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Sorority Wars Part 5 of 10

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Sorority Wars Part 5 of 10
« on: March 09, 2012, 10:51:04 PM »

Sorority Wars Part 5 of 10

Part 1 of 'SORORITY WARS' can be found in CF,BX&WRESTLING, dated September 13,2011
Part 2 of 'SORORITY WARS' can be found in CF,BX&WRESTLING, dated October 17,2011
Part 3 of 'SORORITY WARS' can be found in CF,BX&WRESTLING, dated November 20,2011
Part 4 of 'SORORITY WARS' can be found in CF,BX&WRESTLING, dated December 1,2011

The Sorority War sponsors have proposed another form of very dirty mauling - better described as
cxnt-KICKING, not with boots, but a foot directly into an opponent's wet pussy. To make each
cxnt-KICKING SORTIE last longer for the excited observers, the cxnt-KICKER is to wear layered,
padded 'slippers'over her bare, cxnt-KICKING foot, attendants remove a layer of the soft padding
at the end of each KICKING ATTACK, so as to INCREASE the KICKED GIRL's cries at the more violent
kicking she will receive as the cxnt KICKER's foot is further exposed! When the KICKING GIRL's
padded slippers are completely removed the cxnt KICKER has a bare, soft pussy to drive her
mauling bare foot into and revel in her opponent's shrieking at this exciting cxnt KICKING she
is getting, but will be able to retaliate soon, the scheduling as shown below!

The KICKED-GIRL is tied to a frame with her legs TIED APART, her hands tied to the frame to
prevent any defense, her bare, gaping, pussy open and trembling in excitement as to what was to
come from her opponent's well-padded and eventual bare-footed cxnt KICKING !!

The girl being cxnt KICKED is naturally going to try to protect her pussy with both hands, but
in this contest(?) her arms, as well as her entire body will be strapped to the frame that will
also secure her ankles far enough apart to allow the cxnt KICKER ample space between her thighs
to drive a foot into the KICKED girl's crotch for this ultimate form of violent female mauling!
cxnt KICKING can be sometimes be quite violent, hence her entire body may also have to be
supported, especially later in her ordeal when the KICKER's bare foot is smashing into her

cxnt KICKED girls who faint during the session are aroused to finish their estimated tolerance,
this procedure allowed for only three fainting situations, then she is judged unable to surrender
and cxnt KICKING is suspended for her and her estimated tolerance that she professed earlier is
awarded to the cxnt KICKER's sorority as if the unconscious cxnt KICKED girl had surrendered so
as to end her ordeal!

Sorority members who have successfully navigated this form of dirty female 'combat' will be quite
honored in their separate sororities, having many experienced and neophite members as cxnt
FIGHTING sex partners that almost always result in huge orgasmic experiences that can approach
additive levels! Even cxnt KICKING 'losers' share this privilege, although they may have to
restrict some sexual activities if their loss was recent!

Because this violent form of fighting can be quite painful, a cxnt KICKED girl can end her ordeal
by surrendering to the other very excited cxnt KICKER! The possibility of a substitute exists,
but the 'retaliation-factor' would be gone in those later rounds when further cxnt KICKING would
increase theIR ANGER at each other to 'get that dirty bitch who
kicked my pussy so hard' !

The scoring for this violent contest requires the KICKED-GIRL to first estimate the number of
padded-slipper, and then a bare foot smashing that she could absorb before surrendering to her
excited opponent! Each hard cxnt KICKING she absorbs would earn a scoring point for her sorority,
but early surrenders would reward the cxnt KICKER's Sorority. Passing out more than 3 times was
equivalent to a surrender and the cxnt KICKER is allowed 3 minutes of BREAST SQUEEZING TORTURE as
a reward after awakening the loser and hearing her screams and shrieks at this additional
punishment to her soft, vulnerable breasts!

To allow for close viewing of thess monstrous contests, two such fights(?) will be scheduled
simultaniously, the threat of possible effects on the observers (both sororities) requiring complete
and secure separation by chain-link fencing! The sorority girls watching this exciting contest can
become quite excited if their heroine is winning, or being so brutally cxnt-KICKED that she is
nearly unconscioous!

A schedule for two blonde and two brunette girls as simultaneous cxnt-KICKERs and cxnt-KICKED follows:

..KICKER.......BL1 BL2  BL2 BL1  BR1 BR2  BR2 BR1  BL1 BR1  BL2 BR2 
..KICKED.......BR1 BR2  BR1 BR2  BL1 BL2  BL1 BL2  BL2 BR2  BL1 BR1 

  Count of rounds fought as:

...............BL1 BL2 BR1 BR2 
..KICKER........3   3   3   3
..KICKED........3   3   3   3

Rounds1&2 have both blondes kicking both brunettes; Rounds3&4 have both girls kicking opposite
girls; and Rounds5&6 have both blondes and both brunettes kicking their sorority sisters in swapped
positions to ensure angry feelings within their respective Sororities and to make sure everybody
got to be cxnt-KICKed by everyone else and build enmities for future combat situations between AND
WITHIN the Beta Rho and Beta Lambda Sororities!

Each girl, if she completes her schedule, has an equivalent number of both positions, cxnt KICKER
and cxnt KICKED, to forestall any claims of favoritism to any one winner by her screaming opponent
who had to surrender and lose points!

The KICKED-GIRL who voiced her estimate of her bravery and the slipper pads placed on the cxnt
KICKER's foot who was allowed to exceed the KICKED-GIRL's estimate by one additional bare-foot cxnt
KICK! This final cxnt KICK often knocks out the cxnt KICKED girl and her retaliating cxnt KICKING may
be delayed until she gasps her readiness to "really give it back to that fucking bitch"!

The first two cxnt KICKING fighter PAIRs were blondes Chessy Moore and a big breasted 20 y/o student,
Sandra who were to be matched against two brunette students, Sarah and Paula, both big breasted and
anxious to build their dirty catfighting reputations in their sororitys! Paula and Sarah were already
enemies because of a redhaired bitch they were both fucking, also a BETA RHO Sorority member (redheads
were wild cards in this sorority war, SHOWING UP IN BOTH GROUPS!)

Aware of this situation and with the redhead in attendance at this wild cxnt mauling, observers in
both sorority were anxious for Rounds 5&6 to start where both Sarah and Paula kick each other in the
cxnt to establish their ownership of the eagerly watching, excited because 'THEY'RE FIGHTING OVER ME'
redhead! For the record, neither Sarah nor Paula were hurt badlY enough to relinquish their claim to
the redheaded girl who had fainted from the excitement of being the REASON FOR THIS AWFUL MAULING!

The kicking Rounds5&6 between Chessy and Sandra vs the brunette's Sarah and Paula were buildups to
the kicking fights between the two brunettes, both Chessy and Sandra screaming for their favorites to:
- and many other exciting forms of cxnt maulings! 

Chessy Moore, her fight Round2 with Sandra as KICKER was near the point of unconsciousness, Paula
some time earlier having tit-sucked the massive breasted Chessy and nearly went crazy watching Chessy's
massive dairy flopping up and down with each kick to the blonde's pussy the brunette bitch Sandra had
given it! Chessy had over-estimated her tolerance to Sarah's kicking ability and was nearly weeping from
what the brunette was doing to her while Sarah enjoying several, jism-squirting orgasms from the
excitement and from Chessy's shrieks when Paula's foot padding had been removed!!

In Round3 Chessy really did it to her opponent, brunette Sarah whose screams of pain began after Chessy's fourth kick
of Sarah's 5-kick estimate and continued through Chessy's bare foot cxntKicking. For the other contest, Sandra-Paula's
padded kicking, brunette Paula, hearing Sarah's reactions to Chessy's kicking her brunette co-victim, began to fall
into the same attitude as Sarah, Sandra keeping up the same kicking beat as Chessy and really helping to enhance the
next round of brunette cxnt KICKING retaliation to their two blonde opponents!

Now with Round 3 coming up, both brunettes, Sarah and Paula wanted to return their experience to their grinning opponents
and insisted that Chessy and Sandra immediately get into position and have the 'wonderful blastings' they had just
experienced from the two blondes. Rounds 3&4 wiped the blonde-grins off Chessy and Sandra's horrified faces for both

Brunettes Sarah and Paula were able to knock out the two blondes and according to the rules, each got in 3 more bare-foot
cxnt KICKS and then added their two-handed BREAST SQUEEZING time to the awakened, shrieking blondes - both fainting again
at this new mauling of their soft breasts and having to be carried off the stage, besides awarding the brunettes more
scoring points! The already losing blonde sorority was going wild at this turn and some were planning for retaliation
for ANY BRUNETTE they could find! Blonde Chessy, especially was screaming at her 2-minute, 2-handed squeezing ordeal,
her massive bosom bringing on a violent orgasm for brunette Sandra as she executed her 'breast squeezing privilege' when
her partner cxnt-KICKED her into unconsciousness during Round 6 screaming, "YOU FUCKING BIG SLOB, I'M YOUR PARTNER,
WHY DID YOU KICK ME SO HARD?" Brunette Sandra didn't realize that Chessy had sadistic leanings and brunette Paula in
Round 4 had really given it to the big breasted blonde who was able to absorb Paula's violent and hard cxnt KICKS trying
to get the brunette sorority's score further higher than the blonde sorority's!

The KICKED-GIRL, just prior to the first padded slipper kicking round has given her estimate of how many of the cxnt-KICKER's
violent KICKS she can absorb. Then as the padding is removed and the cxnt-KICKING becomes even more violent, her estimate
of tolerance may seem to be higher than she realized and her only course is to SURRENDER before her cxnt is completely

Eventually, if she remainS conscious, the KICKED-GIRL would find the cxnt-KICKER's unpadded, brutally-hard, BARE and
sharp-toe-nailed foot eventually driving into her already smashed and mauled cxnt as a 'finishing touch' to the KICKER'S
gradually exposed, hard kicking foot, the padding already PROGRESSIVELY REMOVED, now would come the worst mauling
part of this cxnt-KICKING ordeal - her opponent, eyes wide with excitement and the thought of ANOTHER VIOLENT ORGASM over
hearing the KICKED-GIRL's shrieks of pain at the kicker's torturous mauling, was boiling in her wildly-scrambled and madly
sadistic mind that would suspend her breathing, but intensify her cxnt KICKING until the attendants pulled her away from the barely
unconscious KICKED-GIRL's numbed, beaten and smashed PUSSY!

The KICKED GIRL, if still conscious, could elect for her own turn at her cxnt-KICKER's cxnt just then, otherwise get
to watch the next pair of kicker/kicked girls go through what had just happened to her and perhaps get to see what the
this other KICKED GIRL would do to her punisher when it was her turn for the padded slipper and that bare, cringing
pussy on her opponent! The 'delayed' swaps were to allow for the original KICKED GIRL's recuperation, her cxnt KICKER
having to wait for the girl to be able to retaliate and receive the revenging hard kicks to HER PUSSY from this KICKED GIRL
who not only had time to recuperate, but also see valuable techiques used by the other pair of girls and enhance her own
exciting retaliation that would boost HER POSITION in her OWN sorority!

The sorority alumni committees had dreamed up a good scoring algorithm that would combine the number of kicks a victim
estimated she could accept from the bitch kicking her cxnt with a foot-padding factor vs. her own surrender being screamed
when her opponent was tougher than she thought. In that instance, if the kicker elected to keep up the attack until the
stated number was reached and the victim fainted, some credit for 'GUTS' was considered to be added to her score, but
the vote for her being 'chicken' was finally upheld, the voting losers threatening massive cxnt KICKING to the winning
voters in this "election'! 

The kicking retaliations between same sorority blondes and those between the brunettes is quite often a show stopper, the
revenging cxnt-kicker shrieking wildly about what had been done to her by her screaming 'sorority sister'who had 
who became HER OPPONENT and is being brutally cxnt-KICKED for the extended count specially set for 'SORORITY SISTER'
retaliation-kickings! This arrangement indicating a sadistic level of the alumni in the contest rules committee!
These alumni were mainly mature business women, actresses (movie, theatre and porno) and even two politicians!

The timing and number of kicks allowed was to be quite flexible, neutral monitors watching the open-crotched victim would
allow for several kickings by her torturer, stopping the mauling when her kicking opponent was really 'giving it to
her VICTIM, but good !!  The EXCITING 'sorority sister' kickings were especially interesting when the first kicked-girl
was to retaliate on her sorority sister's drooling pussy when "THAT DIRTY BITCH ORGASMED HARD WHILE SHE WAS KICKING MY

The two groups from Beta Rho and Beta Lambda were allowed to recess into separate areas for the attendants to clean up
this arena for the next set of cxnt-KICKING combatants. The sponsors had provided refreshments for this oncoming
excitement, realizing that the sorority antipathies were already at a great level and included alcohol that would
strengthen any violence when members were able to mix later in the dormitories, also considering internal sorority
catfighting to go on the rest of this wild weekend!

After the announcement that the new cxnt kicking was to began, some fights began between sorority members trying to get
good positions to see the violent smashing of the contestants' sex organs by their opponents. Although these took place
and were stopped by the attendants, they were all preludes to what would happen later in the separate sorority dorms
when this next fight was completed.

The principal brunette alumnus was a striking beautiful brunette named Cynthia would would be matched against a popular, and well-known
blonde giantess, Bunny, both women massive breasted and extremely dirty catfighters! Cynthia and Bunny had shared a
tiny redhead that they both catfought individually and with the dirtiest holds painful holds imaginable to make the
tiny redhead Micky give in and suck their vaginas clean. Micky always knew she was to shriek and scream from what
each of these sadistic bitchs would be doing to her, but her masochistic nature went wild during these dirty fights
so as to let the pretty redhead blast through orgasm after orgasm, her two 'lovers' each joining in as her shieks
from their sadistic holds, bitings and clawing would get their orgasms to such a level that the redhaired little
bitch would have to awaken her unconscious opponent when the redfaced, enormous orgasms stopped her opponent's

To keep the fight going, Micki would slap her opponent's (this happened to both of them) faces, breasts and even
her spasming pussy and then when Cynthia or Bunny came to, dive into her big breasts for some biting that would
add ANOTHER WILD ORGASM to the redhaired bitch's total, but also insure more violent catfighting for retaliation
and for Micki's venture into Cynthia or Bunny's overworked pussy with her, lips and tongue!

Both of Micki's opponents knew about her relations with the other girl, but ignored it, happy to be able to get at
the redhead in between her bouts with the other bitch. Both Cynthia and Bunny contributed to Micki's apartment so
that the catfighting (and those marvelous, violent orgasms) could continue unabated. But eventually jealousy was
coming into the act - fostered by Micki who wanted to be able to see them in a deadly catfight over her charms - a
result of her tale-telling about the other 'lover' would do during a really dirty fight!

Now these two sadistic bitchs were to engage in this cxnt-KICKING catfight, both eager to do in her rivasl for the
wild-eyed redhead who was nearly crazy for this rough contest to begin - not even knowing whom she wanted to do in
the other of her two opponents ! Both sorority memberships were also anxious for this confrontation and did their
best to anger both Cynthia and Bunny to make the fight an epic one, carrying tales of their comments about each
other and how they were going to 'make that bitch cry and scream during the cxnt-KICKING!

Bunny was somewhat bigger than Cynthia and an expert wrestler (and dirty catfighter). She kept her long hair in
braids as a coronet, although most fights had it torn down and being used to drag her around the catfight ring
until she was able to nearly kill her opponent with a vaginal plunging iinto the girl's crotch! 

Cynthia's appearance was even more striking than Bunny's. This big brunette with short coal-black,thick hair had skin
that was dead-white and always wore dark makeup, her lipstick, nipples and thick, prominent vulva all nearly black
with a very dark red coloring.
Bunny had always felt her own clitoris extending when she saw that Cynthia's already protruding clit (also nearly
black) the contrast against skin coloring increasing its sexy appearance. The wily Cynthia quite aware that any opponent
would be affected by her striking appearance and be an easy mark for her own sadistic brutality!

The other pair of cxnt-KICKERs were two sorority girls who were both ogling their sister sorority fighters who would
be their own enemies shortly. Cynthia's sexy appearance was also effecting the observers AND the cxnt-KICKING attendants
to a point where Bunny and her Beta Lambda companion were distracted from doing terrible things to those black-nippled
breasts and those thick, black cxnt-lips on the Beta Rho woman!

But Bunny had convinced the organizers that what she planned for Cynthia would be enough violence that might bring on
a riot with the observers, so the two younger cxnt-KICKERS were set aside until the next extraganza in a day or so,
this form of female mauling becoming a near-obsession with the two sororities!

Because the regular cxnt-KICKING schedule for Round one had Bunny kicking Cynthia first, the pale one was on the
stage earlier, her platform shoes making her look even taller than usual and her proud breasts, cantilevered out
from her expanded chest topped with those BLACK NIPPLES. And to make an even biggr impression, she notified the
observers that she had a 'friend warming her up' for Bunny's pitiful attempt to hurt her pussy during this violent
cxnt-LICKING exhibit!

"That dopey, flat-titted blonde cxnt couldn't hurt  anybody with her puy attempts at being MY cxnt-KICKER, I'll even
let her cxnt-KICK me without the foot pads for whatever number she thinks she can do to me" this really rough challenge
accompanied by Cynthia exhibbiting her own black-vulvaed pussy with a tiny dribble of her dark-red blood trickling
down the nside of her thigh. Announcing that her 'sparring partner' was back in her room crying, with both hands
clamped over her own bleeding pussy, "I really gave it back to her when I saw the blood!" Cynthia shouted as the
Beta Rho screamed wildly while the brunette was being secured to the Kicking Frame for her ordeal with the big blonde
cxnt-KICKER was smiling in anticipation of her oncoming attack to the bitchy brunette who had been sex-fighting
their shared redhead only the night before.

"You over sized pile of brunette shit1" Bunny snarled as she waved away the padded slippers for her cxnt-KICKER
role of giving it to the black-haired opponent in a moment. She accepted Cynthia's challenge of massive bare-foot
cxnt-KICKING, expecting it to be done to her own pussy during Round2 as Cynthia's KICKED GIRL!

The attendants securing Cynthia to the KickingFrame, moved away as Bunny began her very methodical, hard, violent
bare-foot kicks to the beautiful brunette's prominant pussy! The loud slaps of each of Bunny's violent kicks got
DID BETTER THAN THAT A FEW MINUTES AGO!" this quite annoyed Bunny into making the next two kicks that brought red
spots to the the brunette's dead-white face, but more gagging screams of derision from her! 

Bunny's final three efforts apparebntly nearly knocked Cynthia unconscious to the point that when the attendants
removed the ties t the KickingFrame that held Cynthia in position, the big runette stumbled and nearly fell,
but only waved to her supporters and promised a REALLY PROFESSINAL cxnt-KICKING for Round2! "You're all going to
hear a blonde shrieking from what I'm GOING TO DO TO HER SMELLY cxnt! Bunny laughed at this one as Cynthia dropped
into a chair to wait for Bunny's securing to the KickingFrame for her retaliation!   

When it was time for Bunny's ordeal, Cynthis called up Micki to kiss the blonde goodby because she wasn't going
to be available for tribadistic sex for "A year or so when I get through with her! Both sorority observer groups
were now so hopped up about Cynthia's retaliation that dirty fights were starting within each group. Then Cynthia
announced that she would use the padded-slippers so Bunnycould stay conscious long enough to know what was happening
Bunny's shrieks were really enormous,evenwith the padded slippers being left on for the entire sequence of seven
hard cxnt KICKS to the blonde's soft pussy. The last cxnt KICK delivered by the wild-eyed brunette beauty really
knocked Bunny unconscious and Cynthia walked over to the limp blonde laying in front of the KickingFrame and
elicting a scream of excitment from the redhaired bitch who looked up at Cynthia and shouted her question,

This outburst announcing another rough cxnt-KICKING would have Cynthia and her little redhead going at each other
in front of their friends at Cynthia's triumphal party that evenng! Bunny wouldd be home in bed, her hands still
clamping her smashed pussy!