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The Separation part 1 The Introductions

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The Separation part 1 The Introductions
« on: August 28, 2019, 11:37:32 PM »
               The Separation

          When my wife and I were separated I started going out with friends to different places with friends trying to get back on the scene and not just sit at home. While out that night I met a girl I dated in high school. She was recently divorced as well and so we started talking. She was much hotter now than when we dated 6yrs ago. Her name is Chrissy. She was always a pretty girl but in school she was rather thin. I’d say back then she was maybe 100lbs and barely a handful  maybe 36b. That was pushing it at 5’6” with blonde hair. Now she had filled out to 36d around 130 same blonde hair and a very nice tan. She seemed to be as impressed with me as I was her. I was not the most muscular guy in school but started gaining some weight after high school. After a couple years of regular gym workouts I felt like I was improved as well. After talking awhile since I was there with friends she offered to take me home.

          Once we got there of course I invited her in. I still hadn’t taken all the stuff down in the house that my wife and I shared because we at this particular time we hadn’t officially decided it was a done deal yet. As Chrissy looked at the pics around I saw she was a little taken back. I said yeah those pics are still there because we separated about 6months ago and the divorce isn’t final yet. I assured her the papers were finished and filed in the court but the stuff hadn’t yet been finalized. That Shannon’s stuff was some of the things in the home yet to have been removed. She said oh no no it’s not that. I said I’m sorry I thought maybe you were wondering if I was still married or maybe we were still working on things like we had just recently split up. Oh no it’s fine really I don’t mind about that. In fact to be honest I wouldn’t care if you were still working on your marriage or were still together and married. I looked at her sort of confused and said really why is that? When I noticed the look on your face as you looked at those pictures it seemed you may be upset or mad by them. No, Steve it’s not because of anything like that and please don’t think I’m some sort of hussy that goes after married men. To be honest you’re most likely the only man I would even have said that about. That isn’t meant bad either, it’s the girl in the pics,  I can’t stand her. Really I say, how do you know Shannon? I suppose I should have said something earlier but I didn’t know if I should. I knew Shannon unfortunately and I knew that you had married her. I said really?  How did you know that? Chrissy said well I was 2 yrs younger than you were in school remember? I thought about it a second, and said yes now that you mention it. I do as I thought about it a little more.  I then remembered Chrissy was older than my wife by a year. I said Shannon was a year behind you in school right? She says yes and you hadn’t started seeing Shannon till after you had graduated high school. Yes now I that you mention it I remember that. So what happened between you Shannon, because I don’t  think that Shannon ever mentioned you by name really? Chrissy asked if Shannon ever told me about her? How she and her friends picked on her and called her skinny? I said not that I remember other than she did talk about one girl that she didn’t like. She mentioned this a girl she thought I knew. That she said they didn’t get along. Chrissy asked and what was her reason she gave for that? Well it seems like she just said that the girl was mouthy. Seems like I remember her saying she slapped her head once. Then another time she said once in PE that she had pushed the girl down on the mats in the gym. That her friends gathered around so the teachers couldn’t see. Then she had said she slapped the girl a few times and made her beg to be let up. Chrissy smiles at me and noticed as I was telling her of this story Shannon had told me, that I was getting a hard on. I told Chrissy the story Shannon told me but she had not  mentioned the name of the girl. Chrissy said oh well im not surprised she did that.  Shannon didn’t say who the girl was? No never did. She said well that’s hard to believe, especially if that happened when she told you about it. Chrissy nodded to my crotch area as she made the comment. I wasn’t aware that it was noticeable to her. I tried to hide it a little with a bit of embarrassment. Chrissy said no please don’t take that the wrong way Steve I remember that you enjoyed the girls fighting stuff. Really how do you or what is it that.. She said it’s fine as she cut me off knowing I was kinda caught off guard that she knew. She said once when we were out on a date a girl bumped into her and made her spill her drink a little at the movies. Oh yes I say, I do remember that time. She smiled and said see there isn’t it funny what you remember from then. Smiling as she says it’s nothing wrong with it at all. Anyway I recall after we got to our seats I was talking about how I should’ve kicked that bitches ass and calling her names. Then as we sat holding hands I sat still and you moved them to your side. That’s when you very discreetly put our hands in your lap and I felt you growing hard then just like you did just now. Oh I’m sorry bout that as I likely turned red as I felt a bit embarrassed. She smiled at me and said it’s fine really.  Chrissy said actually it was  kinda hot it turned you on at the thought of me kicking that girl’s ass.

            So anyway back to Shannon and why i disliked her so much. When I was a senior she was a junior and she knew you and I had dated the year before. That bitch use to tell  me all the time that she was dating my ex bf. She bragged about it to her friends telling them she took my boyfriend. I guess it made her seem big shit to them being I was older and a senior. It made her some sort of hot shit she could take my bf. I said well Chrissy I don’t know why she would’ve said that because me dating her had nothing to do with you. She said oh I know that but she and I had a bad history growing up we were never friends. In fact we couldn’t stand each other. We fought all the time when we were kids. Up until high school I would kick her ass every time. She was a real bitch then but she developed or matured physically a little faster than I did over that summer. So the next time we fought walking home from high school my senior year. Much as I hate to say it she kicked my ass that day. Unlike me though when I had her beat and she would give I’d stop. Not her though, when I saiid ok you win she didn’t stop the fight. When I stopped  fighting back she kept pouring it on. She kept smacking me and calling me names. I quit using my arms when I gave so she had no trouble grabbing my wrist and pinning them with her knees. Every shot was wide open. After that fight she picked on me everyday and I was too scared to fight back. We had PE together the next day. In the locker room changing she came over to me wearing only her shorts and white tennis shoes. I was still hurting from the day before. I hoped not many people knew how I got so marked up being the fight wasn’t at school but on the walk home. She wanted the girls in the locker room knew what happened. So topless mind you she came over at the very moment I was as well. She grabbed my shoulder spinning me around to face her. Hey Chrissy where’s your tits you didn’t bring them today? Like I said she developed those C cups over the summer so my little B’s were not comparable so seeing her draw attention to it further intimidated me. I said just leave me alone Shannon as I turned to get dressed. Before I could she took a open hand smacking it palm first to the center of my chest slamming me back against the lockers. The loud noise the lockers made drew everyone’s attention to us. Shannon kept me there pressed against them with that hand while saying tell everybody where you got all beat up. I just bowed my head as everyone of her friends laughed. Not good enough for her she said I’m waiting. Until I said you Shannon. You kicked my ass. Are you happy? I was so humiliated as she smiled and said let this be a warning to any of you who want to talk shit about me then slapped my face walking away. Oh I swear she didn’t tell me about that I’m sorry Chrissy.  Chrissy smiled and said oh it’s ok I’m over it now. That was awhile back. Besides it motivated me to get in shape so I wouldn’t have to cower the next time a “Shannon” started picking on me. I said well I’ll say this Chrissy you did an excellent job at getting in shape  cause you do seem to be in good shape. Very sexy and I can tell you’ve got some muscle in those arms. Now it was Chrissy’s turn to blush as I reached to give her bicep a squeeze. I said I’d sure like to see you flex it for me one time.

              Smiling she raised a arm showing me her muscle. I watched as a very tight tennis ball sized bicep popped up out of no where it seemed. Ughhn I like that girl I said, that’s soooo damn sexy girl. Chrissy raised the other arm as she took in a deep breath. She looked amazing as her well defined arms and chest pushed out. As she seem to love showing me her sexy  toned arms and those awesome boobs. Yes she definitely was a sexy sight indeed. I made the comment well it’s one thing for sure Chrissy Shannon better think twice if she wants to do any picking or fighting with you now babydoll!!

         We spent the rest of the night catching up and I told her she was welcome to stay. We ended up sleeping together that night. She was sooooo hot and her body was so much more than I had thought. Under the soft feminine looking skin when she would tense and flex her muscles she showed very nice definition especially in her arms. As I began giving her body more attention I couldn’t help but compare her to my wife. Chrissy’s body was more impressive in many areas it seemed. As I played with and massaged her tits they seemed much bigger and sat higher than I remembered Shannon’s.  Shannon had been a very C cup at 5’4 130lbs with her having just a little shorter blonde hair. As Chrissy and I had sex I couldn’t get the image she had described of Shannon and herself in the locker room. I could picture it as I remembered the two girls in high school then. However with Chrissy in my bed I couldn’t picture it happening now. It had been a while since I had had sex with Shannon but I couldn’t see her matching Chrissy chest to chest. Now strength wise could be a closer battle as Shannon was in great shape.

          As we lay together after the amazing session with each other she said that was so incredible Steve. I wish now that I’d been more self confident than I had been back in high school.  If I’d not allowed Shannon the ability to make me feel so inadequate to her maybe it would’ve turned out between the two of us. I asked what she meant by allowing Shannon to make her feel inadequate in high school.   She explained how, Shannon made her life hell in high school. It was if Shannon sensed i was afraid of her now, I guess she was right I was. One thing’s for sure she seemed to enjoy using it to exploit that sense.

        Then Chrissy said well I suppose knowing it turned you on when I talked about kicking that girl’s ass that time I wasn’t willing to take the chance. I figured had I fought her and lost again with you watching it would’ve crushed me.  I said Chrissy I would’ve have liked to see you win then especially now. Shannon just talks tough most times. Chrissy said maybe so but she didn’t talk to kick my ass that last fight with me. She won that one. I said still though I think you could’ve beat her. I know one thing I’d sure like to see you beat her ass at this point. Really! Chrissy said, she sounded almost excited rolling half into my chest. One of those firm boobs on my chest the other in my side. Smiling as she crawled up further laying chest to chest.  She was now laying her head  on my shoulder.  I felt her warm breath in my ear and on my neck. Moving her hand to gently stroke my chest she says you really think I’d win? I said well Chrissy she can’t match you chest to chest for sure not now. I could feel her nipples harden on my chest as I spoke. Really she said she’s not as big me now? I told her Chrissy she may have had more in high school but trust me you caught her and then some. You really like these better as she pushed her chest tighter to mine. Chrissy no doubt oh yes by far. I said you look stronger when your arms flex. It makes your muscles look sooooo hot. Rubbing her toned arms as she kisses me again. Laying her head down on my chest she says well maybe one day I’ll get my chance to prove it to you! I need to prove it to myself too.

         We  woke up the next morning Chrissy’s head still laying on my chest. Good morning she said. Good morning sexy I say. Did you sleep well I asked? Most definitely Steve I had a dream. A nice dream about you. Really I asked what about? She starts well here I’ll show you. Moving and pulling the sheets back still both naked Chrissy sits up straddling me. A knee on either side of me she grabs my wrist. Pinning them by my head a second and says so you give Shannon? I smile at her as she smiles and say yes Chrissy you won I give. Releasing my wrist now to sit up fully she says see this Chrissy? Flexing both arms she says see it? Yes I say. This is what kicked your ass bitch. Say you give. I reply I give. Not good enough Shannon say it again really loud so Steve can hear! Tell him now before I beat you more!! I really smile seeing her superb body and say Chrissy kicked my ass Steve!! Leaning down now she lets her boobs barely touch my face and lets them gently move them around until  her nipples harden. That’s not the only thing hardening either. Still in this position she said I think your man is getting hard watching me kick your ass Shannon. Is that a hard on I feel down there Steve? Oh yes no doubt. Ok then Steve she says you’ll really like this. She says ok Shannon say night night to Steve. She then starts to lower her tits on my face as she moans out. I start sucking and licking her tits as she presses her mound down on my cock and grinds down on me. Then all at once she stops and says then I woke up and the dream stopped. Flopping down beside me. I say, Oh hell no not now. As I roll on top of her both of us smiling and I say it’s my turn to show you what I dreamt. As I go on to make love to her that morning.

            After that initial night and morning Chrissy and I continued seeing each other the rest of the week. I got a call on Thursday saying Shannon was to come Friday to get more stuff. I planned to have the things ready which I did. Then Friday came and I wanted to have her come so Chrissy would’ve been gone to work by 9. I planned I would give Shannon her stuff so it was packed up and it wouldn’t take long then. Shannon showed up at 9:30. She came in and walking towards the bedroom where I had set the stuff. She said so I heard you have  a new gf?

           Yeah matter of fact that’s right I guess. So I take it we’re done you have no plan on more trying? I said Shannon you never said a word about wanting to try. Well what if I did? I don’t know that’s out of the blue. Oh I guess you are happy then since you’re dating that Chrissy bitch? How the hell do you know about that? Oh I know Steve. Walking up to me looking very mad and getting right up on me. Shannon had just come from the gym. Wearing workout shorts and a pink sports bra. Sweating still causing her body to shine as a result of coming there from the gym. Shannon being my ex wife or wife or whatever she still was hot. In my face now she says I never said anything to you at the time but you know I kicked her ass in high school. I didn’t speak back as I was doing my best to not get hard. She tell you about that Steve? I still remain silent. Shannon was my wife 6yrs and she knew what I liked. She knew what ALWAYS worked. She says you want me to tell you about it as she moved her head next to mine to whisper in my ear. Her tits pushing against my chest almost to the point of pushing me back a step. Tell me Steve do you want to hear me tell you how I kicked your little girlfriend’s ass?! Even though I can feel her nipples harden as the brush my chest. I stay strong but I feel my dick beginning to grow hard it’s coming all at once.
            I feel Shannon move one foot between my legs and now her thigh makes contact with my hardening cock. I can feel her smile though her mouth is in my ear. Shannon says I thought hearing about that ass kicking might interest you. I feel her leg begins to rub back and forth on the fully harden cock beneath my shorts. She says well when she got mouthy one day at school I walked up just like this and I said I heard you was talking shit  bitch. The dumb bitch knowing I could kick her ass said screw you Shannon. I said Chrissy I’m about to kick your ass right here in the girls locker room as we change clothes. My tits bare totally pushing her pitiful little tits around and flattening them. I snapped my arms around her. My wife does it to me as she reaches around me and draws me tight to herself. Pulling her head back now in my face.
           Her lips are brushing mine as she speaks. Shannon says I’m crushing those pathetic tits of yours Shannon. She squirmed Steve, but she was just too weak going up against me. I told her that she was nothing as I squeezed her Steve. Pretty soon she was begging me to stop. Instead of stopping I lifted and took her feet off the floor. Shannon was strong no doubting that.  I knew that as I felt her lift me and start walking the few steps next to our bed. Still pretending that I’m Chrissy, She said when she gave up the fight I made sure Chrissy knew who the boss was. I looked her in the eyes as I crushed her tits. I said you little flat chested bitch you need to learn not to back talk to me. Maybe this will teach you and I won’t need to do this again. Shannon then acted as if she slammed me to the bed laying  on top of me. Taking my wrist as she pushed down with her hips grinding herself into my dick.  She then raised up giving me a good view of the cleavage filling her sports bra.  Pushing her lips against mine she tried to force her tongue in my mouth. I was still trying to resist and not return the kiss. She smiled and looked me in the eye knowing she was close to having me give in. I was definitely growing weaker in my will to resist her advance. She says Steve I got in her face just like this. I felt Shannon’s hand reaching into the waist band of my shorts which I shattered with chills from the sensation of pleasure from skin to skin contact and her cold hand wrapping around my cock. She let out a unghh yeah baby you like that? Feels good doesn’t it as she stared in my eyes? Softly stroking my cock now then she continued, Steve I told Chrissy as I pinned her down like I am you right now. She was no match for my strong sexy body Steve! I was in control totally. My bigger stronger tits my muscles over powering her weak little body. I can’t take it any more as I throw my arms around my soon to be ex wife no longer able to resist her. I begin humping upward to her in return of her stoking hand she smiles now knowing I’m done she has me broken to her desire. She knew right at that  moment I’m going to fuck him. She says I told Chrissy you’re just a weak little cxnt.  I asked her what would Steve think if he was here to see me whip your ass like this? I’ll tell you cause I know what he’d be doing Chrissy? He’d say yeah Shannon kick her ass. He’d cheer me on he’d say she’s kicking your ass Chrissy. He’d tell me to crush her little tits and make her your bitch. Kissing me deep and passionate then raising up Shannon peels her bra off. Sitting up stroking my dick. She lets my cock drop as she starts raising her arms looking at me flexing her muscles I study her strong looking arms. Bare tits jutting forward she looks at me and says you want me Steve? Tell me you want more of this as she reaches for my cock now only one bicep in the air. Faster now speeding the strokes up now.  Go ahead tell me  say it! Say you want more! I’d forgotten just how sexy my wife is. Working out more now it seemed since the separation she looked even  Stronger ,sexier, at the moment superior than before. She knew exactly what buttons to push and had what it took to carry it out. I stare  at her lusting as I take her in. I’m waiting she says do you want me to hurt the bitch Steve? Yes god yes I want it. Shannon, smirks at me knowing I’m broken and sit up to wrap her body in my arms drawing her bare chest to mine as we fall back to the bed and for the next hour fuck like crazy. Totally spent when she is leavIng I enjoyed that Steve. I’m not ready to give you up. She is walking to her car when she stops and turns. Oh and Steve tell that bitch should she come back here, to make sure she has the guts fight me. If I come by and I see her car here,  I’m coming in and showing you for real what she really is. Either way you win, so on second thought actually just call me when she’s here. I’ll be happy to give you a little show. You can tell her I’m on the way when you do and see if she stays or tucks her skinny little tail and runs. I really hope she stays and I know you do to baby. I looked and she had left the things she came to get. I thought so was she saying she wanted to try because of us? Or was it because of Chrissy? My thoughts were well both girls want to go at it so seems as though either way it needed to happen. I guess I should just tell  Chrissy. Since it seems neither has seen each other since high school id let reintroduce them and let them decide it. That’s exactly what I decided to do. It was exactly like my wife said I win either way so let’s get it on.



Offline lifeofriley

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Re: The Separation part 1 The Introductions
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2019, 11:40:38 PM »
yeeeesss! more!!! SNW stories always get me click  8)  ;D


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Re: The Separation part 1 The Introductions
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2019, 02:57:55 AM »
yeeeesss! more!!! SNW stories always get me click  8)  ;D

Love this story and the build up. Yes, please continue.


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Re: The Separation part 1 The Introductions
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2019, 07:32:06 AM »
Your stories are fantastic as this one is starting out with a great build up. The winner is always catty in your excellent stories and it will be really exciting to read the end and the winner who will no doubt really enjoy humiliating the loser and making her, her bitch. It sounds really exciting with the animosity between the two rivals with the winner really enjoying the fruits of her victory.  Great writing so far, please finish it.


Offline JT Edson

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Re: The Separation part 1 The Introductions
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2019, 02:33:30 PM »
The girls seem to be evenly matched. I hope so. This should be an even catfight. Should be a good one.