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The Neighbor's Daughter...The Final Chapter!

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Offline Peggy Tee

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The Neighbor's Daughter...The Final Chapter!
« on: September 05, 2019, 09:39:41 PM »
To understand this fight in total, you must read the stories of the two fights that proceeded it.  Namely Neighbor's Daughter ( and The Neighbor's Daughter - The Next Chapter (

This fight took a long time to schedule.  Originally, it was to take place in the same venue as the Next Chapter fight, but Pat kept finding reasons that the days didn't work for her.  Other venues were tried, but eventually it was decided that the fight would take place in a room in Pat's home.  Also, the reason I am writing this and not RJ is that Pat did not want any men to be present, so no husbands or boy friends.  It was just me as Allie's second and Candid as Pat's, and that was it!

Pat and Allie stood in their corners staring at each other.  Pat was in a white bra and matching panties, while Allie was dressed in a hot red bra and panty set. 
The match started with Pat and Allie meeting and locking up in the middle of the room.  Neither woman seemed to be able to gain an advantage and they ended up taking each other to the floor.  The struggle continued on the floor as each woman briefly gained an advantage only to promptly lose it.   Pat gained the first real advantage of the match when she trapped Allie in a body scissors and began applying pressure.  Allie struggled against the hold and was finally able to escape but couldn't get away as Pat quickly got to her feet, pulled Allie up by her hair, and took her in a tough headlock.  Pat starting cranking up the pressure as she led Allie around the room, pulling the younger fighter's hair the whole time.
She then forced Allie back to the wall and quickly drove a hard knee to the red head's stomach that doubled her over, and followed that up with a couple knees to Allie's chest that dropped her to all fours.  A kick to the stomach and Allie was on the floor.  Pat stomped Allie hard in the stomach and received only token resistance as she rendered Allie topless, exposing her Double Ds as easy targets.  Pulling Allie up by the hair and wrist, Pat whipped Allie across the room and into a corner.
Allie slammed hard into the corner but bounced out quickly and drove a tough kick into the oncoming Pat's stomach.  The kick must have landed in just the right spot because Pat dropped immediately to the floor.  After a couple short kicks to Pat's stomach, Allie leaned back against the wall and both women took a short rest to recover a bit.
As Pat started getting up, Allie rushed in to grab two handfuls of hair and gave Pat a couple hard knees to her bra (no tits...just a bra) to put her face down on the floor.  Allie then used that hair to flip Pat twice to the floor.
As Allie again grabbed Pat by the hair and pulled her up again, Pat drove a hard punch to Allie's stomach that had Allie backing up with Pat now up and in pursuit.  A kick to Allie's stomach and two big uppercuts to her naked tits put Allie's ass down again.   Pat was immediately on Allie's stomach and working over her tits and nipples.  Allie was screaming as Pat knew exactly how to get to her busty opponent.  Allie started to punch Pat in her small, but obviously still sensitive tits, and that's the only thing that saved her, as the two women moved apart to inspect the damage.
Then both women literally launched themselves at each other, their bodies thudding together in the middle of the room.  They took each other down and for the next few minutes they clawed and scrambled for the advantage.  Hair was pulled.  Body parts were slapped and punched.  Vile curses were uttered.
Allie momentarily got on top but was forced off when Pat viciously attacked the younger fighter's nipples again.  Getting to their feet again Pat took Allie to the wall and hammered a tough left-right combination to her lower stomach and followed that up with a tough double-punch to the tits. A hard, well placed kick south of the bikini line had Allie on her knees.  A knee to the tits and Allie was once again on the floor.  A stomp to the bikini and one to the tits and Allie looked in trouble.
That's when Candid yelled to her Mom, "Kick that young bitch's ass!"  Pat gave her daughter a thumbs up and replied, "This bitch's tits are mine!"

Once again using her hair, Pat pulled Allie to her knees and then slapped the younger fighter back to the floor.  As Pat tried to repeat the move, Allie punched the older fighter hard in the stomach.  Pat retaliated by slapping Allie again, but Allie punched Pat again, and once again Pat slapped Allie! This time, Allie punched her low, well below the top of her panties, and that punch did some damage to Pat.  It forced her back, and it allowed Allie to get to her feet.  Pat came at Allie, but the younger fighter was able to deliver a solid kick to Pat's gut, which doubled up the older fighter.  Allie was able to do a chop to the back of Pat's head, that dropped the older fighter to her knees.  Pulling Pat up by her hair, Allie put Pat against the wall and pounded several punches to Pat's body and tits, that sent her to the floor.  Grabbing Pat by the hair and the arm, Allie went to work with her knees, repeatingly kneeing Pat in the stomach and the tits!  When she released the older fighter, Pat flopped to the floor!

Standing over Pat, Allie looked at Candid and asked, "Okay big mouth...has she had enough or do you want to hear her screaming like a little girl?"  Candid said nothing, but gave Allie the finger in response.  Allie rolled Pat over on her back and dropped knees first into the fallen fighter's stomach.  As Pat cried out, Allie dropped her ass right into Pat's stomach!  As Allie leaned down to Pat, she hissed, "You old flat chested've been pounding these tits since we started this fight, so payback is a bitch!", and with that Allie dropped her 36DDs in Pat's face in a full on tit smother.  Pat tried resisting, but eventually she had to tap out, leaving Allie topless and bruised, but none the less the winner of their meeting!
I'll leave the last words of this encounter to my daughter Allie.

"Thanks Mom.  I'm sorry for all you folks who were looking for Pat to kick my ass and take the fight.  I'll admit that she did kick my ass in the beginning of our fight, but in the final scorecard I beat the old bitch!  Now my Mom has beaten her daughter and I beat Pat.  I think we have nothing else to prove and hope you appreciate the number my Mom and I did on Pat and Candid (what the fuck kind of a stupid name is that???)  Glad I was able to use my tits to end the fight too, considering this old bitch has none!  Never sell Peggy or Allie short!"


Offline RJT45

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Re: The Neighbor's Daughter...The Final Chapter!
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2019, 10:08:38 PM »
Nice job on the writing Babe!


Offline Fortran Wrench

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Re: The Neighbor's Daughter...The Final Chapter!
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2019, 02:47:02 AM »
Hey that was really good! Nicely done! :)
There's no elevator to success. You'll have to take the stairs.