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Strap match

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Offline Karan

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Strap match
« on: September 11, 2019, 04:21:33 AM »

Claw tightening around the smooth leather, Deepika stepped out of her corner and headed for the center of the ring.
Seeing Deepika step away from her corner, Anushka let the strap slip off her hands and dangle from her wrist. Already able to hear the meaty ‘CRAAACK!’ of her weapon on Deepika’s fulsome curves, Anushka pushed free of the buckles and stalked forward to meet her prey.
The audience barely had enough time to increase the volume of their roaring before, SMECK, Deepika and Anushka collided with one another in the middle of their battleground. Locked in a sneering stare-down, the ladies chested forward into one another, but it was Deepika that broke the silence with, “Coming at me chest-to-chest Anushka? All that time under my tits must have caused some permanent brain damage.”
Patently ignoring the pressing weight of the other brunette’s assets, Anushka offered her rival a poisonous smile and replied, “You’re right Deepika. Getting too close to you is a bad idea. After all, I need at least a few feet to do THIS!” The word was still coming out of her mouth when Anushka loped back and flicked up her right hand.
CRAAACK! Anushka’s strap flicked across her foe’s décolletage, leaving an immediate welt and a drawing a hiss of pain from Deepika. Infinitely pleased with having scored ‘first blood,’ Anushka closed the gap and added, “On the other hand, if I get to far away, I couldn’t do THIS!” Her left hand flicked out and caught Deepika flush across the cheek with a Bitch Slap that swiveled her head and stole her knees. Smirking as Deepika knelt before her, Anushka mused, “Big, slow and sloppy... yep, that’s the Deepika I know!”
The CRAACK of leather on flesh almost blocked out Anushka’s hiss of pain as Deepika snapped out her strap and flicked it off Anushka’s left thigh quicker than a viper’s kiss. Capitalizing on the other brunette’s surprise, Deepika scrambled to her feet, hauled back her left hand and stapled a cheek-blistering receipt to Anushka’ face. Laughing aloud as Anushka was spun around by the force of the slap, Deepika lashed out her right hand a second time and this time the strap hit with a loud SPLAAT across Anushka’s sculpted backside. Anushka yelped in pain and she couldn’t stop her hands from flying to her butt, a gesture that brought a riot of cheers from the crowd.
Before Deepika could light her up a third time, Anushka whirled to face her adversary and dropped into a defensive crouch. Regarding her opponent with a gaze that was more infuriated cat than anything else, Anushka settled into a wrestler’s crouch and started to circle. Curling her fingers at Deepika she asked, “Ready to lock up?”
 Deepika raised her arms in reply and that’s when Anushka exploded forward and buried a straight kick in her belly. Deepika doubled over in breathless shock only to be pulled up straight again when Anushka CRAAACKED her strap across the broad, nearly bare expanse of Deepika’s back.
Hands flying to the lashed area, Deepika didn’t realize that she had left her chin wide open for attack, but Anushka sure did. As Deepika reeled around on tiptoes in front of her, the brunette dipped into a slight crouch, hopped up in a vertical leap that looked like a contemptuous ‘screw you’ to gravity and SLAMMED both boot heels into Deepika’s jaw with a Standing Dropkick. Deepika hit the canvas with a dull THUD which actually served to clear the stars out of her head a split second faster.
Somersaulting off her back and into a crouch, Deepika shot out both hands, caught Anushka’s ankles in an iron grip and yanked her off her feet. The startled Anushka went down flat on her back and the‘OOOFFFH’ hadn’t even left her lungs when Deepika pounced on her and started pounding brutally accurate punches down into the other brunette’s face. Paying special attention to strike with her leather sheathed fist just a little bit more than its bare knuckled counterpart, Deepika beamed down into Anushka’s stunned face as she asked, “What’s wrong bitch? Straight punches a little too complicated for your flashy ass to deal WUNNNNGH!”
When there was the slightest pause in Deepika’s delivery, Anushka shot her hands up, buried them in Deepika’s hair and JERKED hard to the right, forcing the rivals to switch places. Now it was Anushka occupying the mount and she didn’t hold her tongue as she rained down fists on Deepika. “Ya think YOU can beat ME knuckle against knuckle? Deepikah sweetie you’re the most deluded bitch I’ve ever ARRRHHHH!”
Deepika sank her fingers into Anushka’s sporty tousle and exchanged positions with her again. Deepika had just raised her forearm and was preparing to sledge it down across the bridge of Anushka’s nose when the slippery bitch grabbed hold of the bottom ropes (in their struggle they had rolled quite close) and demanded, “BREAK!”
Grunting her disapproval, Deepika sneered at Anushka and THUMP drove a Forearm Shiver to her forehead just for good measure. Getting up off Anushka in a regal little motion, Deepika sauntered back to the middle of the ring and made a show of adjusting the edges of her sky-blue top.
Moments later, she heard a roar from the crowd that indicated Anushka had found her feet and when she turned to face her, the powerful wrestler gaped incredulously. Anushka had both arms stretched high over her head; apparently the suicidal bimbo wanted Deepika in a Test of Strength. Hands going to her hips, Deepika strutted forward and chided, “You’ve GOTTA be fucking kidding me! Do you actually WANT me to break you that fast?” Anushka offered her a cool look so after a moment, Deepika shrugged and started to lower her hands. “Well, if you’re scared...” Deepika raised her own arms and…
CRAAACK! Whatever she planned to say died on her lips as Anushka laid her strap full force across the midriff her opponent had so willingly exposed. Glowing with satisfaction as she watched a dull red welt rise up along the smooth curve of Deepika’s stomach, Anushka commented, “What’s wrong Deepika, ya got a tummy ache? Maybe it’s butterflies cuz you’re starting to realize how badly I can hurt you. Or maybe it’s just because I just whipped your flabby GUT with a piece of leather!”
Looking to inflict a bit of more traditional damage on her opponent, Anushka closed in on her victim and slipped one arm through Deepika’s thighs while the other snaked over Deepika’s left shoulder. Anushka has just caught her breath to hoist Deepika off her feet for the Body Slam, but before she could initiate motion, her captive wrapped her left arm around the back of Anushka’ neck in a tight loop and then CRUSHED down, trapping her in a makeshift Front Facelock.
Anushka grunted and tried to pull her way out, but this proved to be for naught when Deepika rose up on her toes and dropped to her back, a move that simultaneously YANKED Anushka off her feet and drove her skull-first into the mat as a victim of Deepika’s impromptu DDT.
Pushing the suddenly shuddering Anushka away from her, Deepika sat up, smoothed out her ponytail and got to her feet. Deciding she’d had enough of the slap and tickle shit, Deepika wanted to get down to doing what she did best. Namely, grinding a girl down until she was BEGGING for the silent finality of the Jugg Smother. Already savoring the feeling of Anushka’s panicked breath against her cleavage, Deepika loomed over her foe, dropped to one knee and helped herself to a double handful of the flattened beauty’s togs.
Tugging Anushka to her feet, Deepika slipped around behind her victim and, resting her chin on the smooth curve of Anushka’s shoulder, purred, “You’re supposed to be strong Anushka, but tell me, how does you react when someome’s claws are buried in HER?”
As her threat concluded, Deepika reached down and placed both hands flat against Anushka’s sides, just above the swell of her hip. Before the other brunette could so much as twitch, Deepika DUG her fingers in deep and jostled them back and forth, torturing her foe with a...Kidney Claw I suppose you’d call it. Riding out Anushkas’ escape efforts without too much trouble, Deepika dug in her heels and kept Anushka in the center of the ring even as the slender brunette was frantically reaching for the ropes.
Shaking her head ‘no’ Deepika smirked, leaned forward and pressed her chest against Anushka’s back to growl, “Why’re ya lookin’ over there Anushka? There’s only two ways out of this ring for you and they’re BOTH mashed up againstYOOOOW!”
Quickly growing desperate in her search for an escape, Anushka lifted her right boot, placed the heel just below Deepika’s knee and SCRAAAAAPED it down Deepika’s shin. Deepika voiced the aforementioned yowl and her grip loosened long enough for Anushka to tug free of her grip and stumble against the ropes. While Anushka’s clever tactic had helped her escape the Deepika’s claws, it also had the unfortunate side effect of leaving her back exposed and that was a situation Deepika was more than happy to CRAACK exploit with a murderous lash of her leather strap across Anushkas’ shoulders.
Regarding the mark on Anushka’s back the same way a painter might regard the first stroke in a masterpiece, Deepika whispered, “By the time I’m done, your skinny ass is going to be a STUDY in welts and blisters.” Continuing with her work, Deepika stepped in close, grabbed hold of the other brunettee’s left arm and twisted it up behind her back and between her shoulders with a rudimentary Hammerlock. Chuckling in the face of Anushkas’ bleat of indignant protest, Deepika muttered, “Save the complaints for later bitch, this is going to get a lot worse before it gets better.”
Proving that this was true, Deepika lowered her head and thrust it between Anushka’s torso and right arm. At the same time, she used her free arm to secure a loose Waistlock around the Anushkas’ trim middle. Taking a few steps back, Deepika bent her knees, then lifted straight up. With the small of Anushka’s back resting against the point of her shoulder, Deepika executed a smooth half turn (mostly because she wanted her fans to get a clear look at Anushka’s wriggling rump and kicking legs) then she dropped straight back, allowing Anushka to fall with her and land with all her weight coming down across her Hammerlocked arm.
There was a loud THUD followed by a low moan as Anushka rolled onto her side and cradled the injured limb against her chest. And that was beautiful, that’s exactly what Deepika wanted out of Anushka. She wanted her clutching that useless arm so she’d be too busy trying to protect it from further attack and thusly unable to even THINK about lashing out at her with her strap. With a malevolent gleam in her dark eyes, Deepika grabbed Anushka’s left wrist and purred, “C’mon baby, get up. I’m not through with your bony ass yet. Not by a long shot.”
Her grip unchallenged, Deepika yanked her back to her feet and easily forced Anushka’s arm up behind her in the second Hammerlock in as many minutes. With her free hand, she reached through Anushka’s thighs, grabbed hold of her butt and scooped her into the air. Eager to show that it was Anushka who had been made HER prey, Deepika strutted around the squared circle and asked her subjects, “IS SHE READY FOR JUGG YET?”
While there was a section of the fan base who believed that it was always ‘time for jugg’ an equally vocal and more cogent part of the audience replied,“NO!”
Already knowing the answer (she had after all, conditioned it into her subjects) Deepika asked, “WHY NOT?”
Just as quickly, the voice of the mob replied, “SHE HASN’T SUFFERED ENOUGH!”
“Exactly.” Deepika said in an exalted whisper.
After another circuit of the ring, Deepika stopped in the center, rose up on her toes and SLAMMED Anushka down on her Hammerlocked arm. Anushka let out a brittle cry of pain and immediately rolled onto her side, clutching the mangled limb against her belly. Intent on making sure the other brunette felt EVERY OUNCE of her weight, Deepika rudely kicked Anushka over onto her back and quickly ran the ropes. Heading back to her fallen adversary, Deepika left her feet in a short hop, cocked her left arm up beside her head and THUDDED the point of her elbow home between Anushka’s breasts.
Ignoring the wounded spasm from the impaled brunette, Deepika offered her victim an insolent pat on the cheek and said, “Sorry about that Anushka, I keep forgetting you don’t have any padding up here.” Anushka just grumbled and tried to roll onto her belly, so Deepika shook her head ‘no’ and added, “I don’t think so.”
Scrambling to her feet, Deepika circled around to Anushka’s feet and took her right ankle in both hands. Standing up she planted her right foot against the other brunette’s prone left ankle and stepped down hard. The moment Anushka’s eyes started to clear, Deepika fixed her with a radiant smile and LEEAAAAAANED forward, using all her weight and power to crank Anushka’s toned gams well past ninety degrees with a brutal version of the Wishbone.Alternately leaning back and cranking forward on the hold, Deepika kept it up for several seconds of uninterrupted torture before she taunted, “Bet your groin’s burning pretty bad right now right Anushka? Too bad your doctor doesn’t make a cream for this particular problem.”
Digging her fingers into her hair in an attempt to override the pain in her groin and hamstrings, Anushka hissed, “I’m sure liberal applications of your nose and mouth will make it all AAARRGGGHHHHHHH!”
Deepika leaned forward on the Wishbone again and this time she maintained the pressure for thirty hellish seconds. When she at last stepped back, Deepika sneered, “You will NEVER ride my face again bitch. Do you understa NNNNGGH!”
Anushka took care of the momentary distraction to wrench her left foot out from under Deepika’s foot and she immediately pistoned it out into the domineering vixen’s gut. The surprise blow drove most of the air out of Deepika’s lungs, but she was able to keep her grip on Anushka’s ankle just enough to draw back her right arm, flick her wrist and CRAACK bring her leather strap down across the tawny plank of the Anushka’ inner thigh. Giggling nastily as Anushka whimpered from the assault, Deepika tossed the gam aside and hauled her girl up with a double handful of hair. Switching her grasp from roots to wrist, Deepika pointed Anushka toward the most convenient corner and hurled her into the buckles as hard as she could.
Waiting only long enough for the other brunette to get a short head start, Deepika took off after her so she could properly welcome Anushka to the corner with a rib-shattering Splash. But in her haste to demolish her nemesis, she had forgotten how dangerous Anushka could be and it fell on Anushka’s shoulders to show Deepika the error of her ways. Happy to accept this task, Anushka leapt into the air; placed one foot on the middle turnbuckle and the other on the top turnbuckle. As the cameras started to go off all over the arena, she spun off the corner using the ropes for leverage and flicked out her right arm to THWACCCK Deepika squarely across the cheek with an ingeniously delivered lashing. The lighting-fast blow snapped Deepika’s head around ninety degrees before dropping the glassy eyed Deepika to her knees in an instant.
Popping to her feet in a smooth little motion, Anushka temporarily forgot about the welts on her back when she saw the defenselessly open expanse of Deepika’s back. Placing a boot between the girl’s shoulders, Anushka pushed her forward, forcing Deepika to her hands and knees. Hardly able to decide on the most appealing target, Anushka raised her strap-enhanced arm over her head and mused, “So much nasty bitch, so little time.” then brought it whicking down three times, CRACK, CRACK, CRACK!
Crimson trails were blazed in Deepika’s skin so fast it was hard to believe. One across her shoulders, one just above her hips (this one reached around almost to her navel, but the audience wouldn’t know that for a moment yet) and the last across the back of her thighs, just below the bottom of her briefs. Deepika shrieked bloody murder under the broiling fusillade of blows but the only defense she could muster was pushing to her knees and THAT just allowed Anushka to step in close and DRIVE the point of her right knee into the base of Deepika’s skull.
As Deepika ‘uuunghed’ and collapsed onto her stomach, Anushka ran a hand through her hair and taunted, “The only place your tits are going after this match is straight into an ice bath. And they’re going to stay there for a long time, along with the rest of your jiggling, pudding-stuffed self.”
Leaving Deepika to nurse her wounds in relative silence (the mob was still roaring over Anushka’s brutal trifecta of lashings) Anushka jogged to the corner behind Deepika and hopped to the top rope in a single sinuous leap.
Whirling to face the ring, she settled into a deep crouch and waited patiently for the other brunette to get to her feet. Not too long thereafter, Deepika did just that and the very instant she lurched around to find Anushka, Anushka went airborne. Hanging in the void several feet above her nemesis, Anushka cut an impressive sight as she pulled her knees up just under her chin and held them there for a moment before SLAMMING them out to THUD off Deepika’s breasts, thus completing a beautiful Missile Dropkick.
Deepika was sent sailing across the ring like a broken toy hurled by a petulant child but Anushka recovered and closed the distance fast enough, she even had the presence of mind to drag Deepika’s battered form away from the ropes before she smeared herself across the brunette’s chest and hooked the far leg. Still catching his breath in the wake of Anushka’ Dropkick, the official slid in beside the cover and counted off, ‘ONE... TWO...’ Deepika shoved Anushka off her and rolled onto her side, breaking the count with a good second to spare.
Grunting her disapproval, Anushka rolled to one knee, buried her hands in Deepika’s hair and yanked her to her feet. Leading her subdued nemesis into the middle of the ring, Anushka pulled her in close and sneered, “You REALLY got screwed by the fans in this one Deepika. In just about any other match you might have had a chance of winning, but giving us both leather straps when there’s obviously so much more of you to hit? Someone up there must not like you. That’s perfectly understandable. I know the feeling well.”
Ending her diatribe with a hard knee to the other brunette’s belly, Anushka quickly straightened her up and removed her hands from Deepika’s mane. Taking a single step back, she lined up her shot and CRAACK, licked another band of fire across her foe’s chest. Deepika grimaced and both arms instinctively flew to her chest, which was great aside from the fact that it left her midsection wide open. Anushka let her in on this fact when she CRAAACKED a second flash of leather off the exposed flesh. Deepika sobbed aloud this time and though the rational part of her brain knew that it was a bad idea, the reptilian survival instinct was screaming at her to retreat and that’s what she did, turning her back on Anushka and lurching toward the ropes in a vain attempt to escape.
Eyes lighting up as Deepika turned tail and ran, Anushka whispered, “No way cxnt, I’m running you to ground tonight.” On the heels of this threat, she stepped forward and thrashed her strap directly across the back of Deepika’s knees. Deepika groaned and collapsed like a penitent disciple of some old goddess, but if that was Anushka’s role tonight, she wasn’t feeling the least bit merciful. Strolling around so that she could face her kneeling victim, Anushka cupped her hands under Deepika’s chin and tilted the brunette’s face up to meet her gaze. Smiling prettily into the whipped brunette’s eyes, Anushka cooed, “Nowhere to run Kitty. You’re my prey, remember?”
If that bit of knowledge had slipped Deepika’s mind in the last few minutes, Anushka brought it roaring back when she left her feet in a low hop and smashed the soles of both boots against Deepika’s forehead in a much lower version of the Dropkick she had started this beating with. Pushing to her feet, Anushka brought her lashing arm up again, then thought better of it. No sense in tiring herself out when Deepika might still have enough fight in her to muster a counter. No, better to conserve her energy until Deepika was totally defenseless, THEN she could go to town on the skank’s pudgy bulk.
Leaning down, Anushka took hold of Deepika’s right wrist and ankle and draaaaged her away from the ropes. Remembering the brutal vise grip Deepika had slapped on her a little earlier in the fight, Anushka murmured, “Let’s see how you like it.” The she planted her left foot in Deepika’s ribs, directly over her kidney. Loosening her grip for a second, Anushka tugged up as she stomped down, torturing her captive with a simple but effective version of the Surfboard.
Doing her best to stomp a hole in Deepika’s torso, Anushka reared back on the hold and demanded, “SUBMIT!”
Shaking her head ‘no’ as the ref leaned in to ask for her surrender, Deepika found her voice and growled,“Kiss my ass you bony little sluUNNNNGHHHH!”
Anushka quelled the verbal rebellion by pulling back her toot and driving it home a second time. Grinding the heel of her boot into Deepika’s side, Anushka fired back, “YOU’RE the one that kisses ass Deepika, or maybe you don’t remember me riding your face while a whole club cheered me?”
She punctuated this statement with another hard YANK on the twisted brunette’s limbs. Seething at the smug arrogance she heard in Anushka’ voice, Deepika did her best to keep her voice light and taunting as she replied, “Of course, how silly of me. You kiss tits. Don’t know how I could forget that when your lips felt so good on FUHHCKKKBITTTCHHH!”
Anushka reefed back even harder and Deepika couldn’t help but sob as Anushka molded her into something that looked like a distorted U. Frightfully aware that she couldn’t take this sort of punishment for much longer, Deepika caught her breath and waited for the next break in Anushka’s torture. When Anushka finally pulled her foot away from Deepika’s side, she swiftly rolled toward her opponent and used her free hand to grab the domineering brunette’s ankle. SHOVING as hard as she could, Deepika was rewarded with a surprised little squawk as Anushka lost her balance and THWAP dropped on her butt.
Wrenching her wrist and ankle free of Anushka’s grip, Deepika rolled away and pushed to her knees. She was still in the process of regaining her feet when Anushka placed her hands against the brunette’s back and RAAAAAAKKKED her nails down the sweaty skin. Hissing in pain, Deepika’s hands flew to the fiery tracks but that just made it easier for Anushka to whirl around in front of her and secure a tight Front Facelock.
Worming Deepika’s near arm over her shoulders, Anushka used her free hand to hook Deepika’s blue tights. Bending her knees, Anushka offered up a hidden smirk and said, “You’re lookin’ shabby Kitty. Better start thinking about giving up while I’d still let you.”
She took a deep breath and pulled up, only to have Deepika thread a leg around hers, effectively blocking the Vertical Suplex. Huffing with irritation, Anushka tried a second time, but Deepika denied her again and before Anushka could make a third attempt, Deepika dipped her knees and hoisted up, ripping Anushka off the canvas as if she weighed next to nothing. Holding her stunned adversary inverted above her head, Deepika spotted the ring ropes several feet in front of her and got an idea. Stomping forward with Anushka still in her grasp, Deepika got very nearly to the edge of the ring and then tossed Anushka down hard, dropping her gut-first along the top rope.
Oblivious to the cheers for the most part, Deepika flipped hair out of her eyes and went on the attack. Grabbing a handful of Anushka’s damp hair, she pulled the other brunette’s head up just enough so she could look her in the eye as she whispered, “I’m going to lash my name across your body Anushka. And there’s NOTHING you can do about it.” Tossing her foe’s head down in disgust, Deepika stepped back, raised her strap-encircled wrist and brought it down CRAACKacross Anushka’ shoulders.
“AAAAHHHHH!” Anushka shrieked and tried to straighten up, but Deepika just took her by the hair and pulled her back down across the rope.
Injecting some drama into the proceedings, Deepika raised the strap over her head and twirled it in a loose circle before she flogged Anushka for a second time. Just like before, Anushka sobbed and straightened up, but now Deepika didn’t force her back over the ropes. Instead she bounded for the other side of the ring and came charging back with a huge head of steam. Waiting until the last possible moment, she brought up her left boot in a wide, scything arc that ended as her boot made a loud THWAP against Anushka’s chin.
The massive strike sent Anushka sailing off the apron and SMASHING back-first into the steel guardrail that surrounding the ringside area. Nodding her approval as the crowd started to chant, ‘HOLY SHIT!’
Deepika smiled and said, “That’s one for me Anushka. And here comes another...”
She jogged to the nearest convenient corner and climbed to the top rope. Standing up straight, the brunette faced toward the crowd and raised her arms. As the ‘she won’t, she can’t,’ vibe started to buzz through the mob, Deepika dropped into a crouch and waited for Anushka to get to her feet. When Anushka did so, Deepika leapt off into the void and came crashing down on Anushka in a beautiful Plancha that was nearly lost in the explosion of flashbulbs that tried to document it.
Feasting on the thunderstruck roar of the audience and every little quiver of the splattered brunette beneath her, Deepika pushed up off her opponent, and taunted, “You’re not the only one that can fly bitch!” She tugged Anushka up with a double handful of hair and rudely thrust Anushka chest-first against the barricade. Taking hold of her victim’s wrists, Deepika pulled one, then the other out to Anushka’s sides and placed them across the top of the barrier.
Leaning her weight against Anushka’s back, Deepika offered a coy smile to a pair of fans sitting directly in front of her and asked, “You wanna help me out fellas?” Openly gaping, they could just nod ‘yes.’ Still smiling, Deepika said, “Wonderful. All I want you to do is take hold of Anushka’s wrists and don’t let go until I say so. Trust me, it’ll make a great story for later.” Seemingly unable to do anything but nod, the pair each took Anushka’s wrists and them firmly, stretching Anushka into something like a Tagainst the barricade. Licking her lips, Deepika stepped back, coiled a length of the strap around her hand and whispered, “Ya know what Anushka? I bet that Face Sit is the furthest thing from these people’s minds right now”
Giving the mob new memories to pour over, Deepika raised her right arm and then lashed it down across the Anushka’ exposed back. Anushka jerked and tried to pull free, but Deepika’s subjects held her tight and she was forced to endure nearly a dozen more impacts of the CRRAACCK as the buxom brunette did her best to flay the skin from her nemesis’ back.
Eventually, Deepika’s arm started to ache and she decided that a new tactic was an order. Resting her hands on her hips, she took a deep breath and told the pair of fans, “She’s had enough for now.”
On word from their queen, they let Anushka’ arms drop, but just as they did, Deepika stepped in close behind her and cupped Anushka’s head in her hands. Turning Anushka’s face towards her grateful subjects, Deepika smiled and said, “When all your friends ask you what this was like, make sure you tell them how helpless she looked.”
They just nodded again and then Deepika was peeling Anushka off the steel and rolling her back into the ring in a boneless tangle of limbs. Hopping up onto the apron. Deepika was about to climb through the ropes when she changed her mind. Remembering how good it felt to have Anushka’s body trembling under hers, Deepika understood that was a sensation she wanted to experience again. Looking to satisfy her craving, she sauntered over to the turnbuckles and climbed to the top. Treating her court to a slow Double Bicep Flex, Deepika leapt out into the void once more and a few seconds later she rejoined the canvas using Anushka as her unwilling crash-pad.
Wincing openly as Deepika’s Splash shook the ring under his feet, the ref dropped to his knees, checked Anushka’s shoulders and counted off, ‘ONE... TWO...’in what came as a surprise to some, Anushka shot a shoulder off the mat to break the pin.
Sitting on her knees, Deepika rubbed a hand across the top of her cleavage and said, “Fight all you want baby, it’s not gonna save you from a faceful of this....” She pulled her hand away from her assets and lazily mashed it against Anushka’s weakly protesting features.
Getting her feet under her, Deepika pulled Anushka up alongside her and went back to work. Doing her best to make sure Anushka wouldn’t collapse on her, Deepika took Anushka’s left arm and folded it up behind her back, applying another shoulder-cracking Hammerlock. Rolling her right hand into a fist, Deepika reared back and drew a bead on Anushka’ defenseless chest. Deepika was less than a second away from unleashing the Heart Punch when Anushka burst forward and SLAMMED her forehead into the bridge of Deepika’s nose.
Eyes tearing up in an instant, Deepika gasped and tried to stagger away, but she didn’t get very far before Anushka’s boot tore into her gut, doubling her over in agony. A moment later she was straightened up and she heard that hated voice in her ear. Panting raggedly, Anushka threatened, “Go ahead and keep rubbing tit-sweat in my face Deepika. I’ll make sure to return the favor when I’m grinding your face under my ass.”
Her taunt fading away into a furious hiss, Anushka stood in front of Deepika, grabbed her left wrist in her right hand and thrust it between Deepika’s thighs. In the same motion, Anushka bent down and reached around Deepika’s right thigh with her free hand so she could take hold of the captured left wrist. With her right hand free again, Anushka straightened up and snaked her arm around Deepika’s neck and pulled the other brunette in close. Taking a second to catch her breath, the vixen dipped her knees, then she lifted Deepika off her feet and fell to the mat, dumping Deepika directly on her head and shoulders with a murderous Wrist-Clutch Exploder Suplex.
Pushing to her feet, Anushka slowly rolled Deepika onto her belly and growled, “I’m gonna tie you in a fucking knot...”
Preparing to do just that, Anushka stood on Deepika’s thighs, just above the knee. Bending down, she pulled her captive’s lower legs up and locked them inside her calves. The first half of her move complete, she bent further and grabbed hold of Deepika’s wrists, one in each hand. Holding her prey tightly, Anushka fell back until she was resting on her butt and Deepika had been jerked into a kneeling position. Pulling back on Deepika’s wrists, Anushka waited until her foe’s head was within grabbing distance, then she shifted her grip from Deepika’s hands to her face.
Lacing her fingers across Deepika’s chin, Anushka CRANKED back on the modified Surfboard, putting diabolical pressure on Deepika’s spine and neck. Pulling Deepika’s head back far enough to gaze into her pain-clenched eyes, Anushka leaned forward and kissed the tip of her rival’s nose. “Ready to give it up bitch?”
Trying and failing to flinch away from her opponent’s touch, Deepika grunted, “I’m gonna kill you...”
Shaking her head ‘no’, Anushka countered. “No you’re not. You’re going to tap out like the beaten slut I know you are, otherwise I’ll break your neck AND your back.” She pulled back on Deepika’s chin a little harder just to prove she wasn’t screwing around.
With her hands planted on Anushka’s thighs to prevent the hold from getting any worse, Deepika could just twitch and mutter, “I don’t tap to anybody who’s licked my titssSSSGGUURRRRKKKHHH!”
Absolutely sick of being reminded of her time under the other brunette’s rack, Anushka lost her temper and released half of her grip on Deepika’s chin so she could wrap a length of the strap around her throat. When her makeshift noose was tight, she pulled back as hard as she could, a tactic that immediately denied Deepika off all her oxygen. Despite the fact that Deepika was flailing and gurgling as she was strangled, the silver lining was that chokes were still illegal and Anushka had to release the hold by the count of ‘FIVE’ or face disqualification. It seemed an endless four seconds to Deepika before Anushka released her and kicked her away. Fixing the droning ref with a disinterested glare, Anushka got to her feet and strutted over to the smoldering wreckage of Deepika!
Helping herself to a handful of Deepika's togs, Anushka hauled her to her feet and led her toward the corner. Tossing Deepika chest-first into the turnbuckles, Anushka pressed in close and leaned all her weight across the other brunette’s back. Grinding her svelte form back and forth against the scorched earth of Deepika’s back, Anushka whispered, “You feel that bitch? That’s power born of conditioning, not a buffet table. You may be hot shit against the other plus size powerhouses, but against me? You just don’t have what it takes.”
Letting Deepika mull this barb in silence, Anushka stepped back, took hold of the top rope to Deepika’s right and leaned back, resting all her weight on her right leg. Picking her spots carefully, Anushka brought her left leg slashing up half a dozen times, each landing with deadly accuracy at the base of Deepika’s neck. Just after the THWAP of her last kick had faded, Anushka stepped in behind Deepika again and this time she hooked both of the wounded brunett’s arms behind her in an inescapable loop. Backing her victim out of the corner, Anushka sank into a crouch, then bridged up and back, ripping Deepika off her feet to deposit her on the back of her head and shoulders almost halfway across the ring compliments of a Release Tiger Suplex.
The impact of the landing folded Deepika up like a matchbook and left her in that rather ignominious position until Anushka wandered over and chided, “Well that’s just vulgar. Looks like I’ll have to teach you proper ring decorum.”
Dusting off her favorite teaching tool, Anushka raised her strapping arm overhead, held it there for a moment and then proceeded to lather the leather down across Deepika’s upturned backside. Anushka was only able to connect with maybe three of those glute-searing blows, but judging from Deepika’s pained screams and frantic scrambling, it was three too many.
Biting her bottom lip as Deepika crawled away from her, Anushka added, “Next time you point your ass toward the lights I’m going to stick my boot it in. Understand Kitty?”
Getting nothing but an enraged curse from the other brunette, Anushka bent down, hooked the waistband of Deepika’s briefs and scraped her off the mat. Spinning the wounded Deepika around to face her, Anushka seized Deepika’s right wrist and hurled her across the ring and into the turnbuckles where she hit with a teeth-jarring BWOONNNG!
When she was satisfied that Deepika wasn’t playing opossum or any other clever shit, Anushka sprinted after her and ate up the distance between them at an alarming rate of speed. As she neared the point of no return, Anushka actually sped up and the whole crowd roared wildly as she RAN RIGHT UP Deepika’s chest like it was nothing more than a brunette ramp. A heartbeat later Anushka executed a perfect Back Flip that brought her down several feet in front of her woozy opposition.
The lithe warrior resumed her vertical base, then pressed her attack by leaping forward to THWAP the broadest part of her left thigh against the side of Deepika’s face. With Deepika still sputtering from the collision, Anushka snagged her rival in a tight Side Headlock and dropped back to the mat. Doubling Deepika over so that the brunette’s temple was resting snugly against the point of her hip, Anushka took off back toward the center of the ring but after a half a dozen steps she leapt into the air and soared for quite some distance before coming down on her butt with a meaty SMACK. Of course, that sound was all but drowned out by the THUD of Deepika’s forehead hitting the canvas to complete a Bulldog strong enough to bounce the crippled Deepika a few inches into the air and flop her over onto her back.
Both the SMACK and the THUD were still ringing in the mob’s ears when Anushka rolled her prey over onto her back and went for a cover. Cradling Deepika’s far leg, she leaned all her weight into the pin and held up her fingers in time with the ref’s count of ‘ONE... TWO... THNO!’
Despite the terrible pounding she’d taken over the last few minutes, Deepika wasn’t ready for her night to end just yet, so she extended it by at least another three seconds when she jerked free of Anushka’s grasp. Giving voice to a low, frustrated growl, Anushka said, “I’m through toying with you Deepika. I think it’s time you got reacquainted with a favorite move of mine.” Popping to her feet, Anushka peeled Deepika off the canvas and immediately trapped her in a Front Facelock.
After she’d slung Deepika’s near arm across her shoulders, Anushka looked out at the audience, drew her thumb across her throat and roared, “EVER SEEN AN ANGEL FALL TO EARTH?”
As the crowd urged her on, Anushka bent down and used free arm to hook Deepika’s left leg just behind the knee. Cinching her grip tight, Anushka was already beginning the lift that would begin the Fallen Angel when Deepika balled her unencumbered hand into a fist and drove it SMECKinto Anushka’s ribs!
“UUNNNggghhh…” Anushka grunted and her grip loosened but she didn’t disengage, so Deepika treated her to a few more gut busting shots.
After nearly half a dozen blows, Anushka finally gave up on her finisher and started to stagger away, but by then Deepika had straightened up and she JAMMED the toe of her right boot into Anushka’s paunch to stop her in her tracks. Quickly flipping hair out of her eyes, Deepika stormed forward, grabbed a double handful of Anushka’s golden locks and thrust the gasping beauty’s head between her thighs. Squeezing down hard to complete the Standing Headscissors, Deepika wrapped her arms around the other brunette’s waist and added a second crushing grip.
Trying her hardest not to show how shaken she was at having so narrowly avoided Anushka’s finisher (the Fallen Angel was after all, the move that had allowed Anushka to use her face like a bicycle seat during their last encounter) Deepika steadied her voice and she sounded more pissed than frightened when she snarled, “You’re the only one falling to earth tonight bitch. And I PROMISE the landing is gonna break you in fuckin’ half!”
Saving her breath for what came next, Deepika glanced around for a corner, found one that was convenient and turned toward it. Tightening her grip on Anushka’s trim middle, Deepika bent her knees and HOISTED Anushka up onto her shoulders, setting her in place for a Powerbomb. Ignoring the proximity of Anushka’s crotch to her face, Deepika took several shuddering steps forward and then TOSSED Anushka forward and down. There was a BWUUUNG that shivered the ring as Anushka was driven back-first into the thinly padded buckles thanks to Deepika’s murderous twist on the traditional Powerbomb.
Nearly tingling with joy as she watched Anushka’s boneless progress to the mat, Deepika took note of the slumped rival’s seated position in the corner and she instantly knew what her next move was going to be. Raising her left arm over her head, Deepika pointed her index finger into the rafters and exclaimed, “TIME TO BREAK HER FUCKIN’ JAW!”
Pushed by a wild cacophony of cheers, Deepika spun around on her heel and jogged toward the opposite corner. She had just arrived at her destination when she spun back around and ROARED toward her seated victim. Never slowing down, Deepika bore down on Anushka and THWOCK drove the point of her right knee into Anushka’ forehead as hard as she possibly could. Anushka offered up a single gut-shot ‘Unnnggh’ before sliding free of the corner and laying prone on the canvas.
Such a murderous Knee Smash would have been a good enough finisher for most ladies, but Deepika had nursed a special hatred for the wounded brunette over the last several months and she wanted to put her away with something a little flashier. Savoring the nervous tremors that always ran up and down the length of her spine before she finished off an opponent, Deepika pulled Anushka to her feet and easily forced Anushka into another Standing Headscissors before she lifffftted Anushka up onto her shoulder.
With the small of Anushka’s back nuzzled against the point of her shoulder, Deepika spun around to face the center of the ring to make sure that all her subjects would get to see what happened to anyone who challenged her might. Grinning from ear-to-ear, Deepika tightened her grip and rocked up and down on the balls of her feet before taking two steps forward to simultaneously drop to one knee and drive Anushka left shoulder CRASH down on her bent knee.
Deepika’s finisher drove a nearly electrical shockwave of pain through the lissome grappler as the move nearly broke her shoulder. Tossing Anushka’s freshly limp bulk to the mat, Deepika could already feel Anushka’s face pressing against her rack as she went for the cover. Willing to wager a good bit of money that this match was over, the zebra dropped in next to the warring blondes and slapped the mat, ‘ONE... TWO... THRNO!’
Glad he had kept his opinion to himself, the official informed Deepika of the two count and moved away so she could continue her campaign. More than a little disgusted that Anushka had managed to survive the Hangover, Deepika spat, “Go ahead Anushka, just keep pissing me off. By the time I’m done jugging you out, they’re gonna need a crowbar to remove your face from my tits.”
Allowing Anushka to ponder that rather disturbing image in silence, Deepika got to her feet and brought Anushka to hers. With the other brunette still groggy and compliant, Deepika bent Anushka over and spun around behind her. Then Deepika sneaked her right arm through Anushka’ legs and grabbed hold of Anushka’ dangling left wrist before yanking it back between Anushka’s thighs. At the same time Deepika hooked Anushka’s right arm with her left and pulled it back hard, twisting the trapped grappler into something that looked like the beginnings of an Abdominal Stretch.
Deepika held this position for several seconds, taking the time to pull up hard on the hand holding Anushka’ wrist, ramming the brunette’s forearm into her own crotch. Letting her actions speak for themselves, she pulled up with both hands, lifting Anushka off her feet only to swing her gut-first onto Deepika’s shoulder. In the blink of an eye, Deepika shifted her grip so that one arm was slipped over Anushka’s back while the other held the brunette’s head in place. When her grip was secure, Deepika rose up on her toes, then slammed herself forward and down, practically driving Anushka through the canvas compliments of the Pumphandle Slam. Anushka bounced off the mat with a sweaty THUD and lay spread-eagled at Deepika’s feet, which put Deepika in the perfect position to launch her next attack.
Standing with a boot on either side of her foe’s head, Deepika used her feet to pin Anushka’s hair to the mat. Leaning down, Deepika grabbed hold of Anushka’ wrists and then stood up. Pulling on Anushka’s wrists as hard as she could, Deepika giggled wickedly as Anushka was forced into a spine-bending bridge. Jiggling her grip on Anushka’ captured wrists, Deepika smiled down into Anushka’s frantic face and cooed, “I’ve never smothered a chick before; not sure if I’ll like it or not!”
Gritting her teeth against the fiery pain in her scalp (not to mention her shoulders and back) Anushka hissed, “SCREW YOU, DEEPIKA!”
Rolling her eyes, Deepika taunted, “Is that the best you’ve got?” Anushka just snarled and continued trying to escape, so Deepika bent her knees, then leapt straight into the air. Tossing Anushka’s wrists away, Deepika pulled her legs up out in front of her and waited for gravity to bring her down ass-first on Anushka’s heaving chest. She didn’t have to wait long and simultaneous with her rather comfortable landing, Deepika was rewarded with the sublimely pleasing sound of Anushka sobbing underneath her.
Guessing that she was very close to making Anushka a quitter, Deepika took a few seconds to mash her butt back and forth across Anushka’s chest, then pushed to her feet. Taking the other brunette by her leather-circled wrist, Deepika pulled her to her feet and twisted the arm up between her shoulders in another Hammerlock.
Her free hand already formed into a fist, Deepika drew back and sneered, “You blocked this the first time, but...”
She didn’t finish the taunt, she just snapped her arm forward and flattened Anushka’s left breast under her fist with a crippling Heart Punch. Anushka’ face went pale and she tried to fall to her knees, but Deepika would have none of it! Sweeping the lanky beauty up in her arms, Deepika shifted her grip so that one hand was clasping Anushka’s throat and the other was dug into her crotch. Smiling a bit as the crowd cheered her on, Deepika flexed those amazing shoulders of hers and lifted Anushka up over her head in a Military Press.
Strutting around the squared circle, Deepika spared Anushka a single smirking look before she told the mob, “Right now it looks like the only thing she’s hunting is an ass kicking! And ya know what? She’s found onUNNNNHHHHH!”
As Deepika was concluding her missive, Anushka came alive in her grasp and somehow managed to squirm free of the slam attempt. Anushka landed on her feet behind the surprised brunette and before Deepika even knew what was happening, Anushka pulled back both arms and snapped them forward, stunning Deepika with a Mongolian Chop that connected just above her hips.
Catching Deepika before she could sag to her knees, Anushka spun around so that she was standing back-to-back with her nemesis. Reaching back with her right arm, she snaked the limb across Deepika’s throat and pulled her even closer. With Deepika molded to her back at a rather odd angle, Anushka rose up on her toes, stayed there for an instant and then dropped to her knees, a move that yanked Deepika down with her and neatly jarred Deepika’s entire spine. Releasing her hold on Deepika’s chin after the modified Backbreaker connected, Anushka scrambled to her feet and wasted no time in kicking Deepika over onto her back.
Pointing toward the nearest turnbuckle, Anushka proclaimed, “THERE IS NO WAY THAT THIS SLOW, SLOPPY BITCH IS GONNA COME OFF THE TOP ROPE MORE’N ME TONIGHT!”
Doing her part to correct this grave injustice, she jogged to the indicated corner and hopped up onto the top buckle. Spinning around to face the ring, she settled into a crouch just long enough to get her bearings and then she launched herself into the void, soaring through the air like beautiful brunette missile. As her body began its sharp, dive-bombing descent, Anushka extended her right leg fully and, a second later her Guillotine Leg Drop slammed down across Deepika’s face. Deepika spasmed like a trauma victim for several seconds before finally laying still. Ignoring the dull ache in her tailbone, Anushka draped herself over Deepika’s well-padded chest and hooked both legs in a tight Cradle. A moment the crowd and the referee were counting ‘ONE... TWO.... THRNOOO!’
Deepika earned her ‘Great’ moniker once again when she summoned up the strength to kick out of Anushka’ latest bit of offense.
Scowling at the official, Anushka turned an angry glance on Deepika and muttered, “Screw it, I’m just gonna kick your head right off your fucking shoulders.”
Knowing she was more than capable of accomplishing this threat, Anushka tugged Deepika off the canvas and immediately whipped her into a corner on the opposite side of the ring. Moving with a speed and precision that came from years of practice, Anushka sprinted forward, dipped low and executed a trio of Handsprings that carried her to within feet of where Deepika was splattered in the corner. As she popped out of the last Handspring, Anushka soared up in a straight vertical leap, lashed out with her left leg and caught Deepika with a vile Enziguiri that landed just behind the Deepika’s right ear.
Relishing the impressed applause of the capacity crowd, Anushka recovered in time to step aside as Deepika lurched out of the corner and fell flat on her face. Adjusting the waistband of her purple bottoms with a satisfied little ‘snap,’ Anushka worked the point of one boot under Deepika’s ribs and rolled her over onto her back. Sauntering over to the fallen brunette’s head, Anushka dropped to her knees and purred, “Oh little kitty, I am gonna stretch you out soooooo good.”
Settling in beside Deepika’s right shoulder, Anushka pulled Deepika into a rough sitting position so she could wrap her thighs around the other brunette’s left arm. Almost ready for the hurting to begin in earnest, Anushka looped her right arm around Deepika’s right bicep and pulled it back at a slight angle. Hoping that Deepika was still aware enough to realize what was about to happen, Anushka went limp for a split second before every muscle in her svelte frame tensed up and she nearly yanked Deepika’s shoulders out of joint with the Crucifix Stretch.
Methodically relaxing and then increasing the pressure on the hold, Anushka put tremendous pressure on Deepika’s shoulders and as much as she hated it, Deepika couldn’t contain the sobs of pain that escaped her lips. Wanting a bawled submission from her nemesis more than anything in the world, Anushka used her free hand to slap at her opponent’s face while she continued trying to break her arms. After an especially evil constriction tore a low, lingering yelp from Deepika, Anushka brushed the hair out of her rival’s pale face and purred, “Give it up Kitty. Give it up and you won’t have to spend a week in an emergency room. You’re still gonna have to wash some ass stink off your face, but I think that’s preferable to spending the most wonderful time of the year in traction, don’t you?” She capped her snide little taunt with a brisk SLAP to Deepika’s defenseless chest.
Kicking at the ref every time he tried to ask for her submission, Deepika shook her head ‘no’ and sneered, “You’re deluding yourself slut. You can barely pin me, there’s NO WAY you can make me AARRRRGHHHHHHHH!”
Anushka reefed back on her arms again and Deepika howled in anguish. Breathing hard now, Anushka demanded, “There’s no way out cxnt. So give up, or say goodbye to your shoulders...”
Rejecting anything that even resembled thoughts of submission. Deepika craned her head back and realized that the ropes weren’t that far behind her. But there was no way she could last long enough to circle around, she’d pass out from the pain of the Crucifix before she could make it halfway. Steeling herself for the one option that remained, Deepika planted her feet against the canvas and inched them as close to the rest of her as she could. With all the leverage she was going to get, Deepika PUSHED up with everything she had left and luckily for her it was just enough to Somersault herself over Anushka’s intruding form and tangle her feet in the ropes.
Delirious with joy, Deepika shrieked, “BREAK! BREAK THE HOLD YOU FUCKING BITCH!”
Dividing a murderous gaze between Deepika and the official, Anushka kept the Stretch in place till the zebra reached ‘FOUR’ then released her grip. Getting her feet under her, Anushka felt something brushing against her leg and she glanced down to investigate. Spotting the leather strap that was still cinched around her right wrist, the brunette bombshell broke out in a cold smile and asked, “How could I ever forget about you?”
Looking to rectify this error, Anushka looped a few coils of the strap around her wrist and waited impatiently for Deepika to get back to a vertical base. Several seconds later, Deepika was on her feet and that’s when Anushka let out soft, taunting whistle. Deepika spun toward the source of the noise and Anushka flicked out the strap, meaning to catch the right across the mouth. But in an amazing display of agility, Deepika’s left hand snapped up and she actually caught the strap in the mid-swing!
Smiling through the pain that had just blossomed in her hand, Deepika locked eyes with her stunned nemesis and growled, “My turn.”
Deepika YANKED on the strap and reeled Anushka in toward her. In the same motion, Deepika lunged forward, brought up her right arm and THWAP almost snapped Anushka’ neck with a Short-Arm Clothesline that spun her around a full 270 degrees before depositing her face-and-chest first on the mat.
Tossing her floored foe’s strap away with all the reverence one would afford a dead snake, Deepika snapped her blue briefs back into place across her hips and huffed, “Your turn Anushka. What’s that? Not feeling up to it? All right, I’ll go again.”
Bending down, she dug her fingers into the other brunette’s mane and ripped her off the canvas. Spinning around behind the groggy Anushka, Deepika slipped her arms up under her foe’s armpits and clasped her hands at the base of Anushka’s neck to secure a Full Nelson. Pushing down as hard as she could, Deepika forced Anushka to take every bit of her weight as she cooed, “I’m gonna break you slow Anushka baby. And as soon as I hear that SNAP, then the fun REALLY starts.”
Speaking no more, she jerked her off her feet, pulling the other brunette high into the air. Then, with Anushka’s legs soaring helplessly in front of her, Deepika sat out and drove her victim’s butt into the mat with cheek-numbing force. Holding the Full Nelson for a moment longer, Deepika rolled onto her knees, a move that forced Anushka over onto her stomach.
Straddling the small of Anushka’ back, Deepika released the Nelson only to pull her foe’s arms back far enough to drape them over the smooth, slightly tanned planes of her thighs. Camel Clutch almost complete, she took her time in reaching under Anushka’s chin, lacing her fingers and then YANKING back on the other girl’s captured head. Peering down at her helpless enemy, Deepika worked the Clutch patiently; she knew there was no way for Anushka to escape and it would be wonderful to just sit here and watch the bitch suffer.
After another prolonged tug on Anushka’ neck brought a low moan from her plaything, Deepika lowered her head, kissed the top of Anushka’s nose and purred, “I’ll give you a choice Anushka. Which would you prefer in your immediate future? A brace for your back, or breasts for your face?”
Sneering her contempt for Deepika in spite of the mind-numbing pain she was in, Anushka fired back, “What I’d really like is an ass for your nose!”
Growling her displeasure, Deepika forgot all about being patient and went right for the suffering. Breaking her grip on the brunette’s chin, Deepika wrapped her strap around Anushka’s throat and then pulled back harder than ever before to turn the painful Camel Clutch into a murderously augmented choke. As painful as her new predicament was, it was also a minor blessing for Anushka in that Deepika would have to release it after the ref’s count or be disqualified. And despite the fact that she was nearly blind with rage, Deepika paid attention to the count and released her stranglehold when the zebra reached ‘FOUR.’
Pushing up off the trembling body of her nemesis, Deepika advised, “Breathe deep while you can Anushka, cuz you’re not going to be able to later.” ‘Later’ turned out to the end of her sentence. Scraping Anushka off the mat once more, Deepika pulled Anushka close and wrapped the lash around her throat at least three or four times. When she ran out of leather, Deepika simply added her hands to the mix and with a tiny grunt of exertion she LIFTED the Anushka off the mat and into the air, strangling the life out of her with another blatantly illegal Choke.
Shaking the slender brunette like a rag-doll, Deepika glared up into Anushka’s bugging eyes and roared, “YOU CAN’T WIN BITCH! DO YOU HEAR ME? YOU CAN’T WIN!”
She never found out if Anushka heard her or not because just then the official started up his count and it brought an end to Deepika’s fun. Just as the ref was reaching ‘FOUR’ Deepika pushed up on her toes, then fell forward and down to THWAM the full length of Anushka’s back into the mat with a Two-handed Choke Slam that was a close cousin of the Power Bomb. Quickly removing the strap from Anushka’s windpipe, Deepika smeared herself across Anushka’ chest, hooked both legs and waited impatiently for the ‘ONE... TWO... THRNO!’
Anushka shot her arm up and jammed the flat of her palm under Deepika’s chin, CLAACKING her teeth together and breaking the pin in one easy motion.
Rubbing the ache out of her jaw, Deepika hissed, “You like simple Anushka? Then I’ll finish you as simply as possible.”
Dragging the feebly protesting vixen to her feet, Deepika reached out, grabbed a single handful of Anushka’ bikini top and tore it away in the blink of an eye. Before Anushka’s face could even begin to turn read, Deepika reeled her in, wrapped her arms around that trim, sleek waist and CRUSHED down with aBear Hug. Hands knotted together just below the small of Anushka’s back, Deepika leaned back on her heels and pulled the other brunette off the mat. With Anushka’s frantically squirming feet a few inches off the ground, Deepika had a remarkably easy time torquing her upper body left and right, left and right.
Certain that she could feel the Anushka’ ribs beginning to splinter, Deepika poured more power into the Hug and purred, “You’re beaten slut. Lemme hear you admit it while you still caUNNNUGGGRRRKKKHH!”
Deepika had forgotten to pin down Anushka’s arms when she applied the Hug and that oversight came back to haunt her as Anushka reached up, slipped her strap around Deepika’s neck and began to squeeze. Barely able to speak, Anushka panted, “LET... ME... GO!”
Unable to believe that she was doing exactly that, Deepika released the Bear Hug at the same time Anushka pulled the leather away from her throat. Stumbling away from one another, the rivals stayed on their knees for several seconds before Deepika resumed a vertical base and stormed over to where Anushka was kneeling.
Jerking the freshly topless grappler to her feet with a handful of tights, Deepika took Anushka’s left wrist in both hands and whipped her toward the ropes. Using those scant seconds as a short breather, Deepika thought about what she was going to do next, but those plans got shot down when she saw Anushka leap over the top rope, turn around in midair and land nimbly on the ring apron. Thinking of how nice it would be to boot that skank’s scrawny ass into the barrier again, Deepika exploded forward in a dead run.
On the other side of the ropes, Anushka saw Deepika coming and quite literally sprang into action. Taking the top rope in both hands, Anushka pulled back, then leapt onto the top rope. Holding that precarious position for less than a second, she sprang a second time, this time soaring towards her incoming nemesis. As she bore down on Deepika, Anushka popped her legs open in a wide V and then snapped them shut as they surrounded Deepika’s head. Locking her ankles in an instant, Anushka dropped straight back and twisted hard to her left, a move that ripped Deepika off her feet and threw her across the squared circle.
Scrambling to her feet an instant after the Springboard Hurricanrana had unseated Deepika, Anushka suddenly realized she was missing her top and glanced around the ring for it. When she couldn’t locate it (Deepika’s toss had placed it outside the ring somewhere) Anushka growled, “You scummy little tramp, I oughta ...”
As if in response to this, Deepika let out a stunned moan and pushed to her hands and knees. Taking advantage of this incredible opportunity, Anushka waited until Deepika was on her feet but still doubled over, then took off like a shot. When her shadow was hanging long and ominous over the prone, she sprang into the air and extended her right leg out as far as it would go. When her descent began, Anushka drove her outstretched leg down hard, slamming her calf across the base of Deepika’s neck and shoulders with a vicious Axe Kick. The strength of the strike took Deepika off her feet and THWAPPED her face and chest against the mat a heartbeat before the rest of her frame joined her on the canvas.
Rolling to one knee in a slinky little move, Anushka licked her index finger and made a small ‘ticking’ gesture to note another point scored for her. Hoping she’d run the score up enough, Anushka shoved Deepika over onto her back, hooked the far leg and waited in grim silence as the ref counted…
“ONE... TWO... THRNOO!’ Deepika kicked free at the last second; the game would continue.
Suddenly furious over Deepika’s removal of her battle attire, Anushka straddled the other brunette, leaned down into her face and sneered, “You’re nothing Deepika. You might look like something next to your average Hooters Wench and Hawaiian Tropic bimbo, but against me, the only thing you had going were you tits and your strength. And when that bell rings again, you’re not going to have those either.” Yanking the disoriented vixen to her feet with a savage handful of hair, Anushka reached out with her free hand, snagged Deepika’s top right between the cups and sheared the garment away with a flick of her wrist. Not giving Deepika the time to contemplate her new state of semi-nakedness, Anushka took her foe by the wrist and whipped her into the ropes.
When Deepika came stumblin’ and jigglin’ back. Anushka stepped forward, planted both hands in the curve of Deepika’s midriff and THRUST up as hard as she could! The quick shift in momentum launched Deepika straight into the air and when her crotch was just about level with Anushka’s nose Anushka lunged in and wrapped both arms around the floating brunette’s waist. With her head framed by Deepika’s thighs, Anushka pushed forward and sat out hard, absolutely DRILLING Deepika into the mat with a stunningly delivered Sit-Out Powerbomb!
The crowd went nuts as Deepika’s nearly folded in half by the landing; things like this just DIDN’T HAPPEN to Deepika; she was the one who did the Powerbombing and was almost never on the receiving end of such a domineering maneuver. For her part, Anushka really didn’t give a shit, she just cared about Deepika’s shoulders being down and the pin that would inevitably follow. Keeping her arms locked around Deepika’s quivering paunch, Anushka leaned all her weight onto Deepika’s upturned haunches as the official counted, ‘ONE... TWO... THRENOOOO!’
Deepika didn’t break the pin so much as she did flop out of it, but that was enough for the ref and he forced Anushka to go back on the attack. Getting to her feet, Anushka realized there was one hold left in her arsenal that could tear Deepika apart while allowing Anushka to get her breath back.
Showing Deepika what she meant, Anushka pulled the other brunette to her feet and immediately doubled her up with a straight Knee Lift to the navel. Staying close against Deepika’s right side, Anushka pushed Deepika over, holding her by the hair to keep her from falling down. In one fluid motion, she Scissored her right leg around the brunette’s left, making sure her thigh was pressed close to Deepika’s ribs. In the same motion she reached over Deepika’s bent torso and hooked Deepika’s right arm with her left arm. Then she brought her left leg up and slung it over Deepika’s neck so that the back of Anushka’ knee was resting comfortably against the side of her victim’s face.
At that point, she had successfully applied, but as Anushka had said, she had a different version for Deepika! And she wasted little time in unveiling it. Keeping the vicious stretch locked in, Anushka leaned back and fell to the mat, taking Deepika along with her. As Deepika wriggled in her coils, Anushka wrapped her right arm around the other brunette’s right thigh and pulled it out away from her torso. Now, along with the already maddening pain in her abdomen, shoulder and neck, Deepika had to contend with the pain of a potential groin pull as Anushka split her legs in a V that was equally lewd and sadistic.
Pouring every bit of strength she had left into the torturous S curves of her hold, Anushka pushed down with her legs, pulled up with her arms and screamed, “SUBMIT!”
Tears rolling down her cheeks, Deepika could see the ropes only a few feet away, but Anushka had her tied up so thoroughly there was no way to get to them. Reaching for the cables with her free hand, Deepika shook her head ‘no’ as best she could and spat, “FUCK OAAAAHH GAAAWD!”
Tried of dealing with Deepika’s insolence, Anushka stopped stretching Deepika’s right leg and instead laid her right hand on the front of Deepika’s trunks. As the trapped brunette was firing her mouthy retort Anushka DUG in her talons and Deepika  screamed like a rabbit caught in a snare.
Scraping her tines over her foe’s most sensitive of areas, Anushka repeated her demand, “SUBMIT!”
Rapidly drowning in the human bog that was Anushka, Deepika stopped reaching for the ropes and grabbed hold of the calf that was busy grinding against the side of her face. Using her pain as motivation, Deepika shoved Anushka’ gam free of her features and the slight increase in mobility was enough for her to lurch across the canvas and grab the ropes. Hating the desperate, helpless quality in her voice, Deepika sobbed, “LEMME GO, YOU FUCKING BITCH!”
Eyes wide with incredulous fury, Anushka worked the Crotch Claw until ‘FOUR’ before finally releasing her sadistic pretzel hold. Looming over her mewling opposition, Anushka pulled Deepika to her feet and reeled her in close. Nose-to-nose with the other brunette, Anushka whispered, “You should have tapped out Deepika. Because now you have NOTHING left to defend yourself.”
Proving her point, Anushka planted a boot in Deepika’s gut and trapped the wounded girl in a Front Facelock. Too tired for theatrics, Anushka used her free hand to grab a rough handful of Deepika’s tights and pull them up quickly, almost baring one half of her opponent’s impressive, but often overlooked backside. Bending her knees, Anushka lifted up fast, hauling Deepika off her feet and inverting her directly overhead. Once Deepika was upside down, Anushka sat out; drilling the top of Deepika’s pate into the canvas with a skull-shattering Brainbuster.
The match-ending maneuver sent a violent spasm through Deepika’s body and then she lay still, dazed and Starfished in the center of the ring. Hoping for one of those career defining moments everyone else seemed to be having tonight, Anushka raised both arms overhead and placed her right foot on Deepika’s chest as she awaited the official to make the count.
‘ONE... TWO... THRENOOO!” Every single Deepika fan in the stadium went completely bat shit insane when Deepika raised an arm and SLAPPED the Anushka’ intruding boot from her breasts.
Shaking her head in disbelief, Anushka muttered, “All right Deepika, you want your career to end tonight? Consider it done.”
Already preparing some solemn post-fight statement about how much fun she had driving Deepika from the business, Anushka dropped to one knee, rolled the other brunette over onto her stomach and grabbed Deepika’s ankles.
A few feet away, Deepika felt Anushka’s hands wrap around her boots and she knew that Anushka was looking for the Black Vise. Running on nothing but terror and rage, Deepika rolled onto her side, ripped her feet out of Anushka’s grasp and then SLAMMED them full force into the unsuspecting brunette’s chin. The surprise mule kick sent Anushka reeling back into the ropes which promptly bounced her back on a woozy, staggering course toward Deepika.
Seizing every microsecond of this opportunity, Deepika popped to her feet, lunged forward and muscled Anushka onto her shoulders in a Fireman’s Carry. With no hesitation whatsoever, Deepika rose up, shifted to her right and sat out, stapling the back of Anushka’s head and shoulders into the canvas with a Death Valley Driver. The power behind the counter forced Anushka into a sitting position for a moment and Deepika took full advantage of that too.
Planting a knee in Anushka’s back, Deepika wrapped her strap around Anushka’s neck and PULLED. Ignoring the drone of the official, she listened to Anushka gurgle and thrash for four beautiful seconds and then let her go. Getting her feet under her for what she hoped would be the last time, Deepika invited Anushka to join her and quickly treated her nemesis to a hearty helping of Standing Headscissors.
Letting her thighs continue the work that the strap had started, Deepika grabbed Anushka’s bottoms in both hands and PULLED up for the second time in as many minutes. Savoring Anushka’ choked scream as her tights disappeared into her, Deepika shifted her grip to Anushka’s waist and locked her hands. Gasping for breath herself, Deepika sneered, “You wanna throw a Powerbomb Anushka? You gotta learn how to do it right. I can show you though. Here, watch...”
Bending her knee Deepika hoisted her victim up onto her shoulders and let her hang there for several seconds. Quickly realizing that the other brunette was nearly deadweight on her shoulders, Deepika turned to each side of the ring, allowing all her subjects one last look at this pretender to her throne. Then she rose up on her toes and tossed Anushka off her shoulders. A second later there was a ear-splitting BWAM and the ref nearly lost his balance as Anushka was driven into the canvas.
Heady with the thought of victory, Deepika offered the mob a bicep flex and screamed, “THIS IS FOR EVERYONE IN MY COURT!”
Unveiling her newest creation, Deepika pulled Anushka to her feet with a handful of tights, and forcefully doubled her over. Then standing to her left, Deepika wrapped both arms around Anushka’s waist and locked her hands. Knees bent, Deepika lifted Anushka up and held her body parallel to the mat in a simple Gut-Wrench. She held her for less than a second before she began a spin that grew faster with each rotation.
When both brunettes were little more than a blur and the more motion- sickness prone members of the audience were about to look away, Deepika rose up on her toes, shifted Anushka’s head toward the canvas and then dropped to her knees, brutally SPIKING Anushkas’ skull into the mat with her Spinning Gut-Wrench Piledriver. After the devastating move left Anushka folded in a boneless heap, Deepika pushed Anushka onto her back, straddled her waist and simply waited as the ref swooped in to counted off,
The bell sounded and Deepika was declared the winner.


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Re: Strap match
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2019, 06:43:23 AM »