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Red Head vrs Blond - Peggy and Jenifer

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Offline RJT45

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Red Head vrs Blond - Peggy and Jenifer
« on: August 19, 2019, 04:47:22 PM »
My wife Peggy is a voluptuous red head, who loves physical altercations with other women!  It all started 25 years ago, right after our daughter Allie was born.  Having a few stubborn pregnancy pounds that were giving her a hard time, she joined a local gym, and started boxing classes to lose the weight.  She was good at it and enjoyed it, and the classes led to a couple of real fights with other women.  Along the way, she got into wrestling and catfighting too, and now is always looking for an opportunity to "mix it up" with another woman...young or old!

Peggy currently is 52 years old, stands five foot eight, has shoulder length red hair, green eyes, weighs in at 130 pounds, and has a fabulous 36D-24-34 figure!  Many times, younger women have been lulled into a false sense of security in fights because of her age.  In the end, they've all paid for that.  This then is another one of her stories!

Our friends own a health club just one town away from where we live at the shore.  This has been the site of several of Peggy's fights over the years, and her reputation is well established there.   Jenifer went there looking for a fight, and what she found was Peggy!

Jenifer and her husband John live in Northfield about 10 miles from us.  The fight was set up for one night in their totally private back yard with small lap pool.  The pool is about 6 feet across and 10 feet long, with a depth that runs from about 2 and a half feet to 5 feet.  Jenifer is in her late 30s, a a bit bigger than Peggy.  The night of the fight, John and I waited in the back yard while Peggy and Jenifer got ready for their fight.  It was a warm night, and both women entered the backyard dressed for the fight.  As we've done before, Peggy's comments  in the (Peggy ) were added after I wrote this story and are her words.

Jenifer was wearing a one piece, strapless bathing suit, with red and white alternating horizontal stripes.  She might look like a barber pole, but for the fact that she had tremendous boobs.  Bigger than Peggy's more than adequate 36Ds, probably in the 38 Triple D or E or F range!  As well as being taller than Peggy, she carries more weight, and I wouldn't be surprised if each one of her tits didn't weight 10-15 pounds!  (The girl has big other way to say that!  Will they come into play during the fight?  I know RJ hopes so!  He is an unabashed tit man...glad he likes my "more than adequate 36Ds"!)

Peggy was dressed in a new black bikini that she really likes.  She says it fits perfect, and the bra of it carries her just right, making her sizable assets, look even bigger!  (You ladies will understand me, but sometimes the top of a bikini just fits right!  It provides the support you need, is comfortable, and when it does a nice job showing off your assets, its 3 for 3!)

"Should we start in the pool?", Jenifer asked.

"Sure", answered Peggy, and with that, both women jumped into the shallow end of the pool.

I was just fantasizing about getting to see Jenifer's naked rack during the course of the fight (I would expect nothing less my love), when the busty blond said, "Look.  I want to remove the temptation, and get everything out on the open, so I'm gonna fight with the girls in play.", and with that, she grabbed the top of her suit, pulled it down, and tucked it in under her boobs, and what boobs they were!  They were huge, as were her nipples (excitement of the fight, night air??), but incredibly sagged very little for their size.  It was at that point if I wondered if they were plastic!  (hmmm...I'd never thought of that before.  Let me punch them a bit during our fight and I'll weigh in later)

She then turned to Peggy, "care to join me?"

"No, I think I'm just fine, like this.", my wife replied. (No fucking way I wanted to start this fight with my tits in play)

"Suit yourself, but to be totally honest,  if we start this fight, and you've still got that bra on, the first objective for me, will be to get that top off you, and being tidally honest, in the heat of battle, I'm gonna do anything and everything I can to strip you of your bra, and I make no guarantees that I'm not going to shred it in the process, but that's totally up to you."

(You saw what I said about the bra above!  This was a relatively new suit and I took her at her word...she'd shred it if I didn't play along, so...)

With that, Peggy reached behind her and unclasped the bikini bra, and threw it to me.  I never tire of seeing my wife's incredible 36Ds, which were definitely God given, and which despite her age of 52, sag very little.  Oh yea, it was going to be a hell of a fight!  (And that Ladies and Gentlemen, is why I keep this guy around!!)

"Ready?", said Jenifer and as Peggy nodded, the women moved at each other.

Their first action was to grab each other's hands, and try for a test of strength.  As I said, Jenifer had a little weight on Peggy and a little height, and this worked to her advantage.  In their tug of war, Jenifer backed my wife towards the side of the pool, eventually right up against the edge, and then proceeded to bend her back over the top edge.  Once she had Peggy bent back, and unable to move, Jenifer released my wife's left hand, and with her free right arm, delivered a perfect forearm smash to the red head's 36Ds!   (Yikes....that got my fucking attention!!)

The women released each others hands, but before the blonde could deliver another blow to Peggy's tits, my wife took a big breath and slipped under the water.  This was totally unexpected my Jenifer, and she looked around for Peggy.  Peggy surfaced about 3 feet away in a slightly deeper part of the pool.  "Here I am bitch.", she taunted at Jenifer, and with that Jenifer lunged at Peggy, and the two of them started wrestling in the water.  Right now, they were in water about up to their waists, but as they trashed around, they slowly floated into the deeper end of the pool.  At this point, it became more of an underwater fight, as the two topless women struggled to gain an advantage over the other!  Peggy loves to swim, and was totally in her element here (Wonder why pool fighting is not a standard part of my skill set?) and quickly seemed to take over control.  At one point, it looked like Peggy had her legs and arms wrapped around Jenifer's body and was in total control.  As my wife continued the hold, Jenifer appeared to be running out of air, and seemed to be getting desperate.  Looked like this could be a turning point in their fight! Suddenly Peggy released her hold, and the big blond bopped to the surface of the pool. (She had a look a desperation in her eyes and almost was begging me to let her go, so she could surface and fill her lungs.  I wanted to beat her, not kill her, so I released my hold on her)  The blond waisted no time, and climbed out of the pool and collapsed on the lush free grass.  It appeared that Peggy was making a statement that she was not in the same trouble as Jenifer, as it was close to a minute before Peggy surfaced, and climbed out of the pool!  My topless wife looked gorgeous!  Her red hair was plastered down, the water was dripping seductively off her body, and her 36Ds were standing at attention!  What a woman! (Okay win!)

By this time, Jenifer was getting to her feet, and to Peggy's surprise, her tits were back inside the one piece bathing suit!

"What the fuck is this?", Peggy asked pointing at the blond's rack!

"Well nobody forced you to fight topless.", replied Jenifer

(The only thought on my head at that moment was, "this bitch is going to lose perhaps that whole bathing suit!" I was going to take the fight to her big tits!)

Without a hesitation, Peggy charged Jenifer, and the two women went down in a pile on the grass!  They rolled around the lawn for about 5 minutes, each one attenpting to gain and advantage over the otherone only to then lose it.  There were punches thrown, hair pulled, slaps to the body, and all other kinds of action.  (The action was fast and furious!  Jenifer got some good shots in, including a couple of nice punches to my tits! At one point, she snaked her hand into my bikini bottom, and even inserted a finger in my pussy...I think she might have been trying to finger fuck me!) Evetually, however, Peggy ended up astride Jenifer's stomach, with the blond's hands trapped under the red heads legs.  Then the fun really started!  Peggy reached down and grabbed the top of the blond's one piece suit and started to pull it down, exposing Jenifer's tits.  Then Peggy really started having fun, and started slapping, then punching them!  Then she grabbed one of them in each of her hands and dug her nails into the blond's more than ample tit flesh before converting to a nipple grab and rolling Jenifer's huge nipples!(Okay...on closer examination, I now tend to believe that her huge jugs are not plastic but natural!  She just has really big tits!)  Peggy was enjoying making the blond scream out in pain!  (yes I indeed was!)

When Peggy stopped torturing Jenifer's tits, the blond was relieved, but that didn't last long, as Peggy again grabbed the top of Jenifer's bathing suit.  She pulled it below her stomach, and then as Peggy got to her feet, she kept pulling the suit, till Jenifer was totally naked!  For good measure, Peggy flipped the suit into the pool, so there was no way Jenifer was getting back in that suit tonight! 

Surprising after the bossom beating Peggy had given her, as my wife got up to her feet, so did Jenifer.  The two of them stood facing each other on the topless red head and a naked blonde.  I wondered if there would be retribution for either the stripping or tit bashing.  I didn't have to wait long because quickly the two of them got into a boxers stance, and started throwing punches at each other!  While Jenifer seemed to have some boxing skills, they were no way up to Peggy's boxing ability.  Although the blond threw a lot of punches, very few of them were not blocked by Peggy!  (She might have not gotten a lot of punches past my defenses, but the ones she did squarly hit me in the tits!  Obviously, she was targeting my boobs in response to what I'd just done to her, and the few that got by me, were right on target!  I couldn't show it, but she was doing some damage!)  Peggy's punches were body blows that seemed to hit Jenifer lower and lower, and when the blonde grabbed my wife and pulled her in, I assumed she was doing the standard boxers clench to slow down your opponent, but I was wrong.  What the bustier blond was doing, was trying to pull my wife into her clevage and get a standing tit smother on the red head!  She had Peggy's face between her huge jugs, and had wrapped her arms around the red head's head, pulling her in as far as possible.

Suddenly though, Jenifer screamed out, and as the two women separated she said, "You sunk your teeth into my boob you bitch!".  Peggy gave a shrug and then delivered a right/left/right combo of punches low in her stomach, the force of which bent the blond over.  Grabbing two handfuls of her hair, Peggy pulled Jenifer over, and proceeded to deliver several perfectly placed knees to the blond's tits!  Peggy then threw Jenifer to the ground, and dropped down on the blond knees first in her gut, knocking the air out of the big blond!  Peggy had little trouble sitting aside Jenifer, trapping her legs under her knees, and ending their catfight with a perfectly executed tit smother!  After holding her there for a couple of minutes, Peggy again sat up and slapped the blond till she opened her eyes!  Then she got to her feet, and jumped into the lap pool, did a lap underwater before getting out and sitting down on the grass next to Jenifer!

(It was a hard fight and she had some moments, but in the end, she was naked and tit smothered, and I won the fight.  I enjoyed fighting her and enjoyed the venue.  Fighting outside in the grass on a warm summer night was different.  She asked if I'd give her a rematch and I said I would.  Watch and wait for that!)


Offline RJT45

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Re: Red Head vrs Blond - Peggy and Jenifer
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2019, 06:34:02 PM »
Just posted their third, and tie breaker fight here!