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Against the World: Chapter 1 (Sophi and Lexi)

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Against the World: Chapter 1 (Sophi and Lexi)
« on: August 10, 2019, 10:26:55 AM »
Against the World

Chapter 1
July 13, 2019
Sophi and Lexi


               Sophi looked at herself in the large mirror that covered an entire wall. She was combing her long black hair, she wanted to look her best for this. She wasn’t sure what she was getting herself into. In a few moments she will be in bed with another woman struggling for superiority. Struggling for her man, a man she can’t bare to disappoint. She knew he would never leave her, they had too much invested in each other for them ever truly breakup. But still the thought of potentially losing him terrified her. Hell just the thought of him fucking another girl brought up the rage inside of her. Tonight, she will show him what kind of woman she is.

               She had waited in the motel with her boyfriend for almost an hour. The stranger she was about to meet was stuck in traffic from the airport. This stranger of whom she knew very little of save that she dated him while they were broken up in the last few months. Damn he dated quite a bit in those few months, maybe girls liked him more that she thought they did. But they don’t know him like she does, they don’t know what drives his passions. His need to be with the best, the most confident, the strongest girl out there. And this is why she do this for, his love and attention. She knew that the task she set before herself would guarantee him forever. For what woman would do this for him, what woman would risk it all and challenge the world for him.

               His phone rang and he rushed to pick it up, he started giving instructions to the person on the other side. Sophi knew who it was. She looked at the mirror again, at her white lace lingerie that he had bought her for Valentines. At her modest C cups that he had once called an avocado and a half. She stretched her arms into the air showing off her newly flat and firm core that she had been working on in anticipation. She adjusted her panties casually touching her soft butt in the process. Below her legs were toned and firm, something she got naturally from playing Frisbee on her free time. She turn to the doorway ready to charge at the stranger who was about to walk in. And then the stranger walked in.

               Her name was Lexi, a professional model for an online marketplace. She usually did bikini photo-shoots for local brands and she always looked her best all the pictures. But now seeing her in person Sophi realized that the pictures weren't her best. Where she was expecting a thin model Sophi saw a tall beautiful woman. Her long firm legs seemed to run flawlessly towards a small but rounded butt. Most of her mass sat down low though, a classic look for a woman with a pear shaped figure. But she could tell, that pear had a hard shell. Lexi’s core was tight from many yoga and Zumba sessions. Lexi’s arms struck out into the air, stretching like well defined twigs. Of-course they wear twigs, she really is a pear. But Sophi wasn’t totally outclassed, Lexi’s chest was nearly flat with small hills that Lexi claimed were B cups, maybe on the lower end they were. And unlike Lexi, Sophi’s hourglass figure made her feel bigger and more confident then a pear.

               “So you’re the girl he’s always talking about… It’s adorable that you think this is a smart idea” the taller Lexi spoke as she approached Sophi towering over her. Standing face to face it was apparent just how much taller Lexi was. Sophi’s head only reaching up to the other lady’s chest, she began to have doubts as well. Doubts that she could go through with it, that she could show him her worth. But she did her best not to show it.

               “You’re wearing the same outfit as me” Sophi annoyingly commented.
               “He told me he liked it when you wore it, so I came to show it looks better on me”
               “Hardly comparable” Sophi shot back.
               “I agree” Lexi spoke with the confidence of a well known spokesperson.

               Sophi’s head flew back instantaneously as Lexi grabbed her hair trying to show her dominance. In return Sophi grabbed Lexi’s short blonde hair and yanked as hard as she could. They both grunted in pain but the taller Lexi had a better grip. Sophi’s long hair turned out to be a disadvantage as Lexi was wrap it around her hand securing an amazing grip on her. Sophi screamed letting go of Lexi and trying to undo Lexi’s hold. Lexi took this as an opportunity though, flipping Sophi around so that once again Sophi was facing the mirror and in an instant she was on her knees crying for a release. Lexi’s right foot planted on Sophi’s right calve. The pain was excruciating as her hair was being pulled and the leg smashed. She vastly underestimated Lexi but she didn’t want it to be over so quickly but Lexi just pulled harder and Sophi screamed louder. And then in an instant Sophi was landing chest first on the ground.

               Fuck, she thought to herself a she felt Lexi’s legs positioning themselves on either side of her body. She felt Lexi’s long fingers wrap under her chin and her knee centered on her back. Then she felt a sharp pain shoot up her back as Lexi pulled on Sophi’s neck with all the strength she had. Sophi’s arms swung wildly trying to stop it occasionally slapping Lexi’s face. But Lexi kept the punishment going and Sophi could do nothing but take it. But after awhile Lexi dropped Sophi on the floor and stood up to look at Sophi’s boyfriend. Sophi knew he wanted to interfere but she made him promise not to, even if it looked like she was going to break.

               “I don’t think she’s motivated enough” Lexi told him while casually undressing “we havn’t even started and she’s already my bitch, don’t you think?” she dropped the last of her lingerie and stood over Sophi completely naked.

               Lexi grabbed Sophi’s hair again and threw her against the large mirror smashing Sophi tit’s against it hard. Then Lexi reached down sliding her fingers between Sophi’s legs, getting comfortable over her cxnt. Lexi leaned in whispering in Sophi’s ear “Let’s start?”. Lexi massaged her cxnt like an expert who knew exactly where she should be and Sophi did everything she could to resist the moan. But after a little more there was nothing left but to let in.

               Sophi’s moans filled the room with energy and excitement as Lexi played with her. Sophi’s hair was now rugged and mixed with sweat, a shadow of the confident girl she was at the start. The liquid from her body staining the mirror wet as a fog began to settle in on them. Sophi knew she was stronger than her but that strength she had inside seemed to cower now. This is different she thought, this isn’t a fight but rather it’s a show. A show that they were putting on and she was having stage-fright. Sophi threw her feet up into the mirror and kicked hard enough to knock both of them onto the bed behind her. This was her chance and she didn’t miss it. Sophi spun around and landed on top of Lexi and quickly grabbed her by the butt. Then she slid her herself down Lexi’s body her head hovering over Lexi’s cxnt.

               A moment of hesitation crossed Sophi as she regretted what she was about to do. It needed to be done though and she dropped her lips over Lexi’s cxnt. Lexi legs easily overpowered Sophi’s arms though and before she knew it Sophi’s head was trapped between Lexi’s legs. Fuck that was stupid, Sophi immediately regretted that moment of hesitation. She needed to get out of this and it needed to happen now, so she stood lifting Lexi up with her. Then Sophi stuck her fingers in her mouth trying to drown out pain she felt. Sophi drowned out all the pain and pleasure that her body had gone through in the last thirty minutes and then she pulled her fingers out and grabbed Lexi’s legs.

               A flash of fear went over Lexi’s face as she realized what Sophi was about to do. But there was nothing to stop it now as Sophi’s fingers jammed into Lexi’s tiny cxnt. Lexi unable to resist it allowed her legs to loosen and Lexi’s body fell to the ground and Sophi followed her down her legs spreading out kneeling wide. Sophi slipped her finger’s into Lexi again and relentlessly began fucking her with her fingers. Lexi’s body curled backwards her shoulders lifting the rest of her body off the ground and she screamed somewhere between pain and pleasure. Lexi’s body convulsing and her mouth distorting as wide as it could go. Eventually Sophi released Lexi pulling her fingers out quickly as Lexi’s body cramped up on the floor. A puddle of water clearly visible where her juices had escaped.

               Standing Sophi walked around Lexi’s shivering body stopping at Lexi’s head and turning to face her self in the mirror, now cracked from when she kicked it earlier. Standing in between the cracks staring back at her was a woman she didn’t recognize. It was her but something was different, more like an animal. She looked at herself, her body sweat running down glistening over every part of her. She liked how she looked, there was a power in it and that strength the hid itself was now back.

               Slowly Sophi leaned down and grabbed both of Lexi’s ears lifting her up while Lexi cried in pain. Lexi’s height no longer seemed like an issue as Sophi stood Lexi up against the broken mirror. Sophi took a step back and looked at Lexi’s broken naked body. Sophi stripped down and grabbed her panties shoving them in Lexi’s mouth. With a sudden burst of rage Sophi kicked into Lexi’s body shoving into the mirror and shattering it. Lexi collapsed to the ground throwing up what little food she her body could hold. The glass falling on her, cutting her back and parts of her legs. Sophi lifted Lexi up by her wrists and dragged her away from the glass. Lexi’s thighs began to fill with light scratches as her legs passed by the glass until Sophi threw her into a corner knocking her out of her daze.

               As Lexi came to her senses she stared at Sophi measuring her up. Sophi leaned in to charge and Lexi immediately curled into a defensive ball, clearly terrified. But Sophi didn’t charge, instead she stood in front of Lexi laughing at her. Lexi looked up with tears in her eyes and a bit of vomit on the edges of her mouth. Lexi no longer looked like a strong confident model, now she looked more like a ragged beggar that no would give a second glance to. Then Sophi looked to her boyfriend and asked for her purse, to which he immediately gave her. Inside she pulled out a long double ended dildo, but this was just any ordinary dildo. It was formed from the dick of her boyfriend and it was a perfect replica. Both ends were identical to his from the slight curve to the shape of the head it was a close as you could get for synthetic dicks.

               “You want to know what it’s like fucking him?” Sophi asked Lexi slapping her face with the dildo “here you go then”. Sophi grabbed Lexi’s ankles and pulled her legs wide and then she slowly pushed one end of the dildo into her. Lexi’s face twisted as the dildo slipped in and Sophi got into position. Crossing their legs Sophi gentle put the other end in herself making sure that her cxnt had a good grip on it. And then she pushed their cxnt’s occasionally clashing as she took control of Lexi. Lexi stared, mouth wide open, at Sophi’s determined face. Sophi was dominating every step of the way, a fierce tiger stealing the life from her prey.

               But Lexi got on her elbows so she was eye to eye with Sophi and then Lexi tightened her cxnt’s grip and grabbed Sophi’s ass forcing her in. Sophi gasped with a moment of shock, her mouth open as if she wanted to yell but no words would come out and Lexi began to move her hips. Lexi’s moves were not as aggressive as Sophi’s preferring to move slower but Lexi’s grip on the dildo was better. Sophi couldn’t believe that Lexi could still move like this after all that her body had taken. It was beyond human she thought, she couldn’t explain it. With all the cuts that Lexi had with all the orgasms she was still able to do this much. Sophi tightened her cxnt’s grip as much as she could and began to fight back again and the two moved in sync, fighting for control over each other. But Lexi’s grip was too strong, overpowering Sophi who was now moaning uncontrollably. Lexi then decided to go hard making Sophi explode into a fit. Using her cxnt’s grip she pulled the dildo out and looked over Sophi’s twitching body.

               Lexi then lifted both of Sophi’s legs into the air and rested them on her shoulders and with the shear strength of her cxnt’s grip she shoved the dildo into the now helpless Sophi. She fucked Sophi like a wild animal doing everything she could to destroy Sophi’s inner walls. Sophi screaming and cursing doing what she could to mask her suffering until she could hold back no more. Her body involuntarily releasing the juices held that was only held back by sheer will. The juices ran down her stomach mixing in with the sweat while Lexi looked down on her in anger. Lexi ripped the dildo out of Sophi and slowly took it out of her own cxnt. Sophi’s eyes opened as wide as they could as Lexi forced the dildo into Sophi’s mouth shoving it in as deep as it could go.

               “Fucking bitch” Lexi shouted as she spat on Sophi and continued to push the dildo in with all of her might. “I’m a model and now I can’t work until these cuts heal.” Lexi continued while wrapping her fingers around Sophi’s cxnt. “So I’m going to make you pay for it, you going to cum until your all dried up. And when nothing’s left, I'm just going to keep going.” Lexi’s fingers shot inside Sophi, playing with her. “When that’s done I’m going to tie you to the ceiling and just keep going.” Sophi’s face distorted in agony as Lexi continued to work her. “Your pussy is going to be so loose after this it’s going to be useless” Sophi’s arms grabbed Lexi’s shoulder to try and push her but Lexi just leaned down and rested her chest on Sophi’s. “I know you think my tit’s are small, but look at yours, their shivering in fear now.”

               Sophi couldn’t take it anymore, she was convinced that Lexi was going to destroy her. There was nothing in Lexi’s way now and she couldn’t come to grips of just how much energy she had lost. Sophi’s screams were muffled by the dildo in her mouth. She tried to spit it out but it was in so deep it was forcing her to gag. This could kill her she thought, she could end up choking on her own vomit. She swung her head hitting Lexi with the dildo but Lexi didn’t care she just touched Sophi faster. Sophi tried to cross her legs and hold Lexi’s hands between her thighs but every time she tried Lexi would move her fingers in a way that forced her to keep her legs open. Finally Sophi resorted to the last thing she would want to do.

               Blood splattered on Sophi’s chest as Lexi’s nose broke from the impact of Sophi’s forehead. Sophi pulled the dildo from her mouth and waited for Lexi to recover, she didn’t want her boyfriend to think that she was going to play unfair. Lexi staggered to her feet and whipped the blood from her face. Sophi could clearly see that Lexi was going to need surgery to fix it. They stood staring at each other for a few minutes, each one recovering. And with any notice or warning Lexi charged at Sophi arms wide ready to tackle her. But Sophi was ready for it as she rotated to her right and then slammed her knee into Lexi’s gut.

               Lexi’s body lay on the floor as Sophi circled around her and shoved the dildo into Lexi’s butt and waited until Lexi was strong enough to fight back. Once Lexi recovered Sophi shoved the other end of the dildo in herself and fucked Lexi’s butt doggy style. Lexi tried to tighten her butt to resist Sophi and this should have worked but Lexi was out of energy and Sophi was able to fuck Lexi into the ground. Lexi’s hands laid on both sides of her head as she screamed for Sophi to stop. But Sophi went on fucking her and fucking her until the screams stopped. Lexi had passed out and Sophi flipped her around and got on top of her pushing her chest up against Lexi’s. Lexi’s small and firm tits disappeared under Sophi’s as Sophi signaled for her boyfriend to take a picture. Once the picture was done she flipped Lexi over and demanded that her boyfriend compare their asses. He told Sophi that her ass was nicer and that it didn’t matter anymore. Sophi smiled at him and threw herself at him hugging him and collapsing into his embrace passing out as she touched him.

               He picked her up and sat her down on a chair so she could rest before the left. None of this would have been possible without the organization and he was thankful that his girlfriend didn’t hurt too much. He picked up the phone to the front desk and informed them of the checkout. Moments later the doorbell rang and an old Chinese woman came in with a medical kit. She looked at Lexi’s cuts and immediately began attending to it. After a few minutes the bell rang again and a young man in a suit came in.

               “Sir, a car is waiting for you and your girlfriend downstairs to take you home.”
               “Thank you, please take care of her also. I didn’t expect it to go so far.”
               “You won’t need to think of it.”
               “Thank you” he returned to his girlfriend and picked her up carrying her to the door when the young man interrupted him.
               “And sir, we contacted the girls on the list and some of them are already members. Those who were not; we convinced. Additionally some of our existing members who are not on your list are interested in participating.”
               “When she wakes up I’ll ask her what she thinks, I’ll let you know if she agrees”
No one is hotter than you, believe in yourself and always stay true. Never let a victory go to your head and never let a loss bring you down. Continue to learn and develop and you'll do fine.


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Re: Against the World: Chapter 1 (Sophi and Lexi)
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2019, 08:01:51 PM »
Super hot tale! Love the models. Thank you so much for putting your heart into it.


Offline Debbi

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Re: Against the World: Chapter 1 (Sophi and Lexi)
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2019, 07:43:06 PM »
I really liked this. It's the first sexfight story here that I've enjoyed. Probably because it was a real fight, and neither of them liked each other, even after it was over. Less about lust for each other and more about domination and winning.

Please keep writing them.

My only advice is to not switch the "narrator's voice" between Sophie and Lexi. It confuses the reader when we are not sure from whose perspective the tale is told.


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Re: Against the World: Chapter 1 (Sophi and Lexi)
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2019, 04:43:31 PM »
Masterfully written.


Offline cflover

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Re: Against the World: Chapter 1 (Sophi and Lexi)
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2019, 08:30:43 AM »
Like this story and Sophi. Continue please!