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Urvashi rautela vs kriti sanon

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Urvashi rautela vs kriti sanon
« on: October 10, 2019, 08:49:43 PM »

Urvashi rautela vs kriti sanon
Urvashi rautela was lying in bed, alone, at her home. Dressed comfortably in just bra and panties, the hott was reading a script for a movie she was interested in. Suddenly, she heard the doorbell ring. Since it was almost midnight, she wondered who it was. Putting on a robe, she walked to the door and opened it. Half a second after the door opened, she was met by a fist slamming right into her face and knocking her on her ass. Shaking her head to clear the cobwebs, she saw kriti sanon standing over her, dressed to kill in a white blouse and a black skirt that really showed off her legs."You fucking bitch!" Kriti shouted. "I heard about all that crap you said about me not being able to act! Now I'm gonna make you pay for every last word!"As urvashi rose to her feet, she watched kriti strip to her bra and panties. Suddenly, the bitch lunged forward, slamming punches into urvashi's face. As she stumbled backward, kriti ripped off urvashi's robe and started clawing the bitch's tits through her bra. Screaming, urvashi's started pulling kriti's hair in an attempt to free her chest, but the enraged blonde slammed her knee into urvashi's cxnt, twice; leaving the bitch howling in pain. Grabbing urvashi's hair, kriti slammed her head into the wall, stunning her; then ripped off urvashi's bra and started mauling her tits. As urvashi screamed in agony, she tore at kriti's bra, finally pulled it off and started tugging on her tits as the bitch let out a moan. Urvashi started twisting kriti's tits, grinning as she grimaced in pain. Suddenly, kriti started slamming urvashi's tits together until the redhead screamed. Kriti ground urvashi's breasts together, smiling as her face twisted in pain. Using urvashi's nipples, kriti began twisting and tugging her breasts by them as urvashi moaned and grabbed the bitch's wrists. Kriti slammed her knee over and over into urvashi's stomach; dropping the redhead to her knees.kriti began squeezing urvashi's tits viciously as tears welled in the redhead's green eyes. Out of options, urvashi dropped kriti's wrists and slammed her fist up into kriti's cxnt. Kriti screamed in pain and collapsed to the floor, letting go and hearing urvashi breath a sigh of relief when the pressure on her tits eased. Standing, urvashi picked kriti up and bodyslammed her down hard, the floor shaking with the impact.Standing over her, urvashi stomped twice! on kriti's cxnt, the blonde screaming in agony. Straddling her waist, urvashi slapped kriti back and forth, snapping her head back left and right. She grabbed kriti's tits and began pulling up while the blonde screamed as urvashi lifted her back partially off the floor. Urvashi then slammed her tits back down, flattening them on her chest as kriti's face twisted in pain. Urvashi punched kriti's tits viciously with both fists, leaving the bitch screaming as she sought in vain to block urvashi's punches with her flailing hands.What's wrong, Miss Tough Shit?" Urvashi taunted. "I thought you were gonna beat the crap out of me!"Desperate, kriti reached up and began twisting urvashi's tits, hoping to free herself. The bitch screamed in pain, but latched onto kriti's nipples in reply and began crushing and twisting them as kriti gritted her teeth as she tried to ignore her pain. Urvashi continued to maul kriti's tits after kriti's arms finally fell to the floor. Grabbing her by the hair, urvashi pulled kriti's face to her cleavage and stuffed it between her breasts, smothering her. But then urvashi screamed when kriti sank her teeth into her right tit. Urvashi held on until kriti's struggles grew weaker and weaker until she finally passed out.Rising off her beaten foe, urvashi sat on the couch. Closing her eyes, she cupped her tits and started rubbing them, trying to massage away her pain. Suddenly, she felt a searing pain in her cxnt! She screamed aloud; her eyes opened wide and urvashi saw kriti rear back to punch her cxnt again and again! The bitch had only been playing dead; now she made her pay.Straddling urvashi, kriti grabbed her tits and began mauling as she screamed in agony. Frantic, urvashi reached up and grabbed kriti's hair, pulling on it in a desperate attempt to free herself. Screaming, kriti let go and slammed a few punches into urvashi's face, stunning the bitch. Then she punched urvashi's tits a few times, enjoying the bitch's moans of anguish.Taking hold of urvashi's nipples, kriti began crushing and twisting her boobs, shaking them as the bitch screamed and pawed at kriti's hands. Letting go, kriti slammed her elbows down into urvashi's tits until urvashi screamed and her arms dropped to the cushions.Rising, kriti put her arms around urvashi, picked her up and then dropped her onto her outstretched knee. As her knee drove straight into the redhead's cxnt, urvashi screamed in agony. Kriti let her fall to the floor where urvashi lay sobbing and trying to rub away the pain in her pussy. Grabbing urvashi's hair, kriti pulled her back over towards the couch and laid her tits on the arm. Through the immense pain, urvashi saw what was about to happen, but it was far too late! The bitch brought her forearm down, flattening the redhead's tits between her forearm and the arm of the couch. Urvashi's screams filled the air as kriti brought her forearm down again, and again, and again. When she was done, she pushed her quivering body to the floor.urvashi lay on her back, sobbing as she gingerly held her black-and-blue boobs. Kriti sat on urvashi's chest, facing her legs. Ripping away urvashi's panties, kriti took a handful of cxnt hair and ripped! The bitch screamed in agony. Next, kriti grabbed urvashi's swollen pussy lips and began pulling and twisting as urvashi sobbed and kicked one leg weakly. Tears streamed down her cheeks as kriti clawed the tender flesh inside of her cxnt. Laughing cruelly as urvashi struggled beneath her, kriti's fingers found urvashi's clit and started pinching it between her fingernails and pulling on it. Urvashi screamed in mindless anguish as the pain coursed through her lower body."Oh GOD! Kriti, you're killing me! My cxnt… Please, stop!!!"
Kriti started grinding her ass on urvashi's tits, flattening them.Enjoy it while you can, slut! This is the closest thing you'll have to sex for a long time!"Struggling wildly as kriti bent over to work between her legs, urvashi incredibly managed to throw kriti off. Scrambling to all fours, urvashi tried to crawl away but kriti slammed her foot with deadly accuracy right between urvashi's legs, sending the redhead sprawling on her chest screaming in agony. Pulling her to her knees, kriti reached over her and clawed her tits as urvashi screamed and tried to pull her ravaging claws away by the wrists.Standing with her knee planted in urvashi's back and pressing down, kriti pinched urvashi's nipples and tried to pull her tits under her arms around to her back. Urvashi's face went pale and she sobbed in pain and flailed her hands, delirious with pain. Finally, kriti let her go and the bitch collapsed on the floor.Positioning herself behind urvashi on the floor, kriti wrapped her legs around urvashi's waist and began crushing. Urvashi screamed in agony as kriti's python-like legs squeezed on her ribs. Enjoying the total domination of her foe, kriti reached around and grabbed urvashi's already horribly discolored and tender tits, clawing and squeezing them savagely as the bitch screamed in mindless pain. Urvashi was in extreme agony but still desperately struggled between her rival's legs, trying vainly to pry them apart. Grabbing urvashi's wrists to prevent any defense, kriti raised her legs into a chest scissors.kriti grinned as urvashi screamed in pain and sobs racking her utterly devastated body as her breasts were crushed between the cruel blonde's toned legs. Urvashi's face twisted into horror as she twisted and bucked futilely, trapped in the bitch's muscular legs. Kriti used every ounce of strength that she could to crush urvashi's body and her will.kriti laughed as she destroyed the redhead, taunting her trapped foe, "You fucking bitch! I guess these tits aren't so tough now!"kriti added even more power to her scissors, crushing urvashi's chest as she used her knee to grind urvashi's left tit savagely as urvashi babbled incoherently in pain, cursing and screaming but helpless to do anything to stop her agony.Finally managing to free her arms, urvashi began slamming her elbows back into kriti's tits. The bitch ignored the first few, but after four or five to each breast she began crying out with each strike. Finally, she had to let urvashi go and roll away. Urvashi slumped and collapsed on her side, clutching her tits, trying to massage away her pain and sobbing pitifully.Angrily, kriti grabbed urvashi by the hair, tugged her to her feet and put her in a full nelson. Kriti ran urvashi, tits-first, into the wall. Urvashi screamed as her perky tits, already abused and tortured beyond belief, were flattened on impact. But kriti didn't let up, slamming her several more times into the wall.Finally, kriti tossed urvashi's broken and battered body into the corner. Urvashi hit the wall with a dull thud and slowly slid down to the floor, unable to hold herself up. Kriti walked over and began slamming her knee into urvashi's aching belly and tits and, as she slid down the wall; her face as urvashi dropped with - a soft splat of perspiring flesh on polished wood - on her ass. Stepping back, kriti kicked urvashi in the cxnt and the bitch's body bucked and she screamed in pain. Sobbing uncontrollably, she ceased struggling and plunged both hands between her thighs to protect her bruised crotch kriti dragged urvashi to the middle of the room and dropped her. The bitch lay sprawled on the floor, totally destroyed and too battered to move. The whole world was a blur as she struggled to come to her senses. Her body ached and all she wanted was for the pain to stop. Looking up, urvashi saw kriti was standing over her in the nude after she slipped out of her panties kriti shouted, "You're not getting out of this one, bitch! I'm gonna finish you off like the little slut you are!"When urvashi realized what was about to happen she muttered, "No, no… please leave me alone…"Her futile pleas were muffled as kriti dropped on her face, smothering her with her ass. Kriti leaned forward and began grinding her crotch on urvashi's face - now she really started to enjoy herself! Kriti grabbed urvashi's hair and pulled her face deep into her cxnt, humping her nose to stimulate herselft. Urvashi moaned and gasped loudly as she consummated her victory, having gotten totally aroused by dominating her greatest rival. Urvashi didn't resist or struggle, she just lay apparently submissive beneath her conqueror.Suddenly, kriti howled in pain, letting out a scream to wake the dead. Out of options, urvashi made a last-ditch effort for freedom by biting kriti's pussy. Kriti desperately grabbed urvashi's hair and tried to pull her mouth away, but to no avail - the bitch's teeth were firmly clamped onto her pussy. Finally, urvashi let go to get a breath and pushed kriti off her chest, slowly recovering as the realization of how close she'd come to defeat sank in.They both made it to their knees and glared angrily at each other. With a growl, they latched onto the other's tits and started mauling urvashi's had already taken quite a ravaging and as kriti squeezed them viciously, urvashi screaming even as she desperately twisted and pulled on kriti's pair. Kriti's fingernails caused urvashi extreme agony, and she finally had to let go of kriti's firm boobs to grab her wrists in a frantic attempt to pry the blonde's claws from her tits.kriti stood tall, enjoying the dominant position as she leaned down on the bitch. Tears streamed down urvashi's ruddy cheeks as she was forced to her knees. Suddenly, urvashi let go of kriti's hands and, in a desperation move, slammed her fist straight upward into kriti's cxnt. The bitch's body jerked as she screamed in agony and dropped to the floor, her hands releasing urvashi's tits as she tried to ease the pain in her aching cxnt. Crawling over to her foe, urvashi began punching kriti in her pussy; the bitch sobbing uncontrollably as she suddenly stared to beg for mercy urvashi straddled kriti, pinning her arms beneath her knees, and began slapping kriti's proud tits back and forth until the bitch bucked her hips and screamed in pain. Urvashi then grabbed her tits and crushed them together, grinding the bitch's breasts against each other as kriti moaned in agony. Urvashi sank her talons into the bitch's flesh, squeezing viciously to the point where her knuckles turned white. As her tolerance for pain was exceeded, kriti began screaming out her surrender, sobbing and begging  urvashi for mercy.Grabbing kriti's hair, urvashi jammed the bitch's face between her tits, breast smothering her until the bitch passed out.Sometime later, kriti came to. Her body was racked with pain and her chest ached with each breath. As she came to her senses, she realized she was in urvashi's bed, her hands cuffed to the bedposts. Sitting on top of her was urvashi, wearing a strap-on dildo and a huge grin.Caressing her tits urvashi said, "You stupid bitch. You thought you could kick my ass? Just for that, I'm gonna fuck your brains out and make you scream as loud as you can!"Mounting her beaten foe, urvashi started pumping the dildo in and out of kriti's pussy. She screamed loud alright; at first from the pain, but later from the pleasure she was getting. Urvashi held kriti's hips and started pumping faster and faster, the blonde screaming in pleasure as her resistance waned and then ended. Finally, kriti's love juice streamed from her pussy, her screams turning to sobs after she'd let the bitch humiliate her in this fashion. Smiling, urvashi could only imagine how much fun she was going to have with her new love slave that night - and many more to come