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The Trial and Tribulations of Kate the ex model episode 3

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Offline maskedwriter

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The Trial and Tribulations of Kate the ex model episode 3
« on: January 09, 2020, 03:13:57 PM »
The Trial and Tribulations of Kate the ex model episode 3
Continued from the “Catfight stories” section
Pain and humiliation: the ring of punishment.
By the Masked Writer

For the past week, Kate has been training. In fact, she is very aware that her training is a farce. Twice a day, between meals, she is taken out of her cell, wearing tight shorts, into the adjacent gymnasium. There, a "coach", a fluffy man of a certain age, helps her to put on the boxing gloves and makes her practice hitting on the sandbag, making fun of the lack of force of her blows. Then he makes her run, jump rope, do some push-ups, lift weights too heavy for her. Her body aches all over.

Despite attempts to get fit during her teens, Kate was never able to develop a substantial musculature and she remained a tall, lean, muscle-less redhead. And pale in addition, her reddish skin refusing to tan, just burning under the sun.

The "trainer" (he calls himself Joe, which is probably a pseudo) is constantly making fun of her, making her stumble when she runs. When her arms refuse her any service after 5 or 6 push-ups, he puts one foot on her back and orders her to go on, having fun seeing her force in vain to get up.
When she does sit-ups, he hits her in the stomach, shouting:
- "We must harden these abs!" Look at this, it looks like jelly! And she folds back, twisted in pain. So he kicks her buttocks, shouting: - "Look at these puny masses of cottage cheese! "

But now after a week on this diet. It's finally over.

Kate will receive her punishment.
She is now standing in a corner of the ring, dressed only in shorts and wearing sneakers, boxing gloves in her fists. The crowd of a few dozen followers watches her, stamping with impatience. She can feel the looks of men who assess her body, her long thin legs, her small firm breasts, her narrow back, as she leans against the ropes, scared to death. For she knows what awaits her.

In an elevated box, dominating the rest of the small crowd, an obese man in a white robe, wearing sunglasses even though they are all in a roofed amphitheater with no sun : Rëal, the Master, the guru of the sect. Sitting next to him, still dressed in her dominatrix costume, his legitimate wife, the Mistress.

Master takes the microphone and begins to speak in his soft voice which has seduced so many people. Especially women but men too.

- "Dear brothers and sisters, the time has come for the punishment of the one who wanted to betray us. She will now suffer for her sins, unless she triumphs, which would indicate that God forgives her! Here she is, in the red corner, the sinner! At 5'10 inch, 118 pounds, the skinny, pale, weak creature who dared to challenge us: Kate Johnson!” The spectators boo her profusely and she feels herself blush from head to toe.
- "You see what a mess you are in, stupid bitch ?” Whispers Joe's voice behind her. Yes : her torturer has become his "coach" for this evening. She expects neither support nor good advice. It is part of the ordeal.

But Master's voice continues:
- "And now, advancing towards the blue corner, the one who was chosen to exercise the punishment. One of my most loyal servants, 5 ft 4 in, 125 lbs, ex-featherweight regional champion : Gino Petrucci!

The crowd cheers as the ex boxer, banned from competing because he tested positive for steroids, enters the ring.

Kate feels an icy mass in her stomach. She watches the stocky young man, with muscles hard as a rock, make precise and rapid boxing movements to warm up before what we dare call a fight and she shivers, barely able to stand on her legs. She has only one idea: to run out of here as quickly as possible.

But she knows she couldn’t make a worse mistake than refusing to participate in this masquerade. She has seen others do it and she knows that even if she is massacred in this ring, the beating that she will receive is nothing compared to the tortures that await her if she avoids fighting.

Dry throat, hart beating fast, even paler than usual, she does not hear the Master introduce the referee, a woman in her forties, small, dressed in a thong and a black and white striped bustier.

She believes she will die with fright when she hears the bell ring and sees Gino advancing towards her.

Joe pushes her roughly on the back, saying;
- "Come on, move!" Coward! "
Despite herself, she stumbles forward as Gino begins to dance around her. Against all odds, a reflex acquired during the week manifests itself and she raises her fists. The audience applauds and cheers.

Gino begins to turn around her and pretends to hit her with a jab that stops 6 inches from her face. Spectators laugh to see her back awkwardly crossing her arms in front of her face. The man pretends to hit the body and she withdraws in fear.
Jibes flare up:
- "You don’t have prayer, tall tart ! Said one
- "Be careful, she will run away crying!" Shouts another.

She hears Joe saying to her: - "Come on, fight, wimp, coward!" Don't embarrass me! " The contrast between the boxer's tanned figure and the tall, frail, white body of the ex-model is striking. Muscular arms, solid back and pectorals on one side. Long arms without strength, protruding ribs and shoulder blades
,small breasts on the other. Gino’s head hardly reaches the girl’s chin, but everyone sees that she’s the one who’s terrified. Making the best she can of her only advantage, her superior reach, she attempts a direct from the left that the boxer easily dodges.

From the lips, he mimics a kiss, winking at her. Kate feels rage invading her. A humiliating ballet then begins. The girl, more and more frustrated and angry, forgets her fear and tries with all her modest might to hit the young man who easily avoids her blows, playing with her, literally dancing around her with a smile on his face. Passing behind her, he pats her buttocks, causing laughter and hissing from the audience.

-“Rather soft, isn’t it ?” said he.

He comes back in front of her and puts  his chin, forward, pointing to it with his glove, in a bantering invitation to strike him. Kate wants to erase that arrogant smile at all costs. She sends a direct that Gino dodges with a simple movement of the head.

Kate steps back. When her opponent advances towards her, she throws herself with all her force and weight into a far too slow right hook. Gino dodges at the last fraction of a second and, carried away by her momentum, Kate stumbles and sprawls full length, flat on her stomach in the ring, near the ropes.

- "What a clumsy wimp! » She hears her« coach » shout.
Red with fury, Kate clumsily grabs one of the lower ropes and begins to get up. When she is on her feet, she turns to see Gino's mocking face an inch from hers. Taking her by surprise, he grabs her head with his two gloved hands and kisses her on the mouth before stepping back.

With a scream of rage and humiliation, Kate rushes at him. Without ceasing to smile, he puts the palms of his boxing gloves on her breasts and shoves her away. She steps back abruptly, finds her back against the ropes whose movement repels her and she hooks her right foot on the lower rope, which makes her lose her balance and, again, she falls on her knees. Increasingly furious, she wants to get up too quickly and stumbles again.
- "Look at me these long white stilts!" "Shouts Joe" Longest legs I’ve ever seen and it's not enough for her to stand up! "

Finally, she manages to stand up and, with the back of her boxing glove, wipes away the tears of rage and shame that cloud her eyesight. Gino is still in front of her, tiptoeing, still the same contemptuous smile on his broken-nosed face. She goes on the attack again, sending him a left hook, which this time reaches her goal and hits him in the stomach ... Without even make him cease to smile. She realizes that he made no effort to avoid the blow. This guy’s abs are like sheets of steel.
He stops moving and mimes a kiss again. Enraged, she strikes once more, a straight punch to the face this time. His jaw barely wobbles a little. She begins to bombard him with punches on the face, head, shoulders without even managing to make him flinch. Rather, she hurts her knuckles on this athlete's muscles and becomes exhausted. Her blows become more and more clumsy, weaker as her arms get tired and she breathes harder.
Finally, Gino stops smiling for a brief moment, during which he goes on the attack: a single punch, a left hook to the stomach. Kate never saw it coming and it looks like the man’s fist will pass through her thin body as she instantly bends, lifting straight up from the ground.

She collapses, curled up like a puppet whose strings have been cut.
She would scream in pain if her painfully emptied lungs would let her to make a sound.

Barely conscious, she can only get into a fetal position and cannot hear the crowd screaming:
 -" Well done! Break this twig in half! "
- "Give this traitor what she deserves!" " - "Look at this model: she's not doing too much of her scam now." " After a time that seems infinite, she hears the voice of the referee who counts:

- "2!” Despite her suffering-induced state of confusion, she is surprised that she is still only at the number 2. In fact, she waits for the 3 which does not arrive. She hears the voice of the referee who says, in a mocking tone:

-" Warning ! I said "2" and after 2 is 3!” It takes Kate a short while to understand: the referee is instructed to make the pleasure last! She's not going to let foolishly the fight - rather the torture , end by a simple count of ten.

Understanding finally that she will not get out of it so cheaply, Kate, her face red, her eyes blocked with tears, tries to get up. She manages to roll on her knees, her arms pressed against her belly, her forehead on the mattress.

- "No need to kowtow for me! She hears Gino say. "Rather worship our prophet!" He spoke loud enough to be heard, and laughter from the audience is mingled with cries of "Long live our Master!"
She partly takes back her breath. The referee is only at number 5, continuing her count interspersed with antics.

With a groan of pain, she gets up slowly, short of breath, cotton legs. She raises her fists and faces her opponent. A few timid applauses burst out, as if, in spite of themselves, some had to acknowledge her courage.

- "Go!” Says the referee. Kate is too slow to react when her opponent advances towards her. He feints, with his right fist, to hit her again in the stomach and, with a fearful reflex, she leans over, protecting her belly with her arms. Gino takes advantage of this to send a left at her right shoulder. She screams in pain and her arm falls lifeless along her body.

Gino hops around her, who no longer knows which way to turn. A second blow crushes her left bicep. She screams again and her other sore arm falls down beside her, useless. She tries to raise her arms to protect herself but the pain paralyzes her soft muscles.
Gino is having fun. He turns around his prey and, mercilessly, sends her a straight punch in the lower back. The blow projects her forward. She screams and falls on her knees. She cannot use her arms to get up. Maintaining her balance with difficulty, she manages to put one foot flat on the ground and gets up painfully.

The bell rings. It takes a moment for Kate to realize that the first round is over. She never believed she would last three minutes ! Though they were the longest three minutes of her life.  Gino returns to his corner, arms raised, while Kate crawls towards hers, where Joe, with a bored look on his round face, has just put the stool on which she will be able to sit for a minute.

As soon as she sits down and leans against the turnbuckles, Joe unceremoniously pours a bucket of ice water over her head, which makes her scream and elicit laughter from the audience.
- "This will wake you up, you mop!" He said before he started wiping her with a towel, rubbing her goosebumps skin with excessive force. He lingers in particular on her breasts, whose nipples are erect and hardened by the cold.
He gives her a bottle of water and lets her fend for herself by drinking it awkwardly in her gloved hands.

- "Can you still use these noodles ?" He asks, pinching a still sore bicep. She winces, moan but do not protest. She knows it would be worse. The vigorous massage which the coach indulges on her body with the towel nevertheless revives her somewhat. In the other corner, she sees her opponent glancing at the Master, who reaches out and gestures with his thumbs down, like a Roman emperor who orders the killing of a gladiator. She knows that means that Gino can end this charade.
But Kate is determined not make it easy for him, as far as she can. They want a show, they’ll have one.
Then the bell rings. Second round.
Gino is already standing as if moved by a spring. Kate tries to do the same but finds that her bruised body does not obey her determined spirit. It is with desperate slowness and the stiffness of an 80-year-old woman that she gets up and walks towards her adversary. She winces in pain. Gino stands in the center of the arena, arms alongside his body, in a defiant attitude.

- "Come on, poor rag, attack me!" "He said. As fast as her aching limbs allow, Kate rushes at him and aims at his face with a much slower right hook than she would like. Gino dodges sideways and kicks his muscular shoulder against the delicate one of the ex-model who is thrown all four legs up in the air on the mattress. The audience laughs as Kate picks up and gets up heavily. She advances again towards Gino who, this time, instead of dodging, dashes on her and, taking advantage of his shorter stature, slips under the long arms of the girl and strikes her violently with a header to the sternum. Breathless, Kate is suddenly thrown back and falls on her back again.
The referee is giving a purely rhetorical warning  to a laughing Gino. He knows he will not be disqualified.
It’s painful for the girl to get up from this blow. Massaging her chest with one hand, she nevertheless manages to get back on her feet and raises her fists again.
This time, Gino steps forward, dodges an awkward left and, swift as lightning strikes, hits Kate's right jaw with a right.

The girl collapses, knocked out. Her long and frail white body folds like a rag doll and she lies on the ground, completely inert, face down.

Obviously she can't hear the umpire who counts up to ten, without making fun of it this time. She understands that the girl has had more than enough.
- ".. 10! Se says and, grabbing Gino's arm, lift it over his head. The boxer outlines a few dance steps while, from the top of his platform, the Master takes the microphone and proclaims him victorious "by knock out in the second round!" "
No one comes to help Kate get up while everyone leaves the place. She remains stretched out in the middle of the ring and you could think she was dead if a painful breath did not periodically lift her ribs.
Finally, after long minutes, she begins to move, moaning. She rolls under the ropes and lets herself slide down the ring, on her feet in spite of her shaky legs. She painfully heads for the exit. Joe is waiting for her at the door. He is accompanied by the Mistress.
She talks to Kate.
- "Let it serve you as a lesson, miserable soft rag!" And don't think it ends your punishment ! I have other trials in store for you."
Then she turns her back and walks away. Joe grabs Kate's arm, taking pleasure in thrusting his fingers into the sore bicep muscles to lead her to her cell.
- "We resume training tomorrow, weakling! "He says.

To be continued


Offline krispin

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Re: The Trial and Tribulations of Kate the ex model episode 3
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2020, 10:46:34 AM »
Bravo! Another chapter built and written very well.

Have you seen the private messages I sent you?

Unfortunately, as far as I'm concerned, it loses a lot of interest because I don't like mixed fights, man-woman.
 If you had written this same story with a stocky big titted woman in Gino's place (and maybe with another woman in Kate's instructor's place) it would have been tremendously exciting for me. In fact, both the psychological and physical descriptions are splendid, the contrast between the thin and fragile body of the model and the strong and robust ones of the rivals, the girl's difficulties in lifting the weights, the mocking of her weakness...I love it.
Maybe it will happen in the next episodes. Anyway, congratulations on how you write.
Thank you.


Offline maskedwriter

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Re: The Trial and Tribulations of Kate the ex model episode 3
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2020, 10:07:04 PM »
The 4th episode of The Trial and Tribulations of Kate the ex model is now in the "all wrestling but pro section" ! Don't miss it !