right cross into Nina's belly. Nina's eyes closed tightly and her cheeks puffed out as the air hissed out of her body. Ashley's eyes widened and she let out a grunt as she felt the impact in her own belly.
"Wow, you do pack a whallop. Give her one of those on the chin and it's good night Nina." said Ashley as she pulled Nina back up straight.
Nina slid her feet between Ashley's and fell forward as Kristen swung. Nina's body pivoted down in Ashley's arms, dropping her head below Kristen's swing. The right cross caught Ashley flush on the jaw and snapped her head around. Ashley let Nina go and fell like log, out cold before she hit the mat. Kristen looked at Ashley and shrugged.
"Oh well, one less to stand in my way." said Kristen.
As Nina rolled Ashley out of the ring Hilary kicked Kristen in the gut. The horn sounded as Kristen bent over, then used that position to drive Hilary into the corner. Kimberley Walsch ran down to the ring and slid under the ropes. Kimberley stood up just in time for Paget to plant her boot in Kimberley's face. Kimberley spun around and was knocked off her feet by a clothesline from Julianne. Kristen tossed Hilary out of the corner across Kimberley's prone body. Paget walked toward Julianne, but was caught around the middle by Nina with a spear that sent Paget to the mat. Kristen walked toward Nina, but Julianne caught Kristen from behind in a full nelson. Kristen clenched her teeth and tried to pull her arms down to break the hold.
"Nina, hurry up, this little girl is strong." said Julianne.
Julianne's arms trembled as she tried to keep her fingers locked together behind Kristen's head. Nina stepped up to Kristen and hit a hard straight right into Kristen's belly. Kristen's eyes widened and she let out a loud:
A left hook into the gut bent Kristen over a little, but she was still being held up by Julianne. Kristen stopped trying to break the hold, instead reached back and put her hands on either side of Julianne's head. She put her feet together, swung them back between Julianne's feet, then forward to plant both feet in Nina's belly.
"Awwwh!" screamed Nina as she bent over.
Kristen pushed off from that impact to send Julianne flat on her back. Julianne let go of the hold more out of surprise than anything when they hit the mat. Kristen rolled to her feet and waited on Julianne to get up. When Julianne got to her feet, Kristen quickly chicken winged Julianne's right arm, then used her left arm to turn Julianne's head to the side. Kristen pulled Julianne down the mat, then used her feet to neutralize Julianne's legs. Paget got back to her feet and found Nina still gasping and bent over. A quick kick in the side of the head sent Nina to the canvas in a daze. Paget walked up to Kristen and Julianne and smiled. Julianne was on the verge of tapping when Paget caught her hand and pulled it up. A sadistic smile crossed Paget's lips as she landed three quick hard stomps into Julianne's stretched belly. Julianne was in agony when Paget kicked Kristen in the ribs, causing the gymnast to break the hold. Julianne rolled into the corner holding her shoulder, making sure it was still where it was supposed to be. Paget walked toward the wounded dancer ready to eliminate her from the match. Hilary's arms wrapped around Paget's waist from behind. Paget gasped as she was picked up off the mat, then slammed back down in a german suplex. Paget could tell Hilary's hands were still around her as she was turned over. Hilary jerked the air out of her again as she hit a second german suplex. Paget was in a daze when Hilary pulled her up to her feet again. This time Hilary let go and sent Paget flying across the ring to land on her head. Paget struggled to get to her feet. Just as she got to her feet, Kimberley caught her by the back of the thighs and lifted her straight up off the mat. Kimberley backed almost into a corner and dropped straight back sending Paget face first into the ring post. Paget flopped limplying across the turnbuckles, then slid down to the mat. Kimberley rolled the unconscious Paget out of the mat and onto a waiting stretcher. As Kristen moved toward Hilary the horn blew again. Aly Raisman walked through the curtain as Hilary kicked Kristen in the gut. Aly took her time walking to the ring and watched as Hilary pushed Kristen's head down between Hilary's thighs. Hilary locked her hands under Kristen and picked her up where she sat on Hilary's shoulders. Hilary walked toward one of the corners and power bombed Kristen onto the top turnbuckle. A look of agony crossed Kristen's face as her whole body shuddered from the impact. Kristen fell down on her knees, then flat on her stomach. Hilary went down on one knee and raised her arm to punch down on Kristen. Aly caught Hilary's arm, spun her around, then snapped a knee into Hilary's face. Hilary fell back and jumped right back up with a look of fury on her face. As Hilary sprang forward, Aly went down on one knee, caught Hilary's legs, lifted the blonde off the mat, and dropped her throat first across the top rope. Hilary bounced back and rolled to the side gagging and holding her throat. Aly knelt beside Kristen and lay her hand on Kristen's side. Kristen groaned and motioned for Aly to go away.
"Sorry Kristen." said Aly as she picked up Kristen's feet.
Kristen screamed in pain as Aly sat back in a boston crab.
"For once in your life, Kristen don't be so stubborn and tap out." said Aly over her shoulder.
"She can't tap out." said Nina.
"Why not?" asked Aly.
"Because she's already passed out from the pain." answered Nina.
Aly let the hold go and dropped Kristen's legs. Aly rolled Kristen onto the apron and let the attendants lift her down to a stretcher. Aly turned to Nina, put her arms around Nina's ribs, and lifted her up off the mat. Nina gasped in pain, then tried to push Aly away.
"Don't think we haven't been watching in the back. Some of us have noticed how much these ribs have been punished tonight." said Aly as she squeezed tighter.
"How can someone so tiny be so strong?" gasped Nina.
"You try swinging from bars, and walking handstands for hours on end and see what that does for your strength." said Aly.
"One bad thing about a bear hug in a battle royale." said Nina.
"What?" asked Aly.
"No rules." said Nina as she punched Aly in the nose.
Aly dropped Nina and lay her hand on her nose. Kimberley hit Aly with a forearm shot in the lower back. Aly arched her back and took a couple steps forward with a groan. Nina stopped Aly's forward momentum with a straight right into Aly's belly. Aly doubled over with air hissing between her lips. Nina wrapped her arm around Aly's head and fell back, dropping the gymnast on her head. When Nina got back to her feet, Kimberley grabbed Nina's wrist and shot her into the ropes. When Nina came back toward Kimberley, Kimberley spun Nina down to the mat with a power slam. Kimberley quickly jumped to her feet and pulled Nina up. Nina groaned as for the second time she was put in an abdominal stretch. Kimberley ran her free hand lightly over Nina's right side.
"With the beating you've taken tonight, it wouldn't surprise me if one of those ribs aren't cracked." taunted Kimberley.
"Only one?" grunted Nina.
Nina smiled as the horn sounded again.
"I think you'll give up long before help arrives." said Kimberley.
"I don't." said Julianne.
"Bugger." spat Kimberley.
A crescent kick from Julianne caught Kimberley on the temple. Kimberley released the hold on Nina and spun to the canvas. Grace Chatto walked down the ramp as Julianne nudged Kimberley with her foot and confirmed that the British singer was unconscious. Grace dropped her fur lined coat beside the stairs and walked up. Julianne rolled Kimberley out of the ring as Grace climbed to the top rope as nimbly as her namesake. Hilary made to her feet just in time for Grace's flying body to knock her right back down. Julianne ran toward Grace, but Grace caught her, spun her around, dropped to one knee at the same time that she brought Julianne's right shoulder down on her other knee. Julianne screamed and twisted in pain as she clutched at her already hurt shoulder. Grace smiled and moved toward Julianne only to catch a kick in the gut from Nina. Nina put her arm around Grace's head and nodded to Julianne. Julianne put her left arm around Grace's head and the two of them lifted Grace upside down, then over in a double suplex. Julianne got up with a groan, holding her right shoulder. Nina wiped a lock of Julianne's matted blonde hair out of her face.
"I'm sorry Jules." said Nina as she stepped back.
"What?" gasped Julianne.
A quick side kick caught Julianne under the chin and knocked her straight back and flat on her back. Nina shook her head as she rolled Julianne over onto the apron.
"I thought you were friends." said Aly as she pulled Nina back up by her hair.
Nina stepped to the side and drove the point of her elbow into Aly's gut.
"We are, but she's hurt. She won't quit, so if I hadn't eliminated her she would have done some major damage." said Nina as she snapped in three quick left jabs to Aly's jaw.
Aly blocked Nina's right cross with her left hand, then pressed the thumb of her right against Nina's ribs. Nina groaned and her knees buckled from the pain.
"And you're healthy?" asked Aly.
Nina straightened her knees as she brought a left upper cut into Aly's solar plexus.
"Yaulkh!" gagged Aly as she hunched her shoulders.
Nina watched Hilary out of the corner of her eye. Hilary caught Grace as she got back to her hands and knees. She put one hand on the back of Grace's neck, and used to other to grab the back of Grace's tights. Hilary slung Grace like a human battering ram toward Nina and Aly. Nina jumped to the side and top of Grace's head drove into Aly's gut. Aly folded over and fell through the ropes. Nina grabbed Grace's arms and pulled them back. Nina smiled when she heard the solid hits as Hilary drove punches into the platinum blonde's abdomen. Grace pushed back and ran backwards, driving Nina into the corner, and sandwiching her against the turnbuckles. Nina let go of Grace's arms. Grace ran forward and knocked Hilary for a loop with a clothesline. Grace stepped toward Hilary, jumped, then drove her knee down in Hilary's thigh just above her knee. Hilary screamed and tried to roll over, but Grace grabbed her leg. Hilary shook her head as Grace turned Hilary's legs in a figure four leg lock. Hilary let out a shriek of pain as she tried to turn away from the pain. Aly slid back into the ring and found Nina leaning against the turnbuckles trying to catch her breath. Aly stepped in, leaning her body against Nina's. Aly locked her hands behind Nina's head and pulled Nina's face against her bosom.
"Now I'm not nearly as well endowed as Natasha Henstridge, but the effect is just the same. You can't breathe and in about sixty seconds you go to sleep." said Aly as the horn sounded.