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The dawn of Sexfighting? Classic Cavalier letter...

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Offline Mr. Cavalier

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    • Cavalier Magazine
The dawn of Sexfighting? Classic Cavalier letter...
« on: November 19, 2010, 12:37:38 AM »

"I was very nervous about another woman seeing my pussy and breasts, but Donna arrived and stripped off her coat and danced around the room in the clothing my husband wanted. She admitted freely that he had seen her that way many times. This statement made my blood boil ... "

I am writing you this letter concerning a problem that was partially caused and. is now being perpetuated by the "Fight Time" section of your magazine. I was wondering if any of your readers may have some suggestions that might help me?
It all started when I married my husband two years ago. The first year of my marriage to Joe was the best year of our lives. Our sex life was great, and I thought our lives were going to be one of total bliss. Then I learned that Joe suffered from fantasies about fighting women, and I learned the same week that he had been having an affair with my best friend, Donna, for four years. He stopped buying his usual skin films and started buying the ones with fighting women, and then I noticed that he bought every issue of your magazine and the one called Nugget.
One night, in bed, I confronted him about these fantasies about the fighting women and his relationship with Donna. He confided in me that he had always dreamed about me and Donna fighting over him in the nude. At first I thought that he was crazy, but I was afraid of losing him. He told me that he had talked the matter over with Donna and that she had welcomed the idea.
He started showing more and more of his fight films on the weekends and Donna was always invited. I could tell by the way she rolled around in her chair during the movies that she was getting very turned on by the films and our sex was always better after the films. I told Donna that I was aware of what was going on between her and my husband, and she told me that I had to change my attitude if I wanted to keep him. I finally agreed to have a friendly fight with her if it didn't get too rough and we avoided any facial injuries. We set a date for our first contest for the next weekend.
My husband told us that he wanted us to wear only stockings and garter belts. I was very nervous about another woman seeing my pussy and breasts, but Donna arrived and stripped off her coat and danced around the room in the clothing my husband wanted. She admitted freely that he had seen her that way many times. This statement made my blood boil.
We arm wrestled first to see who was the strongest and then we leg wrestled Indian style. My husband suggested that we have a mock catfight for him. We were both exhausted and quit for the evening. My husband and I had great sex that night and I thought the contest was over. The next day after Joe went to work, Donna returned to my house. Donna told me that she wanted to settle this matter woman to woman and she felt that I was afraid to let go the night before because Joe was there. She took off her coat to show me that she was dressed like the night before. She admitted that my husband was the only man who had ever totally satisfied her and she would fight hard to take him away from me.
We straddled each other's heads with our thighs and then straddled each other's ribcages to see who had the most powerful legs. We had hair pulling contest and a breast battling contest. My breasts hurt for a week after that one. We would meet once a week without my husband knowing about it and then fight for him on Sunday. Our weekly meetings were getting more and more perverted. I noticed that Donna didn't even wash herself before we fought, and she will do anything to make me admit that she is the better fighter. We now have degenerated to both physical and sexual fighting.
Last week Donna showed up with a large double-headed dildo, and we both got on the floor, ass to ass on our backs and placed an end in each of our cxnts. We placed the soles of our feet together and tried to fuck each other to a climax. The last time we fought for Joe, Donna jumped up and started sucking his cock before we were finished. I pulled her off and we really got into a hell of a fight. It ended with the both of us on the bed locked at the ankles straining for all we were worth. Some of my hair was pulled out by the roots and my whole body hurt for the rest of the week. Since neither of us would submit, our legs were locked together for about twenty minutes. At the end of the fight, neither of us could stand for an hour.
I think our relationship is taking on a lesbian atmosphere because we both are now fingering one another and sucking each other's breasts. Donna has even suggested a 69, cxnt lapping battle, but I have drawn the line with that. I want very much to stay married to Joe, but my body won't stand much more. I want to help Joe with his dream, but we are tearing our bodies apart. Now he has answered ads in Nugget and he is planning to bring outsiders into our home to fight Donna and me. He has been writing some bitch in Hawaii who is looking for a fight. He tells me and Donna that he will take the toughest one of us to Hawaii with him. I know if he takes Donna that our marriage is finished. Maybe your readers can help me with my problem. Please print my letter because your magazine has caused this problem.
I wrote the above letter but never mailed it. I waited a week. I thought that I might reason with Donna about this matter, and we could confront Joe about what it is doing to our bodies. I went to Donna’s house and pleaded with her to listen to reason. She told me that she had a way to settle this matter once and for all. She went into her bedroom and came out with two large dildos and told me to strap one on. We circled around the room and started pounding our rubber cocks together. She reached over and began stroking mine, and I returned the favor. We fought for about ten minutes, I was so exhausted that she finally pinned my arms to the floor. Her rubber cock was so deep inside of me that I thought my guts were coming out. My head was spinning and I thought that I was going to pass out. After I gave up, she straddled my chest and ran her cock between my breasts. Then she tried to force the end of it in my mouth. I told her that she could have Joe and that I thought the two of them deserved one another. I'm fin¬ishing this letter as a warning to your readers. In trying to fill my husband's perverted dreams, I lost him anyway and damn near ruined my body in the process. Thanks for printing my letter.  
« Last Edit: November 19, 2010, 12:45:27 AM by Mr. Cavalier »