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Natalie vs. Raija One sided beat down at Catfight Cavern.

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Offline Ishmael Green

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Natalie vs. Raija One sided beat down at Catfight Cavern.
« on: September 24, 2019, 03:48:06 PM »

It is the final fight of the evening at Catfight Cavern, and as there are no death matches taking place at The Poison Lair tonight, I am planning to go home with the winner of this bout.  I relax in my mat side seat, waiting to see who will be announced for the last bout.


A small cheer goes up from the anxious and bloodthirsty crowd of female spectators.


The crowd cheers again  Raija is a crowd favorite.  She is very cute and innocent looking, but she has a savage fighting style that has sent many foes to the hospital and more than a couple to an early grave.  She gives me a wink as she sidles by my seat, swiveling her luscious hips as she passes.  I would have no objection to spending the evening with her again.  She saunters over to her corner and waits for her opponent while the announcer continues her introduction.


Raija calmly stands in her corner, adjusting her socks.


The crowd explodes into an even bigger cheer and already I feel bad for poor little Raija.  She is a good little scrapper but I’m pretty sure she is hopelessly outmatched here. As the buxom blonde warrior passes my seat she gives me a sultry look and licks her lips.  Then she circles the mat, staring intently at the young blonde fighter she is about to be matched up against.  She reaches her corner and continues glaring.

“NATALIE IS 23 YEARS OLD!  SHE HAS 63 WINS, 20 LOSSES, AND 8 KILLS!!!”   Raija sneers across the mat at her foe, apparently unimpressed by the stats.

The crowd has chosen it’s favorite.

A few more long seconds pass, the tension in the arena grows palpable.  Raija sways slightly in her corner, moving her body weight from one foot to the other.  Natalie stands stock still, her murderous glare never wavering.


Slowly and deliberately the two female fighter stride out of their corners and approach each other.  Neither looks even a little scared as they get to the center of the large blue fighting mat and star each other down.  The crowd is anxious to see the bout begin and starts their usual chant.


It’s impossible to hear what the girls are saying to each other, but it’s clear from the looks on their faces that they are describing what they are planning to do to one another, and I’m sure it isn’t nice.


Natalie throws a wicked uppercut and Raija flops straight to the mat, spread out tits up in front of Natalie, who quickly raises one booted foot…

PLUD!!! And drivers it HARD into Raija’s unprotected crotch.  The blonde girl squeals in agony and curls up into a fetal position.  Natalie calmly circles her already moaning and trembling foe…Suddenly she reaches down and grabs Raija by her thick bangs which customarily hang down over the left side of her face.   They look cute, but they also make a convenient handle by which her opponents can pull her back up to her feet. 

“COME ON BITCH!  SHOW ME HOW YOU’RE GOING TO WASTE ME IN FRONT OF YOUR BOYFRIEND!”  Raija is sobbing and bloody as she is mercilessly hauled back up to her feet by her bangs.

CRACK!!! Suddenly the younger girl swings her arm around and nails Natalie right in the face with a hard face slap.  Natalie loses her grip on Raija’s hair and staggers back a couple steps.  I want to cheer for Raija and encourage her to move in on her foe, but I’m neither allowed to cheer or coach.  My function is to watch the fights impartially and reward whoever wins with sex, and I perform my duty without complaint. Unfortunately Raija, though an excellent brawler in her own right, is still a little fresh and instead of attacking she backs up a couple steps herself and takes a moment to massage her already injured womanhood.  A big mistake.

THRACK!!! Natalie nails Raija in the face with a brutal high kick.  Raija’s body flops to the mat again, her back hitting first and her legs flopping down lifelessly a split second later.  She twitches a couple times.  Natalie has knocked her out cold.  I know the brutal blonde brawler is not done with her prey though.  She loves to torture her victims before putting them away for the victory.  She stands over the twitching 19 year old and then drops heavily into a crotch to crotch straddle.  Raija’s limo body lurches slightly with the impact and she groggily starts to come to, just in time for Natalie to punch her lights out again. 

SPLAT!!!  Raija goes limp again.  Natalie continues straddling her, getting off on the pain she is inflicting on the much younger opponent.  The crowd is going crazy.  They love a good beat down.

“KILL HER! KILL HER! KILL HER! KILL HER!”  Luckily for Raija this is not a death match.  Not that the crowd cares.  Illegal kills have taken place here before and it makes little difference to them that the offenders are always drug off to Green Tower ity Prison for 5 years.  Natalie has no plans to put her fighting career on hiatus for half a decade though. She lightly slaps Raija in the face until the poor girl begins to come to, weeping in agony.

“What’s the matter little girl?  You pick a fight with the wrong woman?”  Tears are streaming down Raija’s freckled cheeks.   

“I give I give I give!”  Raija pleads.  I would feel a lot worse for her if not for the fact that I have personally seen Raija be the one on the winning side of this sort of beating, and she certainly was not dispensing any mercy.  That’s really not the way things work at Catfight Cavern.

“Oh no honey, we’re just getting started!  I need to show Ishmael what a real woman looks like. 

“OOOOOOhhhhhh…” Raija groans as Natalie stands up and again hauls her up by her bangs.  I’ve often wondered why Raija insists on them when this has been the result so many times in her matches against superior opponents. 

PLUD!!! Just as she gets her to her feet, Natalie suddenly delivers another booted punt cxnt, this time coming up right into the bridge of Raija’s crotch. Her eyes widen and she spits out a glop of blood and a short high pitched squawk.  Natalie stands aside and lets her flop to her hands and knees.  Slowly, agonizingly, Raija attempts to crawl away from her attacker.  Natalie casually walks in front of her, positioning  knee on either side of her head, then crotch drops into the back of her head.  Raija’s body flops heavily to the mat, she lurches a couple times, then goes limp again.  She is taking a beating!

Natalie continues to straddle the back of her victim’s head for a couple seconds, enjoying the cheers of the crowd.  After a few minutes, she calmly stands, and again walks a couple slow circles around her face down and completely unconscious opponent.  Suddenly she give her a brutal kick to the ribs with enough force to roll Raija back over onto her back.  The badly hurt fighter twitches a couple times, and fresh spsrays of blood explode out of her mouth each time. 

Natalie walks over to her crotch and presses her boot heel first right into her vagina.  She leans forward, putting all her weight forward.  Suddenly Raija’s eyes pop open wide and she howls in agony as she is ruthlessly brought back into consciousness in the worst way possible.  Natalie steps back and allows Raija to curl up into a fetal position again.  Again she circles, calmly regarding her victim.  The crowd chants.


“GLURP!!” Raija lets out a high pitched squeak of pain as Natalie gives her a gently nudge in the crotch with the toe of her boot.  The wounded girl in light blue slowly starts trying to squirm away.  She is moving in the general direction of where I am sitting, which I suspect is exactly what Natalie had in mind.  She wants to finish Raija off right in front of my seat.   At this point I doubt Raija has much idea of where he is or what is going on.  She is sobbing like a baby.  Natalie slowly walks along behind her and she gets almost to the corner of the mat.

“SPLAT!!!”  Another violent toe tap to the crotch and Raija is flipped over onto her back.  I see the crotch of her panties turning yellow.  She is pissing herself in fear.  The ultimate humiliation.   Suddenly, with lightening speed, Natalie mounts her across the belly and cocks her fist.

“THUD! THUD! THUD! THUD! THUD! THUD! THUD!”  Raija’s arms and legs flop about wildly as Natalie tenderizes the poor girls; face with punch after punch.  Raija is out cold once again.  I’m surprised the warning bell hasn’t been rung yet but then again Natalie is a skilled torturer.  She is probably pulling her punches just enough to cause pain but not quite enough to knock the poor girl out or put her near death.  After what seems like an eternity she stops the onslaught and relaxes back onto her butt.  Natalie looks up at me and flashes a sweet smile.

“What do you think baby?  Should I finish this little hussy off so we can get down to business? “

“I think she’s had enough,” I offer hopefully.  I don’t want to see a dirty kill tonight.  I enjoy the company of both these fighters too much to be deprived of their services.  Natalie reaches forward and gives her bloodied foe a couple light face slaps, trying to bring her bac to consciousness once more.  Remarkably, I see Raija’s light blue stocking feet start to move around a little.  A groan of agony escpaes her lips as she does in fact come to once more. 


Natalie gets off her mount, and pulls Raija up to a sitting position.  She reaches down into the puddle of blood next to where Raija’s head was a few moments ago and scoops up a couple teeth, showing them to the destroyed whimpering loser.

“Lose something baby?” 

“oooohhhhh…”  Raija’s trembling in terror.  The puddle of urine at her crotch begins to expand as she again loses control of her faculties.  It’s going to take a while for her reputation to recover from this nasty beating.  Suddenly Natalie starts to stand up, giving Raija a quick knee to the face that makes her flop back onto her back, spread eagled.  Natalie stands all the way up, lifts her booted foot high over Raija’s face and…. 

SPLAT!!!!  Drives it right down into Raija’s upturned maw.  Her body jerks violently three times and goes limp. 


At long last the warning bell is mercifully rung.  Any more damage will end Raija for good.  Natalie, completely unblemished from the “fight” places a boot on Raija’s stomach and raises her fists in victory.

The crowd cheers for their champion as I step onto the mat to give her a kiss.  While still holding her boot down on the stomach of the horribly mangled Raija, the victorious blonde warrior pulls me in close and presses her sweaty body against me.  It’s going to be a wild night for sure, and knowing Natalie, this little spat hasn’t satisfied her and she will be wanting a bedroom fight later.  She takes my hand and leads me down the aisle out of the arena with the crowd chanting her name. 

Raija is quickly attended to by medics and then will be hauled off to the hospital while a couple mat girls get down to the filthy business of cleaning blood, piss and teeth off the fighting mat to get it ready for tomorrow morning and a whole new day of bouts.

I have added a couple images to this story.  As some of you may know I do drawings of female fights but I also write a lot of stories.  Sometimes I do stories that are told entirely in picture panels, sometimes I just write the stories, and sometimes I do a little bit of both.  This is one of my so called "Short Sets" that consists of only a few images and mostly written out story.  You can see the rest of the art for this story at my blog, click on the link below