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Tiff vs Hannah

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Tiff vs Hannah
« on: October 24, 2019, 01:29:24 AM »
Tiff fell back down onto her ass for the third time in twenty minutes. The 36-year-old mother of two and former manager of the girl who just knocked her down grimaced. With her mouth agape, hair hanging over her eyes, and thin grey t-shirt clinging to her sweaty frame Tiff tried again to rise, but her opponent had other plans. Hannah’s body crashed shoulder-first into her former boss, knocking the raven haired woman flat on her back. The younger red-haired girl spread her legs out and worked her hands onto Tiff’s shoulders. Then Hannah worked her legs up to Tiff’s hips, straddling the older woman, and fully cementing her control.

For the previous twenty minutes Hannah and Tiffany fell into a painful war of hair pulling, clawing, and slapping. Their bodies collided over and over again. Clumps of black and red hair intermingled on the floor, racking up more and more strands as the fight went on. Tiffany, like most women who engage in a fight with a smaller, younger, and less experienced opponent, figured Hannah to have pushover written all over her. The polite former cheerleader had removed her glasses before the fight and stretched her athletic frame. Tiff noticed how compact her torso was. She wasn’t stout by any means, but she did look super vulnerable. Tiff also got one good look at those legs and knew to avoid those. Thick and somewhat long compared to the rest of her body, Tiff figured Hannah would try to take the fight to the ground and use them as soon as possible. Little did she know, Hannah had much different plans.

Hannah, who wasn’t known for her mean streak when the two worked together, came out with a blazingly fast aggressive attack. The smaller redhead let Tiff know right off the bat that she wasn’t going to be bullied. The two collided in the middle of the mat. Their chest smacked into one another, and while Hannah’s breasts were no bigger than Tiff’s, they did feel firmer. And who could blame Tiff? Hannah was a 22-year-old fighting a mother of two. There was definitely some wear and tear on Tiff’s body. But Tiff had stayed fit. She kept her waist trim and her arms and legs firm. She was an athlete, having been daughter to an Olympic wrestler. Soccer, softball, and volleyball varsity letters hung in her basement. She also had been a founding member of an underground fight league for women, a league where she been crowned champion three times. So, when she saw her former employee from the supermarket had applied for the league she made sure to get in touch with her. The two talked about why Hannah wanted to join. Tiff reminded her she’d be one of the youngest and smallest members of the league, not to mention the least experienced. Tiff just didn’t want the poor girl to get hurt.

Tiff had zero reservations about Hannah getting hurt the instant the two slammed into each other in the middle of the mat. Usually girls are hesitant in their opening fights, but Hannah wanted to prove herself. This was admirable to Tiff, but it was going to dearly cost the girl. Tiff fastened her hand in the back of Hannah’s hair, embedding it within the roots to make sure maximum pain was being inflicted, and tugged back hard. At the same time, she thrusted her hips forward square into Hannah’s frame. Surely the smaller girl would topple. But Hannah did not waiver.

The redhead weathered Tiff’s attack and came back with some hair pulling and a thrust of her own. Only Tiff didn’t stand as tall against the attack as Hannah did. She felt her body tip back and get throttled down with Hannah on top of her. Tiff had to cover up quick as Hannah began a wild attack. Nails dug into Tiff’s forearms as Hannah’s legs worked their way around the older woman’s hips. Tiff wheezed out in pain, but was able to find an opening to jab an elbow into Hannah’s ribs. Hannah faltered for a split second, which allowed Tiff to push the smaller girl off of her and roll away. Now a few feet apart, the two women rose. Tiff saw a focus on Hannah’s face she had only before seen on a handful of girls. The fight was officially no longer an easy win.

The two fought with each winning a handful of battles. Hannah kept trying to lock Tiff into a bearhug, which Tiff was trapped in a couple of times before wriggling out. Tiff on the other hand had been working on Hannah’s ribs, trying to make it harder for the other girl to breathe. Hannah had done a nice job of softening the blows, though. Tiff received four long lashes across the face, courtesy of Hannah’s claws. Hannah sported a handful of bruises up and down her legs due to some hammer fists by Tiff. Blood trickled from Tiff’s lips. Hannah’s abdomen ached in pain.

Still through the mutual beatings, Hannah moved much better than Tiff. It was clear she had an extra step that Tiff just did not. She was able to sneak behind her former boss a couple of times to wrap her up in a bearhug. What was even more surprising was Hannah’s strength. Despite having a slight weight disadvantage, she was able to lift Tiff off the mat a couple of times. When they locked up it was Tiff who was routinely backed up, not the little redheaded cheerleader. Tiff looked vulnerable. And when Hannah knocked her on her ass for the third time in twenty minutes, she looked beaten.

Tiff’s eyes fluttered. Her shoulders slunk back and legs dropped slack to the mat. Hannah took a fistful of Tiff’s grey t-shirt, lifting her former boss off the mat. She looked down at her clearly conquered foe. The heavy panting. The limp figure. And the general look of acceptance. All of these clues made Hannah’s chest swell with pride. She took up her right hand and smacked it across Tiff’s face. The former champ gave a whimper. Hannah replied with a back-hand. Then she gave another front-hand. Back-hand. Front-hand. Back-hand. Front-hand. Over and over again until Tiff’s cheeks burned bright scarlet. Hannah dropped the woman down onto the mat.

“And I thought… you were supposed to be tough,” Hannah panted.

The victorious girl rose to her feet, planting a foot on her opponent’s heaving b-cup chest. Tiff lied beaten with tears running down her cheeks and intermixing with the drool dribbling down her chin. The queen had been conquered by the rookie.