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Kareena Kapoor vs Ameesha Patel

  • 3 Replies

Offline Karan

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Kareena Kapoor vs Ameesha Patel
« on: October 03, 2019, 01:31:45 AM »

 Meeting at the appointed place, Kareena and Ameesha stripped off their clothes, revealing the skimpy bikinis they had worn underneath; Kareena was in blue; Ameesha in light blue. Sizing each other up to see which parts of their bodies they could attack in addition to their hair, they looked around to ensure there was no one else nearby, forming a ring between them. The morning sun warmed their half-naked bodies; a light breeze tousled their hair as they began circling, inching closer to each other each time they completed a full turn. Without speaking, they were testing each other's confidence, observing how cocky or eager the other was about the match they would be fighting in the next few moments. Ameesha seemed to be cockier, but Kareena was more experienced, as she decided to demonstrate to Ameesha.
Kareena was the aggressor, grabbing a handful of Ameesha's hair on either side of her head and using her grip to jerk her upper body back and forth. A loud cry escaped Ameesha's lips as she responded in kind, sliding her fingers into Kareena's hair and yanking harshly downward, then from side to side in wide, sweeping arcs. The inertia caused Kareena and Ameesha to stumble around the lawn, repositioning their legs as their feet slipped and slid in the dew-soaked grass. An involuntary cry came from Kareena as Ameesha twisted her fingers deep in her dishwater tresses, clenching her fists and thrashing her opponent in quicker motions. Thrashing Ameesha's head in harsher movements, Kareena launched her foot into her opponent's gut, savagely wrenching Ameesha's tresses as Ameesha's body folded from the impact. Enjoying the sight of Ameesha bending at the waist, Kareena pulled harder, driving her knee into Ameesha's muscled abdomen.
Darting to the side, Kareena flipped Ameesha to the wet grass, yelping as Ameesha dragged Kareena down alongside her. The two rivals rolled, kicked and thrashed around until Kareena's legs began to wrap around Ameesha's midsection. Feeling the actress' silken thighs sliding along either side of her ribcage. Ameesha twisted right to attempt escape, only inviting Kareena to complete the scissor lock from Ameesha's left as their mutual hair grips hindered Ameesha's movements. Kareena grinned despite her pain as she bent at the waist, leaning into Ameesha's torso. Crossing her ankles, Kareena trapped Ameesha's waist between her crushing thighs, causing Ameesha's eyes to bug open. A pained gasp escaped Ameesha's lips as she reflexively yanked Kareena's hair left and right, trying to squirm her way from the scissors. Kareena squeezed harder in response, wrenching a long groan from Ameesha as she continued wrenching her hair.
Kareena's legs were working overtime to crush the life from her rival, but the more she tightened her scissors, the more Ameesha writhed to break free from her. Soon Kareena's efforts to maintain the leglock were like trying to suppress an enraged bull as Ameesha's body seemed to thrum with energy. Their fingers remained buried in each other's hair, twisting to and fro as their groans and cries increased in pitch and volume. In an effort to subdue her, Kareena twisted Ameesha into another position, scissoring her from behind. Still wrenching Ameesha's hair as she forced her arms behind her, making it difficult for Ameesha to maintain her grip on Kareena's hair, Kareena curled her legs in and kicked them violently outward. A thick grunt was pushed from Ameesha's throat as Kareena forced air out of her lungs, shaking Ameesha's head up and down and leaning backward, legs squeezing Ameesha's midsection until her fingers were loosened from Kareena's hair.
Giving Ameesha's waist a final squeeze, Kareena released the leglock and dragged Ameesha up to her feet. Growling as she whirled around to face her opponent, Ameesha grabbed at Kareena's hair and threw a punch at her unsuspecting stomach. Backing out of the way, Kareena yanked Ameesha's hair, repeatedly ramming her knee into Ameesha's belly. Ameesha bent at the waist again, throwing a sudden uppercut to Kareena's stomach that stunned her for long enough that Ameesha could grab hold of Kareena's hair. Responding by throwing a punch to Ameesha's face as she kept one hand buried in the Ameesha's hair, Kareena pressed her advantage, only to be met with an uppercut to the chin as Ameesha's energy was building by the second. As Kareena's head snapped back from the punch, Ameesha threw a series of uppercuts at Kareena's generous chest, increasing the force of her punches as she felt Kareena's boobs giving way under her fist.
Enraged, Kareena pulled Ameesha into a vicious knee shot to her face. which Ameesha retaliated against with two shots from her knee into Kareena's gut. Kareena flipped Ameesha to the ground, attempting to apply another body scissors; Ameesha moved out of the way and Kareena found herself trapped between Ameesha's pulsing thighs. Remembering when she was trapped inside Kareena's scissors, Ameesha worked Kareena's midriff, grabbing her hair and twisting brutally as Kareena feverishly kicked and writhed to extricate herself from Ameesha's legs, yanking Ameesha's tresses until she screamed in pain. Viciously slapping Ameesha across the face, Kareena managed to squirm out from between Ameesha's thighs, slamming a fist into Ameesha's groin as her other hand pulled Ameesha's hair to the side. Wincing as she yanked Kareena's face into another knee shot, Ameesha finds the favor returned as Kareena twists her hair with both hands, smashing a knee to her forehead.
Shaking the cobwebs from her head, Ameesha throws a punch to Kareena's face; Kareena rolls with the shot and retaliates with a series of forehand and backhand slaps to her face. Sliding the fingers of both hands into Kareena's tresses, Ameesha pulls her head forward and back again, landing an occasional slap to the Kareena's face. Ducking a punch, Kareena kicks Ameesha in the stomach, following the kick with another knee shot as she flips Ameesha to her back by the hair. Flipping Kareena along with her, Ameesha wraps her legs around Kareena's midriff from the side, clawing her face as she twists and pulls at Kareena's hair with her first hand. Biting at Ameesha's fingers, Kareena manages to twist to the side, facing Ameesha. Grabbing her hair, Kareena uses her other hand to throttle Ameesha, seizing her by the throat and digging her forefinger and thumb into her windpipe, occasionally punching and slapping Ameesha's face before choking her again. Squeezing Kareena's midriff tighter, Ameesha returns the punches and slaps with some of her own, then takes to clawing her face some more.
Ramming her fists into Ameesha's mouth and chin to daze her into releasing her face and midsection, Kareena seizes hold of Ameesha's hair with both hands as the scissors falls away. Ameesha does likewise and before long the screams of the two rivals grow almost loud enough to shatter their eardrums as they maintain the vicious hairpulling all through their attacks. By one hand or both, the constant wrenching of each other's hair makes both rivals feel as if their scalps are burning. As she feels the pain of Ameesha's hands twisting her dishwater hair, Kareena attempts to break the stalemate by slamming her knee into the Ameesha's ribs, wincing in agony as Ameesha's knee slams into Kareena's ribcage, then plows its way into her face before she can prevent Ameesha from following up on the rib shot. Giving Ameesha's stomach a quick succession of knee shots, Kareena reels from a punch to her chin, slamming a fist into the side of Ameesha's head to return the favor.
Thwarting another knee shot from Ameesha by slipping a leg behind her other calf, Kareena slams Ameesha into the grass and crawls around her, yanking her by the hair into a tight bodyscissors as she wraps one arm around Ameesha's throat. The Kareena pushes her arm all the way into Ameesha's windpipe as she wraps her black tresses around her fingers. Choking off Ameesha's screams with the choke as she works Ameesha's hair, Kareena lets loose a scream of her own as Ameesha's teeth suddenly embed themselves in her forearm. Squeezing the bodyscissors tighter as she releases the hold on her rival's throat and works Ameesha's hair with both hands, Kareena screams even louder as Ameesha's hands steal past her bikini top and under the fabric, grasping Kareena's bush and yanking fiercely. Kareena's legs spring open; Ameesha's hands shoot up to her hair as Ameesha rises to her knees, flipping Kareena to her back and pulling her into a standing headscissors as Ameesha rises to her feet. Holding Kareena's head between her strong thighs, Ameesha works Kareena's scalp.
Screaming as Ameesha adds a faceclaw to her brutal hairpulling, Kareena reaches down to Ameesha's ankles, sending her sailing head over heels into the grass. Grabbing Ameesha by the hair again, Kareena moves in to trap her rival in another crushing bodyscissors. Ameesha rears up on her knees before Kareena can get her legs around her midsection, flipping Kareena to her back and twisting at her hair, dragging her head between her thighs. Pulling Kareena toward her, Ameesha stretches as far as she can, cutting off the screams from her adversary as she yanks Kareena's hair in every direction. Arching her back to get away, Kareena finds herself rolled onto her stomach as Ameesha squeezes her with renewed vigor, pulling her tresses harder still. As Ameesha rolls herself and Kareena to their backs again, Kareena desperately turns her head to the side, sinking a deep bite into Ameesha's inner thigh, getting to her knees as the scissors opens enough to allow her escape.
Twisting, Kareena somehow manages to face her opponent, grabbing double handfuls of Ameesha's hair and driving her knee into the Ameesha's body with impacts that increase in intensity. Still yanking at Kareena's hair, Ameesha rams her knee into Kareena's face, receiving a knee shot from Kareena to her own face. Kareena is preparing to deliver more knee shots to Ameesha's stomach when Ameesha nails her with a fist to her left breast, pulling Kareena's hair with her other hand as if in counterpoint. Landing a punch to Ameesha's right boob in between knee shots, Kareena grunts as Ameesha kicks her in the stomach. Giving Ameesha a kick to the crotch, Kareena reels from another punch to her face as Ameesha continues working her hair. Kareena has to shake the cobwebs loose as she nails Ameesha with an uppercut to the nose, then seizes Ameesha's hair with both hands as Ameesha slashes her face with sharp fingernails, then tears into Kareena's dishwater hair without mercy.
Kareena tries to use her grip on Ameesha's hair to pull her down to the grass; Ameesha dances out of the way of Kareena's legs, then comes back to trip and pull Kareena down. Hopping back, Kareena makes another try before Ameesha wrenches her hair with greater force, again trying to trip the Kareena to the grass. Kareena finally succeeds in dragging her opponent off of her feet, half-throwing, half-bodyslamming Ameesha into the earth as Ameesha uses her grip on Kareena's hair to pull Kareena down with her. Throwing a slap to Kareena's face, she blocks a punch from Kareena and aims a knee at her groin. Kareena darts away before the intended shot can hit her, then whales Ameesha across the face with her open hand, seeming to signal the start of a war of slapping, punching and kicking as Kareena and Ameesha roll end over end, always keeping a firm hold on the other's hair. Pinning Ameesha under her, Kareena sends countless knee shots into the Ameesha's groin and stomach. Blocking a few punches aimed at her breasts, Kareena follows up by nailing Ameesha with some well-aimed crotch punches.
In the flurry of action that followed, in which Kareena and Ameesha returned to rolling and throwing each other around by the hair; adding face, breast and groin clawing to the mix; Kareena's bikini top ended up coming loose and falling away from her body as Ameesha slashed at her breasts through the flimsy material. A few moments later and Ameesha's bikini top followed suit, separated from her torso as Kareena hooked her fingers into one of Ameesha's breasts and then the other. The struggle escalated to clawing and scratching, punching and slapping, kneeing and kicking, done even more fervently than before, with enough twisting and wrenching at each other's hair for four women to put to use in a traditional catfight. Before long the bikini bottoms they had been wearing followed their tops, making their pubic hair convenient targets for their probing fingers. Fired up, and determined to thrash each other, both ladies took full advantage of this. Time and again the warring vixens screamed piercingly as hands reached down to each other's crotches, pulling and tugging brutally.
Kareena responded to an attempt on Ameesha's part to grab her vaginal hair by raking her nails across Ameesha's eyes, then reaching around to the back of her head and yanking her hair all the way back, slamming her into the grass. Scrambling to her feet, Kareena executed a series of belly flops on her opponent's prostrated body, punctuating the last one by raking her nails across the Ameesha's face. Getting up one last time, Kareena slammed a knee into Ameesha's stomach; kneeling on her chest she seized Ameesha's hair with one hand and her pubes with the other, yanking at both areas with equal ardor. Ameesha's screams threatened to shatter crystal as Kareena pulled at her hair upstairs and down, kicking her legs in the air to escape her opponent's clutches. A knee to the side of Kareena's head knocked her from her perch on top of Ameesha. A kick; this one connecting with Kareena's face, forced the Kareena to release her agonizing holds as Ameesha rolled away.
Showing fatigue from the intense battle, but still determined to stay in the game, Ameesha tried wrapping her legs around Kareena's midsection again, but Kareena nails another blow to her crotch before they can coil all the way around her. Ameesha winces and sucks in breath, but she is soon trying to wrap a bodyscissors around her rival. Managing to get her legs around Kareena, she squeezes fiercely, enduring the brutal punches to her face and chest from Kareena as Kareena continues wrenching Ameesha's head every which way. Crying out from a powerful constriction from Ameesha's legs, Kareena moves her hand down to Ameesha's thighs, clawing and scratching, trying to pry them apart. Responding with a Herculean squeeze of her legs, Ameesha frees one hand from Kareena's hair to claw her face again, yelping as Kareena's teeth sink into her fingers. Returning to squeezing Kareena's body while yanking her hair, Ameesha reels from the endless succession of punches, slaps and tugs of hair from her furious rival, releasing the scissors after taking a shot to her head.
Flipping Ameesha by her tresses, Kareena slams her legs tight around the Ameesha's midriff. Raking her nails along Kareena's crushing legs, Ameesha writhes desperately to free herself from the deadly leglock. Crying out as Kareena tugs at the clump of her hair, Ameesha tears into Kareena's hair, pulling and twisting as Kareena's thighs force increasing amounts of air from her undulating body. Reinforcing her grip on Kareena's hair, Ameesha slammed the back of her head into the ground in an effort to force Kareena to release her. Eventually the scissors loosened, opened the rest of the way as Ameesha's arm smashed across Kareena's breasts. Kicking Ameesha in the chest as her hands reached for her bare boobs, Kareena got tight holds of Ameesha's hair again, pinning the Ameesha under her and lowering her tits into Ameesha's face, kneeing Ameesha in the ribs as she used her grip on the Ameesha's hair to keep her head in place as her tits molded over her nose and mouth.
Screeching as Ameesha sank her teeth into her right breast, yanking Kareena's head back to force her to release the breast smother, Kareena pushed Ameesha's head farther into her tits with one hand while her other stole to Ameesha's womanhood. The ensuing screams from the Ameesha as Kareena attacked her pubes were muffled by the breasts engulfing her face. A louder scream came from Kareena as Ameesha bit her left breast, sinking her teeth into the sensitive nipple. Ameesha tears desperately into Kareena's hair, trying to escape her foe's grasp, but Kareena senses victory, and is not about to abandon her chance to get a submission from Ameesha. It takes much more breast smothering and hairpulling, and an equal amount of cajoling before Ameesha finally concedes the match to Kareena. It is then Kareena notices the desire and disappointment in Ameesha's eyes, as if she had hoped to win their contest on the promise of getting something extra out of it. As if conceding her the pleasure anyway, Kareena obliges her rival.
 Satisfied at her victory, Kareena gathers her clothes and departs, getting a last mental picture of the naked, unconscious Ameesha to fuel her own masturbatory fantasies after she returns home.


Offline Karan

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Re: Kareena Kapoor vs Ameesha Patel
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2019, 01:36:30 AM »
The bell rang loudly throughout the confines of the club and the audience got even louder now that all the preamble was out of the way. In the opening seconds of the match, Kareena and Ameesha regarded one another from across the ring with cool, level stares. Never letting her gaze leave the brunette’s, Kareena pushed out of her corner and strolled slowly towards the center. Seeing Kareena make the first move, Ameesha exhaled quietly and moved to join her rival. Rolling her shoulders a bit as she walked from the corner, Ameesha moved in a slow circle, keeping Kareena on her left as she carefully cut the distance between them. Watching Ameesha’ steady approach, Kareena dropped into a low crouch and circled along with the brunette, making sure to keep several steps back from rival girl’s outstretched fingers.
After a pair of revolutions around the ring, Kareena decided to change the rules of engagement, lunging forward and going low as she tried to trip up Ameesha with a Single Leg Takedown. But Ameesha was too quick for the ploy and Kareena’s hands only brushed the brunette’s padded right knee before Ameesha spun aside and ended up a few feet behind Kareena. Watching Kareena whirl around and drop into her crouch again, Ameesha allowed herself a small smile before saying, “Nice try Kareena. But it’s not going to be that easy for you.”
Kareena smirked and fired back, “I didn’t expect to take you down on the first try Ameesha, but the second will probably be…”
Kareena cut her words off as Ameesha shot forward with arms aimed for Kareena’s hips. Much like Ameesha had done only moments ago, Kareena stepped aside and kept her guard up as the brunette spun around and reset her stance. Her grin growing a little wider Kareena said, “Almost got me there. What say you and I stop testing our reflexes and start testing our joint flexibility? After all, that’s why we're here right?” She brought both hands ups and curled her fingers towards Ameesha, inviting the brunette into the clench.
Tucking a single stray hair behind her ear, Ameesha brought her own hands up. Bending her legs slightly, she smiled and responded, “Show me what you’ve got Kareena.”
They both were in motion colliding hard in a basic, but expertly applied Collar and Elbow Tie-up. With one hand gripping Kareena’s shoulder while the other clasped the back of her neck, Ameesha suddenly stepped back and pulled forward, yanking Kareena off balance and into a stumble. In an instant, Ameesha wrapped both arms around her foe’s head and bore down hard, trapping Kareena in a skull-grinding Side Headlock. Taking only a moment to enjoy the tiny groan coming from her captive, Ameesha dropped to her knees and flung Kareena over her hip, taking the girl to the mat with a Headlock Takedown.
Ameesha had been in contact with the mat for less than five seconds when Kareena twisted in her grip and managed to snap her legs tight around Ameesha’s throat in a Neck Scissors, breaking the brunette's Headlock in the process. Gritting her teeth as Kareena squeezed her head, Ameesha placed her hands on Kareena’s thigh and pushed up hard, popping open Kareena’s vice-like grip. Rolling to one knee, Ameesha was getting to her feet just as Kareena was doing the same. Smiling at Ameesha’ slightly flushed face Kareena smiled and rolled her shoulders. “First encounter leads to a stalemate. Ready for something a bit more decisive?”
Feeling the last vestiges of her minor asphyxia melt away, Ameesha answered, “Absolutely.” right as she lunged forward to meet Kareena’s charge. This time when they locked up, it was Kareena who acted first, grabbing hold of the brunette’s left wrist in both hands before twisting the captive limb in a circle, putting intense pressure on Ameesha’ elbow and shoulder with the Arm Wringer. Working the simple hold like a champ, Kareena’s typical snaky smile only got wider when she repeated the arm twisting maneuver, forcing Ameesha to rise up on her tiptoes to alleviate some of the pain. Grinding her foe’s wrist in both hands, Kareena rose up on her toes as well before asking, “You don’t want to give up already do you? It would be pretty anticlimactic if you lost your top. I mean, the fans might cheer when you go all topless beach on them, but that’ll probably change when they realize you surrendered so damned fast!”
Listening to Kareena’s wisecracks proved significant enough incentive for Ameesha to block out the twinge in her arm momentarily. Glaring coldly at Kareena, Ameesha suddenly dropped to one knee and put her free hand palm down on the mat. In a split second the brunette executed a perfect one-handed cartwheel. When she regained her footing, Ameesha had reversed the pressure on the Arm and now it was Kareena that was forced to rise up on her toes and wince at the pain shooting up her arm. Returning her opponent’s attack with a methodical slowness, Ameesha grinned and chided, “I don’t plan on losing any clothes tonight Bebo, but I suspect these people will enjoy seeing all three feet of you in your birthday suit. If you want to get used to the feeling of the air conditioning on your boobs, you could give up now and save us all a little hassle.” She torqued Kareena’s wrist a little more, just to make Kareena squirm.
Smirking, despite the awkward angle of her arm, Kareena shook her head ‘no’ before spitting, “Dream on. A little hurt now just means I won’t feel bad about hurting you a lot later.”
Not allowing the brunette another second to twist her arm, Kareena suddenly stepped forward and clasped her free hand around the back of Ameesha’ neck. In the next instant Kareena executed a short hop that ended with her boots coming to rest on Ameesha’s upper thighs. As soon as her perch was secure, Kareena fell back, tossing the brunette up and over with a Monkey Flip. Now the normal end result of a Monkey Flip has the recipient flat on her back, but Ameesha was anything but normal and she managed to roll with the force of Kareena’s toss and landed on her feet with all the ease of a trained gymnast. Ignoring the appreciative applause of the crowd, Ameesha immediately returned her attention to Kareena, noting with no small satisfaction the way Kareena was rubbing her twisted arm.
Flipping the hair out of her eyes, Ameesha locked eyes with Kareena and opened her mouth to fire off a barb. Kareena, always willing to exchange insults with an opponent, was already preparing a retort, but she’d fallen into Ameesha’ trap and instantly found her right leg wrapped up by the brunette. In the blink of an eye, Ameesha had dumped Kareena onto her back and with Kareena’s leg still in her possession, Ameesha grapevined both legs around Kareena’s and fell to the mat. Even before she hit the mat, Ameesha was ripping and tearing at Kareena’s ankle, torturing Kareena’s joint with a potentially match ending Ankle Lock.
Wrenching hard on Kareena’s ankle, Ameesha tossed her head back and with a triumphant grin roared, “What’s the matter Kareena? Foot hurt? Still think I don’t have what it takes to make you tap?”Ameesha fell silent then, saving her breath as she continued to maul and jerk at Kareena’s boot covered foot.
Screeching in agony as Ameesha tortured her ankle, Kareena shook her head frantically ‘no’ as the ref asked for her submission. Slapping and clawing at the mat in frustration, Kareena let out an ear splitting cry and yelled, “HOW’S THIS FOR TAPPING YA DUMB BITCH!?”
Not caring what Ameesha said in response, Kareena pulled her free foot back and then drove it forward hard into Ameesha’s elbow. The brunette grimaced, but did not relinquish her grip. Undeterred, Kareena pulled her foot back and blasted another short salvo of stomps into Ameesha’ exposed elbow until the brunette was forced to relinquish her hold.
Choking back another anguished whimper, Kareena pulled her legs under her and slowly pushed to her feet. Glaring angrily at Ameesha as the brunette got to her feet, Kareena tested her tender ankle, found it to be solid enough and returned her focus to Ameesha.
Shaking off the burning sensation in her elbow, Ameesha glared right back at Kareena and said coldly, “Toes a little tender there, Tiny? Got anything funny to say now?”
Lips curling in a snarl, Kareena hurled back, “I’ll save the jokes for later. They’ll serve as a nice counterpoint to your sobbing surrender.”
Then in a blatant example of baiting one’s adversary, Kareena held out both arms and flipped Ameesha a pair of birds.
Chuckling under her breath as Ameesha nearly choked on her anger, Kareena continued, “Look Ameesha, my hands are telling you what the rest of me already knows. You’re number two!”
That last slight used up the last of Ameesha’s patience and she launched herself at Kareena with an almost feral sounding hiss. But this rare show of impetuousness on the brunette’s part turned out to be costly because Kareena shot both hands out and snatched Ameesha’ left arm out of the air and with practiced ease, she took Ameesha up and over with something like a Judo toss. Less difficult to define was the move that Kareena followed up with as soon as Ameesha hit the mat. Still holding the brunette’s arm, Kareena laced both her legs around Ameesha’ trapped arm and fell back to the mat. Crossing her ankles, Kareena clenched her legs and pulled back savagely, trying her best to hyperextend Ameesha’ elbow with the Cross Arm Breaker. Alternately relaxing and bearing down on the hold, Kareena mauled Ameesha’ elbow, and the brunette’s pained screams were music to Bebo’s ears, especially after the time she’d spent suffering in Ameesha’s Ankle Lock. Grinding Ameesha’ wrist in her grip, Kareena rose up just enough to grin down into the brunette’s pain-etched face. Smacking her crossed ankles up and down on Ameesha’ far shoulder, Kareena panted, “How do you like it? Beginning to see you bit off a little more than you can chew?”
Shaking her head ’no’ as the ref asked her for surrender, Ameesha arched up, trying to bridge out of the hold. Turning her head to sneer at Kareena, the brunette retorted, “I’m gonna chew you up and spit you out.”
Rolling her eyes at Ameesha’s defiance, Kareena smirked and chided, “Oh, well if that’s the case, maybe I’m the one who’s bitten off too much. Let’s find out shall we?” The words were just out of her mouth when she darted her head down and bit down hard on Ameesha’ defenseless fingers. Kareena’s mouth wasn’t able to smile but her eyes were aglow with malicious joy as she chomped down hard on Ameesha’s digits. Blinking back tears as her elbow and fingers were decimated, Ameesha managed to place her free hand on the mat and shove up hard, rolling herself over Kareena to grab a hold of the ropes just behind Kareena. In the sanctuary of the ropes, Ameesha demanded to the ref that Kareena release the hold, a demand Kareena complied with only after much prodding. Scrambling away from the slowly rising Kareena, Ameesha held her injured arm tight against her chest while she got to her feet. Using the pain as motivation, Ameesha pushed aside all thoughts not involving the slow, deliberate torture of Kareena and stalked her way across the ring.
Drawing in close to Kareena, Ameesha sneered, “I’m gonna lock you up and break you down.”
Kareena only smirked and lunged to meet her opposition, sending the two rivals into another close and clinchy Lock-up. Kareena and Ameesha pushed against one another for several seconds and then Ameesha seemed to fight through the pain in her arm and Irish Whipped Kareena across the ring, sending Kareena bouncing into the ropes. Setting her feet, Ameesha waited for Kareena to draw within range and then she lashed a foot towards Kareena’s face with a chin shattering Super Kick.
Just microseconds before her boot smashed into Kareena’s chin, however, Kareena went low and ducked around behind the brunette. Kicking at nothing but air, Ameesha cursed under her breath, caught her balance and whirled around on her heel. All this took about a second, but unfortunately for her, it had taken Kareena less than second to set her stance and fire off a Super Kick of her own. Ameesha saw the boot rushing in to meet her face, but she couldn’t even get her hands halfway up before the strike nearly took her head off. Hopping on one foot for a moment, Kareena smiled smugly as she regained her balance and surveyed the downed form of Ameesha.
Sauntering over to the brunette’s left side, Kareena joked, “Well Ameesha, that hurt my leg a little bit, but I bet it hurt your face a whole lot more.”
Not waiting for a response from the brunette, Kareena dipped into a slight crouch and then exploded upward in a perfect vertical leap. When gravity reclaimed her momentum, Kareena came crashing down hard with both knees slamming into Ameesha’ shoulder and bicep. Ameesha tried to stifle a sob without much success and she rolled over onto her side to escape more punishment, but Kareena smelled blood in the water and she was relentless in pressing her attack. Muscling the crippled brunette onto her belly, Kareena grabbed hold of Ameesha’ left arm before laying leisurely across the brunette’s sweat-slicked back.
Locking her elbows, Kareena blew some hair out of her eyes and purred, “Hope you’re ready to have the world’s first 360 degree elbow Ameesha. And don’t worry, I’ll take your top off for you if you can’t mange the task with one hand.”
She planted her feet on the mat and leaned back across the brunette’s body, cinching on the Fujiwara Arm Bar to draw a terribly pained shriek from Ameesha’ quivering lips. Screaming and writhing uncontrollably thanks the inferno burning in her shoulder, it took Ameesha several seconds before she looked up and saw that the ropes weren’t entirely out of reach. Her glassy eyes suddenly cleared up and helplessness was driven away by the beginnings of a plan. Biting her bottom lip to avoid crying out any more, Ameesha extended her free arm as far as she could but there were still several inches between her and freedom. A look of fury replaced the anguish in her features and the brunette let out a low growl as she somehow succeeded in dragging her entire frame across the last few inches of mat before clutching the bottom rope and shaking it with all her strength. Still busy working over Ameesha’ shoulder, Kareena didn’t even hear the ref until he was at the ‘THREE’ marker on his five count. Glancing over her shoulder, Kareena’s look of surprise turned to one of disgust as she realized what the brunette had been able to pull off.
Releasing Ameesha’s arm with a scowl, Kareena rolled to her knees and muttered, “All right Ameesha if that’s the way you want to play it, I’ll make sure all your limbs get the Gumby treatment before the night is over.” Then she was on her feet and cutting the distance between her and the brunette, which wasn’t much of a challenge seeing as how Ameesha had only been able to rise to one knee, and that was using the ropes for leverage no less.
Burying both hands in a dark tangle of brunette locks, Kareena said cheerfully, “Rise and shine pasty. Time for another reason to visit the physical therapy wing of the hospital.”
Ignoring Ameesha’ drunken protests, Kareena hauled her rival to her feet and marched her out into to the center of the ring. Releasing her grip on Ameesha’s hair, Kareena quickly scooped the girl up, holding her stomach first across her shoulder like a long legged sack of potatoes. Clasping her arms tightly around the brunette’s waist, Kareena turned in a slow circle, showing Ameesha off to every side of the ring.
Nodding at the whistles and applause being thrown her way, Kareena smiled and said, “That’s right guys, her top’s comin’ off real soon. And her bottoms will be joining her top shortly thereafter. Hope you guys don’t have issues with nudity.”
As the crowd assured her this was no problem at all, Kareena took another step towards disrobing her adversary by rising up on her toes and then quickly dropping to one knee, slamming Ameesha’s tortured left shoulder into the posted joint with a wicked Shoulder Breaker. A shudder wracked Ameesha’ body and she let out a low grown before falling to the mat where she curled up in loose ball, trying desperately to protect her wounded arm.
Still on one knee, Kareena put hands on her hips and taunted, “Aww, is the rest of you feeling the need for some attention? Well OK, I’ll lavish some love on the rest of you for a while.”
Pulling Ameesha to her feet once more, Kareena jerked the brunette in close and proceeded to drive a hard knee up into her belly. Ameesha’ eyes bugged out and the breath left her lungs in a gasp as she was once again dropped to both knees. Running a hand through her hair, Kareena only smiled and pulled Ameesha up again before delivering another three Knee Lifts to Ameesha’s paunch, each one a little harder than the previous one. After the belly-bashing blow nearly took Ameesha off her feet, Kareena changed tactics yet again. Standing chest to chest with the wounded brunette, Kareena looped one arm around her opponent’s waist and threaded the other between Ameesha’ legs, her hand getting a good grip just under Ameesha‘s butt. Her grip in place, Kareena popped her hips and tossed Ameesha up and over, dropping her hapless adversary almost directly on her head with a perfectly delivered T-Bone Suplex.
Lying splayed on the canvas, trying to blink the harsh glare of the lights from her eyes, Ameesha refused to accept how badly the match was going for her. Ignoring the throb in her shoulder and the ache in her skull, Ameesha slowly rolled to her side and pushed to her knees.
Spotting a jubilant Kareena playing to the crowd, Ameesha brushed the hair from her face muttered, “I beat you once Kareena, and I’ll be damned if I can’t do it again.”
Getting to legs that felt much more wobbly than usual, Ameesha stalked up behind the oblivious Kareena and waited just a moment before whispering, “You gonna try to finish me off or ya just wanna stand there and look?”
Kareena spun around to face her in an instant but Ameesha was already upon her, blasting the girl with a vicious series of right hands that crossed Kareena’s eyes and had her backpedaling wobbly butt into the ropes. Refusing to let Kareena get away from her, Ameesha pressed her attack and hammered several more punches into her face, blatantly ignoring the ref’s admonition to watch the closed fists. Knowing she needed to hit a big move if she wanted to swing the tide of the match back her way, Ameesha took a change with her bad arm and grabbed Kareena’s right wrist in both hands. Planting her feet, she attempted the Irish Whip and all was going well til the very last second when Kareena somehow cleared her head and managed to reverse the momentum on the toss, sending Ameesha into the ropes instead.
Firing off a silent string of curses, Ameesha bounced off the ropes and headed back towards Kareena. It was with some horror that the brunette realized Kareena was heading towards her as well, or to be more precise, Kareena’s elbow was on a crash course with her face. Ameesha got her arms almost all the way up this time but it still wasn’t fast enough to prevent Kareena from driving the joint right into Ameesha’ chin courtesy of a Flying Back Elbow. Lying on the mat, Kareena looked over at the sprawled form of Ameesha and quickly rolled to her feet.
Scowling, the diminutive Kareena took a moment to rub her jaw; trying as best she could to erase the last vestiges of the stiff punches Ameesha had surprised her with. Bending down to pull the dazed brunette to her feet, Kareena muttered, “I knew I should have just kept working your arms. The left one’s already useless and pretty soon the only thing the right one will be good for is tapping out. Hell you may even have to use your feet to surrender. That is, assuming you want to surrender. I wouldn’t mind if this stubborn pride thing of yours keeps up long enough for me to totally dismantle you.” She trailed off then as she took Ameesha’ relatively healthy right arm by the wrist and proceeded to twist in a circle several times, reapplying the Arm Wringer she had used so effectively earlier on in the match. Pulling up on Ameesha’ wrist as hard as he could, Kareena was pleased to see the brunette could do little more than slap ineffectively at her captured limb and rise up on her toes in order to alleviate some of the pressure. Grinning her trademark grin, Kareena whispered, “You beat me and it was a fluke. Now I can show everybody just how much better than you I really am.”
Looking for something a little more visually interesting to hurt the brunette with, Kareena released half of her grip on the brunette’s wrist and pulled her toward her. Stepping in to meet her stumbling foe, Kareena quickly shot one hand through Ameesha’s legs while the other found it’s way across the brunette’s shoulder. With another sadistically smooth twist of her hips, Kareena took Ameesha of her feet and spun her in a tight little half circle that ended with her driving the full length of her adversary's body into the mat with a Power Slam. Kneeling next to Ameesha’ prostrate form, Kareena flipped the hair out of her eyes and then gently brushed the strands from Ameesha sweat beaded brow. Locking eyes with the grounded brunette, Kareena smiled smugly and said, “Ready to feel the night wind on your tits Ameesha?”
Ameesha’s face scrunched up in a grimace of distaste and she fired back, “You’re not getting ANY of my clothes tonight Kareena; just give it up already.”
Kareena frowned and sneered, “I think YOU’RE the one who should’ve given up already. But go ahead, keep your top a little longer - it’ll make it all that more satisfying when it DOES come off! But what say we give the folks at home at least a little something to whet their appetite? It’s only fair, they did pay good money to see me strip you naked!”
Ignoring the horrified widening of Ameesha’s eyes, Kareena reached down and savagely tweaked the brunette’s nipples through the thin fabric of her top. Laughing over Ameesha’ humiliated groans, Kareena ceased her assault on the brunette’s bounty and grabbed another double handful of her hair. Rising to her feet, she pulled Ameesha up as well and the domineering Kareena wasted little time in continuing her prolonged attack on Ameesha’s left shoulder. Standing face to face with her rival, Kareena stepped to Ameesha’ left and grabbed hold of the brunette’s arm, pulling it tight across Kareena’s chest.
Preparing to deliver the Single Arm DDT, Kareena couldn’t help but look over at Ameesha and taunt, “Time to separate your shoulder from the rest of you.” She’d just finished speaking when Ameesha suddenly tensed up in her grip and the formerly loose arm dug into her shoulder with renewed energy.
Before Kareena could do anything, Ameesha looked over and fired back, “Too bad I can’t separate your mouth from the rest of you, ya bitch!”
The taunt was still hanging in the air when Ameesha threaded her left foot behind Kareena’s legs and shoved forward with all her might. Kareena was caught off balance by the force the girl put into the shove and she went down hard and fast, landing painfully on her back and shoulders, a victim of Ameesha’ improvisation on the classic STO Takedown.
Sprawled on top of her dazed opponent, Ameesha glared down into Kareena’s glassy eyes and for the first time in several minutes, she smiled. Grabbing a dual handful of Kareena’s mane, Ameesha got her feet under her and pulled both of them back to a vertical base.
Standing in front of Kareena, Ameesha took a step back and chided, “You sure did a number on my arms Kareena, but you may live to regret not paying more attention to my legs.”
She kicked Kareena in the gut, as hard as she could, dropping her to both knees in wheezing, gasping heap. Taking her time, Ameesha moved to Kareena’s side and then bounced into the ropes, using them to pick up momentum as she loped back towards the penitent looking Kareena. With less than a foot of room separating Ameesha from her nemesis, the brunette pistoned her knee up, catching Kareena right in the temple with a Running Knee Lift.
Kareena let out a single low moan and then she was driven onto her back, left sprawled painfully on the canvas by the force of the simple, yet devastating attack. Allowing herself another smile and several deeps breaths, Ameesha pointed at Kareena’s top and looked out at the crowd. Over the din of their cheers, she called out a single word. “SOON!” Returning all of her attention to Kareena splayed at her feet, Ameesha recalled an old boxing adage from her training days. Under her breath she whispered, “Kill the brain and the body will die.” And she followed that up with, “Sounds like a plan to me.” Breaking her reverie, the brunette bent down and pulled the quietly moaning Kareena to her feet before trapping her in an inescapable Front Face Lock. Making sure to use her strong right arm to do the heavy lifting, Ameesha grabbed a big handful of Kareena’s yellow briefs and hauled Kareena directly over her head. But when the time came to fall back and administer the Vertical Suplex, Ameesha deviated from the typical course by dropping straight down; spiking Kareena’s head into the canvas from several feet up with a diabolical Brainbuster. Kareena’s head hit the mat with a damp THUD’ and she immediately rolled over onto her side, sobbing and protecting her battered head in both hands.
Ameesha watched her rival’s pained reaction with a dispassionate eye. After all the hell Kareena had put her through earlier, she wasn’t about to take it easy on Kareena just yet. With a slow snarl forming on her face, Ameesha grabbed a handful of Kareena’s bra strap and pulled her to her feet. Maneuvering herself behind Kareena, Ameesha pressed in close to her foe even as she was applying a Half Nelson with her left arm and reaching across Kareena’s torso with her right.
Breathing hard in Kareena’s ear, Ameesha whispered, “Does your head hurt sweetie? Maybe all you need is a little sleep, and this will all feel like a bad dream. Of course when you wake up, you really will be naked in front of everyone. Funny how life works sometimes.” Finishing her barb, Ameesha grabbed hold of Kareena’s dangling left wrist and pulled it tight across Kareena’s throat, locking on the time tested Cobra Clutch. Kareena began to gag and choke almost instantly and Kareena tried valiantly to reach for the ropes, but Ameesha simply leaned back and put more pressure on the hold, forcing Kareena to devote all her attention to not passing out. Grinding her hips slowly against Kareena’s quivering flank, Ameesha purred, “You’re starting to tremble Kareena. Is that fear of passing out or in anticipation of getting to show off your uninhibited side?”
Gurgling sporadically as she tried to free herself, Kareena found just enough air to fire back, “It’s the anticipation of doing THIS!” She brought up her right foot and then slammed it down on Ameesha’ foot, making sure to scrape her heel along the brunette’s shin as she did so.
Ameesha yelped in surprised hurt and was forced to release the hold so she could hobble back to check out her foot. Feeling the pain in her toes fade quickly, Ameesha glared a hole in Kareena’s back as she stalked forward and grabbed a hold of Kareena’s shoulders. Without a word, she pulled Kareena around to face her and bent low to grab hold of her opponent’s right ankle. Watching Kareena hop awkwardly on one foot, Ameesha hissed, “That’s the last time you’re ever going to do that to me.” A cold smile blossomed on her pretty face as she made that statement and as soon as it was completed, she twisted violently to one side as she fell to the mat, wrenching Kareena’s leg viciously with a Dragon Screw Leg Whip. Kareena howled and grabbed at her knee as she hit the mat, but if she thought she was out of the woods yet, she was in for a rude awakening. Because Ameesha maintained her grip on Kareena’s ankle and she forced her way back up, bringing a hopping and mewling Kareena along with her. Ameesha had been on her feet for less than five seconds when she administered another Dragon Screw, this one even quicker and more violent than the last.
Ignoring Kareena’s tortured shrieks, Ameesha continued the destruction of Kareena’s knee by maintaining her death-grip on Kareena’s ankle and getting to her feet again, this time leaving Kareena on the mat. Tucking the trapped limb into her armpit, Ameesha stared down at Kareena and said contemptuously, “I hope you’re flexible Kareena. You’re going to have to be if you want to walk… or even crawl, away from this.” Then she slowly turned over, forcing Kareena onto her stomach. When the turn was completed, Ameesha sat down and leaned back as hard as she could, stretching Kareena’s leg to the limit with a heinous Single Leg Crab. Holding Kareena’s exposed limb in both hands, Ameesha bounced up and down on Kareena’s butt while simultaneously jerking the leg back and forth, forcing earsplitting cries of pain from the downed girl.
Savoring the sensation of shredding Kareena’s resistance, Ameesha continued to pour on the pressure and chided, “Ready to unveil the twins for everyone to see? I’ll help you with that pesky top if it’s too much trouble for ya.”
On the mat, Kareena was digging both hands deep into her scalp to keep from tapping out Shaking her head ‘no’ as the ref got in her face, one thought kept going through Kareena’s mind.
“She beat you once and it was a fluke. But if she beats you twice, people will start to believe it. Do you want that?” Answering her own question (and the referee’s coincidentally) Kareena growled “No ####ing way.” and then got her hands palms down on the mat. Drawing on every bit of her mental conditioning to put aside the pain, Kareena pushed herself off the mat and began to crawl slowly towards the ropes and their promise of freedom.
Feeling herself begin to move, Ameesha looked over her shoulder and realized what Kareena was trying to do. Refusing to let Kareena get away that easily, Ameesha snarled, “Oh no you DON’T” and quickly released half of her grip on Kareena’s leg. In an instant, Ameesha scissored her legs around Kareena’s bent one and let her hands fall away only to lay down on her captive’s back and wrap her arms around Kareena’s head in a very basic, very painful Crossface. Ameesha had very efficiently turned the Half Crab into an STF and this was a hold that Ameesha could work very well. Scissoring her legs tighter around Kareena’s painfully bent right leg, the brunette pulled back with everything she had, actually pulling Kareena’s head and chest off the mat. Believing Kareena was at her breaking point Ameesha roared, “SUBMIT!” but Kareena wasn’t willing to concede even though the agony was terrible.
Through the glaze of her tears, Kareena saw the ropes a few inches away and she shot her hand out to grab the middle rope. As soon as it was in her possession she screamed, “IIMMH HINNN THHHAA ROOPPES!” She heard Ameesha snarl in frustration, but she also heard the ref begin his count and moments later, Kareena was free from her foe’s clutches, at least for the time being. Standing over Kareena as Kareena tried to work her way back up to a vertical base, Ameesha snarled under her breath and shoved the ref aside as he tried to get between the two warring beauties. Burying a single talon in Kareena’s curls, the brunette hauled Kareena out of the ropes and towards the center of the ring. Arriving at their destination, Ameesha grabbed hold of Kareena’s left wrist in both hands and said in a low, cold voice, “Try to make sure your knee holds up all the way to the corner ok Kareena? I don’t want to have to do this twice.”
Receiving nothing more than a groan in response, Ameesha shook her head in disdain and whipped Kareena hard into the corner where she hit with a dull, sweaty thud. Satisfied that Kareena was sufficiently hobbled, Ameesha backed up several paces and then launched forward in a dead run towards her incapacitated foe. With only a few feet between them, Ameesha left her feet in a smooth jump, her shadow falling across Kareena as the Avalanche Splash roared home. The only problem for Ameesha was that Kareena somehow managed to jump as well. As Ameesha flew in for the kill, Kareena’s stupor dropped away and she grabbed the top rope on either side of her. Curling her legs, she rested her feet on the middle turnbuckle for a moment and in the second before Ameesha would have crushed her into paste, Kareena leaped high into the air. Ameesha‘ own momentum worked against her in this situation and she ended up eating a face full of the top turnbuckle and she was given an unwanted second helping when Kareena stomped down between her shoulders with both feet and used the brunette like a springboard to soar through the air and land awkwardly in the center of the ring.
Shaking her head at the sloppy landing caused by the terrible ache in her left leg, Kareena turned around slowly and saw Ameesha had managed to turn around and face her, but was still draped out in the corner. Putting a little pressure on her injured leg a dark look crossed Kareena’s face and she muttered, “You may have broke one of my wheels Ameesha, but you’re going to wish you had thought to break both.”
Refusing to waste any more time, Kareena hurled herself forward in a limping run that culminated in her leaving her feet for just a moment before they found a new home on Ameesha’ face and chest. The impact of the Dropkick nearly knocked Ameesha out of the ring, but she was able to get a grip on the top rope to regain her footing. Sadly, it might have been better if she had tumbled out of the ring because she had only taken a few tottering steps out of the corner when Kareena bulled her way into the brunette and shoved her back into the buckles. Ducking low, Kareena wrapped both her arms around the brunette’s thighs and lifted up, rudely muscling her dazed opponent into a sitting position on the top buckle. Looking up into Ameesha’ slack features Kareena taunted, “See what happens when you leave me with one good leg? I can still kick your face in, not to mention do stuff like this!” Moving as quickly as she could, Kareena climbed up the ropes until she at the top, one leg on either side of Ameesha and her crotch only inches from the brunette’s face. Holding onto Ameesha’s shoulders for balance, Kareena looked out at the redlining crowd, blew them a kiss and then executed a short hop, locking both legs around Ameesha’ head as she fell back to complete the top rope Hurricanrana.
Kareena felt things were well in hand, but her plan suddenly hit a snag when she stopped falling about halfway down. Looking up with panic in her eyes, Kareena was horrified to see that Ameesha had locked her arms around Kareena’s thighs in a death-grip and was currently holding Kareena inverted a few feet above the mat. Gritting her teeth to hold the struggling opponent in this position, Ameesha got her feet on the middle rope and stood up, allowing herself a little more maneuvering room. In the next few seconds she managed to shift her grip on Kareena’s legs so that had tucked both of her adversary’s ankles into her armpits. Looking out at the crowd, Ameesha called out, “Time for that top to come off!” Then she leapt off the middle rope with Kareena still in her grasp; both Ameesha and Kareena landed hard, but Kareena got the worst of it because she landed on her belly while Ameesha landed on her feet, still holding her foe in something loosely resembling a Boston Crab.
Realizing they were still too close to the ropes, Ameesha stayed standing and walked them both out until they were far away from the cables. Almost satisfied, Ameesha muscled Kareena’s legs into a figure four shape, making sure that Kareena’s wounded left leg was the bent part of the four. Tucking the ankles of the straightened leg under her armpit, Ameesha sat down hard and pulled back with everything she had, applying the crippling Texas Cloverleaf in the middle of the ring.
Kareena’s back and legs exploded with pain, and Kareena couldn’t contain the hair-raising screams that burst forth from her throat. She reached desperately towards the ropes with both hands but they might as well have been on the moon for all the good they could do her now.
Holding Kareena’s legs tightly in their contorted state, Ameesha closed her eyes and leaned back even further, yelling at the ref, “ASK HER!”
The ref did as he was asked and knelt down and said calmly, “Do you give up Mrs Kareena?”
Tortured and depleted, Kareena could only nod slightly and slap the mat. The ref called for the bell immediately and it clanged loudly, signaling the end of the first fall. Hearing the bell sound, Ameesha let out a triumphant bellow and tossed Kareena’s legs aside before stepping forward a few paces to catch her breath.
Several seconds later, she turned around to see a pained and dejected looking Kareena pick herself off the mat. When the two women locked eyes, Kareena’s pain dropped away and only anger was left. But Ameesha was immune to this venom, at least for the moment. Taking a step forward she took a deep breath and said, “I believe you have something for me.”
Kareena bit her lip for a moment and then reached up, quickly peeling off her top. Ignoring the cheers and flashbulbs, she handed top to an expectant Ameesha and glowered, “Come from behind victories always make better stories anyway.”
Ameesha smiled tauntingly and fired back, “I’ve always been a fan of the sweep myself.”
“Never gonna happen.” Kareena said firmly. Turning her attention to the official she said, “Hey stripey, would ya stop staring at my boobs and ring the bell? I’ve got a score to settle.”
The zebra answered with an embarrassed nod and he signaled for the bell to ring. When it did, Kareena looked back at Ameesha and said, “Now…where were we?”
Ameesha dropped into a crouch and answered, “I was just about to show these people your second set of tan lines.” Kareena snorted derisively and then the two rivals were charging each other once more. This time when they came together there was no technical or scientific grappling, only wild undisciplined bar room style brawling. For several seconds, hard, tiny fists banged away on hip, belly, cheek and breasts as the two adversaries fought for the advantage. After a few more punches had been absorbed, Kareena grabbed a handful of Ameesha’ hair in one hand and proceeded to nearly stand the brunette up on her toes with a chin splitting Uppercut. Ameesha moaned and tried to pull away, but Kareena kept after her, trapping the retreating girl in a hard Front Face Lock.
Hooking the girl up in the Vertical Suplex start position, Kareena pulled tauntingly on Ameesha’ dark blue briefs and said, “You tried to crack my skull open, I thought I’d return the favor.” Speaking no more she started to pull Ameesha off her feet, but before she could get there, the brunette locked one of her legs inside Kareena’s effectively blocking the throw. Cursing Ameesha’s resilience, Kareena was about to attempt the Suplex again when the brunette suddenly clamped down on her, keeping her in place. Before Kareena knew what hit her, Ameesha twisted hard to the right and fell to the mat, wrenching Kareena’s neck violently and snapping her back first into the canvas with something most akin to a high speed Swinging Neckbreaker.
Easily extricating herself from the last remnants of Kareena’s grip, Ameesha got to her feet, smoothed out her hair and chided, “Re-gifting is so tacky Kareena. You’d do better to come up with your own ideas. Like what I’ve got planned for you next, it’s pretty cool, so I don’t want to see you using it… I mean after this match and all. I don’t think you’ll be in much condition to do anything for a while after I plant you with it.” Waiting for some witty verbal barb that never came, Ameesha only shrugged and pulled Kareena to her feet. Dragging her unresponsive prey towards the corner, Ameesha found an angle she liked and stopped. Looking over at Kareena she said, “Stop me if you’ve heard this one…”
She maneuvered around so that she was standing on front of Kareena with her back facing Kareena. Reaching back over her shoulder, she grabbed Kareena by the head and pulled her in close.
Then she tucked Kareena’s chin against her shoulder to complete the Three Quarter Face Lock (think of it as a Headlock applied only to the top of Kareena‘s head). Her face set in a cold glare, Ameesha suddenly sprinted towards the corner with Kareena still in tow.
As she neared the buckles, Ameesha never slowed, running up the turnbuckles while she was still holding onto Kareena‘s head. As she cleared the top buckle, Ameesha moved to swing herself around and then fall butt first to the canvas, to hit a wickedly augmented version of her own ‘Last Word’ finisher, but her plans were rudely interrupted when Kareena got her hands up and shoved against Ameesha’ butt as hard as she possibly could. Ameesha’s face changed from confidence to horrified shock as Kareena broke the brunette’s tenuous grip on her head and sent her tumbling over the top rope to the floor below. Ameesha hit with an ungodly SMACK and stayed put, not moving much as the crowd voiced the requisite ‘HOLY SHIT’ chants. Kareena took several deep breaths and watched carefully as the brunette outside ever so slowly starting to come around. Taking several steps backward, Kareena allowed her gaze to leave Ameesha and venture towards the crowd.
Looking at no one in particular she called, “Get your cameras ready!” The crowd roared and several flashbulbs went off right away.
“Not these you dopes!” Kareena said, motioning to her bare breasts as she shook her head sadly.
Giving up on audience communication, Kareena returned her focus to Ameesha and saw that the brunette was only now rising to one knee. Taking another step back she whispered, “That’s my cue.”
She bounded towards the ropes on the other side of the ring before heading back towards Ameesha’ side a lot faster than anyone would have ever imagined. Just when it appeared that Kareena was going to simply crash into the ropes, Kareena left her feet and landed on the top rope with both feet balanced precariously. Ignoring the collective gasp of the crowd, Kareena waited just long enough to see her shadow fall over Ameesha and then she jumped again, going high into the air before coming down fast in with an absolutely breathtaking Springboard Plancha.
Poor Ameesha never knew what hit her! She barely managed to lift her head partway up before Kareena came crashing down on her and flattened her against the mat. Lying sprawled breathlessly on top of the ruin that was Ameesha, Kareena got to her feet and raised both hands high, drinking in the applause of the audience.
Taking several measured breaths, Kareena smiled and gasped, “Betcha never seen a topless chick do THAT before.”
While the crowd continued to heap praise on the suddenly domineering Kareena, Kareena continued her war against Ameesha’ anatomy. Pulling the semi-coherent brunette to her feet, Kareena pulled her prey along behind her until they were standing right near the steel steps at one corner of the ring. Moving onto the middle step, Kareena positioned Ameesha in font of her and pulled her close, trapping the hapless beauty in a tight Waist Lock. Bending her knees slightly, Kareena purred into Ameesha’ ear, “And here’s another chant worthy moment, brought to you by Kareena and her amazing tackling dummy Ameesha. Stand by to begin chant in 4,3,2,1...”
After passing ‘ONE’ Kareena bore down on the Waist Lock even tighter and then bridged back hard and fast, taking Ameesha up and over. When Ameesha was over her head, Kareena simply let go, leaving the brunette to land folded up like a matchbook, the recipient of an ungodly Release German Suplex delivered from the steps. Pulling herself off the mat, Kareena played to the fans some more; thoroughly enjoying being able to treat Ameesha so badly after the brunette had claimed the first fall. Keeping the mob in the palm of her hand, Kareena flicked a bead of sweat of her belly before smiling widely and turned her attention back to Ameesha who hadn’t done much moving since the Suplex had connected.
Sauntering over to her battered foe, Kareena bent down and grabbed a handful of the brunette tights before hoisting her up and throwing her back in the ring. Scooting in under the bottom rope, Kareena lay beside Ameesha and said casually, “Well that was fun, but I like it in the ring better. After all, I can’t make you tap on the outside. Well, I guess I could make you tap, but it wouldn’t count and why would I make you give up if you didn’t have to surrender your top afterward hmh? And why am I still talking to you? It’s not like your coherent enough to understand just what it is I’m about to do to you.” Rolling her eyes, Kareena pushed to her knees and then got to her feet. Standing by Ameesha’ head, she knelt down and pulled the brunette to her knees before trapping her in a loose Standing Headscissors.
Wiggling her hips slightly, Kareena reached down, wrapped her hands around Ameesha’ waist and then pulled her up into position for a Pile Driver. Holding Ameesha inverted in this controlling position, Kareena smiled and said, “God this is fun. Almost a shame that I have to stop eventually. Beating your over-rated, condescending ass has been one of the highlights of my career.” Finished taunting, she fell back, spiking the top of Ameesha’ head into the canvas to complete the move. Getting to her feet, Kareena looked down at Ameesha and realized that the brunette was probably close to unconsciousness.
She was still surveying her rival when the ref approached her and said, “Aren’t you gonna finish her off?”
Kareena smiled at him and said, “Easy pal, you’ll get to see her naked soon enough. I want to tenderize her a little more. After all, she could be playing possum.” The zebra only shrugged and Kareena decided to ask the audience’s opinion once more. Pointing towards the corner she said, “Go up top?”
The crowd got to their feet and urged Kareena to make the right decision. Still grinning Kareena said, “You guys may be dopes, but you do know sound strategy when you see it. Let’s go up top.” She limped over to the nearest corner and then climbed up to the top buckle. Turning around so that she was facing the ring, Kareena was uncharacteristically silent as she leaped off into the void and came crashing down with her right thigh smashing across Ameesha’ face in a perfect Guillotine Leg Drop. Ameesha’s body jackknifed once and then she lay still. For all intents and purposes, she was out cold. Shaking off the sting of her landing, Kareena got to her feet and stalked Ameesha, begging the brunette to get up. Nearly twenty seconds later, Ameesha finally obliged her, pushing first to her hands and knees before very slowly regaining her feet. She had just lurched around to find Kareena when the cagey Kareena exploded forward with her left arm extended in a Clothesline.
Somehow, despite all the abuse she had taken over the previous several minutes, Ameesha cleared her head and ducked under Kareena’s flailing arm at the last possible second. Operating solely on instinct, the brunette spun around on her heel, set her feet and fired off a lighting fast Super Kick that caught Kareena directly under the chin with a resounding ‘CRACK’! Kareena was knocked flat on her back while Ameesha was dropped to her knees, the punishment Kareena had doled out was really beginning to wear on her. Breathing hard for several seconds, Ameesha rested her forehead on the mat and then pulled herself up to a vertical base.
Looking down at Kareena with a disgusted expression, she threw Kareena’s earlier taunt back in her face. “Gonna need to tenderize you a little more Kareena. You might be playing possum.” Bending down much more slowly than she normally would, Ameesha dug her claws into Kareena’s hair and hauled her to her feet. Still holding Kareena by the hair, Ameesha spun the girl around and bent her awkwardly backward, trapping Kareena’s chin in her armpit with an Inverted Face Lock. Grabbing a handful of Kareena’s tights with her right hand, Ameesha bent at the knees for a moment and then lifted up and back, hoisting her overhead to deliver an Inverted Suplex. But at the moment that Kareena should have landed belly and chest first on the mat Kareena slipped free of Ameesha’ grip and landed heavily on her feet right behind the brunette.
Before Ameesha could even turn around, Kareena kicked her in the knee bringing the girl to one knee. In the next instant she reached forward and applied an Inverted Face Lock of her own, trapping Ameesha’ neck and upper torso in an inescapable loop. Still shaking off the effects of the Super Kick, Kareena growled, “No fluke Kareena, you’re about to tap out.” Then Kareena turned over and sat down, applying a maneuver that combined the best of the Dragon Sleeper and the best of the Camel Clutch. Sitting heavily on Ameesha’s back, Kareena kept her hands locked and leaned way back, working the Dragon Clutch to the hilt. Bouncing up and down on Ameesha’ tautly stretched back, Kareena threw her head back and shrieked, “ASK HER REF!”
Kneeling in front of Ameesha, the ref said, “Do you want to submit Ameesha?”
Unable to see the official thanks to the horrible angle her neck was bent at, Ameesha still managed to tap the mat and choke out, “I…Give…”
The official turned and called for the bell. Five seconds later, the score was tied one apiece. Shouting in triumph, Kareena released Ameesha, allowing the brunette to fall limply to the mat. Sitting on the brunette’s lower back, Kareena saluted the crowd and then rose to her feet, allowing Ameesha to pick herself off the mat. A few moments later, Ameesha got her hands under her and rose up on spaghetti legs. Rubbing her neck gingerly, Ameesha frowned when she locked eyes with the woman that had just made her submit. Watching Ameesha expectantly, Kareena said, “Looks like we match now Ameesha.”
Ameesha nodded slowly as she reached behind her and undid her top. Not letting her gaze drop as she handed the garment off to Kareena, Ameesha said, “For now at least.”
Kareena took the top and draped it in her corner. Turning her attention back to Ameesha she nodded and answered, “For now.”
The two weary adversaries were still staring each other down when the bell sounded to begin the third and final fall. Knowing they had very little left in their respective tanks, Ameesha and Kareena charged blindly into one another, locking up in a tight clinch that sent them bouncing off the ropes, the turnbuckles and even the referee. After several more moments of mindless grappling, Kareena broke the stalemate and slipped behind Ameesha, applying a tight Waist Lock as she did so. Remembering her success on the outside of the ring, Kareena bent her knees and bridged back, tossing Ameesha over her head with another German Suplex. But this time Ameesha knew what was coming and she rolled with the force of the throw, landing on her feet behind the startled Kareena. Standing up straight, Ameesha whirled Kareena around and booted her in the gut to double her over. Stepping forward, the brunette trapped Kareena in a Front Face Lock and panted, “Let’s see if I can keep it in the ring this time.”
Speaking no more, Ameesha sprinted toward the ropes with Kareena still in tow. When the brunette neared the edge of the ring, she literally ran up the ropes and spun back towards the center before falling to the mat and planting Kareena’s skull in the canvas with a scintillating Tornado DDT. Sitting on her butt, Ameesha took note of the boneless way Kareena was sprawled beside her and knew it was time to end the fight. Sidling up right next to Kareena’s face, Ameesha grabbed Kareena’s right arm and pulled it under Kareena’s throat before scissoring both legs around Kareena’s skull in a breath stealing Triangle Choke. Making sure her ankles were locked, Ameesha pulled back hard trying her damndest to force Kareena to say the two little words that would end this war.
But Kareena wasn’t willing to give up the fight just yet and with the little remaining fortitude she had left, Kareena got her legs under her and inched slowly back until she was able to lace her ankles around the bottom rope, guaranteeing that the match would continue for at least a little while longer. Gasping with a crippling combination of disbelief and exhaustion, Ameesha unclamped her legs and got to her feet a few seconds before Kareena could get to hers.
Drawing the tired Kareena in with nothing more than a glance, Ameesha ducked under the wild haymaker that Kareena sent her way and slipped behind the girl. Moving as quickly as she could muster, Ameesha wrapped one hand across Kareena’s waist while she forced her head in between Kareena’s torso and her left arm. With no hesitation at all, Ameesha lifted Kareena off her feet, preparing to splatter her nemesis against the canvas with a Back Drop Suplex. In the split second before Ameesha could fall back to the mat, Kareena wiggled free and rolled down the brunette’s back, landing behind her. Not even bothering with a cute quip, the decimated girl hooked Ameesha up for a Back Drop Suplex of her own, but when she had Ameesha up for the drop, instead of falling backward, she sat out and tossed her opponent forward, driving her face and chest first into the mat with a modified Facebuster.
Allowing herself a wounded smile as Ameesha flopped on the canvas beside her, Kareena scissored her legs around the brunette’s head, making sure the back of Ameesha’ head was resting against her crotch. Not bothering to lock her ankles Kareena said quietly, “Well Ameesha, if I can’t squeeze a submission out of you, maybe I can BEAT one out of you.” Keeping her legs tight against the sides of Ameesha’ skull, Kareena quickly rolled over onto her belly, taking Ameesha along with her. Keeping her hands planted flat against the mat, Kareena pulled her legs up and then brought them down, driving the brunette’s face into the canvas. Not satisfied with a single impact, Kareena pulled her legs up and then brought them down over and over again, not trying to make Ameesha submit as much as she was trying to batter her into so much senseless wreckage. After another pair of skull busting collisions, Kareena released her grip and slid away from Ameesha, leaving her brunette opposition face down on the mat.
Standing a few feet behind Ameesha, Kareena smoothed her hair out of her face and then drew a thumb across her throat. Smiling sadistically as the crowd rose to their feet, Kareena mouthed, “Absolutely Incredible…” The mob’s volume went up several decibels as Kareena dropped into a crouch and beckoned the slowly rising Ameesha to turn and face her. Curling her fingers toward Ameesha, Kareena took a few steps closer and called, “Behind ya slut!”
Ameesha turned around fast and Kareena lunged, scooping the girl up stomach first across her shoulder. Savoring the moment, Kareena placed her hands under Ameesha’ arms and extended her arms upward, so that Ameesha was lifted up as high as she could go. Nodding her head as the crowd urged her on, Kareena took several shuddering steps forward and suddenly tossed Ameesha up, looking to complete the ‘Absolutely Incredible.’ But instead of simply falling into Kareena’s clutches, Ameesha used Kareena’s push to float out of Kareena’s grasp and land on one knee behind Kareena. Realizing she had been handed a perfect opportunity, Ameesha extended her good hand and whispered, “Turn around Kareena, I’m right behind you.”
Apparently Kareena heard the brunette’s invocation because she did turn around, right into a leaping Ameesha. At the height of Ameesha’ jump, she shot her right arm out and clasped it behind Kareena’s neck, trying to pull Kareena off her feet and face first into the mat with her ‘Last Word’ Finisher. The brunette was starting to come down when Kareena got her hands on Ameesha’s back and shoved her forward. Ameesha’ loose grip was broken and the beauty was propelled forward into the space that just happened to be occupied by the referee. Ameesha and the zebra collided head on, their skulls clacking together with a dull thud before both crumpled to the mat in a heap.
From her kneeling vantage point, Kareena saw her nemesis and the zebra go down and before she slumped forward in an exhausted pile she thought, “Another fluke. Man do we have rotten luck.” Then she collapsed on the mat and was unable to do anything more than breathe hard and try to return from her semi-conscious state.
Observing the wreckage in the ring, the crowd was quiet for a few moments and then they began to urge their favorite to her feet as the Yellow Sign Tavern rang with competing chants of ‘LET’S GO KAREENA!’or ‘LETS GO AMEESHA!'

Oblivious to everything that had gone on, Kareena opened her eyes and saw Ameesha still laying face down on the mat. Rising slowly to her feet, Kareena limped over to Ameesha and sat heavily on her back. Reaching down to Ameesha’ shoulders, Kareena hooked both of the brunette’s arms in her own and clasped her hands, creating a nearly unbreakable loop. Breathing hard, Kareena whispered, “Certainly not the domineering fashion I would have chosen to beat you in, but given the circumstances, I’ll take it. You fought hard Ameesha, but now you’re gonna get wrecked by the curve.”
From the depths of her agony, Ameesha mumbled, “Cheated…”
Kareena paused. This sort of excuse making wasn’t like Ameesha at all. Attributing the mumbling to the beating she’d taken, Kareena finished the hold by flipping forward and landing on her feet, holding a high bridge while she still had Ameesha’ arms in her grip. Kareena had just locked in the Curve in the middle of the ring, and there was no way Ameesha was getting out. Bridging up as hard as she could, Kareena called out, “DAMMIT REF, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?”
Still rubbing his aching head, the ref mumbled, “No need to shout, I’m right here.”
Not even close to satisfied, Kareena shouted, “Would you just ask her for god’s sakes?
Ignoring Kareena’s anger, the zebra dropped to the mat and got as close to Ameesha’ pain drenched face as he could. Speaking quietly he asked, “Do you want to give up Ameesha?”
Trapped on the mat, suffering through the agony of the Curve, Ameesha knew she had to throw in the towel. Though she hated the thought of being stripped bare in front of the crowd, she hated the thought of loosing to Kareena even more. Resigned to her fate, Ameesha opened her mouth and whispered, “Submit”
The ref turned to the outside and motioned for the bell. It clanged three times a second later and the long war of attrition was finally over. Realizing she had won, Kareena released the Curve and clawed her way to her feet. Raising her arms high overhead as the Announcer declared her the winner, Kareena grinned and said, “Let’s complete my set shall…”


Offline ved

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Re: Kareena Kapoor vs Ameesha Patel
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2019, 01:21:17 PM »
Where's the mud fight????
The one which ended in a tie.
Publish that story as well.


Offline tits_mashing

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Re: Kareena Kapoor vs Ameesha Patel
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2019, 10:46:49 PM »
Why's the third part missing????????