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Crunchy Goodness - Naked Brawl In The Rail Yard

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Offline Fortran Wrench

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Crunchy Goodness - Naked Brawl In The Rail Yard
« on: September 24, 2019, 09:02:44 AM »

Crunchy Goodness

by Fortran Wrench

I really hated the bitch who worked in front of me.

Sarah fucking Gede. Even her name was pretentious.

Hell of a thing to say I know. I work with nearly a hundred other women at the factory and I'm sure some of them are real bitches too; but this particular one, the woman in front of me every day, was the most loathsome bitch of them all.

You'd think it'd be a dream job in some ways; I'm a chocolate boxer, as in I literally box up chocolates for a living. I'm at the conveyor belt about ten hours a day (in my unsexy 'ghostbusters grey' coveralls and paper hat) five days a week, so it's a big part of my life. Sure I'm not the most educated woman you'll ever meet (school fucking sucked for me) and this might be the only job I'll ever be good at but I actually enjoy it.

It gives me a reason to get up in the morning; most of the girls are good to be around and I get money to waste on heinekens and shoes when I hit the bars or go shopping in the weekend. Getting shit faced, entering wet tee shirts and doing the walk of shame in the morning after I've wound up in some random guy's bed. I've never been pregnant and I've only been arrested twice. It's not a bad life.

I get taken home quite a bit; it seems that guys like blonds and I'm a natural. Sure my hair's a bit shorter than I like it (only down to my shoulders) to fit under my paper hat but other than that I'm easy on the eye and I know it. I dance in my free time – even do a bit of stripping. I'm a pocket rocket too; a bit of a short ass - a lot of men I know like the fact that when I'm on my knees in front of them I am just the right height (if you understand what I mean). I've mastered the art of really eye fucking someone while my mouth is full.

But that bitch who was in front of me - oh my God every damn day. She thought she's too good for all that. Better than all of us and she didn't mind letting us all fucking know.

She's a good half a foot taller than me; that helps her to look down her nose all the damn time and she couldn't be more opposite to me if she tried. I'm blond and she's raven haired. I'm short and she's tall. I'm tanned and she's all goth chick pale. She's even got that horrible narrow eyed expression on her face the whole time. And she wears black lipstick.

Fucking black lipstick. It's against regs at work but she can wear it because she's on her knees in front of the line manager three times a week in his office. Twenty-six and wears that lipstick? Bitch. I hate old witches like her.

And just hearing her talk – oh my God. Nobody cares about what music you like or what you watch on TV you prehistoric fossil. And who watches TV anyway? Can't afford streaming? Jesus.

Look there's a point to all this I promise you. If she sounds like a bitch right now then you'll be smiling when I tell you what happened to her.

My boot happened to her. Steel capped. Right to her naked boob.

Here's how it happened...

One day (for the first time ever) she'd parked her car right next to mine. I came out to an almost empty parking lot at the end of my shift and found a lovely white paint streak with an equally lovely dent on my door (where the dumb bitch had slammed her own door against it as she got in). There's nobody else it could have been.

I saw red. This was it. The final fucking straw.

Next day I bowed up to her in the locker room.

"Bitch! I saw what you did to my door!"

"What are talking about?"

"You damaged my car yesterday bitch!"

By now a few of our coworkers in various stages of dress and undress had started paying attention. She looked down at me with her trademarked snooty expression.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Then she leaned in and whispered "So what? What are you gonna do about it cxnt?"

That was it; we were ending this today. But I had enough sense to not get fired by starting on her right there and then – especially seeing as she was blowing the line manager. I whispered back:

"The railyards. Out the back. Right after work. Today." I snorted the words up into her face - I was so close to ripping her goddamn head off right there on the spot.

"You're on you blond slut. Come alone. Or I walk."

And she swanned off.

For the whole day she said nothing; she sat opposite me on the feeder belt and ignored me entirely. But I saw her deep in conversation with three of her buddies at lunch time. Come alone my ass.

Right out the back of the factory was a disused railyard. It was little more than a staging area where they used to build and break up outbound freight trains; but that was years ago. Like everything else in this shit hole it had been abandoned and neglected for years.

The yard was lines of slowly rusting freight cars that the homeless and druggies sometimes lived in. A couple of days ago the cops had come through and purged the place so it made a nice quiet spot for our fight. There was plenty of open ground to make a combat arena out of and the stacks of sleepers and abandoned rail cars meant we wouldn't be seen from the road.

Sure enough when I found her there after work she wasn't alone; those three dumb bitches Lola, Shelly and Jodie were there too. Smoking cigs and looking like trailer trash. Dyed hair, ripped jeans, leather and overly made up. Zero fucking class those three.

They saw me coming and walked toward me, their boots crunching on the gravel.

"You stupid slut." the black haired bitch crowed. "You actually came alone. There's four of us and only one of you ya' dumb whore." This caused her cronies to snicker.

"Then go and get some more sluts and it'll be a fair fight." I suggested.

They weren't much by themselves. I could have taken any of them. Four together would be a serious problem to manage by myself though. I'd most likely end up naked and tied to the tracks.

Good thing I wasn't alone.

I heard the sound of footsteps on the gravel behind me. They were heavy sounding and more than a little ominous. I saw the look on their faces as they realized who was coming.

"Oh fuck no." said Lola. Jodie looked like she was about to bolt. Shelly looked like she was about to wet herself.

"Afternoon ladies" said an alto voice with a pleasant tone. A large shadow came and stood next to mine. I glanced over at the owner of that shadow and she winked at me, smiling a crooked half smile.

Evil. That's what everyone called her. Evelyn was her actual name.

She was a little taller than most women - and about as strong as three of them combined together. She had rounded shoulders, strong arms and the kind of physique you'd see on a collegiate wrestler. A male one. In fact, if you passed her casually in the street and you weren't really looking you'd probably think she was a handsome teenage guy – not a twenty-four year old woman.

Evil was the meanest, coldest bull dyke lesbian this side of the wire fences at Huron Valley Correctional (a place she had spent quite a bit of her adult life so far). She was about as feminine as a wide receiver for the Detroit Lions.

She had short black hair which was shaved at the sides and she was covered in tatts (legs, arms and back). She liked to keep herself body hair free except for a thick black triangle thatch between her legs. I knew this because she'd been so kind as to pop my lesbo cherry a couple of years ago when I was curious.

Turns out girls ain't my thing but she was good about it. And we'd been at least on speaking terms ever since.

She was dressed in a trucker plaid shirt, denim jeans, work boots and a deep brown leather vest; she'd been driving her truck when I had called her at lunch time and asked her to come and watch my back.

"You good baby?" she said in a quiet voice just for me. Right then I could have stripped her naked and swallowed her whole I was that happy to see her.

"I am now you're here."

She flashed me that trademarked lopsided grin again and then bellowed:

"Alright you sluts. Listen up. My girl here is gonna fight your girl. And if any of you trailer trash whores even think about jumping in I will personally rip your tits off and shove them up the next girl's ass. We clear?"

They mumbled something in reply.

"I said are we fucking clear!?"

This time they shouted it back:

"Yes!" - "We're clear!" - "Alright!"

Evil smiled even wider and said:
"All right you two. I want a good clean fight. No biting, eye gouging or pussy punching."

"Are you serious?" I asked her.

"Of course not. Go fuck that bitch up."

God I love that girl.

The black haired bitch handed her jacket to one of her three whores as I handed mine to Evil and then we were circling, boots crunching on the gravel, eyes full of hate for each other.

She was wearing skintight jeans and a singlet. Not bad for fighting I guess but her boots were a bit narrow and bit 'cowgirl'. I noticed she looked a little unsteady on her feet.

I was a little more sensibly dressed. I had steel capped boots on my feet; a pair of worn in Carolina Amps. They were the kind that forestry workers wear and came complete with a tiny american flag emblem on each one for added ass kicking. Where her jeans were tight mine were baggy. And unlike her I had a long sleeved shirt on. Might not seem like a big difference but she'd pay for it later when we ended up rolling around on the gravel.

We spat a few taunts at each other before I got tired of doing that and rushed her.

I'm no great fighter and it kinda showed as I swung a fist at her face and missed by a mile. She leaned back to keep her head out of the way and reached out with her long arms, snagging my hair in her hands and pulling me toward her. She tried to thrust me down and all I could see were her boobs as we stumbled around – eventually I managed to grab her long black  hair and we were stuck together.

Not surprisingly we both ended up on the ground and rolling around; I felt the hard stones biting at my skin through the fabric of my clothes as we swirled across the ground together and I heard her swearing get more and more intense. We were kicking up a small cloud of grey dust and sharp gravel.

She ended up on top of me; my right arm pinned to my side, my other wrist gripped in her hands. She had to let go with one hand to slap me across the face a few times but that just made me angry. I tore free from her grip on my wrist and dug my left hand – claw like – into the softness of her right boob.

She howled in pain and I was able to throw her off by bucking my hips. I saw her laying next to me for a moment clutching her chest so I snagged her hair with both hands and started kicking the stuffing out of her. My kicks hammered into her soft body, a couple caught her arms, two or three went into her soft belly, one slammed into her right knee. One nearly connected with her pussy. Damn. So close.

Howling and with rage on her face she recovered for just a moment; long enough to stop covering up and attack. She gripped my hair and we had our mutual pulling war going on again, and it kept going as she hauled herself back on top - pinning me again. Damn, I couldn't live here (she was too damn tall and heavy for that) and even if she couldn't fight for shit I couldn't beat her trapped under her fat ass all afternoon.

She lifted up her leg and kneed me, catching me just on the hip; luckily it was a stinging blow but nothing bad. Then she did it again and this time she nailed me right in the stomach. I was now winded, groaning and in a world of hurt.

"Eat it slut." she spat at me.

I thought 'Why not?' and lurched my legs around her waist like I'd seen those MMA fighters do on the tv at the sports bar. Then I snagged my arms under hers and used my body weight to pull her down onto me, from the look of surprise on her face I could tell she didn't expect this. Her look turned from surprise to agony as I opened my mouth and bit down on her bare shoulder.

She screamed out a sound I can only describe as ‘blood curdling’ as she tried to wriggle out of my clutches. She punched me over and over in the side of my stomach but I was not letting go, not for anything. I was a pit bull and that bitch was dogmeat.

Four solid punches into my midriff and I hadn't budged, if anything I was biting harder. Three more punches and I was still locked on to her, although my stomach felt like a quad bike had run over it. Then she changed tack and started feeling around for my face with the hand on her free side. I felt fingernails rake the skin of my cheek – surely she had drawn blood – as I screwed my eyes shut. I had a feeling I knew what she was groping around for.

"C'mon Sarah! Fuck her up!" screamed one of her whorebag friends. I couldn't tell which one; all those sluts sound the same to me to be honest.

It was right then she found it, one of her fingers dug into my eye and pulled.

I screamed and let go and we rolled apart. My right eye hurt like mad and I couldn't see out of it – it was watering like a mother fucker and I hoped to God it wasn't permanently damaged. When I put my hand to my head and tried to stand up, I noticed that I could taste her blood in my mouth then bam! I got hit with something. It was sharp and struck me in the head just above my left ear. I tumbled over and landed squarely on my ass - more from the painful shock of whatever it was then the force of the blow.

(Evil told me later that the cheating whore had picked up a decent sized stone and flung it point blank. Turns out the bitch has quite a pitching arm.)

She followed up by ramming her knee at my head and catching me clean on the jaw. My vision went red for an instant and the noise! My God it was like a gunshot fired into my brain.

I lost track of where I was for a moment - but the next thing I knew she had lifted my shirt up and it was half over my head. I couldn't see for shit and started struggling with her but that didn't stop her from kneeing me right in the tits a couple of times and ripping my shirt off.

I shook my head and tried to get my bearings again as she tossed it away and aimed a kick at my head. I managed to bring my arms up just in time to protect myself and she landed her foot right on the point of my elbow. Damn that hurt. I tried to get to my feet but as I stood up she snagged my hair again and with no other option I grabbed hers too.

Aaaah... But I had learned from the last time she did this, and I wasn't about to let her use her height and weight to throw me around again. I dropped one hand, balled it into a fist and started punching her. Even half blinded I knew where to swing, and she was too close to avoid it.

My first punch got her right in the stomach. She was soft and squidgy there (bitch needed to go to the gym more to lose her muffin top) so I hit her again in exactly the same spot. I'll give her some credit for not screaming like a little girl but she sure was grunting like a momma pig in heat.

She swung a punch of her own and that made her cry out. Not me. Dumb bitch didn't form a fist properly and managed to hit the hard part of my head - right on fucking  the top. Suck on that whore!

I saw her shaking her hand as though she was in pain and saw my opening. I brought my hand back as far as I could, leaned back to create some space (with her other hand still gripping my hair) and then swung with all my might.

My fist was a sledgehammer and her jaw was glass. And unlike her I knew how to form bare knuckle fighter's fist. I rocked her jaw with as sweet and heavy a blow as you'd see in a boxing ring. It caught her flush and snapped her head to the side and I watched – almost in slow motion – as her eyes rolled back and she tumbled straight down in a heap, letting go of my hair.

Right. Time to even the damn score. She lay there groggy as I reached down, grabbed her singlet and peeled it up over her boobs and off her body. Her breasts were bigger and rounder than mine - like two pale melons in a garden with no sunlight. So I rolled her over onto her stomach, unhooked her bra and then yanked that off her too.

"Here ya go. Souvenir." I said, tossing it to Evil. She caught the bra deftly and pocketed it with a grin.

I was breathing heavily at this stage; I glanced down and saw red welts on my stomach where I'd been punched and kneed. Every breath felt sharp (almost like I couldn't get enough oxygen) and my skull was throbbing like crazy. I shook my head, blinked a few times and fortunately my eyesight cleared. I looked down at the topless woman I had just decked and saw that she was groaning and trying to get up; looks like it wasn't a knockout – she was only stunned.

She was on all fours and trying to crawl away when I grabbed her by the belt and tried to haul her back. Right then she lurched and as I yanked hard to stop her the jeans she were wearing came down (thong with them) just over her rounded pale ass. I'd say I accidentally pantsed her to be honest; but the thought did occur to me right then that stripping her completely naked would add a lot to the humiliation of her getting her ass whooped. I instantly took a liking to that idea.

This didn't appeal to one of her friends though. I heard "Get your skeevy hands out of her pants you filthy dyke bitch!" and the sound of running footsteps on gravel. With my hands still on her belt and that belt just below her full moon I turned my head in time to see Lola, her dyed hair and rage filled face, right on me. She shoved hard with both hands, causing me to let go of my prize and tumble onto the ground in a heap on my butt.

From my sitting position on the ground a couple of yards away I caught a brief glimpse of her surprised face in the instant before she was run over.

The next thing I knew she had flown through the air and landed a good six feet away as an enraged (plaid and denim wearing) two legged bull head butted her at full running speed; she didn't even have time to cry out.

Evil had smashed into her with incredible force catching Lola by complete surprise and reducing her to twisted groaning roadkill on the gravel of the railyard.

Without breaking her stride the angry lesbian fighting machine picked the crumpled trailer trash up off the ground by the hair and bellowed:

"I said a fair fight! Right you bitches! Your asses belong to me now!"

This provoked squeals from the remaining two as they tried to turn tail and run. Evil took off after them (Lola now carried over her shoulder) telling me:

"Deal with your bitch, I'll grab the others."

I watched as she pursued them round the corner of a rusted cattle car. Even though she was carrying one semi conscious slut over her shoulder she still managed a reasonably fast run. Looks like her prey were regretting their choice of footwear today.

Unfortunately for me the distraction had given my skank opponent time to recover. Without bothering to hitch her tight jeans back up over her fat ass she got to her feet and lurched toward me, aiming a kick at my head again. I brought my arms up to defend myself and tried to dive out of the way. Neither the kick nor the dive were successful though - all we did was crash awkwardly into each other and end up on the ground again.

We rolled and scratched and pulled hair like a pair of maniacal schoolgirls. At one point I found myself laying on top of her so I reared back and sat up on her stomach before slapped the hell out of her bare breasts.

The first one struck perfectly; my right hand to the side of her left tit. It resulted in a resounding 'whap' noise that echoed around the railyard. That'd leave a mark.

I hit her again – same hand and same breast – only this time I nearly missed. But not quite; the tip of one of my nails caught her right on the nipple and boy did she howl at that one. Nearly drew blood there it was so sharp.

She had her hands over her face with her arms trying to cover her breasts; but the cow's big tits were way too much to hide like that. I switched sides and landed glancing slap on her right breast with my other hand, it wasn't as hard but it still made her large squishy melon ripple like a tossed bowl of jello.

She dropped both hands to cover her tits and I took the chance to slap her across the face. This one was perfect, it really rang her bell; the noise was a sharp crack through the afternoon air and she howled like a racoon caught in a gin trap.

I was setting for another slap when she lurched up off the ground sharply, snagged the straps of my bra and pulled me down into a headbutt. She wasn't good enough to get me right in the face but the top of her head thudded into my throat and I crumpled to the side, coughing and gagging as she slid out from underneath me. This had caused one of the straps of my plain Warners Wire Free to snap completely (cheap piece of crap) and the bitch took advantage of this by standing up, putting her boot on my throat and ripping my bra clean off. Last time I go to fucking Walmart for underwear.

There was a look of pure hatred on her face as she spat out: "You wanna get naked cxnt? Fine by me!"

She then stepped over me (I saw her pale white ass looming large in my vision as I continued to splutter) and grabbing my jeans at the waist she damn near lifted me off the ground as I kicked and struggled – stripping me naked.

I cursed and swore and thrashed my legs about but it was no good. She was strong enough (and determined enough) and as I mentioned before my jeans were baggy. She threw them aside - my plain white panties had gone easily with them; and I was stark naked under her except for my white ankle socks and work boots.

"Jesus! You're a scrawny little shit aren't you?" She hurled the words at me like she had the stone earlier. "And what's that garden between your legs bitch? Never heard of a fucking razor?"

She stepped to the side and swung a full booted kick that caught me on the right thigh; it was a solid, angry strike and I felt it sting badly. I tried to curl away from her, tried to roll over and get up but that only presented my back to her. She kicked again and I felt it jab into the rounded swell of my ass cheek. Goddammit!

"You're pathetic." Her voice was utterly mocking as she launched the next kick - a pointed boot into my lower back. It felt as though she was ramming a hot poker through my soft flesh.

"No wonder you fuck that she-man dyke. What actual guy would want your fugly ass?" Her tone was pure acid.

Then she stomped on my left leg, just below the knee. I screamed in pain – pretty damn loudly – it had startled me as much as it had hurt. An inch higher and she would have crippled me it was that heavy a blow.

My breath was clearing... Just enough... My skull had stopped throbbing... Just a little... Faintly... I managed to say...

"Ya know what your problem is?"

I heard her feet stop moving on the gravel. I was facing away from her but that last kick had given me a good idea where she was. I turned my head just a little... Through a thin veil of my own blonde hair I could see her out of the corner of my non fucked up eye.. Just...

"What's that slut? What's my fucking problem?"

My right hand closed slowly over a handful of jagged gravel.

"You talk too much." I think I heard that in a movie somewhere.

I quickly rolled over to face her and hurled a shotgun blast of razor sharp gravel directly into her pouty face. I knew this was my only chance and I took it, hitting her dead center, right in the middle, as hard as I could throw (and that's pretty fucking hard; I have a decent pitching arm too. Six years of being a gym bunny and stacking boxes baby. Fuck yeah!).

Bitch went down like a two dollar hooker; her fat naked ass skudded into the ground as she howled in agony, hands to her face.

Right bitch. Time to end this. I got to my feet.

And then I kicked her.

And when I say 'kicked' I mean I flattened her soft round (right sided) breast right into her rib cage at running pace. With a steel capped battering ram. I felt the most satisfying of 'thud' sensations through my boot as I caught her, and for an instant I wondered vaguely if that was too much – maybe I had just broken one of her ribs.

Nah – fuck it – she'll be fine.

She went down onto her side, eyes bulging, hacking and coughing, and trying to crawl away as if her body was on autopilot. I grabbed her belt, still just under her bare ass, and pulled her jeans (and thong) down her legs. They got stuck on her boots making her look like she was tied at the ankles; so I took the opportunity to stand over her and give that shapely butt a resounding slap.

She squealed and damn it felt so good on my hand that I did it again, catching her almost in the same spot. And other pistol crack like sound – only two slaps in and I swear I could see her backside turning red already.

I blasted the other cheek with my other hand for good measure and that one really stung her. She glanced over her shoulder at me and I saw something in her eyes that hadn't been there before.


Oh ho ho... Now we were getting somewhere.

I arched my entire body upward – towering over her for a moment – before driving another electric-jolt-slap into her quivering pale backside. Damn it felt good; the sharp crack was like a lightning strike on her soft, vulnerable body. She yelped and writhed on the ground, totally helpless.

"Please... No more..."

I swung again (alternating hands) and landed fast open hand slap that bit her ass on the other side. The way she reacted you'd think a big 'ole massasauga rattler had sunk its fangs into her soft pale behind.

This was too good to be true. Here was snooty Sarah Gede; captive, naked and writhing in pain as I stood over her; dominating her stuck up ass – literally. I was naked in public in the middle of the day but I felt like I was wearing a suit of armor. I felt like the Queen of the World and this bitch’s butt belonged to me. I was sitting on the Iron fucking Throne and this witch’s naked ass was my footstool.

Another epic slap struck her trembling body. I managed to hit one of the two beautiful red splotches that were now bright and stark against her soft white skin. I whacked her so hard it actually stung my palm but I didn't care. If I had smashed a broken bottle into that beautiful quivering ass she would have screamed less than she did. That one was perfect. Right on target.

"Please... Stop... I'm begging you..."

I nearly froze when I heard her say that. I thought to myself.. 'That can't be right... I'm just slapping her ass...'

I hit her again; nailing her pale rounded butt with the flat of my hand at full swing. It hit her flush on the right cheek and she was glowing.

She was also groaning.

Oh fuck. It wasn't fear on her face. This bitch was liking it. Damn dirty whorebag likes her ass slapped.

Well that was fine with me.

I blasted her on the other cheek. Even clawing my hand a little and sinking it deep into her softness. She shrieked.

"No! Please!"

I switched hands and slapped her on the other cheek, no claw this time but thundering my palm into her rounded form as if I were trying to blast a hole through her. This one caught her right where the others had and it stung, I could tell.

Tears were streaming down her face. Her pale white ass was now blotched with scarlet on both sides and the incredibly sharp 'slap' noises were echoing around the railyard as I dominated this bitch in the warm sun.

"Stop! I give up! I..."

She started twitching.

"No! Not like this..."

Oh my god. Stuck up pouty face elitist Sarah Gede was about to come. With her jeans round her ankles on the gravel of a disused rail yard.

"Oh god.. Oh god... Oh aaaaaaaah..."

And when she came... Right then and there... She howled like a feral cat.

I saw her reach down between her legs and start fingering herself, her ass was up and her face turned to the side – cheek on the cold hard ground – a look of surprised ecstasy on her face.

Her whole body shook; her moaning got louder; and then she erupted internally, and I swear she might have even leaked a little (and trust me I knew). I was staring at her beautifully presented nether lips as she came like a fucking freight train.

She bucked, she moaned.

She didn't resist as I knelt beside her and slipped a finger inside her vagina and started thrusting.

"No! No! Ooooh!"

Right then and there she totally lost it.

I'm good in bed. I fucking know it. Guys have no trouble coming when I am on the end of them; no trouble at all. And Evil had erupted like Mount Fucking Vesuvious the last (and only) time I was tongue deep in her.

But Sarah was a whole other story. This stuck up, self righteous, holier than thou cxnt was wriggling on the end of my finger like a landed fish. She was blissful, totally lost in the throes of what was easily the most humiliating orgasm in the entire history of girls fucking girls. My only regret at that moment was that I didn't have my phone with me to record it.

She screamed, she howled, and then she collapsed on the ground – her eyes closed – and damn near passed out.

I pulled her jeans off her ankles and looked down. I know I hate the bitch, and I thought I wasn't into girls, but fuck me right then she was the sexiest thing I had seen in a long, long time.



In public.


I stood tall and tossed her jeans and thong away - my finger still delightfully wet from being inside her, cooling in the afternoon air; and I immediately felt turned on.

Damn. Wasn't expecting that.

I heard a slow clapping noise, and turned to see Evil a few yards away, all smiles. Suddenly the adrenaline started wearing off and I felt sore over almost my entire body.

"And the fucking winner is..." said Evelyn; walking toward me and slipping a hand under my waist to hold me up. I felt like I wanted to be sick.

"Easy now babe.. deep breaths... relax... Damn I am proud of you! Look at you girl. You're a fucking animal!"

Gee thanks Evil for putting that Gwar song into my head. Funny what you latch on to when your brain has been rattled.

Evil helped me over to a short stack of railway sleepers and I sat down on them like a bench, feeling the hard wood on my bare backside.

I took her advice – drawing in the deepest breaths my battered abdomen and ribs would let me - and a minute later I felt better. I mean I still felt like shit. But less shit than before.

I watched as Evil plucked Sarah's thong out of her jeans and then used it to gag her mouth; before pulling her bra back out of her pocket and tying her hands behind her back. Next she unlimbered the skank's belt and roped her feet together with it. Sarah groaned but didn't resist much.

After trussing Sarah up tighter than a thanksgiving turkey, Evelyn retrieved my clothes and helped me to get dressed; and I needed the help - I was battered, bruised and suffering from adrenaline withdrawal and that leaves you fucked up for a long time. Trust me.

I remember thinking that it was strange that Evil wasn't making wisecracks - I was sitting around naked but she never said a word. Normally she'd be all over that like white on rice but when I looked at her face all I saw was concern. It surprised me. Evil was hard. Real hard. She must have seen worse than this.

"Thanks Evelyn. What happened to the others?" I said, buckling up my belt and suddenly feeling a bit more normal now that my clothes were back on.

She chuckled and winked.

"Come with me and I'll show you." Her smile was amused and seemed genuine.

She walked over to Sarah and effortlessly tossed the tied up girl over her shoulder before leading me off in the direction she had chased the other skanks earlier.

We rounded a corner and walked between two lines of rusting rail cars and came out into the yard proper. I could hear muffled squealing.

And there they were.

Three naked women were tied and gagged with their own underwear and laying in the cage of an abandoned cattle car. I watched as they struggled, writhed, and then panicked as they noticed us walking toward them.

"Hey there bitches!" Evil said cheerfully. "One more for your little orgy."

She slid the rusting door open with her free hand (the other was resting on Sarah's naked ass) and then casually tossed the dark haired girl in with the others. Four terrified women stared and squealed through their gagged mouths as the door was slammed shut again and a foot long length of bent rebar was jammed through the door collar to lock it from the outside.

The sound of whimpering was getting me wet again. Seeing them puppy piled together, naked and helpless was seriously blowing my skirt. Well shit wasn't it a day of interesting self discovery.

Evil spent a few minutes taunting them and I stood back and enjoyed it. She walked up and down the cage rattling a rock on the bars and leering at her captives. I got the impression she was really enjoying being on the right side of the bars for once.

Eventually she pulled out her phone and started snapping some pictures and taking video. This totally set the helpless girls off; I heard them pleading through their gags, begging her to stop. It only made her laugh.

"Alright bitches. We've had enough fun. And if my girl gets any attempted revenge from you cxnts then this gets put all over the internet. Later bitches."

She took my hand and lead me away. We walked back round the corner – out of sight – and she stopped me and said:

"How do you feel babe? You need a doctor? That was a hell of a hit you took on the head."

I froze. I was honestly a little confused and not just because of the blow to my skull. I looked into her eyes and saw that she was being serious.

"No... I'm fine... I just want to... Oh fuck..."

"You ok to drive? Get yourself home?" she asked.

"Yes... No... I don't know... I feel kinda hazy. I don't think going home right now would be a good idea."

I was feeling tired and all I knew was that I didn't want to go home right then. I had a headache coming on, my roommates were obnoxiously loud sluts and all I wanted was a quiet safe place to shut my eyes and put my feet up.

Evelyn took my hands in hers. I must have looked like I needed someone to make my decisions for me. So she did.

"Ok. Here's what we'll do. I'll text Jess to come and get your car. She can park it at the hotel and we'll pick it up tomorrow."

I nodded. Jess was one of her many exes – she worked five minutes up the road as a hotel night manager.

"And you can stay at my place." I smiled when Evil said this. Her 'place' was the sleeper cab of her semi truck.

"I'd like that. I really would."

Suddenly everything felt better.

An hour later I was warm and relaxed and by myself in the back of her truck - lying on the bed in the semi darkness of the sleeper cab. Evelyn drove a dark red Volvo VHD. She called it the ‘Very Hard Dyke’.

I was wearing one of her clean plaid shirts and nothing else; it felt soft and warm on my skin and smelled nicely of cotton weave and cheap laundry powder. On Evil it looked like a shirt. On me it looked like a nightdress.

I'd been in her truck before and it was actually really comfortable. She'd been keeping it tidy, the sheets and blankets were clean and there weren't bikini model posters all over the walls like the last time I was there.

Just one photo. At first I thought it was just of her – half of it was tucked behind a toll bridge chart – but when I pulled it out I saw it was of the two of us. I remember her taking that photo, one long arm stretched out in front of us, we'd come out the Hayloft Saloon at two in the morning and we were both half pissed. I had no idea she'd printed it out and kept it.

I don't know why but seeing it made me feel really happy all of a sudden.

I heard voices outside and put the photo back.

I couldn't make out exactly what was said but after five minutes the door of the cab opened and I saw Evelyn climb in with smooth, well practiced movements. She took off her boots and climbed through to the back; I scooted over – still lying down and she sat next to me.

The sun was going down and I looked up at her relaxed, handsome face. I don't know why but my heart started pounding in my chest and I wanted to smile at her.

"All sorted babe."

"Huh?" I replied.

"Jess has the keys, she'll park your car at the hotel next to the office so she can keep an eye on it. We'll get it in the morning."

I heard a light rattle of rain start to sprinkle against the roof of the cab.

Oh my god! The girls were still locked in the cattle car! I mean sure I hated them but I didn't want them to catch pneumonia or get abducted and shit.

"What about the skanks? We left them naked in the railyard!"

"Relax baby. It's ok. Jess is gonna free the sluts too. I just told her there's no real hurry on that." That's my girl. She thinks of everything. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thanks Evelyn. I mean it... I.. Uh... Thanks."

She smiled and squeezed my hand. The hastily pulled away again. She broke the silence between us with:

"Babe? Why do you call me that?"

"Call you what?"

"Evelyn. Everyone just calls me Evil. You know that."

"I like Evelyn. I've always liked it. It's your name... It suits you... It's beautiful... You are too..."

I heard the words coming out of my mouth almost as if someone else was speaking them. But the more I thought about it the more I realised it was true.

I had always liked her name. I guess I had always liked her – even if I was too insecure to realize that.

"C'mon. Don't start that mushy bee ess."

"I mean it." My heart was thudding in my chest like a trip hammer.

She was looking at me, her eyes were fierce but the rest of her handsome face was relaxed. But she couldn't hide it from me.

Everything felt different now. I don't know why and right then I didn't care. Maybe it was fighting with Sarah before. Maybe it was the thrill I felt when I was on top of her, or inside her. Evelyn was looking at me and I was glowing under her gaze. And all I knew was what I wanted right then, more than anything else in the world.

She watched me intently as I undid the top button of the shirt I was wearing. Then the next one... And the next... I made my way down my body... Revealing it to her in the pale light of the cab... Between my breasts... Then they spilled into view... My belly button... the softly furred folds between my legs...

I shrugged the shirt off my shoulders and lay on it like it was a blanket, and I was pale and exposed and naked in front of her. And this wasn't like before - I wasn't wearing an invisible suit of armor now. I was utterly naked; flowering open before her.

I reached for her hand and took it; bringing it to my lips and kissing each finger, looking into her eyes.

"I mean it..." My voice was barely above a whisper.

Her face lit up in the most genuine and happy expression I had ever seen on her beautiful face. I couldn't help it, I beamed up at her. Then I pulled her down to me and we kissed and I thought 'Holy fucking hell! Why wasn't there fireworks like this the first time?'

We stayed in the cab until the sun came up the next day.

And that night... It was magical. She was gentle and kind and the most amazing lover I had ever been with. Even though I was beaten up and bruised she still had me writhing and squealing in absolute ecstasy. Five minutes in and I felt like a radiant glowing princess. A pain free angel.

I remember waking up at some point in the night and feeling great. I was curled up with one arm over her breasts, one of her strong arms wrapped around me and feeling so safe. So protected. I felt her skin on mine along the length of my whole body.

And I realized.

I really loved the bitch who was laying beside me.

There's no elevator to success. You'll have to take the stairs.


Offline lalutte65

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Re: Crunchy Goodness - Naked Brawl In The Rail Yard
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2019, 02:29:10 PM »
Well done


Offline Fortran Wrench

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Re: Crunchy Goodness - Naked Brawl In The Rail Yard
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2019, 05:29:19 AM »
Part One

A couple of days later it was the weekend and I’d been home a grand total of once. That had been to:

Drop my car back.

Have a quick shower.

Grab a backpack, stuff some underwear, makeup, hygiene items and clothes into it.

With that done I gave a cheery:

“Don’t touch my shit when I’m out bitches.” to a couple of my roommates on my way out the door; they looked like they were well and truly baked on the sofa as they watched Spongebob. I’m not even sure if they realized that they hadn’t seen me in days.

I then jumped into the cab of Evelyn’s big red truck and we were gone; about an hour later we were thundering down interstate ninety-six with a couple of log trailers in tow.

Or: “Moving on the boulevard to Windy City, hauling wiggle wagons stuffed with toothpicks.” as Evil put it. She was teaching me trucker lingo and it was making me laugh. And when I laughed she smiled and damn that made me feel good.

It had also felt good when I had walked into the boss’s office and told him that I was taking two weeks off. He took some convincing (no I didn’t blow him; get your mind outta the gutter) but seeing as I’d been working there for years without so much as a sick day let alone a holiday I talked him round. I’m a natural charmer, what can I say? I sure as hell had more than two weeks saved up. So what if the zip on my coveralls was down to my belly button and not above my boobs?

As we drove out of town I was seeing a whole new side of Evelyn that I hadn’t even known existed.

When you meet her in the bar she’s one brash bitch; full of banter, able to drop the panties of even the straightest of girls she’s so smooth. Evelyn Lorca had first been arrested for ‘public indecency’ after she seduced the niece of a motor company boss - and was busted naked humping her to a blissful orgasm in the middle of a construction site at three in the morning.

In her defense she said that she was merely contributing to the “Grow Detroit’s Young Talent Program”. 

It had made the judge smile, but he still gave her three days in the DDC.

After that it had been a regular routine of ‘catch, serve and release’ on everything from car theft to assault to pantsing a bouncer at the Sugar House when she’d had too much to drink and wasn’t in the mood to move on. I’d even heard a rumor that one of the cells in unit six of Huron Valley Correctional had been renamed the “Evelyn Lorca Memorial Bed and Breakfast”.

Honestly it wouldn’t surprise me.

We talked a lot as the road passed under our wheels and Johnny Cash caressed our ears on the cab’s stereo. It was all new to me; the environment, soft thrum of the engine through my softly padded seat, and Evelyn.

It was as if she was a different woman away from the greyness that was our city. Honestly, it can be an incredibly depressing place to live; half of it was shut down, the other half was run down - and the smaller it got in the rearview mirror the more she shined for me.

Just hearing her alto voice made my heart pound. I was finding out that she was deeper than I first thought; she had a sensitive side to her quite fierce nature and I could tell that I was seriously falling for her. And anytime I’d doubt myself, anytime I wondered if I wasn’t sexy enough for her - this alpha woman who could have her pick of absolutely anyone - she would seemingly sense it, glance over at me and smile her lopsided smile, and it would make me feel like royalty.

Like I was the royal princess and my girl was the most handsome knight in all the fairy tale fucking land.

My protector.

Ninety-six became fourteen became ninety-four as we closed in on Chicago; I remember laughing my ass off when we passed through a place called ‘Gary’. I couldn’t stop thinking of my stoner roommates watching Spongebob; as well as thinking it was as funny as naming a town ‘Steve’ or ‘John’.

C’mon. Who names a town ‘Gary’? Besides, it was as bleak and rundown as back home.

Of course, that didn’t stop us from finding a cheap hotel there three hours later after we had arrived at the depot, unhitched the wiggle wagons and had to find a place to park up. Evelyn had decided she wanted to treat me to a full-sized double bed instead of the sleeper cab. I honestly didn’t care as long as I went to sleep with her arms around me, but I made sure I let her know that I appreciated the gesture.

The place was a solid block of double story two-tone beigeness; but it had half a dozen rigs in the parking lot so we knew it was trucker friendly. We even spotted a couple of lot lizards hanging around smoking under the balcony (who we stayed well clear of - hands off ladies; she’s all mine).

We got our room key, threw two bags of generic travel shit onto the bedside dresser table, showered (together, a concept I was quickly getting used too), dressed and walked two minutes up the road to a diner we had seen coming in. It looked oddly clean on the inside considering it was a bit shabby on the outside. It was called The Eleventh Gear Diner according to the flickering sign over the door. 

There was a waitress behind the counter and we could just make out a short-order cook through the serving window. The smells coming out from the back were heavenly, especially after such a long trip, and the guy himself looked like the result of someone going to a zoo, shaving an orangutan and stuffing it into a white uniform. At least he wasn’t smoking as he mournfully scraped food around the grill plate.

The place wasn’t empty either, about a dozen people were eating at the booths and counter, coming and going, or enjoying the warm early evening air by fouling it up with cigarette smoke and leaning on the windows outside.  We saw more than a few in ball caps, plaid, denim and steel toes so I felt like I was in good company. Lucky for us we didn’t have the scenic view of someone’s squashed backside when we chose our booth.

The waitress herself was a hot young thing; I think we both noticed that first as we came in - short brown hair tucked under her hat, wide innocent doe eyes and soft pale skin. Her uniform was a bit snug and showed us that she had a fit gym body under it. We took the time to chat with her for a while and she was really sweet. Turns out her name was Emma.

We had just ordered two plates of remarkably unhealthy sounding food and acquired a coffee pot with cups when trouble walked in the door (teetering on heels) and made her way to a counter-side stool with all the grace of a newborn giraffe on an ice skating rink. We couldn’t help but watch her as we sat at our booth and held hands under the table.

How to describe her?


A little drunk?

Covered in leopard print?

Yeah. That about covers it.

From head to toe she was pure classlessness.

Straight shoulder length hair that was an awful ‘dyed copper’. I guess Clairol was on sale at Walgreens.

Apparently cheap heavy eyeliner was as well.

Her lips were a tiny bit too small for her teeth. And totally the wrong shade of pink.

Her jacket must have resulted in the deaths of at least three fake leopards. And she was wearing a purple halter that normally wouldn’t go with any outfit, especially the one she had on.   

Her skirt was a wide leopard print belt of a different shade to her jacket which did very little to hide the shape of her well-rounded ass. And regretfully when she sat down she broadcast to the room that she was wearing sky blue panties. I immediately wished I hadn’t been looking in that direction.

Completing the look was a pair of plastic heels that wouldn’t have looked out of place in a strip club; the kind you wind up in, not the kind you set out to be in.

We couldn’t make out exactly what was said between her and the waitress but we could see from Emma’s face that she wasn’t happy about it. We went back to enjoying each other’s company; holding hands was on the verge of becoming ‘footsie’ when our food was brought over and we noticed our new friend was looking a little on edge. Ever the protector (or charmer) Evil asked her:

“You ok Emma? You seem a little stressed.”

“You girls have sisters?”

It seemed an odd answer to the question. We both shook our heads ‘no’.

“Lucky for you.”

She turned and left and her answer had confused me enough that I forgot to watch her leave. Damn.

“I wonder what that was about.” I said to Evil.

“I think I can guess.”

Then the penny dropped (I ain’t the quickest on the uptake - I don’t mind admitting that) and I glanced over at Evelyn’s expression. She had the look of someone who wanted to say something but was thinking better of it. I realized I knew nothing about her own family; maybe that was a conversation for another time. As far as I was concerned I had all the time in the world to get to know her. 

We had finished our totally unhealthy meal (and wow I didn’t know short order cookery could be so decadent and wonderful. Please forgive me Gary for any bad thoughts I had about you) and we were kicking back when the voices at the bar cut through our couple time.

“Yeah well at least I have a job you street walking trash!”

Evil’s eyes widened almost comically as we glanced over in the direction of the shout. So did most of the other patrons of the diner.

Emma and her leopard print wrapped sister (we assumed) were breast to breast in the middle of the floor and shouting at each other. They would have been eye to eye if Leopard hadn’t been wearing those ugly heels. A few of the patrons took this opportunity to finish up and leave. I was glancing at the door and wondering if that was a good idea too when I heard an almighty ‘crack’ noise and looked back to see the sweet young waitress holding her cheek and staring wide eyed at the woman who had clearly just slapped her on the face.

“That does it!” we heard her scream.

And suddenly it was on like Donkey fucking Kong.

They had locked up with a mutual hair pulling grab and were circling unsteadily on their feet as the customers scattered for the safety of the booths and far ends of the diner. A couple of the truck drivers moved forward as if to separate the two but they backed off when the cook emerged from the kitchen shouting:

“Leave them alone! Let them fight! This has been brewin’ for a while now!”

One of the truckers replied: “Okay Harley. If you say so.” and we all cleared some space to give the two women room to go at it. The cook then casually lit up a cigarette, folded his gorilla arms and watched with a fierce-looking interest as the two girls whirled around the room, dragging each other by the hair and slamming into table ends and counter stools.

It didn’t take too long for Leopard to hit the deck and be spun around on her ass into a seated position - her heels were not designed for fighting whereas Emma was is in comfortable flats. The skank girl grabbed at the waitress’s wrists as a series of punches rained down on the side of her face from behind - Emma holding her down by the dyed orange hair with her left hand, and punching with her right fist.

The first punch glanced off the side of her skull; if it hurt Emma’s fist then she didn’t show it.

The second bounced off her shoulder as the trapped streetwalker tried to wriggle and twist.

But the third one caught her flush on the cheek and she howled, dropping her hold of Emma’s wrist and trying to cover up.

“Let go of me whore!” Leopard screamed.

Emma socked her again in almost the same place. It was a solid punch. I got the feeling that the youthful waitress was tougher and rougher than she looked.

“Whore?” Emma punctuated her reply with a fifth punch that struck Leopard’s protecting hands.

“Whore?!” she shouted as she punched again, but still didn’t break through.

“You goddamn hypocritic slutbag!” The look on her fresh face was one of pure rage now.

Emma’s final punch was a thunderbolt from the gods. It passed easily through Leopard’s guard and struck her right on the nose. There was an almighty ‘crack’ and blood was flowing. Jesus! Even Evil winced at that one.

The copper-haired woman rolled free and tried to come to her feet but slipped over on her butt again, holding one hand to her face as blood trickled out between her fingers. Her lower face a crimson mask as she eventually staggered upright and turned to face her sister; who was glowering at her with blood on the knuckles of her right fist.

“You wait… You just fucking wait…” there was a look of pure hatred on Leopard’s face as she growled those words to her sister. But Emma didn’t back down. She stood there; stoney faced and ready to fight, a cold silent warrior in the form of a sweet looking waitress.

“This isn’t over.” were Leopard’s final words as she turned and walked out the door, her heels clacking on the floor so loudly I thought she’d leave tiny holes in it. She flung the door open and stormed out into the evening. I couldn’t see her face but I bet it was murderous.

“Well that escalated quickly.” Evil’s rich alto voice was loud enough for only me to hear. We watched as some of the patrons gathered around Emma and congratulated her before Harley fetched some ice wrapped in a towel and made her sit down, holding it over the knuckles of her right hand.

Half an hour later we had finished our meal and it was dark outside, the street lamps casting yellow gold onto the pavement outside. Emma was in the kitchen and arguing with Harley about the need for him to walk her to her car - loud enough for us to hear.

“You can’t leave the diner unattended. I’ll be fine. My sister is all talk. She won’t be hiding in the parking lot for God’s sake.”

“Babe…” Evil said, squeezing my hand.

“Go help her.” was all I needed to say. 

Evil smiled at me and went over to help. Bless the girl but that’s what she’s like. And damn I love her for it.

In five minutes she had convinced Emma that it wasn’t a hassle for us to at least walk her to her car, “we were going in that direction anyway” (we weren’t) and the three of us were walking up the road under glowing street lamps to the parking lot not long after.

For the five minutes it took us to get there we had fun chatting with our new friend; a little about ourselves and where we were from (she picked us as a couple straight away - she said it was the way I couldn’t stop smiling when I looked at Evelyn; smart girl.)

We discovered a little more about her as well. She didn’t offer much about her sister but we found out that she had just turned twenty and no longer lived with her folks - the environment wasn’t the healthiest at home. She was the youngest and had two brothers as well. She was the only one with a real job. Even her dad had been laid off.

God some days it felt like the entire world was closing down. If Evelyn had said she was throwing me into her truck and driving me to Mars I would have been happy.

We got to the parking lot.

“Stay behind me girls.” with one hand she reached over and pulled me behind her slightly. Evelyn was an apex predator. A hunter. She had seen the danger long before we had.

Two skanks were smoking as they leaned on the tailgate of a pickup about fifty yards away. But just behind them… Just on the edge of the light from one of the few lamp posts that ringed the lot… Was a figure crouched between the pickup and the next car… We saw a flash of leopard print.

In her quiet killer voice Evil said to us: “Your sister. She likely to be packing heat?”

“God no. She hates guns. Hates any weapons.”

“Good. But if that changes you’re to dive between the cars and keep your head down. And only come out when I get you. We clear?”

We nodded. I saw all the color drain from Emma’s face but I had been here before. I won’t say I wasn’t scared, only an idiot wouldn’t be at least a little nervous; but I knew Evelyn. I was standing next to a grade A fighting machine. This was her house we had just stepped into. We were walking slowly as she said:

“Your car, I’m guessing it’s down that way?”

“Just opposite the pickup. The yellow Subaru.”

“Hmph.” Evil replied. “Keep your eyes open. There might be more of them lurking around.”

We were about ten yards away when one of the skanks banged a couple of times on the tailgate and Leopard stood up and walked out into the light. Big surprise. We also heard footsteps behind us and saw two more skanks emerge from the shadows another twenty yards back.

The skanks were wearing the generic uniform of the low-class hoe. If it wasn’t a short skirt or dress it was a pair of skin-tight jeans, worn with the style of eight ounces of toothpaste that’s been crammed into a six-ounce tube.

It was a pleasant evening so they weren’t wearing much in the way of jackets. Just as well for us, made it less likely they were concealing weapons, unless any of the dumb sluts had a switch-blade jammed up her cootch.

We could hear the footsteps of the rear skanks getting slowly closer. I turned and kept an eye on them. About fifteen yards away now.

Leopard spoke first: “I got no beef with you sir. If you take your girl and go we won’t stop you.”

An easy enough mistake to make. Two in fact. Evil wasn’t a ‘sir’ and there’s no way in hell she’d abandon Emma. She replied:

“An’ I have no beef with you. But if your buddies don’t stop creeping up on us then I will.”

The footsteps stopped dead. Both creeping skanks froze in place.

Evil went on:

“This only ends one of two ways. Us driving away. Or you all laying on your asses and us driving away. Your call.”

Evil’s voice was a low growl that gave me chills. There was no casual taunting here; no banter at all. This was business. A  street fighter’s business.

There was a pause. My heart was pounding in my chest and my hands were fists. It seemed to last forever.

Leopard uttered two words:

“Get them.”

They charged.

« Last Edit: October 07, 2019, 07:50:57 AM by Fortran Wrench »
There's no elevator to success. You'll have to take the stairs.