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The Separation Part 2 The Fight Final

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The Separation Part 2 The Fight Final
« on: August 30, 2019, 12:49:14 AM »
              The Separation
              Part 2 The Fight

        Later that evening Chrissy got back to my house. She had been coming over after her workouts at her gym. So when she got there I told her I had something to talk with her about. Either I could tell her now or wait till she showered. She was really upbeat and happy everyday she came over so it was no surprise she said let’s talk. I said well you know how Shannon was coming by this morning to get her stuff. Yes still smiling at me but kinda anxious she said go on. I sat there and for whatever reason I got stuck looking at her tits. Staring at her cleavage in the light pink sports bra comparing her’s to my wife’s earlier. Chrissy saw me as it was rather obvious and snapped her fingers and waved her hands saying up here I’m up here! Oh man I said sorry bout that. It’s ok she laughed I’ll let you see all you want but go ahead. Ok anyway Shannon came by and somehow she knew that me and you had started seeing one another. Yes Chrissy said so what about it. She for some reason decides as I’ve got her stuff packed and ready to bring it out she brings you up. Saying that she wasn’t sure if she wanted to give up on our marriage. Ok Chrissy says so please don’t tell me you told her ok. No no I thought soon as she mentioned it may only be because it was you I was seeing each other. Especially since you told me about your past history.  No I never said I wanted that. Ok then what is the issue Steve?

        She made a threat toward you. Oh she did huh? She said that I should tell you if she drove by and caught you here that she was going to stop and kick your ass. Laughing at my comment she says so that’s what’s worried you? Well yeah Chrissy cause the way she talked she sounded very sure of herself. I don’t think she’s seen you lately though cause she kept talking about how she kicked your skinny ass before and that you’d probably just leave when I told you what she said. Chrissy sits up she’s mad I can tell and says oh yeah well I told you Steve I’m not worried about her. Did she say something in particular that changed your thinking?What is it that’s so different now than this morning?This morning you seemed pretty sure she would be biting off more than she could chew if she stepped up to me. What is it that has you so worried now, what did she say or do? I said she told me about high school and the fight you two had. Chrissy says you knew about that fight that’s not new so what’s different? Chrissy she made it sound like she was just that much better than you in that fight. She even told me if I wanted to call her when you got here and she’d come over right then. So you think I’m scared of her Steve? No,no, not all Chrissy, it’s just you know I,  I began stumbling, around trying to find words and Chrissy grabbed me. Holding me by my shoulders and said, come sit and just spit it out Steve say what it is right out! Ok then, she had just come from working out. She  started asking me all these questions, started flexing her muscles and asking me if skinny Chrissy could match this and that. She was talking about you being scared of her when you saw her anytime. That after how bad she beat you last time you were too afraid to even fight back anymore. Chrissy said ok Steve just STOP IT!

           Look Steve I’m not scared to fight that bitch, if you want to keep seeing me. Bottom line if you want me here I want to be here. So you can call the slut,(I know it was your wife) but oh well I’m not worried about Shannon! I do want to keep seeing you Chrissy. I really like you a lot I always have. I just don’t want to drag you into something and you get hurt because of me. Chrissy says I’m going to take a shower and when I get out we will talk.  Then after that I’m going to call the bitch on speaker phone so you can hear if you want. Or if that bothers you, then you call her and set it up. Just tell me when, and where and I’ll gladly answer her challenge. Then after that you and I can do our thing without worrying about some jealous slut like her. I’ll be back in a minute and you let me know what the deal is.

         I thought about what to do, let Chrissy call her or me? I decided I’d call cause if I could help it maybe the fact I had sex with Shannon might not be mentioned. I don’t think Chrissy would’ve been too mad about it but no point in adding to it. We hadn’t  dating long but it sure wouldn’t help matters. I also thought more about the fight and who’d win. After seeing my wife this morning and how confident she was, there was no doubting she was strong. Before this morning I felt as though Chrissy would’ve easily beaten her. Now I wasn’t so sure.
            I called her and she answered the phone and said hey baby you thinking about me like I have been thinking bout you? Yeah I have been for sure. What ya calling for want me to tell ya about stomping your gf’s ass again? Well in a way I suppose that could be. I told Chrissy what you said and.. Shannon cut me off saying you told her? I guess that means she’s there then? Well yeah you said call ——— hello she had hung up. I thought oh shit she’s coming now. I run to the bedroom bathroom as Chrissy is getting out of the shower. She’s standing there with only a towel wrapped around her and she can see I’m out of breath from running back there. Hey baby what’s the matter she asked? I called Shannon! Oh and? I think she’s on her way NOW! Chrissy was very calm and cool she drops the towel reaches in her bag slipping on only a pair of shorts. She reaches back in and ties on a bikini top that’s bright red and just big enough to cover each nipple. Then throws on a tank top. I said did you hear what I said!! Yeah how long will it take her to get here? About 30 mins maybe. Good that means you will be able to stop worrying about that bitch in about 45mins! I said Chrissy are you sure about doing this. She says look at me grabbing my cheeks and holding my face in both her hands to see me eye to eye, saying I’m a big girl! Will you stop worrying as long as you are comfortable with seeing your wife or ex wife or whatever the hell she is now, get embarrassed then stop worrying ok? Ok, i say. I think she seems really sure of herself but so did Shannon! I got no clue what’s going to happen. The only thing I was positive of so far as the two girls go was Chrissy had the bigger tits and by a cup and a half. Other than that I couldn’t say who was stronger. Shannon was strong and confident. Chrissy looked strong and seemed maybe more fit and she seemed just as confident too.

        I went to clear the living room to give the girls as much space as I could. About the time Chrissy walked in the living room after drying her hair and was putting it up in a pony tail the head lights from my wife’s car hit the house. I thought I was going to explode from all the emotions built up in me and now it was all getting ready to happen. I was so hyped both to see the fight and worried to death about what the outcome would be. I didn’t know who I wanted to win even. I started out wanting Chrissy to stomp her ass. Then after this morning I wasn’t sure and then I wasn’t even sure she could do it.

            I waited at the window to see my wife walking up. I saw Chrissy sit in the love seat I had pushed back and noticed she had no shorts on now just panties. Also she had one of my button up work shirts on. She had what looked to be the same bikini top on under it as she buttoned it up to just one button from the top. She saw me looking at her and smiled. She said I borrowed your shirt I hope that’s ok? Of course that’s fine though I was a bit confused as to why. She apparently could tell that and said don’t worry I won’t mess it up. I’m going to take it off before I start kicking her ass. I just wanted to make a reveal you may say. I said ok I had so much spinning in my head that wasn’t important. Which actually it turned out to be a factor in the fight but I’ll explain that in a minute. Chrissy just smiled saying you’ll understand why when it happens K? Ok I say as I look again to see my wife coming up the steps. I open the door and I see her smile at me then she sees Chrissy sitting across the room facing the door. My wife has a T-shirt on that’s a size to big and shorts that are barely visible under the shirt. Her hair pulled back in a pony tail as well. Shannon is tan but not as dark a tan as Chrissy. As Shannon steps in she smirks at Chrissy who returns the same look. Shannon reaches an arm around me with one arm pulling me to her side. Turning into me kissing me and I feel her hand go to  my crotch. She  says uh huh still thinking about what I told you this morning I see big guy! Rubbing it as she turns to lock eyes and stares right at Chrissy.  See what I did to day as if she’s daring Chrissy to stop her. Chrissy smiles as she stands up and says it’s fine Shannon. Might not be a bad idea  if you want to say your good byes to it but make it quick. Shannon says funny bitch. The only thing you’re going to be saying is I give like last time. Though you may not be able to recall it that well.  I told Steve all about our fight this morning! Chrissy said that’s nice but that was a long time ago sweetie. I think you’re in for quite the surprise.  I won’t need to tell him about it this time he’s going to be watching you take the beating you’ve had coming since then.  I may or may not let you watch me make him scream my name as he gives it to me on top of his ex wife’s weak broken body.

        Smirking and stepping closer to Chrissy asking her you want any rules skinny? Not going to need any rules Shannon. I think we should agree the fights over when the winner says it’s over. You know Shannon like when you made that rule last time? Oh yess I remember that was soooo hot! Shannon looks at me and says you have a seat huh babe just don’t pull me off her. I won’t hurt her permanently or anything and when I finish? I’ll give you another piece of this just like I did this morning as she looked over giving Chrissy a wink. Shannon can see by Chrissy’s reaction she didn’t know about me having sex with her this morning. Shannon covers her mouth acting like she told a secret she wasn’t suppose to. Oh no I’m sorry, he didn’t tell you did he? Well it Seems he apparently was still not satisfied by whoever he was with last night. I could see he was still needing or wanting something with more satisfaction. Who better to do that for him than his wife? Looking at me she says isn’t that right babe? I just look down and avoid that totally. Chrissy says it’s ok Steve I figured she’d do some kinda lame feel sorry for her shit! Only thing she’s got left to turn you on with is old stories. She has to tell you about that fight 6 years ago cause she doesn’t have what it takes that turns you on anymore. After today though she just won’t have much to say from now on about that either. I guess that was your goodbye to Steve last hoo rah then. Shannon finally says ok skinny bitch,  talking time is done time to beat your ass let’s go.

           Reaching down as she walks forward pulling her t shirt up over her head to reveal a bright red push up bra. Pushing her shorts down and kicking them off to reveal a thong to match the red bra. Stopping to wait for Chrissy with her hands on her hips. Well skinny bitch time to get your ass beating. I don’t know why you keep calling me skinny Shannon. As Chrissy starts unbuttoning the shirt. Shannon said we all will know that soon as you step up here when you get that shirt off. Compared to me bitch you’re skinny. Shannon flaunts her body and starts flexing her muscles at Chrissy which draws only a smirk. Chrissy continues to unbutton. Once all the buttons are loose she gives Shannon a smile as she puts her arms back slightly and gives her shoulders a shake. The shirt slides off landing behind her as she steps forward. Staring right at Shannon and raising her arms to flex now standing only an arms length away. She gets the reaction  she wanted to see from Shannon. The shirt I now see was to keep her body hidden to reveal to my wife the most dramatic shock factor of just what she had become to my wife. Shannon can’t hide it either her mouth dropping open and her arms slowly fall from the flexing pose as she  looks at her rivals busty muscular form. Chrissy is loving it as she shoots me a wink. Now seeing the two girls side by side I was right about the boobs. That’s no contest Chrissy is no question superior, the biggest shock to me is her arms. Those are harder to judge when not seen together. Now though it’s clearly a rout for Chrissy there easily beating my wife in that as well. Chrissy says why Shannon is there something wrong? You seem to be a bit shall I say overwhelmed sweetheart. Fuck you bitch! Shannon is flustered you can tell. Don’t worry Shannon you will be overwhelmed lots more before this is over. Shannon is still strong that didn’t change and she can still hurt somebody. That’s evident rather quickly as lashes out without warning slamming a fist deep into Chrissy’s gut catching her by surprise. Chrissy blows out all her air in a gasp and bends over grabbing her stomach. She’s hurt that’s clear. How long she takes to get over it could decide her chances as my wife clearly means to hurt her bad and end it quick.

         It made me hurt just watching how hard she drove her fist in Chrissy’s stomach. Wasting no time as Chrissy doubles over, Shannon makes one fist by intertwining her fingers then raising it up over her head and slamming it down to the back of Chrissy’s neck. Dropping Chrissy to the floor on a knee.  Only a small ugh was heard from Chrissy after the blow. Then my wife swung her foot up trying to kick Chrissy in the chest. Fortunately for Chrissy she had the composure still to see it then catch her foot. Lifting herself to her feet with Shannon’s foot in hand taking her off her feet to hit hard on her back. Uuuugggghhh is the sound escaping my wife’s lips. Chrissy takes a breath to get her wind back as does my wife laying there on her back. Now both girls are back to their feet ready to go at it now with both girls being ready.

          Chrissy said should’ve known a cheap shot was coming from a bitch like you. My wife smiling says it’s a fight Chrissy get over it. Unlucky for you I have. Shannon swings a big haymaker toward Chrissy’s head. Chrissy ducks it causing Shannon to step past turning her back slightly to Chrissy. Chrissy  turns in time to kick Shannon right on her ass sending her past further 3 steps before she can stop herself and turn back to face each other again. Shannon said where did you buy your tits Chrissy cause you left them at home last time we fought remember? Jealous much there are you? says Chrissy. Of you? Please Chrissy no way in hell do you have anything to make me jealous. Tell you what I’d even be ready to go tit to tit! That is if you think you have enough to match me this time? Chrissy says by all means Shannon step right up. With that both girls strut toward one another giving their tops a toss tits thrust forward about to put to rest the guessing I’ve been doing as to who’s are better. This should be awesome I say to myself.

            Stepping up no more than a foot apart with Chrissy being a bit taller and her tits a cup size or more larger by appearance,her’s  set slightly over top of Shannon’s C cup tits. Neither girl has much sag but Shannon’s do set higher on her chest so their nipples are almost level. Shannon looking down making sure to keep her nipples to even not wanting to have Chrissy’s be over hers’. Chrissy sees Shannon looking at her tits as she’s sizing them up with her rival. Chrissy smiles, saying you thinking maybe you should’ve kept your mouth shut Shannon? Not in the least Chrissy. We both know how this went the first time don’t we Chrissy? Turning my way as she shoots me a quick wink. Well she says maybe since you have a little more it’ll just last a tad bit longer. I can tell this got to Chrissy when she said that. She couldn’t argue the fact and knew I was already aware of it. Chrissy narrows her eyebrows and says not this time! Shannon stares in Chrissy’s eyes as she said Steve would you start this for us I know you can’t wait to see me destroy your little gf. I say ok girls GO!!

          At that the two girls lean into one another pushing there tits into each other leaving hands on hips at the moment. I am actually surprised as Shannon shows no disadvantage at all hers show no weakness yet. Both girls are serious now no smiles to be seen. It’s a stale mate at the moment as both girls nipples are lined up perfectly. Trying to push their rivals in. A light sheen of sweat covers both with no tops on the nipples stay almost stuck to each other. Shannon is the first to speak saying I think I’ll crush your nipples first then I’ll flatten the rest of you. Chrissy says give it your best shot girly but when this nipple duel stops it won’t be you winning. May be a couple minutes pass but seems a lot longer. Then it happens the nipple contest is all but over as sweat rolls down their cleavage one girl smiles and locks eyes with her opponent asking her do you feel that? One girl with a pained look the other show s a smirk. That’s 1-0 Chrissy! Shannon has pushed Chrissy’s nipples back into her boob and actually bore into Chrissy’s tit with her own nipple filling the space. Shannon says oh shit Steve I’m screwing your gf’s tit with my nipple. You bitch is all Chrissy can say. Now now little girl watch that mouth or you may never see your nipples again. Shannon pulls her tits away laughing as she sees me watching closely. When Shannon is back Chrissy’s nipples are no where to be seen. It takes a couple seconds before Chrissy’s nipples pop back out visible. We’re not quite finished though Shannon are we Chrissy? Turning to me she explains that girls have these sort of fights a lot and the winner of each contest gets to have her time to speak as to how she just put to rest the argument on her embarrassing her opponent in that fight.  Right Chrissy? She gets no response as Chrissy stares directly at Shannon. She isn’t hurt bad but mad and embarrassed by Shannon proving better in something as intimate as a girls nipples. She knows there is more much more till this fight has a winner.

          Ready bitch Shannon says? Whatever, Chrissy says just go on! Touchy aren’t we? Turning to me first Shannon asks me to come over here you should enjoy seeing this close up. I walk over as Shannon raises her arms flexing her biceps and says feel these winning nipples baby. I touch them and they are like diamonds sharp and she gets a chill when I gently touch them ooh yeah baby. Shannon looks over to Chrissy saying I bet you wish it was you don’t sugar tits? Chrissy says enjoy it bitch cause this is last happy moment for you. Shannon says watch this Steve. You ever seen a girl get nipple fucked by another woman? Watch this Shannon turns back to Chrissy lining her nipples up again. Then grabbing Chrissy by the shoulders she pushes Chrissy’s nipples back inside her tit again as she locks eyes with her. Shannon moans out like she’s having sex for effect. Oh yeah Chrissy can you feel that huh? I can see the hurt and humiliation in Chrissy’s eyes. I can tell though as Shannon holds Chrissy in place she’s trying to push farther in on her tit hoping to weaken her for the tit fight but she can’t do much there but she isn’t ballooning either. Shannon says you must just love defeat skinny. Shannon said I’m about finished with her in this Steve cause I can’t wait to hand Chrissy her  tits and then her ass. Releasing Chrissy’s shoulders but keeping her nipples pushed in she raises her arms again to flex. Never allowing Chrissy’s nipples out she reaches down as I stand beside her and she grabs my cock and I see Chrissy’s eyes follow her hand as she watches Shannon as she grips it through my shorts. She is nothing Steve, nothing! Look at it Chrissy look really good. Cause you know right now why he’s hard. He got this hard on watching you lose to ME!!  Finally after what had to have been devastating to Chrissy she backs away allowing Chrissy’s nipples to pop back out.  Releasing my cock she says don’t go far with that stud this next one won’t take long either.

          Chrissy wipes her eyes as they had filled with water as she endured that humiliation but she never allowed a tear to drop. Shannon noticed it though saying you’re not going to cry are you Chrissy? Chrissy only replies you ready? Shannon says sure let’s go as they both slam their tits together. Both girls slam chest to chest back away and slam again. The first three times no one has an advantage. Then the forth time Chrissy slams into Shannon but she doesn’t bounce off like they did the first three times. This time she continues forward because there was no resistance as Shannon hit the floor ass first. Quickly scrambling up to her feet trying to act as if she’d tripped. Chrissy shows her first smile in awhile but only a second as she’s focused on the task at hand. Shannon gets to her feet saying I tripped is all. Chrissy said well get your ass back up here. Again they meet and Shannon did not fall she went down from the force of the blow. She’s not stepping in as hard now. I see her tits start to give some. Chrissy does as well and she’s not giving her time to recover. Shannon isn’t coming back as quick to fight as Chrissy is. Chrissy is starting to stalk her as each time Shannon is forced back some more.

          Maybe 5 feet from the wall is Shannon’s back. From where they started she’s lost 20ft. Chrissy goes to her and this time when they meet Chrissy uses what Shannon did earlier. Gripping both my wife’s shoulder as she keeps her tits in contact she pushes her back that short distance to the wall. Shannon’s back slams against the wall. Chrissy is pinning her there with her shoulders to it. Chrissy pushes in as she rolls her shoulders as she bores into Shannon. I can hear soft grunts from Shannon ugh ugh ugh as Chrissy says does it hurt Shannon? Shannon’s arms come up and try to push Chrissy back by her shoulders but she can’t get off the wall to make any head way. Then it happened the absolutely most dominant move I’ve ever seen when two girls tit fight. I almost cum as Chrissy uses her tits to lift Shannon off the floor by her tits. Shannon’s face is red as Chrissy keeps her pinned there Shannon’s feet hanging below her. Chrissy dipped her knees dragging her tits down getting under Shannon’s.  Shannon’s tits are laying atop Chrissy’s. Then Chrissy brings a foot slightly behind the other to get more leverage. Pushing her knees back up she is lifting Shannon’s feet from the floor with her tits. Holding there it’s no shock that Shannon immediately says I give, I give,please stop,as her tits are mashed flat and her nipples point straight up. Her tits are bent too far upward her nipples reach toward her collarbone as Chrissy tits hold her aloft. Chrissy says what’s wrong Shannon does it hurt? Please, my tits Chrissy. What about your tits Shannon? You win, please Steve tell her let me down, she’s hurting me. Steve she calls out to me as she begs and is crying as Chrissy asks her whose the bitch now Shannon? I am, please Chrissy, you win stop. Chrissy simply backs away and her tits seemed to not even show any shape change during the entire fight. It seemed as if they couldn’t be moved. As she backs away Shannon slides down all the way to the floor. Leaning there against the wall as Chrissy literally straddles her body. Shannon’s face is just below Chrissy’s cxnt. Looking almost directly down on Shannon, she says Steve come over here please. My turn now princess. Chrissy grabs my cock as Shannon sits cradling her red and stretched tits she says how was that for a win big guy? I tell her, Chrissy that was the most impressive thing I’ve ever seen. Stroking my cock through my shorts she looks down at Shannon. She says get up here Shannon but Shannon doesn’t respond.

         Chrissy says she’s not listening Steve! Chrissy reaches down grabbing Shannon’s ponytail and jerks her roughly to her feet as she brings her back to her feet. I said get your ass up Shannon. Shannon still is trying to ease the pain her tits just went through. Chrissy asks did it hurt Shannon? Shannon said you hurt me Chrissy. Oh I did I ? I’m sorry that’s nothing compared to what I’m going to do. Chrissy said you got two choices Shannon. I got my time coming for my domination of your tits. Now either you can move your arms away and let me go to it on your tits or you can start worshipping the better pair right now. Your choice but it’s your only options. Almost before she stopped speak Shannon begins to suck on Chrissy’s tits. Lifting them working them to do her best to please Chrissy apparently terrified to have Chrissy touch her tits again. Chrissy moans out. Uhhghh ohh yesss Steve. Shannon is a good tit sucker. You like watching her suck on them like that Steve? Oh yeah I say. That’s hot as crap. Chrissy says Shannon look here showing her Chrissy has pulled my cock out of my shorts as she strokes me. She says look at your husband Shannon he’s hard. Watching his gf make his wife suck on her winning tits made him harder than your win don’t you think? Chrissy said I’m going to really beat her ass in the fight soon as she finishes pleasing me though. Look at her Steve she’s weak. You were right Shannon who knows better than her husband that her tits can’t match mine. Chrissy says she’s almost done now baby and then you can watch me beat her ass good. I’ll take care of this hard on then baby. Chrissy says Ok princess you’re done sucking its fight time. No more had Chrissy said that than she realized the mistake she made. I felt her hand drop my cock and watched as her mouth dropped open but no sound escaped her. I watched stunned as Chrissy dropped to her knees with both hands on her crotch. Shannon standing over her now holding her by her ponytail. Ready for your beating slut. Pulling a fist back and slamming a punch to Chrissy’s jaw. Letting go of her hair as shannon and I both watched as Chrissy fell to the floor on her back. Shannon looks at me saying I’m going to beat that bitches ass so bad she won’t ever think about another man let alone my man. You sit down and enjoy baby cause I damn sure will be I said ok. With those words out of Chrissy’s mouth I guess the final fight has begun.

           Looking down at Chrissy Shannon stomps down on her side. I’m starting to wonder if Chrissy is even going to get up as hard as Shannon hit her in the jaw I’m not sure she’s even awake. Fucking bitch as Shannon stalks around Chrissy. You think you’re gonna pull some shit like that with me? Surprise bitch my tits weren’t hurt quite as bad as I made out either bitch. Kicking her in the stomach again. She looks to me saying look over here Steve as lifts her arms flexing her biceps and then points to her tits. See here she didn’t do all she thought she did. I notice Shannon’s tits have returned to as good as they earlier when she won the nipple fight. They are a little red is all. See I wanted to make sure I’d win this part of the fight. This fight is the one that gets your skank ass out of my house and away from my man. Chrissy has now gotten to her hands and knees with her head hanging down. Did you really think your tits were that much better slut? Shannon asks her as she sends another kick to her side. Ughh is all the sound coming from Chrissy. Picking Chrissy’s head up by her ponytail to get in her face. See bitch look my tits are just fine. She is rubbing Chrissy’s face all over her tits and chest. They’re still better than those weak nipple bags you got. Going to her knees in front of Chrissy she grabs her head with both hands and rubs her face all over her sweaty slick tits. That a girl Chrissy. You’re doing just a fine job for now you kiss’em nice now when we finish. Dropping her head as she gets ready to stand back up, but all at once Chrissy lunges forward wrapping Shannon’s legs up tackling her to the floor. Shannon hits the floor hard back first but then the back of her head smacks the floor rather hard. Now both girls are down. Trying to recover before the other girl does. Who will beat the other up first and possibly impose their will on the other? It’s anyone’s fight now and one thing is for sure it’s going to be a good one for me.

               It seems both girls are ready to go again now. Chrissy and Shannon are as on even a ground as could be I suppose at this point. Both girls have a win but this is the big one. Chrissy said every time I fight you it’s cheap shots of some kind. Not anymore Shannon now I’m ready. Shannon laughs at her yeah ok whatever. I guess It was a cheap shot that got you nipple fucked with a one sided beating? I guess It was a cheap shot when I beat your ass in school? Shannon said if cheap shot means kicking your ass then yeah I gave you a cheap shot. They walk up in a fighting stance like boxers. The two girls are beautiful and it’s amazing to me how sexy yet rough they can be. It’s amazing the strength such beautiful bodies poses. Chrissy snaps Shannon’s head back once,twice ,three times very quick with jabs. Shannon has a trickle of blood on her mouth. Chrissy says you’re bleeding bitch. Shannon looks a little stunned actually. Come on Shannon you’re such a badass hit me. Chrissy pops her in the mouth again snapping her head back. This is beginning to look like Shannon has run out of gas. She tries to answer but her swing is sloppy and Chrissy avoids it easily causing Shannon to stumble a bit.

            Chrissy catches Shannon in her arms as she stumbled into her. Wrapping her up tight and lifting my wife from her feet she slams her to the floor.  Ugghhh is the sound from Shannon as Chrissy goes down with her to lay on top of Shannon’s topless body tit to tit. Scrambling up to her knees straddling my wife she draws back WHAM. Hitting her in the jaw. Chrissy says that’s for earlier. Then WHAM, that’s just to kick your ass. Once more WHAM that’s for Steve. Quickly collecting Shannon’s arms by the wrist and planting them one under each knee. Sitting down hard on Shannon’s tits with her hands on her hips. Ok now Chrissy says, now what Shannon? No reply as Shannon struggles to move her off to no avail. Chrissy playfully slaps her on the face taunting her. Come on, come on, bad ass, come on, you done huh you done? Giving a sudden burst to escape the cat like toying Chrissy has started,Shannon tries bridging up but as soon as Chrissy feels her start it WHAM to the jaw. No Shannon you should stop before I break your face. Really I don’t know how Shannon is still awake after those shots.

           This fight is almost over I think. As Chrissy takes my wife’s wrist back holding them in her hands again. Leaning forward to get in her face. She says do you want to tell me now Shannon or do I need to beat you more?  Please say beat you more. At that Shannon struggles hard as she can but at this point that’s not nearly enough. Chrissy smiles knowing it now. You’re done huh princess? Just say it so you can walk away sometime. Chrissy know that she is going to win. How’s it feel Shannon? Steve come over here please Chrissy calls me over. Look at your big bad ass wife now. This is what you were worried about hurting me? Pinching my wife’s cheek like a child and talking in baby talk oh she’s not so tough. See. She’s going cry. A tear runs down my wife’s face as I think seeing me standing there watching makes it real now. She’s crying Chrissy taunts in a mocking tone. I know too if Shannon had been the one in this position she’d do the same thing. Chrissy starts puffing her lip out cry little baby. Chrissy then says let me tell you Shannon if this makes you cry just wait cause you gave it and now I’m giving it. I’m also taking it to. Motioning me closer Chrissy pulls my shorts to my ankles as she has my soon to be ex wife pinned down and then tucking her arms under her knees again.
          She wraps her hand around my cock she says look here Princess, it’s mine now as she starts licking it as if it were an ice cream cone. Mmmm that’s good of course you already know that don’t you precious? That makes it even better cause you know what you’re losing. Please Chrissy my wife says quietly. Almost in a whisper. Chrissy smiles at the words and then turns her head to me and slowly takes my cock in her mouth as she’s cutting her eyes to see Shannon’s reaction. Once she has it all in her mouth she closes her lips around it and starts mmmm  mmmmm then she starts her head bobbing as she’s sucking me like I can not remember any girl doing. I can’t help but moan loud ugghhh oohhh yessss damn as she wraps a hand around the base as she continues the same pace. I can tell I’m almost going to cum. Chrissy is looking at my face the whole time she’s working it which is sexy as shit. She can tell I’m about to cum and stops. Pulling her lips off. Say it Shannon! Tell me you give and I win NOW! Shannon lays refusing as Chrissy says you want to cum Steve yes please Chrissy finish it as I start to reach and do it myself. Smiling as she catches my wrist saying no no that’s mine. Please Chrissy. Wait she keeps her hand wrapped around it but not moving. Her other hand reaches behind her and plays with Shannon’s nipple. How’s that feel princess like that? I’m thinking damn she’s playing with my wife’s tits after kicking her ass. I was being tortured on the brink of blowing my load. Then she asks Shannon again say you give SHANNON. No says my wife. Steve I want you to cum but she’s got to say it first! I can’t help it now as I say Shannon tell her damn it she did kick your ass!!Chrissy smiles a huge smile as she looks at Shannon’s face as it looks like she’s being terrorized as her rival and now her husband want her to admit defeat. Well princess are you going to give now. Never, says my wife. Chrissy says really? Chrissy moves her cxnt right over her face and says last chance precious! Sitting down lightly causes Shannon to yell out I give, I give. Chrissy says watch this as she gives my cock about 2 strokes and she points it on my wife’s face. It covers her face. Shannon says get off me damn it. Chrissy looks up at me and I knew what she was going to  do.

         Chrissy sinks two fingers in side my wife and in short order she has her moaning out. Oh shit Shannon moans to Chrissy please finish me!! My wife is biting her lip as Chrissy stops. Shannon is now lifting her hips searching for it. Chrissy has her ready to cum. Chrissy says you want it? Yes please Shannon begs. Ok then princess say your my bitch. Playing with her nipples as Shannon’s hips are rising looking for the hand she needs to finish her orgasm. Chrissy circles my wife’s nipple with her finger. She lays her hand softly on my wife’s bare cxnt but won’t do more as Shannon is breathing as if she just ran 10miles. Chrissy now doesn’t even worry about my wife’s hands as she leans forward a bit getting close to her face. Tell me Shannon and I’ll let you cum! Chrissy kicked my ass please, I’m your bitch please Chrissy you win he’s yours! Chrissy smiles and says I know. Now her hand works my wife and has her moaning and still screaming her submission out. I lost I’m your bitch Chrissy. I start playing with Chrissy’s tits and giving her some pleasure. Once she finishes Shannon my wife starts saying get off me bitch. Chrissy has the back of my head pulled to her chest with one hand. She hears my wife call her a bitch and says ok princess here you go sitting fully down on my wife’s face. Chrissy is grinding her hips as she starts with little soft moans. She reaches down getting a grip on my wife’s ponytail pulling her head so hard it’s like she wants it all inside her. As my wife’s arms aren’t restrained now she has them flailing weakly at Chrissy’s thighs. So weak it does nothing as Chrissy throw her head back saying eat me bitch. The faster I get off the faster I get off you. I can tell exactly when Shannon starts to comply as Chrissy says ahhhh that’s a good girl! Yeah do it reaaaal good now. Yeah your a good little bitch. Pressing harder and harder down as she gets close. All at once Chrissy grips my head pulling me to her tit and my wife’s head is so far up she’s stopped moving at all as Chrissy releases her juice all over her. Once she’s done she releases me and I hear my wife’s head thump to the floor. Chrissy embraces me kissing me passionately. It’s only been 5 mins and my cock is hard again. Chrissy feels it touching her leg and says round 2 ? Oh yeah I say. Bedroom this time and leave the help in here she says. My wife is about awake now. Chrissy says wait as she strokes me slowly keeping me hard. Now Shannon can respond and Chrissy said don’t let me catch you talking to my man again bitch! We’re going to bed but you can sleep right here. My wife scrambling like she’s getting up as Chrissy pulls a fist way back and says sleep here WHAM!! Chrissy says I’d say you’re done now huh princess. Chrissy and I embrace as carry her to the bedroom and say you were wonderful Chrissy I knew it all along! She said I got a feeling that bitch will be back though. I said you think so? No I HOPE SO!!


Offline master

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Re: The Separation Part 2 The Fight Final
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2019, 07:11:08 AM »
Another great and creative story.  Chrissy was great and the post fight humiliation was really hot and also leaving it open for a rematch.  a rematch would be great as well as a rematch for  Sharon and Marissa and "The party".  Your work is excellent. Can't wait for the next one!

« Last Edit: August 30, 2019, 07:16:14 AM by master »