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Biker Chick Outsmarted by Tall Girl

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Offline bikemanrick

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Biker Chick Outsmarted by Tall Girl
« on: August 22, 2019, 07:44:19 AM »
This is a story about a 31-year-old biker chick who sold drugs to an 18-year-old Catholic school girl during a volleyball game. The woman, who also worked as a stripper, was actually tricked into going to the school by the girls – all of whom were friends with a huge girl named Alice. However, this fight does not involve Alice. It’s strictly between the tall girl and a slim biker chick who had no idea what she was getting herself into.

Brenda Thomas hopped out of her black Trans Am and headed for the rear entrance of the school to the girl’s locker room.  She parked on the far eastern end of Madison in front.  All of the lots were full.  It was just after eight o’clock and dark.  Brenda didn’t plan on staying long. 
     Brenda wore her new frilled, black leather Harley jacket and tight, dark Levi’s as she traipsed across the sidewalk, shielding her face from the cold wind with her gloves.  The black and pink Harley Davidson bandana wrapped around her forehead repelled some of the chilly air.  She walked toward the back of the high school and veered right toward the rear of the building.
Brenda knocked on the metal door of the locker room and hopped up and down.  She was shivering.  A tall auburn-haired girl answered the door and let her in.  Brenda pattered her boots and freed them of snow. “Are you Sandy?” said Brenda.  She removed her gloves and put them in her jacket.
     “Yeah, who are you?”  The girl eyed Brenda from head to foot.
     “Okay, come on in.”  Brenda nearly slipped on the floor when she first walked in.   She wiped the bottoms of her boots across the floor.
     The girl towered over the biker chick as she closed the door.  Brenda gazed around the locker room.  It smelled of chlorine and sweat.  She hadn’t been in a school locker room in ten years.     She’d never played sports in high school but remembered the same commingling smells from gym class.  The place was vacant at the moment. 
     “You’re late.”
     “Sorry, I . . .”
     Sandy put her long hand up near Brenda’s face.  Brenda blinked several times. “I don’t want to hear it.  There’s a volleyball game in progress and I’m trying to time our meeting just right.  Got the stuff?”
    “Yeah, right here.” 
     “Wait a minute.  Are you a cop?”  The tall girl seemed taken aback by what Brenda was wearing.  She didn’t think she looked like an undercover agent with the Harley jacket.  She always dressed this way.  The girl furrowed her brows and placed her hand on the left shoulder of Brenda’s jacket.  Brenda looked at her hand, then up at the tall girl.  She could sense the immense strength of the teenager from her slight grip. She trembled—not only because of the girl’s stature, but because of what she was about to do.  Brenda usually didn’t sell drugs so blatantly like this, especially at a school.   
     “No, I swear.”
     “Hmm . . . Let me search you?” the girl said.  Brenda looked puzzled.  Maybe the girl was queer.  Brenda hesitated at the request.
     Brenda knew she was taking a huge risk.  She wanted to get in and out of there as quickly as possible.  Selling to a young girl was not her main concern now.  She just wondered about Alice.   Why had she suddenly relinquished her business without a fight?  It wasn’t like her, though she and the other women had beaten her up pretty badly.   
     Despite her agreement with Alice, she didn’t trust the girl.  Thus, Brenda continued to sneak around Alice to complete her drug deals, even though the business that she was conducting rightfully belonged to her.   Her plans for gaining the territory back appeared to have taken a turn for the better.  The bikers had been happy with the sales and collections as of late. 
Brenda knew this girl didn’t know her from Eve, but she had told her to meet her at the back door during a girls’ volleyball game.  How many other women would be showing up at the back door at this time?  Still, the girl wanted to pat her down.
     Sandy told Brenda that she was on the injured reserve, and that it was not mandatory for her to be at the game.  She wore a pale pink top and a dark Catholic school girl’s dress.  “I’ve got Martha guarding the doorway in case someone shows up back here.  Turn around.”
     Brenda really hoped the bad blood between her and Alice was over.  They just wanted to give her a warning a few weeks back.  But the scary thing was that she hadn’t seen or heard from Alice since then.    And neither had any of the other biker women.  Alice would’ve normally retaliated by now.  Brenda stopped thinking about it.  It was driving her crazy.  There was no reason to worry.  Soon, Alice would be off the streets forever.  Brenda and her friends still planned to rat her out to the principal, despite her recent lack of activity.  It was the perfect plan.  But first, Alice had to be caught in the act. 
     “Come on, let’s go,” said Sandy.  Brenda looked up at the girl.  The last thing she needed was to tangle with a girl jock.  There were definitely some big girls at this school.  A lot of stocky German girls lived in Ohio which she hadn’t encountered much in Texas, where the women were slim and in good physical shape. 
     Brenda panicked a second.  Sandy seemed okay, but could she be trusted?  Brenda wondered if she’d soon face a raging Alice, who’d suddenly barge into the locker room and punch her lights out.  But she really wasn’t that worried about her safety because she’d brought her gun.  She had hidden it just outside the door next to the wall before she walked inside the locker room.  It was a little 25-caliber pea shooter she carried in her jacket on these deals, and the same one she’d pulled on Alice twice at the park.  But it was enough for protection.                       
     “Turn around,” said the girl.  Brenda had been staring at her with her mouth open as she pondered about Alice.
     “I said turn around.  Are you deaf?”
     “Okay.”  Brenda’s throat churned as she placed her hands up on the locker.
     “Spread your legs.”  Brenda obliged. The tall girl patted her left leg down from hips to boots, then repeated the procedure with her right leg.  She then patted the biker chick’s jacket, and for safe measure, ran her hand across her ass. 
     “What was that for?”
     “I wanted to see if you were packing,” the girl said.  “Why, did you like that? I know I did. Nice ass, by the way. You've got the body of a little stripper there.”
Brenda ignored her.  She reached in her jacket and pulled out the pot and crack. 
     “Money first,” she said.  The girl handed her $600.
     “Okay, you better go,” said Sandy.  Brenda counted the money and rushed to the door.  Instead of closing the door behind the woman, Sandy slipped through the doorway and shoved Brenda to the ground. She then reached into the back pocket of the biker chick’s jeans and pulled out the cash.
     “What are you doing?” said Brenda, who now sat on the ground staring up at the tall girl.
     “In case you hadn’t figured it out, genius, this was a setup.”
     “By whom?”
     Brenda’s throat churned. She started to stand but got kicked in the gut.”
     Brenda was now holding her stomach, but Sandy showed no mercy. She grabbed the blonde’s hair and pulled her to her feet.   Brenda screamed.
     Sandy grabbed the left arm of the biker chick’s jacket as she shoved her forward. “Let’s take a walk.”
     “Let me go.”
     “I will when we have a little chat.”
     The girl and woman walked into a veil of darkness toward a dense woods.
     “Keep walking,” said Sandy. She now pulled back on the blonde’s hair. This chick was a pansy, the teen thought. This was going to be a cinch.
     Sandy released her grip on Brenda when they reached a clearing about two hundred feet inside the woods. The biker chick’s legs wobbled as she faced the tall girl, who now had her fists clenched.
     “What do you want with me?”
     “Your purse, bitch.”
     “What about it?”
     “It’s f*cking racist, biker cxnt.”
     “It’s just purse.”
     “Look, I’ve got black friends who’d say otherwise.”
     “Well, let them complain about it.”
     “The ones I know would probably flatten you for that thing. I’m just going to teach you a lesson.”
     Brenda’s eyes widened as the girl moved closer. She tried to hunch into a fighting stance when the girl’s fist slammed into her stomach. The blow knocked her to her knees.
Brenda had one hand on her stomach and one on the ground when Sandy pulled her up by her hair.
     “Screw you, high school girl,” shouted Brenda. “You can’t go hitting people like this.”
     “Watch me.”
     Brenda grit her teeth. She charged forward and tried to hit the girl but got leveled by a right cross to the jaw. Brenda landed on her side – her head now spinning, her 112-pound body quivering. Her heart hammered.
     Seconds later, she got picked up and shoved against a tree. A shot came out of nowhere and bloodied her mouth. A second one smashed into her nose. Brenda was staggered around. She moaned.
     Sandy smirked as she whacked the blonde with a backhand. She then grabbed the back of her neck and drove her knee into her chest
(To be continued if any interest)

« Last Edit: August 22, 2019, 08:16:11 AM by bikemanrick »


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Re: Biker Chick Outsmarted by Tall Girl
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2019, 08:01:53 AM »
Great story so please finish it.  Great one sided fight and some post fight humiliation would be great.