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Marinechik Anna VS Heatherfights .. sexy ladies, sand, and a catfight.

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Offline stormbolt7

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It was getting to be late morning, as I arrived in the very pleasing company of Anna, at the beach.

Several people already roaming it or lounging, as we park, and head down to it. Towels, and things in tow.

Anna, was very pretty, with dark hair, and very vibrant, and pretty brown eyes.
As well as one very full, and pleasing figure.
Anna was wearing a white cotton t-shirt, clinging nicely to her generous figure, and jean shorts.
Her legs shapely, and toned, as she gets out of the car, and smiles, as she is ready to enjoy the day.

The water was rolling slowly, across the sand, as we find a spot for the towels, a short distance from it. Lying out a bleach blanket first.
The cry of birds in flight over head, mingled with the soft shushing of the water rolling in, then gliding back out. As the sun danced across the ripples.

Our things set out, I pause to admire her, as Anna undoes and wiggles out of her shorts.
The motion, doing wonderful things, head to toe, as she is full figured yet firm all over.
The sexy lady taking care of herself nicely.
Anna's brown eyes catch mine, and she laughs, as I am caught staring at her legs. Before my eyes rise, to take her in fully.
"You look to be having naughty thoughts." Anna says, making fun of me, yet enjoying the reaction she was getting.
The day was warm, yet unpleasant, while Anna was Hot!!!

Her hands going to her shirt, then slowly peeling it up, and off, as her large breasts heave in her bikini top.
Anna's bikini was a camoflouged military green. Yet it did not hide the fact, she was full figured, and in her prime.

Anna dropping her shirt to the towels, as she enjoys her captive audience. The dark haired beauty getting a bottle of cold water from a container.
Slowly uncapping it, and taking a long drink, before letting some of it dribble down, between and over the mounds, of her breasts.
The top clinging tighter as her nipples bud, harden and poke into the thin material.
"Oh my I seemed to have spilled some." Anna says softly, as my eyes devour her, and the effect as water glistens on the top of, and between her firm tits.

"Storm, you better cover your cow up, before they throw you off the beach." I hear in a very pleasing, and sexy voice, that sounds familiar.

I turn, and one of the two sexiest, and most beautiful of ladies on the beach is walking towards us.

Heather, was very beautiful, long brunette hair, moving in the breeze.
Face to inspire paintings or songs, with a drop dead gorgeous body.
Heather's barely there bikini was blue, her generous assets, bobbling, and jiggling in her skimpy top, as she walked towards us.
Long legs, and I knew a nice ass to complete the picture.

Heather's hazel eyes showing mischief, as she moved closer.
Anna glaring at her, as I defend her. "No need to be jealous of Anna, looking as fine as you do." "Still have to admit, the lady gives you all the competition you could handle." I tell her, as Anna smiles, at the compliments.
Anna able to fight her own battels, yet I was trying to calm things.

My eyes look past Heather, and she shakes her head. "Just lonesome me, he had to work." She says, as she steps onto the blanket, and throws her arms around me.
"Welcome to the beach, sorry you brought someone with you." She says, before rubbing her body agsinst mine, and giving me a kiss, to add fuel to the fire.

Anna and I were just friends, yet Heather had quickly challenged Anna's womanhood, with very little said.

I am let go by Heather, as I realize she was feeling naughty, and frisky today.

Anna grabs my arm, and turns me, to be pulled against her, as now it is Anna kissing me. My pulse jumping, as if I was ever going to need mouth to mouth, I hoped it would happen now.
I could not ask for better or more gorgeous nurses than Anna and Heather.

Anna lets me go, with a challenging look in her brown eyes, as they meet Heather's hazel ones.
"Sorry, but he is spoken for today." She says, as Heather stands watching.
"Maybe you can go for a nice swim, and don't bother to hold your breath." Anna says smiling back at Heather.

Heather smiles back, as her eyes drop to our things. The buxom beauty drops to her knees, and digs into them.
"Hey bitch, get out of our things!" Anna orders, as Heather finds the sunscreen lotion.
Her one hand holding it up, shaking it gently, as her other hand finds the tie for her top.
Heather makes a few quick motions, and the top falls away, to reveal her mouth watering, firm breasts.
"Oh Anna, Storm offered to rub this on me, to protect my delicate skin." Heather says adding more fuel, to the brewing fire.
I am trying to stop staring at Heathers lovely breasts, as she tips the bottle, and pours some of the lotion over the tops, of her large, soft skinned globes.
Her skin, lightly tanned, as the liquid drips, and runs over them.
Heather dropping the bottle, before moving to me, and grasping and guiding my hands to her gently rising, and falling breasts.
I am trapped by a very cunning female, and Heather knows I want to do the right thing, yet at the same time not insult her as my friend either.

Anna moves closer, as Heather puts on a very nice show, of how good it is feeling, as I massage and rub the sunscreen lotion, over her perky tits.
The nipples hardening beneath my fingers, as Anna stoops, and picks up the bottle.

"Why are you doing this Heather?" I ask, as I know if her boyfriend was here, she would not have pulled it. She would have maybe been very playful, yet I would not have had hands roaming her bare breasts like this.
"Oh relax, she wants it too." Heather says, Anna in mind.

Looking at her face, as her hands guide mine over her breasts, and belly. I have to admit, it was not often, you got to meet a woman with Heather's beauty of face, figure, and spirit.
"Storm." I hear from behind me, as one of the few ladies I know that could give Heather a run, in all categories, was behind me.
I turn, expecting to get slapped or punched by Anna. She was my companion for the day, and I was standing rubbing Heather's half naked body.
Anna's top is falling away, as I stare with delight, as her breasts explode from her top, to quiver, then stand firm. Nipples already engorged.
Heather's turn to watch, as Anna pours some lotion over her own breasts.
Her brown eyes watching, as I move to her, and begin to perform the same enjoyable duty for her.
Anna looking at me with eyes soft, as I begin to massage, and rub the lotion onto her breasts, and belly.
Then her eyes hardening, and challenging, as they meet Heathers.

I soon feel soft, warm breasts press against my back, as Heather rubs against me.
"Storm, time to get back to your duties over here." "Let Anna rub herself." She says camly, yet the look in Anna's eyes letting her know she had scored a point.
I am trying to keep from kissing Anna's lips, as her eyes seem to almost ask it of me.

Then Heather begins to slide down me, onto the blanket.
"Storm, I have a tender area, that needs attention." Heather cattily says, as the lady was not willing to lose any kind of fight, with another woman.
Even though she did not want me, that way. Heather was pulling out the stops.
I keep my eyes on Anna, as I try not to picture the buxom beauty maybe naked behind me.

As the ladies tops came off, more and more people began to watch.

Now As Heather lounges on the blanket, arms propped behind her, to thrust her breasts out wonderfully, as she waits for me to turn.
"Storm you are being rude." Heather says, then smiles, as I turn to look.
Her long legs stretched out before her, as the bikini bottoms, slightly reveal her pussy lips beneath the thin material.
Anna drops to her knees, and moves to face Heather.
Heather's body tensing, as Anna smiles, and spurts lotion over her chest. Then before either of us can respond. Anna slaps Heathers chest hard.
The sound of skin, wetly slapping skin, sounding, as people wince, from the sound, and Heather cries out, as she cradles her wounded breasts.

"There I rubbed it in for you bitch, now fuck off!!" Anna says, calmly, as I slip from between them.
Heather had been right, from the moment, these beautiful Amazons saw each other. All eyes on them, lovely in face, and hot, and sexy in bodies.
The catfight, was going to happen.

Heather glares at Anna, as the buxom beauty squirts more lotion onto Heather's breasts, and belly.
"Oh better not forget that skank, between your thighs." Anna says before adding another burst to Heather's crotch.
Heather regaining her wind, from the tit slap, rises to her knees.
"You fucking whore !!!" Heather says, before launching herself at Anna.
Breasts slam together, as the two begin to wrestle. Hands seeking holds, on skin or in hair.

It looked like two nubile Greek Goddesses, glistening and bare breasted, locked together.
Heather was a little taller, and slightly maybe more buxom. Yet the two ladies seemed very evenly matched in everything else.

Anna's head jerks to the side, from the slap from Heather.
Followed by a slap to Anna's right breast. Anna knocked onto her back, from the combined blows, rolls on the blanket, as Heather grabs and strips her bikini bottoms. Tearing them off, before grabbing the lotion bottle, and spraying it over Anna's writhing naked body.
More slaps follow, as Heather is enjoying herself. "How do you like it cxnt?" She asks, as Anna tries to protect her breasts, and belly from more punishment, as Heather is enjoying the loud sounding wet slaps, against the now glistening body of Anna.

"Had enough slut?" Heather asks.
Then gasps, and whooshes out air, as Anna punches her in her belly.
Anna shoving Heather aside, as she smiles in delight, as now Heather's bikini bottoms are stripped, and her naked body now sprayed with the lotion.
Then Anna is on top of her, as they begin to grapple, and roll onto the sand.

Breasts pressing together, as naked, they slap, punch, and roll their way to the waters edge.
Light colored sand, clinging to both wet looking, naked beauty, as they begin to splash in the water lapping the beach.

Soon both ladies are dripping wet, hair hanging darker, and to their bodies, as Anna manages to grab Heather's longer hair, and yanks her head to the side, before punching Heather's left breast.
Heather cries out, and falls into the water, as Anna rises to her knees, ready to finish her opponent off.
Heather cradling her belly, as she gasps for air, as the water surges against her.

A large crowd has gathered now, as the ladies fight in the wet sand.
Some of it clinging to them in places not comfortable, as Anna raises her fist, to bring down onto Heather.
I am moving close now, as which ever lady one, I was going to be sure, both came out of this with only aches, and bruises to body or ego.

As Anna begins to bring her fist down, to end it. Heather's long leg, swings around, to lift up, and kick Anna in her stomach.
Anna dips, gasping for air, doubled up, as she is off balance.
Heather's fist lashes out, and strikes the side of Anna's head.
Dazed, eyes glazing slightly, Anna topples onto Heather.

The two lay naked, Anna almost prone over Heather's sexy body.
Then Heather shifts, and rolls Anna from her, into the surf.
Anna splashes into the water, and barely moves.

Heather, chest heaving, naked, sand covered, and aching all over. Rises to her feet, as I rush to Anna.
The crowd begins cheering, as she is the only one on her feet. Heather wins the fight.

I pull Anna's head up out of the water, making sure she is able to breathe.
The buxom dark haired beauty clinging weakly to me, as her eyes begin to focus better. The water helping to revive her, as I scoop her up, and carry her to the beach blanket.
Anna coughs up some water, as Heather moves with us, and is soon sitting ready to help if needed.
The ladies having gotten the catfight out of their systems for now, honestly had nothing against each other.

The crowd begins to break up, as they congratulate Heather.
"Lucky shot, whore." Anna says weakly, showing her fighting spirit, were not broken or dampened in any way.
"Rematch anytime slut." Heather says smiling.

I am holding Anna, while the two sexiest ladies begin to chat, while still fully nude, and soaking wet.
How could a guy ask for more?

"I kind of worked up an apetite, and won't have any company for hours yet." "Care to get something to eat?" Heather asks, her hazel eyes showing she means both of us.
I always enoyed Heather's company.
Yet I came with Anna, and that being said, would let her decide.
"Sounds good, just cover that fat as of yours, with something before we go." Anna says, as Heather was still naked.
"Fine, and so Storm can eat with out gagging, please put something on those saggy tits of yours." heather replies.
The two being slightly catty, yet no heat behind it, as we were all friends again.

I had the pleasure, of viewing both ladies, front to back, head to toe, as they rolled and fought naked on the beach.
Heather's ass was very nice, and Anna's tits defintely pleasing, and firm.
I could not think of one feature on either lady that was not pleasing in every way.

Brown eyes, and hazel turn to me, as I quickly agree.
I would probably end up paying. There would probably be another catfight, later in the evening between these two.

Yet as we began to get ready to go.
Seeing Heather's smile as she playfully teased me again, with a kiss, and rubbing of her body to mine.
Anna not letting herself be outdone, as we head to the car. To meet Heather.

I had to admit, after the ladies cleaned up, and changed. If they dressed for a proper evening out, or just came comfy and frumpy.
No matter where we went.
I was guaranteed to spend the night, in the company of two of the sexiest and most beautiful ladies in the place.
Anna, and Heather.

The End     


Offline stormbolt7

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Yes I admit, I was enjoying the scenery when writing this.

THAT and the fact it was outdoors .. LOL

Definately think these 2 ladies some of the most all around incredible I have met.
Face, figure, and spirit combined. If you have ever seen one of the female wrestling referees get rolled over by the ladies together.
Ummm think it would be very enjoyable to play that ref, and have Anna and Heather roll over me, as they wrestle together. He he he
